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Is Avocado Fattening? – The True Answer is Finally Here!

The most common question about avocado is: Is an avocado fattening? The avocado is one of the most valuable foods which nature has given man kind. Not long ago, every dietician would recommend avoiding this delicious food. But now they are taking a second look.

Actually, most of the fat in an avocado is monounsaturated – It's the "good" kind that actually lowers cholesterol levels. Even the US government recently revised its official nutrition guidelines to encourage Americans to eat more avocados.

Avocado does contain fat, but the good kind of fat. Like everything else, if you over do it – you will probably gain some weight. But if you settle for one avocado a day than the answer for "is avocado fattening" is a big NO!

Why Should You eat avocado every day?

1. It lowers cholesterol levels (it's free of cholesterol too) .Avocado is rich in beta-sitosterol, a natural substance shown to significantly lower blood cholesterol levels

2. regulates blood pressure

3. It protects from heart disease and stroke

4. It's a good source for vitamins, A, B-complex, C, E, H, K, and folic acid. Also it contains the minerals magnesium, copper, iron, calcium and potassium.

5. It contains 18 amino acids plus fatty acids – and omega 3 and 6.

6. It regulates your metabolism, which actually prevents weight gain.

7. Vegetarians that eat avocado regularly report softer hair, smooth skin, less joint problems, less body odor, better mental state and stronger libido!

How To Eat Avocado

The easiest way to bring avocado in your life is using it as a spread. Instead of spreading butter or cheese or mayo, take a ripe avocado and spread it on your bread instead. You'll save many calories and saturated fat and get your daily dose of "good" fat.

Guacamole Recipe – Done in 10 Minutes Ingredients • 3 avocados – peeled and mashed

• 1 lime juice
• 1 teaspoon of salt
• 1/2 cup diced onion
• 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
• 2 diced plum tomatoes
• 1 teaspoon minced garlic
• 1 pinch ground cayenne pepper (optional)


In a medium bowl, mash together the avocados, lime juice, and salt. Add the onion, cilantro, tomatoes, and garlic. Stir in cayenne pepper. Put in the refrigerator for an hour to get all the flavor out, or serve immediately.

Next. How to find The Best Healthy Cookbook

Maybe this is new to you, but most of the cook books you have at home, even the ones that call themselves "healthy" – are not healthy at all. Most of them use ingredients and cooking methods that at best give you no nutritional value and at worst are actually dangerous to your health. These books are written by people who love food but know nothing about healthy eating and cooking.

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Parasites and Plaque Make Diet and Weight Loss Impossible – No Matter How Hard You Try!

Have diet and weight loss become impossible for you? What many people do not know is the reason they can not lose weight is likely because of nasty little parasites and plaque invading the walls of your digestive system. Intestinal parasites and mucoid plaque keep you fat and make you fatter and fatter! There are many others suffering just like you! I've been there myself and quite frankly, I'm over it!

There has been a discovery that can help you lose weight and keep it off & THIS TIME it is NOT TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! The TRUTH is the real reason you can not lose weight is in your colon! Colon health is not only important to weight loss, but to your overall good health. Elie Metchnikoff, a Russian scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize states that "Death begins in the colon!"

Your digestive system (especially the colon) is the toxic waste dump of your body. Parasitic worms and plaque (often referred to as mucoid plaque) attach to the walls of your colon, intestines and even your stomach. There, the parasites breed, producing thousands, sometimes millions of eggs while feeding off of the plaque and fecal matter lining the walls of your digestive tract. Did you know that parasites outrank cancer as the number one global killer?

When the body has been constantly bombarded by processed foods, parasites, toxic chemicals and other toxins in the environment, cleaning agents, prescription drugs, aspirin, salt, heavy metals (even mercury used in dental work), and organisms that transmit disease, it manufactures mucoid plaque to protect the gastrointestinal system. The plaque robs your body of the vital nutrients that your body needs to be healthy. Diet and weight loss become impossible and your health is depleted.

Mucoid plaque is not consistently expelled from the intestines. It builds up in the folds and creases of your intestines and can hang around there for many years. As time marches on, the mucoid plaque grows thicker, firmer and spreads. Feces sticks to the plaque and "ferments" because it is trapped there and providing a cozy home for parasites.

Dr. Oz, seen on Oprah has stated that 99% of humans will have these issues at least once in their lifetime.

A toxic colon most likely is part of the cause of almost every disease or illness we encounter. If you have had to deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), excess weight, constipation, stomach pain, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, hemorrhoids, yeast infections, lack of energy, a bulging belly, various infections and more -even bad breath – you probably suffer from built up toxic waste, mucoid plaque and / or parasites.

This is not something to be taken likely! The toxins that remain in your body are slowly poisoning you, making you fatter, destroying your health, and can eventually kill you! You need to cleanse these toxins from your body the right way – the safe way.

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Looking for Foods to Avoid High Cholesterol?

Question: What kind of foods should you eat if you are trying to avoid high cholesterol levels?


To understand what foods are good and bad for you, it can be good to have an advanced knowledge of exactly what cholesterol is. Cholesterol and triglycerides are the two types of fat that are found in the human bloodstream. These 'blood fats' are also known as lipids. Your body makes cholesterol in your liver, and it gets it from the foods you eat.

Cholesterol is an odd substance, for you need it to survive, but too much of it can be very detrimental to your health. High cholesterol levels in the blood stream, if left unchecked, can block blood flow and increase your risk of various heart problems, including atherosclerosis and carotid artery disease.

There are two types of cholesterol- low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins. A high level of LDLs massively increases your risk for a heart attack due to a buildup of fat on the inside walls of blood vessels. For this reason, low density lipoproteins are referred to as "bad" cholesterol, while high-density lipoproteins reduce your risk for an attack.

Foods to avoid high cholesterol levels are all around you. Foods that you should avoid to keep your cholesterol low include whole eggs, organ meats such as chicken livers, brains, hearts, kidneys, or sweetbreads. Shellfish should also be avoided, as should snacks and meats that are high in saturated fats. Fried food is usually a no-no for keeping your cholesterol low; also, you should avoid desserts that have a high fat content.

There's still plenty of foods to eat that are cholesterol-friendly. To lower your cholesterol intake, simple moves like removing fat from meat before cooking it and using only egg whites can go a long way. As far as foods to avoid high cholesterol in general, you should stick to fat free dairy products, eat only lean meats, fish, skinless poultry, whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables. Also, keep your eyes open for margarine that contains little saturated fat.

Foods high in soluble fiber can also help your body avoid high LDL levels. Soluble fiber can be found in such foods as oats, oranges, pears, brussel sprouts, and carrots.

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GERD Diet – What it Can Do For You and Your Heartburn

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common disorder and millions of people across the globe have been suffering from this disease, which is caused when the stomach contents along with the digestive acids in the stomach reflux back into the esophagus. Apart from drug therapy and lifestyle modifications, doctors also recommend using the correct diet to ease the symptoms of heart burn. This is because there exists a very strong relationship between acid reflux disease and diet. Such a diet, which includes foods that help ease the symptoms of heartburn, is known as a GERD diet. In fact, apples for acid reflux prevention have been in use since historical times. Similarly, doctors recommend a lot of other foods to eat with acid reflux.

Usually a GERD diet includes a list of foods to eat with acid reflux. Such a list of food items is provided below –


Apart from apples for acid reflux prevention, several other fresh fruits such as apples (either in raw or cooked form), bananas, berries, melons, peaches, pears, and almost all other varieties of fruits with the exception of a few varieties such as oranges, grape fruit, pineapple are considered extremely safe since they do not trigger any heartburn or GERD symptoms in the body.


Fresh vegetables such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green peas, potato (in baked form), and almost all other varieties of fruits with the exception of a few varieties such as the tomatoes, are also considered relatively safe and are not likely to cause GERD symptoms at all.

Rice and breads section:

Among the rice and breads section, those food items which help stop heartburn include brown or white rice, brown bread or white bread, oatmeal, cornflakes, bread made out of corn flour, are considered extremely safe and have no potential for causing acid reflux in your body.


There is a great example to explain the relationship between acid reflux disease and diet – when GERD patients drink whole milk or chocolate milk topped with extra cream, they immediately start experiencing the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. Therefore, people with GERD must strictly avoid drinking whole milk or chocolate milk as these drinks can aggravate the acid reflux symptoms. Instead, they may safely use items like skimmed milk, low fat yoghurt, low fat cheese, low fat creams, which are considered extremely safe since they do not trigger any heartburn or GERD symptoms in the body at all.

Non-vegetarian foods:

Non-vegetarian food items such as lean meat, skinless chicken breast, fish (with no extra added fat in it), turkey, egg white, etc, are also considered relatively safe and are not likely to cause GERD symptoms. However, items such as fat laden meat, chicken (with skin), bacon, etc should be avoided by people suffering from GERD to stop heartburn problem.

Soups and Deserts:

The basic rule is to avoid oily and spicy foods to relieve the symptoms of GERD. One must also avoid chocolate, and sweets which are laden with excessive oil and sugar. However, if you can not do without dessert or sweets, then you may go for low fat and sugar-free or low sugar alternatives containing natural sweeteners, which will not aggravate your acid reflux symptoms. Even cream laden soups, are strictly not recommended. You must stick on with clear soups, which do not contain any chicken or beef fat in it if you are suffering from acid reflux.

Drinks and Juices:

There is another great example to explain the relationship between acid reflux disease and diet – people drinking tea, coffee, alcohol, or citric fruit juices are commonly found to be suffering from acid reflux. When they discontinue using such foods which aggravate the symptoms, then the symptoms are seen to subside temporarily. Therefore, people who are suffering from acid reflux problem must avoid citrus fruits and fruit juices to stop heartburn. However, they may drink juices prepared from non-citrus fruits. Juice of apples for acid reflux prevention is very popular. GERD patients must also avoid heavily caffeinated drinks, herbal tea containing mint, cloves, or other spices, or even carbonated soft drinks, as all of these items are grossly responsible for aggravating the symptoms of acid reflux in the body.

Millions of people have observed an improvement in their condition through the use of a GERD diet. So, if you suffer from GERD, why not stick to this kind of a diet and include different foods to eat with acid reflux and observe whether you experience any positive change yourself.

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B Vitamins Play an Essential Role in Metabolism

B vitamins were once thought of as a single vitamin called Vitamin B. After much research, we discovered there are actually 8 distinct vitamins. Further research has also concluded that B vitamins are water soluble, which means that they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be consistently consumed through our diet. B Vitamins have often been the talk of supplementation over the years because of the essential role it plays in the metabolic process. B Vitamins are essential in functions such as increasing the rate of metabolism, maintaining healthy skin and muscle tone, enhancing immune and nervous system functions and promoting cell growth and division. Each B Vitamin has a specific function within the metabolic process.

Vitamin B1 – Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine. Thiamine is essential in healthy brain function and as well as metabolism of carbohydrates. Thiamine deficiencies can cause a disease called Beriberi, which is a disease of the nerve and heart. Symptoms of this disease is weight loss, emotionally unstable, weakness, pain in the arms and legs, impaired sensory perception, irregular heartbeat and in sever conditions death can occur. Thiamine can be found in a variety of foods, in low concentrations. Yeast and pork have the highest concentration of Thiamine but you can also find it in foods like whole grain cereals, wheat flour, oatmeal, flax, sunflower seeds, brown rice, kale, potatoes, oranges, liver and eggs.

Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. Riboflavin is required for many cellular processes within the body including the metabolism of energy, fats, carbohydrates, proteins and ketone bodies. Riboflavin deficiencies can cause Ariboflavinosis, which is protein- energy malnutrition. Symptoms may include cracks in the hips, sensitivity to sunlight, and inflammation of the tongue. Riboflavin can be found in a variety of foods like milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, liver, kidneys, legumes, yeast, mushrooms, and almonds.

Vitamin B3 – Vitamin B3 is also known as Niacin. Niacin is an essential nutrient that plays an role in metabolic process. Niacin is involved in both DNA repair, and the production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. Niacin deficiencies along with deficiencies in tryptophan are called Pellagra. Symptoms of Pellagra include aggression, inflammation of the skin, insomnia, mental confusion and diarrhea. Niacin can be found in a variety of foods such as salmon, avocados, broccoli, nuts, seeds, whole grains, carrots and mushrooms, and animal products such as steak, chicken and pork.

Vitamin B5 – Vitamin B5 is also known as Pantothenic Acid. Pantothenic is an essential nutrient to sustain life. It plays a key role in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Deficiencies in Pantothenic can cause acne and in severe cases can cause Paresthesia, numbness of the skin. Panthothenic Acid can be found in many foods, but whole grain cereals, legumes, meat, eggs, and royal jelly containing the highest amounts.

Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 is also known as Pyridoxine. Pyridoxine assists in the balancing of sodium and potassium as well as promoting red blood cell production. Pyridoxine has also been linked to cardiovascular health by decreasing the levels of Homocysteine, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease. Deficiencies in Pyridoxine may lead to anemia, high blood pressure, water retention, depression and dermatitis. Pyridoxine can be found in various grains, green leafy vegetables, liver, eggs, and meat.

Vitamin B7 – Vitamin B7 is also known as Biotin. Biotin is a co-factor in the metabolism of fatty acids and leucine, and it plays a role in regulating the glucose levels in your blood. Deficiency in adults usually does not cause any symptoms; however, in infants it can cause impaired growth and neurological disorders. Biotin can be found in a large variety of foods such as liver, legumes, soybeans, milk, in small amounts, but larger concentrations can be found in royal jelly and brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B9 – Vitamin b9 is also known as Folic Acid. Folic Acid is essential for many biological functions such as playing a key role in the metabolism process to producing healthy red blood cells and preventing Anemia to decreasing Homocysteine ​​levels and cardiovascular disease. Some research has also shown evidence that Folic Acid can slow the effects of age on the brain. Folic Acid is especially important during pregnancies as a deficiency in pregnant women can lead to birth defects, which is why supplementation during pregnancy is often recommended. Folic Acid can be found in large quantities in leafy vegetables, beans, peas, sunflower seeds, liver and baker's yeast.

Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 is sometimes referred to as Cobalamin. Vitamin B12 have been a popular supplement in energy drinks because its vital role in the normal functioning of the nervous system and the brain. Along with Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 helps to produce healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also plays a part in the metabolism of the cells in the body, including their regulation and synthesis, as well as the synthesis and energy production of fatty acids. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can result in anemia, the inability of DNA to synthesize in red blood cell production, memory loss, increase chances of cardiovascular diseases and other cognitive defects. Because Vitamin B12 is only found in meat, eggs, milk and other animal products vegans must supplement their diet with Vitamin B12 or purchase plant based foods that have Vitamin B12 added to them.

B Vitamins are the 2nd most important supplement you can take, besides a multi-vitamin for a healthy body. B Vitamins are an essential part of getting the most nutrients out of your diet and helping your body stay energized and healthy. It is very difficult to consume the optimum amounts of each B Vitamin individually so it is much easier and cheaper to take a B Vitamin complex. Even if you are not sure if you're getting too much of a specific B Vitamin, you can not overdose because it is easily excreted out of the body. Also with a complex you are using the synergistic effect of all the B Vitamins, which means better digestion and absorption of fats, proteins and carbs. B Vitamins should be taken after a meal but do not take it at the same meal you take your multi-vitamin.

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Top Herpes Diet Tips

There are some foods that have proven to be "herpes friendly" and some that seem to trigger outbreaks. So by knowing the "good" food and which ones to avoid, you could significantly lower the occurrence, severity and duration of your herpes outbreaks.

The reason some food is good and some bad is mainly because of two amino acids, namely Lysine and Arginine. Both these amino acids are found naturally in food. A Lysine-high and Arginine low diet is highly recommended for the treatment of herpes symptoms.

Why Lysine

Herpes needs Arginine to replicate itself. That is the reason why a Arginine Rich diet will result is more frequent, severe and longer outbreaks. Lysine on the other hand has an exact opposite effect.

Extensive Research has proven that Lysine hinders the absorption of Arginine; therefore limiting the replication of the herpes virus. This will result in less frequent and less severe herpes outbreaks.

Even though a high Lysine herpes diet alone may not be enough to stop herpes outbreaks, it is highly recommended that you include it as part of your herpes prevention program.

One more thing to keep in mind is that the effects of Lysine on herpes are stronger on Oral herpes than Genital Herpes.

With that said, here is a list of food that is high in lysine and should be included in your herpes diet:

  • Cheese
  • Meat
  • Legumes
  • Dairy products
  • Chicken
  • Potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Vegetables
  • Fish
  • Avocado
  • Beef
  • Milk
  • Soy Products (not Soya products, there is a difference)

Other foods that are highly recommended:

  • Broccoli
  • Cranberry
  • White and green tea

And here are some foods that are Arginine Rich. The following should be kept at a minimum in your herpes diet:

  • Chocolate
  • Coconut
  • Nuts
  • Oats
  • Soya beans
  • Raisins
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Cereal grains

In addition to a high Lysine and low Arginine diet, You could also take Lysine Supplements on a regular basis. The best supplement I know is "HERP-EEZE (TM)". This is a Lysine supplement made specially to fight the herpes virus.

For other supplements I would suggest you ask your doctor or dietician. Keep in mind though that lysine supplements are not recommended during pregnancy.

Herpes Diet conclusion: Try to create a balance in your herpes diet, there is no reason totally exclude Arginine Rich Foods in your diet. However try by all means to keep the ratio of Lysine Rich foods higher than that of the Arginine Rich Foods. If this is not possible you could try out some Lysine supplements as they will have the same effect.

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Top 5 Wrong Perception in Having Steamboat and the Right Practice

With recent popularity of eating steamboat in winter season, many people have steamboat more frequent as usual. However there is also some health conscious and healthy diet practicer and analyst complain on consuming steamboat is not healthy, potential in having high cholesterol, overheat, and even as worst as contributing cancerous element to our body. Actually there is no bad natural foods, only wrong eating methods. Here listed out the top 5 most common wrong perceptions about eating steamboat and share the right way of consuming this delicious healthy steamboat cooking.

Wrong Perception 1: Mutton and Beef has too high fat quantity level, whereas fish balls and meat balls has lower fat. The selection of ingredients of steamboat will directly impact the fatty and heat level we consume. In reality, processed fish balls, meat balls, prawn dumplings and others has more fat, high salt level, bad meat quality, at some extend the balls are blended with a lot of starch rather than the actual meat, so it really contains not much nutrition and vitamins.

Suggestion: Select skinny meat, low fat seafood, more vegetables or replace meat with bean curd to fill up the protein needed.

Wrong Perception 2: Green vegetables – more is better. All of us understood that eating more vegetables is good, so in steamboat we add lot of vegetables, soak them in until it is well done. But particularly in steamboat, green vegetables with big leaves is subjected in easier to absorb more oil from the soup, mushrooms also has the same function, hence it makes the green healthy vegetables to a high fatty and oily vegetables, no longer healthy.

Suggestion: Instead of choosing big leave green vegetables, why not select those stem type vegetables like seaweed, lotus, carrot, radish, potato, and yam. Since these type of vegetables will not absorb so much oil element in the soup, more over the high fiber in these vegetables can help to remove the oil that park inside our stomach.

Wrong Perception 3: The calorie level between different sauces are the same. Most of the time we neglected the sauces also contributed high calories into our diet, as usually we will consume a lot of sauces for better taste and flavor. Example the frequent use sauce like garlic oil sauce, sesame sauce, chilies sauce and other sauces will have easily 100 calories in 1 big tablespoon.

Suggestion: Replace these above high calories sauces with fresh cut chillies, spring onion, white pepper into soy sauce, which will reduces at least half of the calories in the sauces. You can add in 2 teaspoon of vinegar to help in dissolving fatty oil in the foods.

Wrong Perception 4: Finishing up steamboat meal with desserts or main dish (noddles, rice, etc). Usually a lot of us will finish up the steamboat with some main dish like fried rice or noodles and some sweets. Actually this is not right as we might over consume with excessive calories.

Suggestion: The right way is to consume only 60-70 percent fullness, if you want to have desserts or main dishes. If you have taken too much starch base foods, just avoid main dishes and drink some teas to help in digestion.

Wrong Perception 5: Slowly enjoy eating steamboat for hours while chit chat along. Even we understood the benefit of eating slowly, but it does not apply in eating steamboat, since the steamboat soup base once it is cooked for more than 90 minutes, the nitrite level in the soup will increase and consuming more nitrite is not good.

Suggestion: Control your steamboat eating session around one and half hours, no longer than this duration.

Hope you find this practical and useful to you all.
Healthy Diet & Happy Live.

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Best Diet For Piles – What to Eat If You Want to Improve Your Condition

If you are suffering from piles, you may be wondering to what extent your diet can impact upon the condition. Many people believe that straining is the cause of piles and whilst there is no doubt that this does have a significant effect, what we eat can be more of a contributory factor.

If you have this condition, it is worthwhile following the best diet for piles. There are specific guidelines we can follow which will help to reduce the impact of this condition. Our bodies are just not designed for the high volume of processed foods which we consume nowadays and in some ways, they can be considered to be modern day pollutants. Our bodies evolved over the last few thousand years by eating a diet predominantly rich in wholefoods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish and do not respond well to foods such as white flour, corn syrup, refined sugars and hydrogenated oils, all of which play a large part in the western diet.

When we eat lots of refined foods, our stools are, quite simply, not bulked out properly and this means that the waste products do not move along the colon as they should. This can result in constipation and straining which will aggravate existing piles and cause the formation of new ones.

In my opinion, the diet for piles which can help to get you on the road to recovery is predominantly vegetarian and foods are best consumed in their natural state where possible. It is well known that red meats can take a long time to pass through the digestive system so are best avoided. However, a small amount of white meat and fish is acceptable. Eat a minimum of 5 portions of fruits and vegetables each day and ensure that you include wholegrains, beans, seeds and pulses. Prunes and figs are known to be good for the bowel and should be included in the diet for piles. The fluid you drink is also important, and you must drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Ensure that you avoid all refined sugars and foods with artificial additives.

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Probiotics Help to Boost Your Immune System

Hundreds of species of bacteria live on and in your body. Nowhere is that relationship more important than in your digestive tract, starting with the saliva in your mouth and working through your entire system. This population of billions of bacteria is comprised of both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. As long as the beneficial bacteria represent eighty-five percent of the intestinal flora, they will suppress the ability of the pathogens to do you any harm.

Many of the foods we eat, including processed foods, gluten, starch and sugar are food sources for pathogenic bacteria. When the balance surges in their favor, they release toxins that lead to inflammation, fungal infections and poor nutrient absorption. This puts the immune system into overdrive to fight the toxins that could be prevented by simply making better food choices. If the toxic condition is sustained, many of the toxins and pathogenic bacteria can pass through the intestinal wall and make their way into the body, leading to chronic inflammatory illnesses.

Beneficial bacteria feed on the healthy food that you eat and use these foods to your benefit. They assist in the digestive process by releasing enzymes that dissolve nutrients. This action discharges vitamins, antioxidants and minerals essential to supporting your immune system and cellular health. Kept in the right balance, they effectively keep the pathogens at bay and they help to remove toxins from your body before they have a chance to build up and cause trouble. This keeps your immune system working comfortably to protect you from all of the other challenges that you may encounter each day. Beneficial bacteria can also speed the recovery time from illness, as the immune system is taxed fighting infections.

Good food sources to optimize the balance of healthy gut flora include green leafy vegetables and deep-sea fish that provide essential fatty acids (omega-3). Salmon, sardines, cod liver oil and mackerel are good sources of omega-3. Certain foods stimulate beneficial microbial growth by providing soluble fiber and enzymes to keep the microbes active which in turn keeps the food moving through the digestive tract. Great vegetable choices are kale, broccoli, onion, garlic and cabbage. Seeds and nuts also provide essential fatty acids and minerals.

Sometimes, food choices are not enough and supplementation with microbe-rich foods can boost the system. This is especially true after illness or signs of indigestion. Consuming beneficial bacteria foods, or probiotics, helps to keep the balance in the favor of the beneficial population and optimizes the digestive system, nutrient absorption and release of essential nutrients to the body. Plain yoghurt and cheeses with active cultures are easy choices for most people. Kefir, which is fermented cow's milk, is also a good choice. Fermented foods tend to be beneficial microbe powerhouses with huge active cultures of beneficial bacteria far beyond any other food source. Fermented vegetables like kimchi, sauerkraut and pickles are all good choices.

A wide variety of probiotic supplement products is available. Choose products with multiple species to encourage diversity in the beneficial bacteria population. Also, look for products with high bacterial counts – in multiple billions, rather than millions. Some of these supplements require refrigeration, which is not a great concern as long as you are at home. When traveling, select a product that can be stored in your luggage without spoiling. Keep the good guys with you wherever you go and choose healthy foods to keep the pathogens away during stressful travel and holiday times.

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Lose Weight Fast – Lose Half Stone In a Week With a Healthy Diet

A lot has been written about many diets, and many are fads. However, what you will see below is an effective, week diet to lose weight fast (up to half a stone in weight) in a healthy manner.

The rules

Are simple. You follow the diet as written.

No substitutions, no cheating, and no starting this diet wihout consulting your doctor first.

You will lose weight fast, and a lot of it, so make sure your body is ready for it.

There is nothing listed in the diet menus that can not be found anywhere.

Use salt sparingly. During the week do not eat fats except as listed.

If there is a food you dislike, then this diet is not for you. No substitutions are allowed, but follow as written and you will lose weight fast and in a healthy manner

Three meals a day are allowed Breakfast, Lunch and dinner and they listed in that order below against each day.

SO here you go the lose weight fast diet follow it as written and watch the pounds fall off.


1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey
Coffee or Tea

Sliced ​​cold chicken. No skin. 1 tomato
Water or diet drink

I can Tuna

Mixed Green salad no oil, or dressing

1 slice brown bread

1 piece of fruit in season


1 piece of fruit in season

1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Mixed Fresh Fruit Salad Water or diet drink

Grilled ground meat steak. 350 grams only

Tomato, cucumber and olives. No oil

Tea or Coffee


1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

1 can of Tuna fish1 grapefruit

Water of diet drink

Any Roast meat

Mixed Green Salad, no oil

1 tomato



1 piece of fruit in season

1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

2 hard boiled eggs

Cottage Cheese


I slice of brown bread

Water or diet drink

Boiled chicken (as much as you want)

Mixed Green Salad, no oil

Tea or coffee


1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Large bowl of cottage cheese

Green salad, no oil 1 slice of brown bread

Water or diet drink Grilled fish of any kind

Large mixed salad or vegetables

1 slice of brown bread



1 piece of fruit in season 1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Large Mixed Fruit salad Water or diet drink

Oven roasted chicken Tomato salad with lettuce and fresh onion

1 grapefruit Coffee or Tea


1 piece of fruit in season

1 slice of brown bread without butter or honey

Coffee or Tea

Sliced ​​Cold Cuts

Mixed cooked vegetables

1 Grapefruit

Water or diet drink

2 hard boiled eggs

I slice of brown bread

Mixed salad no oil


Coffee or tea

Remember, no cheating. Drink also water in between meals if you are hungry. Drink water in any case, between meals. Eat early. Do not have your diner after 19:00 hours under any occasion.

You will lose weight fast where other diets have failed you in the past.

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