Archive | August, 2017

Is Glutamine Really Necessary For Muscle Growth?

Have you spent much time in a Health Food store browsing through all of the muscle building supplements? If you have, you may have been overwhelmed by all the different types of supplements and all the brand names which claim to work wonders for your muscle gaining efforts. One supplement in particular which has received much publicity is glutamine. Spend some time in the gym listening to the weightlifters and bodybuilders chat about their favorite techniques and supplements, and sooner or later you’ll hear someone mention glutamine. You may be told that this supplement is extremely helpful in growing your muscles, and you may even be told that it is essential for any muscle building at all. Do you really need glutamine supplements for your body building program?

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. (Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.) That much is true. But what about actual supplementation? The major reason that glutamine is believed to help muscle is that studies proved it beneficial in trauma patients. Studies have shown that muscle loss can be reduced in patients with severe trauma such as in the case of burn victims or AIDS patients. The problem is that this kind of stress cannot be automatically compared to the kind of stress your body undergoes during exercise. While there may be certain situations in which such a supplement would be helpful, glutamine supplementation is probably not necessary in the majority of cases. Don’t forget that the supplement companies themselves provide much of the hype that surrounds these products. Always remember to stick with the essentials of progressive resistance training and increasing your calories, however popular a bodybuilding supplement may be.

Why do bodybuilding supplements like glutamine sell so well? They do well because bodybuilders, like most people, prefer to look for a seemingly magical product that promises immediate results. Unfortunately, so many people in our society have become accustomed to looking for shortcuts and short term gratification. It’s particularly sad when you consider that learning how to gain weight naturally is not as difficult as it may seem. The real magic pill is combining the right knowledge (weight gain diet plus proper workout routines) with determination. The beginner must understand that weight gain, like most worthwhile goals, requires diligence over the long term.

If you’re feeling discouraged, consider the following. Most great things in life are not accomplished with one incredible act. On the contrary, both our successes and failures in life almost always come from the accumulation of small choices over time. You will accomplish more working out a few times a week than you will in one super long workout. Whatever you choose, keep the long term in mind and rest assured that living your dreams tomorrow, in both bodybuilding and beyond, are well worth the price you pay today.

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The Difference Between Overtraining and Overloading the Muscle

Back in my early days when I was just starting out at the age of 16 and weighing around 9 stone, I trained 5 – 6 days a week with incredible intensity. In fact I would literally push myself to failure on every single set that I did. The reason being that it didn’t felt I had worked the muscle if I knew I had more in the tank. Of course at that age you don’t stop to think about the physiological effects of pushing pushing yourself to the limit day in and day out and what that might do to your recovery.

I always compare it to driving a car; if you buy a car and redline it everywhere you go, then it’s going to be all but knackered after a couple of weeks. The same is true for your body. However, a lot of people are still confusing the difference between overtraining and overloading. This article will attempt to address this confusion so that you get better at understanding how your training should evolve over time.

Remember that one of the keys to getting bigger and stronger is the progressive increase of microtrauma in the muscle. That means that as time goes by you need to be adding more weight to the bar, otherwise the stimulus isn’t great enough to provoke the anabolic effect that you are looking for. The length of time it takes to make an increase in weight largely depends on the standard of the athlete.

Beginners can add weight each week, or even multiple times a week, however Olympic athletes have 4 year cycles to reach new personal bests to tie in with the olympics. The thing to remember is that if you, in 6 months, lift 20kg more on each of your lifts than you do now, then you will be bigger (assuming you’re eating enough!).

The previous paragraph serves as an introduction to the key point in this article. Overtraining and overloading are different things entirely. One can be benficial to your training regime whilst the other can be hugely detrimental. One is a short term state, whilst the other is long term and requires significant time to recover from.

So, what’s the difference?

Overloading is a short period of time during which you push your body really hard. So for example in a periodisation routine (dual factor), it is common place for the athlete to overload for the first four or five weeks of the eight or nine week cycle. The overloading phase consists of medium to high volume and high intensity that puts your body under stress that it couldn’t withstand for longer periods of time but can cope with for short periods of four or five weeks.

Overloading can be extremely useful because in an overloaded state, the fatigue of your body dissipates much faster than the strength gains acquired from the overloading phase. Therefore the athlete can have one week of deloading before ramping up with low volume and high intensity for new maxes at the end of the cycle. The athlete can then rest, rinse and repeat; each time hitting a max at the end of the phase.

Overtraining on the other hand is much more serious and when your body has been put under undue stress for too long. Overtraining would be the result of overloading for too long; for a period such as 10 weeks or so. When you are in an overtrained state, you may need to rest for 2 – 3 weeks for your body to fully recover, your lifts will be down and you’ll find it hard to sleep at night. Those are the most common symptoms.

To Summarise, there’s absolutely no harm in going hard and heavy and wearing your body down as long as you pay attention to the time scales. Overloading for 4 weeks can have an incredible effect on your strength and subsequent size gains. If you overload for too long and get into an overtrained state then you are heading for chronic fatigue, injury and a couple of weeks of no training. I hope this post has cleared up some misconceptions about “overtraining”. The term is thrown about all too often in bodybuilding circles and in completely the wrong context. See you in the squat rack.

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Microbiotic Diet – A Low Fat Way of Dieting

There are many diets to consider when you wish to change your eating habits, lifestyle, health, and weight.

George Ohsawa, who promoted that a simple lifestyle produced positive health benefits, created the microbiotic diet. The diet was comprised of ten restrictive steps, forcing the dieter to exhibit a great deal of self-control.

For example, the last stage of the microbiotic diet involves the dieter consuming only brown rice and water. Diet planners, due to its excessive restriction no longer suggest this first version of the microbiotic diet.

Well Being

The microbiotic diet appeals to some because it not only focuses on the physical well being of a dieter, but also deals with the spiritual and planetary aspects of health.

The microbiotic way of dieting is low in fat, as well as high in fibre. Vegetarians could easily follow this diet because the diet places emphasis on vegetables and whole grains.

The microbiotic diet calls for low amounts of sugar, dairy items, and meat.

Soy products

Soy products are also an integral part of the diet because they contain phytoestrogens, thought to have positive effects on cholesterol levels, menopause, as well as some types of cancers. This is why patients who are suffering from cancer or other chronic diseases have followed this strict regimen.

The phytoestrogens may also prove beneficial in the prevention of estrogen-related cancers like breast cancer. It is important not to confuse this healthy way of eating with a cure for serious medical conditions and diseases.

Whole Grains

When following the microbiotic diet, 50-60% of each meal will consist of whole grains, including brown rice, barley, millet, rye, corn and buckwheat. This diet allows an occasional meal with rolled oats, noodles, pasta, bread or baked products.


Each day, 1 to 2 bowls or cups of soup are required. It is suggested that a dieter choose shoyu or miso, which contains fermented soybeans.


Vegetables make up 25-30% of the daily food intake, where 1/3 of the vegetables should be eaten in their raw state. Boiling, steaming, baking or sautéing should prepare any other vegetable portions.


10% of the daily food intake should consist of cooked beans. Bean products such as tofu or tempeh can also be eaten.

Cooking Oil

The most common cooking oil used when preparing meals is dark sesame oil. Additional oils to consider include light sesame oil, corn oil, as well as mustard seed oil.


Natural sea salt, shoyu, brown rice vinegar, grated ginger root, fermented pickles, roasted sesame seeds and sliced scallions are some of the seasonings that can be used when adding flavor to foods.

When it comes to animal by-products while on the microbiotic diet, small amounts of fish or seafood are acceptable each week.

Dieters should stay away from eggs, dairy, meat, and poultry.

When eating fish or seafood, microbiotic dieters should consume horseradish, wasabi, ginger, or mustard in order to aid in the detoxification process against the effects of the seafood.

Other foods allowed while on the microbiotic diet include the moderate consumption of seeds or nuts, as well as desserts such as apples and dried food.

Dieters should not consume sugar, honey, molasses, chocolate, or carob.


Several times a week, the diet permits fruit such as pears, peaches, apricots, grapes, berries, and melons. Avoid tropical fruits, such as pineapples and mangoes.

The microbiotic diet can be tailored to fit individuals depending on their age, gender, health concerns, as well as climate and seasonal factors.

Side Effects

There are a few side effects associated with this diet. Certain nutrients are not absorbed into the body through this diet, such as protein, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, and calcium. This can affect a dieter by lowering their energy levels, as well as lead to health complications.

Some nutritionists frown upon this diet because they feel it is too restrictive.

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Exercises and Workouts – What Is Variable Intensity Interval Training and How Can It Help You?

If you are a regular in the fitness industry, chances are you have heard of high-intensity interval training. This type of training is said to give optimal fat loss results and can help to boost your fitness level faster than any other method of training as well.

But now, there is a new method of training that is catching on: variable intensity interval training. What is this training about and how can it benefit you?

Let us take a closer look…

1. What Is Variable Intensity Interval Training? This type of training is a combination approach where you will do some high-intensity interval exercise coupled with moderate intensity interval training, which is usually a strength-based focus, along with low-intensity training during the rest periods, which will include yoga based movements or stretch.

Putting these all together, you get a workout that is always changing and is varying its overall level of intensity.

2. The Benefits Of Variable Intensity Interval Training. So what does this mean for you? How will it help?

First, it is a great option for beginners. Since you are not doing quite as much high-intensity training here, it is easier for you to get started as a beginner. By mixing it up with the moderate and low-intensity training, this makes it more feasible.

Second, it also adds a more balanced approach to your fitness routine. You will be doing not only cardio-focused activities but in addition to weight lifting, focused workouts as well. Plus, you will get the benefits of yoga and stretch that come with the low-intensity intervals. As these are often overlooked by many people and left off the end of the workout, it’s helpful to include them right in with your training.

Another significant benefit is a lack of boredom. High-intensity interval training is often said to be useful for helping to combat boredom because it is always changing, but variable intensity changes it up even further. This is an ideal way to train if you frequently find you grow tired of your same old workout routine.

3. Adding This To Your Training Routine. How do you go about adding this exercise routine to your week? Since these are total body sessions, you can theoretically do just this one workout, three times a week, and be done with it.

The choice is yours. Do it with your other training if you wish but do make sure you have one day off between sessions to allow for recovery to take place.

Do not overlook variable interval training any longer. It can be an excellent method of increasing your fitness and creating a healthy balance in your workout routine.

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Three Principal Carbohydrates and the Foods in Which they are Present

Carbohydrates are organic molecules (contain carbon and come from living sources) and are our main source of energy. Three principal carbohydrates according to their structure) are: sugars, starches and fiber.



· Glucose is found in fruits or can be hydrolyzed from starch, cane sugar, milk sugar, malt sugar

· Fructose is found in most fruits and fruit juices, honey, certain vegetables

· Galactose is formed in the process of metabolism of the milk sugar lactose


  • Lactose, also known as “milk sugar” and the only sugar of animal origin, comes from mother’s milk
  • Sucrose or “white sugar” comes from sugar cane, sugar beets, maple syrup, molasses, sorghum and pineapple
  • Maltose or “malt sugar” is produced in the process of breakdown of starches in certain cereal grains and is also present in beers, malted snacks, some breakfast cereals and crackers

2. STARCHES are also known as “complex carbohydrates” or “polysaccharides”. They are found in potatoes, vegetable roots and whole grains like wheat, rice and corn.

  • Amylopectin – most common starch found in foods
  • Amylose – with long chains of glucose molecules
  • Glycogen – the animal source starch (from muscle and liver)
  • Dextrins – partially digested starches, formed during the breakdown of starch

3. FIBER is mostly the indigestible cellulose from the skins of fruits and vegetables and coverings of cereals. It provides little energy or caloric value but aids intestinal function and elimination. Other hi-fiber substances are: guar gum, konjar root flour, chitosan (derived from oyster shells).

  • Cellulose – most common fiber from basic foods
  • Hemicelluloses – from the cell walls of plants (i.e. psyllium seed husks, pectin)
  • Agar and alginate – from seaweeds
  • Carrageen – from Irish moss plant

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Why Exercise? Here’s Why

In my mid 30’s I was diagnosed with some pretty severe health problems. I can recall the days that I was so run down and so sick, that my work days were shortened to about 3-4 hours a day. This made it tough for my clients because my best hours were from 10:00- 2:00. For that reason, most of my work had to be done from my home office.

During that time I would make it a point to go for a walk at 10:00 in the evening. This was extremely tough for me. As I struggled to make a mile, I wondered if I’d ever get my health back? Exercise and physical activity were always a huge part of my life. Now I spent the majority of my days in bed.

Around age 40 my wife really started to push me. Not in a way that was bad. But, in a way from inspiration. Slowly our walks became longer. I started to workout again in the mornings. While some days I could only manage 10 minutes. My thought process was 10 minutes beats 5. And given my health at that time, I was willing to take any little victory I could get.

Over the course of 3 decades working in mental health, I would often make lateral moves into the fitness industry as a consultant in health and wellness. Working with both local and national chains, I managed several weight loss programs. I knew how weight affected the individual both from a health and mental health standpoint. So, while I would focus on diet from a disease perspective, I would use exercise for overall wellness.

There is no doubt that we all can benefit from daily exercise. And you really do not need to invest in a lot of time to get results. Personally I strive for an hour a day 7 days a week. That’s just feels right to me. When I finally was able to regain my health, I promised myself that I would do everything to preserve it. That said, you can see real results in as little as 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. What kind of results? Lets take a look at some of the benefits in regular exercise.

1. Reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Exercise has a direct effect on our brain chemistry. A good 30 minute walk or run should release those endorphins. When this happens, you’ll feel less stress and increased energy.

2. Confidence does not come easily for most of us. How do we build it? Get moving. Exercise gets you feeling good. When you feel good, you tend to have a better self- image. Better self- image? Oh yeah. There’s your confidence.

3. Slows down the aging process. More importantly the cognitive decline. Exercise will not stop this process completely. But, it will help slow it down. And the earlier you start to exercise, the better off you should be.

*Exercise is important at all stages of life. But for cognitive function, starting to exercise between the ages of 25-45 seem most important.

4. Can help control addiction. This can happen two- fold. First, as you exercise you brain releases dopamine {the feel good chemical.} For many in recovery this can be a good substitute. Secondly, exercise can give your life some sense of order, meaning that leads to self- worth. And as an added bonus, exercise that is built into your daily schedule can offer as a distraction for those cravings.

From time to time I hear someone argue that exercise is just another form of addiction. Well it can be. Just as food, porn, shopping and most anything else. But, ask yourself if you would rather be addicted to exercise or drugs? Be stronger than your excuses.

5. When the blood gets flowing we seem to become more creative. This especially happens when we exercise outdoors.

There are so many good reason to start exercising. Some of my biggest success with clients didn’t come in the form of a mental health session. They came for a weight loss session. When a person has been diagnosed with several life threatening conditions and then they commit to a wellness process, that is a big success.

In my early 30’s I received a call from a women who wanted to see me as a Hypnotherapist. However, when she arrived at my office and I was doing my intake on her, she went onto talk about how she was diagnosed with a brain tumor, breast cancer and several digestive disorders. I quickly thought to myself that my office manager gave me the wrong client file, and that she was there for end of life issues. Or to see the doctor that I worked alongside of. When I questioned her about what she was being seen for, she said without hesitation, I am here to lose 20 pounds so I look good in a bathing suit on vacation. Wow! I love it.

Over the next couple of weeks not only did we use hypnosis, but she was open to change. With some corrections to diet and adding some exercise, not only did she drop the weight, but her digestive problems faded away. I never did see her again after she left for vacation. I can’t help but believe we added to the quality of life that she had before.

And just as I found out years later about the power of movement, there are no wonder drug to be found. But if there were, exercise would be one of them.

Now stop reading and get off the computer. Get yourself moving!

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Top 8 Digestive Enzymes That Aid in Muscle Building

1. The Digestive Enzyme PROTEASE

Protease is an elementary enzyme. It can help you in eliminating toxins in your body, and make your blood system as clean as ever. As a result, we will get a sort of instant energy, console, and self satisfaction. Besides, protease can also be helpful and productive for you in battle with colds, flu, cough, cancer, etc. One the major benefit of taking protease is that it makes your immune system as strong as ever.

2. The Digestive Enzyme AMYLASE

The second most influential enzyme is ‘Amylase’. It is mainly responsible in improving your digestive system quite instantly. You will burn quick carbohydrates and calories as you use amylase. It is considered as the naturally oriented antihistamine. Amylase is the best mineral against many diseases, obesity, such as blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, allergies, depression (such as bipolar, obsessive compulsive disorder, hypo manic, panic disorder, etc.). Amylase successfully works in muscle building and improving immune system in order to burn the calories and fight against those chronic diseases.

3. The Digestive Enzyme LIPASE

It is a tonic for your digesting system. Lipase gets its modes towards blood stream. It helps you in quick muscle building. Lipase is very beneficial against many diseases, such as heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes, blood clotting, depression, anxiety, and abdomen pain, etc.

4. The Digestive Enzyme CELLULASE

It is also an outstanding antioxidant as it binds to profound metals and other contaminants, and it discharges them from your body. Usually, we use a blend of soluble and inexplicable fiber. Soluble fiber is successful in binding to excess cholesterol, noxious substance and eliminating them from body for a proper muscle building.

5. The Digestive Enzyme MALTASE

This is mainly responsible for taking the multifarious sugar found in malt and granule products and shifting it into glucose.

6. The Digestive Enzyme LACTASE

Such kind of enzyme (Lactase) is highly productive for absorbing the milk sugar found in dairy products, and it increases your muscle mass.

7. The Digestive Enzyme PHYTASE

The Phytase enzyme is extremely beneficial for you in muscle-building and enhancing immune system. Phytase is particularly useful in producing vital nutrients, such as B-Complex.

8. The Digestive Enzyme SUCRASE

Surrase is mainly helpful for muscle mass, immune system and combat against chronic diseases. This enzyme is often found in many nutritional foods.

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Bodybuilding Diet – 9 Step Checklist to Build Muscle Fast

Creating an effective bodybuilding diet is the most essential aspect of any muscle building plan. Even if you have the best weight lifting routine known to mankind, you can forget about putting on size, you can absolutely forget about adding muscle mass if you fail to consistently follow a high quality diet plan. So hit the back button now if you’re not serious about eating to gain muscle…

…Still here? Good.

Now I’ll continue by laying out the 9 steps you must follow to guarantee your bodybuilding diet plan is on on-point. No extras. No frivolous BS. Just integrate these simple steps into you muscle building plan, forget about all the distracting details that you can find on the vast abyss that is the Internet; then simply add water and watch your muscles blow up like balloons.

  1. Choose Your Goal. More specifically, decide on your short-term goal. Many of you reading this may want to lose fat while gaining muscle, but you will see significantly more rapid results if you focus on one goal at a time. From this point on, I am assuming your goal is to gain muscle mass.
  2. Calculate Your Caloric Needs. If you remember one fact from this bodybuilding diet article, then make sure you remember this: You must consume more calories than your body burns per day if you want to gain muscle. As a starting point, consume 18 calories per pound of your bodyweight (i.e. total calories = 18 x bodyweight in lbs). You may very well need to eat more or less than this, but remember it’s an estimate.
  3. Calculate Protein Intake. Your muscles need protein to physically increase your muscle mass. Consume 1.0 – 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your bodyweight (i.e. grams of protein = 1.0 x bodyweight in lbs). To figure out how many calories this is, multiply your daily protein intake (in grams) by 4.
  4. Calculate Fat Intake. Dietary fat plays a vital role in a laundry list of body functions, related to both general health, energy and muscle building. So don’t skimp on it – And FYI, eating fatty foods does not equate to being fat. Start by eating 30% of your calories from fat. To convert calories of fat into grams of fat, divide your daily fat intake (in calories) by 9.
  5. Calculate Carb Intake. Carbohydrates give you energy, but technically, your body doesn’t even need them to survive (which is why we calculate carb intake last). But just because your body doesn’t need carbs, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have any. Okay, so now to calculating: You know how many total calories you need per day; and you also know how many of those calories will come from protein as well as how many will come from fat. So, to find the number of calories from carbs that you should eat per day, simply subtract protein calories and fat calories from total calories. In mathematical terms, that’s: Calories from carbs = total calories – (protein calories + fat calories). To convert calories of carbs into grams of carbs, divide your daily carb intake (in calories) by 4.
  6. Eat Pre- & Post-Workout. Be sure to eat meals before and after your workout. Pre-workout nutrition fuels your muscles and provides your body with energy for the ensuing workout. In simple terms, post-workout nutrition halts catabolism (the breakdown of muscle caused by weight training) and triggers anabolism (the building/re-building of muscle). For pre-workout nutrition, eat 0.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight as well as 0.25 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight. For post-workout nutrition, eat 0.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and between 0.25-0.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight. Fats are optional for both meals. These meals can be solid, “regular” meals; or they can be liquid meals, using weight lifting supplements such as whey protein and dextrose.
  7. Foods to Eat. I am a proponent of flexible dieting. It’s much more productive to eat foods that you enjoy eating; restricting so-called “unhealthy” foods from your diet will make you less successful in the long term, and you’ll constantly be grumpy. That said, you can’t eat candy and junk food all day long without expecting to gain some hefty lard rolls on your pouch. Eating too much junk and greasy foods makes you fat because it produces a surplus of calories. So what to eat then? A large portion of your food should be common sense “healthy” foods, but never deprive yourself of a food you crave – Assuming you follow this one condition: Make sure you still hit your caloric requirements (step 2), protein intake (step 3), fat intake (step 4) and carbohydrate intake (step 5).
  8. Drink Water. Water is a true life force. Everything and everyone needs it. And you, in your muscle building pursuits, need a lot of it. Although it varies between people, and there are many factors that can influence your optimal water intake requirements, most people should try to drink about 1 gallon per day of high quality H20.
  9. Test & Modify. Put it into practice. Don’t expect for your bodybuilding diet plan to work like a charm the first time around. You’ll likely have to adjust the total calories up or down until you strike a balance. Aim for a steady rate of lean weight gain. On average, pure beginners can expect about 1-2 pounds per week (although a portion of this will be water weight). Check the mirror or take pictures; drop the calories if you start to resemble the Michelin Man. More experienced lifters will be should aim for a slower rate of weight gain (unless you want to be a fat blob) since it is more difficult to build muscle after the beginner stage.

Now take the relatively little time needed now to implement these directions and create a bodybuilding diet that actually works! Seriously. It takes a maximum of 20 minutes, but it will guarantee success in the years to come. It’s the best time investment you can make.

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High Protein Diets For Bodybuilding: Learn To Eat The Right Amount

If you are working hard to build your muscles then, you should be aware of a healthy diet. You probably know that bodybuilder’s diet is high in protein. So, eating the right amount of protein is good for your muscles.

It is said that “Proteins are the machinery of living tissue that builds the structures and carries out the chemical reactions necessary for life”.

Therefore, your diet holds lots of importance in your life. So, you need to emphasize on diet as well as workout. If you want to build a good muscle mass you need to abide by the following equation:

70% Healthy Diet + 30% Workout = Healthy Body and Good Muscle Mass

To prove my above equation I will illustrate the high protein diets for weight loss.

You are just one step beyond the fitness. Stay with me and I will let you know the secrets behind bodybuilding and diets.

Let’s watch the whole show!

The Ultimate List Of The High-protein Diets For Bodybuilding

1. The Eggs: Are Always Best When Eaten Fresh

Protein Content: 6 g / 1 large egg

The eggs are the main attraction when you stroll at the grocery store.

These white spheres are close immaculate muscle nourishment. That is on the grounds that the natural esteem-a measure of how much protein from the nourishment can be consolidated into proteins in the body-of an egg is higher than almost whatever another thing in the supermarket.

The natural esteem is to a great extent directed by the measure of basic amino acids a nourishment has, and the modest egg possesses a great deal of these.

Keep an eye out for containers containing eggs with bulked up omega-3 levels to make your morning scramble work considerably harder for you.

So, if want increase protein content in your diet, choose the eggs.

2. Greek Yogurt: A Healthy Ingredient From The Milk Family

Protein Content: 23 g / 8 oz. serving

It’s a great ingredient from the milk family. It is actually yummy in taste. It’s a Greek style Yogurts and it contains the double quantity of protein as compared with the normal one.

The plain yogurt contains the less sugar than the flavored one. I want to let you know one secret. Yogurt is the richest source of calcium.

So, in toto, you get calcium in additional. So, I would suggest you have at least 1 bowl in a day.

3. Cottage Cheese: Milk’s Leap Towards Immortality

Protein Content: 14 g per 1/2 cup serving

The cottage cheese is blessed with the casein protein. This is a slow-digesting protein and it supplies the amino acids to the muscles. It’s beneficial to take this in the form of snack before the bedtime.

The cottage cheese is enriched with sodium as well. But check the labels at the carton. Compare the nutrition labels of different brands.

Those who want to build the good muscle mass can take cottage cheese. Don’t go for artificial supplements. They can harm your body.

4. Swiss Cheese: The Love Of Bodybuilders

Protein Content: 8 g per 1 oz. serving

Swiss cheese is a great option for those who are vegetarians. It provides more protein than the other ingredients. This one is a muscle-friendly option for your sandwich and burger recipes.

You can add this to your evening snacks list or can have the same after the workout when you feel exhausted.

Must try this one!! A love of every bodybuilder.

5. Milk, 2%

Protein Content: 8 g per 1 cup serving

Some people make weird faces when I ask them to have milk. But, milk is a good option. Why choose the flavorless skimmed milk when you have the option for you? You can enjoy your glass of milk and need not break the fat.

Don’t worry! If you have extra fat then, it will be absorbed as fat-soluble nutrients. For example the Vitamin-D.

So have milk and enjoy your work out. Need not worry about!

6. Ground Beef

Protein Content: 18 g / 3 oz. serving

This much amount of ground beef gives you the absolute amount of fat. The beef or you can say the red meat gives you creatine as well. So, you have a buy one get one free deal here.

Isn’t it?

Give a second thought upon it. If you are looking for high protein diets for bodybuilding. Then, add beef in your platter for sure.

7. Chicken Breast: Good For Your Tastebuds

Protein Content: 24 g / 3 oz. serving

Choose the chicken breast but that to be boneless and skinless. Chicken breast offers you lots of proteins and of course good for your taste buds as well.

You can have the chicken breast by tempering it with ginger, garlic, and lemon. This gives the taste as well as the nutrition.

Have it today only!

8. The Protein Bars

Protein Content: 25 g / 100 gms

The chocolates are considered mood swingers. They change the bad mood in the good one. I know your mouth is already watering, even though mine!

I’m kidding! I’m kidding!

Let’s not leave the path. I was talking about protein bars. So, you can have the protein bars after doing the workout. This will give an energy to your exhausted body and in turn, is going to twist your mood.

That is, You will be happy.

Check out the protein content before you buy the protein bar.

Well, It’s Time To Say Good Bye!

Well! Well! Well!

I have given you the list of high protein diets for bodybuilding. So, you can add them to your platter. I always support the natural diet for the body building.

The above-listed products actually hold the high amount of protein and as I have explained you at the beginning that exercise and diet both are the important aspects of bodybuilding.

But diet always holds 70 percent credit. Therefore, your focus should be on diet. You can take reference of your diet counselor for adding these ingredients into your meal platter.

Tell us, if you have any questions for us or if you want to add something to our knowledge. We would love to help you and any sharing of yours is welcomed.

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Insanity Workout Vs HIIT Training – A Must Read!

Many people have heard of HIIT training, which stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This training method is said to give great results in a short amount of time. No need to spend hours in the gym. However, sometimes it is difficult to put together a HIIT training program that is easy to follow. If that is what you are looking for, Beachbody provides such a workout, Insanity by Shaun T.

The Insanity workout program is a 60 day (63 to be exact) boot-camp like workout. Based on the theory behind HIIT training, Insanity utilizes intervals to keep your heart rate moving up and down. However, Insanity differs significantly from traditional intervals in one key way. Whereas in tradition HIIT training, you perform short bursts, such as a 50 yard or 30 second sprint, followed by a 2-3 minute active rest, which is usually a walk or slow pedal. With this type of training, your heart rate shoots up quickly and then comes down to a slower pace. For example, when I do traditional HIIT training, I do outdoor sprints. I will sprint 100 yards and walk 300 yards. At the end of the sprint, my heart rate is in the 170’s (beats per minute). At the end of the 300 yard walk, my heart rate drops to the 100’s. Not bad, but could definitely improve.

With Insanity, the intervals are about 3-4 minutes long and consist of exercises such as pushups, jumps, sprints, hops, and a myriad of other sports training moves. A lot of the moves remind me of playing high school sports. After the interval, you rest for 30 second. At the end of the 30 seconds, the next interval starts! Insanity has basically taken traditional HIIT training and flipped it on its head. Now to compare heart rates again, during the Insanity interval, my heart rate is in the high 170’s. During the 30 second rest, I get it down to the high 150’s. See the difference. My heart rate is staying elevated for a longer period of time which helps me to burn a ton of calories. At the end of an Insanity workout, there is not a dry patch of clothes on me.

Now understand that Insanity is not for everyone. You must be mentally and physically prepared to put your body through 63 days of extreme work. Great results do not come easy. Both Insanity and traditional HIIT training work to help you reduce body fat. If you don’t think you can handle Insanity, start with traditional HIIT training to build up your cardio-endurance. Once you have trained your cardiovascular system to handle intervals, you should be ready to try Insanity!

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