Archive | Diet & Nutrition

Boost Your Performance Without Energy Drinks

Daytime drowsiness, balancing alcohol consumption and increasing performance are all reasons given by people who drink energy drinks. The quick, pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon or on a long drive somewhere can help you to stay alert until dinnertime. Then sleep time comes and you regret your action. The stimulant can keep working longer than you anticipated it would and ruin a good night's sleep, which do more to recharge the batteries naturally.

A typical 8-ounce energy drink supplies 80 mg or more of caffeine, and 25 g or more of sugar. This combination works at opposite ends of the energy spectrum, with sugar creating an insulin response and leading to weight gain. Meanwhile, the caffeine is a stimulant and diuretic, which makes you dehydrated and creates more demand for more fluids.

The side effects of all of this caffeine can be risky to your health, and children in particular should avoid it. Young children do not have a well-developed metabolism that can process high levels of caffeine and sugar effectively. The short- term side effects can include increased anxiety, irritability, nervousness or moodiness.

Children who drink high-caffeine, high sugar energy drinks tend to be more antagonistic and unfocused in school. When energy drinks were banned from a school in England, visits to the Principal's office declined nearly forty percent in the first month. The teachers report that the academic performance of the children has increased markedly as their behavior has improved.

Consuming large quantities of caffeine can also cause heart palpitations, convulsions and even death. Continued use of energy drinks loaded with sugar increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Psychological and emotional issues are also associated with long-term heavy consumption of energy drinks, including an increased risk of depression, habit-forming and dependence on alcohol. Because energy drinks are typically consumed quickly, they are more likely to lead to a caffeine overdose than strong coffee, which is typically consumed slowly over several minutes.

A popular mixture with college kids and teenagers is energy drinks and alcohol. The energy drinks act as stimulants, while alcohol is a depressant. The desire with this mixture is to reduce the effect of the alcohol by disguising the intoxication and the fatigue normally associated with alcohol consumption. Essentially, the body is unable to detect when it has consumed enough, or too much.

The drinker will feel alert, as if they were not drunk, yet their blood alcohol levels may be dangerously high. The result is people who drink this mixture often drink a lot more than they would without the energy drink. To make matters worse, the combined effect of caffeine and alcohol is a super-dehydrator, which creates a much bigger hangover the next day.

This yin and yang between stimulant and depressant puts your body into a very stressful condition. The effect is similar to an acute stress response when you face sudden danger that causes the organs to work overtime. Your heart, liver, brain, digestive tract and kidneys all go to work and may tire themselves out to protect you during the sustained period when the chemicals are present.

The natural way to build your energy reserves and maximize your performance is to get adequate sleep, include physical activity in your daily routine, and eat a healthy diet. Stay away from the energy drinks and please, keep them away from your kids.

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6 Negative Effects Of Eating Fast Food

1. Fast food has a very high energy density. About 65 percent higher than a typical diet and twice as high as recommended healthy diets which makes us eat more than we otherwise would. Energy density refers to the amount of calories an item of food contains in relation to its weight. Foods with a high energy density confuse the brain's control systems for appetite, which are based solely on portion size.

2. British researchers from the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Center and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have determined that repeated eating at McDonald's or KFC or Burger King, people are more likely to gain weight and become obese. This is because fast food not only contains many more calories than traditional food, but also is more likely to undermine normal appetite control systems.

3. By eating a Big Mac and fries, the body consumes almost twice as many calories as you would if you ate the same weight of pasta and salad. Fast Food restaurants feed the obesity epidemic by getting people to eat many more calories than they need through persistent advertising.

4. McDonald's, KFC, and Burger King menu items using nutritional data from the fast food restaurants' Web sites, found that when we eat high energy density foods, we do not reduce the portion size so we get a lot more calories than we need. Our current society possesses a weak innate ability to recognize foods with a high energy density. Food intake is assessed by the size of the portion, yet a fast food meal contains many more calories than a similar sized portion of a healthy meal. The conclusion is we are all being fooled into eating too much food.

5. People get fat eating regular portion sizes, but since the food has a high energy density, people gain weight. In evolutionary terms, the human appetite was designed for low energy density foods. In other parts of the world where these foods are still the dietary staples, obesity is virtually non existent. Our bodies were never designed to cope with the high energy dense foods consumed in the West. That is a major reason why fast food in contributing to the major rise in obesity.

6. Another fact is that fast food may speed up people's risk of clogged arteries that can lead to heart attacks. Researchers at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in San Francisco have demonstrated that a certain type of fat, called oxidized fat, can accelerate the buildup of plaque in arteries. And many types of fast food such as hamburgers, pizza and French fries are loaded with oxidized fat. The conclusion is fast food meals are high in saturated fat and low quality carbohydrates, white bread and lots of soda. Our bodies require fiber and more healthful types of fats. Fast food represents a dietary pattern that is the opposite of what is recommended for a healthy body.

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Antioxidants and Good Health

Foods that are rich in antioxidants are an essential part of a healthy, cancer preventative diet. But why? What is it about antioxidants and the free radicals they combat that makes them so important for a healthy lifestyle?

Understanding the Threat of Free Radicals

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) defines free radicals a "highly reactive chemicals that have the potential to harm cells." They are created when a molecule (two or more atoms) or an atom either loses or gains an electron. Free radicals are formed naturally in the body and play an important role in many normal cellular processes, however, too high a concentration of these reactive chemicals can damage all major components of cells, including DNA, which, in turn, contributes to the degenerative changes of aging, as well as may play a role in the development of age-related diseases and other health conditions, including cancer.

Antioxidants to the Rescue!

Antioxidants are chemicals, also referred to as micronutrients, that that interact with and stop free radicals from causing harmful cell damage. While our bodies produce some antioxidants to deal with free radicals, it's less than we need, which is why we must rely on external sources of antioxidants. This is where diet comes in.

Foods High in Antioxidants

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), conducted a detailed study and determined the total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements. Below are some of the general findings of that study:

  • When it comes to grains, buckwheat, barley and millet flours have the highest antioxidant values. The actual grain products containing the most antioxidants include crisp bread and whole meal bread with fiber.
  • Antioxidant-rich beverages include prepared green tea, pomegranate juice, grape juice, black tea, and prune juice. Beverages containing the lowest antioxidant value include beer, soft drinks and ginger ale, with water having the least (zero). Water is important for proper hydration, however, so do not start drinking pomegranate juice instead of water.
  • Berries and berry products have relatively high amounts of antioxidants on average. Other antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables include lemon rind, dried apples, dried apricots, artichokes, dried plums, flour made of okra, red and green chili, curly kale, and prunes. Though with slightly lower values, the following fruits and veggies are also good sources of antioxidants: dried dates, red cabbage, dried mango, black and green olives, paprika, red beets, guava, and plums.
  • Most dairy products are low in antioxidant content.

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Jenny Craig – Important Facts on the Jenny Craig Diet Which Would Help You Lose Weight Fast!

The Jenny Craig diet is a mind-action-body weight loss program that helps dieters to lose weight fast. But before one begins to spend hundreds of hard-earned dollars on the Jenny Craig program (mind you, it's not very cheap), it makes sense to get acquainted with certain facts about the Jenny Craig diet first. The Craig diet plan surely holds a lot of potential but when huge money is at stake, it would be better to gather the relevant knowledge about the plan's method of functioning and other aspects to make the most off it. To help you out in that very pursuit, here are certain important Jenny Craig diet facts that make weight loss easier laid bare for you:

It Is A Comprehensive Program

For those who have been through the conventional weight loss program memberships which require you to exercise hard and eat miserly, the Jenny Craig plan is a big relief. The program is a comprehensive weight loss schedule which takes care of all related aspects from provision of prepackaged healthy meals, one-on-one consultation from health experts to strategically chalked-out exercise plans in sync with individual needs.

There Is Lots On Offer- Something Suited To Every Need

Unlike other weight loss programs, the Jenny Craig method is lot simpler and really accommodative. So there are no stringent policies and guidelines and one can basically choose the plan which is best suited to his / her individual needs and conveniences. So you could become a part of the Jenny Craig world by either signing up with one of their Jenny Craig Centers, or by signing up for their Jenny direct at-home program. Further, there are a variety of plans to choose from. You could opt for Jenny Tune-Up, the Jenny On-Track program, the Jenny Rewards program, the Gold program or the Platinum program- depending upon how much you require and what your pocket allows. So the offers are really flexible- ranging from a 30 day trial program in the name of Jenny Tune-Up to a lifetime platinum membership.

They Do Not Ask You To Overdo

The program is based on developing a healthier relationship with food, with the view that no food needs to be abhorred and one simply needs to keep a watch on the nutrition front and the serving portions. The overall insistence is on a healthy lifestyle so it's not going to be like setting extravagant goals that ultimately come to shatters. Particularly good news is that the program is overseen by a team of dieticians and medical advisers and is based on standard dietary guidelines, including those set by the US Government. The quality standards can be expected to be really high therefore while at the same time nothing extraordinary would be expected to be put in by you. So you would be able to please the experts even if you lose 2 pounds a week (and that in turn would keep your enthusiasm in place too!) – Remember that the idea is to achieve sustainable results.

The diet, I must admit has nothing of the revolutionary quality to it but the way it is proposed and executed makes all the difference. The Jenny Craig diet HAS done a lot of good to many by freeing them from the shackles of obesity and if you have the required determination and the zeal in you, I see no reason why it should disappoint you in ridding yourself of all those excess pounds .

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Dr. Bob Marshall Bio: Know More About Popularly Revered Clinical Nutritionist

Dr. Robert "Bob" Marshall is widely known nutritionist especially among Americans. He is popularly known for his radio program- "Health Line". His radio program has been on air for 14 years. Dr. Bob's advocacy is helping people worldwide in their health. He is doing this through developing and providing people with nutritional information through his researches. Even so, only a few people know about this great nutritionist, so this article will present a short Dr. Bob Marshall bio to make others know about him.

In 1969, Dr. Marshall actually had struggled from an "in-diagnosable" condition and this is what motivated him to learn and research stuff about Nutrition. On this, there had been a lot of treatments done, but failed to treat his illness. However, this condition had led him to learn about health and nutrition, not just to find treatments for his ailments but his actually loved doing it. With this, he studied at Columbia Pacific University and completely attained his degree in 1978. Then after which, he pursued PhD and obtained the degree of a Clinical Nutritionist that qualified him to get certification from International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists in Texas to practice the profession. And as a matter of fact, he became the Association's President on the year 1998-2000.

But, so as to further his knowledge, he had done Nutritional and Biochemical Research. This research made him find extensive solutions for many illnesses and conditions. Furthermore, this research had led him to formulate his own nutritional system. Dr. Bob Marshall essentially focuses on products that are natural and definitely non-toxic.

Dr. Bob has propagated his studies to a greater expanse and this made him do a radio program- the "Health Line". This program is on air during weekends at KRLA-AM-870 in Southern California. Through this program, Dr, Bob made a lot of revelation about new developments and info regarding health and nutrition. Also, in this radio program, people can also ask for their concerns and answers them.

Other than his radio program, his also had authored many publications along with other authors. In fact, he had first developed a Computerized Nutrition and Health Habits Evaluation. Also, Dr. Marshall authored a bestselling book called "Fit for Life".

Up to these days, Dr. Marshall continues to find solutions to various health concerns through his continuous researching. Still And, he Actively Participates with the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists and American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Also, he is constantly conducting health and nutrition seminars all over America.

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What Is the Paleo Diet All About?

So just what is the Paleo Diet and what exactly is it all about?

Thanks to the obscene levels of obesity and rife levels of heart disease and diabetes, there has never been a greater focus on overall society to become fit, slimmer and more healthy. Dieting and nutritional lifestyle choices have become endless and it would be fair to say that dieting in one way or another is now a way of life for the majority of people. And there are so, so many diets and programs available to us these days. They cover every topic known to man on the right foods to eat and avoid and in what combination but really, upon searching deeper, we will find that the answers we seek go back to our caveman ancestors.

With this endless choice and all the varying options and rules involved in each particular diet, it pays to really understand what each diet entails before you choose one and get started. It must be right for you and give you everything you need or are looking for without causing any additional problems or side effects.

Upon investigation you will see that many popular diets restrict carbohydrates or focus on fruit and vegetables. Other diets focus on only eating a certain food group or even raw foods only. Several also restrict or discourage large amounts of protein and meats. The Paleo Diet is quite unique however because the whole idea comes from simulating the natural aspects of the type of diet enjoyed by the very first humans – the caveman! What Is The Paleo Diet?

What is the Paleo Diet and where does it come from?

Known commonly as The Stone Age, Paleo comes from the Paleolithic period of history and the Paleo diet eating plan is often known as the "Hunter Gatherer Diet." It takes its name from the fact that all the food contained in this diet were either able to be hunted or gathered. Meats and Seafood come under the hunted category meanwhile nuts, vegetables and fruits for example are categorized under gathered.

Basically, this diet stems from the fact that early humans who had no access to or knowledge of animal husbandry and agriculture, had a diet that you either hunted or gathered for yourself. The Paleo Diet applies this slant and line of thinking to modern-day foods reducing and eliminating processed and man-made foods. This does not mean you are expected to hunt and gather for yourself! Just only that the nutrition choices we make are as natural and unaltered as possible.

The base foundation of the Paleo eating plan is that humans are genetically suited to eat the foods that our ancestors consumed. Therefore, before the introduction of agriculture, nutrition and food was so much different than that of today so in short, the Paleo diet imitates the foods that every single human on earth consumed and had available at that particular time.

Not only is the Paleo eating plan full of quality, natural, high nutritional value foods such as fruits and vegetables along with seafood and lean meats but it is perhaps known better for the foods, drinks and ingredients that are not consumed by those on the Paleo Diet. As the agriculture revolution provided us with foods our early ancestors never had such as dairy products, salt, sugar and even grains, they are not allowed to be consumed. Not only do some of these ingredients and food stuffs cause digestive problems but these products have been shown through endless research that they can lead to an increase in weight and a higher chance of developing health problems such as diabetes.

Because of its high protein content the Paleo nutritional lifestyle has a large and steadily growing athlete following. Thanks to the basic foods in the Paleo diet such as chicken, fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables it is an athlete's dream providing energy, muscle development and fiber along with the reduction of all weight gaining and physique robbing junk food and unhelpful ingredients.

Most vegetables are great for the Paleo lifestyle however root vegetables will give you the biggest bang for your buck health wise. One of the most basic reasons why the Paleo diet lifestyle is healthy for you is simply because you practically reduce all additives and artificial preservatives, many of which have been proven to be harmful to your health.

So that's the basic premise which hopefully answers your question, What is the Paleo diet eating plan all about yet you may still be questioning why you would make the significant switch to the Paleo Diet.

There are many health benefits associated with this diet and not the least of them is potential relief for allergy sufferers thanks to the fact that the Paleo is naturally allergen free. Two of the biggest causes of common allergies, gluten and casein, are commonly found in manufactured foods. Because the overwhelming majority of foods available on the Paleo diet do not contain either gluten or casein, allergy sufferers can rejoice!

But do not forget about the weight loss potential for those on the Paleo. Apart from the protein aspect which is great for weight loss alone, the Paleo diet is naturally low in carbohydrates and has a low caloric count. It is also naturally high in fiber which is a crucial factor when it comes to over eating and weight loss. The low carbohydrates combined with the high amounts of natural fiber while on this diet ensures that the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and other weight related illnesses and ailments is decreased.

Last but not least, this diet has none of the other big risks when it comes to heart disease and cancer like additives, sugar, salt, saturated fats and of course the big one getting a heap of exposure in recent years, hydrogenated oils or trans fats as they are commonly known.

At first glance, the Paleo Diet lifestyle can seem like a hard choice to make with limited food options however if you look closer and explore a little deeper, those fears will be addressed and upon making some small worthy sacrifices you will be bettering your chance of actually living a healthier and happier, disease free life! And just remember that as close as you can get to this lifestyle choice, the benefits will start to appear.

Like as in exercise, 5 sit-ups is better than zero and going for a 20 minute walk is better than sitting on the couch! Same thing goes for the Paleo! Although following the diet 100% is ideal, your body will still start to thank you for every single step you take in living the ideals of the Paleo Diet!

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How to Care for Your Kitten – A Short Guide

While caring for kittens is not that difficult, they do have special needs.

What to Feed a Kitten

When they are about 4 weeks old, kittens begin to eat solid food though their mother continues to nurse them. Ready-to-eat cat foods in the grocery are often well-balanced, which is beneficial for your kitten. They are available in different brands and most manufacturers produce specific cat food. These come in packets, cans and rolls, among others. Buying premium or popular brands, though not really necessary, can assure you of complete nutrition for your cat. When choosing cat food, make sure that the label contains words like "total nutrition for kittens / cats".

The diet of your kitten should be supplemented with fresh meat like chopped chicken or fish. Keep in mind, though, that fresh meat on its own does not give your kitten the complete nutrition it requires.

It is best to feed your kitten with a wide range of foods and change these from time to time. Kittens can get fed up and lose interest in eating when given the same food everyday. This also prevents them from becoming picky.

Kittens can start to eat dry cat food when they are very young and this is somewhat enjoyable for most of them. There are supermarket brands as well as those that are only offered at the vet or pet food shop.


Kittens should always have access to fresh, clean water. Avoid giving water in plastic bowls since they easily tip over. Instead, use something heavier – like pottery, china or a porcelain dish.

Milk for Kittens

It is not advisable to feed cats / kittens with cow's milk since most kittens have lactose intolerance and this can lead to an upset stomach or diarrhea. You can give them milk from the supermarket, which is specially made for cats and kittens. When you are house training your kitten, you certainly would not want it to have diarrhea.

How to Feed a Young Kitten

Just like babies, young kittens need to be fed several times daily. Those that are below 6 weeks old should still stay with their mother.

As a rule, kittens from 6 to 12 weeks old require at least 4 meals a day. Since their tummies are still small, they can not eat too much at a single time. By the time they reach 12 weeks, they can eat 3 meals daily, and once they are 6 months old, they can eat twice a day.

Certainly, how often a kitten should be fed depends on several factors, one of which is the daily routine of its owner. An owner who works will not have the time to feed the kitten as regularly as one who stays home most of the time. He / she will not likely leave kitty food outside for different reasons, like for example, the weather.

In places where the climate is warm or hot, it is not advisable to leave cat food outdoors the whole day since it will get spoiled and draw flies. At certain areas, ants can also pose as a problem. In addition, there may be other pets that may eat the food intended for the kitten.

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Diet for Weak or Poor Eyesight – Foods That Improve Vision

Now-a-days, weak eyesight is a common problem among kids and youngsters. Weak eyesight is usually the result of nutritional deficiencies. This problem of weak eyesight must be considered seriously otherwise it may result into blindness. Some other factors are also responsible for weak eyesight like wrong reading habits and also genetic factors. It also plays an important role in the weakening of eyesight.

Especially for children, balance and regular diet is very necessary at their early age to prevent the problem of any sort of eye weakness. The main causes for weak eyesight in the individuals are due to deficiency of vitamin A.

The main cause is vitamin A, and some other factors are given below –

1. Wrong eating habits.
2. Genetic factors can cause this problem.
3. Watching TV for long hours and also working on computers.
4. Intake of alcohol in excess may create this problem along with other problems.
5. Reading in excess dim or excess light.
6. Some digestive problems.

Some of the important symptoms

1. Sensation of burning followed by watering of the eyes.
2. Persistent common cold.
3. Regular or occasional headache during studies.
4. Long and short sightedness can be the important symptoms.
5. Haziness in vision.
6. Unable to see the objects from a normal distance.

The problem of weak eyesight can be controlled by improving diet. It must be followed strictly.

1. For better eye sight, drink the juice of lettuce or you can use lettuce leaves in your salads.

2. You must take small amounts of peanuts or raisins in your daily diet. It will improve your weak eyesight.

3. Increase the intake of foods rich in Vitamin C like oranges, gooseberry, lemon, tomatoes and guava. Take these foods regularly. These foods will prevent the formation of cataracts and also prevent other eye disorder in old age.

4. Some herbs like oregano, parsley and turmeric are very effective and beneficial for good sight.

5. Eyesight can be improved by sulfur rich foods like onion, capers, garlic and shallots.

6. For improving the eyesight oily fish are very beneficial as oily fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. You also try to include tuna, mackerel, sardines and salmon in your regular diet.

7. You must take food enriched in Vitamin A regularly. Food enriched in vitamin A consists of colored foods like papaya, banana, carrots, sprouts, mangoes, pumpkins, broccoli, spinach etc. Some other food products like fish, liver, yolk, dairy products are also very effective in improving your eyesight.

8. You can take herbal food supplements like I-Lite capsules which are specially designed to improve eyesight and vision clarity.

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Date – A Wonder Fruit of Arabia

Dates are the fruits of the date palm tree which is a food of high nutritional value. They are used abundantly in the month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The sweetness of the date takes the edge off hunger and this is another reason why fasts are opened with dates. This prevents a person from overeating after he has opened his fast.

Dates contain calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, volatile oils, Vitamin-B6, folic acid, Potassium, Iron and Magnesium, proteins, sugars, vitamins and are rich in natural fibers which contribute to a healthy body and mind.

Dates provides natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose which is ready for immediate absorption and, is infinitely far superior to cane-sugar.

Eating dates has great benefits which can be illustrated as follows:

Prevents Cancer: Dates are very nutritious and contain natural fibres. Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer. In general Bedouin Arabs, who eat them on a regular basis, show an extremely low incidence rate of cancer.

Weak heart: Dates are an excellent remedy for weak heart. Dates soaked overnight should be taken twice a week which strengthens the heart.
Bedouin Arabs who regularly consume dates have shown an extremely low rate of heart disease.

Treatment for Obesity: The wide variety of nutritious elements in dates makes it hunger-resistive! So treatment by eating few dates when feeling hungry helps reduce hunger and be filled. These dates will provide the body with the necessary sugar and stimulate the intestine which reduce hunger greatly, and eventually, reduce food consumption.

Eases child-birth: Eating dates eases the pain of childbirth. Scientifically they are known to contain hormones which strengthen the uterus, help produce milk for nursing mothers and also prevent blood loss after childbirth. (The ripe fruit contains a substance that urges uterine spasms and increases contractions especially in the time of delivery. This substance resembles 'oxytocin' that is secreted by pituitary gland, which encourages contractions of the uterus. Dates contain some stimulants which strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. This helps the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery and reduces post-natal bleeding).

Ideal for breast-feeding mothers: Dieticians consider dates the best food for breast-feeding mothers. This is because dates contain elements that assist in alleviating depression and enrich the breast milk with the nutrients needed to make the child healthy and resistant to disease.

Bones: Calcium is important for strong bones so this is an additional benefit that dates provide. As dates are rich in calcium, they contribute to healthy bones. For this reason it is recommended that children and older adults, especially women, eat plenty of dates to strengthen their bones.

Modern science has also proved the effectiveness of dates, in preventing diseases of the respiratory system.

Intestinal Disturbances: Eating dates in the morning on an empty stomach kills intestinal worms and other parasites, for dates have an antidotal potency which restrains their growth. According to Metchnikoff, a great Russian scientist, liberal use of dates keeps in check the growth of pathological organisms and helps to establish a colony of friendly bacteria in the intestines.

Improves Eye sight: Dates are also important in maintaining good vision and are effective in guarding against night-blindness.

Cures constipation: Dates are also highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels. They should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect.

Remedy for Sexual Debility: Date syrup can be used as a treatment for weak heart. It can also be use for the treatment of sexual weakness. When it's mixed with milk and honey, dates can be used as a tonic for the treatment of sexual disturbances for both sexes. And such syrup strengthens the body and raises its energy levels. The elderly would benefit from this syrup too. It improves their stamina and purges their bodies from the toxins that have accumulated in their cells along the years.

Remedy for Liver and Inflammations: Dates remedy Lever and purge it from toxins, Breaking the fast with dates, is one of the most magnificent of natural remedies for the maintenance and purging the Lever from accumulated toxins. And also drinking dates juice could be used in the treatment of sore throat, various types of fever, rhinorrhia and common cold.

Remedy for Intoxication: Dates are an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. In such a case, drinking water in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked will bring quick relief

Children's Disease: Dates tied to a wrist of the baby and allowed to be sucked during teething period hardens the gums and also prevents other complaints like restlessness and diarrhea.

In short sentence, one date satisfies the minimum requirements of a balanced and healthy diet – so cultivating a healthy habit of eating dates miraculously preserves our health and attains longevity.

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How To Lose 10KG In 1 Month – Diet And Exercises

Here's how to lose 10kg in 1 month with diet and exercises. Warning: This does not involve any diet pills, jogging, or any other stupid things like that. You'll get a secret diet and 2 "next generation" exercises that'll suck pounds off your belly, thighs, hips, and butt.

How to Lose 10kg Diet

1. Eat eggs … as many as you want, as often as you want. Filling and packs a lot of protein. Minimum of 4 eggs a day.

2. Eat black beans … high in protein and fiber, 25 grams of each in 1 can. And they're cheap. Eat 1 can a day. Do it however you want, just make sure 1 can disappears by the end of the day.

3. Eat apples, as many as you want, as often as you want. Apples are high in water content and each one has 5 grams of fiber. A perfect snack. Minimum of 3 apples a day.

4. The rest of the diet is up to you. As long as you follow those 3 rules above, I'm not too worried about the bad things you do. Now, this is not a "free pass" to screw up and eat really bad, but you do not have to be totally strict with yourself.

How to Lose 10kg Exercises

1. Spinning

No, not spinning on a stationary bike, spinning around in a circle like you did as a kid. Just spin around clockwise, with your arms out like airplane wings. Spin anywhere from 5-20 times to get slightly dizzy. It's not beneficial to get totally dizzy.

Once you get that number of spins, do multiple sets of spins with that number throughout the day.

This works for weight loss because spinning teaches the Endocrine System to be more balanced with it's hormones and hormonal releases. Since you most likely have unbalanced hormones, the spins help to unlock your ability to lose weight fast because of the balanced hormones.

There's more to it than that, but because of limited space, I can not give you all the details. But you can get all the details on spinning by clicking the link below to get my free 19 page report.

2. Hindu Squats

Hindu squats cause a massive oxygen deficit within your body. This works great for fat loss because it makes your body pillage your body fat for the instant source of energy that it needs. What you do is squat up and down as fast as possible, without weights. Touch your finger tips to the ground with each repetition.

This is the best way on how to lose 10kg in a month with diet and exercises.

Your goal is to do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes.

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