Archive | March, 2018

How Much Protein Do I Really Need?

If you’re not exercising regularly, the answer to how much protein you need is pretty simple: Government recommended levels are more than adequate – around 0.3-0.4 grams per pound of bodyweight. However, if you’re lifting weights, running, cycling (or taking part in any kind of physical activity, for that matter) you should probably up your intake a little.

While exercising, you put more stress on the body. When you train, you damage muscle cells. Protein synthesis is the process whereby biological cells create new proteins which help repair and rebuild the tissue. Higher levels of protein help with this process as well as contributing to improved brain function and insulin response.

When endurance training, you should up your intake to around 0.45-0.65 grams per pound of body weight – depending on level of activity. If powerlifting, or looking to bulk up, this increases further to around 0.75-1 gram per pound. There are rarer situations where it is necessary to increase intake further. For example, if you are training 5 times per week, you are in a caloric deficit, you are already very lean, and you are looking to build or preserve muscle you should consume more than 1 gram per pound. Even so, the upper limit should be 1.4 grams per pound of body weight.

Complete Proteins

When planning your diet, it is important to take account of whether the protein is complete or not. Bread, for instance, contains protein but lacks certain amino acids. This means that it is “incomplete”. However, by combining bread with other foods (such as beans, which contain the missing amino acids), you can form a complete protein. A complete protein is one which contains all nine essential amino acids.

When it comes to forming complete proteins, it can be hard work trying to find foods which complement each other. For this reason, there is a great site which allows you to examine the protein profile on thousands of foods. When viewing an item, there is even an option to view foods with complementary amino acids profiles.

Calculating Daily Requirements

If you are unsure about how much protein you need while exercising and/or dieting, there are a few online calculators which can help you find the answer. This is probably one of the better protein calculators as it takes account of a wide range of criteria while including references to the research used to build it.

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Recipe To The Success of A Breakthrough Fitness App

Undeniably, mobile healthcare and fitness apps development soared in the recent years, making huge scopes for people to embark into a healthy living. When the real fitness boom in the apps industry exploded in 2014, sports and healthcare apps became the new trend. Mobile app development market saw an unexpected expansion from apps of gaming, social, photo editing to apps catering sportsmen’s spirit and avid runners. With the advent of such apps, people are wearing smart devices, synced to apps on their mobiles to monitor caloric intakes, exercises, fat burns, pulse rate and other critical metrics. While fitness is a never-ending and pretty hot topic now at every open discussion, let’s find out the crucial facets to remember while planning out the development of a perfect fitness app.

Consider the type of app

Fitness apps are of varied types and come with different features like activity tracking, health signs assessment and workout tips. While some are like a personal coach to users, some are like dieticians guiding them a daily food regime. Thus, you need to decide which type of app you are going to offer and what functions you want to integrate into your app for that.

Allow intensive personalisation

Irrespective of the type, a personal account is certainly a must-have in a fitness app to offer end-to-end personalisation of the activities. Users can create own accounts and put in their all personal health criteria to get the fitness recommendations/support from the app that best suits their criteria. Further, a personal account will allow users to switch to different devices for separate activities without losing any data as both Android and Apple’s ecosystem now consolidate all data from various activity trackers and fitness apps in mobiles.

Alerts through push notifications

This is one of most crucial aspect for consideration in any fitness app as in-app push notifications will always alert the users about necessary workouts and diet plans. This will no doubt keep them motivated. Further, enabling push notification pop-ups from time to time are must-have for users because they can set them according to their workout schedules and personal fitness goals. Thus, notifications will keep them reminding about the activities, needed for fulfilling their pending targets.

Integrate options for socialisation

Fitness apps’ makers need to consider socialisation aspect too to allow users to connect with other like-minded and health-conscious freaks. This is necessary as users can share their personal fitness accomplishments which will eventually make them happy.

Provide tips for health planning

Lastly, make sure that your app will help users to plan appropriately a healthy lifestyle and a diet regimen. Aimed at helping users to achieve their personal goals, apps must contribute towards their healthy living by providing vital tips on diet, exercising, the process of gaining/losing weight, on maintaining stable heart rate, sugar levels and so forth. To cut it short, apps that allow creating personal profiles to users as per their physical attributes, should also be capable of planning and providing solutions to any health situations.

To put in a nutshell, creating a fitness app is not as easy as a pie and needs lots of considerations that will make it a perfect one for guiding people on healthy living. While it is no doubt a challenging task for owners and developers, these core attributes are compelling requirements for a fitness app to let it bloom in a short span of time.

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Tips For Preparing For the APFT

What to Eat and Avoid

1. Stay Hydrated

The most difficult part of preparing for a PT test is the most intuitive. Staying properly hydrated seems like so simple of a task that it is often overlooked. There is much more to staying hydrated than drinking water. The first suggestion is not to drink too much water. Drinking large amounts of water in a short period of time will flush the body of necessary electrolytes. Once the electrolytes have been flushed out, there is nothing in your body to keep you hydrated. Salts help retain the water. This is not to say that you should be taking in a ton of salt either. Too much salt will have the opposite effect. Eat something with some salt while you drink your water. I recommend a banana for every three glasses you drink. If you’re going to drink Gatorade the night before a PT test, do so in moderation. Large amounts of sugar and salts will do nothing but dehydrate you. Gatorade should only be drunk after a workout to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. If you really want the best possible drink for hydrating, go out and buy Pedialyte. I know it’s for kids and not as sweet as Gatorade, but it is designed to hydrate in a hurry. It is costly, but one large bottle will do the trick.

2. Do not “Carbo-load”

There is a common misconception that eating a large amount of carbs the night before a workout will give you more energy the next day. This couldn’t be further from the truth. When your body breaks down large amounts of carbs, it will process them into stored energy or fat. This process actually uses a great deal of energy also. Increased energy will come from meals eaten within two to five hours depending on what you eat. Carbs are broken down faster than other forms of food. If eaten about 4 hours before working out, they can be very helpful. Unfortunately, PT tests are scheduled at 6 a.m. Getting up at 1:30 to eat just isn’t a good solution. Sleep is much more important than a small boost in energy. The other issue with eating a lot of one particular is that your body cannot process all of it. This causes more waste to be generated. I let you guess how a large amount of waste would affect you on the day of a PT test. Since you aren’t going to get up at one and you shouldn’t carbo-load, what should you do? Eat a moderate balanced meal with protein, vegetables, and some carbohydrates.

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Isolateral Exercise – What is it and Why is it Beneficial? The Answer is Here!

Isolateral exercise is a technique that is used in strength and fitness training to work one particular side of the body at a time rather than trying to train both sides at once. For instance, if you are used to doing traditional push-ups then a more isolateral based movement would be to execute a one-arm push-up. This a great way to maximize the strength on that one side of the body.

So why do people do isolateral-based movements? Well to start, when considering developing a highly effective strength and conditioning program one must include isolateral based movements in their program to optimally develop symmetry and equal total-body strength. There are basically 2 benefits to executing this type of movement. The first is that you allow the working side of the body to lift the weight or resistance on its own without any assistance or compensation from the other side. This allows for a greater increase in strength independently on each side of the body.

The second benefit includes a transfer of strength, or cross transfer, from the working side of the body over to the side that isn’t executing the lift at that particular time. This is why it is still beneficial to train the body, if possible, even during an injury. Your body can still benefit from exercise even if you aren’t training a particular body-part. An example here would be that if a person broke their right arm and that arm is in a sling, then it can’t perform any tasks. However, the left arm can. Doing something as common as arm curls with the left arm can cross transfer strength over to the injured right arm.

So now you know what isolateral exercise is and how it works. You are beginning to learn the secrets of strength and exercise!

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Deadlift Routine: The Cornerstone of Strength

Exercising with the deadlift is when you get serious about your physique. It’s the original full-body exercise and very few other exercises bring emotions out quite like the deadlift. They can allow you to enjoy that amazing feeling of raw power when you move that really big weight off the ground. They can make you sick to the stomach just at the mere thought of actually doing them.

Nevertheless, the deadlift can produce incredible results, which is why it should be one of the staples of almost everyone’s weight training program. You’ll still get some people telling you it’s too dangerous, or that the deadlift will have the effect of turning women into men. Never mind that though!

Improving With the Deadlift

This exercise is one of the very few that can improve strength, overall power, explosiveness, as well as speed in almost any athlete, whether you are a weekender, or seeking to gain a healthier lifestyle, or if you’re a pro. It develops strength in those areas that are tied to athletic performance – the core, the legs, and the back. No matter what you want to improve on, the deadlift can provide support to that growth.

Keep in mind though that although it may appear simple, it’s not. It’s not merely about bending over and picking a heavy object off the ground. An object that is sitting plainly on the ground will have no motion. And Newton’s First Law of Motion is that an object will remain at rest until an outer force causes it to move – also termed as inertia. During a deadlift, this is what must be overcome.

Which Deadlift is The Right One?

Two basic forms exist – sumo and conventional. Both focus on the same muscle groups but both are somewhat variable in nature. The sumo deadlift takes a wider stance, and thus more of the load will be on the legs and hips. The conventional deadlift on the other hand focuses more on the posterior chain muscles and the back.

You may be familiar with the Romanian deadlift? Well, the way most people perform this lift means that it’s technically not a deadlift because between repetitions, the weight does not actually touch the ground. It helps to develop similar muscles to the deadlift, but that’s about all.

So which one is best for you? What it comes down to is body characteristics. What feels more comfortable for you is probably the right lift for you.

Rule of thumb – long arms and short torso tend to mean that the conventional deadlift is the better option. Shorter arms and lengthier torso – the sumo will generally be the better fit, because the distance the bar must travel from the ground is shorter.

And it’s for these reasons that women often prefer the sumo deadlift over the conventional format, regardless of the macho name for it. Further, the sumo is regularly better for anyone who suffers from problems with mobility, which in turn can mean it’s difficult to get the right form for the conventional lift.

On the other hand, there’s a view taken that the conventional format is the “more pure” of the two, but the truth is that neither one nor the other is necessarily safer or better. Both actually offer similar benefits, and you’ll see many lifters who alternate back and forth between the two.

Before You Try

You should be aware that the deadlift is not something that is merely tossed in towards the conclusion of a workout. The best results will be achieved if it is treated as the centerpiece. In order to get the best results, either complete it at the very beginning or near the beginning of your workout program.

It’s the same for complex and compound movements such as bench, pull-ups, and squat. The most benefit is to be had when the muscles are not yet tired, and so they should be performed prior to auxiliary exercises.

Also keep in mind that, when planning your workout, the deadlift is more about strength than anything else. So even if you are not intent on entering a powerlifting competition, no matter the style, deadlifts are not supposed to be high-repetition, which requires a lot of endurance.

Your progress will be slow if you try to hit 20 reps. Fatigue and muscular failure take hold pretty fast when performing the deadlift, thereby the potential for injury rises because form has taken a nose dive.

Keep the load heavy and the amount of reps low. This depends on your own training cycle, but rep count should be between one and six, and the weight should remain at 85 to 95 percent of your 1RM. If that confuses you, then choose a weight that feels heavy to you, but allows you to complete your sets while still retaining good form.

Starting off a bit lighter than you can handle is fine. Get the form nailed first and foremost, and don’t focus on going too heavy early on. This is worth planning for and working up to because the overall results will be worth that little bit of extra effort.

Footwear – What’s Best When Performing the Deadlift?

To perform a deadlift, you begin by pushing your feet against the floor, and thereby generating power through the legs and into the remainder of the body. It’s imperative to wear non-slip shoes, and ideally, those shoes will have a solid base and supportive sides.

What is not recommended is to wear overly cushioned shoes like the ones that have air-filled soles and are more appropriate for long distance running. These shoes do not offer enough support to the foot in order to deal with the levels of stress we are describing here.

And this is particularly true with the sumo deadlift. The conventional deadlift allows the force to be generated upon the feet to be relatively straight downwards. However, with the sumo lift, the force on the feet travels in a more outward motion – from both the sides of the feet as well as forward from the toes. You don’t want your shoes blowing their sides or any slippage occurring during a deadweight lift!

Hand Grip to Perform the Deadlift

Whichever style you wish to use, the grips are the same. Find which one allows you more control of the weight – the lift that you feel most comfortable with.

What’s the most popular grip? The “mixed” or “alternating” grip are the most popular. One of your palms faces forwards, the other backwards. It’s up to your own preference which hand faces which way, while many people alternate this in order to avoid any potential for uneven development in the upper body.

One advantage of this particular grip is that in comparison to an overhand grip, there’s not as much grip strength required, which means that there’s less of a chance that the bar will twist or slip from your grasp.

Nevertheless, the overhand grip is also popular, where both hands face backwards. Here, grip strength is developed more as is upper-body strength. You may lack the ability to pull as heavy a weight with the overhand grip, but a good policy is to work both grips in rotation.

The third grip for the deadlift is called the hook grip. It’s more difficult to get used to but potentially it’s the strongest of the three grips. This grip is usually applied during the snatch process and it allows for the better control of heavier weights. Both palms should face backwards in an overhand grip, but wrap your thumb around the bar before placing your hand on the bar. Next, wrap your fingers around the bar as well as your thumb. The index finger or index and middle finger will act to hold the bar correctly in place.

Finally, you may be wondering about the use of straps? Well, unless you have some form of medical condition whereby you have difficulty holding onto the bar, straps are best forgotten. A strong grip is a necessity when it comes to lifting weights, and developing it can be extremely helpful, both in and out of the gym. If you can’t hold onto a weight, it’s best you don’t even try.

The Stance

So, let’s say that it’s now time to head on to the gym and find your deadlift bar. And you are now wondering which one? Don’t opt for the short, weight-specific dumbbells. Instead, use a standard Olympic barbell. If you decide to use a trap bar, well, that’s an article all to itself, really.

If you are using a commercial gym opt for the Olympic bar and a power cage with a wood and rubber platform at the front. And that’s another benefit to performing the deadlift – there’s rarely a queue for this apparatus.

For the conventional lift, ideally your feet should be between shoulder and hip width apart, toes pointed a little outwards. Squat down and hold the bar using one of the grips we’ve mentioned. Hands need to be a little wider apart than shoulder-width. Arms outside the legs and the elbows need to be extended.

On the other hand, for a sumo lift, the feet need to be positioned more specifically to the body than in the conventional style.

The distance the bar has to travel will be reduced if the feet are wider, and the body is closer to the ground. Plus, it’s easier to keep the knees from being knocked by the upward-traveling bar, and the bar will be closer to the center of gravity. Don’t be tempted to go too wide though because then you lose the mechanical advantage of the correct lower body positioning, and thereby the level of force which is generated from the hips is reduced. In turn, this means that the smaller muscles (which are also weaker) of the lower back and inner leg are exerted. Not what we would want!

Everyone is different however, so you need to find the best positioning for you in order to achieve the greatest results.

If you’ve never snatched before, focus on these directions for hand positioning:

Take a measurement (roughly) from the outside of your shoulder to the first knuckle of your closed fist on the opposing arm. Your arm should be pointing straight out from your body, and to the side. This should provide for the measurement between the index fingers once they are positioned correctly on the bar.

Then find the same position using an Olympic bar, and keep it in memory. It should be somewhere around the second ring of knurling, fairly near to the collars on the bar. Next, position your feet right beneath these places on the bar. Toes should be pointing a little outward, and in line with the knees. With arms leading directly down from your shoulders, reach for the bar.

From This Point Forth

It’s wise to come up with a mental checklist in order to work the way through the pull. The main focus should be on the actual movement, but at the same time, the amount of mental processing should be at a minimum. In order to remember these points, do what suits you best. The checklist applies to both sumo and conventional deadlifts.

First, the Set-up

Keep the shins close to the bar – right up against it.

Squeeze the shoulder blades – pull shoulder blades and lats together, down and back.

Chin down but head up – where the head goes, the body should follow suit. Keeping the chin down and the head up will stop the head from drifting forwards or hyper-extending, which in turn allows the back to round.

Fix your vision – find a spot in front of you and focus on that. This helps to keep the head up and in a fixed position.

Keep the chest up – helps to get the bar on the move and creates a strong upper body.

Hips back and keep the back tight to ensure that there is no possibility of rounding.

Breathe deeply – fill the belly with air so that the back is supported.

Triceps tensed – this helps to avoid the biceps pulling the bar up. You certainly do not want your biceps to be converting the deadlift for you.

The Pull

Hips below the shoulders – we don’t want an RDL to occur whereby the hips rise before the shoulders, which increases the chance of injury.

Use the legs to push – drive with the feet and the huge power of the legs.

Use the back to pull – the second part of the movement is to use the large back muscles to pull.

The bar should be kept close to the body – no drifting. If you keep the bar close to the body as possible, you are maintaining a healthy center of mass, which then means less chance of injury, and less workload to be endured.

To finish the pull, squeeze the glutes – to help complete the pull, squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement. This then prevents the hyper-extension of the spine, which is a common error, and that can easily lead to a bad injury.

The trickiest part of the lift is now over, once the lockout is achieved. All there is to do now is to get the weight back on the ground, and there’s obviously a little more to that than simply dropping the bar. Nevertheless, it’s far easier to lower the bar than it is to raise it, but because of that, some lifters take the easy way out, which can once again, lead to an injury.

Keep your mind on form at all times. Perfect form is the mainstay of a good, solid lift every time. So in order to achieve the lowering of the weight, simply turn the given method on its’ head and do things in reverse.

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Detox Diets – The 24 Hour Detox Revitalization Diet

Much has been written and said about diets and detox, but here we are going to present a simple 24 detox diet to cleanse your system, make you feel better and revitalise you with energy, its simple and very effective.

This 24 hour detox diet can be used after a period of over-indulgence, or when you awake feeling poorly and will revitalize you quickly.

This detox diet should not to be used everyday.

24 Hour Detox Diet Basics

The basis for this detox diet is 4 glasses of ‘fresh’ pomegranate juice, slow-cooked brown rice, a high-power vegetable salad, and 200 grams of raw almonds.

The combination will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need for your day, clear your body of toxins and oxidants, and give you plenty of energy to face the world. You will also lose a minimum of 600 grams to 1 kilo depending on your height and body weight.

Detoxing to cleanse your body

The pomegranate is a very powerful (the most powerful) anti-oxidant we know of in any food.

It has been shown to reverse and even prevent some cancers and heart disease.

The almonds will supply all the calories, oils, and proteins you need, without feeling hungry.

The salads are for bulk and all the vitamins and minerals that are gained from the eating of salads and vegetables.

The brown rice is also a wonderful antioxidant, and source of many vitamins and minerals that can be readily absorbed by the body.

The rules of this detox diet are simple:

1. No coffee or tea, or any soft drink. The ONLY liquids that are allowed are the 4 glasses of pomegranate juice and much water as you can drink.

2. If you are a smoker, try to stop for the 24 hours, or if you cannot, limit the cigarettes to as few as possible, and try not to inhale, but smoke the cigarette as you would a cigar.

3. Take a hot shower or bath both in the morning and in the evening, scrubbing the skin with a brush, loofa, or special skin cloth that will stimulate good blood circulation. Also going to a sauna is a wonderful idea. Spend as much time there as possible, taking your food with you.

4. Do not cheat; follow the diet plan. Eat ONLY when you are hungry, not by the clock.

5. Exercise by any means (walking may be the best) for at least 45 minutes during the day. This is very important.

Detox diet Morning Meal

One glass of pomegranate juice, with a handful of the raw almonds. Do not overfill your stomach; when you are about 50% satisfied, stop.

Detox diet Mid-morning Snack

One bowl of the brown rice, with some natural soya sauce, and some tofu if you feel you need protein. One glass of water.

Detox diet Lunch

One glass of pomegranate juice and a mixed green salad, as much as you wish. A dressing of virgin olive oil, wine vinegar, and salt may be used.

Detox diet Mid-Day Snack

One glass of pomegranate juice, with a handful of the raw almonds. Do not overfill your stomach; when you are about 50% satisfied, stop.

Detox diet Diner

The last glass of pomegranate juice and a large bowl of brown rice.

No more food should be consumed with this detox diet.

You will have taken over 1200 calories, and a host of wholesome and healthful nutrients with this detox diet if followed exactly.

Moreover, you body will have had 24 hours to rid itself of the toxins absorbed by over-indulgence, or simply daily city life (stress, pollution and processed food products).

During the day When using this detox diet feel fantastic and alert.

We advise to not follow this detox diet more than one day weekly, as it is not effective as a general everyday diet. It is however highly effective as a quick pick me up and cleansing diet.

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Noni Juice and Anti Candida Diet Fruit

Talking about anti candida diet fruits, there must be many pros and contras regarding which fruits are good and which ones are bad. I always thought pineapples were loaded with sugar, but some articles said that it is good. I personally cannot eat pineapple as it causes great indigestion for me, however it is on the list of things you can eat with yeast problems I have just found.

Here is the list: apples avocado peaches pears apricots very beneficial, all berries, cherries currants, kumquats, loquats, nectarines, passion fruit, persimmons, pineapple, pomegranate tamarind. No citrus fruits while fighting yeast except lemon juice over salad in place of vinegar or squeezed in water no sugar.

Some people think that citrus is the best fruit for yeast problems. But that is what I have read in several places. We have to avoid citrus probably because of the acid contents it possesses. I always have bad indigestion from oranges or pineapple, yet I can take the grapefruit seed extract and add lemon juice to my water with no problem.

Stevia is a wonderful sugar replacement if you need the taste of something sweet. The noni juice seems to help with the symptoms. The flavor is tasty enough, as long as you don’t breathe out through your nose. Follow it with a glass of water to help you drink. Make

sure you buy the original noni juice.

Anyway, I have learned that depends on what candida diets you are following, some agree you can eat certain foods and others say you shouldn’t. It’s all based on your individual tolerance. What I learned to do is to eliminate all foods that are controversial for at least a month and then add them back one at a time. You will know immediately if your body shouldn’t have that food by the way you feel (cough, flemmy, gassy, itchy, etc.).

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Isometric Strength Training – Old Strong Men Isometric Secrets Re-Discovered

What did the old strong men know that gave them super human strength?

The simple principle of a 7 second long isometric muscle contraction which stimulate muscle growth, build strength and have enormous health benefits. The father of isometrics “Alexander Zass” comes to mind. He snapped steel chains wrapped around his chest or remember the images of Alexander Zass catching a woman fired from a canon.

Today, isometrics is a scientifically proven method to sculpt your body and skyrocket your strength in just seconds. Sounds to good to be true but it works. How can you with a 7 second exercise accomplish what others can’t accomplish with an hour of daily tedious repetitive work outs in the gym?

Recent studies and studies in the past have shown that not length or duration of an exercise is important to stimulate muscle growth and build strength, but that intensity of an exercise plays a far greater role to stimulate muscle growth and build strength. During an isometric muscle contraction a specific muscle or group of muscles is contracted for 7 seconds with intensity.

This intense contraction causes a complete exhaustion of the muscle fibers. When these muscles are being relaxed, an increased flow of blood delivers an increase of oxygen and nutrition to these muscles. Each exercise is being done once for 7 seconds. A combination of several exercises for as little as 10 minutes a day produce astonishing results in muscle growth and well being. It is hard to believe but it does work.

The beauty of isometrics is, that it is done in a static position, rather than being dynamic through a range of motion. Which means that isometrics can be done anywhere, anytime without any exercise equipment. Many isometric exercises can be done sitting on a chair at a desk. No trip to the gym necessary. No expensive workout machines needed. This makes isometric exercises perfect for people working at a desk or in any restricted area. There are many isometric exercises that can be done sitting at a desk.

Isometric strength training is also very useful for martial artists, wrestlers and boxers who are looking for a superior method to improve their strength, increase mobility and energy level. You may have heard of Paul O’Brien online. Paul has re-discovered isometrics and increased his strength to super human strength which he demonstrates in videos online. Paul can bench-press and lift 400 lbs which is more than twice his body weight!

A wonderful resource on isometrics is Paul O’Brien’s E-book. 7 Seconds to a perfect body.

Isometrics was the secret of the old strongmen like Alexander Zass, Maxick, Mike Marvel and others.

Isometric training is an old method re-discovered.

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Fletcherism – A Weight Loss Method

What is Fletcherism? Will it Help you Lose Weight?

When I was at school – boarding school – we tried all sorts of different ways to eat. Probably because we were hungry and could drag out the eating. One of the games we played was fletcherism. Someone had heard about this way of eating was a really healthy way to eat!

So what exactly is fletcherism? According to Wallace Wattles, who wrote about it about 100 years ago, it “consists in tasting and chewing every mouthful of food until it is reduced to a liquid, so that it gets away from you by involuntary swallowing”. The reason for doing this is to assist in the digestion process. Instead of wolfing down your food you chew it 20 to 30 times or more until it becomes a liquid in your mouth and mixed well with saliva. The process of digestion begins in the mouth, with saliva mixing with and beginning to break down the food before it gets to the stomach.

Using fletcherism as a method by which to eat has two advantages. It helps with digestion but it also helps with weight loss. And why would this be. Well, you are generally only hungry for about 20 minutes, so if you are eating slowly by using the fletcherism method you will not consume as much food in the twenty minutes that you are hungry. A simple healthy way to lose weight. You dont really have to change what you are eating for this method to have an effect as long as you stop eating when the hunger feeling passes and you feel content. Even though you have left some of your meal on your plate, lol!

This method is easier to implement when you eat unrefined food because these foods, naturally,because of the fibre in them, need more chewing. White bread and cakes made from refined flour and sugar sort of slide down without any chewing and you have to force yourself to keep chewing, counting the chews when you eat this sort of food. Yuk! But it can be done!

If you put down your knife and fork between mouthfuls you will find that you slow down your speed of eating. It works similarly to fletcherism as you are forced to eat slower.

Both methods need practice and can be done together. But it takes changing your lifetime habit of the way you eat to a new one. Strangly enough you will find that you are not over eating and leave the table feeling content and not bloated. By aiding your digestive system with saliva it will function better. Not to forget the fact that you may lose some of those extra kilos.

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Foods That Promote Weight Loss – Peanut Butter, Green Tea, Almonds, & Beans

There are certain foods that promote weight loss when eaten. The most important factor in losing weight is your diet, above exercise and above supplements. In this article I will outline healthy foods for weight loss.

The reason these foods work is because your body burn calories digesting foods. Certain foods require more calories to be burnt in order to be digested. These foods are not the whole puzzle. They should be combined in your current diet and or exercise program to get maximum results.

Green Tea: Most people either drink a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. Whichever you’re doing replace it with green tea. There are chemicals in green tea that burn fat. Going into the scope of how and why these chemicals burn fat is beyond this article. On top of fat burning properties it also offers powerful antioxidants and other health benefits.

Peanut Butter: ALL NATURAL peanut butter. We’re not talking Jiffy here. Buy the all natural peanut butter where the oil is on top. A great snack combination is celery and peanut butter. Not only will it help burn fat but the fiber will suppress your appetite.

Almonds: Almonds contain the good fats. Almonds are one of the power foods from the abs diet. It is rich in fatty acids (good thing) and protein. Aim for a handful of almonds per day. I like crunching them up in my oatmeal.

Beans: Beans are rich in fiber and help keep you full. The good bean list is kidney beans, navy beans, white beans and Lima beans. I have found beans to be very helpful in suppressing my appetite.

Make sure you ad these to a diet plan that you will actually stick to. The best diet is one that you can actually stick to long term. If you can’t afford a nutritionist or diet program to perfectly plan out your meal plans then it might come down to a lot of trial and error.

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