Archive | June, 2018

Canned Tomatoes and the Candida Diet

Tomatoes are such a big part of my life and although I would love to always have fresh ripe tomatoes on hand it just does not always work out that way. I do use fresh tomatoes in my cooking but keeping these around and in usable condition is a daily or at least a several times a week task. If I buy too many at one time, surprise, surprise, they go bad. This leaves me frustrated at the fact that I have now wasted money and I still don’t have the tomatoes I need to cook with. That is why having canned tomatoes in the kitchen is a must. However, using canned tomatoes becomes very tricky when you a trying to follow the candida diet. A candida diet is used to treat a condition called candidiasis, an overgrowth of yeast (candida) which can be caused by a variety of external factors. Symptoms of this condition vary widely but are usually characterized by a multitude of seemingly unrelated symptoms. These symptoms can range from something as vague as fatigue to mood disorders.

The problem with canned tomatoes and the Candida Diet is that canned tomatoes contain preservatives that have been found to feed candida and therefore exacerbate candidiasis symptoms. The prohibited ingredients most commonly found in canned tomatoes are citric acid and calcium chloride. Since citric acid is the biggest offender and very widely used and since I have found that very few brands of canned tomatoes contain calcium chloride I will only discuss why citric acid is problematic for candida dieters.

Citric Acid is used to flavor and preserve foods. It exists naturally in citrus fruits, but the type used in commercial food products often causes problems for candida dieters. Most commercially used citric acid is produced by fermentation, a process by which yeast is added to convert a sugar form into an alcohol form. This whole process is contrary to the candida diet as adding yeast, sugar and alcohol are all prohibited. So it is not citric acid itself that is the problematic, but rather the process by which it is created. I have seen canned tomatoes with naturally derived citric acid in their list of ingredients all though it is naturally derived from fruit citrus fruit sources it still undergoes the fermentation process.

So what are we candida dieters to do? Must we live with rotten tomatoes and constant frustration? The answer is no. Fortunately I have found a few brands of canned tomato products that do not contain citric acid, calcium chloride or any other preservative. These brands are okay for the candida diet. I have found most brands of tomato paste to be safe. Pomi brand tomatoes have no preservatives and come in sauce and chopped varieties. Cento makes a variety of tomato products without preservatives. Stop & Shop’s Nature’s Promise line also has some canned tomato products without preservatives. Although I use these brands regularly in my candida diet kitchen I urge you to always read product labels as things can change. I hope that this helps fellow candida dieters who were experiencing the tomato dilemma. For more information on the Candida Diet visit Yeast Free Living.

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Fruit and Vegetable Diet – How I Lost 13 Pounds in 14 Days With a 2 Week Fruit and Vegetable Cleanse

Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanses are really gaining in popularity as a way to accomplish very fast weight loss!

After a particularly stressful winter I had packed on some unwanted unsightly pounds that I wanted gone quick.

Summer was coming and that meant skimpier clothes and shorts and I did not want to be wearing layers of clothes to hide my rolls and bulges if you know what I mean. In addition my normally comfortable clothes had become much less comfortable (read: tight around the middle!).

I had lost weight before and kept it off for years but because of my emotional eating during a long period of stress in my life some weight has slipped back on my body and I was miserable! I knew the usual weight loss tricks and plans and options but I was darn sick of them.

I did not want to see another frozen diet meal from Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers. I knew down deep those frozen concoctions were packed with preservatives and quite often loads of sodium and chemicals.

In addition I had been a vegetarian for many years in my past and my gut was telling me I needed to get away from eating inhumanely treated factory farmed animals that have had a slaughter house experience.

So it seemed like a natural progression for me to take a look at a way of eating I had embraced in the past and see if it would give me the results I was looking for. I wanted to lose weight fast, improve my energy and stamina and improve the look of my skin and my overall health.

I started with a 14 day fruit and vegetable diet cleanse and I was blown away! The pounds came flying off so fast it made my head spin. I was never hungry and I ate lots of delicious healthy foods! You can imagine how excited I was to get on the scale after 14 days and see the huge loss of weight.

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How To Lose 10KG In 1 Month – Diet And Exercises

Here’s how to lose 10kg in 1 month with diet and exercises. Warning: This doesn’t involve any diet pills, jogging, or any other stupid things like that. You’ll get a secret diet and 2 “next generation” exercises that’ll suck pounds off your belly, thighs, hips, and butt.

How to Lose 10kg Diet

1. Eat eggs… as many as you want, as often as you want. Filling and packs a lot of protein. Minimum of 4 eggs a day.

2. Eat black beans… high in protein and fiber, 25 grams of each in 1 can. And they’re cheap. Eat 1 can a day. Do it however you want, just make sure 1 can disappears by the end of the day.

3. Eat apples, as many as you want, as often as you want. Apples are high in water content and each one has 5 grams of fiber. A perfect snack. Minimum of 3 apples a day.

4. The rest of the diet is up to you. As long as you follow those 3 rules above, I’m not too worried about the bad things you do. Now, this isn’t a “free pass” to screw up and eat really bad, but you don’t have to be totally strict with yourself.

How to Lose 10kg Exercises

1. Spinning

No, not spinning on a stationary bike, spinning around in a circle like you did as a kid. Just spin around clockwise, with your arms out like airplane wings. Spin anywhere from 5-20 times to get slightly dizzy. It’s not beneficial to get totally dizzy.

Once you get that number of spins, do multiple sets of spins with that number throughout the day.

This works for weight loss because spinning teaches the Endocrine System to be more balanced with it’s hormones and hormonal releases. Since you most likely have unbalanced hormones, the spins help to unlock your ability to lose weight fast because of the balanced hormones.

There’s more to it than that, but because of limited space, I can’t give you all the details. But you can get all the details on spinning by clicking the link below to get my free 19 page report.

2. Hindu Squats

Hindu squats cause a massive oxygen deficit within your body. This works great for fat loss because it makes your body pillage your body fat for the instant source of energy that it needs. What you do is squat up and down as fast as possible, without weights. Touch your finger tips to the ground with each repetition.

This is the best way on how to lose 10kg in a month with diet and exercises.

Your goal is to do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes.

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Healthy Meat – Which Meats Are The Healthiest?

Man is used to eating meat it has been part of our diets for centuries, however in recent years many nutrionists have warned us about the dangers of meat. This article will separate the hype form the reality of eating meat.

Let’s look at which meat is the best to eat and what meat should be avoided and some of the Conclusions may surprise you!


Per 100g 136 calories 5.1g fat

About half the fat in beef is monounsaturated fat which is similar to the heart healthy fat that you find in olive oil.

Look for organic cuts. The reason for this is these cattle are more likely to have been fed on grass and not grain which makes the fat healthier and will contain more omega 3 which is heart friendly.


Per100g 123 calories 4g fat

Pigs tend to be intensely reared which increases the chance that pork will contain harmful chemicals. It is more important than ever in pork to go organic.


Per 100g 156 calories 8.3g fat

Lab has a reputation as being unhealthy as it is a relatively fatty meat however lamb is one of the least intensely reared animals (the complete opposite to pork) and is relatively healthy and a great treat.


Per 100g 107 calories 3.3g of fat

Packaged ham can contain up to 37% water and have high doses of salt and even flavourings. Ham really is a meat that should only been eaten in moderation because of this.


Per 100g 120 calories 2.4g of fat

Tends to be wild or non intensively farmed it is therefore a very healthy choice for red meat lovers and one of the healthiest of all.

Bacon Per 100g 215 calories 16.5g of fat

Just like ham very high in salt and preservatives that are the subject of cancer scares. Like ham only indulge occasionally.


Per 100g 116 calories 3.2 fat minus skin

Full of iron, zinc and vitamin B12 a great choice, but make sure its organic chickens are one of the most intensely farmed meats and these can be full of things, well you really don’t want to know!


Per 100g 119 calories 1g fat

Is one of the leanest meats and good source of protein. Turkey is Rich in B vitamins and zinc and a great source of tryptophan a brain boosting nutrient. Like chicken a very healthy meat – Go organic.


Per 100g 11.2 fat

A very fatty meat containing a lot of saturated fat, but also contains a lot of health benefits to with big doses of Iron and Zinc and B vitamins.

As you can see there are several excellent healthy meats with turkey being the best all round choice. All of the meats above can be eaten regularly with the exception of bacon and ham and beef is not as bad for as many nutritionists claim 0 In fact its good for you!

Man is a carnivore and many of the problems and health scares to do with meat are created by man, but if you go organic you can enjoy meat anytime and be healthy and happy – Enjoy!

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Alkaline Diet and Cancer – Cancer Cells Cannot Live In An Alkaline Environment

Ever wondered why the heart never gets a cancer. The heart might get affected eventually by cancer of any other part of the body but we never hear of cancer of the heart. This is because the heart never gets cancer. Alkaline diet is perhaps the only permanent way to prevent and rid oneself of cancer.

Let us understand what causes cancer and how an alkaline diet can prevent it. Each cell in our body takes in oxygen, nutrients and glucose while throws out toxins. These cells are protected by the immune system. But as the body gets acidic the immune system gets overpowered by the toxins and the cell looses its capacity to take in oxygen and thus ferments. This cell gets cancer affected and is lost. The next question is can cancer be prevented and cured by consuming a diet with less acid and more alkaline. Cancer cells lie dormant in a ph of 7.4 but as the body gets alkalized higher and the ph level reaches 8.4 these malignant cells die off. So the answer to cancer lies in an extremely alkaline diet. With the right consumption leading to a high alkaline body ph the cancer cells cannot live in that environment and die off.

Cancer cells being anaerobic cannot live in oxygen. They can only thrive in very low oxygen conditions. When the ph of the body is maintained by consuming an alkaline diet the immune system of the body stays strong. This leads to the cells getting enough oxygen and discarding their toxin waste. Cancer will neither thrive nor take birth under such circumstances.

How does an alkaline diet prevent cancer? Such a diet leads to a high alkaline body ph. This high alkaline body ph results in alkaline tissues in the body. Alkaline tissues hold 20 times more oxygen than acidic tissues. Cancer cannot live in an oxygenated atmosphere. If the cells are oxygen rich they will prevent cancer. Therefore while an acidic tissue will be an ideal ground for cancer to develop as well as spread, an alkaline tissue will destroy a cancer cell. Having a lot of green vegetables and fruits along with alkaline water can save you from cancer. To give your body the best alkaline/acidic balance requires one to eat foods that are highly alkalizing while avoiding the acidifying foods.

An alkaline diet is very beneficial in fighting many diseases apart from cancer. Alkaline supplements are good ways to include alkaline food in your diet. Over cooking of vegetables leads to their nutrients being destroyed. Alkaline supplements make sure one gets enough alkalizing foods in a day. Also alkaline water is a good alternative to ordinary water. So if you want your body to be cancer free as well as healthy and energetic adopt an alkaline diet and make it your way of life.

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Carrot Juice and Macular Degeneration

Carrot juice can be used as a nutritional aid for macular degeneration, which is the number one cause of vision loss in the elderly. Freshly juiced from your own juicer, carrot juice is deliciously sweet and provides many valuable nutrients to optimize eye health.

Macula means spot, which in the case of macular degeneration, refers to the spot on the retina. The retina is at risk when there is a lack of antioxidants in the diet, causing premature aging and deterioration. Consuming generous amounts of the body’s protective antioxidants, namely vitamins C and E, the carotenes, and small amounts of the mineral, selenium, will help protect your sight. Carrot juice is abundant in these antioxidants.

Fresh carrot juice contains more available antioxidants in the form of alpha and beta-carotene than raw carrots. Carrot juice is more easily digested than having to consume vast quantities of vegetables. Beta-carotene is converted to natural vitamin A in the body, which is a well-known contributor for eye care.

Many of the diseases associated with the aging process appear to be caused by compounds called free radicals. Free radicals are involved in many processes in the body including blood vessel function and fighting infection. If the body is not functioning properly, unchecked free radicals can cause damage. Free radicals can cause damage to the lens of the eye, leading to cataracts and to the macula at the rear of the eye, causing age-related macular degeneration.

An increase in age is of much greater value if there is freedom from pain and disability such as macular degeneration. Aging affects lifestyle and impacts on nutritional needs. Lower energy demands require less food. Seniors therefore need to ensure that foods consumed are nutrient dense to maintain satisfactory nutrient intake.

Those who consume large amounts of fresh vegetables and juices such as carrot have decreased risk of degenerative diseases associated with aging, such as cataract and age-related macular degeneration.

Research is proving that macular degeneration can be very responsive to nutritional supplementation. A large research study from Harvard showed that even supplementing with 6mg of lutein per day could reduce your likelihood of getting macular degeneration by 57%.

Carrot juice from yellow carrots contains xanthophylls and lutein, which help to develop healthy eyes and assist in the fight against macular degeneration. Red carrots contain lycopene, which is associated with the reduced risk of macular degeneration.

Implementing changes to diet and lifestyle will be a major benefit to optic health and extending a healthy quality of life. Introducing antioxidant rich foods into the diet, such as carrot juice can go along way to reducing the risk of macular degeneration.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Diet – Lord Byron’s 19th Century Diet Miracle

The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet is a diet, while being called a fad diet, has existed since well into the early part of the 19th century, when Lord Byron popularized the use of the ‘diet miracle’. Even Hippocrates was known to use it as a health tonic, and American soldiers used it to beat indigestion, pneumonia and scurvy.

The concept of the diet is essentially based on the premise of ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’; however, rather than an apple, it is Apple Cider Vinegar, which is also called cider vinegar and acetic acid.

Apple cider vinegar is made from the vinegar that is a byproduct of the fermentation of apple cider. During the process, apple cider is broken down into alcohol and vinegar. The vinegar contains acetic acid, some lactic acid, as well as citric acid.

Apple cider vinegar is light yellow-brown in color and is usually sold without being filtered or pasteurized. Typically, it is sold online or in health food stores. While other types of vinegar are used for cooking, apple cider vinegar is only used for health.

The process of drinking the acid has many claims attached to it, including ways to ward off diabetes and cancer, however much of that has not been proven conclusively, so it is best to learn as much as you can about it before hand. Either way, it can’t hurt to have something that comes directly from nature, only doing you good.

We are talking about something here that has shown itself to be popular for thousands of years, from Hippocrates to Lord Byron, and even to the 1970s when it proved to be popular again thanks to many books that suggested it can be way to lose weight when it is used with kelp, vitamin B6 and lecithin.

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What is the Difference Between Medifast Bars and Atkins Bars?

People often send me emails asking me to compare Atkins and Medifast protein bars. Folks sometimes ask my opinion as to how both of these bars are different. I’m also often asked which bars are better in terms of taste, nutrition, and effectiveness. I will further discuss these things in the following article.

Some Nutritional Differences Between These Two Bars That Might Affect Effectiveness: To be fair, I’m on Medifast and I need to disclose this upfront. But, I have tried Atkins and have done a lot of research on it also. More than that, I’m going to compare these two bars side by side in order to gauge their perceived effectiveness.

So that I’m trying to compare similar products, I’ll be looking at both diet’s peanut butter chocolate bars. First up, I’m looking at Atkins advantage. This one has a very high 240 calories. A whopping 110 of these calories come from fat. The total fat content in this bar is 12 grams. There are 22 grams of carbohydrates and 15 grams of protein.

When you look at the Medifast bars, some of the big differences become evident. This peanut chocolate bar has only 110 calories (which is less than half of the Atkins bar.) You could eat two of these bars and still consume less calories. This bar only gets 30 of it’s calories from fat. The total fat content of this product is a very low 3 grams. (The Atkins bar has 4 times as much fat.) There are only 12 grams of carbs and 11 grams of protein.

Granted, Atkins does have slightly more protein, but it also has tons more calories, fat, and carbs. In fact, I would be skeptical that a product so high in carbs, calories, and fat would be able to get you into ketosis (or fat burning mode which is the cornerstone of these types of diets.) Simply put, with the Atkins product, you’re likely taking in enough protein, but your calorie and carb ratio is way too high.

To be fair, both of these bars are decent tasting and neither have the weird and chalky texture of some bars. But, taste is only one piece of the puzzle. If you’re going to eat diet food but not lose weight, what’s the point? I actually do believe in the science behind Atkins because Medifast is based on the same idea. The whole point is to get the proper carb to calorie to protein ratio. But only one of the bars accomplish this. Hopefully, this article has made it clear as to which bar this is.

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Polynesian Weight Loss – 12 Diet Secrets to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

1. Boost your weight loss by beginning with a 24 hour water fast. Drink a lot of water.

2. Spark your metabolism by eating small meals structured around lean proteins every 3 hours.

3. Drink plain water with every meal, up to a liter. This alone will boost your weight loss.

4. Increase your fiber by eating lots of vegetables, or take a fiber supplement everyday.

5. Eliminate all junk food, and low nutrient dense foods such as bread, ketchup, diet foods.

6. Taper your calories making first meals the largest, and the last meal the smallest.

7. Taper your carbs. This one is a weight loss fundamental and one of the most powerful tips.

8. Eat your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. Four hours is even better, but harder.

9. Do 30 – 60 minutes of moderate cardio first thing in the morning on a empty stomach.

10. Drink green tea and take a multivitamin every day.

11. Do not eat soy, or soy products.

12. Do not eat dairy products or drink milk.

Polynesian bodies are very sensitive to carbohydrates, and of all the diet and weight loss strategies employed, this is by far the most important. You must manage your carbohydrates carefully if you are ever hoping to achieve weight loss. This means eliminating refined sugars, junk foods, fried foods, processed foods, and especially so called diet foods. They are nothing more than cleverly disguised junk foods that will surreptitiously sabotage your weight loss efforts. Furthermore, of the healthy carbohydrates you eat, you must taper them throughout the day, eating most of your starchy carbs early in the day when your body is more likely to burn them as energy. Towards the end of the day switch your carbs in your meals to slow burning fibrous vegetables, and eliminate the carbs completely from your last meal.

Most Polynesian bodies fall into the endomorph category, with elements of the other two body types, but are primarily endomorphic. As such our bodies often require more cardiovascular training in order to achieve weight loss. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, just a fact. Everybody is different, but if you are prepared to do whatever it takes, then you will succeed. Eat your last meal at least 2 hours before bed. Upon waking drink a cup of green tea, and at least two glasses of plain water. Then perform 30 – 60 minutess of steady moderate cardio depending on the time you have. In this fasted state your body has the correct hormonal environment to mobilize fat and accelerate weight loss by 300% more, than at any other time of the day. This is the best time to burn off that body fat, and the effects of this cardio session will boost your weight loss for several hours following.

Taper your calories to achieve greater weight loss. Polynesian people cannot follow the typical American diet and expect to lose weight. The average working American typically skips breakfast; the cardinal sin of weight loss, works all day without eating a proper meal, only to come home and eat like there’s no tomorrow. Then off to bed to get ready to repeat this atrocity the next day. If you were to flip this plan on it’s head, then you would have a better eating schedule regardless of the quality of that food. It would be much better to have a huge breakfast, go all day long snacking at work, and then to skip dinner. This would be a wonderful plan for weight loss.

Finally, do not be fooled by marketing hype surrounding milk, soy, and soy derivatives. Soy contains estrogen properties that interfere with the bodies natural release of testosterone. It is in 95% of all processed foods in some form or another; check the labels. Who wants more estrogen in the body which promotes fat storage as well as female characteristics. Not only are our children more obese than ever, but young boys are developing feminine shaped bodies including breast tissue. Girls are developing pubescent traits at very young ages. Much of this is due to the increased estrogen introduced into their bodies from processed foods and milk. Yes, milk producing cows have two staples in their diet, corn and soy. The ‘Got Milk’ slogan is a multimillion dollar a year ad campaign. Don’t buy into it. If it is unnatural for us to drink our own mothers milk after the first years of our life, how could it be good to drink the milk from an animal. It will derail your weight loss efforts.

Follow these 12 diet secrets for weight loss and you will see success.

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Free Grants and Loans For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a package of joy for the expecting mother, but concerns over financial matters can be quite perturbing and troublesome. The prenatal and postnatal period can prove to be highly expensive, especially for single or income earning mothers. Expenses like food or baby supplies, medical care, housing, college, nutrition, paying debts and others require financial assistance. The U.S. government thus, provides social programs, loans, grants for expecting mothers through several federal, local and state agencies for the best aid possible during these crucial periods.

Housing Grants

For birthing or expecting mothers and their children, the U.S. government offers housing assistance for an affordable and secured living. Moreover, the government also helps pay off housing debts, overdue mortgage or rents. The Florida Department of Children and Families extend aid to pregnant mothers to pay their due mortgage, to secure funds for rent and afford a living. You may also check the Home Energy Assistance Programs, HUD and site for the multiple grants offered. Moreover, several nonprofit organizations, charities, local and state agencies and women care associations also offer many housing options to choose as per your requirement.

Educational Grants

Several married women, single mothers and pregnant mothers are looking forward to attending college to attain higher degrees for a financially secured living. However, it can be an expensive decision and cost prohibitive for the mothers handling multiple responsibilities. Birthing mothers can now apply for federal student aid affiliated by the U.S. Department of Education under the grant Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The U.S. government has initiated several other grant programs to help them attain their educational qualifications with the financial assistance required to meet the expenses of learning.

· Scholarships For Moms

· Patsy Takemoto Mink Program

· Emerge Scholarship Program

· Academic Competitiveness Grant

· Julianne Malveaux Scholarship

· R.O.S.E. Scholarship

· Pell Grants

· Women’s Independence Scholarship Program

· The Jeannette Rankin Foundation Scholarships

· American Association of University Women

· SWE Scholarship Program

Health, Nutrition and Food Grant

Pregnant mothers often need medical, nutritional and health care for both, the child and herself. The country offers a plethora of federal and state government programs that meet the expenses of the prenatal and postnatal care. The ‘Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant to the States’ provided by the Department of Health and Human Services endows pregnant women with health care benefits. Being an expectant mother you can now look for pregnancy, health, nutrition, insurance and other such programs with ease in your state and avail the benefits. Another important grant – ‘Commodity Supplemental Food Program’ offers food to below or low income pregnant women through the state agencies. Just contact your State Department of Health. Some essential agencies offering health resources are:

· Child Welfare Agency

· Food Stamp Program

· Child Nutrition Programs

· Women Infants and Children Program

· Child Health Insurance Program

· Department of Education

· Food Banks

· Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection programs

· Medicaid

Personal Grants

Pregnancy period can prove to be challenging for mothers with low income or financial crisis. You may require a potential source for grants or loans that will help to meet with the expenses and the extra costs of your personal needs like medical, baby care, health, equipment purchasing, shelter, baby supplies etc.

Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) offered from the Office on Adolescent Health (OAH) provides support for expectant and parenting teens and women. The funds are provided to programs offering support for completion of secondary and higher education, improve planning in pregnancy, impart parenting training and improve health of mothers and babies. Maximum amount of $1,500,000 are provided for such programs.

Pregnant Women Support Act is another such source of funding for agencies which offer programs to educate women, help clinics in procuring ultrasound equipment and also offer alternatives to abortion.

If you are an expecting mother with tight financial condition then look for the multiple grants and loans reserved for you and your baby. Approach your local or state agencies for grants for pregnant women and have an unstressed and happy birthing experience.

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