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Diet For Burning Fat – A Grapefruit a Day Keeps the Fat Away

No doubt, exercise is important when it comes time to shed a few pounds. But if you look at the percentages, the correct diet has much more of an impact on whether you’ll lose the weight and burn a little excess fat. Your diet accounts for 80% of your success. With those kind of numbers being floated around, a diet for burning fat suddenly becomes of critical importance.

When designing your personal diet for burning fat, you might want to take a closer look at grapefruit. For years it was lumped into the category of fad diet, along with the cabbage and salad diets. With that kind of company, the grapefruit has been lost in the shuffle. But recent studies conducted at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center have revealed that the the grapefruit diet actually does work.

Grapefruit will assist in weight lost and fat reduction for several different reasons. For one, it has a positive effect on the blood sugar level. The lower the blood sugar level, the better your chances of losing weight. When choosing from a variety of healthy foods to include into your diet for burning fat, you should look at including carbohydrates that have a low impact on blood sugar. Glycemic load is a method of rating foods on the carb count and how it impacts your blood sugar level. A glycemic load of below ten is very beneficial in fat reduction and weight control. The grapefruit fits in so well because a half of a grapefruit has a glycemic load value of six.

This tart but refreshing fruit also helps in weight reduction due to the fact that it helps fight cravings. Grapefruits are very filling. Also, you’ll see a spike in your energy level that will stay with you much, much longer than the rapid rise but also rapid fall of the burst of energy you get from a cookie or candy bar. This fruit is also very low calorie. You can eat several at a time, if you have the appetite, without worrying about taking in too many calories. They are also very high in fiber and water, another tool to use when trying to drop a few pounds.

Grapefruits also assist in controlling your insulin level, which play a large role in weight reduction, another reason to include this into your personal diet for burning fat. Insulin assist in the metabolism of the fat in your body. As your body breaks down your food and uses it for the different functions of your body, your insulin level plays a major role in that it helps determine whether your body burns up the fat as energy or stores it somewhere on your body, hoping to use it later. But “later” sometimes never happens, and the fat remains stored on your hips or thighs or midsection. If you can prevent your insulin levels from spiking after your latest meal, your body will have a better opportunity to burn the food as energy rather than storing it.

So when you are putting together your plan for a diet for burning fat and weight reduction, include a grapefruit a day. Eat a half in the morning with your breakfast and then the other half midway through the afternoon. Eating that in the afternoon will accomplish two things. It will kill the craving for something you shouldn’t eat and will assist in the controlling the insulin level, once again, preventing your body from storing fat. And if you just can’t stand the taste of grapefruits, just substitute oranges. Although not quite as effective as grapefruits, you will still enjoy many of the same healthy benefits.

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Recipes For a Detox Diet and Your Oxidation Rate

Knowing your oxidation rate is a critical piece of information for your health. Your oxidation rate in simple terms is how fast do you burn food? Some people burn food slowly while others burn food fast. In either case knowing this critical piece of information, has a huge effect on matching you with the correct recipes for detox diet and your health.

A person who burns food fast is called a fast oxidizer and a person who burns food slowly is called a slow oxidizer. A fast oxidizer needs more slow burning food such as a diet with more high quality good fat and oil. The slow burning food is a good match for the fast oxidizer as that person will sustain energy.

In contrast the slow oxidizer can have a diet of more fast burning food such as grain products, but less of the high quality fat and oil. So there is a huge distinction between the two in terms of their metabolic needs.

If your diet is not matching your oxidation rate your not getting the right matching food for the speed at which your body burns food. This matching element for correct diet is one of the main keys to good health.

Now that you know your oxidation rate is critical, how do you find out your oxidization rate?

The key is your hair, although your hair is dead it’s a storage site for all your macro minerals, trace minerals and toxic metals. As the hair grows out these minerals and toxins are deposited in the hair over a 3 to 4 month period. Through a hair mineral test and with the expertise of a laboratory that examines your hair properly, you can determine your oxidation rate. Once this vital piece of information is known, you can pin point your exact diet for you and only you. (See Analytical Research Laboratory)

No more guess work! And for the folks that had the intutition that all foods don’t effect everyone the same, bravo you were right and the two oxidation rates are why. An example would be if you’re a fast oxidizer than lots of grains, and fruits are not a great choice due to grains and fruits burn very quickly and for fast oxidation sustained energy can’t be possible. The fast oxidizer will always be hungry not long after they eat. I know there are those saying that’s me, I get hungry an hour after I eat and the reason is an incorrect diet.

Now in contrast if the fast oxidizer eats slow burning food like eggs, olive oil, butter or some nuts (as an example) than sustained energy will happen and the need to eat will slow down. Slow oxidizers have the reverse effect, they need and can eat faster burning food which will sustain their energy levels.

So to simplify this, there are some people who are like a car speeding along on a highway that burns fuel very fast. (fast oxidizer) And the other is the car that is riding slowly down a side street. (slow oxidizers)

If we take the analogy one step further it’s like a car that needs unleaded gas but your putting in some diesel fuel mixed with some unleaded gas. It’s the wrong fuel! It will work but not at its best and over time repairs will be needed.

Now that the concept of your oxidation and diet has been explained lets talk about detox diet. The buzz word “detox diet” is being thrown out there frequently but unless you know your oxidation rate you may be eating the wrong food or the wrong food a lot of the time. Detox diets must match a person’s oxidation rate.

In this article I present to you a sample meal plan for both slow and fast oxidizers.

Recipes for Detox Diet:

Breakfast for Slow oxidizer:

2 eggs with spinach omelet, in 1 teaspoon of olive oil or butter

1 slice Ezekiel bread plain

1/4 cup of blueberries

Breakfast for Fast oxidizer:

2 eggs with spinach omelet, in 3 tablespoons of olive oil or butter

2 links organic turkey sausage

1 celery stalk with almond butter

In this example the slow oxidizer breakfast has much less fat and oil in their meal and is allowed to have a high quality grain product as well as a small amount of fruit. The slow oxidizer will burn that food slowly and sustain energy through out the morning.

In contrast the fast oxidizer needs more olive oil or butter in there diet and more fat and oil in the almond

butter and turkey sausage. This combination of food will burn slowly for the fast oxidizer and keep that individual with sustained energy through out the morning.

Lunch for the Slow oxidizer:

4 oz Roasted Chicken Breast, very light butter and garlic

1 cup steamed carrots with 1 teaspoon of butter and sea salt

1/2 cup brown rice

Lunch for the Fast oxidizer:

4 oz Roasted chicken thighs, made with modest amount of butter and garlic

1 cup of steamed carrots with 3 tablespoons of butter and sea salt

Pecans 6-8

In this example again you can see that the slow oxidizer has much less fat and oil than the fast oxidizer.

Both have there protein and vegetable. Slow has the grain (brown rice) the fast has more fat and oil.

(dark meat chicken, butter and pecan) THe slow has the chicken breast much less fat.

Dinner for the Slow oxidizer:

4 oz Flounder broiled with garlic and splash of lemon

Swiss chard with cranberries, small amount of olive oil

Sweet potato plain

Dinner for Fast oxidizer:

4 oz Flounder with butter and garlic

Swiss chard with almonds and butter and olive oil

Sweet potato with 3 tablespoons of butter

Again we see that the slow oxidizer can have flounder with lemon and the slow can have the cranberries and plain sweet potato. The fast has the flounder with butter which has more fat and also the fast has more butter on the sweet potato and fat in the almonds.

These recipes are examples of the distinction between the oxidation rates of slow and fast individuals. Without knowing the speed your body burns food all the detox diets in the world will have little or no positive effect and even can be harmful.

For example the popular lemon detox diet is not a good choice for fast oxidizers as their rate of oxidation requires slower burning food. Lemon is a fruit and therefore burns very fast and this kind of detox regimen should be avoided.

Matching your body with the correct detox diet as well as matching your body with the correct supplements and life style modifications are so much more healthy for the long term than fad diets or fad liquid berry drinks. Not only will you detox correctly and safely your correct diet will have excellent effects on weight loss and weight gain. Its very simple, know your oxidation rate!

I would like to quickly mention that as a rule of thumb avoid foods that have had something added or something taken away. The best quality foods are ones that are in a natural state the way your great grandma used to eat them.

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High Protein Diets and the Risk of Dehydration

Dehydration is more than just the feeling of being thirsty, although doctors are quick to remind patients that once they have felt thirst, it is too late- they are already well on the day to dehydration. The actual condition of dehydration is an abnormal loss of body fluids which can be caused by a number of reasons. While low level dehydration can be remedied at home and typically does not cause any long term damage, moderate to severe dehydration can cause an electrolyte imbalance that can lead to a number of other more serious problems including:

– Irregular heart beat

– Shock

– Acidosis (depletion of the body’s alkali reserve which can in turn lead to acidemia)

– Acute uremia (a clinical syndrome related to renal failure)

– Possibility of death especially in infants, the aged and those in poor health.

The average woman loses about three pints of fluid each day in urine, an additional varied amount in the feces, and another two pints from the combination of perspiration and expiration. Additional fluids can be lost each day through increased heat, increased activity and through mild bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. In most cases, these additional losses will cause the body to react by feeling thirsty and having a dry mouth, especially the lips and the tongue. Drinking additional fluids, especially those with electrolytes in them can replace this lost fluid with no physical consequences. However, if the fluid deprivation is serious enough or is prolonged, it will become more serious and medical intervention will quickly become necessary.

A high protein diet, especially when it is being used by an endurance athlete may be problematic for a number of reasons including the increased risk of serious dehydration. A moderately increased protein intake may be beneficial for the athlete in training, however, once it becomes greatly increased, the risk of serious dehydration becomes increased as well. Studies have shown that a possible three out of every four Americans are chronically dehydrated to begin with. A small loss in body fluid, as little as 2-3% can lead to a negative impact on cardiovascular health and athletic performance.

The Many Roles of Protein in the Body

Most people think that protein’s only role is to build and repair muscle and that is all. These same people also think that protein is a magical element that you can eat all you want of and never get fat, but that is not correct either. Protein can be stored in the body as fat if you eat more than you need; that myth has been destroyed time and time again. Protein is also far more important than it is often given credit for being, including some very vital roles that can be negatively impacted by dehydration. These functions include:

– Maintaining ph balance of the blood

– Formation of enzymes and hormones

– Plays a role in the immune system

– Builds connective tissues

– Forms the cell membranes

– Plays a role in the central nervous system

– Helps to maintain the fluid balance in the body.

Acidemia is the abnormal acidity of the blood which can be caused by a number of factors including increased lactic acid in the muscles (Increased lactic acid build up is what makes you sore after an intense workout). Another cause for this condition is prolonged and severe dehydration especially when it is caused by intense athletic effort- for instance a strength training or endurance athlete.

Extreme Protein and Decreased Hydration in Athletes

A study working with endurance athletes showed that an average to moderately increased protein diet was acceptable but that once the intake reached what could be deemed “high”, dehydration risks increased greatly. Using 150 pounds as the average weight for the study, the participants were divided into three groups. The first group, the “low” protein group was given a diet that provided about 68 grams of protein per day. The second group, the “moderate” group were given about 123 grams of protein per day and the third group, the “high” protein group were given 246 grams of protein per day, the total making up about 30% of their daily calories, an amount that is consistent with that of the average high protein diet.

On conclusion of the study, researchers found that as the protein level went up, the hydration level went down. Standard blood work showed some troubling results as well. The blood urea nitrogen level (BUN) was abnormal, showing that there was a decrease in kidney function. Urine tests showed that the increased protein level also lead to a more concentrated urine as well.

Too much protein in the diet can be harmful for the endurance athlete as well as for the average person. The right amount of protein should be found and maintained for everyone. Increased protein can also lead to:

– Decreased levels of glycogen in the muscles and liver, further leading to dehydration as glycogen helps the muscles to retain water.

– Decreased endurance

– A lessened maximum effort

– Decreased serum glucose levels

The American Heart Association recommends that the diet contain no more than 35% of its daily calories from protein, a safe amount for anyone, including elite athletes. There are some medical conditions that should get increased protein amounts, however those people should only do so on the advice of their own doctors.

The Best Suggestion for Prevention of Dehydration

Protein is vital to everyone, from the couch potato to the weekend warrior to the marathon master- but everyone needs different amounts and levels of protein. It is very important to find the right amount for your owner personal health and activity needs, however there is also a warning that should go to everyone – drink more liquids whether you are increasing proteins or not.

Unless you are on a fluid restriction from the doctor, you should be getting enough liquids every day. (A bonus of drinking enough water is possible weight loss- many people mistake feelings of thirst for feelings of water and eat when all they needed was a glass of water).

How Protein Supplements Can Fit In

Although the suggestion of adding addition protein to the diet is not the goal, finding the right amount is. A protein supplement, especially one that has additional vitamins and other benefits, can be a good way to hit that intake goal without having to consume a lot of extra calories to do so. For the elite athlete, a quick protein supplement can be a great between-meal snack or can serve as part of the after workout recovery process.

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3 Foods to Avoid If You Have Helicobacter Pylori

H pylori can cause severe and debilitating symptoms, or very mild symptoms, depending on the person who has the bacteria and the strain of bacteria involved. Not everyone is affected equally. Typical symptoms include general malaise, fatigue, mood problems as well as widely recognised digestive symptoms like heartburn, reflux (GERD), bloating, nausea, vomiting and bad breath.

Doctors often prescribe antacid medications or laxatives for these symptoms; sometimes they will have the foresight to run testing for H pylori and other digestive infections. If H pylori is found triple therapy antibiotics are typically prescribed to kill the H pylori. This form of therapy has recently been shown to be only 50-70% effective, however.

Even when H pylori has been confirmed as having been eradicated, a patient’s symptoms often remain. This confuses doctor and patient alike. Diet is rarely considered in these situations, but in actual fact, common foods that are consumed on a daily basis by many people can cause exactly the same symptoms as the Helicobacter itself.

Food #1 – Gluten

Gluten (more accurately, gliadin) is a protein molecule that is found in the grains wheat, barley, rye and spelt. All foods that contain these grains have gluten in them (e.g. bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, cereals, pizza). Many people are gluten-intolerant and in my experience gluten is the number one problem food. Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine, much like H pylori. In many cases, simply eliminating the gluten can dramatically reduce symptoms. Sometimes people cannot eradicate H pylori until they have been on a gluten-free diet for at least 60-days.

Food #2 – Coffee

I love coffee, but unfortunately in any form coffee is an irritant to the digestive system. Many people report having heartburn, reflux and other digestive symptoms when they drink coffee. It is best to reduce coffee consumption if H pylori bacteria are present.

Food #3 – Soy

Soy foods have in recent times been touted as being healthy and, in some cases, miracle foods. However this information is far from the truth. In fact, soy is not a healthy food for most people. Even in Japan it is the number one allergy causing food. It can have a direct impact on the digestive system and cause similar symptoms to H pylori (it causes me to have wind, bloating and loose stools). Many people experience significant improvements when they eliminate soy in all forms. Several other foods, including cow’s milk and vegetable oils, should also be avoided if H pylori is diagnosed.

A complete list of these foods as well as the appropriate diet and herbal protocol for H pylori sufferers is available in the Overcoming H Pylori Naturally eBook at

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Free Online Diet Generator For Calorie Shifting Diet – What Every Dieter Should Know

The advent of online diet generator is a blessing to people who are much concerned about their weight. Sometimes you waste too much time thinking of what and how to eat. Your fear is, you do not want to gain excess fats. You are looking for a way out. The time you are supposed to use to relax is always spent for planning your meal. What a tedious task you have been going through. Now listen,you don’t need to fear what to eat again. I know you have bought many diet plan programs without any result. It is not because those plans are not effective but because you do not follow it with all commitment. For example, if you are asked to take the diet before exercise but you preferred to take it after. It will never work.Permit me to introduce to you the online diet generator for the calorie shifting diet.

What Is The Online Diet Generator For The Calorie Shifting All About?

It is a food program that is meant to reduce your excess fats. Here you will be provided with some lists of foods in four different foods classification. Forty-four meals will be taken for 11 good days. This means that for each passing day, you will have to eat four times. The advantage there is that you can choose the time to meet your preference. You also don’t have to eat a fixed quantity of the diet. Just continue to eat until you are okay with a minimum of three hours between each meals.

What Is The Principle Behind The Calorie Shifting Thing?

You should know by now that your body produces hormones. Are you aware that these hormones are involved in burning fats in the body? Good. The diets the diet generator provides are taken at intervals of three hours. As you take the food it triggers the release of fat burning hormones. This then burns the fats and prevent it from accumulating in the body before the next meal is taken.

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How Many Calories Per Day Are Consumed on the NutriSystem Diet Plan?

I often get emails asking me to explain how many calories are consumed or taken in each day on NutriSystem.  I think that people ask this for a few reasons.  First, they want to make sure that the amount is not so low as to be dangerous.  Second, they want to know just how hungry they are going to be because they are afraid of feeling weak or light headed.  And, finally, they want to compare this with how many calories they normally take in on any typical day to gauge how dramatic their results will be.  I will discuss all of these concerns in the following article.

The Range Of Daily Calories On The NutriSystem Diet:  First off, I need to reassure that this definitely does not fall into the category of a ‘starvation” or overly restrictive diet where you need to be supervised by a doctor.  Such diets generally only allow around 800 or less calories per day.  Since you consume anywhere between 1200 -1500 calories per day on NutriSystem, you don’t reach anywhere near those levels.

The amount varies slightly depending on which of the plan’s means you chose throughout the day and which sides you add in at each meal.  You’re given pretty self explanatory guidelines to ensure that you chose your sides correctly, although you do have a lot of leeway and control in this. 

So we know that you’ll be taking in a decent amount of calories, but what about your proteins, carbs, etc?  They are very careful to  keep the carb to protein ratio favorable because they want for you to be able to get into ketosis where you are steadily burning fat.  This is why which sides you add in become important.  It would be a shame to cancel out all of your diligence by adding in high carb or high calorie sides.

How Many Calories Do You Normally Take In?: Obviously, most people lose weight once they begin burning more calories than they take in.  Studies show that the average woman today takes in around 1850 calories.  So, taking the average of 1200 -1500 (1350), you’d be consuming around 500 less per day, which can really add up. One gram of fat equals about 9 calories so this can be significant. (By the way, the typical man today takes in 2600, so the difference is even more significant in this scenario.)

A lot of people will ask me if they are going to feel weak or light headed when they reduce the fuel that they are taking in.  My experience is that it’s not as bad as you may have feared.  You are eating five times per day so there isn’t any long period of time between meals.  You get three larger meals and a snack and a dessert and you are of course adding in your fresh sides.  Also, they do allow you to drink liquids (tea, coffee, water, diet soda) between the meals (so long as you’re not consuming alcohol,) so this helps to break it up even more.

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Endomorph Diet Tips Revealed – Build a Body You Can Be Proud Of

There is a misconception that endomorphs cannot lose body fat. It is because most do not eat correctly for their specific body type. This article will share some powerful endomorph diet tips.

If you are an endomorph and you try to eat like an ectomorph (naturally thin) you will be bitterly disappointed. Their metabolism and body type are totally different. You need to make a few adjustments.

It is All About Synergy

The first thing you should realize is that although it is possible to lose fat as an endomorph it will be more difficult. Therefore you must be more compliant when it comes to your diet.

The more little things you do right on a repetitive basis the better your results will be. Examples are eating higher protein foods, drinking more water and not missing any meals.

Pay Attention to Carbohydrates

Out of all the macronutrients it is carbohydrates that need the most attention. Consuming carbs like a naturally thin person or a muscular person is a recipe for disaster.

You need to eat slower burning carbs and you also need to limit them. You do not need to cut them out completely. That is a short term solution and bears the mark of a crash diet.

Rev Up Your Metabolism

You also need to do everything you can to speed up your metabolism. An endomorph metabolism is often sluggish and needs careful attention.

That is why you should always eat smaller meals more often. This will keep your metabolism running in high gear. Larger meals are counterproductive to your goal.

Ignore Processed Foods

A good way to determine whether a food is good or not is how much packaging it has. Too much processed food can greatly hinder your progress.

One is example are foods that claim to be “low fat.” The fat might be lower but they often make up for it with carbs in the form of simple sugars!

Limit Your Cheat Meals

Cheating on your diet is okay but only if it is predetermined. Eating junk food on a whim can often lead you on a downward spiral.

One cheat meal per week is optimal and will help to eliminate cravings. An entire cheat day should be avoided because it will set back your progress too much.

Eat Healthy Fats

Believe it or not there are certain fats that are beneficial to fat loss. Avoiding all fats because you think they are all bad is a mistake.

Yes there are bad fats such as saturated and trans fats but there are also good ones too. You will find them in foods such as eggs and salmon.

Keeping these endomorph diet tips in mind will help you to build a body you can be proud of. All it takes is a little determination along with the right information.

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Gastric Reflux Diet and Hazardous Foods

Looking to food as a way to fix gastric reflux is a good idea. After all food is a major cause of this problem. Gastric reflux and other forms of heartburn can be dramatically altered by changes in diet. It should be noted that gastric reflux may be caused by the obvious reasons which we will examine in a minute. But it may also be a cumulative condition, brought on by ingredients in prepared foods that you don’t even think about. Let’s go through the possibilities for gastric reflux cure.

Start with a checklist. Some foods, like tomatoes, are loaded with acid that irritates the esophagus and lower sphincter, while others like oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes can do the same. If you suspect an acidic food be sure to include its derivatives in your checklist. Of course chili peppers and similar spices can also cause problems.

Meat – especially beef, can be a natural gastric heartburn trigger. It happens because meat is a dense protein that requires much more acid for the stomach to digest. The stomach has a simple job, basically producing acid and enzymes that break down food so that it can be passed on to the small intestine. This is where most of the nutrition is extracted. The hitch happens when the stomach has to wait for the acid level to subside before the transfer can take place. A string bean digests much easier than an equal amount of meat.

Other kinds of meat – they have the same effect but to a lesser degree. So too for dairy products. All are acidic and contain protein and fat to some degree.

Processed foods – can add to the problem. Manufactured foods usually contain additives. Some good, some bad. The overall problem with gastric reflux is too much acid. The most powerful is what the stomach produces. A lot of what we eat, especially processed foods is also acidic. Foods like lunch meat, corn and wheat products start out acidic. Then acids are usually added to preserve and enhance. Read the labels, you may be surprised.

Colas and bottled juices – often over looked, these deserve a second glance, especially if they are carbonated. They may contain acetic acid, citric acid, ascorbic acid and phosphoric acid. Some of these are concentrated enough to etch tooth enamel.

It’s not that you necessarily have to eliminate all these but you should be aware that so much of what makes up the American diet is acidic. Gastric reflux is just one indication of things that could go wrong. The good news is that by curing gastric reflux you will be reducing the chance of other illnesses.

Tumors and cancers have been shown to diminish in an alkaline environment. This is an important piece of information that deserves more attention than It is currently getting. But by knowing a little about body chemistry it’s easy to see that it just makes good sense to have a diet that is as alkaline as possible.

To sum up I have to say that what you eat plays a big part in everyday health. By reducing your intake of acidic foods and upping the veggies and fruit will go a long way towards having the benefits of a natural gastric reflux cure.

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A Lupus Diet – Eliminate Lupus With Nutritional Healing

Lupus and Digestion

When dealing with an anti-inflammatory disease such as lupus, it is extremely important you use your first line of defence, the nutrients from food, to support your body’s ability to avoid flares and promote healing. Although doctors say that there is no lupus cure, it simply isn’t the case. Not only have I completely healed (and tested negative) for lupus, others have as well. The best news is that many of us healed in different ways, one of which is through a lupus diet.

As with many auto immune and degenerative issues, lupus can compromise the digestive tract, making it essential the nutrients you are eating are being absorbed. It is also necessary to determine if you have any food sensitivities and allergies, that will also affect how well you digest your food, if your body reacts to it and therefore how you feel.

Although not often publicized, the best diet for lupus and healing is ultimately the best diet for everyone as it is derived from the unparalleled nutrition offered from fresh fruits, vegetables and whole foods while avoiding far too common processed, fatty, refined foods so abundant in our food stores. The simple reason this type of diet is so helpful is because it is, by nature, an anti-inflammatory diet. The best diet for Lupus includes simple, freshly prepared natural raw foods while eliminating fast processed foods and the 4 ‘white foods’ including sugar, salt, flour and carbohydrates.

Lupus patients are also well advised to be careful when consuming nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and pepper in addition to alfalfa as these have been linked to trigger flares. It is important to note, however that people have different dietary needs and don’t react the same to foods, so what may trigger one patient may not be a food trigger for another.

Say good-bye to fatty foods!

Fatty foods are essentially inflammatory. It is for that reason they should be completely avoided, at least while you are in the healing process and working to eliminate lupus and experience a lupus cure. It is far better to allow your body to heal and regain a properly functioning immune system and then slowly introduce a few favourite foods back, (while looking forward to regaining your health and vibrancy).

In addition to being inflammatory, fatty foods also cause what is known as ‘thick blood’ which lowers the body’s oxygen supply to the cells and tissues in your body. Not only can this cause tissue damage, which promote auto-antibodies (the last thing your body needs, as it causes an inflammatory response) but also significantly dampens your energy levels. Chronic fatigue is one of the primary issues dealing with lupus, so please heed this caution in particular for your dietary practices.

Nutritional Healing for Lupus A low-fat, whole food, plant based diet is the diet of choice if you have lupus, or any disease concerning inflammation (which most disease do!). Not only will it decrease your joint pain, reduce strain on the kidneys, spleen and other organs, it will also lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart attack. Another added benefit is it will also support weight loss, which many lupus sufferers write to me about, as a consequence of steroid side effects.

Most importantly, this diet will reduce the number of antigen-autobodies in your body, a primary factor that causes lupus flares. Many people are now aware of the great health benefits derived from Omega 3. The primary benefit concerns the fact that these essential fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory, exactly what we need if we have lupus. Therefore, with reduced inflammation comes reduced pain and increased mobility.

Because our common food intake doesn’t provide enough of these healthy fats, it is extremely wise (especially if you have lupus) to supplement with them. Flaxseed oil is a popular source of Omega 3, however recently there is evidence that your best source of omega 3 comes from fish oil, in particular krill oil. Of course, eating a diet rich with Omega 3 is important, and the most common source of EFA’s is from salmon, and other cold-water fish such as tuna. Other sources include avocados, spinach, and mustard greens.

There are a lot more lupus diet do’s and don’ts you should be cognizant of, including the debate on protein (including soy protein and lupus), and which nutrients are destroyed through various drugs you may be prescribed. These dietary issues are typically not discussed by your doctor and if you would like more information please visit the site listed below. What you eat matters! (If it matters when we’re not ill, think of how much more important it is for when you are!). Remember, lupus can and has been healed and you have every reason to believe it can work for you too (or at minimum, significantly reduce lupus symptoms). Despite doctors claiming there is no Lupus cure, for those of us who no longer have it, we beg to differ. If you have any question on lupus please feel free to contact me at the email address listed below.

Wishing you and your loved one’s the very best, especially in good health and lupus-free!

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Can You Eat Unlimited Amounts Of Fruit On The Nutrisystem Diet?

There is no question that fruits and vegetables are an important part of the Nutrisystem diet. Some folks want to take full advantage of this and they wonder if they can eat an unlimited amounts of fruits. I find that not surprisingly, more people ask about eating the fruits than the vegetables.

I heard from someone who said: “I am interested in starting the Nutrisystem diet relatively soon. But I am wondering if I will be able to eat a lot of fruits. I love sweets and although I know that I may have to give up my cookies, I feel like bananas and kiwi are a decent substitute, at least while I’m dieting. But I am wondering if there are going to be limitations on how much I am able to eat.” I will address these concerns below.

I find that there is sometimes confusion about unlimited fruits and vegetables on this diet. Many non starchy vegetables ARE unlimited, but only those that are low on the glycemic index. (Examples are tomatoes, asparagus, and broccoli.) You may already know this, but Nutrisystem encourages and provides foods that are glycemic friendly, meaning that they are lower in starches and carbohydrates in order to keep you feeling full and to keep your blood sugar steady. You are encouraged to eat more foods that are glycemic friendly and less foods that are not.

That is why fruits are not unlimited. They tend to be higher in natural sugars. (For example, an apple can have over 25 grams of sugars, although these sugars are more beneficial than the processed kind because they are easily converted to energy.) And although you are encouraged to eat up to three servings of fruits per day, these aren’t unlimited. But the serving sizes are generous. For example, a serving is one apple, one banana, or an entire cup of blueberries, cherries, strawberries, or pineapple, to name just a couple of examples.

It is suggested that you have a fruit with breakfast, plus another at one more of the main meals or with a snack. And, you can either have a fruit or vegetable with dinner. So that is up to three per day if you chose the fruit instead of the vegetable at dinner. Breakfast is suggested because it is usually very easy to incorporate fruit with breakfast. Simply add strawberries to your cereal or blueberries on top of your french toast. It’s also easy to add fruit to a protein based snack. Cherries on top of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese is a quick, easy and nutritious way to get a serving into your day.

I know that this question was based on having plenty of fruit but, believe it or not, I sometimes have people ask me if they can skip the fruit since they don’t like it. You shouldn’t skip the fruit, but you can substitute four ounces of pure fruit juice without any sugar added.

I know that not having unlimited fruits may seem like a negative, but honestly, you are also asked to add in vegetables and protein as well. So you have plenty of fresh sides that you are trying to work in. So you usually have more than enough.

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