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The Tony Robbins Diet

Find Out Why The Tony Robbins Diet Is Great For Vibrant Health

The Tony Robbins alkaline diet was created by Tony Robbins who was born Anthony J Mahavorick. His diet follows the work of Robert O. Young. They both believe the body has too little acid in it due to the normal diet and that is why people are fat. So the new diet encourages people to eat more vegetables, but it is a vegetarian diet. He also believes that people need to drink alkaline water. He also believes that people must exercise to learn proper breathing and increase the body’s oxygen intake. While weight loss will occur under this diet, the point of this diet is to increase energy. He emphasizes those practicing this diet envision success for his or her future.

Tony Robins History

Tony Robbins first started his career as he describes as a peak performance coach teaching that happiness is how we live not what we have. He then worked with John Grinder teaching neuro-linguistic programming. This program teaches breathing and not to combine carbohydrate and protein foods. This program teaches self-awareness and effective communication. Mr. Robbins is the author of two books, Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement and Awaken the Giant Within. He claims to have worked with many notable individuals including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton.

Foods to Avoid

Those practicing this diet are urged to avoid certain foods. Scientists know that high levels of uric acid in the body produce many unhealthy effects on the body. The most serious of these is gout. People with low energy also need to examine their diets.

Foods that need to be avoided include eggs. All meat should be avoided. All seafood should be avoided. Yeast is another culprit. Yeast can be hidden in alcohol as well as breads. Those choosing to eat a low acid diet should also not eat lentils. They should limit the amount of caffeine intake. All processed foods should be avoided.

Components of the diet

The first component of the diet is to eat only vegetables and fruit. Specifically those on the diet should eat fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. Eating this diet will encourage regular bowel movement which is the body detoxifying itself.

The second component of the program is exercise at least four times per week. It also lowers cholesterol and burn fat. Mr. Robbins encourages those on his diet to participate in organized sports for the fun. He believes the best form of exercise is aerobic exercises. He believes sweating releases toxins and that the exercise will encourage our bodies to create the right amount of acid.

The third component of his diet is to drink alkaline water. This is water with lemon or lime in it. He believes that those on his diet should drink a minimum of three liters of water a day.

The fourth component of his diet includes goal setting. He believes that by setting goals we are more positive individuals with more energy.


Tony Robbins alkaline diet is based on creating the right amount of acid in our bodies. He advocates eating only vegetables and fruits while drinking alkaline water. He believes in doing aerobic exercise at least four times a week preferably in a group setting. He believes that people need to set positive goals.

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Gout Diet – Gout Foods to Avoid With Menu

If you are suffering from gout then you need to know that it is caused by accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints or with in the tissues that surrounds certain joints. The real cause of gout is increased concentration of uric acid in the blood due to metabolism of purines.

The characteristics of gout include pain, swelling, joints enlargement, deformation and joint damage. The gout symptoms include sudden burning pain, swelling, warmness and stiffness in joint or joints, low grade fever (rarely).

Diet for gout: In order to reduce uric acid level in blood, it is recommended to go for a low or no purine diet and limit foods which are high in purine. It is also recommended that you should go for a regular exercise in order to reduce your weight, since obesity seems to be a contributing factor in some cases of gout.

Eliminate all high purine containing foods such as sardines, anchovies, organ meat etc. from your food menu. Try to restrict moderate foods like seafood, legumes (dried), spinach, cauliflower, meats, poultry, oatmeal etc.

Try to drink plenty of water daily. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. Water helps dilute uric acid crystals, also water acts as a natural cleanser. So, it is better to drink water rather than drinking alcohol or any fluid that is harmful for your health.

One day diet menu for gout sufferers:

For breakfast cornflakes, egg, toast (soft cooked), milk, sugar, jelly, coffee, margarine. Lunch, eat Cheese and macaroni, green beans, apple pie, butter, coffee, tea, sugar, coleslaw and dinner roll. Ans in dinner 2-3 oz roasted beef, baked potato, cauliflower, sliced tomato, bread, baked custard, mayonnaise, without sugar or cream – coffee or tea.

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Acid Reflux Diet And Breakfast

Acid reflux diet and breakfast is a dilemma for a number of reasons. With the frequency that people have reflux problems through the night while they are sleeping, chances are they are waking up with heartburn. And in that case, they are more likely to go eat antacids for breakfast, than they are food that is going to make them feel worse.

However, breakfast is also the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps stabilize your blood sugar levels after sleeping, and provides energy to start the day. It has also been shown that people who skip breakfast will eat more throughout the day. And what is one of the biggest problems for acid reflux and heartburn – eating fewer and larger meals, as that is shown to cause and/or make your problems worse. Deleting breakfast from your acid reflux diet is not a heartburn remedy.

Acid Reflux And Life Style

Preventing acid reflux and heartburn is going to entail making lifestyle changes. You eat breakfast, and then what happens? That overnight heartburn that you may have already had, coupled with the food that you just ate for breakfast [you just couldn’t resist ‘wolfing’ down that Egg McMuffin while you were driving] get together and give you more reflux and worse heartburn. Start your day with more energy, not hardly; you are starting your day in pain, and just want to go turn around and go home. But instead, there goes another round of antacids to try to keep you going.

How is that for breakfast and an acid reflux diet – acid reflux trigger foods ‘washed’ down with antacids to get rid of the heartburn pain. Lunch and dinner tend to be easier meals for heartburn sufferers. You have a wider range of food choices that are more appealing later in the day than they are for breakfast. And you also aren’t in such a rush, giving you more time to prepare a good meal – and not having to eat it so fast, which of course is one of the heartburn don’ts.

Yes, acid reflux diet and breakfast is quite a problem, because so many of the breakfast food choices cause heartburn. Your fried eggs, with toast and butter, and orange juice and coffee – or that rush through the fast food restaurant, are of the worst foods that can be eaten. These can be expected to cause heartburn, certainly negating the benefits that eating breakfast are supposed to give you.

Breakfast Food Choices For Acid Reflux

So what are you going to do – you need to eat breakfast, but you aren’t going to do so if it is only going to make you feel worse. To begin with, how about getting up 15 minutes earlier so you aren’t in such a rush and fast food becomes your only breakfast alternative. And then, how about if you quit brain washing yourself into thinking that you need caffeine to get going? I remember my old routine, get up and skip breakfast except for 2-3 cups of coffee, have a diet coke at my desk, and then eat Tums throughout the morning – I have chipped teeth from Tums.

There are many acid reflux diet food choices for breakfast that don’t take much time to prepare, and that can actually help to reduce reflux and heartburn instead of causing it. And you can adapt to some changes in food choices that will help you even more – you really don’t need to eat that last piece of cold pizza for breakfast to keep it from going to waste J

Good food choices will include whole-grains, fruits and vegetables, and protein – just like any well balance healthy meal. In fact, that is one of the major benefits of an acid reflux diet, besides helping prevent or getting rid of heartburn, it is also a diet that promotes good health.

Whole grain breakfast food choices can be found in oatmeal, whole grain cereals, or whole grain breads. These are important for your acid reflux diet. They have fiber which makes them easier to digest, they don’t require as much acid during digestion, and actually they break down during digestion in a way that can absorb excess acid. Additionally, whole grains include the antioxidant selenium, which has been shown to help protect the cell lining in the esophagus.

Fruits and vegetables are great for breakfast – what could be better than starting the day with an apple, or eating some fruit on your whole grain cereal. Just remember to stay away from the citrus fruits or juices, and especially no tomato juice as it is very highly acidic. Drink natural apple or grape juice as something that helps reduce acid. And if you can eat pizza and drink coke for breakfast, then you sure could get used to eating some broccoli – or how about some steamed broccoli with some egg whites.

Protein is an important food choice. It makes you feel more full and thus can help prevent overeating. And protein is the food source that helps build and repair muscles – this could include strengthening the muscles associated with your esophagus. As in all acid reflux diets, make sure that your proteins are low in fat content, because fat takes longer to digest and needs more acid to do so, thus increasing the likelihood of reflux heart burn. This means skim milk instead of whole milk, egg whites instead of the whole egg – and no more of that bacon or the fatty meats and fried foods in those breakfast sandwiches.

Breakfast And Lifestyle Changes

My lifestyle has changed the last few years; I was gaining weight as I was getting older, and I had heartburn that became acid reflux disease. Besides making some very big acid reflux diet changes, it now includes going to the gym in the morning before starting work. So, breakfast is very important to me after working out, but I also lose some extra time that I could have had for eating.

I eat a banana on the way to the gym, which helps settle my stomach. And then for breakfast I want a lot of protein, and to be sure that I have a relatively high protein to carbohydrate ratio; I want energy and not a spike in my blood sugar level. I usually drink a vanilla protein powder shake, and eat a cup of Greek yogurt [it is low-fat and has extra protein], and an apple – delicious.

I feel very good throughout the morning, and with no more coffee and diet coke to ‘help’ me through – if I want something else to eat, I have another apple. Breakfast is very important to our health, and you have lots of food choices that not only won’t cause heartburn, but can actually help control it. But like in the case of all acid reflux diet choices, there are tradeoffs and lifestyle changes to be made to get rid of heartburn, and to get health benefits from what we eat -vs- eating in a way that makes heartburn become worse, and lead to acid reflux disease.

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Proper Diet For the Discus Fish

The Discus fish has its habitat in the South American waters of Brazil and Peru. Discus fish are classified as “grazers”, and in the wild constantly forage for food. Discus are tall, and have a laterally compressed body. Their swim bladder is located on top of the stomach. They have small stomachs, and short digestive tracts, and with these small stomachs designed to hold small amounts of food, over feeding the Discus can be a problem. Even a minor case of constipation can cause serious problems for the Discus fish.

Diet for the Discus should be varied and contain the nutritional value that they need to survive. In a discussion with our breeder, Nick Lockhart of Perfection Discus, I asked him what he would recommend for the daily diet.

Nick feeds our Discus twice a day. He feeds live white worms generally twice per week. The white worms are cultured on site, and are kept refrigerated in a small apartment sized fridge, and temperature controlled by a device that uses a probe to maintain a temperature of approximately 55 to 65 degrees for best results.

Nick also uses bloodworms, plankton, white worms, Emerald Entree, mysis shrimp, and white mosquito larvae to give a varied diet. Emerald Entree is a good choice for Discus fish. Although originally formulated for marine fish, it has proven to be an excellent diet for freshwater fish. Emerald Entrée is fortified with omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are proven to be important for optimal growth and disease prevention.

Discus fish and a lot of African cichlids eat a lot of blue green algae in the wild. Spirulina is a blue green algae, and has a special protein called Phycocyanin not found in another algae or terrestrial plants. Spirulina powder is readily available through most pet shops. Japanese scientists have linked Phycocyanin to improved kidney and liver function. Japanese fish farmers make extensive use of Spirulina, due to its positive effects on their fish.

Because good hygiene is of the utmost importance in the Discus tank, one should never feed more than the Discus can consume in approximately five minutes. As they are grazers, they tend to eat a bit slowly, so a little more time is needed to allow them to get their fill. I have read that it is good to allow a Discus to “fast” on occasion for up to two days, allowing them to get toxins flushed from the system. Nick has also stated that a fish can go two weeks without food, so skipping a day here and there is not really detrimental to the fish. Of course, you will not want to drive them to the point of starvation, but it will never harm the Discus to go for a day or two without food. It is much better to underfeed them a little than to over feed.

If care is taken, the discus will thrive in the aquarium. Much information is available for the potential Discus breeder, and a little common sense thrown in along the way wouldn’t hurt either. As Discus are long-lived, the aquarist can have the enjoyment of these friendly fish for ten to twelve years.

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Lose Weight Quickly and Easily with a Grapefruit Cleansing Diet

If you’re looking for a quick way to lose some weight, try starting a cleansing or detox diet. They are called this because your body goes through a detoxification process when you follow this type of diet. As you under go this detoxification, your body, specifically your liver, rids itself of harmful toxins and other unnatural compounds. One of the more popular kinds of these diets is the Grapefruit Cleanse.

This type of cleanse is a very mild approach used to purify your body from harmful toxins. The grapefruit is consumed at the beginning of each meal. The great thing about grapefruit compared to other modes of cleansing is the fact it is a source of nutrition and sustenance. You can also choose to go on this diet at any time for any length of time without worrying about any harmful side effects either. Here are some steps to follow in using this cleansing diet:

  • Before you jump right into the diet, choose a time when it will best to start it. The best time is when you won’t be too overwhelmed at work and won’t be under a lot of stress. I wouldn’t recommend any traveling or road trips either when starting this diet. Grapefruit will cause you to go to the bathroom more frequently than usual.
  • In order to go on a grapefruit cleansing diet, you’re going to need a lot of fresh grapefruit. Go with a store that sells organically grown grapefruit. True, you’ll end up paying more but the health benefits you’ll get will be worth it. The rest of the ingredients you’ll use are cheap and easy to find.
  • As you’re following this diet, you should always try to take one hot shower every day. Scrub all over your body with either a sponge or loofah. The scrubbing acts as a stimulus to improve the blood circulation which helps to get rid of toxins. It is also important that you try to get plenty of exercise. Most health experts call for at least 45 minutes every day while on the diet. Try not to overdo it though. This cleansing diet is very low-calorie and you may feel a dramatic loss of energy. Pace yourself.
  • Once your cleanse is over, don’t jump back into eating a full meal. You’ll send your body into shock. Instead, eat sensibly and work your system back to normal slowly. You don’t want to ruin all that hard work by gaining everything back either. paying a little more but they will be better and healthier for you. The rest of the ingredients in this cleanse are cheap and easy to find.
  • During the cleanse, you’ll need a source of vitamins to remain healthy. I recommend finding a good multi-vitamin, preferably with all-natural ingredients. First, start with drinking about 10 eight ounce glasses of purified water every day. It is imperative that you drink this amount. If you can’t drink ten, that’s fine but always drink more than seven at the very least. Follow whichever variation of the Grapefruit Cleansing Diet you chose to follow strictly. No matter what you are eating grapefruit for every meal so I hope you like its taste.

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Foods That Get Rid of Gout – Proven Anti Gout Diet

Recent medical studies show that some fruits and vegetables are amongst the foods that get rid of gout so it makes sense to increase your intake of these gout busting foods.

But not just any old fruit and veg; an effective anti gout diet must include fruit and vegetables that are high in vitamin C.

A recent study has shown that taking Vitamin C reduces your risk of getting this painful and debilitating disease.  In fact for every 500 mg of Vitamin C taken your risk of getting gout was reduced by 17 per cent.  This is great news for gout sufferers.

So the foods that get rid of gout include:

  • citrus fruits and juices
  • strawberries
  • avocados
  • mangoes
  • broccoli
  • sweet red peppers
  • collard greens
  • onions
  • radishes

Anyone who takes at least 1500mg of Vitamin C each day reduces the risk of gout by around 45%.  Almost half!  This vitamin reduces the level of uric acid in the blood which stops uric acid crystallizing in the joints.  An earlier study showed that people who ate more than 2 pieces of fruit each day got less attacks of gout that people who did not.

And Vitamin C rich fruit does more that lower the risk of gout. It also helps with

  • production of the fibrous proteins that make up bone, cartilage, tendons and other connective tissues
  • formation and repair of red blood cells
  • protection against bruising
  • aids the absorption of iron
  • keeps gums healthy
  • heal cuts and wounds
  • strengthen the immune system
  • protects against many cancers and heart disease

Gout is a disease caused by a disturbance in the metabolism of uric acid.  During a gout attack crystals of uric acid form in the joints and this is what causes the excruciating pain. Gout occurs in 8.4 of every 1,000 people and is most common in men over the age of 40.

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Eat Your Way Out of Your Sinus Infection Symptoms – A Simple 5-Day Detox Plan

Do you send your car for maintenance after some time so that when it comes out from the mechanic’s garage, you can hear the vroom sound again?

If you do, just think about this. Your car is not on the go 24 hours a day, you do turn off your engine and allow it to rest. However, human do not rest, our heart has to keep pumping every second and all the other vital organs have to perform their specific functions, so how do we allow them to take their much deserved rest other than sleeping. Yes, we need to detox – time to make a clean start, as we know that too much accumulated toxins can aggravate your sinus infection symptoms , or do you feel low at times or need to shed a few pounds for that beach party.

Here is a 5-day detox plan which is safe and natural and especially for sinus sufferers as this diet has foods to avoid and to take when you are having the allergy.

If you have not been exercising, try to brisk walk for about 15-30 minutes, breathe deeply – relaxing and this simple breathing exercise can instantly relief your sinus!

Day 1-3

  • Eat a diet of fresh fruit and green vegetables only. The sources listed below are excellent for your sinus infections symptoms.
  • Sources of fruits:

  • Papaya – Vitamin C for its antihistamine effect.
  • Apples – an apple a day keeps the doctor or even the dentist away still rings true as it contains pectin and moves any accumulation of decayed residue from foods
  • Pineapples – has enzyme bromelain, purifies the stomach and kills offensive bacteria and sinus is caused by bacteria growing in your head!
  • Grapes, berries – cleanse the mucus.
  • Sources of vegetables : –
  • Carrots, spinach (converted to Vitamin A known to boost immune system to combat sinusitis), broccoli (Vitamin E), green peppers, parsley, eggplant (flavonoids), kale, asparagus, yellow corn, sweet potato.
  • Drink water, 5 or more glasses a day to flush out the toxins. No alcohol, coffee, tea, milk, sugar or salt and no smoking.

Day 4

  • Prepare a green salad with parsley as it contains zinc which helps to resist sinus infection symptoms and also to ensure good bladder health, watercress to help the liver to neutralize noxious pollutants invading your body, grated beetroot for production of red blood cells.
  • Sprinkle some raw onions or garlic (if you cannot stand the taste, roast lightly) as they are anti-viral and also make your mucus less sticky.

Ahh, you can now treat yourself to a cup of dandelion coffee – to stimulate the flow of bile.

Day 5 and onwards (if you wish to continue)

  • Make your favorite breakfast – whole grain bread and butter, some honey and a cup of dandelion coffee if you so wish. Have a salad of above which you can add some unsalted nuts – almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts, sunflower seeds as they contain vitamin E and high in antioxidants. You can also add oats, rye or barley.
  • Main meal – eat cooked vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, peppers, carrots) and oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, or any type of fish will do) as they have Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene, known for their healing benefit and preventing disease and sinus infection symptoms.

Detox yourself once every 3 months and you will feel your body restored and rejuvenated in mind and spirits.

Detox or no detox, you must always remember to eat your fruits and vegetables.

If you feel you cannot go through the 5-day detox plan, you can seek alternatives which can be as natural, healthy, effective, easy and convenient – natural supplements.

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How To Be Successful On The Endometriosis Diet

Remember that well-known saying, “you are what you eat?” Well, for most endometriosis sufferers, the familiar phrase holds all the wisdom in the world.

Hurting month after month from endo, the uncomfortable signs and symptoms associated with your menstrual cycle oftentimes read like your favorite horror story:

• severe belly cramping

• fatigue

• heavy menstruation flow

• backaches

• mind-numbing headaches

Leaving you exhausted, frustrated and miserable, especially when there is no known “cure” for this crippling situation that impacts over 5.5 million women in North America alone.

What Is Happening To My Body?

When you have your period and the cellular material that lines the uterus gets ready to exit, problematic tissues (a.k.a. endometrial tissue) sometimes find their way outside of the uterus yet act the same way, expanding and spasming in preparation for menses. The issue is that they are now kept in and around the pelvic area (i.e. your fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, etc.) with nowhere to go. The soreness triggers the painful periods you experience.

Endometriosis is a hormonal ailment that is directly impacted by estrogen levels. In fact, many other feminine reproductive issues like fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS, inability to conceive and the like are all found to be the result of an estrogen imbalance in the body.

You Are What You Eat

The great news is you can gain control over and handle endometriosis by simply eating better. Sounds too good to be true? We can call this the Endometriosis Diet, but “Fibroid Buster,” “Ovarian Cyst Diet,” “Diabetes Miracle” or any other degenerative disease can be substituted because when it’s all said and done, the body is merely doing the best it can with the fuel we give it. Garbage In = Garbage Out.

Fortunately for us though, your system is forgiving enough to give us warning signs before it completely breaks down (Thank You Infinite Intelligence!) and you are here because you’ve heard the warning signs and want to take action to reverse the damage and prevent further damage.

By reduction of certain foods that promote prostaglandin production in the body (prostaglandins stimulate the production of excess estrogen – in this case, too much of a good thing) you can effectively reduce and eliminate painful signs and symptoms like excessive menstrual cramps, heavy hemorrhaging, nausea, queasiness and diarrhea in as little as one to two cycles and never have another occasion or outing ruined by a crippling visit from your monthly menses.

Regrettably, the typical American diet relies far too heavily on comfort foods. Chips, sodas, french fries and animal meat make up the greater part of our daily intake of food, with not a colorful vegetable in sight unless you consider the ketchup put on your burger a part of the vegetable family. So it does take commitment to make the dietary changes your body is frantically calling out for.

To make it simpler to get around the grocery store aisles on your future visit, here are the top 10 foods to avoid while following an Endometriosis Diet:

  1. Dairy Products
  2. Refined Sugar
  3. Meat
  4. Alcoholic beverages
  5. Wheat
  6. White Flour Products (i.e. cakes, cookies, pasta, white rice, etc.)
  7. Soy Byproducts
  8. Caffeine
  9. Saturated Fats & Oils
  10. Refined Foods

So you’re probably thinking, ‘well, what CAN I eat then?’ That is a sensible question so I will give you a straightforward answer. A good rule of thumb when you are out store shopping is to just stay along the perimeter of the supermarket. Generally speaking, this is where the fresh fruits and vegetables are featured. If you follow this rule of thumb you are also less likely to be persuaded by the frozen ice cream sandwiches and cakes attractively displayed in the center aisle sand won’t even realize that they are on sale two for five dollars this week!

Nutritious Substitutes You May Not Have Looked Into:

Sugar – Agave Nectar

Soy Sauce – Bragg’­s Liquid Aminos

Dairy Milk – Almond Milk

Butter – Flaxseed Oil (can be used to “butter” your bread, flaxseed shouldn’t be heated)

Table Salt – Sea Salt

Seasoned Salt – Fresh Herbs (cilantro tastes great with just about everything)

Bottled Juice – Freshly Juiced Fruits & Vegetables

Peanut Butter – Almond Butter

Potato Chips -Flaxseed Chips

Dairy Cheese – Rice Cheese

Meats – Beans

Milk Chocolate – Dark Chocolate

Although it will probably be challenging at first, eventually you will get used to eating with a fresh new perspective and even notice your taste buds changing as you start craving more endo-friendly foods. It is more of a life-style change than a diet but it is absolutely achievable. Just like any new habit, you will get better with time and practice.

In this post we’ve looked into exactly why the old saying ‘you are what you eat’ is much more than just an old wives’ tale. A well-fed body gives it the fuel it needs to function at optimum performance levels and is a vital first step to keeping sickness and disease from increasing. If you want to eliminate the 3 underlying triggers of endometriosis and get rid of unbearable period pain within 60 days, then read the Endometriosis Bible to learn even more.

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Atkins Diet Induction Menu – Why Some Hate It And Some Love It?

Studies have confirmed that Dr Atkins diet induction menu has countless advantageous effects, as well as create significant fat burning with no requirement to restrict your calorie intake. Lots of people who take advantage of this low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet have been reporting this.

There are studies that show that high-protein, low-carb eating improves triglycerides, decreases blood glucose for diabetics and pre-diabetics and boosts positive cholesterol. High-protein, low-carbohydrate eating has been medically proven to enhance insulin sensitivity, cuts down blood pressure and cuts blood insulin levels.

When we evaluate it against low-fat diets, low-carb diet users also do not lose as much muscle mass while on a diet program.

Although not proven by science, there are a lot of different positive consequences reported by dieters using high protein, low carbohydrate Dr Atkins diet. Some of these include increase in energy, significantly reduced craving for candies, reduction of depression symptoms, improved focus, better frame of mind (improved concentration).

Then again there are also some benefits particular to the low carb diet invented by Dr Atkins. Steak, cream and butter are a regular part of high protein, low carbohydrate Dr Atkins diet. People on low-carbohydrate diet are permitted to have as much as they want of rich meats, cheeses, fats and oils.

Atkins diet is also very easy to get started and use, if measured up to several other low carb, high protein diets on the market. Naturally, there are some basic carb calculations that you are going to have to learn, but after that, you will be free to have a meal of any food you want from the Dr Atkins diet food listing.

Dr Atkins as well emphasized the significance of finding your own individual carb level. Various persons have unique degree of carb acceptance.

While some of us gain pounds with only 90 grams of carbohydrates a day, other people can eat up to 120 grams of carbohydrates daily. For the duration of your continuing dieting phase and pre-maintenance period, you will learn your individual carb count that is going to help you establish your carbohydrate objective for life.

The popularity of Dr Atkins can in reality make your weight loss much harder then it should be. Loads of advice accessible makes it very simple to find resources and assistance, but can also distract you. Since its founding there have been loads of Atkins books written and besides that, there are lots of sites on the internet that give you tips, group support and information.

Then again, it is so well known that just about every person has heard of Dr Atkins diet and has his or her own opinion on it, no matter whether it is right or wrong. You must know that there are many misunderstandings present about the features of this diet, and you will, without a doubt, need to uphold your new found way of eating now and then.

There are also some of the additional difficulties for using the low carb diet invented by Dr Atkins. You do need to calculate carbs in everything you eat to make sure that you are keeping within your individual carbohydrate limit.

Also, there is the matter of Atkins diet induction menu, the most passionately contested phase of the plan. Induction can be tricky to get through if you have already been on a diet that centers on carbs and sugar. Besides that, many people trying to lose weight check out induction phase and wrongly judge that this is the method that the entire diet is going to be. They quit without even starting the genuine Dr Atkins diet.

Every now and then, some people will during the Atkins diet induction menu, experience a carb crash, generally it happens during the 3rd and up to 5th day of the induction phase. This response is a effect of their body experiencing the ketosis phase or burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. The effects are only temporary but many individuals have resigned from low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets totally because of this happenstance.

Generally, with the several slight downsides considered it continues to be one of the most used high-protein, low-carb diets for one good reason. Dr Atkins diet induction menu works!

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Dieting Tips For an Overweight Horse

Just as with humans, horses should strive to maintain an ideal weight. As is also the case with humans, it is often necessary to put your horse on a diet to drop a few unwanted pounds. The principles behind equine weight loss are the same as with human weight loss: do so healthily, slowly, steadily, and without starving.

Horses face many of the same issues we face when we are overweight. Carrying even a few extra pounds can put the horse’s total health in danger, and he or she can easily become more susceptible to breathing problems, hormone imbalances, injuries, and laminitis.

Starting The Diet

The first step to starting your horse on a diet is to determine the ideal weight for your animal. This number not only gives you a goal to strive for, it will also help you to figure how much food the horse should be fed on a daily basis.

Some simple guidelines for slow and steady weight loss are as follows: If the horse is still active and getting daily exercise, you should be feeding a minimum of one and a half percent of his or her current body weight, and as much as two percent of his or her ideal body weight in hay. If the horse is not getting regular exercise, or if he or she is confined to a stall or paddock area, you should feed anywhere from one to one and a half percent of his or her ideal body weight in hay.

Make sure you do not send your horse on a crash diet. If your horse is already on a reduced hay diet and not getting any grain, yet he or she is not losing any weight it can be tempting to reduce the food even further. You need to keep from doing this, as you could be affecting the animal’s metabolic rate, thus causing the horse to become resistant to the effects of insulin and become dependent upon fat stores in their bodies to feed their cells. When this happens (referred to as fat mobilization) the results can be so severe that organ damage can occur and the blood can become milky.

When you find yourself in the situation of a reduced calorie diet with little weight loss, it is important to check for underlying problems. We have all been around overweight people who claim they cannot lose weight due to a “glandular problem”. While most of us think “yeah right” when we hear this statement, the truth is it really could be the reason and the same could be true for your horse!

To determine if this is the case, take a bit of time and assess your horse for the following symptoms:

• Weight gain that began right after the horse reached maturity;

• Weight gain even on a diet that would not be sufficient to hold weight on a horse of a similar size;

• A fatty or hard crest on the neck that is present even if weight is lost elsewhere on the body;

• Other abnormal patches of fat in random patterns, sometimes appearing dimpled or resembling cellulite.

Other conditions such as insulin resistance and leptin resistance can be underlying causes of weight gain as well. If you suspect your horse may have any of these problems you should seek the advice of a veterinarian before starting any type of restricted diet.

What To Feed A Fat Horse

Hay should be your number feed for a horse that is overweight. That being said, it is extremely important that you choose the proper type of hay. Hay can vary a great deal in calories and sugar content. Bright green, tender cuts of hay, such as early alfalfa can really pack on the pounds. Coarser, or “stemmier”, cuts generally contain fewer calories and lower amounts of sugar. The best types of hay for weight loss include: meadow hays, prairie hays, timothy, orchard grass, and mature or late cuttings of Bermuda grass.

When trying to accomplish weight loss, grain should be omitted from your horse’s diet all together. You may be thinking that all of your horse’s nutrition comes from grain; however, this is simply not true. Grain can contain high amounts of fat and calories and really serves no purpose in an overweight horse’s daily diet. If you find your animal is in fact suffering from a metabolic problem, it is even more critical that you avoid feeding grain.

If you simply cannot stand the thought of only feeding your horse hay, or if he or she becomes unruly because others are getting grain, try feeding a healthier alternative. Beet pulp is low in calories, about the same amount as oats per pound; however since it needs to be soaked prior to feeding it can soak up about four times its dry measure. This means you can feed a good sized portion, while only providing a small amount of calories.

A great daily diet for a full sized horse is as follows: one pound (dry weight) of beet pulp divided into two feedings, mixed with two ounces of ground stabilized flax, and two ounces of rice bran. This makes for a diet that is well balanced, provides all the necessary nutrients, and provides enough fat (in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) to keep your horse happy. Adding the hay with a suitable mineral supplement is all you need to maintain optimal health.

Other Weight Loss Tips

Of course, just as it hold true with people, exercise plays a major role in a horse’s weight loss progress. A regular exercise plan not only helps the horse to burn calories, it also helps to balance hormone levels and increase metabolic function. This causes his or her muscle cells to become more sensitive to natural insulin, and better utilize the glucose needed for proper muscle function.

Limiting natural grazing and not allowing the horse to eat straw can further help with weight loss. Nature intended for a horse to graze in pasture, however nature did not intend for the horse to have an unlimited supply of fresh grass without having to travel miles a day to eat it. Try to limit the amount of grazing time each day by using a grazing muzzle or removing the horse from the pasture all together. While straw bedding may look unappealing to you, a horse loves it, and often munches on it without hesitation. Straw can have just as much sugar, and as many calories as grass hay and can really wreck a diet. Try switching to wood shavings or another type of bedding that will not encourage snacking.

Finally, refrain from feeding your horse treats. This may seem mean, or you may find it difficult to look into those big brown eyes and not give a snack, but in the long run your horse will be healthier from your will power. If you find you absolutely must feed a treat, opt for a very small amount of a low calorie food such as carrots, apples, or a handful of grapes.

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