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How To Reshape Your Sagging Breasts?

Sagging could be the worst thing that can happen to the appearance of the breasts of the female. Men have different points of view where the beauty in breasts is concerned – some men like big breasts, some like small ones, some like the rounder ones, while some like the more subtle breasts with less tissue. But one thing is certain: no man likes sagging breasts. This is why women with sagging breasts lose their confidence and try to seek immediate remedies to correct this condition.

Breasts could sag due to various reasons. In most women the sagging is simply an indication of advancing age. As the woman grows older, the tissues that hold the breast upright lose their strength, which makes the breasts to droop downwards. Women who have undergone a pregnancy and childbirth also may have sagging breasts. During pregnancy, the size of most women’s breasts increases. Due to the extra weight in the breasts, the sag could develop. This also happens when the woman feeds her baby after the birth. When the baby suckles on the breast, it has a tendency to pull the breast downwards. This could make the breast droop permanently downwards, causing sagging breasts.

Sagging of breasts is a very common condition in women with big breasts. Due to the sheer weight of these breasts, they may droop downwards and cause very prominent sag. It is seen that women who have undergone breast augmentation surgeries and increased the size of their breasts by more than two cup sizes could find the breasts too big for their bodies. Gravity could pull the breasts downwards.

However, the sagging of breasts is not such a big problem as it once used to be. With the advancement of cosmetic medical techniques, today there are several options to get the sagging condition of breasts remedied. The breast uplift surgery is one of the common enhancement surgeries being used by women all over the world. In this surgery, the surgeon would try to bring the nipple back to the center position on the breast and then reassign the correct position to the tissues of the breast. The skin around the breast is tautened in order to give the breast a firmer and well-toned look.

However, just going in for breast uplift surgery would be hardly enough for a woman who seeks better breasts. Breast uplift surgery could bring the breasts back into position, but it would not make the breasts any bigger. For this reason, most women who go for breast uplift surgery supplement it with a breast augmentation surgery also. The surgeon inserts implants into the breasts in order to increase their bulk and then performs the breast uplift. The result is bigger and better breasts, something that the woman might not have had even in her youth.

There are some common problems with the breast uplift surgery. The breasts do sit in within a day or two, but the intermediate period could be a very uncomfortable one for most women, as this is the time when they will be adjusting to the change in their anatomies. The implants would make the chest feel heavier and somewhat awkward for a couple of days. Also, women are forbidden from indulging in any sort of activity that involves the chest for several weeks after the surgery. There could be undue exertion on the newly dislocated muscles, which could also lead to internal bleeding. However, once this phase of adjustment is past, women could see themselves in a new light and feel sexier and a whole lot younger.

If you are looking out for getting some remedies for your sagging breasts, then you need to be warned about some of the ineffective methods in the market. One of them is the various creams, sprays and such supplements which promise to give you better breasts. Though these methods are not harmful to the breasts, there is no guarantee that they would cure the sagging breasts. Such supplements might work for toning the breasts, but it is not proven whether they would correct the sagging of the breasts.

Similarly, exercises don’t work with sagging breasts. Breasts are largely composed of fatty tissue. Exercise can help building up the muscle, but it cannot do anything with fatty tissue. Chest exercises can improve the chest muscles and hence make the breasts sit better on the chest. This will make the breasts settle better on the chest. However the effect will not be that much. But it is advisable to perform chest improvement exercises before the breast uplift surgery as that could show better effects.

So if you are suffering from sagging breasts, do not despair. A vast majority of women all over the world are suffering from this problem. Keep in mind that there is a way out of the problem if you ever need one. In the meantime, indulge in good sexual activity, have a good diet and do chest improvement exercises. You will be on your way to getting a better bust and a better life.

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Distant Healing Is An Effective Alternative Therapy

To understand why distance energy healing is an effective and complementary therapy it is helpful to have background information about human evolution and the physics of the world we live in. This article is long, so if you are not interested in the physics of healing you can skip ahead to another section of interest.

Universal Life Cycle

In late 2011, a trio of scientists discovered that since the big bang happened, the universe is expanding at an increasing pace, not decreasing like previously thought! As long as the expansion is increasing in speed, all life encompassed by the universe is subject to a ‘growing force’. When expansion stops, the big life cycle of this universe will be mature, reproduction of the universe will occur and after this, the universe will start to break down and collapse back upon itself in the dying process. This life cycle of birth, growing, maturity, reproduction, decline and death is seen in every life form on earth. Increasing pace means all objects are vibrating faster and are subject to increased vibration each year. This is seen in our sun, which grows hotter and puts out more energy each year. We all know that without the sun nothing would grow, which includes us as we are growing too. When we look at earth’s fossil record, we see that life has been subject to this growing force for millions of years and there have been many growth cycles and metamorphosis of new species over time.

The Growing Force

The growing force is something scientists cannot yet categorize, but it is likely equivalent to the large invisible portion of the universe known as dark energy, which makes up seventy percent of the universe. Only five percent of the universe is visible with objects such as the earth, stars down to atomic level and the other twenty-five percent of the universe is composed of dark matter. I feel dark energy contains the growing force like invisible light and is the source of the conscious intelligence that is present in all living forms. It cannot be seen because it has no form, as it is pure energy. I liken it to the energy of our creator.

An interesting fact of physics is “objects gain mass by moving through space”. This means the growing force is causing all objects to gain mass, which includes us. From Einstein’s famous equation of E=mc², energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. As objects gain mass their energy increases and they vibrate faster. If you already understand you are eternal and cannot be destroyed, this means your vibration and mass are increasing with each successive lifetime you have experienced, because we move through space while living in a physical body.

Our Physical Reality

Physical life is not what it appears on the surface. The reality is all objects we can see and feel are mostly composed of space. From Nova’s Fabric of the Cosmos Series Greene stated: “Matter is mostly empty space. If you take out the space and the mass of the Empire State Building, it would condense to the size of a super-heavy grain of rice.” The universe is ninety-five percent invisible space and the same is true of us. That invisible space contains our soul and dark energy, which is intelligent and indestructible. This space gives us insight, creativity, physical form and allows healing to occur in our bodies. Our solid aspect is our visible physical manifestation, but is only temporary and death will eventually transform it. Our energetic aspect is eternal and cannot be destroyed. All materials and forces of the universe are within our bodies. We are part of the universe and thus subject to the same laws of physics that affect objects. Spirituality is the intelligent consciousness that is present in all life and is the center of all the forces of physics. It is the unifying force between the quantum world and world of relativity, that physicists cannot find and we are one with it. This force cannot be detected by observing physical forms. It can only be located by dropping our identification with physical reality and being still. When we are totally still, we are one with this force and we can know it.

The Universal Sea that Connects Us as One

Dark energy is like a continuous invisible fluid that fills all the space and interstices between all particles. Because it has no solid particles and is pure energy, no object can shield from being saturated by it. It is everywhere, always present and intelligent. This energy is capable of receiving, propagating and communicating all impressions of movement. It is comparable to the vehicle of transport of information between objects in the universe. Because dark energy permeates everything, effectively there is no distance between any physical object in space and communication and transport of information happens instantly. We actually exist in a fluid world, like fishes in the sea, where any movement of a fish affects all other fish in the sea. Because of this universal fluid, we are able to approach each other, withdraw, communicate, and be connected to each other. This fluid connects us together as one entity and is the mechanism for our reciprocal relations. It is consciousness itself.

What is Time?

Human time is a convenience to reference happenings of the past, present and future. It exists as a memory and reference point about something that physically happened in the universe. The passage of time is a sign of universe expansion due to the growing force. If we were past the point of universe expansion, we would no longer be growing and matter would be dissolving. Then we would see the effect of ‘reverse-time’ or going backwards in time. When you merge fully with dark energy by being entirely still then time stands still and effectively ceases to exist. The standstill of time is the same phenomena known to happen if you could travel at the speed of light. This happens because dark energy is the growing force and when you stop moving you are one with it and thus no movement is detected. An interesting ‘spiritual fact’ about time is all times exist at the same time. Any specific ‘time’ can be referenced and accessed by knowing unique qualities about the time in question whether it be past, present or future. This is because each happening has a unique quality of vibration and characteristics, which distinguish it from all other times. Okay, this explanation needs another spiritual fact, and that is nothing is ever destroyed, it only changes it shape. This fact makes distance healing possible for past, present and future events.

Human Evolution Today

People today face a challenging evolutionary transformation because of increased vibration due to acceleration of the growing force and the effect it is having on our bodies. It seems our old human species is no longer suited to the new environment, and a transformation is being forced on us to metamorphosis into a new species. It is natural when near the end of a growth cycle that extra stress is put on organisms to transform. Signs of this today are increased disease, elevated stress and violence, change in ecosystems, and on the positive side spiritual awakenings in growing numbers of people.

Human evolution has been going on for thousands of years, and it is important to know that each generation of humanity has a higher level of self-realization. Today you can see this by more people experiencing spiritual awakening. As humans move through space-time by living successive lifetimes, our mass and vibration increases. Higher level of vibration is equivalent to higher level of self-realization. This change in our energetic vibration and awareness level through successive lifetimes is primarily stored in the DNA, which contains instructions for our physical growing. When our vibration reaches a certain threshold, it will trigger strands in our DNA to activate and human metamorphosis will follow. The accelerated evolutionary force we face today has the reason to raise our self-realization level. No matter where we are in our evolution, the current challenge we face gives everyone an opportunity to advance their self-realization level. The illnesses and difficulties can motivate us to find solutions and ways to heal. Human evolution equals rising self-realization, which in turn is the same as the healing and transformation process. Transformation is the same as the growing process and always results in increased self-awareness.

What causes Disease?

As the growing force increases, it puts stress on our existing physical structure. It is like our physical body reaches a point where it can no longer thrive in the increased vibratory field and starts to break down. This is a natural process of evolution. With every living thing, there is a pattern or birth, growing, maturation, reproduction, then decline and eventually death. After growing and reproduction, the physical form tends to be fixed in shape. While the growing force is still present and strong, it does not prevent decline because we become attached to our physical form. We block this force from healing and transforming us due to our attachment to our known and familiar self. The primary way we attach to our old self is by constant use of our mind-voice or thinking. When we do not let go of identification to our old self, this causes stress, fear, violence and disease because we are resisting transformative energy. After our growing energy has been depleted to create our form, the only thing left is to transform our shape or face decline. The higher the vibration of the universe and the more rigid our outer-self, the sicker we become. The truth is dark energy is abundant, instantly accessed and strong enough to heal us. To start the healing process we need information about healing, and then we need to practice and experience energy healing and believe it is possible! Once we believe it is possible and sample this abundant healing source, healing will happen. Then we will be convinced it is possible and will get the unexpected side-affect of higher self-realization, which will give us motivation to continue with it!  

Aspects of Self and Our Healing Potential

A living system is like being composed of two objects; there is the manifest part of our physical body and the part not manifest as our spirit or life force. Each is vibrating at a different rate. It is as if we have a strong perfect vibration deep inside us, but the physicality and structure of our body and personality that covers this, prevents the inside vibration from manifesting externally as a whole and perfectly ‘in the flesh’. The lower our physical level of vibration is, the more restricted the flow of energy is throughout our body and the sicker and less aware we are. The physical aspect of self is not our permanent or real aspect, rather it is our reflected visible aspect, it represents what we are currently capable to manifest given our self-knowledge and experience. Our potential is contained in our non-reflected invisible aspect, which is our soul, spirit or source energy. This vibration resonates as one with the vibration of dark energy. We can access this energy and be one with it by placing our attention away from our physical aspect. Our energy self is eternal and because we are intimately one with the dark energy field, we have on tap a vast resource of energy and information for healing and self-realization.

What Is An Energetic Block?

An energy block is an area in the body where energy has difficulty to move through which prevents healing of causes disease or injury to the area. Blockages have a direct link with a program of conditioned response in the mind for the use of this body section. From birth onwards, we accumulate thousands of energy blocks from experiences in the tissues of the body and mind. We create them by our initial response to events and subsequent tendency to respond to similar events in conditioned or programmed ways. We maintain energy blocks in various ways. We can unconsciously protect an area of the body that was hurt in the past to prevent experiencing pain in that area again. We make repetitive movements of facial and body expressions, which cause excessive strength in lines relating to those movements and weakness in areas of body not used. In our hectic lives we accumulate stress and muscle tension, and do not know how to release it daily. There is also inherited genetic disease, which is due to issues of self-evolution. The reasons for energy block creation are varied but there is one common factor of why they are persistent and this is due to our habitual use of our mind in a programmed way.

When our energy gets too low due to too many energy blocks, we will notice symptoms of disease being produced by our body, as it tries to correct the problem. When we have an illness or disease, this means our energy is not flowing through our body in an ideal way. If the energy were flowing ideally, we would have perfect health as the body always tries to maintain a homeostasis. An energy block will continue to exist until the habitual response is removed due to reprogramming of the mind. 

Healing Happens When Vibration Increases

Common to all therapies and treatments is healing happens when we have a surplus of energy, which is the same as an increase in vibration over our normal vibration level. This happens naturally in sleep each night. When we lie down and eventually sleep takes over, our mind rests and our vibration increases. While our mind is quiet healing takes place in the body and the mind reorganizes, which is the reason for dreams in the night. Many therapeutic treatments also increase our energy for healing to occur. Massage releases tension from muscles. Improved diet makes digestion more efficient and uses less energy to move our toxic substances. Taking supplements supplies material necessary for body repair. Exercise increases elasticity of muscle fibers, which increases efficiency of nervous energy moving through the body.

When we increase our energetic vibration by any method, it shakes us out of conditioned pattern of use of our energy, which is primarily trapped by conditioned use of the body by the mind. When vibration increases, our mind goes quiet in moments and healing in mind happens, where the root of the problem lies. The mind healing essentially removes an energy block by reorganizing the mind. After the mind reorganizes, then physical healing takes place in the body with the growth of new cells with the new energetic organization. 

While any therapy can have this effect, the most effective healing happens when the mind goes still for long periods. Quiet mind happens naturally in sleep at night, but when a person has low energy, there is not enough time in quiet mind at night to get profound healing. Mostly there is only enough time to clean up the current day’s damage and degeneration continues. Meditation practice is the best way to attain sustained quiet mind. Once we know this to be true, there only remains the task to practice mediation and learn how to quiet the mind at will. When we detach from our mind, by not using our mind-voice to animate our personality, then our energetic vibration dramatically rises. Using our energy to animate the personality takes a huge amount of source energy. When we stop that activity, our energetic vibration immediately jumps and healing accelerates as well our self-realization level.

Transformation & Healing

Dark energy is equivalent to invisible light. Because we have light inside us, when we get still, here is no sense of time because we have matched the speed of light, because we are now being as one with light. A fact of physics states that at the speed of light, transformation from matter to energy physically happens. When we are as one with the source of light by being still, then transformation from matter to energy physically happens and our vibration increases and we become more aware. In the space of being still, transformation, healing and metamorphosis happens. Being still is the meditative state, and when we achieve it, we change. Distance healing is a very effective therapy because through the principle of entraining to the vibration of the master healer, it puts the person being healed into this still state that causes transformation and healing.

We all have the Potential to be healers

Dark energy is all around and inside everyone. Everyone has access to it and has the potential to be a healer. I would go so far as to say every human will eventually become a healer, because self-healing is a necessary step to reach further steps in evolution. Everything is energy, humans are energy beings and all problems can be corrected energetically. The roots of human problems are attachment to material forms, or the visible world, which has the inherent problem to hide or veil our energetic reality. Our main physical attachment is to our ability to self-reflect by using our mind and then reacting emotionally from what we are thinking. This creates an illusion of an activated physical entity, or ‘personality’. It is this illusion we generate with use of our mind and emotions that we are primarily attached. The longer we stay attached to generation and interaction with this illusion, the sicker we become. Ultimately, only an individual has the power to stop the habit of using their mind-voice to activate the personality, by using their will power, focus and skills of concentration to withdraw energy away from using the mind in this way. The more an individual practices doing this, the more mental clarity, emotional calmness, increased vitality and awareness they will develop. Eventually self-realization will be strong enough, that we will willingly accept the challenge to fully heal ourselves and will gladly do our daily mediation.

Healing Happens in a Natural Order

Energy healing is an effective therapy for any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual condition. It can easily be combined with conventional therapies with no negative side effects and addresses healing of the root cause of the issue. Healing is actually done by our own internal healer, which has a wisdom we cannot fathom. Healing occurs in a natural order, where our healer determines how to use an energy boost to heal what is most important for our survival. We do not need to direct energy in any particular way, we can trust that our internal healer knows perfectly what to heal and in what order. Having observed many healing processes, it is natural that your body will work first to clean out toxins and congestions in the lymph and organs and then to activate energy centers on the spine known as chakras, as this is the quickest way to ramp up your own energetic vibration to accelerate healing. Cleansing nearly always happens first and is a good thing, because in later healings it is necessary to have an open functioning and strong elimination system to remove larger amounts of toxins and heal deeper issues.

Establish the Habit of Daily Healing

In our stressful times and increasingly toxic world, it is important that people incorporate healing into their daily lives, just like brushing our teeth to prevent cavities. Daily healing activities will help maintain mental clarity, emotional stability, vibrant health and awareness. The basics of healing is healing happens when the mind is quiet, so finding a way to settle the mind each day is the most important thing we can practice. The proven and age-old practice of sitting meditation is very effective. With this practice, you learn how to turn off the mind-voice and deactivate animation of the personality. In the space you achieve quiet mind by doing this, your vibration increases and energy blocks heal. Each second of quiet mind is precious as energy moves fast, so there is great healing potential in even a second. As you practice, your ability to sustain quiet mind and your awareness level will increase. Therefore, each day you start out stronger than the day before. Another effective tool is learning energy self-healing. If you continue like this, you will fully heal yourself of all problems and then you will be able to help others heal.

Energy Healing Happens via Entrainment

Energy healing happens due to the principle of entrainment. From physics, we know that everything vibrates. From Newton’s Laws of motion we know when two objects meet each other, the vibrations of the two objects will synchronize with each other. The object with higher vibration will slow down and the object with slower vibration will speed up, until the two synchronize with each other and ‘meet’ to establish ‘a line of communication’. This synchronization process is known as entrainment and only takes a few minutes. After this, the vibration in both objects will accelerate from their synchronized ‘meeting point’, as long as the objects stay in contact with each other. It is like two energies merging into one stronger force and each person feels vibration increase.

As vibration increases, it excites nerve cells and increases energetic flow through all tissues of the body and especially muscle nerve cells. Muscles are elastic tissues, which have the ability to do work in the body by opening areas with blocked or stagnant energy flows. Vibration in the body can be physically felt and electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by muscles. Increasing vibration means healing is happening in both objects, as excitation is opening areas of stagnant energy flow to ‘raise’ the vibration to a higher level. As vibration increases, it shakes people out of their conditioned habit of using their energy to animate their personality, their mind quiets and they receive a healing in the mind.

A skilled healer has the ability to put a person into a deep state of quiet mind for a longer period, thereby providing the opportunity for a clear shot to cure the root cause of any condition, which exists primarily in the mind. Now, I will tell you a secret. The physical object with the strongest energetic vibration you can entrain to (on earth) is another human being. A person who has healed themselves can greatly increase another person’s energetic vibration, because their own vibration is higher than most. Getting healings from such a person can give you a large boost to help you heal the cause of your problem and to elevate your self-realization level.

How Does Energy Healing Work?

Energy healing heals at the energetic level, which is what makes it a very valuable healing method, because energetic flow or imbalance is the cause of physical problem. It works by removing energy blocks and reorganizing the mind and nervous system. It is like opening up an energy channel that previously had low energy flow. As energy channels are opened it increases the overall energy level of the person being healed and allows internal energy to get to the area to heal the physical problem. The actual healing is done by the person’s own body; it is not done by the healer. The healer is only the catalyst to elevate the person’s vibration through entrainment, to create the ideal condition for the reorganization to happen. The physical change is later manifested as healed tissue in the mind and body, and becomes apparent when the cells replenish with new growth. Because an energy healing changes the underlying energy flow, it can produce healing effects for many months afterwards.

How is Distant Healing Done?

Distance energy healing works just like an in-person healing with a few minor differences. To accomplish entrainment with an in-person healing, a person simply puts their hands above or on the body. With distant-healing, contact is established with a clear reference to the person, place or thing, which includes a date and time. The clear reference is a unique ‘identifying’ source vibration, such as a photo, name, geographical location, birth date or an object the person once held. A distance healing can happen in any time simply with the healer’s intention because all times exist at the same time, sort of like there exist many parallel universes. Each individual has a unique vibration depending on the timeframe, as every living being is changing each second we are alive. The individual characteristics plus the timeframe and location creates a unique ‘identifying’ signature vibration, which a distant healer can tune into and connect with. Given the flexibility of the time parameter, distance energy healings can be given for past, present or future times.

The healer first activates their vibration to raise it to a high level. Next, the distance healer states their intention for the healing, which is normally a request from the person being healed. This sets an intention for the exchange of energy for the healing session. Then the distance healer requests a connection with the person, place or animal using the unique identifiers and requested time. In reality there is actually no distance between us and another person, we are directly connected though the pool of dark energy. It is only visually that the world seems solid and we get the sense of being separated objects in time and space. With practice, energetic connection is easily made between distant objects through the field of dark energy. Next, the healer trusts their intention is set and then tunes into feeling the energy moving in their body and enters into a meditative state. The synchronization process of entrainment can be felt as a pulling and pushing force as the connection between the people establishes. It is like the synchronization of a large wave. This is like establishing a physical link or cord between the healer and the other being and only takes a minute or so. After the link is established, there are several different ways to give distance healings. What I do is visualize myself as the person I am connected with and give an energy healing to my own body using reiki and acupressure techniques using my intuition as needed. As the distance healing goes on, vibration in both healer and person being healed increases and progresses through a natural cycle. The strongest vibration is generated around the forty-five minute mark and energy typically is working strongly at this time in the mind with the most profound healing.

Some people are very sensitive to an energetic healing and feel much and others are not and feel little to nothing. You do not have to be able to feel working energy in a session for it to be effective, it is working whether you feel it or not. Ability to sense energy vibration increases with a higher awareness level. After a healing people often feel highly energized and refreshed. It is normal not to be able to sleep the first night after a healing, as the nervous system is highly energized. Even with a restless sleep, people awaken in the morning feeling very rested. After the session is complete, the healer requests that the connection that was established be disconnected to end the healing. 

Advantages of Distant Energy Healing

When in contact with a person locally, there is more resistance to being healed. Being physically touched creates reactions and resistance itself. It is hard for people to fully relax and be meditative while being physically touched and in the presence of another person. Distance healing can be much stronger than in person energy healing, because a person can relax more. When there is contact at a distance, there is much less personal resistance thus the body vibration can rise much higher as the person is not diverting any energy to ‘protect themselves’ and healing is more effective. A second reason why distance healing can be stronger than in person healing is the healer can maintain a deeper state of concentration and state of quiet mind, because there are fewer distractions, resulting in a higher level of vibration, which has more healing potential.

Distance healing can be very effective for healing all kinds of problems such as headaches, colds, helping people recover from operations or traumatic events, preventing illness, boost energy when facing stressful events, healing past events, healing pets and healing any kind of mental, emotional or physical problem. It is also very effective to increase self-awareness level so distance healing is a type of shaktipat and useful for any spiritual seeker who wants to increase their awareness level. Every day distance healing is becoming more widely accepted into mainstream viewpoints about its effectiveness as more people experience it’s benefits. Energy healing is a skill I encourage everyone to sample, learn, explore, and bring into their daily life for maintaining vibrant health and acute awareness.

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What’s the Best Protein Shake? Comparing Visalus, Isagenix, Shakeology, and More

What is the best protein shake for weight loss? Building muscle? Overall health?

In this article I will be comparing a few of the most popular protein shakes in terms of ingredients, cost, and taste. I will focus on a few of the most well known brands, most of which also have an income opportunity attached, but I will focus solely on the product itself, not the business.

First of all let’s explore Isagenix.

Isagenix is a multi level marketing company whose main products are it’s protein shakes. Having tried them myself, I can verify that the shake are very tasty. Even my kids like them and that is saying a lot because they don’t like too many of the shakes I have tried. Isagenix shakes come in creamy french vanilla, dutch chocolate, black sesame, natural berry harvest, and strawberry cream. Isagenix claims to use a very high quality whey protein isolate that is natural and free from pesticides. They claim to be a very healthy shake, despite the fact that each serving contains 16 grams of sugar. Perhaps that is why my kids like them so much.

The cost of a 14 serving canister is approximately $52 plus taxes and shipping so most people would need 2 canisters per month. If you sign up as a distributor you get each canister for around $40 plus tax and shipping. Isagenix promotes a ’30 day cleanse’ and you will find a ton of success stories from people using Isagenix all over the internet.

The main pros for Isagenix are its high quality whey and the taste.

The cons are the high sugar content and the lack of other ‘superfood’ ingredients.

Next let’s look at Shakeology by BeachBody.

BeachBody changed their marketing to into a network marketing structure in 2007 after many years of success through infomercials. Their name is well known mostly for it’s fitness programs like P90X and Insanity. The ingredients in Shakeology are very high quality and many of them are considered superfoods. To source all these ingredients separately would be extremely expensive. Overall, the protein content and the nutritional content are exceptional, and one look at the ingredients list will impress anyone in the health industry.

The cost of a 30 day supply is $119, making it the most expensive of the brands. But as a ‘coach’, you would receive 25% off plus free shipping. It cost’s $15/month extra to be a coach with BeachBody in order to maintain the discount. When you look at it that way, the monthly cost for Shakeology including taxes and all fees would be around $120 which is almost the same as just buying it retail.

However, despite the high cost, many people who are conscious of ingredients choose Shakeology. In terms of taste it’s one of my favourites. And my kids love it.

BeachBody also offers some well known fitness programs like P90X, Brazilian Butt Lift, Insanity, and TurboFire, that go along with their weight loss incentives. They promote nutrition, good eating, plus exercise to lose weight, and like Isagenix and most other shakes, you will find tons of success stories with Shakeology.

The pros of Shakelogy are the superior, wholefoods based ingredients that are nutritionally dense.

The only con would be the cost.

Another great shake, that is slightly off the radar because the company’s main focus is skin care, is the Arbonne Essentials shakes.

The Arbonne shake uses a mix of pea protein as it’s main protein source. Most people don’t realize that pea protein provides a good pre-workout energy boost as well as post workout muscle recovery. It also contains a similar amino acid profile to whey protein but is particularly high in lysine, phenylalaline, and arginine. Pea protein digests much easier than whey and does not contain any lactose or gluten, and that means no bloating. It also means it’s good for anyone with allergies or sensitivities.

Beyond the pea protein, the Arbonne shake contains rice protein, flax seed, panax ginseng, cranberry, kelp powder to name a few, as well as all the essential minerals.

The Arbonne shakes costs $85 retail for a 30 days supply but you have the option of getting it at 20% off by becoming a preferred client. It cost’s $24 to become a preferred client.

The bottom line when choosing the best protein shake for you is to look at the ingredients first to ensure you are getting everything you need, make sure you like the taste, and that it fits into your budget. Combine your shake of choice with a healthy diet and good exercise routine, and you will be on your way to a healthier, happier, lifestyle. You may have to try a few to find one you like the best but hopefully this review should help you narrow that down.

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Arthritis Natural Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis is also classified as an autoimmune disease (immune cells attack the body’s own healthy tissues). The joints are primarily affected by rheumatoid arthritis, but there can be systemic effects (i.e. Researchers have worked for years to find the cause of the abnormal autoimmune response associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has long been associated with work disability. Older studies have concluded that as many as 50% of people with RA for 10 years or more have been forced to stop working.

Osteoarthritis is the most recognizable form of arthritis touching 16-20 million inhabitants of the United States alone. Osteoarthritis (OA) originates with the decomposition of cartilage in joints, resulting in joint pain.

Treatment for joint pain include resting to allow the injury to heal. Warm baths and ice also reduce the swelling and provide some relief. Treatment only relieves the pain temporarily. Conventional painkillers have side effects. Treatment of Arthritis in the thumb depends on the symptoms and the stage of the disease. Some arthritic thumbs may be relieved with an aspirin.

Healthy diet is important, so try to eat a balanced diet, take lots of vegetables, fruits, fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamins C, E and folic acid. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and tea.

Joint pain is a chronic medical condition that can affect anyone. The pain is usually accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the affected joint in conjunction with redness and fever. Joint Power Rx could be an excellent solution because this formula includes many added herbal extracts and nutrients that are key in joint health.

Exercise used as one of the rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies includes performing aerobic exercises such as walking, dancing, or swimming. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet and normal body weight. Also, you should get regular checkups.

Studies have shown that exercise helps people with arthritis in many ways. Exercise reduces joint pain and stiffness and increases flexibility, muscle strength, cardiac fitness, and endurance.

Alternative and natural treatments have gained popularity and serve as a complement to traditional therapies. Some treatments get little respect regarding their efficacy, compounded by warnings for potential drug interactions and side effects. Alternate hot and cold applications will give relief to swollen and painful joints.

Glucosamine is a substance that appears in the human system naturally. There are supplements of this natural cure for arthritis on the market, and some people have found relief by using this remedy. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are natural substances that are part of the building blocks found in and around cartilage. Extracts from animal products have been used in Europe for more than a decade to reduce pain and improve mobility in patients with osteoarthritis.

Fruit and vegetables, with their antioxidant activity, usually exert an anti-inflammatory effect. Other natural arthritis remedies include the herb white willow, for pain management.

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Treatment of Scurvy

Scurvy (N.Lat scorbutus) is a deficiency disease, caused by lack of vitamin C, which is required for collagen (an element of normal tissues) synthesis in humans. The chemical name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid, which is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus. Vitamin C is found mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits such as oranges, olives, lemon, sweet lemon. Reduction in intake of Vitamin C rich food products, leads to scurvy.

History of the disease:

Scurvy historically affected mostly those nations, which were dependent more on military power. During military campaigns and long ocean voyages, food consumed by the ship crewmembers largely lacked in fresh fruits and vegetables, thus causing inadequacy of Vitamin C and leading to outbreak of scurvy epidemics.

The first clue to the treatment of scurvy occurred during Jacques Cartier’s arrival in Newfoundland in 1536, when he was advised by the native Indians to give his crewmembers, who were dying from this epidemic, a potion made from spruce tree needles. The foliage, rich in vitamin C, cured most members of Cartier’s crew.

What are the symptoms of scurvy?

Symptoms of Scurvy include one or any of the following –

o Swollen, blackened and bleeding gums with loosened teeth.

o Soreness and stiffness of the joints and lower extremities

o Bleeding under the skin and in deep tissues

o Anaemia

o Wounds that don’t heal, and scar tissue from old wounds dissolve causing reopening of wounds

o Tiredness and weakness, along with muscle cramps

o Appearance of tiny red blood-blisters to large purplish blemishes on the skin of the legs.

Who are more at risk of contracting Scurvy?

Scurvy is common in persons who follow a very restricted diet especially lacking in ascorbic acid, or who are under extreme physiological stress or are chronic alcoholics. Infants can also develop scurvy if they are devoid of mother’s milk, and switched to top-up milk, without providing sufficient Vitamin C supplements. Babies of mothers who take extremely high doses of vitamin C during pregnancy may also develop infantile scurvy.

Treatment for Scurvy:

Increase in intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits are necessary to treat scurvy. Additionally, adults need to consume around 300-1,000 mg of ascorbic acid per day and 50mg/day in case of infants to effectively treat the disease.

Since the body does not produce vitamin C, it must be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Some excellent sources of vitamin C are oranges, olives, guava, green peppers, watermelon, papaya, strawberry, kiwi fruit, mango, honey, mango powder, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, and citrus juices or juices fortified with Vitamin C.

Amla or the Indian gooseberry is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, whether fresh or the dried, powdered form.

Raw and cooked leafy greens (turnip, spinach), red and green peppers, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple are also rich sources of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is sensitive to light, air, and heat, so it is best to eat fruits and vegetables raw, or minimally cooked in order to retain their full vitamin C content.

Treatment of Scurvy with vitamin C is usually successful, if the deficiency is recognized early enough. If left untreated, the condition can even cause death.

Preventive diet for Scurvy:

For Infants –

The most important factor in the prevention and treatment of scurvy is proper feeding of mother’s milk, atleast for the initial six months. After birth, all children should preferable be breast-fed because it is pure and fresh and contains most of the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby. If, for any reason, it is not possible to breast-feed the baby, then cow’s milk or commercially available milk should be supplemented with vitamin C.

For Adults

A well balanced diet plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of scurvy in adults. The patient should take a well-balanced diet consisting of grains, seeds, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruit. This diet should always be supplemented with milk, eggs, fruits and honey.

Recommended Vitamin C intake:

Scurvy is rare in countries where intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is more. The Vitamin C present in them acts as important antioxidant, thus enhancing the development of connective tissues, lipid and vitamin metabolism, immune function and wound healing.

Currently, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is

o For adults: 50-60 mg/day;

o For infants: 35 mg/day;

o For pregnant women: 100 mg/day

o Lactating mothers: 150 mg/day

However, requirement for vitamin C increases when a person is under stress, smoking, or under some medication.

Although rare, but scurvy remains a malaise condition that is still prevalent in the pediatric population, especially among certain groups with unusual eating habits. A heightened awareness towards intake of Vitamin C rich foods is required to prevent a potentially fatal, but easily curable disease.

Thus, take the suggestion – “An orange a day keeps scurvy away.”

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Niacin for Bodybuilding – Benefits and Side Effects

If you want to gain muscle and strength then you know that a good diet and intense exercise is necessary.

Is there anything else that can give you an edge over your competitors?

Well, there are plenty of different supplements available but how do you know which is best?

Take niacin for example, there are many claimed benefits but are there any side effects that you should know about before considering using it?

Please read on to discover the truth about niacin for bodybuilding.

Benefits of Niacin for Bodybuilding

Using niacin is said to offer the following benefits:

  • Faster delivery of vital nutrients thanks to increased blood flow
  • Better oxygen transportation due to increased red blood cell production
  • Increased production of Human Growth Hormone or HGH

Niacin is a vasodilator, which means that when you take it your blood vessels found within your body will widen.

When this occurs the more oxygen, nutrients and hormones will be able to pass through these widened blood vessels, which allows you to train much harder and for longer.

Another benefit of this extra oxygen transported will be increased focus and concentration, as your brain will subsequently receive more oxygen than normal.

The benefit of the extra HGH produced is that you are able to recover quicker, and will be able to repair and grow muscle.

This is because the more HGH present within your body the more IGF-1 will be produced also. IGF-1 is a hormone that helps your body to recover post-workout.

If you are trying to lose body fat then this extra HGH produced can be of benefit too. This is because it can help with lipolysis, which is when your body breaks down fat.

Any Side Effects?

While there are certain side effects associated with niacin use, the main issue is the ‘niacin flush‘.

This particular side effect is temporary and only lasts a few minutes, however you will experience the following when it occurs:

  • Tingling in the face and neck
  • Feeling warm
  • Itchiness
  • Slight reddening of your skin

This flush is harmless and completely normal, as you continue to use niacin you will build up a tolerance to it so this particular side effect will be lessened.

To further reduce the effect of this flush you could also try using a small dose of aspirin.

Is there an Alternative to Niacin?

There is an alternative to niacin that does not cause this flush. Its name is niacinamide, but it is not as effective.

The truth is that this niacin flush proves to you that the supplement is working.

Is Niacin Recommended?

Niacin has been proven to offer numerous benefits, especially if you are looking to build muscle and strength for bodybuilding.

Its benefits far outweigh any negatives so if you want that competitive edge then it is recommended.

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Grow Taller Quickly – How To Grow A Foot Taller In A Week

Unfortunately, if you are looking to grow taller quickly by a foot in about a week then I hate to tell you that there is no way that this is going to happen at all unless you start walking on stilts, no matter what anyone says, it just won’t happen. You can, however, over time grow taller quickly by at least 2 inches dependent on how much effort you are willing to put into what I am going to show in the following article.

Many people are looking for quick fixes that are going to help them increase their height in a week or similar but that is what we call wishful thinking. You are not going to find some sort of height increase machine, creams or pills that will boost your growth hormones but this in fact is something that you are just going to end up wasting money on. IF you are looking to climb your way up the height ladder then you are going to have to do this naturally.

When I say naturally I mean that you are going to have to go through all the exercises, stretches and dietary criteria as these methods are in fact the best and fastest methods that you can go through that can help you grow taller quickly.

This does sound like a lot of effort but if you do in fact put in the time and the effort then you will gain the benefits out of it as well. There are many people that have claimed to have up to 6 inches of extra height from going through the natural methods! But what you need to understand is that it did take time for this to happen, this isn’t something where you just take some pills and it starts working, this is like building muscle; you need to be realistic and willing to put the time and effort in to reap the rewards.

So now that all of you know how unrealistic it is growing a foot in a week we can now move forward into the natural methods which while they do take time to go through are very effective and pay off well.

There are many natural methods to take into account when thinking about growing taller quickly, the most popular and easiest are the stretches to grow taller.

These can be done at anytime you have free, may people do these in the morning when they wake up and also in the evening before they get themselves back to bed. The best thing about stretches and exercises is that many of them don’t even need equipment just natural body weight, performing this in the morning when you wake and before you go to sleep can be highly effective and teaming them up with exercises and a diet that is high in not only protein but also high in nutrients such as calcium as well everyday will help you create a routine that will help you grow taller quickly by at least 2 inches.

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Calisthenics – The Importance of Body Weight Exercise

Calisthenics, also known as body weight exercise, is one of the most versatile, effective and beneficial training methods available to both those who wish to start exercise and to the professional athlete. Body weight exercises are an efficient way to develop usable strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, and coordination.

Your degree of strength and stamina is often measured by your ability to control the movements of your own body. When you exercise the way you naturally move you begin to apply these physical improvements (i.e., true functional strength) to your activities of daily living.

One of the most important benefits that calisthenics can do for you is to help preserve the ‘range-of-motion’ (ROM) of your joints. That means the movements you perform during many body weight exercises actually preserve your ability to perform that motion anytime. Instead of your joints rusting-up, instead of arthritis settling in – for instance – they remain more fluid and pain-free.

You can also increase your strength. Done properly, calisthenics are as effective as weight lifting, due to using your own body weight as resistance.

Don’t underestimate the importance of body weight exercise…they are one of the best tools you have for improved physical conditioning. You will have greater strength and energy. You will feel more poised and become physically stronger and more agile. You will experience greater emotional balance and become more self-confident. You will even begin to have new ideas and perspectives emerging from your improving health and enhanced physical power.

Calisthenics Is the Perfect Place to Start

If you are just starting a physical conditioning program calisthenics will teach you how to control the weight of your own body, building you a solid foundation in which other physical conditioning techniques and strategies can be built upon.

The fact is…you should not attempt weighted resistance exercises until you can effectively and efficiently control the weight of your own body.

Calisthenics: Start, Add or Diversify

There are many variation of calisthenics…giving you the ability to modify them to make them easier or harder (by varying the exercises, stresses and intensities of your workouts). When used effectively and in the right proportion in your physical training program body weight exercise can help you meet the challenges of sport, work and life with greater awareness and energy.

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Hemorrhoids and Enlarged Rectal Veins

Hemorrhoids, in the rectum, occur when the veins are not returning enough blood back to the heart. When this happens, the vein walls do not receive enough oxygen and release a substance into the blood that causes them swell and become inflamed. This swelling weakens them and their more likely to break when they are rubbed, like during a bowel movement.

If your stools are hard, you have a increased chance of breaking a swelling vein. For this reason getting your stools softer is one step in clearing your hemorrhoids. You can do this by eating a diet and using remedies that help relieve constipation.

Hemorrhoids, which are enlarged or swelling can exist,

* On the inside just above the muscle that closes the anus and into to the rectum. They are near the surface of the rectum mucus membrane

* On the outside, they occur on the skin that surround the anus and protrude or hang outward.

In a way, hemorrhoids can be considered varicose veins of the rectum. Just like varicose veins in the legs, the rectum veins become enlarged and come to the skin surface and bulge out.

Hemorrhoids occur when you are constipated for long periods, sit for long hours, lift heavy items, or are pregnant. If you’re constipated, you’re probably having a difficult time having a bowel movement. And when you do, your stools are usually small, hard, and dry.

If you have to push and strain or sit on the toilet for 10-15 minutes, then expect to have hemorrhoids at some point. Two to three minutes is all you normally need to have a natural bowel movement.

Over 85% of the population has hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a sign that fecal matter is not passing through your colon like it should. Simple hemorrhoids are not dangerous to your health, but hemorrhoids that have been building for a while will cause you some discomfort, such as,

* Mucus discharge

* Bleeding showing up in your stools or dripping into the toilet water

* Itching on the outside of the rectum

* Pain in the rectum area and during a bowel movement

* Pain in the rectum area, when you sit

* Soft bulging area in the rectum or anus that give you a sensation that something is there.

See your doctor if your hemorrhoids are painful, have excess bleeding, or stools have change in color from medium brown to dark brown or black.

Just be aware of any growth in the rectum, bleeding during a bowel movement, and a change in your stools color. Then take action to take care of these changes by seeing your medical practitioner.

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The Function and Uses of L-Proline

L-proline is a derivative of the amino acid glutamine. It is a precursor of a type of protein called collagen, which functions to support tissues of the body like skin, bones, muscles, tendons and cartilages. The effects of L-proline can be mostly experienced in the parts of the body that contains collagen, and may also contribute to the healthy functioning of the immune system. It is contained within cartilages and is important for the proper functioning of joints and tendons.

It is an organic compound, a non-essential amino acid that can be synthesized in the body by healthy individuals. Like any other amino acids, L-proline can also be found on protein-containing sources like meat, eggs, and also dairy and poultry products. L-proline can also be from supplements in the form of capsules and tablets and also available in sports drinks for body builders and athletes.

The most vital function of L-proline is the development and protection of skin and connective tissues. L-proline produces a type of protein called collagen which serves as an important role in keeping the body together. Some people even call it the component that glue that holds the body as one. It also helps in repairing wounds, damaged tissues, skin and muscles. It is also important in wound healing since the substance produced by L-proline, collagen, plays a major role in helping wound recovery.

The benefits of L-proline supplements are mainly directed to the structure and maintenance of the body. It proves to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis, soft tissue trains and chronic back pains. When people grow older, natural levels and intake of L-proline may be diminished, therefore causes bone deficiencies like weakening of bones and joint disorders that are notable in older individuals. Intake of L-proline supplements are recommended in order to restore fluidity in joints and bones. In fact, L-proline also helps in reducing sagging and wrinkling.

L-proline deficiency is indicated in people who have very slow healing ability. Individuals having frequent tears in the tissues and joints of the body also indicate such. The most effective way of avoiding L-proline deficiency is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Athletes that undergo intense and vigorous exercises and workouts may be advised to take L-proline supplements to avoid L-proline deficiency and losing muscle mass since it is said that the body uses its muscles for energy.

The recommended therapeutic dose of L-proline supplements ranges from 500 to 1000 mg daily. Since L-proline is not considered toxic, taking high doses of it has shown no major side-effects. Though the body is able to produce enough L-proline for its sustenance, people experiencing arthrosclerosis, blood pressure problems or slow healing rate are suggested to take L-proline supplements with their physician’s advice.

For more information on this supplement, please log on to:

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