Archive | Building Muscle

6 Week Body Makeover – Meal Plan For Body Type E

Using the 6 Week Body Makeover to lose weight is about targeting foods that will aid you in burning fat. Food that burns fat for other people might not work for you. It’s all about customizing your meals and ensuring that you’re choosing the right foods that will cause you to shed the fat. Most diets do not work because you end up starving yourself and your metabolism becomes used to not receiving as many calories per day. This means you will feel hungry all the time and won’t lose weight. The Michael Thurmond Makeover has many meal plans that can be prepared using the Infinite Meal Planner. Here is an example of a meal plan for a Body Type E Person.

First off, here are characteristics of a Body Type E person. Body Type E people have trouble building lean muscle tissue. Lean muscle is the building block for fat loss because muscle helps in the aid of burning calories. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will burn fat calories. People with Body Type E have a fast metabolism and if they do not eat regular meals, their bodies will start breaking down muscle tissue for fuel. These people should regularly eat red meats because red meats help in the aid of muscle building. Here is a typical meal for Body Type E females using the Infinite Menu Planner.


2-3 oz. protein A

1 cup carb A

1/2 cup fruit A

Mid Morning Snack

2-3 oz. protein A

1/2 cup of carb A


2-3 oz. protein A

1/2 cup carb A

Mid Afternoon Snack

2 oz. protein A

1/2 cup carb A


2-3 oz. protein A

1/2 cup carb A

1-2 cups veggie A

PM Snack (Optional)

1-2 oz. protein A

1/2 cup fruit A

There are many more choices besides these when using the 6 Week Body Makeover Fast Track Menu Cards or the menu planner. The key is to customize each meal for your food preferences so you won’t feel bored.

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Guide To Muscle Gain For Skinny Guys – Your Way Out Of Skinny-Ville

This article is a guide to “muscle gain for skinny guys”. Not too long ago, I was also a skinny guy unable to put on muscle however hard as I tried. i worked out harder than anybody else in the gym and stuffed my mouth with lots of junk food. Nothing worked, until I started following the strategies needed for “muscle gain for skinny guys”. This article will talk about what sort of mind-set you need to build muscle as a hard-gainer.

Muscle gain for skinny guys begins with a change in perspective. Our genetics hold us back from building muscle easily, but this can be over-ridden with a little bit of extra work and an intelligent life-style.

We are not one of those lucky guys who can do some silly exercises in the gym, gobble down some junk food and put on muscle. We have to eat right, work out right and sleep right.

Just because you are a hard-gainer does not mean that you should give up on gaining muscle. You should instead focus on how you can change your lifestyle to build muscle.

Muscle gain for skinny guys starts with what you put in your mouth. You have to make yourself a meal plan that focuses on both quality and quantity. Pump your body with the right type of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and with lots of water. Focus on what times you eat these meals at and ensure that you never get hungry. That’s a pretty decent rule of thumb.

Muscle gain for skinny guys continues with your work out. Pay close attention to the lengths of your work out and don’t overwork yourself, because you know how easily this can backfire and result in muscle loss rather than gain. Keep the intensity at a maximum in the gym and try to out-do yourself week after week.

Muscle gain for skinny guys ends in bed with a sound night’s sleep. Make sure you get sufficient rest because you grow in your sleep, not in the gym, or while you eat, so this is extremely important too.

Muscle gain for skinny guys is a whole new kettle of fish. Our entire lifestyle must change if we are to put on muscle fast. In the end however, it is completely worth it when you have a healthier, fitter, buffer and more ripped body, and all the girls want a piece of it, and the guys want to know how you got it.

Work hard towards getting your dream body, unless you want it to stay a dream.

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Deltoid Workouts For the Hardgainer – Get Massive Shoulders!

Nothing improves the appearance of your physique like getting bigger shoulders. Studies have shown that women are unconsciously, biologically drawn to men with a large shoulder to waist ratio.

How can you improve this? Well, first off, lose that body fat with some High intensity interval training, (jumprope workouts work well).

But, to gain shoulder mass, check out these deltoid workouts that will have you rocking solid shoulders in no time…

First we will look at the two exercises that are a MUST for gaining shoulder muscle mass.

Then, since nutrition is half the battle when it comes to gaining muscle, we will have a look at the best diet for muscle gains.

After you are using these two pieces of advice, you will be well on your way to sporting some serious shoulders!

Let’s get started…

Deltoid Workouts – The Best Shoulder Exercises

Forget cables, dumbbell isolation exercises, and any other light weight gimmicks.

When you are trying to pack on that first bit of mass, NOTHING beats heavy, compound movements for low reps.

Specifically, the two best shoulder mass building exercises are:

  • Military Press (with dumbbells or barbell, although dumbbells are better if you have had shoulder injury/rotator cuff problems)
  • Handstand Pushup

These exercises, when done HEAVY, result in maximum deltoid muscle activation and as a result, maximum muscle gains.

What about reps?

In general, doing sets of 5-8 reps is best for growing the muscle fibers themselves, called myofibrillar hypertrophy. Gains in muscle fiber size are longer lasting than gains in the ‘goo’ between the fibers, called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which comes from training in higher rep ranges for a ‘pump.’

Have a History of Shoulder Injury? Warm up properly

In general, it is good to warm up the small, easily injured shoulder stabilizers of the rotator cuff. Do a YouTube search and you should find some good examples.

An Example Deltoid Workout For Muscle Gain

First, warm up with some rotator cuff exercises. Then do a few minutes of easy pushups, bodyweight squats, and pullups.

  • Deadlift – 3 sets for 5-8 reps (this will get your body’s anabolic (muscle-building) hormones flowing, preparing your body for the next movements
  • Military Press or Handstand Pushup – 4 sets for 5-8 reps, supersetted with the following exercise
  • Weighted Pull up – 4 sets for 5-8 reps (this will build the often-neglected rear deltoids, in addition to the biceps and back)

What? Only 3 Exercises?!?

Most hardgainers make the mistake of doing TOO MUCH, which can kill your gains.

The key here is to do 3 or 4 brief, INTENSE workouts per week, allowing your body ample time to recover between workouts.

Your muscles will respond with strength and size.

Nutrition for Deltoid Muscle Gains

You must eat enough to give your muscles the raw material to rebuild bigger and stronger.

To do this, try to eat around 20 times your weight in calories. So, for example, if you weight 150, try to eat around 3000 calories per day. You should try to eat around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and around 20-30% of your calories from fat.

Don’t avoid good, complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa. Try 2-4 grams per pound of bodyweight, per day.

Keep track of your diet in a journal to keep track of what you are eating and allow yourself to properly adjust should you need to.

Wrapping it up…

So now you know that heavy, compound movements like handstand pushups and military presses are the best shoulder muscle exercises. You also know the importance of warming up properly, and how to make sure you are eating enough to see gains.

All that’s left is for you to go out and use this info to grow some massive shoulders!

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Bodybuilding For Hardgainers – Never Be Called Skinny Again

Bodybuilding for hardgainers is like kayaking with a one-piece paddle, while those genetically gifted body-builders are going at it with a proper 2-piece paddle. What the hell does that mean? It means it’s more difficult, but it is possible if you do it right. This is because genetically your body is less prone to stacking on muscle.

Unfortunately, a lot of skinny guys use the term hard-gainer as an excuse and limitation to why they can’t gain weight. What you should do is just the opposite. Since bodybuilding for hardgainers is difficult but possible if done right, as a skinny guy, you should be motivated to work twice as hard and twice as smart to gain muscle.

This article will serve as a “bodybuilding for hardgainers” guide.

Why am I a good candidate to tell you about this stuff? Well, I am one of the guys who had to face this problem, and as hard as I tried I just could not gain muscle. I worked out so hard, and ate lots, but nothing seemed to work. I took supplements and everything only to watch the scale not move a single extra line when stepping on it. I hated being skinny and I just didn’t want to be that tiny guy anymore. I didn’t want to be the smallest one of my cousins and the smallest one of my friends, so I started bodybuilding for hard-gainers.

The first thing we need to do is eat a greater quantity and better quality of muscle building food than others. This includes more water, more good carbohydrates, more proteins, and more good oils and fats than other people consume.

The next thing we need is rest. Lots of good quality rest. Go to sleep early, and wake up early. Add on a couple of power naps if you want. Remember however, that just because you’re a “hardgainer” doesn’t mean you won’t get fat with this diet and rest. If you want this to be a ‘bodybuilding for hardgainers’ diet, then you need to add a great work out to it.

The ‘bodybuilding for hardgainers’ workout is one intense workout. Chose a nice 8-12 rep range and work out each muscle group once a week, unless you’re doing full body circuits, which are great too. Do at least 3-4 sets and make sure you go as heavy as you can without hurting yourself. In addition you should switch up your exercises, weights, set and rep range every 4-6 weeks to ensure you don’t plateau and for maximum muscle gains.

Bodybuilding for hardgainers is not impossible. It just requires a HARDER and SMARTER muscle building strategies. A large quantity and good quality diet plan, with plenty of rest and a great workout plan are the foundations for bodybuilding for hardgainers. Get the right attitude. Don’t make your being a “hard-gainer” an excuse. instead make it a reason to work harder and smarter.

I know it might be discouraging looking in the mirror and seeing no change, but trust me if you do all this, in the end it will be totally worth it when you’re bigger than the guys who make fun of your size now.

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How to Manipulate the Tempo of a Rep For Building Muscle

One common thing I notice in the gym is people ignoring the tempo at which they do their reps and sets. Tempo happens to be just as important as reps and sets when it comes to constructing the perfect workout for building muscle. Before I begin talking about tempo just let me give you my explanation. Tempo is the speed at which you lift and lower the weight at, the pauses at the top and bottom of each rep, and the overall time of the set. Next let me tell you how to read tempos because they are written out normally with just numbers in a line. An example of a tempo written out would be 4242. This means you raise the weight for four seconds, pause for two seconds at the top of the rep, lower for four seconds, and finally pause for two seconds before you move on to the next rep.

Some people write them out with just three numbers such as 313 and ignore the pause at the bottom. I prefer the pauses because they stop momentum, and if you are just swinging the weight up and down this takes a lot of tension off of the muscle. Another thing to be aware of is if the tempo contains an “X.” All that means is to explode as fast as you can on the way up. Seems simple enough so lets get into common manipulations of tempo. One thing to note really quick. Some people write tempos the opposite way I do. Some have the eccentric or lowering the weight part first. Just be aware because their is no universal law to writing tempos.

Quick Tempos

Quick tempos are typically not used for muscle building workouts because they do not keep the muscle under tension long enough. Instead they are great for explosive training. A common explosive training tempo would look like X0X0, or as I call the hugs and kisses tempo. Explosive training is just fast movements meant to reflect those in sports normally so athletes can gain strength to call on and use fast. Normally explosive training is not done with to many dumbbells and barbells, but instead you use mostly bodyweight exercises and medicine ball exercises. Medicine balls are great for explosive training because you can throw the ball and do movements that are impossible with a dumbbell. Bodyweight exercises are easy to manipulate for explosive training because you can lift yourself off the ground. Push ups where you push away from the floor as hard as you can so you go into the air, and jumping squats are both fine examples of bodyweight explosive training.

Slow Tempos

Truthfully I do not see much value in really slow tempos, and by slow I mean greater than 15 seconds a rep so the tempo would be like 6262. As the saying goes “Train slow be slow.”

Muscle Building Tempos

Now to get to the bread and butter of manipulating tempos. If you wish to do this for muscle gains you probably already know that you should use 8-12 reps. At least that is commonly known, but to even get more detailed in your workout plan for muscle building you want to use tempos that can keep the muscle under tension for 40-60 seconds. Anything under that will come out with a strength gain and anything above 80 or so seconds will come out with aerobic gains. The best is between 40-60 seconds. To get our time between those recommendation we need to do about 5-6 seconds a rep. So my recommend tempos would be 1131, 1121, or even 1221. Any one of those will be great because with 8 reps the seconds come out to about 40-48, and with 12 reps they come out to 60-72 seconds.

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How to Manipulate the Tempo of a Rep For Building Muscle

One common thing I notice in the gym is people ignoring the tempo at which they do their reps and sets. Tempo happens to be just as important as reps and sets when it comes to constructing the perfect workout for building muscle. Before I begin talking about tempo just let me give you my explanation. Tempo is the speed at which you lift and lower the weight at, the pauses at the top and bottom of each rep, and the overall time of the set. Next let me tell you how to read tempos because they are written out normally with just numbers in a line. An example of a tempo written out would be 4242. This means you raise the weight for four seconds, pause for two seconds at the top of the rep, lower for four seconds, and finally pause for two seconds before you move on to the next rep.

Some people write them out with just three numbers such as 313 and ignore the pause at the bottom. I prefer the pauses because they stop momentum, and if you are just swinging the weight up and down this takes a lot of tension off of the muscle. Another thing to be aware of is if the tempo contains an “X.” All that means is to explode as fast as you can on the way up. Seems simple enough so lets get into common manipulations of tempo. One thing to note really quick. Some people write tempos the opposite way I do. Some have the eccentric or lowering the weight part first. Just be aware because their is no universal law to writing tempos.

Quick Tempos

Quick tempos are typically not used for muscle building workouts because they do not keep the muscle under tension long enough. Instead they are great for explosive training. A common explosive training tempo would look like X0X0, or as I call the hugs and kisses tempo. Explosive training is just fast movements meant to reflect those in sports normally so athletes can gain strength to call on and use fast. Normally explosive training is not done with to many dumbbells and barbells, but instead you use mostly bodyweight exercises and medicine ball exercises. Medicine balls are great for explosive training because you can throw the ball and do movements that are impossible with a dumbbell. Bodyweight exercises are easy to manipulate for explosive training because you can lift yourself off the ground. Push ups where you push away from the floor as hard as you can so you go into the air, and jumping squats are both fine examples of bodyweight explosive training.

Slow Tempos

Truthfully I do not see much value in really slow tempos, and by slow I mean greater than 15 seconds a rep so the tempo would be like 6262. As the saying goes “Train slow be slow.”

Muscle Building Tempos

Now to get to the bread and butter of manipulating tempos. If you wish to do this for muscle gains you probably already know that you should use 8-12 reps. At least that is commonly known, but to even get more detailed in your workout plan for muscle building you want to use tempos that can keep the muscle under tension for 40-60 seconds. Anything under that will come out with a strength gain and anything above 80 or so seconds will come out with aerobic gains. The best is between 40-60 seconds. To get our time between those recommendation we need to do about 5-6 seconds a rep. So my recommend tempos would be 1131, 1121, or even 1221. Any one of those will be great because with 8 reps the seconds come out to about 40-48, and with 12 reps they come out to 60-72 seconds.

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Shawne Merriman Workout Plan – Diet & Workout Guide to Get Ripped in Just 2 Months Revealed!

Shawne Merriman, known for his hard hits and intense defense, is one of the best players in the NFL. He has spent years sculpting his body into the machine it is today. In order to build a body Shawne Merriman’s you need the proper mix of lifting, running, and diet which, together, can help you build strong, defined, and toned muscle throughout your entire body.

Shawne Merriman Workout

A good workout plan should be easy to follow. To maximize new muscle growth, you need to balance working out and recovering. One of the best plans for this involves the following workouts. The numbers in front of each exercise indicate the number of sets and the number of reps in each set.

Workout A

3×5 Back Squat

3×5 Bench Press

3×5 Power Clean

Workout B

3×5 Back Squat

3×5 Overhead Press

1×5 Deadlift

Simple, huh? Alternate workouts 3 days per week, with one day off between each workout. Monday, Wednesday, Friday is good. You can add supplemental work like sit ups or pull ups, but your goal should be add weight every single time you lift. To start, simply work with the bar until you are comfortable.


A solid diet is key to building a fundamentally strong and well-rounded body. You should be eating lots of calories to build muscle. Each pound of muscle is approximately 3,500 calories, so eating 500 calories above your regular bodily needs (usually 2,000 calories / day) will result in a pound of muscle per week!

For each pound of bodyweight, eat 1 – 1.5 grams of protein, which can be found in foods such as red meat, chicken, tuna, and nuts. Leafy greens like spinach and arugula are also good. A healthy amount of fruits and vegetables will help your body recover faster and feel fitter. Finally, protein shakes can help boost metabolism and augment your natural protein intake.

Don’t worry too much, though! You’re trying to build muscle. That means your body will take whatever you throw at it (pasta, pizza, Chinese food, whatever) and use the nutrients in that food to build your beautiful new body.

If you’re serious about building a body like Shawne Merriman diet and exercise will only get you halfway there. Supplements like Nitric Oxide will help you boost blood flow to muscles. It will give your muscles exactly what they need to grow, bigger, stronger, and more powerful with each workout. It will enhance your recovery time and give you a boost to your energy and metabolism.

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3 Keys to Building Body Mass Very Quickly – What You Need to Know to Build Body Mass Today

The average guy will always benefit from adding extra lean body mass to his frame… To be honest everyone will benefit by adding lean body mass to their frame. The problem is, building body mass can be difficult if you do know the correct steps. You could spend years training and only make minimal gains, because you’re not going about it in the right way. In the following paragraphs I will show you the right way. You will learn the key steps to building body mass fast.

Step 1. Strength train with heavy weight

The first key to building body mass is strength training. In order to gain muscle, you have to lift weights. But there is a right and a wrong way to go about this. The wrong way would be following the routines you find in bodybuilding magazines. Those guys having been training for years and most use anabolic steroids. Those workouts won’t work for you.

The right way is to find a plan that aims to help the average guy put on muscle. This plan should consist of compound lifts and should train the whole body. If you follow this you’ll be building body mass in no time.

Step 2. Eat a lot of healthy food.

The second key to building body mass is eating enough calories. The wrong way to go about this is using your goal of build muscle as an excuse to eat everything in sight. Eating junk food will not help you reach your goals…unless that goal is to be obese.

The right way is to eat a whole lot of food, but make sure your eating clean and healthy food. For example, egg whites, chicken, tuna, fish, steak and lots of leafy green vegetables. Some good ones are spinach, collard greens and arugula. Also makes sure you drinking tons of water.

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The Best Tricep Muscle Exercise Routine For Big Triceps

Tricep are a good addition to the big guns of biceps in the front of the arms.

There are three parts to the tricep; the lateral, medial, and long heads. In order to fully develop the tricep, it is crucial that you work each of these three parts. One tricep exercise will not be enough to work all three parts of the tricep.

The best routine for big triceps is immediately after you work out your chest since most chest exercises also target the triceps. It is a good warm up for your tricep muscles. Work the triceps two times a week with at least 48 hours between workouts. Follow this exercise routine for the biggest tricep growth.

1st Tricep Workout Day:

Standing Dumbbell Extension: Sets 3, Reps 8-10

To do this exercise you need a dumbbell at your preferred weight. Stand with the weight over your head, gripped by both hands with the arms extended. Lower the weight behind your head as you bend your elbows and bring it back up.

Lying Tricep Extension: Sets 3, Reps 10

To do this exercise you should lie down on a bench holding the barbell with both hands less than shoulder width apart and your arms fully extended over your head. Then move the weight back slightly and lower it down to the top of your head. It is important that you keep your elbows in during the whole movement.

Tricep Dips: Sets 3, Reps 8-10

This exercise is done on the parallel bars. You should place yourself between the bars with the bars at the sides of your shoulders. Grip each bar with your palms facing each other. Push yourself up until your arms are almost completely extended but not locked out. Bend your knees and cross your feet. Bring your body weight down slowly as you bend your elbows.

2nd Tricep Workout Day:

Close Grip Bench Press: 3 sets, Reps 8-10

This is like a traditional bench press except the hands should be closer together on the bar. Perform it like a regular bench press.

Tricep Push downs: 3 sets, Reps 10

This workout is down with a cable pulley with a bar at the end. Place both hands on each side of the bar with your palms facing away from the body. Pull the bar down and straighten your arms all the way.

Tricep Push Ups: Sets 1, Reps 20

This move is close to the traditional push up. The only difference is the placement of the hands. Instead of having them shoulder width apart, bring them in closer until the thumbs are almost touching. Come down until your nose is close to the floor.

This workout should be done for the first 4-6 weeks. After that, change it up with some different moves or heavier weights. Remember that the body gets used to a routine. To keep the muscles in shock and still growing you have to give it something new to do.

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How Classical Music Benefits Children With Learning Disabilities

We have long known about the ability of classical music to provide pleasure and stir up deep emotions. Undoubtedly, music has a powerful impact on the brain. Studies have shown that classical music can also help children with special needs through a variety of significant improvements including reduced stress, increased IQ, and improved ability to concentrate. Further, music can make children feel more positive and improve their creative thinking. The bottom line is that classical music can make a huge difference in the lives of those with disorders like autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, ADD and ADHD and mental retardation.

The Mozart Effect and the Power of Music

The term “The Mozart Effect” has gone mainstream, as now there are a variety of products including everything from CDs to toys that use Mozart’s music to improve a person’s ability to perform mental tasks. A wide variety of experts theorize that listening to Mozart can actually boost intelligence too. Don Campbell who wrote The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit has declared that the Mozart Effect is “an inclusive term signifying the transformational powers of music in health, education, and well-being.”

An issue of Nature Journal in 1993 published remarkable findings from studies at The University of California at Irvine. In one study, group of students listened to Mozart while a second group listed to a tape with suggestions for relaxation. A third test group just had 10 minutes of silence. When these students were given a test on spatial IQ, those who listened to Mozart showed to have a significantly higher spatial IQ.

Some scientists speculate that complicated sounds like classical music boosts the operation of firing patterns in the brain’s cortex. Studies have also shown that those even with Alzheimer’s disease do better on spatial IQ tests after listening to Mozart. One of the reasons that classical music is so powerful in contrast to other forms of music is that it has sequences that repeat throughout a musical piece. Often these sequences appear about every 20 or 30 seconds. Due to the fact that brain wave patterns also take place in 30-second cycles, this type of music can provide the most powerful type of response.

The Mozart Effect has very real implications for those with learning disorders. Listening to classical music will not only boost IQ, but it will also help children concentrate better and memorize new information. When a child hears classical music, it can create the ideal conditions for learning and creativity.

One additional boost to the implications of classical music’s positive impact on learning and the brain occurred in 1998 when the governor of Georgia Zell Miller included over $100,000 annually in the budget for the state for tapes and CDs of classical music for all of children born in Georgia. He was persuaded to take this bold step due to the various studies that listening to classical music spurs intelligence.

Music Therapy

Classical music can positively impact everything from emotional development to motor skills to cognitive functioning. There is an entire field of psychology called Music Therapy where therapists improve the health of their clients through using music. Professionals like teachers, physicians and psychologists regularly refer children for music therapy. Music Therapists can even help rehabilitate people who have had strokes through the power of music.

Kids with learning disorders like ADD, ADHD, and autism can benefit from Music Therapy, as it will help them to feel calmer and less impulsive. Further, many children will feel more comfortable opening up about their feelings when they are exposed to music. At this point, therapists can help children to overcome their frustrations and assist to boost their self-esteem.

Distractions and Music

One thing that many children with learning disorders have in common is that they are easily distracted. Different noises can take their attention away from a task at hand. However, when classical music is used therapeutically, it changes the way the ear functions and stimulates the brain.

Children with a variety of learning disorders including autism are experiencing positive results from Tomatis Listening Therapy. During therapy sessions, classical music is sent into the right ear and the sound is also vibrated through the bones in the body. One of the goals of this therapy is to get the ears in sync and re-balance the system. The philosophy behind this treatment is that it can allow its recipients to begin performing to the best of their abilities.

Many children have also improved their ADHD conditions through learning to play a music instrument. The act of practicing playing classical music and listening to it at the same time can teach kids to lengthen their attention span.

The Calming Ability of Music

When children with special needs listen to classical music, it provides a positive and relaxing experience. Remarkably, classical music can also reduce stress and ease frustrations. Further, it can reduce muscle tension and slow down the heart rate. When these changes occur, the mind is more open to learning and also to communicating with others.

One study at the Baltimore St Agnes Health Care by Raymond Bahr, MD showed that when doctors played classical music for their heart patients it had the same impact as a 10 mg dose of Valium! The implications of this study for those with special needs are clear. When children with autism, cerebral palsy, ADD, ADHD, and mental retardation are able to relax and calm down, dramatic changes in their behavior become possible.

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