Archive | Building Muscle

Tips on Building Muscle

Building muscles has become one of the latest health fads but unlike other fads which come and go, muscle building has proved to be an effective one which has stayed for a long time. The lucrative results of the same can also be seen on the body. There had been a misconception that muscle building and workouts always have to take a complicated and the approach to the training is not easy too. But in the end, the body is stimulated with progressive overload and intensity.

There are various kinds of gimmicks and fad muscle building techniques which claim to provide instant results and so on. But though these techniques can be effective, they are not always required. The intensity builders in your workout routines are sufficient to acquire the target muscle growth. It has been seen that sometimes even less can be more and a simple single or multiple-set routine proves to get you the best results.

One of the most important factors to remember while training the muscles is that different muscles require different methods of training because not all muscle groups would react in the same way. It has been seen that though heavy sets may be the most effective at building other muscles, they do not have the same effect on the calves. It has also been proven that people react better to higher repetitions and lighter weights when it comes to the calves.

Hence it is best to pyramid the work out for creating the best gains especially in the bench press while multiple light sets have proved to be most effective for calf growth. One of the main reasons for this is in the fiber compositions of the various muscle groups. Hence the more the fiber composition the better is the muscle building. The various muscle groups composed mainly of slow twitch fibers are usually more receptive to light sets. But the groups containing a majority of fast twitch fibers are usually providing better results when they can be stressed better with heavy sets.

However the different composition of the different people often leads to different kinds of reactions for all. There are various people who see that spurs growth is not always one way but several. It is just that the right method for making your calves or your biceps grow is by practicing the various kinds of exercise. It should also be understood that the muscles have a limited shelf life. They also need to be continuously trained for getting the best results. For optimizing the results the body should be subjected to new stresses and it should be forced to adapt to new changes.

It has been seen that some people have different sets of muscles responding to the same methods also. For example, calves, the biceps, abs and hams muscle groups respond to methods that go against the common logic of working which are usually heaviest for the greatest growth. Those who are having trouble with these groups should try out new methods. Pyramiding bench press, super setting the biceps and doing breathing sets for your squats have proven to be effective methods.

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Muscle Building – What To Eat To Build Muscles?

“What to eat to build to build muscles?” is the most frequently asked question. I won’t name the particular products as all the products have the labels listing the nutrients they contain. I will name the basic principles of the diet to stick to in order to gain muscle weight. It matters what you eat, but it also matters how you eat and when you eat. So let’s find the answers to all these questions.

At first I want to share with you some tips about how to eat. First bodybuilder rule is to eat more frequently. Try eating every two hours from 8 AM to 10 PM.

When to eat? It depends on the workout time. The best time to eat proteins is before the training. That way you are giving your muscles the material to grow. The best time to eat carbs and fats is two hours after the training. That way you restore the energy that muscles need to recover after the workout. If you eat carbs and fats 2 hours after the training they don’t turn into fat but are fully absorbed by muscles. All you get is muscle gain, not fats.

Some dietitians suggest increasing the amount of food you’re eating. They are right as long as you pay attention to what you’re eating. The proportions of the nutrients recommended are: proteins 30%, carbs 40-50%, fats 20-30% of the daily nutrients. The protein intake is crucial to muscle building. You should eat 1 gram of protein per one pound of the body weight every day. This is the minimum amount needed for the progressive muscle growth. Do not get too exited about the proteins. Maximum amount of the proteins our body can metabolize is 2 grams per pound of the body weight.

The amount of fats and carbs to eat should be determined by your metabolism type. If you eat a lot and still stay slim then your metabolism is very active; if you eat very little but gain weight – your metabolism is slow. So if your metabolism is active you probably need more energy, more fats and carbs. If your metabolism is slow then there is no need to increase the intake of fats and carbs. The only thing to modify is the protein amount.

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Six Pack Abs For Women

Six pack abs craze had been there in many countries for a very long time. It is that which gives one a flat chested, hardy and strong figure and is something that can be achieved only through rigorous body work and by enough of out throwing perspiration.

Having six abs also helps in having sturdy strong arms but the negative link associated with it is that it gives the body a crunchy pain and thus one should take care to deliberately avoid the crunch based exercises and practice those ones that are simply done on a mat in a proper environment and ambiance.

But this act of having six packs is considered to be a highly unwomanly act as women are of the weaker sex and are unable to continue such terrible, rigorous, painful exercise schedules. Many people also feel that having six packs abs tend to give women a male-structured figure. But on the other hand, it is having this six pack abs that gives a woman sexy figure. But having six pack abs women is considerably a very new and exciting concept taken up in many discussions amongst woman everywhere. But the women must know that they should take a back step from the intense routine of having six pack abs.

The medical team presents a view that as a result of doing such exercises women face hormonal changes during menopause. Hence, it is very important, that the women should consult their doctors before taking up any six abs exercises.

The exercises meant for the men and women are definitely different, to suit the physical structure of their body. Women are not that physically fit and hence cannot lift heavy amounts of weight. Therefore, their tenure of making a six pack abs body is generally more than that of the men. But it is very important to keep this in mind that such exercises should be avoided by the pregnant women under all circumstances to ensure the safety of their child as well as themselves.

The woman who wants to have a six pack abs figure must start working for it from the teenage or at the most by the early twenties and continue doing so till the end thirties. This is the age which gives their physic, the proper toning to have this six pack abs figure.

Some of the basic requirements for having a six abs figure for a woman are:

o Healthy Eating: This includes avoiding processed and fast foods and just having healthy, nutritious ones, especially fruits and vegetables.

o Doing Regular Exercises: this is based on strict discipline that helps to reduce unnecessary belly fat. Such exercises generally include consumption of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts and whole grains.

o Abs Training which helps to firm up the abdominal muscles and give a flatter look to the belly. Such exercises include crunches, plank holds, abdominal bicycles, hanging leg raises and wheel rollouts.

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No Nonsense Muscle Building – A Skinny Guy’s Guide to Building Muscle

No Nonsense Muscle Building is a program that was designed by an ex-skinny guy, Vince DelMonte. This system has aided many underweight hardgainers get buff!

This eBook concentrates primarily on how to eat and train to gain up to 40 pounds of muscle in 6 months. Vince, a world class personal trainer, has competed in long distance sports such as running and triathlon. Over a 6 month period Vince went from a skinny 149 pounds to a brawny 190 pounds of rock hard muscle. Without any drugs, supplements and training only 3 days per week.

You will see in this program things, like flexibility training, endurance training and muscular balance. Vince’s theory is that you can gain considerable muscle mass once you understand how to train and diet to gain considerable mass.

Now with fitness modeling and an Honors Degree in Kinesiology under his belt, Vince now shares this amazing info with anyone who’s serious about building muscle. In this 199 page ebook, Vince will instruct underweight(or any) guys how to build muscle and gain weight rapidly, naturally and in less time.

From goal-setting to dieting to weight training, Vince provides you the detailed plan you need to make a dramatic physique transformation. He shows you exactly why laziness and ignorance are the only things holding you back. He replaces ignorance with knowledge and laziness with confidence. Vince’s mission is to empower and inform underweight guys on bodybuilding without the dangerous use of drugs. With this ebook, I think Vince has accomplished his goal.

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Big Muscle Building Tips

Keep the following big muscle building tips in mind during your workout and your progress will improve. Building massive muscles is a not a difficult thing to do. The problem is that the correct steps to take are difficult to do right every time. Here are the basics in plain English.

#1 Get clear on your goals. Know exactly why you are undertaking a muscle building program. Remind yourself daily what you want to look like, how you want to feel, what measurements you want. The more specific your goal, the better.

#2 At the gym, warm up properly. Take five minutes and do some light work to get limber and focused on the task ahead.

#3 Concentrate on compound exercises: you get the most bang for your buck. Big multi-jointed exercises like squats, presses, deadlifts and pull-ups will deliver bigger gains in less time.

#4 This is extremely important. Track your progress. Keep a workout journal marking the dates you spent at the gym, which exercises you completed including sets, reps, and weights. This will insure that you are making progress. If you are not consistently lifting heavier and heavier weights, you need to adjust your program: either more rest between muscle groups or more weights each session.

#5 Change it up every three weeks. The human body has an amazing ability to adapt to physical stress. Modify your workout regularly to attack your muscles from different angles. Keep yourself on your toes. Don’t get stuck in a rut.

#6 Don’t overtrain. This is one of the most important big muscle building tips especially at the beginning stages of your workout plan. I don’t want you to go in too lightly either. The difference is overtraining will show up in your body, as missed training sessions, minor injuries, etc. Going too lightly will show up in your journal and can be adjusted quickly. Limit weight lifting sessions to three or four days per week.

#7 Get adequate rest and recuperation. For those of you paying attention, those are two different ideas. Rest means sleep. Get eight or more hours of sleep each night. Recuperation is active and can mean massage, hot tub, stretching and/or yoga.

#8 Get serious about your nutrition. Proper macronutrient ratios and portion control are your friends. If you don’t pay close attention to them, you can negate all that progress your making in the gym.

#9 Best of all, keep it fun. Celebrate your accomplishments. This is where your journal helps. Compare this month’s weights and reps to last month’s. Take before and after photos. When you reach a milestone, whatever it is, treat yourself to a movie, a massage a weekend out of town. Sometimes external motivations can be just what you need to keep your focus when the going gets tough. Remember, a built body is something you deserve and is worth every cost.

Follow these big muscle building tips to bring you closer to bodybuilding success.

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Fast Muscle Building – A 3-Day, Full-Body Workout Plan For Fast Muscle Building

If you are new to the muscle-building game, or if you have been trying unsuccessfully to gain mass for a long time, you might be confused by all of the training information available online and in books and magazines. Most bodybuilding magazines and internet publications advise everyone to do some type of body part split, where the work for different muscles is assigned to certain days of the week. While this is certainly an excellent, productive method of fast muscle building for many people, beginners oftentimes need more frequent stimulation to build their base of strength and muscle mass. If you are having trouble making headway into your bodybuilding journey, try this 3-day-per-week, full-body training program for fast muscle building.

This muscle-building plan focuses on strength gains in the powerlifts, which are the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Though you will work your entire body at each session, different days will place the main focus on different lifts. Do this entire rotation each week on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday or equivalent schedule.

Day 1: Squat Focus

Squat – Use your strongest stance, and get your depth to at least parallel.

Incline Bench Press – Use your strongest grip and a full range of motion.

Barbell Row – Use an overhand grip and straps if needed. A little bit of cheating on the movement is acceptable.

Pullups – Use an underhand, overhand, or parallel grip, and stick with that variation for this day.

-tip- Fast Muscle Building with the Barbell Row: Some people find it difficult to strike a balance between a heavy, but sloppy row, and a light, but strict one. Try doing one set with a very heavy weight, and really put some jerking into the motion. Work on improving form and reps with this set over a few weeks before you up the weight again. Do a second set with lighter weight and better form / more reps, and work on increasing the weight on that set over a few weeks.

Day 2: Bench Press Focus

Bench Press – Use your strongest grip and a full range of motion.

Pullups – Pick a different variation from Day 1.

Dumbbell Row – Do these one side at a time, and place your free hand on a bench or rack to brace yourself. Use straps if needed.

Leg Press – Use your strongest foot placement.

Day 3: Deadlift Focus

Deadlift – Use a conventional, narrow stance and an over-under grip. Only use straps if absolutely necessary.

Military Press – Use a shoulder-width grip and a slight amount of leg drive.

Pullups – Pick a different variation from Days 1 and 2.

Machine or Cable Row – Pick your favorite machine or cable attachment. Do not use straps.

-tip- Fast Muscle Building with the Deadlift: Sometimes people use variations of the deadlift to gain even more muscle mass. Try alternating full range deadlifts with deadlifts done out of a power rack. Set the pins so that the bar is just below your knees. You will be able to use more weight and further stimulate your back.

Sets, Reps, and Progression

Many bodybuilding writers and trainers make set and repetition protocols far too complex. Your goal with every weight lifting exercise is to gradually make large increases in the weight you use, as well as to provide adequate muscle stimulation for a given session. One of the best ways to do this and get the best fast muscle building results is to do one “heavy” set and one “lighter” set per exercise. For this plan, just work up to one set of 4-6 reps, and follow it with a set of 8-10 reps with a lower weight. These sets should be done to positive failure, which means that you keep going until you cannot perform another full rep. Since there are four main exercises per day on this plan, each weight lifting session will have eight main muscle-building “work” sets. Your warm-ups in preparation for these sets should not be taxing whatsoever and should simply get your body ready for big weights.

Here is an example of a trainee working up to his primary sets of 315 and 275 on the squat:

Bar x 15 reps x 3 sets

135 x 8 reps

225 x 3 reps

315 x 4-6 reps

275 x 8-10 reps

Biceps, Triceps, and other Small Body Parts

The compound, multi-joint weight lifting exercises that compose the bulk of this program will do a great job of building your entire musculature, big and small body parts alike. However, you should do a few single-joint, isolation exercises at the end of each session, as well. Pick one exercise each for biceps, triceps, and calves, and work up to 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Eat to Build Muscle

You can push yourself as hard as possible in the gym, but you will make no muscle-building progress without a good diet. For fast muscle building, make sure you are consistently in a caloric surplus and are taking in 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. You should be gaining about 3-4 pounds per month, and your lifts should be constantly increasing.

Stick with it

The often-hyped idea that you should alter or completely change your weight training routine every few weeks is complete nonsense. The only time you need to change your plan is when your progress stalls. If you are a complete beginner to weight training, or if you have been lifting weights for months or years with no progress, stick with this plan for at least 5-6 months. If you are eating enough to consistently gain weight, you will almost certainly gain a great deal of strength and muscle mass over this time period.

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Six Pack Abs – The 6 Secrets

Turn on the tv or browse the Internet and you’ll find a new pill or machine promising to finally give you the six pack of your dreams.

The truth is: if having a six pack was easy… everyone would look like a fitness model!

So if nothing works.. what’s the secret?!

The #1 key to great abs that practically everyone overlooks: NUTRITION

If your diet sucks, so will your abs.

Rule Number One: Protein Is King!

Protein helps to repair and build lean muscle as well as burn body fat. Protein is tough to digest so your body burns tons of calories breaking it down.

Good sources of lean (low-fat) protein:

– Chicken

– Fish

– Lean Beef

– Turkey Breast

– Egg Whites

– Tofu

Rule Number Two: Eat Complex Carbs AFTER Your Workout

Ask anyone these days and they’ll tell you carbs make you fat – the worst enemy of every highschool cheerleader and Hollywood hopeful. WRONG!

Overindulgence of anything will make you gain excess body weight, but natural complex carbs are actually necessary in your six pack quest… especially when consumed post-workout.

When you eat carbs after your workout, your glycogen (substance derived from carbs that fuels the body) is depleted… the carbs have the smallest chance of turning into body fat!

Good sources of healthy complex carbs:

– Oatmeal

– Brown Rice

– Veggies

– Whole Grain Bread

– Whole Grain Pasta

Rule Number Three: Eat Healthy Fats

Wait… Eat fats?!

YES! But we aren’t talking about bacon grease and lard… We need to include healthy fats from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as raw nuts, nut butters, fish oils, and olive oils into your diet.

Healthy fats keep your insulin levels stable, which keeps you metabolism running effectively. You avoid the “crash” of blood sugar spikes – helping to lose belly fat to reveal six pack abs. 

BUT… remember that moderation is key – I am NOT saying it’s OK to go out there and eat an entire tin of cocktail peanuts!

Rule Number Four: Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition

I cannot stress this enough:

In order to burn fat and reveal your washboard abs, it is vital to eat a balanced diet that is made up of small meals of protein, healthy fats, and some carbohydrates.

Calculating the right amount of each nutrient to eat can be tricky, but a good strategy to use is:

1) Consume 1 serving of protein and carbs at each meal

2) Eat most of your carbs in the morning and post-workout.

Remember to include plenty of fiber and raw vegetables with each meal – especially dinner!

Rule Number Five: Quit Doing Crunches

Compound exercises are far more effective than crunches and sit-ups at burning body fat and toning muscle.  If you use proper form, 99% of compound exercises engage the core muscles.

When you work out your legs do you do 100s of  with no weight in your hand?  Of course not!!!

Your abs are made of the same type of muscle fibers that make up your biceps, chest, legs, etc.  Train them as you would any other body part. Use resistance training and limit your reps to 20 MAX.  For ab isolation work these are great exercises:

– Turkish Get-Ups

– Russian Twists

– V-Ups

– Various Planks  

Rule Number Six: Exercise Smarter – Not Harder

Look around the gym… You’ll see dozens of people on the treadmills, bikes, and ellipticals at the same speed for hours on end.

This fat loss method is OK, but I have a life; 2 hours in the gym isn’t an option for my six pack. I suggest doing interval workouts combined with abdominal exercises.

Interval training allows for a greater expenditure of energy over a shorter period of time. It also creates an “afterburn” effect that maintains a higher metabolic rate after your workout.

Follow these 6 simple secrets and you’ll sculpt your own six pack quickly!

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Muscle Building Guide For Beginners

For a long time the fitness companies worked on finding methods and training programs that help people lose fat. It’s true that women love a guy that is very confident and proud of himself. This confidence in a guy can be increased if he has a perfect body with great muscles and no fat.

It’s quite hard to discover a specific muscle exercise that will make you get body mass that is lean. Even if you start very well and may get bigger as the time passes you’ll reach a certain point when you`ll remain constant even if you try the impossible. Seeking advice won’t help you a lot since there are a lot of different ideas on gyms. Learning exercises that will help you gain muscles is not that hard and certainly is not that hard as most people think.

There are a number of exercises that helped the skinny people get perfect abs and biceps. This routine exercise should have the next three components if you want those perfect muscles and if you are skinny.

1. High intensity and heavy weights

“No pain no gain” – most people say and is true. Using heavy weights will force your muscles to grow and react. Of course you`ll experience some pain after this but i`m sure this will become a daily routine for you and your body will adapt in no time. This is one of the main reasons why these workouts with heavy weights are a must if you need to gain muscle mass constantly. You need to make these workouts all the time, without taking breaks and in a short period of time, ensuring that your muscles don`t have enough time to get back into shape and thus getting a quicker muscle overload.

2. Natural food with high protein

You need proteins in your diet because your muscles are build on protein blocks. If you don`t eat enough food containing proteins you can quit right now. We want to warn you about using steroids( artificial proteins). We recommend using natural proteins which can be found in eggs, red meat and other types of food. Taking steroids can lead to serious complications to your muscles structures and thus it`s not recommended.

3. Rest

Most people ignore this. Rest can be the most important factor in getting more muscle. If your body is not rested, you don’t have the time to recover and build new muscle blocks and you can end up losing muscles instead of gaining.

If you want a success in building muscles it`s important to thread each component with attention.

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Muscle Building Tips – How to Maximize Your Muscle Gains

In today’s world it is very hard to find good quality muscle building tips because of the fact that a lot of these tips have been drowned out by all the advertising of the newest and greatest muscle building supplements or products that have hit the market. The truth of the matter is that only about 5-8% of these products ever work and are worth actually taking a look into.

In order to be successful at building muscle and building the muscular physique that you’re after there are a few crucial things that you need to make sure you are doing. Here are some muscle building tips that will have you building muscle and maximizing your results in no time at all.

Muscle Building Tips:

Tip #1 – Stretch/Warm up

This is a step that is very rarely done by anybody building muscle. The purpose of warming up and stretching is to increase the blood flow to the muscles as well as warm up and increase the flexibility of the muscles fibers. This not only helps you to avoid injuries but also helps to increase your range of motion which allows more muscle fibers to be when lifting weights. More muscle fibers worked = bigger muscle gains.

Tip #2 – Get Enough Rest

It is very important that you hit the gym hard and that you really get a good workout but it is more important that after that workout you allow enough time between that workout in order for your body to repair the damaged muscle tissues. If you do not allow enough rest when you workout your muscle fibers which are still damaged will become more damaged and instead of gaining muscle you will begin to lose it.

Tip #3 – Up your Protein Intake

Protein is the building blocks of your body plain and simple. In order for your muscles to heal and repair themselves they need protein. It is recommended that when trying to build muscle you take in anywhere from 1 to 1.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Tip #4 – Leave your Ego at Home

It never fails, you see it all the time in the gym, people are lifting weights way too heavy and are just going to the gym to show off or to try and prove something. Look building muscle is all about hitting the muscle and really concentrating to get the most out of a particular muscle group. Using slow controlled movements with proper form even with less weight will do more for you than throwing around a ton of weight with poor form will.

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Muscle Building – 3 Big Exercises to Get Muscle Fast

Out of all the muscle building exercises that exist, there are three essential big exercises you must do to get muscle fast.

Here we will look at three of the most basic exercises to start you off with a strong foundation that you can build your own individual program around. Don’t get me wrong when I say “basic”, these core exercises can really put some big muscle on your body.

When performing these exercises for either strength training or muscle building, how many sets, reps, how much weight to use etc., will depend on your starting strength and your individual exercise program. These exercises are very demanding of your body and should be performed first in your workout session for the specific muscle group that you are working on that day, but only after proper muscle stretching and warm up is done.

Exercise #1: The Bench Press:

  • This is one of the most basic weight lifting exercises and is very powerful for your front upper body muscle building and strengthening.
  • You lie flat on your back on a weight bench and grip the barbell slightly wider than your shoulders, then with your arms straight up let the weights press straight down to your chest and push up and repeat.
  • Target muscles are your pectorals(chest muscles), triceps (back of arms)and deltoids (front shoulders).

Exercise #2: Squats:

  • This being one of the most important weightlifting big exercises in your lower body training routine, the squat uses the primary group of leg muscles and a secondary group of lower back and some shoulder muscles. That is why this exercise has the potential of being the biggest muscle builder in your whole individual training routine.
  • While standing up straight holding and resting the barbell behind your head across your shoulders, bend your knees and squat until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor, then push back up to the starting position, stop and rest a second and repeat. This exercise is strenuous to the lower part of your body so make sure you are fully warmed up.
  • Targeted Primary muscle group: quadriceps (front thigh muscles), hamstring (back thigh muscles) and glutes (muscles of the buttocks). Secondary muscle group are lower back muscles and some shoulder muscles.

Exercise #3 Chin Ups or lat pulldowns:

  • One of the best back exercises that you can perform is the wide grip chin ups. This one workout can build up your arms and upper back muscles and give you that great looking v shape torso and is a great addition to any training routine.
  • Start with a grip wider than your shoulders, hold the chin up bar with your palms facing away from you. You should be in a hanging position, feet not touching ground and arms fully extended. You then pull yourself up until you can get your chin over the bar and then lower yourself back down to the starting position pause for a couple of seconds, as not to create any assisted momentum by bouncing up, and repeat.
  • You can use a lat pulldown machine and build up some strength before moving up to chin ups. Whatever the case is, this is one of the big exercises used to get muscle fast.
  • Target muscles: entire upper back like the latissimus dorsi(lats-that give that v shape)and trapezius muscles(middle upper back on each side). Also the biceps(front upper arm) and forearms.

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