Archive | Building Muscle

Muscle Building Workouts – Basic Exercises for Bodybuilding Beginners

Muscle building is the most favorite among men. There are some people who live for bodybuilding. It is also a passion among young boys to build their body to attract females. This is 80% true for most guys. Others do bodybuilding simply to maintain their shape. If you ask which parts of the body you want to improve then all they want is huge muscular chest, bigger arms and six packs. That’s all most guys want to achieve in their bodybuilding journey.

Here I am going to discuss some basic bodybuilding workouts which are best to build upper body in a V-shape. They help to gain some muscle for guys which are starting bodybuilding.

Bench Press:

Bench press works on your chest and is the most efficient workout for your chest. Lay on a flat bench in a well balanced way while your face facing upwards. Grab a bar and position your grip with equal to the distance when your biceps and forearms making an angle of 90. Lift your bar and push it upwards till your arms are fully stretched. Now take it back slowly and slightly above your chest. This completes your 1 rep. Now repeat it with 10 reps and then take a 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.


Flying isolates your chest and bring them in a wide position.

Sit on the bench and grip both hands on the handle. Slowly bring them in front of your chest and let them go back. This is your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.


Pully works on your wings. Sit on the bench and grab the hanging bar with full wide grips on both sides. Pull the bar slowly till it touches behind your head and slowly let the rod go back to the starting position. This is your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

Cable Rowing:

Rowing also works on your wings. Sit on the seat while your feet on the flat surface. Grab the handle of the machine and pull it till it touches your abs. Remember don’t move backwards while pulling and your back must be straight. Slowly bend yourself slightly and let it go back. This is your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

Standing Curl:

Standing curl mainly focuses on your biceps. Take a rod while standing and make your grip equal to shoulder width while your palm facing in the direction of your face. Lift your rod slowly till it comes in front of your chest. Remember to fix your knees and then lift the rod. This completes your 1 rep. Do it again till 10 reps. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

Alternate Dumbbell Curl:

This workout is similar to standing curl but you’ve to take dumbbells instead of barbell rod. Take dumbbell on both hands while you are sitting and your palm facing in the direction of your face. Lift your right dumbbell till your arm is bent fully while keeping your knees still. Then move your dumbbell back slowly to staring position. Do this with your left dumbbell. This completes your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

These are the basic exercises with light weights which you have to do during your first 10-15 days then you will move to further exercises. These exercise will help your body to build its shape and then you will be able to lift heavier weights.

Remember to take sufficient amount of protein, carbs, and skim milk after every 3-4 hours to ensure proper building of your muscles.

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Six Pack Abs – Here’s Why “YOU” Don’t Have THEM!

Most of the supplement companies have you believe that you need supplements (a.k.a. fat burners) to get rid of the fat that is hiding your six pack. Sick pack abs require you to do more than just pop a couple of fat burners.

Some people need to work harder than others and some people don’t work at all on getting a six pack and those are the people that usually have them. Well the reason for this is that it has a lot to do with genetics and their metabolism. Usually people that have six pack abs usually have a high metabolism, which is in charge of burning fat. These types of people frustrate me and many others because they do nothing and have a six pack. I’m jealous, that’s really what it comes down too.

Aside from that if you’re willing to put some work into achieving six pack abs than read on; if you are not genetically gifted than the information below will help you achieve abdominals. Over time I made it a priority to learn all there was to achieving an attractive mid section.

Here’s what I came up with;

If you want six pack abs you need to know what is required to get them. Most people would say that in order to get abs you need to do crunches. This is not entirely right and in fact it might not be right at all. The truth is you don’t get abs by doing abdominal workouts; you get them by revealing them from under that fat that is covering them.

Why don’t you have a six pack?

I’m sure not everyone wants too have a six pack, but I’m sure for the most part a lot of people do. This is true for both males and females. Males are more prone to getting six packs because they have more muscle due to their dominant hormone “testosterone”. Women on the other hand will end up with a sexy slim waist line and not so much with a six pack because they do not produce a lot of testosterone.

Some people don’t think it’s possible to get a six pack or a nice waist line, but it is. You just need to know how to get it. That’s usually the answer to most problems. You can’t expect to get a different result if you are doing the same old thing. Many people do this and wonder why they still can’t see their abs. It’s because what ever you are doing isn’t working. You need to come to grips with that and put into action something that will work. Make the choice that you want to get into the best shape possible and make it happen.

How can you make it happen?

  • if something works are you willing to follow it?
  • Learn from those who have achieved the things you want
  • Ask those people for help, and take the same action
  • Look at reviews and find out what works and what doesn’t
  • Be willing to invest in yourself and your health
  • Not all the best information is free, you may have to pay to learn

Nothing happens until you decide it. Make the decision and be clear on what you want to accomplish. Everything is possible. Trust me; I had a problem realizing this for myself until I made things a reality in my life.

So Why Do People Fail?

People fail because they may give up to early and they never realize their goals. That is why you need a system you can trust and put into action without wondering if it will work or not. Take responsibility for your life and for your body. If you want to get into great shape follow those who have done it. Follow a system that is proven to work.

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Muscle Building Tips – Build Muscle Mass

Muscles are made out of fats that are found in strategic parts of our body. When fats burn, through proper dieting and exercising, the conversion of the fats to muscles become faster. A muscular figure gives a good outlook to a person and helps him to get confidence and a positive feeling inside. And contrary to the popular belief, building muscles does not require long hours at the gym everyday. Proper diet and a well balanced fitness program do help in building strong, attractive muscles.

Muscles mainly are composed of Slow Twitch Fibers, Fast Twitch fibers (A) and Fast Twitch fibers (B). Slow twitch fibers are normally helpful for long distance runners. Repetitive weight training with light weights enhances the structural development and growth of these fibers. Fast Twitch Fibers are more involved with power, speed and force. These fibers are the ones which matter when muscles are built. Heavy weight training is necessary to build these fibers properly.

The basics of muscle gain consists of 2 factors:

1. Bodybuilding workout

This stimulates the body to grow muscle and lose fat. When a workout gives results, the muscles are stimulated to grow in a proper way. And when muscles are re gained, the metabolic rate goes up thus helping the body to burn fat at a quick pace.

2. The diet that supports

Right kind of food, such as lean sources of protein, low GI carbohydrates and the “good” fats, help your body to simply grow muscle and burns off fat. If wrong kinds of carbohydrates are consumed, then the body produces insulin which is the hormone that makes you store fat content.

Genetics determines the proportion of slow twitch fibers to fast twitch fibers in a person’s muscles. Those with a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers will gain muscle mass more readily and quickly than others. People with higher percentages of slow twitch fibers and experience a tougher time with building muscles. Genes cannot be changed but a proper diet can supply the body with what it needs to put on and sustain new muscle. The weight training can change the muscles.

The body building part consists of 3 major areas, namely

  • Smart weight lifting
  • Intelligent, quality nutrition
  • Quality rest
  • All three must be present in the routine and followed strictly for effective muscle buildup. The program should be designed to instill strength within the body. Working out on full body and on the legs should also be a part of the program. The ideal frequency of workout would be 3 days a week. The squat, the dead lift and the bench press are most useful tools for this purpose. Experts say that training needs to be done with high volume and medium intensity. But apart from these workouts and dieting, the body needs adequate rest too. Hence water, sleep, relaxation and eating are very important too. While eating, lots of protein and calories should be consumed. Cyclic intake of food helps in maintaining the shape of the body. Above all these factors, there remains persistence.

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    Muscle Building – Weight Training

    Weight training refers to exercises that build the size and strength of skeletal muscle. Weight training uses the force of gravity to resist the contraction of muscles. Specialized equipment is used in weight training to work groups of muscles in a number of ways. Weight training differs from bodybuilding, weightlifting, power lifting and strongman, all of which are sports rather than kinds of exercises. Weight training, on the other hand, is often part of the athlete’s training regimen.

    Weight training revolves around the same principles as other forms of strength training. It relies primarily on making different combinations of reps, sets, exercise types and weights moved to increase the body’s strength, endurance, size and shape.

    Weight training has many benefits, commonly among which are;

    1. Increase in the body’s rate of metabolism

    2. It strengthens the body’s bone mass

    3. Increase in the muscle strength

    4. Help in avoiding injuries

    5. Increase in the person’s confidence level and self-esteem

    6. Improvement in the body’s coordination and balance

    The Basic Principles of Weight Training:

    1. Overload: to build muscle and strength, your body needs to lift more weight, resistance, then it’s used to. The more you call on your body to do, the greater it will perform and increase its stamina and strength. You shouldn’t lift weights that are so light that you can do more than the required reps. Nor should you lift weights that are too heavy to even go half way. You should be able to finish your last rep with difficulty but also with good form. Never sacrifice form for lifting a heavier weight.

    2. Progression: To avoid ‘getting used to it’ or adaptation, you need to increase the intensity of your workout regularly. This is possible in a number of ways including increasing the number of reps, changing the sets, changing the exercise, lifting heavier weights, etc. these changes should be gradually incremental, not sudden or abrupt. But they should be continuous and I n progressive.

    3. Be Specific: This principle is all about focusing attention towards a goal and achieving it. Don’t just weight train at random. Be specific in what position or state you want to achieve with each muscle type and then strive with all your attention to achieve that goal.

    4. Rest and Sleep: Resting is just as important as working out. While you rest your muscles heal and grow. The growth is both in size and in strength. Make sure you rest for at least one day between workouts and also arrange to get a minimum of 8 to 10 hours of sleep regularly.

    Some precautions that you should take during weight training:

    1. Trainer: when weight training it’s best to have a trainer supervise your routine. The best weight training exercises involve free weights and these can be dangerous if your training on your own.

    2. Warm ups are essential: always warm up properly before weight training or exercise of any kind. Your body can’t go from room temperature to sudden activity as it will react to the change in a destructive manner.

    3. Slow lift and pick up: lift your weights slowly and also lower them slowly as well while you weight train. Hurrying may cause muscle sprains.

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    Six Pack Abs – Ab Workouts Without Gadgets Or Fad Diets

    How can the average person achieve six pack abs and a lean muscular body? In fact, is it even possible without expensive ab exercise gadgets, fad diets, or dubious weight loss pills and supplements? Everyone knows how to lose excess weight if they are really honest, it requires some exercise and a balanced diet. Similarly to build a lean body with six pack abs, there are sensible and safe ways of doing it, and they don’t involve pills or expensive ab workout gadgets. In this article we will look at how.

    Many people looking to build six pack abs are not aware that they likely already have well developed abdominal muscles, certainly more than they think, without needing specific ab exercises. However, any abdominal muscles they have are often hidden by the layers of excess fat most of us carry around our waist and abdomen. This highlights one of the keys to building the physique you desire – you need to lower your body fat percentage so that your abdominal muscles are visible.

    For areas such as the upper arms this is not the case because there is much more muscle mass there than fat deposits, but for the abdomen it is critical. You can pound the miles on a treadmill and lift weights all day, but without burning excess fat your abs will remain firmly hidden! How can we lower our body fat percentage? The answer of course is a combination of sensible diet and exercise.

    One method some people choose in an attempt to burn their excess fat and reveal those abs is drugs and diet pills. Everyone has seen advertisements for miracle supplements and the latest fat-burning pills, but do they actually work, and should you even consider using them? There are a number of different types of diet pills, firstly let us examine what they can do.

    There do exist drugs which can help to increase the rate at which the body burns fat, they do this by increasing the metabolism. However such medications are not designed for use by healthy people, they are specifically for use in cases where a medical patient is dangerously obese and exercise and diet can no longer be used to lower their weight. These drugs are prescribed by doctors only in severe cases, and they have well documented side effects which are only risked in obese patients where this is the last resort.

    The other type of diet pills tend to be natural supplements, which to be honest have very little if any effect on the body. The are often sold by commercial companies to desperate people seeking an easy way to lose weight without effort, and are certainly not going to have any effect on someone trying to build a ripped body with six pack abs.

    The real, lasting, and safe method to build impressive abdominals and a toned body in general, is to make a commitment to a long term program combining regular exercise (to both burn fat and build muscle mass), and a sensible natural diet which provides all the healthy foods you body needs without adding additional reserves of fat. It sounds simple, of course, but actually following it through is the tough part. Most of us need some sort of guidance at the very least to make such a change work, for some people this involves hiring personal trainers, for others there are excellent books and programs available online which can break the steps down for anyone to follow.

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    The Hard-Gainers Guide to Building Bigger Muscles

    Well… you say you’ve done everything imaginable to build muscle and nothing has worked. You are either beginning at bodybuilding and need a place to start learning or you’ve put in long hours at the gym and haven’t reaped the benefits of all the hard work. Frustrating and intimidating… I know, I’ve been there! The bright light although is you haven’t given up and you have a desire to learn. Those are two important characteristics in an aspiring bodybuilder, and they will get you far. Now what you need is the right information to get you on your way to improving your current size predicament.

    There are a few factors you must keep in mind when thinking about changing the look of your body. The first is Nutrition. What are you eating, how much of it are you eating and, when are you eating. This is the area in which many people get extremely confused because of the extensive information available nowadays on the web. The most important thing you must remember when it comes to nutrition is that there is no such thing as “one size fits all.” Each body is unique in its response to nutrients and nutrient amounts so it is important to find out what works for you and your body. What you have to keep in mind though is your body needs a combination of the three main macro-nutrients which are Protein, Carbohydrates, and Healthy Fat in order to grow and sustain your rigorous workout regimen. Since this is The Scrawny Person’s Guide to Build Muscle you have to pay close attention to the amount of food you eat. Most bodybuilders, especially hard-gainers make the mistake in believing they are eating more food than they actually are so what’s important, at least at first is to keep a log of what you eat and your calorie totals for each individual meal and the entire day of meals. Now a good place to start when deciding how many calories you should be consuming is to take your body-weight and multiply it by fifteen. So if you are 150lbs, you take 150 x 15 which yields 2,250 calories. Now at first this may not seem like a lot of calories but what you want to stay away from is throwing yourself into an big immediate jump in calorie intake. Start by increasing your calories by 100 – 200 calories per week and if when you reach 2,250 calories you find you are still not gaining you want to continue to increase your calories slowly. As your body weight increases, you want to re-calculate the formula to ensure you continue to get adequate calories to support the intense workout and help you to grow. Remember…your muscles do not grow on air, they grow as a result of what you consume. All of the supplements in the word will not help you if you are not feeding your body and muscles with enough fuel. So what I always teach my students is not to worry so much about what supplements they are taking, but instead to first focus on the amount of food they consume.

    Along with increasing the amount of food you eat, you must also remember to space meals three hours at a time, which by the end of the day should leave you at about 5-6 total meals per day. With each meal you want to ensure you are getting adequate amounts of the Big Three (protein, carbs, healthy fat), and in proper proportions such as 50% Carbs, 30% Protein, and 20% Healthy Fat.

    Timing, timing, timing….. Timing is going to be one of your biggest allies in gaining muscle. What I mean by this is, amount of food is important, as well as meal spacing, but if you do not take advantage of your body’s most anabolic (muscle building) moments, you will be missing out on a prime time to put your body in position to gain some mass. The most important moment occurs-but is not limited to- up to 2 hours post workout. So consuming a combination Carb/Protein rich drink immediately after your workout and then again an hour later will guarantee you receive important nutrients at your most anabolic time. It is at this time that your body is in great need of repair and preparing for the next time the stress occurs and this process is at its height up to 2 hours post workout. So get focused and don’t forget this step.

    Factor number 2 is your Workout. My first piece of advice here is move at your own pace. I know you probably see people throwing up massive amounts of weight, but you want to make sure you stay with a weight that is suitable for you. Those throwing up the large amounts of weight have paid there dues to get that strong, you make sure you do the same so you do not injury yourself in attempting to show off or prove yourself. Your proof will be in your dedication to putting forth an intelligent approach to putting on muscle.

    As a hard-gainer, the base of your routine should consist of widely recognized and proven exercises that put on mass. These exercises are considered compound movements because they require the cooperation of many different muscles groups working together in unison. Such exercises are Squats, Dead-lifts, Bench Press, Military Press, and Barbell Rows, and they should be performed with picture perfect form. If you are unsure of the proper technique always get with a certified health professional that is knowledgeable on how to perform the lifts. NEVER perform them without a spotter guiding you throughout the entire movement. Of course you will want to add some isolation movements to your routine such as Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Bicep Curls, Cable Push-downs, etc. The key although is to build a good base with compound movements because that will be vital in you increasing your muscle and strength gains.

    Factor Number 3 is the one that is the foundation upon which the other pillars are supported, and that is Attitude! Training to put on muscle mass is an endeavor like none other because success and failure is dependent upon you. It is the ultimate sport of you versus you, and your competition is always the image staring back at you in the mirror. Attitude is not what you get as a result of training but your training and results will be a direct effect of the attitude you take into it. Understand that results come to those who persevere and not to those looking to gain muscle mass over night. Let me dispel any myths about overnight muscle, it’s not going to happen. Putting on muscle will take time, effort, and proper understanding, and it can be done and will be done when your attitude will see it no other way. Set small goals and stay positive because your attitude is the best indicator of whether you will succeed or fall short of your desired results. You can do it. Just take these tips and apply them to what you are doing now.

    Bonus Tip: All the proper eating, training, and positive thinking will be useless if you do not allow your body to recover. So get some rest, at least 7-8 hours a day if possible for your growth is dependent upon it.

    Much Success My Friend!

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    Muscle Building Tips – Ways to Get Six Pack Abs Fast

    Acquiring six pack abs is by no means an easy task to achieve and it will require a considerable amount of hard work, perseverance and commitment on the part of the dieter if they are serious about acquiring them. Indeed, one of the biggest challenges that the exerciser will face is trying to sift through the significant amount of misinformation that surrounds this topic, with many of this “advice” factually incorrect, based on faulty logic, and even downright ignorance.

    Many people who want to acquire six pack abs think that all they need to do to get them is to increase the number of times they go to the gym and then after a short period of time, they will be rewarded for their efforts. If only it were that simple. In actual fact, there are two primary issues that have to be satisfied in relation to successfully acquiring six pack abs and these are:

    1) Hone and develop muscle mass

    2) Lose excess weight.

    Part of the problem is that people invariably succumb to the fallacy that in order to lose weight all they need to do is exercise more. In actual fact the fat loss ratio is something like this: 80% is based on your diet and more specifically your daily calorie intake and 20% is based on exercise.

    Upon reading that, there will no doubt be a number of readers who think: “but I eat very healthily, and keep within my recommended calorie intake. However, I do not have six pack abs. What gives?”

    In order to develop muscle mass you have to repeatedly exercise it. Whenever we exercise our muscles, they will rupture and become torn inside and when they are healed, the new muscle tissue used to repair the damaged tissue will be firmer and more robust than before. Exercising and specifically weight lifting also plays a major role in the weight loss process and therefore in the acquisition of six pack abs because the more muscle tissue we have in our body the more calories we burn. Our metabolism will need to burn larger amounts of calories to sustain muscle tissue as opposed to fat tissue thereby making our life a little easier.

    Where possible, avoid eating foods that are rich in sodium because this will mean our body will retain a larger volume of water which in turn limits our weight loss and fat development.

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    Muscle Power Supplements – 5 Facts About Muscle Building Supplements

    Let’s be honest. You can’t buy muscles in a jar. There is no magic elixir, no special pill, and no miracle drug. Supplements don’t replace hard work or exercise and steroids are for the stupid. However, good supplements have an important place in your balanced body-building program.

    Muscle Building Supplement Fact 1: Start with a Multivitamin. Adequate levels of these essential nutrients vitamins in your system allow you to work harder to achieve your goals.

    Muscle Building Supplement Fact 2: Creatine is a natural product developed from amino acids in your own body. Creatine helps your body produce the quick energy needed for muscle contraction. Your own body makes about half of what your need, the rest needs to come from your diet. It is found in red meat and fish – and in proper supplements.

    Muscle Building Supplement Fact 3: EFA (Vitamin F): EFAs help build muscles and keep the hormone producing glands active. Weight lifters should pay special attention particularly to omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. A good source is cold water marine fish and flax-seed oil.

    Muscle Building Supplement Fact 4 Fiber: Fiber is sadly overlooked as a supplement, simply because it can’t be digested and has no calories. But it plays a critical although indirect role in muscle development. It helps digestion and waste removal. If you’re on a high protein, high-calorie diet for weight, don’t forget your fiber. If comes in fruits, vegetables, and liquid and tablet supplements.

    Muscle Building Fact Supplement 5: Whey Protein: Whey protein is protein without the fat. It may not taste as good as sirloin, but it’s better for you. It is easily digested and easily used. It’s loaded with amino acids. And it supports your immune system.

    These 5 Muscle Building Supplements are your five best friends – visit them often.

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    Abs Workout – How to Get Six Pack Abs

    Exercise is important if you want to get six pack abs, however if you do it the wrong way you will limit yourself from achieving your goals and you’ll be wasting your time. Here are the correct ways to exercise and how you can target your abdominal muscles to achieve that six pack abs you want.


    First lie down on the floor with your arms crossed on your chest. Now bend your knees up as far as you can. Then draw in your abdomen into your spine while you inhale through your nose. Slowly raise your upper torso towards your knees, using only your abdominal muscles. You must exhale through your mouth when you lift your back off the floor.

    When doing crunches, you must never place your hands behind your head. This can cause back strain in the long run as you tend to pull your head and neck. Never lift your entire back off the floor as it might be the cause of lower back strain as well.

    Sit Ups

    You must first lie down on the floor with both feet planted and your knees up high. You can place your fingers behind your ears or cross them in front of your chest. Then just as what the name pertains, you sit up, lifting your body off the floor. Then lower your back down. Just repeat these steps.

    If you find the basic sit ups to be easy then you can go up a notch by doing it on an inclined plane or an exercise ball. You can also do weighted sit ups by holding a weight on your chest. You can increase the amount of weight you carry as you progress.

    Leg Lifts

    This is done with your back on the floor. Your legs are raised ninety degrees with the floor. Then lower your legs without letting them touch the floor. One variation of this exercise is to hang from a pull up bar instead of lying down and lift your legs in front of you.

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    Guide of What to Look For in a Muscle Building Formula

    First off you want to find a supplement that is fully and completely designed to first protect your muscle tissue. One that decides your metabolic rate of burning calories than helps you add muscle in its leanest form possible. If you really want to recompose your body. Yes that means a six pack in place of a keg, or nice calves in places of cankles. Now you’re probably asking how this is achieved. First the body has to be relieved of free radicals, such as ammonia through a process called nitric oxide. This allows the body to accept tissue development through proper blood flow to the area in which you are training. Beta Alanine is the amino acid used to deliver the most amount of blood to the muscle being trained. This allows a quicker recovery. 500 mg of the Amazing Acai Berry needs to be added as a foundational component. Acai is one of the worlds super foods and greatest anti-oxidant available today. Second you want a product that is good for both men and women. YES I said women. We all want a better body. We all want to look good in our clothes. So below is a guide of what to look for in a muscle building formula.

    Milk Thistle– is a member of the sunflower flower, and it has been used to treat a variety of health conditions. Most important is its role in strengthening and detoxifying the liver. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, breaking down nutrients and cleaning the body out. I like to think the liver is like the oil filter in my car. Milk thistle detoxifies the liver as well as protects it against damage from toxins, alcohol and other negative effects. Milk Thistle benefits the liver in other ways as well: it promotes regeneration and repair of liver cells, reverses liver damage and is extremely helpful in the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis. Since all health and dietary supplements are not regulated, you have to make sure you are getting a high quality supplement in order to gain the health benefits.

    Beta Alanine– is backed by major universities, peer-reviewed studies performed on humans, not a cell, pig, goat or rat study upon which other products typically base claims. When we exercise, especially when it’s high intensity exercise, our bodies accumulate a large amount of hydrogen ions (H+), causing our muscles pH to drop. By boosting carnosine concentrations, with beta-alanine, our type 2 muscle fibers can soak up more H+ and stay in an optimal pH range. By keeping our type 2 muscle fibers in an optimal pH range, they are better able to maintain maximal strength and endurance throughout our workout session and bring on new muscle gains. Beta-Alanine is found in protein rich foods such as fish, beef, pork and chicken.

    Benefits of Beta-Alanine:

    • Increase Muscular Strength Power Output.
    • Increases Lean Muscle Mass
    • Increases Aerobic Endurance
    • Delay Muscular Fatigue (Allowing You To Train Harder Longer)

    Who can benefit from beta-alanine?

    • Individuals participating in weight training looking to gain lean muscle mass and increase strength.
    • Individuals involved in athletic sport activities where strength, power and muscular endurance are needed.
    • Individuals who have reached that training plateau and want to get to the next level.

    Vitamin C-also known as ascorbic acid. Besides taking it to treat colds, people take vitamin C capsules hoping that it will cure numerous ailments. Helps to heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy gums and teeth, and strengthen the immune system. It also helps the body absorb iron. Recent research has indicated that vitamin C may be associated with delayed aging and disease prevention by destroying ‘nasty free radicals’ the crazy molecules associated with aging and cell damage. Its antioxidant properties protect cells and their DNA from damage and mutation. It supports the body’s immune system, the first line of defense against cancer, and prevents certain cancer-causing compounds from forming in the human body. Vitamin C reduces the risk of getting almost all cancer types. It appears that this nutrient doesn’t directly attack cancer that has already occurred, but it helps keep the immune system strong, enabling it to battle the cancer. As you can see it is vital to have enough Vitamin C in your daily diet.

    Vitamin B12– has long been known to promote normal growth and development. Vitamin B12 is one of the key element for providing balance in the human body. Vitamin B12 helps to regulate the formation of red blood cells in the human body and increases energy levels. Studies show that absorption of Vitamin B12 decreases with an increase in age. Therefore an increased intake of Vitamin B12 is extremely useful for adults men and woman above the age of fifty. The recommended intake is in supplement form. Since elderly people absorb this form better than food forms of Vitamin B12. Deficiencies in Vitamin B12 has been known to cause nerve damage relating to loss of memory, poor concentration and abnormal sensations. Vitamin B12 is needed because of its vital role in energy levels and a heightened sense of well being!!

    Chrysin-Although the greatest benefits of Chrysin seem to be in athletes, it is beneficial to anyone who participates in activities requiring increased energy levels. Football, baseball, soccer, biking, hiking, running, and swimming are good examples. Chrysin possesses potent anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation properties. Another important benefit of Chrysin is its ability to increase testosterone while limiting the influence of estrogen. Flavonoids are diphenolic compounds present in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that are strongly implicated as a protector in coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. One flavonoid, chrysin, found in high concentrations in honey and propolis, has been shown to be an inhibitor of aromatase enzyme activity. These foods are often used as supplements, particularly by athletes for their energy and antioxidant properties.

    Tribulus– is a plant that grows in tropical environments around the world, and is particularly abundant in India, and Pakistan. Tribulus has had a history of medicinal use in China, India, and Europe for thousands of years. It has been recommended for treatment of water retention, depression, liver, kidney, and heart disease, and is reported to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Tribulus Terrestris has also long been valued for its ability to stimulate libido and treat infertility in both men and women. Modern research indicates that this belief may be well founded. Studies have shown that Terrestris indirectly stimulates testosterone production, and may help boost both sexual and athletic performance. Products containing tribulus are typically marketed to bodybuilders and athletes concerned with increasing lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

    Magnesium– is a critical mineral, used in more than 300 bodily functions, and can be obtained through green vegetables such as spinach, oatmeal, peas, some beans, nuts and seeds. Tap water can be a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is described as “hard”. “Hard” water contains more magnesium than “soft” water. For several years experts have suggested that the quantity of magnesium in the soil has significantly decreased. This in combination with diets low in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, has led to a general deficiency in the population. Dietary surveys suggest that nearly 70 percent of Americans do not get recommended amounts of magnesium every day. Magnesium is a vital nutrient that assists in energy production, maintains healthy bones and aids the electrical conduction of the heart. Often thought of as food for the muscles, it works as a relaxant to significantly reduce cramps. Those suffering from asthma are often given magnesium for its relaxing effects on lung airways.

    Acai -Known as the super food, Anti-oxidant, Anti- aging antidote. The Acai Berry grows as a wild plant on top of many native palm trees in the Amazon of Brazils rain forests. Major benefits of Acai are thought to include its strong heart health benefits, suppress appetite, reduce accumulation of body fat, boost metabolism, increase stamina and energy. The Acai Berry is also a rich source of protein and dietary fiber, in addition to high levels of both omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids, thought to have a protective effect on the heart and cardio vascular system. The omega 6 and 9 fatty acids contained in Acai may also play a important role in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. The omega fatty acids, fiber, amino acids and

    vitamins in acai can also help to boost your metabolism. And a boost in metabolism can help burn more calories even while you are asleep. Acai plays a vital role in slowing the aging process. Known as anti-aging properties. Acai should only be consumed by those wanting a healthier lifestyle.

    DHA– otherwise known as docosahexanoic acid, is a highly unsaturated essential fatty acid. Fats make up sixty percent of the brain and the nerves that run every system in the body. DHA is one of the good fats you’ve heard about lately. Yes I said good fats. With good fats and bad fats, saturated fats, trans fats and unsaturated fats, it’s no wonder so many people are getting headaches just trying to sort it all out. It’s about time it was sorted out for you. DHA is a major structural component of the retinal membranes, the nerves and the brain. DHA can influence brain development and performance. DHA cannot be produced by the body on its own. You need to get DHA from your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in ground flax

    seeds and flaxseed oil, coldwater fish like salmon and tuna, canola oil, soybeans, wheatgerm, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and eggs. While it is almost impossible to safely get enough DHA through diet alone, there are supplements available that can help you obtain enough DHA to be beneficial in living a healthier lifestyle.

    I encourage you to do your own research on these ingredients as I have. Make sure the supplements you are buying are designed with you in mind, NOT your wallet. Here’s to living a healthier lifestyle!!!

    Sincerely Mr P

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