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Factors to Consider in Meal Planning

Meal planning is a technique that every household should utilize. It is a very comprehensive plan of what to eat and the products or ingredients necessary in cooking. It is an organized system of identifying recipes and for a certain period of time. It requires a skill to identify needs of a person of his entire family and taking into consideration of several factors that would affect planning activity.

Factors would include: health needs, economic factors, religious practices, dietary concerns, environmental factors and time and ability to cook.

Health needs.

It is necessary to include all the food groups to ensure optimum nutrition. It is very important that we include in our meals the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our bodies require.

Economic factors.

We have to consider our budget and the prices of the ingredients. Budget is foremost the principal factor because you cannot cook what you cannot afford.

Religious practices.

Some religion or faith has restrictions on what they are allowed to eat. Muslims cannot eat pork and Jews are obliged to observe Kashrut practices. Hindus do not eat beef because of the view of the that cows are sacred.

Dietary concerns.

Certain diseases such as diabetes and hypertension restricts or limits an individual’s food intake. They are not allowed to eat fatty foods and even sweets. Another consideration would be allergies that would yield unwanted reactions when trigger foods are consumed.

Environmental factors.

This would include the kitchen materials and equipments that would give you the capacity to cook certain food.


If you have ample time to prepare food then you can go ahead and cook extravagant dishes, however when you have limited time you can opt for easy to do recipes than relying on fast food or instant products.

Ability to cook.

The most modifiable factor. They say you cannot cook if you don’t know what you are doing. However you can research videos or follow cook books to help you prepare the dish that you want.

When you have considered all the factors of course you make sure that your cooking in variety while also acknowledging your family’s preference. Play with texture and color as well as temperature. Add fun to the activity by making it a recreational hobby which involves family members.

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Does the Bowflex Really Work? – The Truth About Bowflex Finally Revealed

So many of my clients have asked me that question. They see the Bowflex infomercial and those hot Bowflex body’s on the models and they wonder if they can look like that.

Look, the real answer is that no home gym – no matter how well built or sophisticated it might be will get you the results you want. Unless you’re willing to workout and put the effort into getting in shape. On the other hand, you don’t have to spend hours training. There are certain training protocols that will allow you to train for 5 to 7 minutes 3 to 4 times a week and get a complete total body workout. But, I’ll get more into that later in this article.

Let’s be practical okay – the Bowflex is really not much different than any other exerciser or home fitness equipment. If you workout with it on a consistent basis you will burn more body fat and pack on more muscle size, muscle building machine. No matter how much the infomercial or the marketing people behind Bowflex would want you to believe that. If you don’t workout you’re not going to get any results – period end of story.

Now I know there’s still some of you folks that are wondering – does the Bowflex really work – and the question has more to do with the fact that it doesn’t use free weights to provide resistance. Bowflex uses what they call “Power Rods.” While this piece of home fitness equipment looks odd it can be a versatile gym equipment. Essentially it’s a hybrid between a cable machines and resistance bands. It doesn’t use gravity or body weight for resistance unlike traditional home fitness equipment and this is will makes it unique.

The standard Bowflex muscle machine comes with resistance levels that range from 5 pounds to as much as 410 pounds.

Here are some questions that, my clients recently put to me about the Bowflex:

1. Does the Bowflex really work for burning body fat and getting a body like those guys and gals in the infomercials?

Burning body fat is more about your diet but, a good strength training program will help pack on more muscle which in turn burns more body fat.

2. Does the Bowflex really work in 20 minutes a day working out only three days per week as they advertise?

While it is possible using isometric exercise to get a great workout in a short period of time. To burn body fat you will need to supplement your strength training with a great diet and cardiovascular training. Cardio could be something as simple as riding your bike, taking a walk, or even jumping rope.

The Bowflex home gym is an excellent fitness equipment but, it is overpriced and there are other cheap home gyms or low-cost exercise equipment that can get you the same or better results available on the market today!

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Female Body Types Explained: How to Go From Mesomorph to Hourglass

On your quest to get an hourglass figure, you may find that in spite of your hard work, you’re not getting the results you want. Annoying, isn’t it? Have you considered the effect your body type may be having on your progress? If not, you should. Your body type and shape can affect whether or not you’re getting the most out of your body transformation journey. And if you’re a mesomorph, correcting your habits may lead to drastic improvement in results.

Mesomorph women are well proportioned all over. Equipped with strong bones, broad hips and shoulders and thick thighs, mesomorph body types store fat evenly throughout their bodies. Mesomorph body types may already be blessed with curves, but some need a little help to get an hourglass figure.

As a mesomorph, your body is beautiful, thick and muscular. You’re blessed to have a well-defined upper body, and if you’re really lucky, a tight midsection. Athletic in appearance, you body responds best to weight training.

For fast, effective weight loss and strength training, you should try powerful HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises such as kettlebells, or at-home fitness programs like INSANITY or P90X. Strength-building programs like these transform your metabolism into a fat incinerator and build lean, toned muscle that makes you look strong yet feminine.

If you’re not blessed with a juicy butt, you’ll have to do exercises specifically tailored to help you build up your gluteal muscles. Hip thrusts and butt bridges using moderate to heavy weight loads that increase regularly are the two best exercises for helping you build a bigger butt. Also, consider buying bodybuilder Pauline Nordin’s bestselling Butt Bible Workout, which contains strength and bodybuilding exercises for women like you who want a tight, round butt.

Now as you know, for best results, every strong fitness program needs to be supported by an exceptional eating plan. As a mesomorph, you burn fat faster than your endomorph sisters, but burn fat slower than your ectomorph ones. Eating whatever you want is not part of your nutritional regimen.

Eat moderately and regularly, maxing your protein intake at no more than 30 to 40 percent of your caloric intake. Protein is important for helping you build muscles. A rule of thumb is to break down your diet as follows: 40 percent protein, 40 percent carbs and 20 percent fat. Stick to your diet 80 percent of the time, allowing no more than 20 percent deviance to indulge every once in a while.

Last but not least, if your mesomorph midsection is flat, but your waist is not as small as you’d want it to be, consider corset training. Waist training with a corset made to help you reduce inches in your love handles. As a result you can get a smaller waist – and get an hourglass figure that makes everyone stop and stare.

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Different Body Types Explained – Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph

An American psychologist, William Sheldon (1898-1979) spent a lifetime observing the human body. From his observations, he developed three major categories into which the human body fits, based upon physical body types.

These three body types are: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. These three major classifications are based upon skeletal structure, musculature and how the body produces and stores fatty tissue. All people fall into one category or a combination of them.

The Ectomorph

People who are Ectomorph have small, narrow frames, are slender and are classified by the bodybuilding world as “Hard Gainers.”

They are lightly muscled by nature and have trouble developing muscle tissue. Their metabolism is usually pumped up and they do not store much fat in the usual places.

Many ectomorphs appear fragile and this can be quite deceptive as physical strength often does not equate to muscle size.

Their limbs are long in proportion to their body height, giving them an appearance of being thinner than they actually are. Generally their hands, fingers, feet, toes and necks are long and slender.

Ectomorphs have well defined, often sharp, facial features and their faces tend to be narrow or triangular shaped. Their hair is generally fine, is often unruly and grows quickly.

Because of their thin skin, the lack of body fat and their body area versus muscle mass, ecotmorphs are often more affected by temperatures than their more endowed brethren; they suffer from extreme heat or cold.

Some ectomorphs have been able to gain muscle size and strength, but it is a struggle for them to make big gains without a lot of hard work and high-protein dieting. Success can be achieved though; think of Brad Pitt in “Troy.”

The Mesomorph

Those athletic looking men and women with wedge-shaped bodies (men) or hourglass figures (women) are most likely Mesomorphs. These body types have larger bones with prominent muscles. Their facial features are defined and muscular with noticeable cheek bones and heavy jaws.

Mesomorphs have thicker skin and their hair is heavy in texture. Their arms and legs are well-developed and even their hands and fingers are muscular. Most of the major bodybuilding champions are mesomorphs. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a pure mesomorph.

Good posture, muscle mass and ease of muscle gaining are common traits of mesomorphs. They also gain fat much more easily than an ectomorph.

The Endomorph

Soft, round bodies, underdeveloped muscles and difficulty losing weight are traits of the extreme Endomorph.

They do gain muscle easily and their upper arms and thighs are more heavily muscled than their forearms or lower legs. They are often high-waisted, but their limbs are short in comparison to their overall body height.

Endomorphs often have small hands and feet in relation to their overall size. Their heads are large and faces broad. The late John Belushi (Animal House, The Blues Brothers) appears to have been a typical endomorph.

Good workout and diet programs will produce results for an endomorph, with the diet being critical to getting rid of body fat. They are best served eating five or six small (3-400 calories) meals per day to keep their metabolism in a “digesting mode.”

Combined Body Types

Very few people can be categorized so easily. While most of us fall into one of the general categories, very few people are purely in one type entirely. We often evidence traits of the other body types, and would be categorized as ecto-mesomorphs or endo-mesomorphs.

People of all body types can be successful bodybuilders, though most of us lack the dedication and devotion (let alone the money) to become a professional bodybuilder, we can all achieve a high degree of health, fitness and musculature from a good exercise program and a proper diet.

Our fitness programs must, however, be tailored to our body types and how we grow muscles and store body fat.

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Foods to Get a Six Pack – 3 Breakfast Super Foods Which Burn Belly Fat and Build Six Pack Abs

If you’re serious about building six pack abs then your breakfast is the most important meal of the day because your body has been recovering in sleep and is starved of energy so first thing in the morning it’s your opportunity to feed your body some much needed great foods which will kick start your metabolism.


This an ideal breakfast for first thing in the morning because it contains lots of good carbohydrates which will release energy over a longer period of time. It also contains a lot of protein and fibre which will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Porridge/Oats also contain essential vitamins and minerals, so if your trying to build your six pack abs porridge/oats is one of the best options you can eat first thing in the morning.


Grapefruit is another citrus fruit which gets ignored a lot, but it shouldn’t because the nutrients that they contain are absolutely fantastic especially if you are trying to get red of stubborn belly fat and build six pack abs. Grapefruits are rich in lycopene and Limonoids which help to prevent things like tumors and cancer, they are very hard to find in other fruit and vegetables but you get plenty in grapefruits. They also help with the digestion of your food and after a big meal can be a wise choice to help digest your food faster because of their acidic properties. So, a great option for your breakfast especially if your looking to lose body fat or lose weight in general.

Scrambled Egg

Eggs are a great source of protein and what better way to start your day with a round of eggs. There is however a certain way to make your scrambled egg. Firstly NEVER use milk when making your eggs in the morning, just mix your eggs up as they are using the egg white and the yolk. The yolks are fine to eat, its been well documented that eating the yolks of eggs is perfectly healthy as that is really where most of the goodness is anyway. You can eat boiled eggs by all means there just as good but scrambled egg is also another super breakfast option that you can choose to eat.

So you now know 3 great super breakfast foods to eat. Another little tip though, I often have a small bowl of porridge with some nuts and berries on top to give it an extra bit of taste. It’s delicious, try it.

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History of Body Building – Where Did it All Start?

Starting in the 1980's people have become significantly more aware of the importance of their health and physique. They spend huge amounts of money on the creation of a perfect body. Statistics show that body building supplements sell like crazy, personal trainers are making good money and gyms pop up everywhere.

But where did it all start? The history of body building as a sport starts approximately a century ago. Eugene Sandow gets the honor of having invented the sport. The father of body building invited spectators to watch his muscular body. Displays of strength and agility became the center of his stage performance and he showed the ultimate Grecian physique. Soon he became very popular and used his fame to build various businesses and started marketing body building products. The first exercise equipment for the masses bears his name. Sandow's name is also connected with 'The Great Competition', the first ever body building contest, held in London. You could say it was the early version of the Mr. Olympia.

Ironically, World War II gave body building a boost. Men had to defend themselves and their families and their behavior became more aggressive. They wanted to stand up against the enemy and began to build a bigger and stronger physique. More time was spent on improving training techniques, better nutrition and the first effective and more user friendly training equipment was built.

Body building became an organized sport and leading organizations like the IFB, International Federation of Body Building, were founded in these days. The popularity of the sport has not stopped growing since then. The famous Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the sport a real boost. In the 1990's female body building made it's entrance and now has its own Ms. Olympia competition.

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A Weight Loss Proposal Plan

You do not need to buy a gym membership or expensive diet program to lose weight. All you need to do is have a plan and stick to it. First off, make the decision that you are going to exercise every day. You can combine cardiovascular and weight training into one exercise, or you can do cardio on one day and weight training on the next day. For cardiovascular exercise, you can go bike riding, power walking, running, roller skating, or get involved in a very physical sport. Good sports for cardio exercise would be basketball, racquetball, tennis or soccer. Swimming is also a great exercise for both cardiovascular and weight training since it tones your muscles.

For your weight training exercises, you once again do not need to spend a lot of money. You can buy a set of hand weights for less than twenty dollars to get you started. They will probably be sufficient for quite a while since it does take time to build both strength and endurance. It is important not to skip the weight training because it will put you at risk of losing muscle weight, which will make you weaker. A common misconception is that weight training will lead to visible muscle mass. Trust me; you will not turn into a body builder over night.

Learn what foods you should avoid eating, and avoid them. Generally speaking, you should avoid eating deep-fried foods, processed foods, foods containing refined sugar like baked sweets, chocolate, white bread, and anything that comes smothered in cheese (ie smothered cheese fries). Focus on eating healthy foods like fresh fruits, uncooked vegetables, whole grains breads, brown rice, lean meats and fish. Make sure you eat a mix of proteins (meat) and carbohydrates (pasta and breads).

For the best weight loss results, you should stop eating two or three meals a day, and try to eat six meals a day. Eating more often will help stop you from overeating because you will not feel extremely hungry when you sit down. You should also make a conscience effort to drink at least 8 – 8 oz. glasses of water each day. The water will help prevent bloating and keep all your systems running smoothly. Now this plan will not work over night. You should stick to the plan for at least eight weeks before making a decision on its effectiveness. Remember the basics and keep it simple. Weight loss does not need to be overly complicated.

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What Fitness Classes and Programs Do Most Gyms Offer?

More people are recognizing that participating in an exercise program is essential to maintaining good health.

Because of this surge in popularity of obtaining a much more fit life, more people are now signing up for exercise programs. Gyms have responded to the increased consumer demand for fitness programs by implementing a variety of fitness classes and programs.

The following lists fitness classes and programs that most gyms now offer:

Aerobics: Aerobics classes are a great way for people to get fit. It is beneficial for weight loss, strengthening your heart, and toning your muscles. There are a number of forms of aerobics such as step, water, and dance aerobics.

Yoga: Yoga focuses on flexing the muscles using different body positions. Breathing techniques and achieving mental serenity are part of the Yoga experience.

Weights: Using weight exercises are a great way to tone muscles and build strength. It is also a great exercise program for people interested in body building.

Pilates: Much like Yoga, Pilates helps one improve posture, tones the muscles, and makes the body stronger. It involves the art of 'balancing.'

Toning Programs: These exercises take place on a mat on the floor. It is a great way to flatten and firm the stomach and firm the muscles on the legs and buttocks.

Tai-Chi and Karate: These programs focus on exercising using physical combat. It is great way to tone muscles and strengthen the heart as well as the mind.

Swimming: Swimming has always been a great way to get fit. It affects every muscle. It is great for people with back pain and pain associates illness such as arthritis.

Cycling: Many Gyms offer a fitness programs using their exercise cycles. Users are able to increase or decrease the resistance to meet their fitness levels. It is a great program no matter what your fitness level is. It is beneficial for firming leg muscles and improving heart and lung function.

Weight Reduction Programs: With a weight reduction program, there would be such activities such as cardio exercises, fat and calorie burning workouts and toning exercises that helps people lose weight and firm the muscles.

Senior Fitness Programs: Gyms offer a wide variety of fitness programs for seniors. This can involve cardio, aerobic, dance, and swimming programs. They are all designed to meet the health needs of seniors.

Fitness Training for Pre- and Post-Natal Pregnancy: This type of program is designed to strengthen the lower back as well as provide stress-reducing exercise techniques.

All exercise programs and fitness classes are designed to improve the overall health of a person over the long term. Health risk assessments are usually performed that focuses on a person's strengths and weaknesses. A description of the fitness classes is normally available at the Gym, or people can speak to the instructor to find out more about the programs. Before undertaking any exercise program, it is important to consult with a Doctor to determine any possible health concerns. Today, Gyms have fitness programs designed for anyone of any age.

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Foods That Make Your Bum Bigger – How To Eat Your Way To A Larger Tush

Though criticized by some for having too much junk in their trunk, women like Kim Kardashian and Beyonce elicit a certain sex appeal. It's no secret that a firm, round backside appeal to men and it's the reason why many of us strive to achieve that ideal. If you're dissatisfied with your barely there bottom, there are foods that make your bum bigger. The following are some things you can consume to boost your booty.

Do not simply eat fatty foods. They will end up at parts of your body where you do not want them, such as your tummy. If you want a bigger caboose, you need to eat low fat. But is not that what people do when they're trying to decrease the size of their rear ends? Yes it is, but the difference is that you will have to replace simple carbohydrates with good complex carbohydrates like whole grain products.

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in your body. In order to get a larger rump, you need to feed that muscle. Do this by adding plenty of protein to your diet to build up the bulk. Turkey, chicken, fish and lean beef are protein rich foods that make your bum bigger. Make sure to incorporate them into your meals.

Complex carbohydrates are organic compounds found in certain foods. All carbohydrates consist of sugar molecules. When three or more of these molecules are linked together, it is considered a complex carbohydrate. Complex carbs make your body work more efficiently, much like super unleaded does for your car. They do this by slowly releasing sugar into your blood stream, which creates a consistent level of energy. This means you get a better workout when toning up your behind. Good sources of complex carbs are whole wheat, sweet potatoes, brown rice, skim milk and cassava.

Fruits and vegetables are essential building blocks of any diet. They're loaded with nutrients vital to proper health and maintenance of your body. To get an ample backside, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily to help reshape your body. Consume apples, berries, citrus fruits and bananas. Vegetables to eat are spinach, broccoli and green beans.

With these foods that make your bum bigger, you can eat your way to a beautiful butt, and this means you're one step closer to achieving your goal. While you may not be Kim or Beyonce, you will have a behind that rivals theirs!

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The Safed Musli Plant and Natural Bodybuilding Supplements

Safed Musli, also known as chlorophytum borivilianum is a rare plant found in India which has recently proven to be a very beneficial addition to natural bodybuilding supplements. Well known for its abilities as an aphrodisiac, Safed Musli has become increasingly popular and sought out worldwide. It is an herb which appears annually and is able to withstand major changes in climate. The plant belongs to the Liliaceae family and is typically grown in Andhra Pradesh. Safed Musli plants stand approximately one and a half feet high with long, skinny leaves which are deep green and white with tuberous roots.

Its outstanding medicinal properties have become an important staple in bodybuilding supplements.
Safed Musli is comprised of many steroidal glycosides. It contains compounds such as 8-hexadecenoic acid, palmitic acid, 3-heptadecanone, methyl pentacosanoate and stearic acid.

The ever-growing interest in natural products has boosted the demand for Safed Musli especially in Europe, the United States and countries in the Gulf. With increasing popularity around the world, the plant is continually being researched and tested in new herbal remedies and products.

Ancient Use of the Safed Musli Plant in India

The Safed Musli plant is traced back to India where it has been used for many years as a vital medicinal plant. The species first attracted attention in 1954 in India as it was incorporated into many Ayurvedic tonics and used as an aphrodisiac. From there it began to reach rare status as demand for the plant dramatically increased. The plant has been an integral part of Ayurdvedic medicine, treating conditions from diabetes to arthritis and even high cholesterol.

Ayurvedic literature celebrates Safed Musli as a miracle plant with amazing abilities. Some of this literature includes Rasendra Sarsangrah, Bhavaprakash nighantu and Raja Ballabh Nighantu where the plant is referred to as "Vajikaran" meaning aphrodisiac.

Saponins, A Key Ingredient

The underlying benefits of the Safed Musli plant are the saponins within in. Saponins are found in the roots and have tremendous therapeutic abilities. Their name is derived from the Latin word for "soap" which refers to the frothy nature of saponins when they are combined with water.

Saponins contain natural medicinal properties which promote optimum health. They are involved in hemolysis, stimulate the immune system, act as an expectorant and reduce inflammation. Saponins also contain properties that combat fungi, bacteria and protozoa.

Aside from the Safed Musli plant, saponins can be found in many other forms in nature. These include the following: fenugreek herb, ginseng, red onions, soy beans, agave plant, bacopa monierri, paprika, alfalfa herb and disogenin which comes from wild yam root.

Use of Safed Style : Modern Musli in Bodybuilding Supplements

Recently, research on how the saponins contained in Safed Musli effect testosterone has shown traces of stigmasterol as well as hecogenin. Both of these components are ideal ingredients for natural bodybuilding supplements []. Stigmasterol shares a similar structure to testosterone. It is believed to latch on to the same body receptors that testosterone attaches to which causes stigmasterol to act nearly the same as testosterone. In similar fashion, hecogenin has an ability to convert to specific compounds that resemble testosterone and yields the same results on the body.

Taking supplements containing Safed Musli benefit the body in many different ways. They can improve strength and physical endurance, buffer lactic acid, fight general body weakness, aid in recovering from the physical exhaustion of exercise and build muscle mass while lowering heart and respiration rates as well as systolic blood pressure. Other effects include an elevated libido, sperm count and helping to increase spermatosis.

Additional Uses of Safed Musli

Besides its uses as a bodybuilding agent, the Safed Musli plant is frequently used for the following: an alternative to the popular drug Viagra, a cure for weakness and debilitating illnesses, a therapeutic practice in Ayurveda, Allopathy and Unani, remedies for arthritis and diabetes , a drug to help improve immune functions as well as a cure for natal and post-natal complications.

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