Archive | January, 2017

Healthy Living – Key Points For a Healthy Lifestyle

Nowadays, many of us are more concerned about our health conditions.  We get a lot of tips from people who themselves are not aware on how one can live a healthy life. Considering the fact that we too are stubborn to follow most of these advices, we end up with all the frustration and regret that we did not choose to live a healthy life style at an early phase.

The earlier you practice to drink and eat healthy foods the better. Mother nature has given us a lot of options to choose from, so we could maintain a very good health condition, we should all make use of it.

Look into these drinking and eating habits that you should try starting from this day on:

1. Select food that are of great value, meaning that it contains vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Make sure that what you look into are food selections that would also fits your lifestyle, like for instance you are losing weight and you frequently workout, you would be needing foods rich in protein, so you have to select the foods that are rich in protein.

2. Drinking eight to twelve glasses of water a day is what you may hear or read all the time but there is more to it that you should know. What you should be drinking is purified drinking water that is at a room temperature and not ice-cold water. Most of us do this without knowing that this would actually intervene with the normal conditions in the digestive system.

3. What you need to eat are green leafy vegetables as well as fruits. Fruits and vegetables which contains the essential nutrients need by the body. Vitamin C and antioxidants from fruits, while omega fatty acids needed by the body to rebuild cells and replenish lost energy in our body.

4. Keep a balanced diet and make sure that you do not consume much food that produces too much cholesterol in the body like for instance dairy products, lard,  and other foods that produce saturated fats. Saturated fats unlike omega fatty acids are non-essential fats, it is considered junk in the body and harmful as well.

5. Speaking of fats, you can acquire non-essential fats from eating too much greasy foods which can result to your body having the difficulty in digesting these food together with other dishes. If this is the case then you will have more fats stored in your body which, eventually would lead to other health complications.

6. Your digestive system is the one responsible in distributing the nutrients that you get from the food you eat. Digesting your food properly, helps your system to distribute the nutrients throughout your body’s other organs accordingly. To do this, you need to chew your food slowly .

These are only few of those options available for you to take advantage of. To live a healthy lifestyle is not mainly eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones. Food intake would also be accompanied by frequent exercises as well as enough rest and sleep.

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Lysine Supplements

The amino acid Lysine is known as a dietary supplement that has amazing health benefits. Although it is a common amino acid, found in many foods, it has been shown that it is only effective as a healing dietary supplement when taken in concentrated forms when you need to correct a physical disorder.

Lysine has been used to help horses and other live stock to firm muscle because it is an agent in muscle building. Athletes or others who may have had an operation or who are recovering from injuries to bones and muscle have shown that adding Lysine as a supplement will increase the rate of healing. Lysine brings a rush of blood to the injured area of the body. Since it does act almost immediately to attack any break in the body, it has also been used as a treatment for viral herpes infections.

Since lysine is an amino acid, a good food source is meat and dairy products. People who are vegetarians may exhibit signs of slow growth, retardation, and other disorders related to the lack of this vital amino acid in their diet. A word of caution about taking Lysine supplements concerns already taking prescription medications for infection. The Lysine supplement with the prescription medication might make your light headed or dizzy as it is a powerful blood thinner agent almost as powerful as garlic.

One good point to remember is that if the tomato was considered to be the love apple or an aphrodisiac, Lysine supplements can be seen as the fountain of youth encapsulated form. The older you get, the more lysine you can ingest without any side effects.

Lysine directly affects all organs of the body that store high volume of blood like the kidneys and the liver. If you have a kidney infection, lysine will target that part of your body as it will also act on your liver. Recommended dosage should be followed and any health problems should be taken under the consent of your attending physician.

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How To Lose That Pot Belly – Ten Ways To Have A Flat Stomach Without Sit-Ups!

Weight loss is a mental and physical process. First you must have a strong will to lose weight and look great. So when you’ve made up your mind to lose weight and melt off all the fats in your body, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. Second is a physical process, you should work out, cardio workout is a great way to lose weight.The thought of losing that pot belly with cardio (treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike and step aerobics etc etc) and sit ups can be daunting or intimidating and we always think that Wouldn’t it be great if somebody could wave a magic wand over my head and make those extra pounds and pot belly disappear and give me six packs abs? But it is not possible. Slimming down takes time and sweat if you do not have the right method, approaches, and encouragement to assist you along.

So is there any magical way that we dont have to do these painfull situps and still we can lose weight and get a flat abs?

Ofcourse with the right directions and an accurate guideline, it is possible to get a flat stomach and look great and here are these ten simple and useful tips and method you can adopt easily and get your desire results.


whether it is a weight loss or a better job, When ever you want to achieve something in life you must think like a winner. Always go at it with a positive set of mind and commitment. Slimming down and losing weight is not just about diets. It’s about a entirely fresh you and the possibility of creating afresh life for yourself.


You can lose fifty pounds in a week if you do physical exercise twelve hours a day and consume nothing but celery, it is not realistic and a human cant do it. Always keep in mind that Slow and steady wins the race. Set your small achieveable and realistic goals, do not bite off more than you can chew. . In the end, you’ll have accomplished more.


Walking for weight loss is the easy, Fun, cheap and low impact form of exercise to incorporate into day-to-day life. Walking for weight loss is a easiest weight loss exercise that provides an alternative to increase the calorie deficit required to induce weight loss. It is one of the best methods to slim down.


Always maintain a food dairy of what you had eaten and what you will eat. Eat five small meals a day instead of taking three big meals a day and always start your day with a break fast and stop eating three hours before going to bed.


Did you know that white bread isn’t healthy? Oh, it’s true, just ask any diabetic. Research has shown that people who eat more refined products like white bread are more expected to have belly fat.


Never go to shopping when you are hungry or you will end up buying more fattening food. Best thing is to eat before going for food shopping and always prepare a grocery list. Only buy food which relates to your each week diet program.


Weight yourself once every week and maintain your weight loss record.


Never Skip your meals because eating step-ups your matabolism so skipping meals can slow down your metabolism. Always eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count. Drinking hot water as instead of cold water can step-up the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.


Always try to make dishes like Omelettes using egg white only. it is very low in fat and high in protein.


When you are on your way to achieve any goal you set for your self you always need a moral support and a best moral support can be from the person you already achieve the goal or trying to achieve. thats why find a weight loss buddy or join support group. This will help you stay with your goal.

In the end I must say that you should Lose weight for yourself, not to please your love ones like your parents or your friends etc and Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic.

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Why You Should Follow The Q48 Programme

Overweight or obesity is a major problem these days. Many people are stuck in their desks in front of their computers for the most duration of the day. When they get home, they are often too tired to exercise. But physical activity is a must, and that includes regular exercise. That’s why for many decades now, there have been countless of diet and exercise programs that have been devised for the needs of the weight-loss seeking populace. But what makes an exercise and diet routine effective?

Everyone is busy with their work or studies, or even taking care of the kids and doing chores at home. That’s why, for a diet and exercise program to be able to gain the following of health and fitness buffs, it has to be time-efficient. In the same way, it has to be easy, too. People connote dieting and exercise to hard work, but that is no longer the case. You can find convenient ways to lose weight.

Early this year, there came out to the market a weight loss program known as the Q48 program. A lot of people wondered about what the perks of the Q48 program are. And more importantly, they want to know about the details of Q48. Here’s what the program is about and why you should follow the Q48 programme.

The Q48 program is an exercise program that implements HIIT or high intensity interval training. In HIIT, you perform a combination of a few minutes of exercise and a few seconds of rest. By following a few and simple quick and easy exercises, you will lose weight faster. Here are some reasons why you should follow the Q48 programme.

Exercises required in the Q48 program have the distinction of being able to accelerate your metabolism. That is, they help you burn more calories fast. Doing Q48 exercise lets you burn calories (wherein your metabolism is continually working) for the next 48 hours. Hence the name of the program “Q48”. It generally varies from one person to another, depending on body type. But for the most part, you’ll keep on burning calories for the next 48 hours after doing the exercises recommended by Q48. One of the best reasons why you should follow the Q48 program is that it is fun and easy to do. You don’t have to stay for long hours in the gym to shed your excess pounds.

What makes Q48 even more attractive is that you don’t have to suffer to lose weight. That’s right. The Q48 program does not require any form of strict dieting. However you are eating now, you can keep it that way. You will lose weight as long as you do the exercises prescribed by Q48. No need to put an end to your being a foodie, and by all means, give in to your food cravings!

The Q48 program is categorized according to beginner and advanced levels. In each cycle of the program, you initially do some “charging up” which motivates you to do the next levels of workouts. Experts agree that HIIT used in Q48 increases metabolism and is an effective way to lose weight. Wherever you are, whether in the office, at home or in a hotel room, you can perform Q48 exercises. No need to be frustrated, you’ll get quick results the un-boring way by following the Q48 program.

It’s a win-win situation if you exercise the Q48 way. There are a hundred and one reasons why you should follow the Q48 programme.

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Muscle Growth Secrets – Top 7 Fitness Tips!

Imagine this scenario. You join a gym; all charged up to become fit & muscular. You work hard on your muscle building routines & keep pushing yourself. You feel happy with your effort. After all, you have managed to stick to your fitness routine, much longer than before! But no matter how hard you try, you are not growing your muscles anymore! Sounds familiar? More then likely, you have been getting one or more of the following fitness principles wrong.

1. Avoid Over-training

Each time a muscle is used in an intense activity, it actually breaks down muscle fibers. Hence, they need some time to recover & be ready for training again. Most good muscle growing routines target a group of muscles only once or twice in a week. This ensures adequate time for muscle growth.

2. Avoid Prolonged Workouts

When looking to grow muscles, think quality over quantity. With longer workouts, your cortisol levels begin to rise. This can cause damage to the muscles rather than muscle growth. Your workout duration should ideally be between 45 minutes to an hour; with adequate periods of rest in between.

3. Grow Muscles While You Sleep

Sleeping for 8 to 10 hours a day is essential for ensuring muscle growth. The rest period gives the body a chance to grow new muscle fibers.

4. Restrict Alcohol Usage

Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to generate muscle mass. It can also reduce the general fitness levels.

5. Inject Variety in Your Fitness Routine

Make sure to change your exercise routines every 6 to 8 weeks. This ensures that muscles don’t adapt to the same exercises; which will in turn restrict muscle growth.

6. Constantly Challenge Your Muscles

Muscles grow in response to the stimulus of working against a load; or resistance. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to try & increase the load with every exercise session. This ensures that the muscle is challenged all the time.

7. Get Plenty of Proteins for Muscle Growth

Proteins are called the building blocks of the human body. Thus, make sure that you include an adequate supply of proteins in your diet. You may want to consider using protein shakes or supplements; if your diet is low in proteins. A quantity of 1 gram protein equivalent for every pound of body weight is usually recommended for effective muscle growth.

Follow these principles & stay focused. Although there are many more factors which also play a part, the above fitness tips should help you get started on your way towards having the body your working for.

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How to Stay Healthy in Today’s Modern World

To lead a healthy life it takes more than a routine medical check up, different from what many people think. It has been revealed through studies that a few of the main causes of mortality in the United States (heart diseases, cancers, stroke, bronchitis) are cases avoidable if a healthy lifestyle is followed.

You can be healthy by following a few steps like taking a healthy diet, exercise and preventing few bad habits like excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking.

It is like the old proverb which says “prevention is always better than cure”. Keep in mind that it is less expensive not to smoke than to smoke. It is less expensive not to drink than to drink, in spite of that people select the tougher alternative which is associated with innumerable health problems.

Living a Healthy Life by Exercising

In case exercise is not a part of his/her regular routine then it cannot be claimed by anyone that they live a healthy lifestyle. Exercises do aid you in several physical and social ways, as it makes your muscles and bones strong, gives you flexibility and improves nutrient uptake from the blood to the cells to keep the cells healthy.

It helps you socially as usually when you are engaged in a work out, you get to interact with new friends at the gym and take pleasure in that kind of interaction. Regular exercising helps your self esteem. Exercise can further help you mentally too by enhancing you mental alertness. Exercises help in making your life complete and protect you against depression.

Healthy Dieting

The food that you consume holds great importance and is a main feature in judging the future of your health status. Fats should be avoided by everyone even by those who don’t want to lose weight because of the risk of hypertension, cancer, and diabetes.

You need to consume as many fruits and vegetables as you can, which should occupy a larger portion of space in your refrigerator. You can attain longevity and healthier life by consuming the adequate food in the right quantity with lowered calorie levels. Obtaining the essential nutrients required by you, such as calcium and iron, and further maintaining your weight under control may help.

You need to make sure that your meals include all the important nutrients required by your body and when it is hard to achieve this, then dietary supplement should be used. The calories that you obtain from food should be balanced with the calories used by you through physical activity.

A variety of foods should be consumed, particularly dark-green leafy vegetables, deep-yellow vegetables, citrus fruits or juices, melons, berries, dry beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats, corn, and barley.

On top of all this you should practice safe sex and drink water only from a trusted source. In case you do get a disease from sex or water, then all your will go waste. Maintain the environment clean and exercise good personal hygiene.

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Fat Burning Zone Vs. Cardio Training Zone

So often I have seen gym members spend countless hours on the treadmill strolling along waiting for the fat to melt off their bodies.

The belief is if you are in the “fat-burning zone” you are maximizing your fat loss. To get a clear understanding of whether this belief is true or false we must first define the “fat-burning zone” and what the “cardio training zone”.

The fat burning zone is ‘Low Intensity Cardio’ where your heart rate is between 60 – 70% of your maximum heart rate. This heart rate range is reached by standing up, walking fast or jogging. Will you burn fat yes, but just 50% of total calories you consume are coming from fat. If you maintain that intensity level after 20 min 70-80% of calories are coming now from fat and just 20-30% from carbohydrates. But this is the time when most of the people stop anyways.

The cardio training zone is ‘High Intensity Cardio’ and your heart rate is between 70 – 85% of your maximum heart rate.

Maximum heart rate can be estimated by the following formula:

(220 – Age) = Maximum Heart Rate

Example: (220-28) = 192b.p.m. (beats per minute) is the maximum heart rate.

fat burning zone – low intensity zone 192 x 60% – 70% = 115 – 134b.p.m.

cardio training zone – high intensity zone 192 x 70% – 85% = 134 – 163b.p.m.

So is the “fat-burning zone” the best way to lose fat?

You better sit down for this one… the answer is no.

Although the “fat-burning zone” uses a higher percentage of fat for fuel; you need to look at the big picture which is calories burned. Below is a chart that compares the two training zones.

Low Intensity Training burns 50% fat for fuel ex: 100 calories x 50% = 50 calories from fat

High Intensity Training burns 40% fat for fuel ex: 160 calories x 40% = 64 calories from fat

Say, for example, you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of Low Intensity exercise compared to 160 calories in 10 minutes of High Intensity Exercise, you’ve still burned more total fat doing High Intensity Exercise.

The bottom line:

For individuals new to exercise it is recommended to start in this low intensity zone (60 – 70% of maximum heart rate). There will be some benefit in the first 2-3 weeks, initially they can experience even some weight loss.

But after this initial stage gradually we need to increase the intensity of our routine. Remember, this increase corresponds to a 70 – 85% of Maximum Hart Rate. Maintaining a higher intensity of exercise for a longer time could be sometimes very chalanging. In this cases what is called interval training represents a powerful tool. This means that we can increase the intensity level for a short period of time ( 30sec. – 2 min) returning after each interval to a basic intensity level. For example an initial intensity corresponding to 60% of MHR. First interval at an increase to 80% of MHR, maintaining this level for 1 minute, returning to a 60% MHR for 2-3 minutes. and starting a new cycle

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Exercise and Weight Loss – Get Your Butt Moving and Lose More Weight

Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand and contrary to popular belief, exercise is not a four letter word. Seriously. It is not. But it is a must if you want to lose weight, increase your flexibility, boost your metabolism, and increase your overall feeling of well being.

But why? After all if it is true that all you have to do is take in less calories than you burn, then why is getting up and moving so important?

There are a few reasons why exercise is important. First of all, the body was made to move. Just think about the construction of our bodies. How the muscles, ligaments, and bones all work together to perform smooth liquid movements. We are really a pretty complex machine. But this is not the only reason we need to exercise more.

Regular exercise offers some key benefits:

  1. Improves mental well being. When we exercise and get our bodies moving and our heat rates up, our body releases a hormone-like substance called endorphins. These powerhouses are released in the brain and are known as the body's own natural painkillers. Plus endorphins produce a feeling of euphoria that can be so powerful that they can actually mask pain.
  2. Increases metabolism. Did you know that your metabolism is directly related to your muscle mass. This is the reason why athletes can eat so much more than the average person. Muscles take a lot of energy just to maintain themselves. So the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolism, meaning the more calories you burn even when just sleeping.
  3. Increases flexibility. One of the key tests done to determine a person's fitness level is a flexibility test. Those who are not as flexible are less fit. And this does not only translate to your muscles. Recent studies have found that decreased flexibility is directly related to more rigid arteries and blood vessels, setting you up for an aneurysm.
  4. Tones muscles for a better overall appearance. Toning up your muscles not only increases your metabolism and flexibility but it will give your overall silhouette a sleeker look. Sometimes just firming up your muscles will reduce the look of irregularities that fat can give our body. Think about it. When you see someone with a toned body, they just look better overall

Remember, back in the olden days there were not any gyms or fitness classes. People walked everywhere they went, worked daily in their yards and fields, and played games outside. These activities alone were enough to keep a majority of our ancestors fit and healthy. But now we sit in front of the TV or computer all day, only walk as far a the door to the car, and playing, well that is something for kids. Exercise is nothing new. It is just different now than it used to be.

So if you want to drop some pounds quicker and easier and actually keep them off for longer, it is important to not only take in less calories but to also move more, as exercise and weight loss are a package deal.

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Pilates Workout – Check the Levels and the Sample of Exercises

Today, pilates workout gains its popularity because of its efficiency in improving overall health. Additionally, this kind of exercise is also beneficial in losing weight. There are several levels that should be followed in the pilates workout. If you’re beginner in pilates, you will be trained with the simplest workout program. At a later time, you will gradually move to the more difficult workout through the different steps of workout of pilates.

During the workout of pilates training process, pilates trainers will serve great importance since they can guide you to some safe and effective pilates movements. Below, there are some prominent items that will guide you through the diverse levels of the pilates exercise program.

Novice Pilates Workout

The novice workout of pilates is designed to guide you how to be flexible for the dissimilar pilates moves later on. Generally, they are easy exercises which consist typically of mind relaxation. A workout of pilates ball may be required to achieve balance and perfection during your moves.

Great importance during the beginner level can be also working pads. Most of the pilates new comers are trained on the “one hundred” workout which was develop to reinforce the torso muscles. One leg stretch, roll-ups, spine stretch as well as one leg circle are among the well-known pilates exercises at the novice level.

Intermediate Stage Pilates Workout

This workout of pilates stage is a bridge among moving from the beginner stage to the advanced level. If the exercises are performed and practiced often, most people commonly tolerate the level of difficulty. Some of the best intermediate pilates exercises include: shoulder bridge, the double leg, side kick, and neck pull.

Advanced Stage Pilates Workout

An individual can perform the advanced level pilates workout after a rigorous pilates training. If a person does not undertake the normal process of learning, he or she may have difficulty performing the advanced workouts.

To practice pilates exercise, it’s very significant that the condition of a person is ready to take the more complex workout. The exercises that can be practiced in the advanced level are cork screw, hip and spine twist, swimming, and push-ups.

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Hemorrhoids and Exercise: My Personal Experience

First of all, let’s touch upon the facts about hemorrhoids. You have got veins supplied by arteries all-around your body. Frequent exercise helps the transmission of oxygen and nutrients to all of these veins. You are generally getting the circulation pumping whenever you exercise! By exercising you are enabling the bits around your butt to be healthier and stronger. This must be good for piles right?

So if exercise is great for hemorrhoids then we must always do as much of any sort of exercise wherever possible? No, this isn’t necessarily true. In my experience (and take into account this may be quite different for you) it is better to focus on exercises that do not force you to strain too hard. This simply means that exercise like swimming, riding a bike or possibly even simply jogging are all great for keeping hemorrhoids from increasing.

So that suggests no barbells at the gym? I am just relating my own experience here but it doesn’t automatically mean no weightlifting. Following an evaluation by my doctor (before to a colonoscopy) I was told that my piles were somewhat prominent. He inquired about my diet and lifestyle and I told her that I live a generally healthy life (with a reasonable diet) and that I really like lifting weights. This final part raised some eyebrows. I was urged to immediately stop lifting large barbells as they may possibly worsen the piles more.

This was a dilemma. I really like weightlifting. And as I discussed, the added blood circulation comes with a number of advantages. So I thought I would look for the help and advice of a trainer at my nearest gym. After discussing the issue with him, we realized that we needed to get rid of the workout routines that were putting the most pressure on my frame. Namely: Squat presses presses and some other leg exercises. (Take note: A deadlift press is one of the main leg exercises of weight training where you put the barbell on your shoulders and literally squat down).

But if we quit weight-based lower body exercises what do we substitute it with? (I like a total body training routine). The best solution for me personally: kettlebells. Kettlebell exercises continue to allow me to exercise my thighs and legs but considering that it consists of somewhat more stamina-dependent training it doesn’t contribute to the pressure that exacerbates the hemorrhoids. Better yet they deliver a superb combination of aerobic, power and flexibility. All good for hemorrhoids!

Revisiting the doctor

I returned to meet the doctor. And I am glad I did considering that he verified that the new exercises genuinely did help. Of the piles that he previously noticed, one had reduced considerably. The others were a great deal smaller!

Essential guidance regarding training and hemorrhoids

Just about the most critical thing to keep in mind is that, even if you don’t feel like it, you should try to remain active. I don’t mean that you must be going to the gym seven days a week or running marathons. However you really should endeavor to go walking, run, cycle or do something simply because it will help.

Plus you probably don’t want to hear this advice but you ought to also aim to take strolls even for the duration of an episode of hemorrhoids. Despite the fact that staying still might appear to be the smartest thing to do. It usually isn’t. Getting that circulation going will help you to get over it faster!

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