Archive | January, 2017

Pizza Has All the Major Food Groups

In this very hectic world, meal time can be such a hassle. It seems hard to squeeze in a balanced diet when you have to do so many things throughout the day. As such, people are always on the look out for quick meals that provide all the necessary nutrients in one bite. If this is the case with you, then you need not look further than the yellow pages. The complete meal has long been around that you are probably eating it more often than you notice. Still puzzled as to what this complete food is? It is none other than the pizza.

For many, pizza may just be a snack or junk food, a fattening substance of empty nutritive value. But contrary to this common notion, the pizza can potentially be a healthful meal that can be both filling and nutritious. While it is true that wolfing down six big slices of pizza in one sitting can definitely make one fat, eating it in the right amounts can just be as healthy as eating a serving of salad. What makes pizza so good is that it has all the food groups recommended by nutritionists and doctors for a proper nutrition.

Here is a run down of the types of food that can be found in most pizzas.

Pizza Has Grain

The basis of any pizza is the crust. It is the binder of the whole pie, where all the ingredients are situated. Crust is simply bread, which is usually made of flour. This is a rich source of carbohydrates which the body uses as fuel for its everyday function. The grain food group is also a good source of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for maintaining normal body processes. The pizza crust is also a source fiber, which is very necessary for maintaining the function of the digestive system.

Pizza Has Protein-Rich Foods

Pizza is rich in food products belonging to the meat group. The usual pizza can have pepperoni, Italian sausages, ground beef, ham and other meats. Some pizzas can even have chicken, veal, or lamb. These types of food are rich in protein, iron, and vitamin D, among many other vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary for building muscle and developing tissue. These nutrients are also used for maintaining hair and skin.

Pizza Has Dairy Products

Aside from the crust, a typical feature of any pizza is the cheese. Nothing beats the chewy, oozing goodness of melted mozzarella on top of any pizza. Some pizzas even have other kinds of cheeses like cheddar, feta, and Gouda. Cheese, like other dairy products is rich in calcium and protein. Calcium is a necessary mineral for growing strong bones and teeth. It is also an important element for preventing diseases like osteoporosis.

Pizza Has Fruits

Another typical ingredient of a pizza is the tomato sauce. While most people would think that tomatoes are vegetables, it is basically a fruit. And like many nutritious fruits, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and other minerals. It is also a good source lycopene, which has been shown to help prevent cancer. Certain special types of pizzas also have other kinds of fruits. The Hawaiian style pizza has pineapple, which is another good source of vitamin C. Some Asian style pizzas have mandarin orange. There are even pizzas with avocado, which is a good source of essential fatty acids that increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood.

Pizza Has Vegetables

Pizzas also have healthy vegetables. Of course there is the vegetarian pizza that contains no meat and only vegetables. Such pizzas can very much be likened to salads and have almost the same, if not more nutrients. A pizza can have slivers of bell peppers. There can also be mushrooms. Some pizzas also have cabbage, lettuce, and other greens. Vegetables are rich in calcium, beta carotene, iron, and other vitamins and minerals.

Pizza has Oils and Sweets

Pizzas can be a good source of complex energy from fats. Authentic Mediterranean and Italian pizzas often have olive oil, which is known to be very good to the heart. Other types of oils may also be present depending on the type of pizza. Sweets can also be found in pizzas, especially those for kids.

Pizza Can Comprise a Complete Balanced Meal

If you are looking for a quick meal that is complete and healthy, then you may well be eating pizza. Of course like with any other food, it is best to keep everything in moderation. A slice or two would be fine for a meal, but a dozen may be too much. So the next time you order pizza for delivery, just be grateful for such a good and complete meal.

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Confessions of an Acetyl-L-Carnitine Powder User For Bodybuilding

Acetyl-L-carnitine powder has become a vital component in the regimen of many athletes and body builders. With its antioxidant effects, ALCAR supplement protects the brain cells from damage and helps in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter vital in brain and nerve function. As an amino acid, it is used by the body to burn fat and turn it into energy. Anyone will appreciate an extra boost in energy, especially those who engage in strenuous activities. To attest to the beneficial effects of acetyl-L-carnitine powder in his physical performance, a body builder shared his first hand experience with the said supplement to provide information to other body building buffs.

Post why?

Upon sharing his experience, Stephen warns that, as with other personal evaluations, a certain level of subjectivity may affect his account on his experience with acetyl-l-carnitine powder, as every individual responds to things differently. Like most male gym aficionados, Stephen's motivation to pump iron was to lose weight, look and feel good, and develop in himself a gravitational pull no woman can resist.


To attain this goal, he does plenty of cardio exercises and asked for the help of his gym buddy, acetyl-L-carnitine powder, whom he met while reading up on ways to bulk up. The literature's claims that acetyl-L-carnitine powder can help him to concentrate on his workouts, provide mental clarity, which he really needs while at work, and aid in burning fat into energy are what convinced him to take 600 milligrams of ALCAR supplement, three times daily, before workout, mid morning and mid-afternoon.

Oh, no!

Despite going through two gross days of cough, runny nose and green discharge, he kept on because he already anticipated this from what he heard from others who also took the bodybuilding supplement. Good thing these effects did not last long. However, he also experienced disrupted sleep at night, characterized by restlessness, nightmares and frequent waking up, each time he took his daily last dose after four in the afternoon. Such terrible nights were prefigured with a bout of jitters. If he skips the mid-afternoon shot, he gets terrible headaches in the evenings, like a withdrawal symptom to nicotine or caffeine. So he made it a point to take this famous daily last dose before four in the afternoon. He took these side effects as a sign that acetyl-L-carnitine powder is really at work and is not just a placebo.

What happened?

After sometime of acetyl-L-carnitine powder intake, he noticed that he has more focus when at work and during workout, he was even able to more than double his cardio endurance level. He had also shed off fat but he is unsure if he can credit it solely to his intake of acetyl-L-carnitine powder as he wants also to acknowledge the beneficial effects of his diet and exercise routine which has toughened up when he started taking the supplement.

This is a personal experience of one body builder who supplemented his workout program with acetyl-L-carnitine powder. Indeed, he achieved the goals he has set for himself. However, due to the presence of other factors, we can not credit this workout success solely to acetyl-L-carnitine powder, albeit we can sense that Stephen somehow felt satisfied with the said supplement. His results, however, is consistent with findings in some animal and human studies showing that acetyl-l-carnitine powder can increase endurance and can aid in shedding fat. The best way for you to find out how it is is to try it for yourself.

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Boxing Or Kickboxing – Which Is the Best Workout for Beginners?

Are you bored by jogging and the gym scene? Do you want to try a Boxing or Kickboxing workout at home or with a friend? But which one is better to start with – Boxing or Kickboxing? This article will compare and contrast Boxing with Kickboxing workouts for home fitness.

Boxing vs Kickboxing – which should I start with?

If you are just starting out, and want a workout for fitness, Boxing is the best choice. Later on, if you want to, move to Kickboxing – but start with Boxing. Post why? In a nutshell, Boxing for fitness is easier to learn than Kickboxing, so you will get results quicker.

Why is Boxing easier to learn than Kickboxing ?

Boxing is easier to learn because you stay on two feet. With Kickboxing you have to lift one leg into the air. This is not a problem if you're flexible, have good balance, plenty of space and good instructions on how to throw a kick – which is a more difficult, athletic move.

Which will get me fitter – Boxing or Kickboxing?

At a high level a Kickboxing workout burns more calories and works your legs more – so it may be a harder workout. However, the problem is getting to that high level. Many beginners, especially unfit ones, are going to struggle with learning the main kick – the roundhouse.

Which is more practical in a limited space at home?

The clear winner is Boxing. It takes up less space. With Kickboxing you need a wide berth. Also, because Kickboxing is harder to learn, safety becomes an issue in a small space. Sharp cornered coffee tables do not go well with a Kickboxing workout. With a partner Boxing workout you can work out in a much smaller space.

What about Equipment for Boxing and Kickboxing workouts ?

There are many different types of equipment – some you can use with kicks and punches, some just with punches.

Punch mitts – are the most common for Boxing workouts. Punch mitts are two football sized targets your partner slips on to their hands – you've probably seen trainers using them with their boxers. Also called focus pads or focus mitts, these are good for punching, but are not so good for kicks.

Punching bag – which you hang up in your garage. These can work for both punches and kicks but are harder to use for kicks. They swing around more – and in my experience, are a difficult choice for complete beginners.

Kick shield s – are large, soft shields usually about the size of a torso. Good for kicking or punching, but you need to train with someone who knows how to hold them.

Thai kick pads – A larger version of punch mitts. Each pad is about the length of your forearm. Good for kicking, punching, elbows and knees – but again you need a partner who knows how to hold them.

Conclusion: Start with Boxing, then move to Kickboxing

Boxing is simpler to learn, takes less space and is easier for your partner to do the mitt work. You will get fitness results quicker as you can learn the moves in less time. Boxing is still technical, but is more forgiving if partners are less experienced. Kicks, when you first learn them, can get wild and dangerous for both kicker and the pad holder. If you've got the time, technique and fitness to master kicks go right ahead. But if not, stick with Boxing.

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5 Tips To Consider When Playing Pokemon Vortex

Do you like playing pokemon vortex and would like to know the tips that will help you in being successful in the game? Here are some of the beneficial tips:

Train with A Cpu Player

If you are stuck with a weak pokemon you should train with a Cpu player which is a training account. The account has 6 pokemons that can’t attack. When training you should ensure that you defeat all the pokemons and you will greatly raise your points. You will also get a lot of money when you win.

Getting Legendaries

Legendary pokemons are extremely powerful pokemons. When you get them you will be assured of winning almost all of your battles. There are a number of ways in which you can get them. One of the ways is by catching them when playing.

The legendary pokemons usually appear at random areas on the map when you defeat all the gym leaders, champions and elite 4’s. After winning your battles you should be keen and identify the legendaries. When you notice a legendary you should be quick and catch it as soon as possible.

Getting Master Balls

Master balls are much better to work with than regular poke balls. While the master balls are much effective, the unfortunate thing is that many people don’t know how to get them. If would like to get the balls, here is how you can get them. You should start by right clicking on an Ultra ball and choose “Inspect Element.” You should scroll through the menu and find “Value=Ultra Ball.” You should double click on it and change the Ultra Ball to Master Ball.

Winning More Money

For you to continue playing the game you need money. There are a number of ways in which you can earn the money. One of the ways is by winning as many battles as possible. Here you need to ensure that you win against all the pokemons that you come across. Another way is by changing the Ultra Ball to Master balls.

Losing the Battle

If you analyze the situation and you find that you are about to lose the battle, you should flee. This way you will never lose a battle which will be good for you. If you are just starting out and you don’t want to lose a battle, you should battle training accounts.


Pokemon vortex is a great game when you play it correctly. For ideal results you should avoid following absurd tips that will drive you astray.

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Nitric Oxide Supplements – The Scary Truth Of Nitric Oxide Supplements Side Effects

What is Nitric Oxide?

Unknown to many, Nitric Oxide (also known as NO) is an essential form of gas produced and created naturally by the human body, though in very small amount. It is produced through a process of breaking down an amino acid L-Arginine into NO in our bodies. One of its main jobs is increasing blood flow by dilating blood vessels. This helps to improve delivery of blood, subsequently sending more oxygen as well as nutrients to muscles. NO also aids in relieving inflammation.

How Nitric Oxide Helps In Muscle Building?

It is no longer a secret that NO Supplements can do great wonders and become a craze among bodybuilders. Bodybuilders take NO Supplements for number of reasons:

Increased in recovery rates. Since there will be increase of blood flow, your muscles get more oxygen and other vital nutrients. You will be able to perform harder, push yourself further and longer workout than you could before. When you recover faster between sessions, this translates into more frequent weight training workouts, which typically translates to better results.

NO aids in relieving inflammation. Bodybuilders like it because of its ability to reduce pain caused by extreme stress caused to muscles while working out.

Reduce fatigue. When performing workout such as weight lifting exercises, body will rapidly depleted of oxygen. Soon will be lactic acid build-up in muscle tissue which causes fatigue. But with NO, increase in oxygen will rapidly remove toxins such as lactic acid, thus preventing post workout soreness. This will enable more workouts and get faster overall results.

Most muscle building supplements are steroidal in nature. NO is the best alternative natural muscle building supplements. So, by adding NO Supplements to their diet and exercise plans, they get faster results in less time.

What Is The Problem With Most Nitric Oxide Supplements?

MOST Nitric Oxide Supplements provide ONE quick burst and ‘pump’ only when you are working out. Within a matter of minutes after your session, those muscles start to deflate. Worst still, it increases the chances of a person overdosing on these supplements leading to various side effects. Among those serious side effects of NO include drop in blood pressure, fainting, breathing problems, wheezing, vomiting, tremors, severe sweating, tremors. discomfort due to rapid heart rate and palpitations, dry mouth and skin irritation. Others NO side effects includes nausea, diarrhea, nausea and weakness in some people. However, there is good news to avoid these unwanted side effects of nitric oxide. The choice is yours. It’s either the HARD way or the SMART AND SAFE WAY


Remember, MOST Nitric Oxide Supplements provide sudden spike or burst of Nitric Oxide. This eventually increases chances of overdosing which could lead to various side effects and some could be fatal too. Even though there is a dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer, carry out TOLERANCE MAPPING. Take small dose of the supplement for a week. Note down any side effects as well as its benefits. Make sure you keep accurate records of your workout too. Then slowly increase the amount until a stage where the benefits outweigh side effects completely. It may well take time but soon you will meet an equilibrium where the two (side effects and benefits) meet. This shall be the optimum dosage you can take at any one time.


Go for XTREME XO. Forget about tolerance mapping.

The new formulation of extended release by Extreme NO provide Day-Long Release of L-Arginine blend of amino acids, keeping the pump and delivery of nutrients all day long, even several hours after you lay off the weights. This “perpetual release” is a brand new phenomenon, designed and formulated that you will be safe from getting sudden spike of nitric oxide causing an overdosing. This is also the only stunning effect of sustained Extreme Pumps you can get from Xtreme NO. It is time-release. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT IS SAFE.

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Train Like a Commando

If you want the physique of a commando you need to train like a commando. The Navy Seals are one the most elite groups in the United States Military and Seals must stay in top shape at all times. Even with the technology and money that the Seals have at their fingertips the only piece of exercise equipment these warriors need is their own bodyweight. That’s right, you heard correctly… their own body weight, and that is really the only thing anyone needs to get in the kind of physical shape they have always wanted.

When you discuss bodyweight exercises people think of push-ups, pull-ups, maybe sit-ups, while those are great exercises to get really ripped you need to train like a commando, like a Navy Seal, and they do more than just those exercises. There are literally dozens of variations of bodyweight exercises, the top three Navy Seal bodyweight workout exercises are explained below.

Burpees: This combines a push-up with a squat and is one of the best all around bodyweight exercise. From a standing position drop to your hands and kick your feet into the ready push-up position. Complete a push-up and when you reach the top of the push-up jump your feet between your hands and jump straight up into the air. Without stopping repeat this series of moves.

Muscle Up: The muscle-up is basically a pull-up followed by a dip. With a forward or false grip on a bar, pull your head above the bar. On your way down straighten your legs making an L with your body then VERY slowly lower yourself to straight-arm. Repeat.

Handstand Push-ups: Just as the name implies, these are push-ups while doing a handstand. Using a wall for balance get into a handstand position, then bend your arms and lower your head toward the floor while keeping your body straight, then back to the ready position. Repeat.

Now you have 3 exercises to get started on your own Navy Seals body weight workout. Do you have what it takes? In order to train like a commando you need to be dedicated and disciplined to follow the correct type of program. When commandos train they are preparing for war. What are you preparing for. The most important tool of any workout is deciding your why. Why are you torturing yourself for a better looking body. Commandos have a huge WHY built in. That WHY is to accomplish the mission and return home alive. If you find a strong WHY like a navy seal your workouts will become a mission.

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There Is No Such Thing Like Ideal Body Weight

How much is your ideal weight? This question may bother you when you are trying to lose weight. How much is too much? Do you gain weight after working out regularly or do you lose weight after working out regularly? This simple question brings a lot of debates on whether you are at your ideal weight already.

There is no such thing like ideal body weight. If you use the traditional method to calculate your ideal body weight, that is height minus 110, you will end up being skinny if your height is 170 cm and your aim for the weight of 60 kg. Body weight cannot be an indicator of how fat or how skinny you are. Human body is mainly composed of muscles, bones, and fat. Muscles grow and shrink in proportion to your diet and activities and so does your body fat levels. The only factors that contribute to how ideal you look are your muscle mass and body fat levels. Two people with the same body weight can look totally different if they have different body fat levels.

If you want to have a better physique, it is not as simple as losing weight. If you don’t ingest enough calories, you will eventually lose both fat and lean mass. Starving yourself to lose weight will lead you to the same body fat percentage because not only do you lose fat, but you also end up losing your muscle mass. Your metabolic rate diminishes as you lose your muscle mass. This is the reason why weight training and balanced nutrition is important if you want to maintain your muscle mass.

To have a better understanding that there is no such thing as ideal weight, notice that a bodybuilder can wear a pair of smaller pants though he is getting bigger. A bodybuilder goes for low levels of body fat and more muscle mass. Do you realize that if you build muscle such that your back is wider by two inches, it will make you look slimmer given that your waist size is the same?

That is the importance of keeping the body fat low while adding lean muscle mass. Use metering tape and body fat analyzer instead of scale. Mirror helps too. The normal body fat percentage for males is 15-20% and 20-25% for females. You can even go lower down to 10-15% for males and 15-20% for females. Bodybuilders and fitness models often go for lower percentage levels of body fat which is under 10%.

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5 Concentration Tips – Do You Ever Have Trouble Remembering?

Do you ever have trouble remembering something you just read or heard a few minutes ago?

Did you ever catch yourself envying someone that can hear or read something once and, then recite it back perfectly?

Have you thought about the fact that it would be wonderful to have a “photographic memory?

How would it improve your life if you were able to exercise these attributes at will?

Well, if you are like me, you have probably spent a good deal of time thinking about some of these “what ifs.” But, it has always been easiest to just kind of put off doing anything about improving this situation – Right?

Sometimes these wonderful abilities are referred to as “having a mind like a steel trap.” When you really investigate the fortunate individuals who can do this, you find more often than not, they have trained and improved their minds to a much higher degree of functionality than the rest of us has.

So This Begs the Question, How Can I Do This Too?

Well there are lots of right answers to this and, many different ways to improve the mind. If, you go on the web, there are thousands of offers and suggestions for ways to do this.

One of the most valuable skills we can possess is the ability to concentrate. A really big part of that is learning how to stay focused. In fact, most of the mental giants of history, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein were experts at staying focused. Now, Here is the great news… Nearly Anyone can learn how to stay focused in a very short period of time.

After his death, when they were examining Einstein’s papers, they found his secret method for remaining focused for extremely long stretches of time. However, this information has only been available to the rest of us for a short period of time. Today, Einstein’s method is being offered to you, free. Would you like to learn how to concentrate and focus better?

Here Are Five Simple Tips Which Should Help Your Concentration:

  • Find your own special place to read or study. It should be a place that is quiet away from phones and other distractions. A place that makes you feel peaceful. Trying to read or study in bed or lying down is not a good idea as you may fall asleep.
  • Take frequent breaks: Every 90, 60 or 30 minutes. Use your own inner judgment based upon how interesting or difficult the subject. When you begin to feel fatigue or start losing attention, Stop… Time for a Break!
  • Get Adequate rest, and read your most difficult material the earliest in the day. Daylight is a lot more productive study time than night time. Research has proven 1 hour of day time study is equal to 2 hours night time study.
  • Keep a notebook and pen handy. Taking a few notes increases the percentage of how much you remember. A great technique to use when taking notes is “Tony Buzan’s mind mapping.”
  • Review – Review… When you have something you need to memorize, Review it Regularly. Within 10 minutes, the next day, and the next week. This will definitely increase your retention level.

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Tongkat Ali and Cholesterol Help Testosterone Production

To build muscle mass there is a lot more going on and needed than simply going to the gym and pumping iron. Over the years I always adopted a different approach than that of my son. That is, I preferred lighter weights with high numbers of repetitions whereas my son took the more traditional approach of lower repetitions and much heavier weight and it wasn’t until recent years that I found out why he is right and I was wrong. It all comes down to diet and doing what is necessary to trigger the brain into building more muscle mass by producing increased testosterone.

Testosterone is needed to build muscle and the level of testosterone we have in our body is decided by our brain. Essentially the brain seeks to maintain that level of testosterone needed by us to sustain the lifestyle we are living and so if we do very little muscle-work, then we will have a much lower level of testosterone than if we regularly undertook heavy lifting. Cholesterol is made by the testicles breaking down cholesterol through various stages, and so having sufficient cholesterol in our diet is important. Further, it is strongly recommended that people take a diet supplement like Tongkat Ali tree root extract so the body also has the necessary compounds to most efficiently break down the cholesterol into testosterone.

Then it all comes down to getting the brain to cause the series of events needed that ultimately lead to increased muscle mass, and the only way to do this is to make your muscles burn with a few minutes of heavy weights training. When the brain detects the muscles burning from stress that is not usually part of a normal day, it firstly sets some testosterone free from storage in the blood for immediate use and that night when asleep, the brain not only causes the used up testosterone to be replaced, it produces and increased amount to cover a situation of the stress being repeated.

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How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

Before I conducted a lot of research on this diet, I did not realize that it was actually designed to be low in carbohydrates.  It works a lot like the south beach or Atkins diet by putting your body into ketosis and getting it to burn it’s own fat.  But, you don’t have to just eat eggs and meat all the time like many similar diets. There are a lot of dessert and snack type alternatives, which is a good thing.  Yesterday, someone emailed me and asked “Exactly how many carbs can you consume per day on medifast?” I’ll answer this question in the following article.

The Average Amount Of Carbs In A Day Of Medifast Foods: You probably already know this, but you’ll be eating six times per day on this diet – five of these meals are provided by the company and one of them (called the “lean and green”) you make yourself – (based on the medifast guidelines, of course.)

On average, all six meals will provide you around 80 -100 grams of carbohydrates per day.  Of course, it’s best to be on the low end of this range, but there have been times when I have been on the higher end of this and I know from using ketone strips that I was able to stay in ketosis and continue to burn fat.  Here’s a look at the carbs contained in a sample of five meals.

Sample Meals With                              Amount Of Carbohydrates Contained (In Grams)

Cappuccino                                           13

Oatmeal                                               15

Chocolate Shake                                   13

Chili                                                     15

Caramel Protein Bar                            13

Apple Cinnamon Crisps                        8


Total                                                  77 grams

Adding In The Lean And Green Meal: As you can see, after eating five meals, you’re well under the optimal 85 grams of carbs.  But, you still have your “lean and green” meal to make and consume.   This meal should consist of lean protein or meat (5 – 7 ounces) and up to three servings of vegetables. The company provides guidelines that lists the vegetables in terms of those that are the lowest on the glycemic index and those that are the highest.  However, even high glycemic veggies will work, since you are limiting fruits in the beginning.  As long as you stay with in the “lean and green” guidelines, you still have quite a lot of leeway.  You’d have to consume 23 grams of carbs to go over the guidelines – which is quite a bit.

Hopefully, you can see that this isn’t too painful.  You aren’t limited to pork rinds, bacon and eggs, so you don’t have to worry about your fat and cholesterol.  The foods are pretty decent and you’re eating snack type foods that you wouldn’t normally associate with being low in carbohydrates.

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