Archive | January, 2017

Diet Instructions How to Lose Weight

There are many diets available for you to use but some of the most effective diets are the diets rich in the fiber, protein, very low carb and low fat. But there are many thing you can do to lose the weight besides this.

For years many doctors have been telling us to eat small portions of the meal to lose weight. This is so true for many reasons. One is that our body can diagest the meal a lot faster and easier if we eat small portions of meal. This is the instruction that really helps us lose weight.

The reason this is the best way is because with eating small portions of the meal, you are speeding up your metabolism.With fast metabolism we burn a lot more calories so we are not gaining more weight.

Exercise is another great way to speed up the metabolism. As mentioned before, this is also the reason Doctors have been telling us to exercise. Besides this with exercise we build muscle and muscle needs more calories to maintain than the fat.

One of the biggest mistakes most people make is to starve in order to lose weight. This is a big mistake. You should never starve as hunger slows down the metabolism. Small meals are the key, and you need to eat them more frequently.

So in terms of the diet instructions to lose weight, you just need to eat healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. I know, I know…I lot easier said than done…But that is why there are diets created with the instruction on what food to eat to lose the weight. Many diets make you starve, while others say to eat high protein foods and exercise. The protein makes you feel full longer, and you don’t lose your energy while you are on the diet.

Diets that can help speed up the metabolism are great and such a diet is calorie shifting diet program.

Calorie shifting diet program is 11 day diet. Where you eat a lot of protein, fiber rich foods and a lot of fruits and vegetables. These foods help increase your metabolism rate and with that you lose weight. Any diet instruction how to lose weight that says otherwise, is a not true because if your metabolism is stuck in the low calorie burning mode, you will gain the weight back sooner or later. The biggest benefit of faster metabolism and the way to lose the weight, is that you have a lesser chance of gaining the weight back.

Posted in Diet & Nutrition0 Comments

Get In Shape With A Ghetto Workout – You Don’t Need A Gym Or Fancy Equipment

A popular excuse that is used many times by people looking to get in shape is that they don’t have time or the right equipment to get fit. This is common to hear but if you look at places like the inner cities you will find that a ghetto workout is more than enough to get the body you deserve.

What Is The Ghetto Workout

Several years ago an underground film was made title, “The 24 Hour Ghetto Workout.” In this movie there are several men in urban neighborhoods working out by simply using their environment and their surroundings as a gym. These men lacked equipment but they showed that with using some creativity and objects at their disposal they could turn their neighborhood in to their personal gym.

Although there has been a myth that in order to get in shape you need high-end equipment or a gimmick in an infomercial the truth is that all you really need is your body. Maybe you have been led to believe that bodyweight workouts won’t get you looking fit and lean but the truth is that you will get many benefits by using your body.

Cardio And Strength Training Rolled In To One

Bodyweight workouts like those done in the ghetto workout are beneficial, as they not only help you gain muscle but can help you burn fat. Performing bodyweight exercises require effort and as such will boost your cardiovascular abilities much greater than if you were doing weight training. Sure, you will not have the benefit of doing bench presses but having a top physique takes more than just doing bench presses.

A Sample Ghetto Workout

  • 15 Push Ups
  • 10 Pull Ups or do as many as possible
  • 10 Chin Ups or do as many as possible (excellent for back and biceps)
  • 10 Bodyweight Jump Squats
  • 10 Lunges each leg
  • 10 Hand Stand Push Ups
  • 10 Hanging Leg Raises or Lying Leg Raises or as many as possible

Perform the circuit without stopping and repeat for a total of 3 to 4 times 2 or 3 times a week on non-consecutive days. In the movie guys substitute pull up bars with stop lights or fences. These bars can be used to do pull ups, chin ups and hanging leg raises.

The workout outlined above is very simple but is a good way to get started if you have no equipment or don’t have a gym membership. By performing this circuit of exercises non-stop you will elevate your heart rate and get a cardio benefit as well.

If you want to add some cardio to this workout you can simply run sprints instead of jogging. For a cardio routine to add 3 times a week you can do the following.

  • Walk or Jog For 2 minutes
  • Sprint at a fast pace for 1 minute
  • Walk or jog for 2 minutes
  • Sprint at a fast pace for 1 minute
  • Walk or jog for 2 minutes
  • Sprint at a fast pace for 1 minute
  • Walk or jog for 2 minutes
  • Sprint at a fast pace for 1 minute
  • Walk or jog for 2 minutes
  • Sprint at a fast pace for 1 minute

This type of cardio workout will boost your HGH levels that are key in burning fat and building lean muscle.

As you can see, getting a great body is only a matter of getting creative as they do in the ghetto workout. Soon enough you will look good without having to join a gym or buying fancy equipment.

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