Archive | January, 2017

Get Ripped Biceps in Weeks – Best Exercises and Bodybuilding Secrets For Getting Ripped Arms

Developing cut, huge biceps is something most men strive for.  After all, big arms look good and make you feel strong.  In order to get bigger biceps as fast as possible, you need to understand and incorporate several bodybuilding secrets into your routine. 


There are several pitfalls you need to avoid in order to develop the arms you want.  First, make sure the weights you use are heavy.  Your goal is low-repetition, high-intensity workouts a few times a week.  You do not want to blow yourself out working the same muscles every single day; that idea is a sure-fire way to failure.  Instead, work your biceps and arms in such a way that they are tired and then give them at least three days of rest.   

When you work out, vary your routine.  Your body will get used to the same exercises performed in the same order.  Mix up dumbbell curls, flies, and presses with skullcrushers, hammer curls, and preacher curls.  There are hundreds of exercises out there, all of which are effective.  Continually rotate between a few of them to maximize your results. 


Want ripped biceps?  Then you need to eat lots of high-quality foods.  Exercise is only half the equation.  When you break your muscles down during a workout, they need essential things like protein to rebuild themselves stronger and bigger.  Make sure you are eating sufficient calories to promote muscle growth – 1 lb of muscle is approximately 3,500 calories, so aim to eat at least 500 calories a day above your normal intake.  

Stick to good foods that are high omega-3 fatty acids and protein.  This list includes red meat (a great source of iron), tuna (a great source of protein), pasta, rice, and leafy greens like spinach (another great source of iron).  Milk is a great source of calcium and calories.  Nuts can provide essential fatty acids, calories, and protein.  Cottage cheese helps prevent muscle breakdown through its high glutamine content.  Eggs, chicken, and turkey are rich in the amino acids, protein, and healthy fats your body needs to get ripped. 

Make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day.  Your body needs to stay hydrated, particularly when you begin a tough workout regime.  Eat smaller meals more often.  5 – 6 meals per day stimulate your metabolism and promote muscle growth. 

These simple tips will help you get the bigger, more ripped arms you’ve always wanted.


Lastly, utilizing nutritional supplements, such as nitric oxide and l-arginine can help your body rapidly develop and build muscle in targeted areas. Nitric oxide can help you improve your stamina and strength, in addition to widening the blood vessels allowing for more oxygen to reach your muscles allowing faster muscle growth. Any good workout routine can be aided with the help of a nitric oxide supplement.

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Why Women Will Not Build Large Muscles From Weight Training

Many women confess that they have stayed away from weights and resistance training because of their fear of building a large amount of muscle, resulting in body definition like that of a body builder. However, there are a few aspects that play a role in how your body will react to this type of exercise, which, normally, do not allow women to “bulk up”.

In comparison to men, women are generally weaker because their bodies carry a lesser amount of muscle, but the muscles themselves are just as strong and are comprised of the same physiological qualities. Even though the muscle composition is the same, hormone levels and genetic makeup differ between men and women. Men have much higher testosterone levels which allow men to develop larger muscles. Because women have about 1/10 of the amount of testosterone found in men, their muscles tend to grow on a much smaller scale.

Women that do develop significantly larger muscles usually participate in a very intense strength training program, which is not necessary or required for the average woman to become stronger and improve health. The genetic makeup of these women influences muscle growth as well. Typically, those with shorter limbs are able to lift heavier weight because of the smaller distance between the weight and the joint being used. Also, longer muscles have a greater potential for larger development, and individuals with a higher number of fast twitch muscle fibers are more likely to be increase strength and muscle size.

Each individual is different and some women do have the genetic and biomechanical factors to build large muscles. However, without a vigorous resistance training program or abnormally high levels of testosterone, this is not likely to happen.

Along with becoming physically stronger, there are many health benefits from performing strength training exercises, including body fat loss, increased metabolism, and the prevention of osteoporosis, which are extremely important to women as they age. A resistance training program is essential and should be established as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

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Do Not Drink Milk As Water

Milk can be drunk as water in some cases especially when you are thirsty and there is no water. The reason is because 90% components of milk is water. Water is the first most important nutrient for human beings. When your body losses more than 2% water, the body functions will be affected. If there is no water supplying for several days, people may lose their lives. Therefore, if no water is available, milk is a choice.

However, we can drink water as much as we can. But we could not drink milk as much as we can. Except water, milk still has fat, protein, sugar and calcium and so on. These stuffs have limitations for acceptable daily intake. Thus milk should not be drink unrestrictedly.

People usually think milk is high nutritive. Thus it is good to have much. There is a misunderstanding about it. They think nutrition is the content and quality of each nutrient. But actually nutrition refers to the reasonable formulation of each food’s quantity and varieties. It does not mean that to add protein, vitamin, calcium, zinc and so on together is high nutrition. It should have cereals, vegetables, meat, eggs, and beans and so on. These form our daily diet. Therefore, using milk as water is destroying the balance.

In addition, the protein and fat which milk contains are about 3%, sugar 5% and calcium 1‰. If a person shall drink 1.2 liters water per day, calcium is overweighed. Fat and hear energy is also a little bit more. This will easily cause obesity. This is why westerners choose skimmed milk. As for other nutrition in milk, they can be supplied by other food we eat everyday. Hence it is not very important to emphasize them.

Third, high protein, high fat and high energy are one factor of diabetes, tumor and cerebral and vascular diseases. As a result, some scholars do not think highly of drinking milk as water like some westerners do. They even suggest not drinking milk which is surely not very acceptable and reasonable.

In a word, we can drink milk everyday to get some calcium for our bodies. When we are out of water, we can use it as an institute. However, drinking too much milk instead of water for quite a long time is not advisable. It does not give you high or rational nutrition. Instead, it may bring harms to your body.

Finally, let your lovers or family members know this because they may drink milk as water. So they can know how they will choose and do their best to protect their bodies. This is a little Christmas gift you give them.

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Top Treadmill Trends And Tips To Save You Money

The quality and features of any treadmill is reflected in its price. There are many competing models of treadmills to choose from, from inexpensive to expensive. With a home treadmill you can still manage to have an effective workout regardless of what the weather is doing outside.

Just a bit of trivia: the word ‘treadmill’ originally designated a type of mill which was operated by a person treading steps of a wheel to grind grain.

A few of the treadmill models, which have rollers, are powered by the user rather than a motor. For a standard treadmill motor look for HP to be around 2.5HP; this will ensure an easy and smooth action.

A heart rate monitor is a very good, useful feature to look for on a treadmill. The newest models of treadmills come with many extra features that you may or may not need. Most treadmills come with an electronic console that displays workout feedback like speed, distance traveled, the time you’ve been working out, and calories burned.

A heart rate monitor enables a treadmill to automatically adjust the speed and/or the incline to keep your heart rate within the optimum zone. The adjustable inclines let you vary the steepness of a hill. If you don’t have enough room for a bulky exercise machine, might want to consider a folding treadmill; they collapse to allow for easy storage.

One feature that is absolutely necessary to have in a home treadmill is an emergency stop button or a safety key that automatically shuts off the power if you should stumble, trip or fall. One of the key things to remember is that the larger motors tend to run a lot cooler and usually require less repair and maintenance.

If there is a treadmill you’ve enjoyed using regularly at your local gym or fitness center check to see if there’s a home version available in your price range. Noise from the smallest repetitive sound can drive you nuts over a period of time and give you another excuse not to exercise – check out the noise quotient. Did I mention to make sure to check out the warranty fine print – this is important.

Buying fitness equipment on the Internet has grown at a fast pace over the past few years. Be careful not to believe the marketing hype if you’re looking for a cheap or inexpensive treadmill; the truth is you will get what you pay for. Note that most manufacturers of commercial treadmills found in gyms and health clubs also produce home versions.

After sales, service is another important issue to think about; find out if they will promptly repair or replace your treadmill if there is a problem. Any treadmill with a belt that causes jerky movements when you walk or run should be avoided. It’s important to set a strict budget and stick to it.

You’ll want a treadmill with an aluminum or high alloy steel frame that’s strong enough to support any heavy runner using it. You might want to bring your water bottle and towel to the treadmill store when you try out their treadmills.

Be considerate, a noisy treadmill can upset other family members or roommates and even your neighbors if you live in a duplex, apartment or condominium. Treadmill manufacturers are competing for your business and price wars are creating major savings for buyers.

Whether you use a treadmill to walk, jog or run, the units are very effective at burning calories, raising the heart rate and developing aerobic capacity. If you have severe problems with your legs, a treadmill may not be the best choice of exercise equipment for you. Walking, whether on or off a treadmill, is one of the best approaches anyone can take toward physical fitness. The lack of wind resistance makes running on a treadmill slightly easier than it would be otherwise on an equal elevation grade outdoors.

Take time to do plenty of research, the same way you would any major purchase and buying a treadmill won’t be difficult. Check out treadmill ratings and reviews. A home treadmill is a good investment for anyone who has decided to make a conscious effort to become healthy and fit. No matter what your reasons are for buying a treadmill, be sure to find one that specifically fits your needs.

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Do Isometric Exercises Build Strength?

There are hordes of thoughts about the best method of strength training; what I will say is that your regimen should include something that builds your body from the inside out. And in terms of strength training, you’ve probably very rarely heard the word “isometrics” used often. Thus, one can only wonder, do isometric exercises build strength?

For me, isometric exercises build strength from the tendons, ligaments, and nerves out to the muscles. I do training that isolates individual muscles for maximal muscle fatigue, and training that involves large muscle groups for fatigue of the central nervous system. As long as your training does not neglect internal principles of strength (like bodybuilding training that focuses solely on muscle without long-term development of the tendons), it can be a part of what gives you stability.

I have found that isometric exercises build strength in a way that is much faster than many other methods of exercise training. First of all, I perform isometric exercises in the 7 Seconds to a Perfect Body style of training, which allows for maximal intensity and fatigue of all of the fibers in a muscle in 7-12 seconds. There is no sacrifice of effort because of the brevity of the exercise; in fact, the short time period for the exercise should make in the importance of maximal effort even more crucial to developing muscles and tendons of steel. This will allow your strength to improve tremendously.

The answer is in the tension. The tension and intensity of a contraction is the stimulus that produces new muscle growth. Weight lifting is simply using an external stimulus that causes your muscles to tense; because your body perceives the weight as heavy, it recruits more and more muscle fibers to move the weight. The greater difficulty your muscles have moving the weight, the more they fatigue and progressively build up. Isometric exercises force a maximal level of tension from the beginning, making your muscle fibers work overtime and fatigue in just seconds trying to move an immovable weight.

Furthermore, performing isometric exercises that combine muscle control with training large muscle groups allows for a stronger CNS response that builds your overall endurance and muscle size. Isometrics, without a doubt, build strength in ways that allow me to do things most people would not conceive as possible. Once you reach advanced levels of isometric exercise, bending steel bars, horseshoes, frying pans, even 500lbs girders like Alexander Zass, with just the strength of your hands and body becomes routine.

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What To Do When You Slip Up On The Dukan Diet

A friend comes to your house wanting to celebrate her recent success with you or share her current woes. A bottle of wine and two glasses are quickly produced. You are her friend but you’re on the Dukan diet, so what do you do? There is a birthday in the office, someone has bought in a cake. It is sliced up and everyone gets a piece, including you. But you can’t eat cake on the Dukan diet! You can’t be rude either, so what do you do? Your child has a party, it’s his birthday and all his friends are coming round to celebrate the big day. The party is a success but now you’ve got the clearing up to do. Cookies and crisps are tempting you, you try just one, then another and then some more. You’re on the Dukan diet, what should you do now?

You can probably think of hundreds more examples of finding yourself slipping from your diet. Should you abandon hope? Are all diets ultimately destined to fail because situations like this will just keep happening? Of course not.

Slipping up every now and again when you are on a diet is perfectly normal and everyone does it. I’m willing to bet that almost everyone who has successfully lost weight on the Dukan diet has faced situations similar to the ones described above and slipped too. It happens to us all. However, with the Dukan diet, it happens much less frequently. Due to the lack of hunger and food cravings you will find yourself tempted to slip far less often than with other inferior diets. But circumstances beyond your control may mean that the right thing to do is eat or drink something that is prohibited on the diet. Who can, with a good conscience, refuse to share a drink with a friend in need simply because they are on a diet?

If you do slip the first thing you need to do is stop worrying about it. Getting stressed out because you ate something you shouldn’t won’t do you any favors at all. All this will do is make you more likely to slip again and give up the diet entirely. The second thing to do is to get straight back on the horse. Return to the diet and forget the slip ever happened. Remember you are supposed to be picking up new eating habits and forming a good relationship with food. Freaking out because you drank a glass of wine or ate a slice of birthday cake isn’t a healthy attitude. Bear in mind that if you slip the worse thing that will happen is that you may have to add an extra day or two to your diet overall. Considering the total time spent on the diet, a couple of days is hardly worth worrying about

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A Chest Workout For Men Looking to Develop Masculine "Square" Pecs

If you want to come up with a great chest workout, it is important to define your goals. In this article, I am focusing a chest routine with the goal of developing a chest along the lines of what a Calvin Klein Model might have. If you are purely after bench pressing power, then you would obviously want to use a different workout. This routine will develop some strength, but it isn’t the main focus of the workout.

What Should a “Masculine Chest” Look Like?

A masculine chest should have a square and angular look to it, not a rounded and soft look to it. The traditional chest workout focuses on the basic bench press. While the bench press is great in developing size and power, it can develop the lower part of the chest too much. A chest workout focused around the bench press develops the lower pecs so much that they can begin to look like breasts. The part of the chest that is underdeveloped in most men is the upper chest. If your chest workout focuses on the upper chest and not so much on the middle to lower part of the chest, then you will develop square looking pecs.

How to Build the Upper Pecs.

In order to fill out the upper pecs, you need to include a variety of incline pressing movements in your chest workout. You should make sure your chest routine begins with an incline press of some sort. I recommend beginning your chest workout with incline dumbbell presses on an adjustable bench. I like dumbbells, since you can really work that hard-to-hit inner part of the upper pecs. If you develop this part of your chest, you will get that “line” up the middle of your chest all the way to your collar bone.

Here is a Great Chest Workout Which Focuses on Hard the to Develop Areas.

1) Incline Dumbbell Presses: Adjust the bench to about 20-30 degrees above the flat setting. Pick a weight that you can press 10 -12 times. Click the bench up the the next higher angle setting. With the same weight, try to do 8-10 reps. Click the bench up to a steeper angle and try to get 6-8 reps. Keep clicking to a higher angle until you are either close to upright, or until you can’t get more than 5 reps. I like starting my chest workout with this exercise, because it hits every part of the upper chest.

2) Smith Machine Incline Presses: I then take this same adjustable bench and bring it over to the smith machine. I setup the bench so that the bar hits my collar bone at the bottom of the lift. I will choose about a 20-45 degree angle. I put on a pretty light weight and mainly aim for higher reps to really fatigue the muscle. This is more of a finishing move. The smith machine insures that I keep all stress on the upper pecs. I find that if I use a regular incline bench press in my chest-workout, then I can cheat and take the stress of my upper pecs. Include the incline smith press in your chest workout if you have access to this piece of equipment.

3) Cable Crossovers: You need the include cable crossovers into your chest workout if you want to develop the line that defines the mid part of your chest. You can also get a similar effect using machine flyes. Dumbbell flyes are a great mass movement, but you won’t get enough tension in the middle of your chest. Make sure when doing machine flyes or cable crossovers that you really flex the mid part of your chest hard when your hands meet at the end of the movement.

Avoid All Flat Bench Movements in Your Chest Workout for a While.

If you are like most guys in the gym, your upper pecs probably need to catch up with your mid and lower pecs. You should consider dropping all flat bench movements out of your chest workout for a while. I dropped all the flat bench exercises for aver two years and the look of my chest improved dramatically. Another nice benefit of incline movements is that your shoulders will also take on a better appearance.

Keep The Main Points in Mind When Setting Up Your Chest Workout.

When setting up your chest workout, you can be flexible on the exercises you use. Just make sure that you focus on the angular and square look. Having great pecs is less about size and more about proper proportion and definition.

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Get Ripped Biceps in Weeks – Best Exercises and Bodybuilding Secrets For Getting Ripped Arms

Developing cut, huge biceps is something most men strive for.  After all, big arms look good and make you feel strong.  In order to get bigger biceps as fast as possible, you need to understand and incorporate several bodybuilding secrets into your routine. 


There are several pitfalls you need to avoid in order to develop the arms you want.  First, make sure the weights you use are heavy.  Your goal is low-repetition, high-intensity workouts a few times a week.  You do not want to blow yourself out working the same muscles every single day; that idea is a sure-fire way to failure.  Instead, work your biceps and arms in such a way that they are tired and then give them at least three days of rest.   

When you work out, vary your routine.  Your body will get used to the same exercises performed in the same order.  Mix up dumbbell curls, flies, and presses with skullcrushers, hammer curls, and preacher curls.  There are hundreds of exercises out there, all of which are effective.  Continually rotate between a few of them to maximize your results. 


Want ripped biceps?  Then you need to eat lots of high-quality foods.  Exercise is only half the equation.  When you break your muscles down during a workout, they need essential things like protein to rebuild themselves stronger and bigger.  Make sure you are eating sufficient calories to promote muscle growth – 1 lb of muscle is approximately 3,500 calories, so aim to eat at least 500 calories a day above your normal intake.  

Stick to good foods that are high omega-3 fatty acids and protein.  This list includes red meat (a great source of iron), tuna (a great source of protein), pasta, rice, and leafy greens like spinach (another great source of iron).  Milk is a great source of calcium and calories.  Nuts can provide essential fatty acids, calories, and protein.  Cottage cheese helps prevent muscle breakdown through its high glutamine content.  Eggs, chicken, and turkey are rich in the amino acids, protein, and healthy fats your body needs to get ripped. 

Make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day.  Your body needs to stay hydrated, particularly when you begin a tough workout regime.  Eat smaller meals more often.  5 – 6 meals per day stimulate your metabolism and promote muscle growth. 

These simple tips will help you get the bigger, more ripped arms you’ve always wanted.


Lastly, utilizing nutritional supplements, such as nitric oxide and l-arginine can help your body rapidly develop and build muscle in targeted areas. Nitric oxide can help you improve your stamina and strength, in addition to widening the blood vessels allowing for more oxygen to reach your muscles allowing faster muscle growth. Any good workout routine can be aided with the help of a nitric oxide supplement.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

The Impossible Cure for Autism

In 1996 when my daughter was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDDNOS), there were very few natural resources to help children who were non-verbal. I had taken her to what was presumed to be the best hospital at the time, “Children Memorial”. The psychologist who evaluated her noted in her record, “We currently do not have the testing resources to properly evaluate the scope of her case; it falls under the spectrum of PDDNOS”. Offering blanket statements and improper diagnosis does not bring our children any step closer to wellness. My daughter remained completely non-verbal until age seven when I discovered after years of research a homeopathic protocol to help detoxify heavy metals from her body. I chose homeopathy because homeopathy has been in clinical use for over 200 years. Homeopathy has had no recorded side effects and no negative interactions with other drugs. Homeopathy can be taken safely and effectively with nutritional products, herbs, and other conventional drugs and procedures. If your child is taking drugs, you will need to monitor them as their symptoms improve. As they have less need for their prescription a plan, stepping down and off medication would need to be coordinated with your physician.

Homeopathy is based upon evaluating the symptoms and behavior and applying the proper remedy to help address the specific issues. My daughter started talking for the first time at age 7 within three weeks of being on the following recommended protocol. She also stopped spinning, slamming her head, explosive crying, and starting sleeping more through the night. She became calmer going into public and had less behavioral outbursts when transitioning from one environment to another.

Recommended Homeopathic Detox Protocol:

Please keep in mind the manufacturer is important; I highly recommend the “Energique Nutrition” brand of products. If you cannot buy it in your area please contact me through my blog listed in a link below. I can give you the information of doctors offices who can help you obtain the proper products and ship to you.

Items you will need and recommended dosages:

” Energique Nutrition” Metastat – 3 drops once a day.

This will pull the metal (i.e.; mercury, aluminum) out from where it is lodged, The majority of it will come out in the first week or so, then more slowly afterwards, you will need to monitor your child to possibly add an extra drop per day after the first two weeks.

Energique Nutrition Cometox- 2 capsules per day

If your child cannot take capsules, you can break them open and mix them in small amount of flavored syrup or beverage, just enough for him to swallow it liquefied. Cometox will chelate the heavy metals so that they cannot be re-lodged in the body.

Energique Nutrition Cilantro – 12 drops two times per day.

Homeopathic Cilantro is well known as a safe chelating method of evacuating heavy metals from the body.

Energique Nutrition Solidagocom – 10 drops two times per day

This protects and strengthens the kidneys to eliminate the heavy metals.

Calcium Carbonate

You can choose your own brand or I recommend a brand called “Calcium 6 Plus” or Solary brand. For children 1-6 years old, 250 mg, twice a day. For children 6 -11 years and older, 500 mg, twice a day. Age 12 – adult, 600mg, twice per day

Helps re-build bone and when the heavy metals are pulled put it can leave an empty space or small pit in the bone. Calcium carbonate helps to rebuild the empty space with healthy new bone material.

Keep in mind your child should always take calcium carbonate two times per day, no matter what, even when he is off this program. Calcium carbonate alkalizes the blood stream, and helps strengthen the ions in the brain. To give you an idea on how to do this, a typical day would be:

Morning: 3 drops of Metastat

1 Cometox

12 Drops of Cilantro

10 Drops of Solidago

Calcium Carbonate, as directed

Evening: 1 Cometox

12 Drops of Cilantro

10 Drops of Solidago

Calcium Carbonate, as directed

What you might observe:

In the first two weeks, your child may be a slight bit more irritable. They may be more prone to provoking behavior such as demanding to turn lights on/off, flicker light switches, flicker and push buttons around house. They may be too anxious to sleep.

Your child may cry and be more sensitive than he is now as well. Just be gentle and patient with them. In order to detox, it has to come up and out in order to be released from the system. As toxins are being released, you child may behave in a more temperamental manner due to the stress of detoxifying.

In the third week, look for more improved eye contact when you greet them. Notice the start of making clearer vocal sounds, repeating words, and showing some improved degree of listening skills. Imagine my shock when my silent non-verbal child all of a sudden said hello to me for the first time. Be patient, play music, let them enjoy listening to songs with easy to learn words like nursery rhymes and sing with them. Engage in pretending games such as playing drums on a toy instrument or drumming your hands on a surface.

Stay on this program for 30 days. You will only need to buy one bottle of each item.

Compared to other detox or heavy metal chelation options, the above protocol is safe, non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive.

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The Best Soccer Fitness Workout

Fitness is especially important for soccer players, as they will be called on in a match to run for up to 90 minutes, with no stoppage in time and only sporadic stoppage of action. When preparing for the upcoming soccer season, it is best to play the beautiful game of soccer as a way to get more fit, as there is no substitute for the game. Even small-sided games for 15, 20 and 30 minute intervals will help increase fitness and endurance.

As a separate workout away from the game, It is best for soccer players to alternate sprinting, distance and interval running during a fitness workout. With each workout, players should gradually increase repetitions and improve times.

Here are the best drills for a soccer fitness workout:

300’s: On a soccer field, start out on the end line and sprint to mid-field up and back 6 times (50 yards x 6 = 300). High school players should try to run these in less than 70 seconds. After each 300, rest for two minutes and then repeat.

Hills: Find a steady incline hill (no “baby” hills)  Sprint up the hill and jog down. The jogging is recovery time, so this can be done slowly. Once players reach the bottom, the should turn around and sprint up the hill again. After five (5) hills, then take a two minutes rest and do five (5) more.

Cones: These are sprints. Place cones about five (5) yards apart for 25 yards.  Players should spring to the first cone and then back, then to the second cone and then back, and so on.  Five cones up and back is one repetition. Do ten (10) reps and then a one (1) minute rest. Then ten (10) more.

Challenged yet? We’re just getting started…

30-30’s: This is interval training.  Players should begin by jogging for a few minutes and then the fun begins. Next is to alternate 30 seconds of jogging with 30 seconds of sprinting.  Do a set of five (5) 30-30’s, then rest two (2) minutes and then five (5) more. 

120’s: This is a full sprint of the length of the soccer field. High school players should try to do this in less than 20 seconds. After reaching the opposite end line, players should jog back, allowing 60 seconds to recover. Do 7-10 of these.

Cooling down and stretching: Players should always take fifteen to twenty minutes to cool down and stretch to conclude fitness training.

Want even more soccer workout information? Total Soccer Fitness is your complete guide to soccer conditioning, which features a free soccer fitness course.

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