Archive | January, 2017

Amino Acids Supplement – Laminine Review

An Amino acids supplement can come in many different forms. There are many synthetically produced amino acids supplements but in this article I’m going to concentrate on a natural source of amino acids and provide a Laminine review.

There are thousands of testimonials about Laminine which is sold multi level marketing company.

An Amino acids supplement is essential to growth and vitality and many people have now experienced the benefits of it.

It contains the building blocks of life. What isn’t common knowledge is that Laminine is a brand name, chosen for its likeness to “Laminin”.

You can search on YouTube for a lecture at Kings College London about the importance of “Laminin” to the human body.

Laminine’s special secret ingredient was Norwegian Young Tissue Extract YTE. YTE acts a conductor to stimulate dormant stem cells in our body. It contains Avian fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) and all 20 Amino Acids.

Supplement – Benefits

There is a wide variety of health potential benefits associated with using this Amino acids supplement including: improved mood, improved calmness and happiness, increased libido (in both men and women), alertness and mental clarity, increased strength and vitality, reduced stress, improved stamina and energy, improved muscle tone, improved sleep, increased lean muscle mass, quicker recovery after workout, increased reduced “brain fog and overall sense of well-being.

It’s hard to know exactly how much YTE is in each capsule of Laminine as all it says on the label is 600mg of a proprietary blend.

There have been numerous clinical trials performed on Young Tissue Extract YTE during the last 20 years. They clearly demonstrate it provides the benefits mentioned earlier. The daily dosage that the medical studies were based on was 1600mg of YTE.

Providing only one capsule per day, it is viewed by many as an expensive supplement… What price your health?

Other alternatives can be found on the market.

Stem Fit Active also contains Norwegian YTE and provides twice the dosage of Laminine for a similar price. Again its hard to ascertain exactly how much YTE is in each capsule as the label states 500mg per capsule of a proprietary blend.

There is another product on the market which provides the full 1600mg of Norwegian YTE as used in all the medical studies. Each ingredient and the exact amount contained in each vegetarian capsule is clearly marked on the label.

When comparing with Laminine and Stem fit active, the price is cheaper and calculations suggest at least 4 times more Norwegian YTE is provided.

Young Tissue Extract provides a chain of 20 Amino Acids which are essential to life. Linear or (straight) chains of Amino’s are the building blocks of all proteins. They are also responsible for multiple functions in the metabolism. Proteins are formed from Amino Acids which are organic compounds. When proteins are digested by the body Amino Acids remain. We need these in order for us to grow and breakdown food making it a crucial part of nutrition.

You can view the clinical trials and see a Doctors product comparison on the link in my bio.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

Too Much Caffeine in Your Diet? Try Some L-Theanine

It’s time for the 3rd ingredient in the “Stress Less for Poker Success” formula. After this one, only two more ingredients to go before you have the perfect formula for a stress free life. Ah, you can almost feel the relief already.

Before I dive into the third ingredient, I just want to give you a quick recap on the first two ingredients.

Personally, I use Rhodiola rosea only during times of intense stress. I’ll typically begin using it two to three days before the expected stress and continue using it 3-5 days after it has ended. It probably has one of the largest amounts of clinical evidence supporting its benefits in terms of nutraceuticals. In my opinion, it’s an excellent, well-studied nutraceutical.

Bacopa is considered my long-term stress supplement. I use it 365 days a year. It helps to neutralize the stress of everyday life. On top of that, it also has some cognitive-enhancing abilities. What it lacks in clinical evidence, it makes up for in real-world feedback. You can’t argue with a supplement that’s been used for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic medicine.


I think it’s blindly apparent that we live in an energy-addicted world today. It seems that we can’t get enough energy. We have Red Bull which quickly became a billion dollar drink. Then there was 5 Hour Energy, for those that thirsted for energy yet wanted to avoid caffeine. Now there’s umpteen different energy drinks along with hundreds of different energy pills. We’re definitely a society that’s overdosed on energy. C’mon people, relax a little.

That’s exactly what the dietary supplement industry is predicting for the next couple of years: a complete reversal. Now longer will we search for energy, but we’ll NEED relaxation. Thus, they predict that supplements that affect GABA, a relaxing neurotransmitter, will be the next big craze. What caffeine is to energy, GABA is to relaxation. Ativan, Xanax, Restoril, etc all work via GABA receptors in the body. Heaven knows, those prescription drugs are already a hot item.

This is why you’ll probably hear a lot more about L-theanine in the next couple of years. In fact, don’t be surprised if a major energy drink begins adding l-theanine to its mix. Get used to seeing “enriched with l-theanine for a relaxed energy.”


L-theanine is an amino acid most commonly found in tea. In fact, the relaxing effect of tea is primarily a result of l-theanine.

Mechanism of action

It works through a variety of mechanisms. However, the 4 that are most important to us are:

Its ability to increase the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and GABA activity. These three neurotransmitters are extremely important for relaxation, mood, and energy.

Its ability to increase alpha brain wave activity. Alpha brain waves are thought to correlate with a relaxed, yet alert state in humans.

Its ability to counteract some of the negative stimulant effects of caffeine. In fact a couple studies have shown that a combo of l-theanine and caffeine is superior to caffeine alone with regards to mental performance.

Its ability to block the harmful effects of excitatory neurotransmitters that can destroy brain cells.


The typical dosage is 200mg taken anywhere from 1-3 times daily. I’ve found this to be almost exactly what I need. I may need a little larger dosage if I’ve taken a lot of stimulants during the day. However, always titrate to a dosage that works for you. It’s extremely safe so you won’t have to worry about overdosing.

Why I like it

It’s extremely safe and well-tolerated. That’s always of the utmost importance.

Just like Rhodiola rosea, I don’t use this every day. Typically, I’ll only use it during times of intense stress or when I’ve consumed a large amount of stimulants. I’ve found it to be one of the few supplements to counteract the negative effects of stimulants. It works.

In addition, even though there have only been one or two studies to show this, it supposedly has some cognitive-enhancing abilities. As we all can agree, this is a benefit we’re looking for.

Why for poker players

Compared to every nutraceutical I’ve talked about thus far, l-theanine probably will be most beneficial to poker players. Why? I’ve noticed poker players are energy junkies. Caffeine, Red Bull, Ritalin, etc are commonly used, especially by the on-line players. Energy. Energy. Energy. Take a capsule of l-theanine, and not only do you block the negative effects associated with stimulants, but you also improve their cognitive-enhancing abilities. That’s called synergy.

Poker players have to remember that being over-stimulated is just as bad as being mentally fatigued. Both can cause mental mistakes. Playing energized and overzealous is inferior to playing relaxed and focused. Relaxation is the missing ingredient for the endless amounts of energy products available today. Please remember, the energy drinks and products on the market today are designed for physical energy (working out or waking up after a long night) not for mental energy. It’s like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

In addition, the typical energy supplement further increases your stress response. The goal behind these products is to get you in that flight-or-fight mode, aka stress. Thus, you’re putting an additional amount of stress on your mind. Not good. Remember, stress kills brain cells.

Relax a little man. It may just be the answer you were looking for. Balancing relaxation with stimulation is the key to success at anything that requires mental performance.

As always, I’ll post the studies in the next couple of days.

Posted in Diet & Nutrition0 Comments

Herpes Diet – What to Eat to Beat Herpes

The foods you eat have a very large impact on your health. Especially, when you are a cold sore sufferer. In order to reduce the amount of cold sore outbreaks you receive, you must implement foods that counteract the virus instead of feeding it. It is possible to stage off the herpes virus and keep it fast asleep with a solid diet plan.

First, you must recognize that the herpes virus thrives in an acid based body. When you ingest too many acidic foods your body becomes weak and prone to an outbreak. Try to limit the number of acid foods you ingest every day. Some of these are: Coffee, beer, tobacco, jams, liquors, soft drinks, wine, white bread, pork, seafood etc.

Keeping your body in an alkaline state provides numerous benefits. An alkaline based body is one in optimum health. To reduce the number of cold sore outbreaks you receive be sure to eat plenty of alkaline based foods and a small amount of acidic foods. Some alkaline foods are: Lemons, limes, fruit juices, asparagus, raisins, pineapple, celery, cantaloupe etc.

The herpes virus is activated by the amino acid arginine. Without arginine the virus cannot grow and duplicate. Be aware of foods high in arginine as they can cause an outbreak. Some of these foods are: Nuts, chocolate, coconut, peanut butter, brown rice, soda pop, coffee etc.

Fortunately, nature always has a way of balancing out. The amino acid lysine is great at counteracting arginine. Maintaining a diet filled with lysine rich foods will help you reduce the amount of cold sore outbreaks you receive. Some of these foods are: Eggs, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, chicken, beef, fish, avocados etc.

By implementing foods that are alkaline based and lysine rich will help you tremendously in your fight against herpes. Be aware of the acidic foods filled with arginine and avoid them as much as possible.

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The Benefits of Using a Personal Trainer

Trimming down and maintaining your ideal weight can be hideously difficult. From eating the right food to choosing the right exercise and everything in between, one may invariably forget one pertinent detail or make a mistake regarding their diet and end up 10 pounds overweight or with bulging biceps when all you really wanted was to tone your muscles.

While the fee that a personal trainer may charge may make your knees bulk, wait till you read and learn about the benefits of hiring one.

Accurate Fitness Evaluation. Let’s face it; a lot of us tend to over- or under-estimate our physical abilities and therefore end up with strained muscles and joints (which can lead to health problems) or a lax exercise regime (which lengthens the time enabling us to reach our fitness goals). However, with a personal trainer, your physical fitness will be accurately evaluated and you can be quite sure that whatever fitness program you end up with is the ideal one for you.

Motivation. It really is easier to exercise with someone around and a personal trainer is just the right person to have on your side if you have a fitness goal you’re sweating to attain. A personal trainer will know exactly when he has to act as a tough general, a great source of encouragement and inspiration or simply as a friend to talk to and listen to your personal health woes.

Customized Fitness Program. Contrary to popular opinion, there’s no such thing as an exercise or diet program that fits all. In short, what may work for others may not work for you and what may take others weeks to achieve may mean one year’s worth of effort in your part. But how will you be able to determine what fitness program is best for you unless you consult an expert?

Safety.A lot of accidents can happen during unsupervised exercises so having a personal trainer will ensure that you are using health club equipment the right way. Not only does this prevent serious physical injuries, it ensures that you get the most out of your exercise routines.

The Need for Change. Perhaps one of the things that hits even the most health-conscious individual is boredom! Sometimes, all that one needs is a little change in one’s exercise routine and with a personal trainer beside you, he or she can can come up with different exercise programs, all geared towards keeping you active and interested in going to the gym.

What to Look for in a Personal Trainer

So are you convinced now that a personal trainer is what you have been needing all this time? If so, following are some of the items you should look for in a personal trainer.

oEducation. Remember, you are relying on this individual to guide you in your fitness goals. As such, it is important that he or she is certified by reputable fitness organization such as ACSM or NSCA.

oExperience. It builds one’s trust and confidence if you know that your personal trainer has had vast experience so be sure you know his or her credentials. Also, keep in mind YOUR fitness targets. For instance, if you are a bodybuilder, get a personal trainer who specializes in bodybuilding.

oPersonality. A great personal trainer is one who is dedicated to your fitness objectives. As such, he or she should be attentive to your needs, be a good listener and one who constantly keeps track of your progress or failures.

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Bowflex Max Trainer Vs Treadmill – Which Is Best For You?

Trying to decide between the Bowflex Max Trainer vs. a treadmill? The Bowflex Max is a new type of elliptical-stair stepper that’s extremely popular right now.

But the treadmill is still the most popular type of fitness equipment overall – and also gives you some definite advantages.

So which is best for you? Here’s a review of 5 key differences between the Bowflex Max Trainer and a treadmill to help you decide:

#1 Calorie Burning

The Bowflex Max has the edge here. In studies done in the Bowflex lab, the Max trainer burned up to 2.5 times more calories than a treadmill (or regular elliptical or stair stepper).

In fact trial users burned up to 600 calories in 30 minutes. Contrast that to about 100 – 200 calories in 30 minutes that you burn on a treadmill (depending on incline, speed, etc.), and it’s quite a difference.

#2 Impact

Again, the Max trainer wins here are well. Treadmills (especially when used for running) are very high impact. The force of your joints coming down on the belt can strain your hips, knees, back and ankles.

The Max trainer however has almost no impact as your feet do not leave the moving pedals. In fact, according to the manufacturer, running on a treadmill produces up to 200% more impact than workout out on the Max.

So if you’re more prone to injury or shin splints the Max is a great option.

#3 Entertainment/Tracking Options

This is a tie – maybe with a treadmill (depending on the model) having the slight edge.

While the Bowflex Max trainer does come with several built-in workouts (including the main 14 minute high intensity training interval), a treadmill in general tends to give you more workouts and entertainment options.

For example, you can find treadmills with built-in iPod docks, TVs and even web browser in the console.

However, on the other side, the Max Trainer M5 model does come with Bluetooth and you can sync and track your results with their app to see how far you’ve come. So there is some good tracking capability with the M5.

#4 Ease of Use

The treadmill has the slight advantage here. Walking on a treadmill is so simple that almost anyone can do it, regardless of age, weight or coordination level.

Even if you’ve never exercised before and you’re just starting out, you can use a treadmill. Start slow and move up gradually as you fitness level increases.

The Max trainer can be used slowly as well – however it’s a bit more intense than a simple walking workout. Plus, the motion may take a bit of getting used to for newbies.

#5 Upper Body

The Max trainer wins here – hands down. With a treadmill, there really isn’t a way to work your upper body – unless you buy handweights and use these while you walk.

The Max trainer has moving arm bars (similar to elliptical arm bars) what help you work you arms. Testing in the Bowflex lab showed that the Max arms engaged up to 80% more upper body muscles than even a traditional elliptical.

So what’s the bottom line on the Bowflex Max Trainer vs a Treadmill?

Well, it basically comes down to you and what you’re looking for. A treadmill can give you an easy workout with lots of fun entertainment and tracking options. It’s a great option for people who have never exercised before who are just getting started.

However, the Max trainer is much lower impact than a treadmill and can burn a lot more calories in less time. So you’ll see weight loss results faster on the Max than on a treadmill.

Plus, you’ll also get to work and tone your upper body much easier than you would on a treadmill.

So again, it depends on your goals and preferences. Regardless of what you decide to do, please make sure to take your time, go at your own pace and consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. Good luck!

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How Many Calories Does Zumba Burn?

Have you tried to lose weight recently? Are you tired and confused by all the different “CARDIO” styled dance classes?

Well there’s hope for you yet! Meet Zumba Dance…

Zumba Dance is a blending of Latin and International music dance themes creating a vibrant, successful fitness system! The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body.

ZUMBA utilizes the principles of interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning and total toning.

It is a blend of body sculpting dance movements and easy-to-follow dance steps.

So how many calories does Zumba burn?

An average class can burn from 500 to 800 calories! You can of course burn more or less depending on your intensity and fitness level. Your Zumba instructor will work with you to get the maximum results… fast. Hows that for different! Better than exercising at home listening to some boring cd … right?

Along with the Zumba dance classes it is important to follow these fat loss, fool-proof nutrition tips that will maximize the amount of calories you burn:

* Eat veggies – Mix and match fresh veggies for variety. They are full of fiber and will help you burn more fat.

* Snack – Go ahead just snack on good stuff, like nuts (especially almonds) veggies fresh and dried fruit.

* Nuts – Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts and pecans are great for you. Spice up that yogurt and salad by throwing a few in.

* Steel cut oats – Cook a ¼ cup with 1 cup of rice milk (trust me its delicious and you wont need sweetener) for breakfast

* Protein – Protein is a fat burner. How you ask? Well your body burns more calories digesting protein than eating any other type of food. Eating protein also prevents muscle loss when dieting.

* Yogurt – Will help you lose weight and at the same time protect your muscles. Yogurt is also a simple & convenient snack. It is also high in protein.

Follow these tips attend as many Zumba classes as you can and you will quickly maximize your calories burned.

So how many calories does Zumba burn? Follow these tips and you will burn enough to have that body of your dreams!

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5 Important Things to Remember When Doing Aerobic Exercises

1) Consistency – If you don’t stick with it, it’s not going to work. Just like any exercise regime, you have to do it consistently to achieve your desired result. There are no short cuts.

2) Intensity – The tougher the exercise, the more weight you will loose.

3) Enjoyment – Love the exercise you are engaging in. If you don’t like to swim try running, if you don’t like to run try dancing. Find a workout that you like so you will stick to it.

4) Time – The length of your workouts is crucial to get the most benefits from aerobic exercises. Five minute walks around the block are a great idea, but if you push yourself to fifteen you will not only use more energy, but also condition yourself for further distances in the future.

5) Proper diet – Running a mile and then eating a three slices of pizza and a banana split after is probably not the best idea. Be sure to have a snack before you leave for your workout. Make sure to eat something with protein, like a cheese stick, along with something containing natural vitamins and sugars, such as baby carrots or a tangerine.

By doing this you will be providing your body with quick energy from natural sugars and vitamins, along with the protein to sustain your physical activity. Be sure not to eat so much that you give yourself a cramp, keep it light and easy.

During your exercise, be sure to drink lots of water. By drinking lots of water, you can get rid of the lactic acid created in your muscles. Water helps to dilute and lessen the acid built up in your muscle from your workout therefore reducing the amount of soreness in your muscles following the exercise.

After your workout, be sure to have another snack that has protein in it as well. This helps your body in the recovery process from exercising. Contrary to popular belief, once you are done exercising, your body is still working. It takes energy to cool down and you have to keep feeding your body’s need for energy.

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Deeper Voice Exercises – Learn to Tone Your Voice

For men, having a high-pitched voice can be a traumatic experience. Even if you’re built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, nobody will take you seriously if you sound like Mickey Mouse. Having a deep, resonant voice can also help you get a better job, and even land the girl of your dreams. But what can you do to get a deep voice quickly? Here is a pair of deeper voice exercises that might help you.

Begin by saying the words “Bing-Bong,” “Ding-Dong,” and “King-Kong” slowly and clearly. Sustain the final ‘ng’ sound for as long as you can. Deepen your voice gradually with each repetition. Then repeat but deepen your voice just a little bit. Do three repetitions of this exercise per day for around a week.

After a week repeat this exercise, but this time with your head facing upwards. This makes the exercise a little more difficult because you are stretching your vocal cords. Do no more than two repetitions a day of this exercise but do the workout daily. But remember not to overdo this exercise as you may damage your voice.

You can also try scream singing, meaning singing along to heavy-metal records complete with all the screams and growls. But just as with the above exercise, do not overdo it. A deep voice is attractive; a damaged voice is not.

Apart from these deeper voice exercises you should also learn to speak from your diaphragm. This would allow you to project a deeper voice. You should also maintain good posture. Keep your head straight up and your chin forward when you speak.

If you practice these deeper voice exercises regularly and make these techniques second nature, then you should have the deep voice you want in no time.

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A Complete Guide to the Nordictrack Elliptical Trainer

The Nordictrack Elliptical Trainer is a line of fitness equipment manufactured by the workout innovator of the same name.

Nordictrack rose to fame in the eighties with the invention of the Nordictrack Skier. Advertised in infomercials, Nordictrack’s debut fitness line featured calorie burning power coupled with the feeling of resistance associated with the feel of cross-country skiing. Over the course of the last two decades, the Nordictrack Company has expanded beyond skier model machines. The company is now a subsidiary of ICON Fitness, and one of the leading fitness equipment retailers for treadmills, jogging strollers, incline machines, exercise bikes, and elliptical trainers.

The Nordictrack Elliptical Trainer line of fitness equipment was created to satisfy the low-impact exercise needs of users with weight problems, chronic knee pain, and athletic injuries. These trainers enjoy a substantial fan following among athletes and older fitness equipment users. Elliptical trainers by Nordictrack, along with the company’s bikes and treadmills, features ICON Fitness’ trademark IFIT Technology.

IFIT is are Beginner, Intermediate, and advanced workout cards designed to offer users the benefits of a “plastic personal trainer.” The workout cards is used by plugging it into the console of the Nordictrack Elliptical Trainer. Each IFIT Workout Card features eight week programs, including twenty-four customized workout plans created by Nordictrack’s resident personal trainers.

Nordictrack’s line of elliptical trainers offers various models of the low-impact fitness machines:

With a suggested manufacturer’s retail price of $999.00, the Nordictrack SpaceSave Elliptical sports StrideSelect Technology was designed to offer users the opportunity to place specialized attention on their problem areas. This Nordictrack Elliptical boasts the patented SpaceSaver technology, allowing fitness gurus to fold the unit up when it is not in use.

The AudioStrider 990 is the newest addition to Nordictrack’s line of elliptical trainers. The Auto Strider features the MP3 compatible Intermix Acoustic Sound System. The newly designed trainer sports a Automatic Power Incline for access to calorie burning. The AudioStrider 990 retails for $999.00.

The AudioStrider 600 Nordictrack Elliptical Trainer offers IFIT Technology, in addition to the voice of a Certified Personal Trainer for added motivation. The suggested retail price of the AudioStrider 600 is $799.00.

The CX line is another popular addition the family of Nordictrack Elliptical Trainers. The Nordictrack CX 1055 Elliptical features a Stride-Thru design customized to stimulate natural motion affiliated with walking and running. The Nordictrack CX 1055 is priced at $999.00.

For users seeking a dual upper and lower body workout, the Nordictrack CX 1050 offers exercise for the arms, shoulders, abs, and legs. The machine also features nineteen pre-programmed workout programs. Other amenities include grip heat rate sensors.

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Exercises For Hips – To Slim and Slenderize

Here are some great exercises for hips, to slim and slenderize them pretty quickly. Results should appear in 2 weeks… maybe a little less. Please don’t think that you do these exercises and you’ll instantly have slim and curvy hips within 3 days. It won’t happen. But if you give me a few minutes time each day, these exercises will help you to lose your hips.

Exercises for Hips – To Slim Them Fast

1. Use hula hooping

Using a hula hoop to help you to lose fat from your hips… there probably is no better direct hips exercise that gets the results like hula hooping. Now, you need to make sure of a couple things. First, a regular “kid’s hula hoop” just won’t work for you. The reason is simple. They’re TOO LIGHT. They’ll fall to the ground almost immediately because they rotate too fast. You don’t have the hip control to keep it rotating.

What you need is a weighted hula hoop to make this work. Now, yes, they do cost more money ($15-20), but it’s a great investment in yourself AND YOUR HIPS.

The other thing you need to make sure of is that you only do this for a couple minutes at a time at most and to do multiple 2-3 minute sets each day… for a total of 10 minutes.

Your goal is simple… 10 minutes a day. Get there in short sets and do this daily.

2. Side kicks

These work for the hips also, but here’s the thing. Don’t kick too hard. If you do, you may irritate and cause too much stress to your ligaments and joints. So just do some simple side kicks. Do 10 with your right leg and then 10 with your left leg. Rest. Then repeat this for a total of 3 times of 10 reps for each leg. Do this 3 times a week.

These 2 exercises for hips, to slim and slenderize them, help to firm up and tighten the whole hips structure.

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