Archive | November, 2016

Health Benefits of Taking Spirulina Daily – Real Health Part 5

As I mentioned in Part 4 of my Real Health diet series, I believe that taking green foods, particularly spirulina and chlorella, is very important to your health. This article will focus on why you should take spirulina.

You may have heard these words, spirulina and chlorella before. What are they though? Basically they are green microalgae. They are microscopic plants which grow in fresh water. They are green due to chlorophyll.

It is sold in the form of powder. I take mine in veggie capsules. I believe the best comes from the Nutrex company in Hawaii. They sell under their own label. They also provide the spirulina that I buy from Jenny Lee Naturals, which sells a 580 capsule bottle.

First, spirulina. Spirulina is an amazing food. And it is a food, not a medicine. First, it contains protein. A lot of protein. Three times more protein by weight than beef. And this protein is more digestible than beef, so you take in more of it into your system. And spirulina contains complete protein, all eight essential amino acids.

It contains vitamin B12, and since it is a plant, of course it is a vegetarian source. B12 deficiency has been linked to low bone mineral density, forgetfulness and cognitive problems. You can ask your doctor for a test that will tell you if you are low in B12.

It contains the second highest amount of GLA available. GLA is gamma linolenic acid. This is what is called an essential fatty acid. The most GLA available is found in human breast milk. GLA is essential to babies in that it helps the brain grow and build new connections. It also enhances the immune system. If like me, you were mostly bottle-fed, you probably never got enough GLA. Spirulina is a great source of it, so you can start making up for that lack right now.

Spirulina also contains chlorophyll and beta-carotene, both powerful antioxidants. They help support your immune system and may have anti-cancer effects. Spirulina is also an excellent source of calcium. And of course, they are full of phytochemicals.

Think of spirulina as food, not pills or medicine. I take 30 400mg capsules a day. If you are ill, you can take up to twice that till your conditions improve. For bodybuilders, the protein in it makes it perfect to take some after a workout.

Give spirulina a try. I believe you will find that it will improve your health and support your efforts at healthy living.

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Top 10 Boot Camp Secrets to Success

Alright guys, we’ve decided that it’s time to give up all of our well-guarded secrets and let you in on our top 10 tricks to really make your boot camp training a success.

1. Get Started Early.

If you’re one of those people that has a tendency to come up with some really great “reasons” (read: excuses) to skip out on your boot camp sessions then your best bet is to get started early in the morning. A recent study showed that people who get their training in first thing in the day are 75% more likely to stick with it and make it part of their routine.

2. Set Realistic Goals.

How many times have you had such extreme expectations of yourself that feels like you’re always failing and falling short of your goals? Instead of telling yourself that you need to lose 20 lbs in the next 4 weeks, take a more “realistic approach”? that let’s you feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment every time you achieve one of your goals. Remember, even though boot camp training is intense and can burn over 800 calories (seriously) in a session, you still need to set out milestones that can be reasonably reached and even exceeded. Make your boot camp training goals S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

3. Get Enough Sleep.

If you’re doing an early-morning boot camp session, it’s important that you get a decent night’s rest before you start training. Staying up late and then loading up on caffeine and other stimulants in order to boost your energy is a surefire recipe for a burn-out. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night and you’ll see a massive increase in your boot camp training results.

4. Find A Training Partner.

Sadly, we all know how easy it can be to break promises to ourselves, but it’s a lot harder to let someone else down. Joining a boot camp program with a friend means that you’ll have someone to kick your butt out of bed in the morning when you’re feeling lazy, and to enjoy all those chicken and steamed broccoli dinners. Which brings us to our next point…

5. Don’t Sabotage Your Results By Pigging Out!

We know, sometimes you just can’t turn down that piece of cake or that slice of pizza, and there’s nothing wrong with the occasional “cheat meal”?, but just think of that meal as it’s equivalent in burpees, pushups and crunches. Two slices of pepperoni pizza and a can of coke adds up to over 700 calories! One weekend of indulging in your cravings can wipe out an entire weeks worth of boot camp training.

6. Do Extra Cardio.

Living in a city like Victoria, we’re surrounded by endless opportunities to work up a sweat while enjoying the outdoors. Kayaking, hiking, cycling, jogging, mountain biking… there are so many ways you can burn extra calories every day that don’t involve staring at the wall while running on a treadmill. Boot camp will fire up your metabolism, but doing that little bit of extra cardio is like throwing gas on the fire.

7. Stay Off The Scale.

For anyone who’s ever had a few extra pounds, the scale can be as addictive as it is terrifying. And when you’re trying to lose weight, seeing that dreaded number creeping downwards can be a major source of motivation. However, what most people don’t realize is that your weight fluctuates by up to 5 lbs every day depending on how much water you’ve had, eating too much salt, hormonal changes or even going to the bathroom! Our advice is to only weigh yourself once every four weeks, and have faith that your boot camp training (combined with all these other tips!) is going to deliver.

8. Keep A Training Journal.

By tracking your efforts, you’ve automatically added a level of accountability to your boot camp training that’s guaranteed to improve your results. Use a medium-sized spiral bound notebook and keep track of your boot camp sessions, extra cardio training, and nutrition and water intake.

9. Drink More Water!

Get up right now and go drink a glass of water. Seriously. Chances are you’re probably not drinking enough, and it’s almost impossible to drink too much. Staying hydrated will keep your energy levels high, and will increase your strength and endurance by up to 20%. Don’t believe us? Try not watering your plants for a few days and see how happy and healthy they look.

10. Be Consistent.

Showing up only once or twice a week to boot camp is going to get you very minimal, if any, results. If you haven’ been active in a long time, it can take the body anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks (depending on age and other factors) to adjust to the new stresses your placing on it with your boot camp training. Make the effort to be there every day and we guarantee you’ll see the stomach-flattening, thigh-toning, butt-firming and body-sculpting results you’re looking for!

Alright guys and gals, there it is. Take these tips and combine it with any of our boot camp fitness programs here in Victoria and we guarantee you’ll see amazing results!

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Getting Creative With Your Cardio at Home or at the Gym

Cardio exercises are a must when it comes to being fit or shedding fat, but that does not mean you do not have options. Cardio does a lot for your health in general, it increases your metabolism, burns fat, makes your heart and blood vessels healthier, decreases your blood pressure, increases your stamina, improves your sex life and the list goes on.

With all that I have stated doing the same thing day in day out might bore you so much that you could forget the benefits of cardio, so I’m going to give you other alternative ways to do your cardio that are not the traditional, steady pace jogging or cycling that everyone associates with cardio.

What most people think is that the longer you do an activity such as jogging the more you will get out of the workout, which is not true but may be true if you are talking about steady pace cardio. Doing something like jogging for a long distance is also time consuming and if you do too much cardio or too long of a distance you might find that it holds you back in terms of muscle gain, if that is what you are after.

How to get creative with your cardio:

First thing you can try is to change your traditional cardio workouts into more fast paced, interval sessions. What I mean is you can train in short intense intervals by timing yourself on a bike or treadmill and increasing the intensity in each interval. This would not require a lot of time and you would have one hell of a workout. In fact you will be burning calories long after you have worked out, but your time spent working out would be less than if you did the traditional steady pace stuff.

You could try doing sprints which is another form of interval training, running between cones. Taking short breaks and doing it again and increasing the distance and trying to run as fast as possible, short break again increasing the distance a little and go at it hard again, you get the idea. This would be a short intense and fun workout, obviously its short because it takes more effort and we can’t sprint for long distances or long periods of time. The cool thing with sprints is that you get the benefits of traditional cardio and you built lean muscular legs, you have noticed that sprinters are jacked compared to long distance runners.

Other cardio exercises you could try includes martial art such as MMA, Kick boxing, karate etc. You could also play sports if you have time such as soccer, tennis, hockey or any other high activity sport. You could try swimming if you love the water; swimming is one of the better forms of cardio since it has less impact on your body and joints because the water supports your body weight.

There are a lot of alternatives to traditional cardio, it’s up to you to find the ones that you like best, most of them are just fun and most people do not even know they are doing a cardio exercise. Just think of dancers they do cardio and have fun the same time. So go out there and find what works for you, no more excuses and no more boring cardio sessions.

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Nude Pilates And Nude Exercising Isn’t For Everyone But The Au-Natural Workout Is Gaining Popularity

Nude exercises. Nude Pilates. Nude Yoga. Drop your inhibitions at the door. Exercising in the buff is becoming a trend!

With who?

While researching this article, I’m fascinated, no…shocked, at how many forums there are for nude exercises. Now, I’m no prude. I’m merely curious.

Here are a few descriptions I’ve read on the forums of people describing their au-natural workouts. Uninhibited. Ok…obviously. Freeing. That comes up a lot. Productive. Productive? Let’s explore that one.

When exercising in your birthday suit, there is nothing to hide. When doing Pilates nude exercises, this means even more. Pilates is a detail oriented exercise method with great attention paid to your form. How better to see your form than to do naked Pilates! You can’t possibly cheat. Your belly will be in. Your shoulders will be down. Your bottom is going to be engaged. Yes, your workout will be more productive.

Does this mean your local Pilates studio is going to start offering nude Pilates classes? Probably not. My Pilates studio won’t mainly because no one would come. I live in New England. We cover up most everything around here.

I think most people are practicing their nude workouts in the privacy of their own home or at a nudist camp. Is it safe to exercise naked? I have to believe that most exercising can be done nude, however, watch out for those high impact exercises. Breasts and testicles need a little extra support, thank you.

What about the cleanliness factor of exercising naked? What boil producing germs are going to be getting into places where they shouldn’t be? Even the cleanest Pilates equipment may carry a certain amount of germs. This thought definitely has a kind of yuck factor.

Ok…let’s spin this subject a bit. What is the naked truth about Pilates? What are some myths?

Myth: Pilates is just for women.

Naked Truth: No way! Joseph Pilates was a man. Men need strength training, flexibility and balance too.

Myth: Pilates is like Yoga.

Naked Truth: No way! Yoga is Yoga. Pilates is Pilates. There is some cross-referencing. Breathing, stretching and focus are part of both modalities, but the similarities stop there.

Myth: Pilates is too hard to master.

Naked Truth: No way! You have to start somewhere and beginners benefit from Pilates as much as seasoned professionals. Start with the basics even if you are fit. Remember: You must build a strong foundation before you build a house!

Whether nude exercises are your thing or not, give Pilates a try. With or without your clothes on, Pilates is a great choice.

Susannah Marchese is a certified Pilates fitness instructor and a senior contributing writer to

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How Hemorrhoids Made Me Healthy, Fit & Sexy

I developed hemorrhoids when I was in my 20s. Occasional flare-ups occur when my stress levels are high and I eat too much junk food and too little fiber. After a few days of eating right, drinking lots of water and exercising more, symptoms disappear.

In May 2009, I moved from my home of 19 years into a condo. I did a lot of renovation work and I love my new place. But even good stress can cause problems. In October, I had a severe flare-up of hemorrhoids. Only this time, nothing helped. Finally I got prescription ointment and suppositories, and the bleeding stopped and pain subsided. Within days, it started again and got worse.

I did some research on the internet. There is a lot of good medical information and advice out there. I found one site that was loaded with helpful yet hilarious advice. Check out and follow the links to his natural hemorrhoids treatment page.

I experimented with herbal supplements, took sitz baths, ate bran, psyllium fiber and fruits and veggies, drank even more water and started exercising regularly. Everything helped a little but nothing stopped the pain or cured the condition.

Terrified at the prospect of surgery, refusing to spend hundreds of dollars on so-called miracle cures, I dug deeper in researching subjects like constipation, colon health, and digestion. Did you know that:

– Eating lots of fiber relieves constipation,but not drinking enough water causes it

– Eating regularly (same times daily) keeps you digesting and eliminating regularly

– Chewing your food to near-liquid consistency delights your intestines by making digestion easier (no more belching and bloating)

– Enzymes for digesting food are activated when you chew

– Food is digested in the order that it’s eaten

– Eating easy-to-digest foods kick starts the digestive process (start with water or juice, then soup, salad, vegetables etc.)

– Drinking before your meal is good. If you must drink with your meal, then sip warm water with fresh lemon juice

– Our digestive system has to work harder to digest certain food combinations – the worst is meat plus potatoes, rice, pasta or bread. It’s better to eat meat with vegetables, or, pasta, potatoes or other starches with vegetables

– Fruit should be eaten on its own – at least 1 hour before a meal or two hours after – it digests quickly and can interfere with the digestion of other foods

– Dairy foods should be avoided as they can cause constipation, which aggravates hemorrhoids

– Caffeine, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, fried and processed foods do the same

– Exercise is crucial for good digestion – if your body moves so does your digestive system, and it ‘s OK to walk after a meal; in fact, it helps.

One website provided the key that unlocked the door to my own permanent recovery. On, I discovered their colon cleanse detox diet. It is a very easy-to-follow eating plan. The basics are as follows:

1. Eat only fruit until noon. Any kind, as much as you want, but only fruit

2. Do not combine starches with proteins during any meal

3. Do not eat anything for two-three hours before bedtime

4. Drink half your body weight in ounces daily (eg., A 150 lb person would drink 75 ounces or 9-10 glasses) preferably purified water but green teas, juices and warm water are good too.

That’s it. The website also provides 10 Tips to Ease Digestion that are easy to follow and make good sense.

In addition to changing what, how and when I eat, I make it a point to be more active. I go for a 20-30 minute walk after lunch. I work out three times per week in my condo gym – cardio on the elliptical machine, stretching, free weights, core-strengthening exercises and more stretching. That is my basic routine.

When weather permits, I take longer walks, exploring my neighbourhood or walking in a nearby riverside park. I take the stairs when I can, I walk around the office, I get off the bus a couple of stops early and walk home. Little changes add up to big gains.

I lost over 15 pounds in 3 months and I’ve whittled 3 inches off my waistline, simply by losing fat and building muscle tone. I’m stronger and more fit; I look good and I feel great. To quote the Billy Crystal character from Saturday Night Live, “When you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you look mahvelous!”

I’m basically a couch potato. I work full-time in the corporate world, and do freelance writing and editing. My favourite hobbies are reading and watching movies or TV. But if I can do it – change my eating habits, exercise more, banish hemorrhoid pain and get fit, strong and sexy – then so can you!

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The Real Secrets About Prison Fitness and Strength

So why is everyone so juiced up about prison fitness? What is prison fitness? And why is it so effective? Prison fitness seems to be a real interest to a lot of men and the reason is the so called level of fitness these prisoners achieve behind bars.

Do these prisoners have some type of secret? Do they have some type prison fitness coach? So why do these prisoners get this reputation as being super human?

What tricks do they have? To the average man the prisoner level of fitness is legendary, but what makes the prisoner fitness different then other training programs?

So what secrets do these criminals have? How many super conditioned prisoners are educated in the book sense? Do you think there are certified strength coaches in prison? Do you think most prisoners were long time fitness trainers who got a bad break?

Do you think most prisoners that were murders, drug dealers, sex offenders, drunk drivers, men that are in jail for any violent crime were going to the gym on the outside? It’s a well know fact that men that live life drinking and doing drugs are health conscious, not to mention fit ( a joke ).

If these men enter prison having abused their bodies through booze and drugs most of their lives what makes so many think that these men go to prison and become super fit, what gives them the key to the fitness kingdom?

Do these men stop being criminals and become super athletes? No, most become and stay violent criminals and most criminals are weak minded cowards that could not live in today’s society without stealing, robbing, running in gangs and trying to hurt weaker victims.

The only difference these men have is time; they have nothing else to do. The men that get really physically fit spend more time at it than most other people; you don’t go into prison 130lb weakling and become a 200lb super criminal in a month.

If you spend all your days in a small prison cell, what could you do with no job and nothing but time? You may here of a few prisoners that are super strong and super fit but the reality it’s a very small percentage.

Super fitness is not for the weak minded it takes time and a lot of sweat to get to a super level of fitness whether you are in prison or on the outside, there is no difference and no secret training program building a super race of super prisoners.

So if prisoners are doing the basics of pushups, pull-ups, situps, squats, leg raises, handstand pushups, prisoner squat thrusts what’s the secret to the so called super level of fitness? It’s the time put in, it’s doing the exercises hundreds and thousands of times over many, many years building a hardening of the mind and body.

Most prisoners are not in shape, most are still out of shape and will never be in shape because just like in the street they were lazy in prison they are lazy.

Over years and hundreds of thousands of reps is what builds an extremely strong body, not the 3 days on one day off type of training or the split training it’s the everyday training that makes the difference in real physical fitness and strength.

So, instead of thinking the prisoners have some secret training method and secret training coach just know it’s the time put in on an everyday basis and training for survival that makes the difference.

Here’s a workout you can do in small place with no equipment and using only two exercises.

Do 25 Prisoner Squat Thrusts – 25 4- Point Jump Squats ( legs a little wider, squat down touch the ground with your finger tips and jump 2 to 3 inches off the ground)

Switch back and forth as long as you can, do as fast as possible try and keep the time for each round under 1 minute and 15 seconds meaning 25 Prisoner Squat Thrusts and 25 4- Point Jump Squats should take no longer than 1 minute and 15 seconds to complete and go as long as you can, if you can go for 5 minutes with no rest that’s great.

This will be to brutal for most people but see where you are and how long you will go most will have trouble with 2 minutes.

Toughness Builds Winners.

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Michael Phelps Facts – Already a Gold Medal Millionaire Ready to Become a Billionaire

Here are some interesting statistics and facts about Michael Phelps

If you were to count Michael Phelps worth in gold he is valued at about Three million. In fact the 2008 Olympics are in all probability worth ten times that amount of money per year. That information is one reason why the current crop of Olympic athletes begin their quest for Olympic gold at an early age.

Here are some more interesting Michael Phelps facts —

Merchandising experts stated that Phelps who’s now the most victorious Olympian with 12 Olympic gold medals, will turn out to be the wealthiest pro swimmer ever, far above the income attained by Mark Spitz.

Some are speculating that Phelps can easily rake in a billion dollars. With that kind of money it’s safe to say that he may not need to apply for a real job. He can easily live on that kind of money for the next fifty years.

The Olympic Games have become a huge business since the Olympics granted professional athletes the ability to compete twenty yrs past.

Simply no one has made the kind of money earned by athletic megastars comparable to Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan David Beckham or whose names are globally recognized and have cash registers banging out money everywhere.

Eli Portnoy, chief brand strategist at the Portnoy Group, doubted Phelps — or any Olympian — would match the earning ability of Woods who is calculated to become the 1st billionaire jock by 2010.

More Michael Phelps facts are — Currently, Phelps reportedly brings in almost $five million a yr from endorsements although his agency refused to remark. Portnoy estimates this ascending to approximately thirty million, in the short-run.

Phelps Fact – A Millionaire Already

Phelps is already the prototype of the modern-day American corporate Olympian with the Phelps Machine in full action before he exceeded the record 9 gold tally obtained by Spitz and Carl Lewis, Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi and Soviet gymnast Larysa Latynina.

Phelps, who became a pro swimmer at sixteen and a millionaire by eighteen, has sponsors, agents, lawyers, accountants, charities, his own website in English and Chinese, and even his own logo with a wave-like blue M and red P over his name.

Inside seconds of Phelps’s grabbing his tenth gold medal, Visa issued a special version TV commercial commemorating his title as the most decorated Olympian.

“You need to be out there early and establish your affiliation with the property, Michael Phelps,” said Michael Lynch, head of global sponsorship management at Visa whose relationship with Phelps dates back to 2002.

“His performance here will benefit us as it will add to the visibility we will get through this affiliation … and his earning ability will increase, there’s no question of that.”

One thing is for sure Phelps will also hold the record for cashing in on his Olympic fame, as well he should and those are what I believe to be the most important Michael Phelps facts!

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Get Fit While Driving Your Car

Spending a lot of time in a car while commuting or on a road trip can have a negative impact on your health and muscle tone. But not if you use these simple exercises. You can arrive at your destination refreshed and toned.

Just be careful and pay attention to your driving and traffic. There are not many health benefits to an auto accident.

Exercises to do while driving

  1. Tummy toner – Sit up straight in the seat in a normal driving position. Breathe in deeply into your lower abdomen. Now instead of exhaling, push the air up to your chest, filling your upper lungs. Now slowly exhale. You will feel your posture improve and get a big rush of energy by doing this exercise. Don’t be surprised if you have to readjust your mirrors due to a higher seating position.
  2. Tummy toner two – the vacuum- Inhale normally, lean forward a bit, exhale normally but right at the end blow out just a little more very quickly. Then sit up before the next inhale. As an alternate try sitting up while making the extra exhale.
  3. Deer exercise. – Most girls are familiar with the benefits of Kegel exercises. Squeeze your pubococcygeus or PC muscles while driving. Do these while driving to arrive toned and energetic. Guys get great benefits form these exercises as well.
  4. Steering wheel isometrics. Grasp the wheel firmly in both hands. Push in like you are trying to crush the wheel. Now lean forward and pull out like your are trying to stretch the wheel. Be sure to do this exercise only on a straight section of road or at very low speed. These exercises will help firm the chest and upper arm muscles.
  5. Steering wheel curls. Grip the wheel with both hands near the base of the wheel. Pull up and toward you. Don’t pull too hard, as it is easy to damage the steering shaft this way. Just pull enough to flex your biceps and shoulders.
  6. Stress reduction – if you are getting tired or stressed, try tapping your head. Use the fingertips of one hand to tap your head just above the hair line while you steer with the other hand. Tap firmly but not painfully. The object is to stimulate the blood flow in the scalp. Tap while saying to your self “I release this stress and I choose to relax and be happy in this moment.” For even more thorough tapping try EFT.
  7. Eye exercise – Nothing gets more stress while driving than your eyes. Blink often to keep them wet. Move them around while driving instead of staring straight ahead. Use a pattern like ahead, mirror, ahead, instruments, ahead, left, ahead, right, ahead, mirror, etc. When rubbing the eyes start by placing your index and middle fingers on the bridge of your nose. With firm and steady pressure move outward along the eyebrow and then down the cheekbone. Follow the cheekbone around to the nose and back up to the bridge. Never reverse the circle, as it will cause the tender skin under the eye to get stretched and look baggy.
  8. Toe Wiggling – while seated and operating foot controls, fluid stagnates in the feet. Wiggling your toes will help pump the fluid out of your feet and back where it belongs. Pay attention to the position of your toes while driving so that you do not keep your toes curled or extended for any length of time.

While taking a break – exercises:

  1. Leg stretch: Stand on one foot and place the heel of the other foot on the bumper of your car. Bend over and touch your toe. Change legs and repeat. This movement helps to relax the calf and thigh muscles that become contracted while operating the foot controls. Lymph stagnates in the legs while driving and this movement helps to get it flowing again. It is best practiced when first stepping out of your car.
  2. Twists: Stand with slightly bent knees. Hands at your sides. Relax. Twist your waist back and forth swinging your arms out fully letting them flail along. This seemingly simple movement has many, many benefits. First it helps to realign your back, especially the vertebrae in the lumbar region. These vertebras get compressed while driving. Second, it gives your internal organs a good massage, helping them do a more efficient job. This internal massage leads to improved circulation and better digestion. And you will need improved digestion to handle all that nasty road trip food.
  3. Calf Stretch: If you are ever prone to heel spurs (plantar fasciitis) or just want to make sure you don’t, do these simple stretches while pumping gas or anywhere where you may have to stand for a couple of minutes. Find a curb – like the one the gas pump sits on – and place your toes on the curb and your heel on the surface below. Rock your weight forward until you feel a slight stretch in the tendon or your calf. Don’t push too hard just feel it stretch and hold for at least 20 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. If your don’t have a curb handy, use your tire. Place your toe on the tire with your heel on the ground. Lean forward to feel the stretch.
  4. Arches: Stand about three feet from the side of your car facing away from it. Reach up with your hands over your head. Arch your back and reach behind you to grab the rain gutter or roof rack. Lean on back trying to touch your head to the window. Hold for at least 30 seconds. This exercise is a great overall stretch. It eliminates most back pain due to driving and is an excellent tummy toner as well. Once you get more advanced, try stretching to the hood or bumper.
  5. Fender push-ups: Stand about three feet away from the fender of your car facing it this time. Keep your legs and back straight and lean over and support your weight on the fender. Now, bend your elbows in a push up motion. This will give you a light shoulder tone up and enhance circulation.
    For move advanced, try using the bumper or door sill.

By practicing these simple exercises you can use the time spent in your car to help improve your body. Just be sure to stop if you feel any pain and to consult a physician if you have any doubt about your ability to perform any of these movements.

So next time you are stuck in a traffic jam, use the time to improve your body. Even if you arrive late you will look good and feel refreshed when you get there.

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A Review Of The Best Natural Testosterone Boosters To Help Increase Testosterone Levels

Using natural testosterone booster supplements with no side effects

Most men who work out want to add on pounds of muscle and take off pounds of fat. Until recently, most people felt you had to do one or the other – so add muscle or drop fat – meaning you couldn’t do both at the same time.

Recent advances in science and nutrition, however, as well as in training methods has meant that this is now possible. Boosting naturally occurring testosterone levels is one way that the body can transform itself through nutrition, exercise and good supplementation.

Outside of the very well publicised but often little known world of steroids, there are a number of natural testosterone boosting compounds and activities that can give you the same benefits – without all of the potential side effects of using steroids.

Why is testosterone important?

There are a number of naturally occurring compounds that have been proven to boost the body’s natural testosterone levels. From the age of 30, the body’s testosterone levels naturally start to decline. Supplementing or building in testosterone boosting activities will help stop it declining and can even boost levels.

There are several proven benefits of having an optimum level of testosterone. These include:

  • Increased muscle mass – helps process more protein
  • Increase fat loss – helps burn fat more efficiently
  • Better recovery time – the body repairs itself much faster with optimum levels of testosterone, and with this comes the ability to work out harder and stronger

Boosting your testosterone levels naturally

Here are a few natural testosterone boosting supplements to help get your testosterone levels (T-Levels) moving the right way. While we have suggested doses, do note that as individual products may vary, you should always read the product nutritional information to ensure you are taking the correct dose.

D-Aspartic Acid

D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid which plays a key role in tissue growth and increased libido – which is testosterone. By helping support tissue growth, aspartic acid helps increases in lean muscle mass. It is recommended that users take a dose once per day.

The best D-Aspartic Acid supplements

Here are four recommended D-Aspartic Acid supplements to buy online to help you increase testosterone levels.

Maxiraw TurboTest (120 caps)

Myprotein D-Aspartic Acid (250g)

The Protein Works D-Aspartic Acid (500g)

Bulk Powders D-Aspartic Acid (500g)

Tribulus Terrestris capsules

A plant based herbal supplement that has been used for years to improve male fertility and also T-level production. It comes from a plant grown mainly in Southern Europe and North Africa. The best quality comes from Bulgaria.

Typically, you should take one dose first thing in the morning and then a second dose 6 hours later. On training days take it 30 minutes before training.

There has been a recent update in the law surrounding this supplement as it has been reclassified as a medicine meaning it can no longer be sold as a sports supplement. Existing stocks can be sold but it could become harder to obtain in the future.

The best Tribulus Terrestris supplements

Here are four recommended Tribulus supplements to buy online to help you increase testosterone levels:

Met-Rx Hardcore Tribulus (90 caps)

Bodybuilding Warehouse Tribulus (120 caps)

Reflex Bulgarian Tribulus (90 caps)

Bulk Powders T-Surge (180 caps)

ZMA and zinc supplements for zinc deficiency

The normal western diet is typically lacking in zinc and supplementing zinc is a great way to boost and support your testosterone levels. As testosterone activity is greatest while we sleep, zinc is best taken before bed. Combine zinc with magnesium and vitamin B6 you have a super-testosterone boosting compound called ZMA.

Again, as this is best taken when naturally occurring T-Levels are at their highest, ZMA should be taken before bed.

The best ZMA and zinc supplements

Here are four recommended ZMA supplements to buy online to help you increase testosterone levels:

Bodybuilding Warehouse ZMA (120 caps)

The Protein Works ZMA (180 caps)

Bulk Powders ZMA (270 caps)

Myprotein ZMA (270 caps)

Other ways to help increase testosterone levels when you have low testosterone


There is also a school of thought that has said German Volume Training or Heavy Compound Lifting, such as deadlifts, squats etc, are good for getting your testosterone levels moving as they are full body exercises which helps boost growth hormone.

Estrogen levels

We can’t talk about boosting testosterone levels without talking about estrogen. Estrogen is the female sex hormone which works against testosterone. We all have both hormones, but it is clear that boosting your testosterone levels will be greatly enhanced if you also reduce your estrogen levels at the same time. While this article is not about that, here are few things you can do to help reduce your estrogen levels:

  1. Eat lots of green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage
  2. Drink water from glass bottles if possible to reduce the impact of estrogen in plastic
  3. Wash with a tea tree oil based shampoo and body wash after training to fully remove sweat after training – sweat contains amounts of estrogen
  4. Sweat it out by getting yourself to a sauna a couple of times a week. After sauna-ing, then wash as above

These simple activities will help you reduce your estrogen levels and make your testosterone boosting supplementation regime work that much harder.

Choosing what is right for you

The best way to find out what is right for you is to make sure you measure everything (so body weight, body strength etc) as much as possible. Get your T-levels measured to see if you have an issue or at least to give you a starting point. Then, start on a regime you can monitor and which records the effects.

And at that point it is not just about your T-level:

  • Energy
  • Increases in strength
  • Fat loss
  • Increased muscle mass

All of these above are ways you can use to see if your regime is working. If it isn’t, then make trackable changes and monitor them. While not the sexiest of answers, being able to monitor success or failure is the only way to find out what will work for you. Just make sure you give everything enough time to work before changing things. Sometimes your T-Levels might be so low that it could take months to get them stable.


There are a number of ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally. Hopefully, though, you will see there is not one single way to do this – some people work better with certain supplements over others.

To give yourself the best chance of success with your training goals try and implement a few techniques and supplements – so supplement, nutrition and training in combination will boost your T-Levels more than just taking a supplement.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

Lose Your Double Chin and Face Fat With Two Simple Facial Exercises

Usually individuals find a double chin very undesirable, but unfortunately many of us have them and we intend to get rid of them as quickly as feasible. There are many reasons for double chins, and not all of them are heaviness associated. In fact, science shows us that they can be inherited, but there is still first-rate news. You can strengthen up this wobbly fat quickly with a face workout.

There are some facial exercises to help get rid of double chin. Getting free of this through working out and diet is probably the finest way to do it. You can get rid of it through a mini facelift, but it is pricey and there are a selection of risks to doing it that way.

Here are some facial exercises with the aim of help reduce fat on face. Getting rid of this via work out and diet is probably the best way to do it. You can get rid of it through plastic surgery, but it is expensive and there are certain issues to doing it that way.

-Initial Step to Reduce Facial Fat

Open your mouth wide and stretch it as much as you can. Don’t be bothered about looking unintelligent, just remember that you are exercising. At that time open and close your mouth several times while stretching those chin muscles. Render your activities sincerely exaggerated. Accomplish the work out several times a day and this will help tighten up those chin muscles.

-Next Step on How To Get Rid of Double Chin

Open your mouth and tilt your head backward and attempt to take place into contact with your nose with your underneath bottom. Then add on this assignment with sticking your tongue out. When you constantly stick your tongue out you are strengthening your chin muscles.

The importance of Diet and Exercise

Let’s face it, your double chin may be caused by a weight trouble. To get rid of a weight problem you need to change your diet. Eat nourishing food, stay away from senseless calories, and unhealthy food, which are bad for you and only cause weight addition. As you start to modify your eating lifestyle you will lose fat fast and it will vanish.

Broad-spectrum all encompassing exercise is a basic ingredient to all over well being. Exercise will use more calories, but it will also help you feel happier and better all through your total life. Plus you will lose body fat all over, and get rid of that double chin.

-Make Use of a Combination of Various Techniques

When you use a combination of facial exercises and diet you double up the likelihood of being able to diminish fat on your face. As soon as you strengthen up those cheekbone muscles you will lose cheek fat, however you will see even better results when you mutate your eating patterns and include facial exercise into your plan.

Desire a double chin reduction or else even a double chin elimination? Respect the double chin exercises we’ve told you about on a daily basis, being positive to also include an simple to follow fat burning agenda and you will lose face fat will help you reduce double chin.

Posted in Workouts & Routines0 Comments

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