Archive | November, 2016

1 MR – What’s In It And How Does It Compare To The Market Leading Preworkout?

BPI Sports 1 MR is becoming a pretty popular sports supplement these days, but how do the ingredients compare to other sports supplements on the market. 1 MR claims to have three times the dose of other preworkout supplements like Jack3d, but does this really add up?

Is this supplement more of the same or something to be excited about?

1 MR contains a laundry list of ingredients that are packed into a 5.5g scoop. This makes it suspect that any one ingredient can have the desired potency. Additionally, there are only 28 scoops per bottle, making it much less of a value to other supplements like Jack3d and Anadraulic State GT. In fact, Anadraulic State GT has almost three times the active ingredients per scoop, which makes it a much better value.

1 MR contains L-Arginine Alpha Ketogluterate as its first ingredient, making it a NO based pump type product. This really doesn’t make it an effective creatine preworkout product, since you need 3-6g of creatine minimum to have a positive effect. Arginine AKG does have value as a NO potentiator, but NO products have been shown to not add to muscle mass or muscle size. Only higher doses of creatine can do that, NO products are really meant to help you look good after you do the basics.

If you are trying to gain size and mass, you need more creatine than 1MR provides per scoop. Even USP Jack3d has 1.5g per scoop and Anadraulic State GT has over 3g per scoop. Based on the ingredient order which is based on ingredient amount, 1 MR is estimated to only contain 500mg of creatine, meaning you would need 6 scoops to get the full serving of 3g per day. Jack3d contains an estimated 1.5g of creatine, meaning you would need only 2 scoops to reach the active dose I recommend while Anadraulic State GT contains 3g of creatine per scoop, meaning you get the full dose of creatine in 1 scoop.

All three formula’s contain Beta Alanine, which is a key ingredient for buffering lactic acid. As for stimulants, both Jack3d and 1 MR contain caffeine and 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, while Anadraulic State GT contains Synephrine and caffeine.

What’s missing from 1MR is simple carbohydrates, which are necessary for weight gain. Additionally, the formula doesn’t have any anabolic amino acids like Leucine or Hydrolyzed Amino Acids. These are used to build mass and strength. Leucine is the most anabolic amino acid out of them all and causes muscle growth and strength. Hydrolyzed amino acids are simply partially digested proteins that get almost immediately into the blood stream giving you an immediate pool of amino acids to build muscle.

1 MR does contain 300mg per serving of caffeine, making it nearly impossible in our opinion for anyone to take more than one scoop. Sure, caffeine will make you amped in the gym, but caffeine isn’t good for real muscle building and you wouldn’t want to take the more than one scoop. If you divided the 15 ingredients in 1 MR by a 5.5g scoop you get less than 400mg of any active ingredient. I am sure there are ingredients that are much higher than that, but the point is that you need more than 5.5g to build muscle.

You also need more than just stimulation in a preworkout to build muscle and 7 out of the 15 ingredients are used for stimulants in 1 MR, not for building size and gaining weight!

To build mass, you need both stimulation AND nutrients to get the most out of your pre-workout. 1 MR is light, in our estimation, on the nutrients and heavy on the stimulants. So, if all you want is to get wired, then it is great.

1 MR is a decent formula, but it doesn’t contain some key elements for muscle growth like enough creatine, anabolic amino acids and simple carbohydrates. As a NO product, it doesn’t have an arginase inhibitor, which make NO products active.

Preworkout formulas like Anadraulic State GT contain Leucine, a large dose of creatine and hydrolyzed amino acids, making it a better value for the money. I am sure that you probably get a huge stimulant effect from 1MR though, so if you value stimulation in the gym vs building mass then 1MR is for you. If you are more concerned with building mass then products like Anadraulic State GT or Jack3d are more your style.

So, it simply comes down to personal preference. If you want to get shaky and jittery in the gym and feel the highest stimulant possible, then 1 MR is for you. If you want to build more mass and gain more strength, then look to Anadraulic State GT. The choice is yours!

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Kidney Diet Secrets That Can Reverse Chronic Kidney Failure

There was a time when the main remedy for advanced kidney failure was kidney dialysis, which — although effective — requires regular repetition and is highly inconvenient.

So it’s exciting to see there have been some very promising reports by leading kidney disease researchers, who have published articles in highly regarded, peer-reviewed medical journals about their success in reversing kidney disease by using a specially designed kidney diet.

More recently, recent research by Dr Charles Mobs, PhD, at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, found a diet with quite high levels of fat, but restricted carbohydrates and with only moderate consumption of protein can actually reverse kidney failure in as little as two months. In fact it has been found that just four weeks on the diet may be enough to reverse the slide down to kidney failure.

The key secret of a kidney failure diet is based around the certain kidney disease diet restrictions. These include:


Salt or sodium.



Whilst these items are still permissible in a kidney failure diet menu, the amounts need to be strictly controlled, depending on the degree of damage that has occurred to the kidneys. This is because the ability of a damaged kidney to excrete excess amounts of these substances is limited. For example, healthy kidneys can deal with as much as 4700 milligrams of potassium, whilst a person with kidney disease should keep their daily intake strictly below 2700 milligrams. The Recommended Daily Allowance for potassium for healthy folks is set at 3,500 milligrams.

A similar restriction applies when you need to adopt a low phosphorous diet, because impaired kidneys can only reasonably handle 700 – 900 milligrams daily, compared with the up to 2,000 milligrams a day a healthy pair of kidneys can cope with.

Many folks know about the dangers of excess salt or sodium, and these are now generally well highlighted on food labels. It is recommended that you eat no more than 2,400 milligrams of salt or sodium daily. Unfortunately, it’s very easy to exceed this by a very wide margin, because salt is found in virtually all processed foods and even in the most unlikely places, such as breakfast cereals and even top brands of mineral water.

Generally, a healthy pair of kidneys will be able to dump any excess, although constant high levels bring with it the danger of raised blood pressure — which, in turn — can damage the kidneys.

But, if you are on a chronic kidney failure diet, salt consumption needs to be strictly controlled to between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams a day, from all sources, depending on your level of kidney impairment. This is to avoid a harmful build up of salt which can result in fluid building up in the lungs, making it very hard to breathe and even bringing about heart failure, due to overworking the heart by excess fluid in the bloodstream.

Excessive protein consumption is one of the possible causes of kidney disease. So, not only is the amount of protein consumed when on a renal failure diet important, so is the quality.

And, if you have been depressed by all this gloom about what you can’t eat, let’s now celebrate all the mouthwatering treats that you can feast on whilst on a kidney failure diet plan.

Chief amongst those is one of the highest forms of quality protein: oily fish, such as delicious salmon. This is rich in Omega 3 oils, which was shown in research by Dr Alexander Leaf of Harvard Medical School who fed fish oil to animals with kidney disease and affected a 100% cure. A 3 ounce piece of wild salmon contains 50 milligrams of sodium, 274 milligrams phosphorus and 368 milligrams of potassium.

And you can also feast on red bell peppers, which are delicious raw, stuffed with rice and herbs or roasted in olive oil. Yet a half a cup only contains 1 milligram of sodium, 10 milligrams of phosphorus and 88 milligrams of potassium. What’s more they are a very rich source of vitamin C (containing twice as much as a green pepper). They also contain vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. The red color also shows they contain lycopene, an antioxidant thought to protect against certain cancers.

You can also enjoy onions in many dishes to add texture and flavor, because they are not only amongst the healthiest vegetable to eat, they are also crammed with flavonoids, especially quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that works to reduce heart disease and protects against many cancers. And onions keep you well under your kidney diet targets, containing just 3 milligrams of phosphorus, 3 milligrams of sodium and 116 milligrams of potassium in 1/2 a cup. Onions are also a good source of chromium, a mineral that helps with the efficient metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein.

And the even more exciting news is the development of diets, based on all this highly respected research has allowed some folks with end stage renal failure to actually reverse their kidney disease to such an extent they have actually managed to avoid starting kidney dialysis at all.

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Breathing Exercises – Importance of Holding Breath

Breathing exercises, such as “Pranayam”, keep you healthy by various means. In normal course we do what may be called “shallow” breathing. The lungs are neither fully expanded nor contracted. Therefore the air flow in the lungs is restricted. Breathing exercises generally increase the volume of air flow providing more oxygen and removing carbon dioxide more efficiently.

In many breathing exercises you are told to hold your breath for some time. Depending upon the exercise you may be required to hold your breath either after inhaling, or after exhaling.

How does holding the breath help?

It is not possible to empty the lungs entirely; some amount of air will be there even after exhaling “fully”. Normally there are some small pockets inside the lungs in which air tends to remain stagnant. Air inside those pockets does not join the main flow of air. It gets depleted in oxygen and fresh supply does not reach there. Blood coming in contact with air in those pockets does not get fresh oxygen and carbon dioxide is not removed from that part of blood.

When you inhale air and hold your breath in that position, the air drawn inside the lungs gets more chance of mixing with stale air in those pockets. As more time is made available for air mixing, stagnant stale air is removed and supply of fresh air goes inside those pockets. Similar action takes place when you exhale air out and hold your breath. There is reduced pressure inside the lungs which draws out the stale air. The overall effect of these actions is that entire surface of alveoli, or air sacs inside the lungs gets larger amount of fresh air.

In “Pranayam” as you continue regular practice you are expected to increase the duration of holding the breath as well as number of times you do the exercise. You should increase both, not one at the cost of the other.

Holding the breath also helps you to concentrate better. In many breathing exercises, I will again take example of “Pranayam”, you are required to concentrate on breathing and visualize the flow of air. For example as you inhale, you may be asked to visualize that you are drawing in life-force or “Prana” along with fresh oxygen. While holding the breath you may be directed to visualize that “Prana” is getting absorbed in greater quantity. When you exhale you throw out toxins as well as bad thoughts and at the same time “Prana” gets distributed in the body. Visualization has remarkable influence on the effectiveness of breathing exercises.

When you are holding your breath it is difficult to think of anything except your breathing. To that extent it helps you in directing your concentration towards yourself.

The diaphragm, like any other body muscle also needs exercise. Breathing deeply and holding your breath provide exercise for the diaphragm.

I would strongly recommend that any breathing exercise, particularly “Pranayam”, should be done under the guidance of trained persons only.

Any exercise will work better for you when you know how the exercise is helping you. Next time when you do breathing or any exercise, just be conscious of what is happening in your body and you will get better results for the same effort.

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The Best Legal Steroid Is Out There and It Works

So you want to build muscle, work out and wonder if you can find the best legal steroid out there that’s available. Well you’re in luck because there are some legal steroids and the best legal steroid doesn’t even require a prescription in the United States.

Anabolic steroids are illegal due to the dangerous side effects. Liver toxicity, hormonal problems, steroid rage are all pretty bad things. Legal steroids however do not have those side effects, but do promote muscle growth just like a steroid. The best legal steroid I’ve heard about is Mesobolin or Tridenosen.

Mesobolin is the best legal steroid alternative. It is also a great replacement for anabolic steroids that have too many dangerous side effects. Mesobolin is a combination of two prescription only anabolic agents. One is derived from a plant that stimulates protein synthesis as good as the steroid Dianabol. The protein synthesis with Mesobolin is actually executed more quickly.

The new steroid on the block and one that is gaining fans in Europe and Australia is Tridenosen. It may be the best legal steroid out there because of all it does. It is not an anabolic steroid as it does not affect hormones with anabolic effects. Tridenosen has terrific retention properties and increases the production of natural hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and others. It is anabolic, thermogenic, and increases blood supply to skeletal muscles. The main reason Tridenosen is amazing is the main component which is ATP or adenosine triphosphate. It provides high levels of cellular energy which in turn promotes a high amount of protein synthesis.

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Foods That Relieve Constipation Also Help Prevent Bowel Impaction

Foods that relieve constipation should be eaten on a regular basis by anyone that has bowel impaction or problems going to the bathroom without straining. Straining when going to the bathroom has actually caused a heart attack in many people over the years.

You do not have to be a victim if you just eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and less of the foods that cause constipation on a daily basis. A heart attack is not the only health problem you can develop as a result from being constipated.

Chronic Constipation can lead to many other health problems:

— Bowel Impaction

— Re-absorption of toxins into the bloodstream

— Headaches

— Malnutrition

— Indigestion

— Hemorrhoids from straining

— Varicose veins

— Diverticulosis

— Irritability

— Bowel cancer

— Auto immune diseases

— Abdominal pains

— Depression

— Weight gain

I know I sure don’t want any of the symptoms listed above. If you suffer from any of the symptoms on the list, then you would greatly benefit by eating more of the foods that are on the foods that relieve constipation list below, and avoid doing the things, and eating the foods that cause constipation that I have also listed below.

Foods that relieve constipation

— Psyllium husks

— Ground Flax seeds

— Okra

— Prunes

— Dates

— Extra Virgin Olive Oil

— Potatoes

— Lettuce

— Onions

— Carrots

— Green peppers

— Apples

— Pears

— Oranges

— Grapefruits

— Grapes

— Strawberries

— Beans

— Other fruits and vegetables

Causes of constipation

— Eating refined foods like white flour that contain no fiber.

— Eating a lot of Cheeses


— Pizza

— Cookies

— Drinking sodas and sugary drinks

— Eating a lot of Meat (meat has no fiber in it)

— Getting dehydrated

— Overeating nuts and seeds (soaking Raw nuts overnight in water will help but they are not as tasty)

— Drugs or Medications

— Improper diet

— Not going when you feel the urge and “holding it in” because you are not close to a bathroom or think you are too busy.

Over the years we have discovered that the same foods that relieve constipation, are also the same foods that are very healthy for you. The reason they are so healthy is that they contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and they are high in fiber. Also if you eat them raw (except beans and potatoes) they will also contain living enzymes that aid in digestion.

Let me just go over with you a few of the worst foods to eat if you are trying to relieve constipation.


Cheeses are very clogging to your digestive track. Every time I eat cheese, or meals containing cheese, it feels like my stomach turns into a knot, and I usually feel clogged up with stomach pains for a few days until it has worked his way back out of my system.

However I have been on a healthy diet program for a long time now, so my digestive track is used to processing and eliminating my foods without them getting clogged up in my intestines.

But, if you have been eating cheese and other clogging foods for a long time, you might be used to the feeling of having a clogged up digestive track, and most people in the United States have been eating this way their whole lives so they don’t know what it feels like to not have digestive pains of some type.

White bread

Just about every sandwich, every burger on a bun, dinner roles, cakes, cookies, pies, pizza, pasta, and fast food biscuits, can cause constipation, especially if they are eaten alone without enough of the foods that relieve constipation also being eaten at the same meal.

This is because they contain very little fiber in them. Any time you eat constipating type foods, you should balance it out by eating foods that are high in fiber that I have listed above.


Pizza is another food that usually takes a long time to move through the digestive tract. Pizza is also another food that has almost no fiber in. Cheese and white bread are two of the main foods that will clog down your digestive tract. And pizza contains both.

How to avoid constipation:

— Stay hydrated by drinking enough pure water, raw fruit juices and raw vegetable juices.

— Stop or cut way down on eating refined foods. (They glue us down inside)

— Eat a lot more of the foods that relieve constipation that I have listed above.

If you are constipated, then you have food that is stuck in your intestines. This food that is stuck in your intestines starts to rot more and more the longer it is in your body.

Constipation is unhealthy for the body, especially if you are eating toxic, artificial chemical containing foods, or foods that you are intolerant to. Many people have food allergies that they might not know about that can cause many different types of symptoms.

To avoid constipation, make sure that you are not eating refined starches that have had the fiber removed like white rice, pastas, breads, tortillas, and biscuits. Also when eating any type of starch, you want the meal to have enough oil in it. Extra virgin olive or coconut oil are good clean sources of oil to use.

The more oil in the meal the less chance of constipation. But too much oil will zap your energy. Also you will want to eat enough fiber containing vegetables (but not fruits) with any starch-based meal.

If you eat more raw fruit smoothies for breakfast, then the high water content (the pulp of the orange, grapes, or Grapefruit) and the fiber in pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries should keep things moving and rinsed out.

Also smoothies are blended into a liquid, which also helps to avoid constipation. Another good meal to eat to relieve constipation is to make a soup with many neutral vegetables, add some okra (okra is kind of slippery in texture) and then blend it into an emulsion with some Extra Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil. These liquid type meals rarely ever get stuck inside your digestive tract.

If you eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and cut out the constipating ones, you will have better chances of not developing bowel impaction. If you already have bowel impaction, you might be able to slowly reverse it by eating more of the foods that relieve constipation.

What exactly is bowel impaction?

Bowel impaction is where a mass of food gets stuck inside your intestines and turns into a hard lump that doesn’t come out. This lump of hard fecal matter then starts to rot. Then other foods that you eat later still has to be eliminated eventually, so they just have to go around the hard mass to get out. Your body might then develop chronic diarrhea to try and deal with the situation.

Bowel impaction can lead to the bowels becoming enlarged, which can then put too much pressure on the veins that are near the colon that are coming from various organs and muscles in the body.

Your organs need a fresh steady blood supply to function properly. You want all of your organs to work as they should if you want to stay healthy. Also high blood pressure can be because you have too many of your veins being pinched off. This is how varicose veins are formed. This is also how hemorrhoids are formed.

Just think of a water hose, if you pinch of the end of it, the pressure builds up and makes the hose expand. If you have high blood pressure because of veins being pinched off, then your heart will have to work harder to pump the blood through them.

By eating more of the foods that relieve constipation on a daily basis, you will feel better, you will become more regular in your bowel movements, and you will not have to worry as much about developing a more serious disease in the future that is caused from being chronically constipated.

I know that eating refined foods, candy, cakes, crackers, cheese, and pizzas are very tasty, but they cause constipation in many people. It is just not worth it to destroy our health by eating an unhealthy diet on a consistent basis. Also, once you cut out all the junk, and only eat healthy foods for a period of time, your taste buds will adapt, and the healthy foods will actually start to taste good.

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The Disadvantages Of HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training)

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a beneficial style of fitness training that involves switching between high intensity and medium to low intensity exercise intervals for a period of 5-30 minutes. Studies have shown that it can substantially increase your cardio fitness, lower your body fat levels and much more. However, despite its many benefits, HIIT does have its critics. This article will focus on these criticisms and list some of the main disadvantages of HIIT.

1 – It Has A Relatively High Injury Risk

HIIT is one of the most challenging cardio exercises around and pushes your body to its limits. This large amount of pressure that HIIT places on your body makes injuries much more likely compared with gentle cardio exercises such as cycling or swimming. While you can easily stay injury free by warming up properly and allowing your body to rest when it needs to, this elevated injury risk is still something to bear in mind.

2 – It’s Not Suitable For Beginners

As mentioned above, HIIT is extremely challenging and requires a very high level of fitness. If you’re just getting started on your fitness journey or your current levels of fitness are low, HIIT won’t be suitable for you.

3 – It’s Not Specific

If you want to train for a specific sport or fitness discipline, HIIT won’t be enough on its own. While HIIT is a great option for getting a quick workout and blasting through calories, it doesn’t develop the specific skills that are necessary for many sports and fitness disciplines. So if you want to become a better runner or improve your sporting performance, you’ll need to combine your HIIT workouts with a more focused training program.

4 – It Has Longer Recovery Times

One final disadvantage of HIIT compared with other styles of cardio is that it takes longer for your body to fully recover from a workout. While you may be able to perform 5 minute HIIT sessions daily without needing an extended recovery period, a 30 minute HIIT session is likely to require 2-3 days before your body fully recuperates.


While HIIT isn’t the perfect fitness tool that many people portray it to be, it can still be a valuable addition to your fitness regime. By combining HIIT with a more specific, less intense training program and making sure you give your body plenty of time to recover, you can enjoy all its benefits and negate many of the disadvantages highlighted in this article.

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Benefits and Side-Effects of Creatine Monohydrate

Before we get into a detailed analysis of the benefits and side-effects of creatine monohydrate, let us define what creatine actually is. Creatine is a natural substance, which is produced mainly in the liver and its main storage is in the muscle tissue, skeletal muscle and a minor percentage is located in other organs of the human body like the testicles. It is actually the result of a combination of three amino acids: glycine, methionine and arginine and it is transported via the blood circulation throughout the muscle cells.

An external source of creatine is our daily diet. Creatine was named after the Greek word creas, which means meat. As you understand, food that contains meat is a valuable source of creatine. However, other foods like fish, dairy or dry fruits are also rich in creatine.

Creatine as a supplement is to be found in different forms. Nevertheless, it’s most popular form between athletes and especially weightlifters and bodybuilders is creatine monohydrate. Monohydrate contains a high percentage of pure creatine and therefore it is much more effective and nutritionally valuable.


Creatine monohydrate helps increase strength, endurance and muscle mass. In most athletes the results are almost immediate and reports indicate that a 10% of strength increase is possible in the first couple of weeks.

Side Effects

Scientific research over the last years showed that creatine doesn’t cause any serious side-effects. However, overdose can lead to various complications such as kidney or liver dysfunctions. It is also recommended that people with allergies should avoid creatine.

Creatine monohydrate intake should be accompanied with plenty of water intake. This supplement withholds water inside the muscle cells. So keeping your body sufficiently hydrated during the day is important in order to avoid potential complications like dehydration.

Unlike other supplements in taking the right dosage of creatine monohydrate is very critical. Normally, you will start with a “filling” period of one week, where you will take 20 grams daily. In the second stage, which is called “maintenance phase” you will take five grams a day. The whole cycle will not last more than four to six weeks. After that a “pause period” of one or two months must follow. The exact dosage guideline can vary between different brands, but the general rule is pretty much the same.

Unfortunately creatine got a bad reputation. Many people wrongly connect it with steroids. Such a statement is actually totally ridiculous if you take into consideration all the above written in addition to all the scientific studies regarding creatine.

Keep those muscles pumping!

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Gout: How To Control It – Dietary Management In Gout

The main three primary objectives of gout management are:

(i) quick relief from the inflammatory condition,

(ii) to stop recurring attack, and

(iii) to lower the rate of deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints and to increase the rate of excretion of it through urine.

Dietary management in gout

In this disease, although some relief from the pain can be achieved by temporarily excreting out uric acid from the body by medicine, but total cure is not possible. It is only by restriction of the diet, that is, by proper diet control that relief from gout can be obtained. The primary condition of this diet control is to have only purine-less foods. But one may take foods containing very less amount of purine as well. If the amount of daily intake of purine can be restricted to 100 – 150 mg, then the symptoms of gout and hyper-uricaemia will be considerably less. The following chart shows the level of purine in different types of foods:

Purine level maximum (150 – 825 mg / 100 g )- to be avoided completely:

Liver, kidney, red meat, shellfish, herring, sardine, meat extract, gravy, broth, chopped meat, sweet bread, soyabean, rajma, lentil, alcoholic drinks (specially beer and wine).

Purine level medium (50 – 150 mg / 100 g)- can be taken occasionally:

Wholegrain bread, spinach, grains, cauliflower, peas, mushroom, asparagus, oatmeal, wheatgerm & bran, chicken, sweet-water fishes.

Purine level minimum (0 – 50 mg / 100 g)- can be taken plentifully:

Tea, coffee, soda, refined cereal, egg, cheese, milk, nuts, cream soup, macaroni/noodles, fruits & fruit-juices, vegetables, butter, vegetable oil.

Food policy in gout

Since carbohydrate meal is very helpful to increase the amount of urate excretion, therefore, 50 – 55% of the total calorie content of the diet of any gout patient should come from carbohydrate foods. The amount of protein intake should be restricted to 1g / kg ideal body weight. The amount of fat intake should also be controlled. Only 30% of the total calorie should come from fat. The amount of cholesterol, anyway, should not exceed 300 mg / day.

Generally, majority of those who suffer from gout or hyper-uricaemia also suffer from the problem of obesity. So to keep the disease under control, it is necessary to keep the body-weight under control. For this, it is required to cut short the daily calorie requirement by 400 – 500 calories.

Beside these, it is to be seen that there are adequate amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus in the daily diet chart. It is required to control the uric acid level in the blood and to eradicate the chance of kidney stone. It is necessary to drink at least 3 – 4 litres of water daily. Vegetables, fruit juice, milk and milk-products are very useful in this case.

Foods that can be taken in gout

* refined cereal & cereal products, cornflakes, bread, flour, arrowroot, sago, suji, tapioca, noodles, rice, rice flour, etc. — 150 – 250 g

* milk, milk products, cheese, paneer

* egg (1no.), linfish/linmeat (30 g, 3 – 5 times/week)

* potato, carrot, garlic, onion, cabbage, pumkin, capsicum, gourd, etc.

* guava, tomato, amla, cucumber, melon, papaya, apple

* giletin, sweets, dessert, pudding

* butter, vegetable oil, olive oil (10 – 30 g/day)

* tea, coffee, cocoa, fruit juice, vegetable juice, pure drinking water.

But if the condition of gout is too severe, then beside avoiding high and medium purine containing foods, egg, butter, cheese and fries should also be avoided.

Do tea & coffee increase the uric acid level?

Many people think that tea and coffee should be completely avoided in gout since both of them contain purine. But, in actuality, the purine present in tea or coffee does no harm in gout. Because, tea or coffee contains methylated purine, which gets converted to methyl uric acid. It does not get deposited in the body, but is excreted out through urine.

A sample diet chart to control gout


* breakfast cereal/bread + jam/butter

* apple pudding

* tea/coffee

Before noon:

* cucumber + orange juice


* rice/chapatti

* vegetable (potato-pumkin curry or gourd curry)

* small fish/paneer

* white curd


* mixed fruit salad


* vegetable pulao

* cucumber + tomato salad

* pudding/custard

This is a sample diet chart. But considering the individual health condition, age, body weight, height and ability to work, for the actual diet chart, it is needed to consult a specialist.


It is very dangerous to fast completely in order to lose body weight in gout, since due to fasting the fat deposited in the body starts breaking down which creates pressure on the liver. Moreover, the nucleic acid in the cell breaks down and increases the uric acid level in the blood. Due to higher rate of fat metabolism, the chance of severe gout condition increases very much. Apart from these, the lactic acid level in the blood may increase and complicate the condition more. It is also essential to control the blood sugar level always.

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Hiking – A Great Fitness Tool

Hiking is a great way to get your exercise that takes you to beautiful scenery you won’t experience on a treadmill. Whether you are heading out for a two-hour hike or all afternoon, it is always important to remember to be prepare for your outing!

Experts say no matter if the trail you are heading out on is one you are familiar with or a new adventure, you should always have a compass as well as a map. If you don’t have a map of the area, I would highly recommend heading to the local Chamber of Commerce as they usually have all sorts of maps and information about the trails in the area. Another great resource, of course, is looking online for what is available in the area you are hiking. Where I live in Washington state, we have a fabulous website provided by Tri County Economic Development District that informs any visitor, as well as the locals who wants to learn more about trails in the area, about the various trails they can find including the different types of any trails such as ATV, bicycle, hiking, horseback, etc. So make sure to do your research to find the perfect trail for you!

Next we need to pack a backpack of basic supplies. This, of course, depends on the number of hours you plan on being out, but things you should always carry with you in your backpack are a First-aid kit, sunscreen, lip balm, flashlight, matches in a waterproof container or a lighter, knife, sunglasses, a light jacket, water (along with water purifying tablets), and snacks. If you have room, I would suggest packing food, warm clothes, and a tarp for staying overnight just in case.

To break it down a little more, let’s talk about what you might want to carry in your First-aid kit. Obviously you can’t carry a whole medicine cabinet, but you should make sure to have a good First-aid kit stocked with supplies that will be useful should you have to use it during a hike. While there are lots of good pre-made kits you can purchase from REI, Cabela’s, Academy, or even Walmart, you can also create your own First-aid kit and keep it in your vehicle to use whenever you might need it. I personally purchased a small fanny pack and made my own First-aid kit that is easy to snap on under my backpack and has everything I need conveniently located in one place without having to take up room in my backpack.

As for the basics you need to carry in your First-aid kit, there are a variety of supplies you can pick up to ensure you are ready for every emergency. To treat cuts, I would suggest carrying an assortment of adhesive bandages, including regular band aids, an assortment of sterile gauze pads (various sizes), small and large knuckle joint bandages, butterfly closures, medical tape, and fingertip bandages. In order to prepare and care for the wounds, your kit should also include hand cleansing wipes, alcohol pads, and triple-antibiotic ointment.

To be prepared for those surprise insect stings, you should make sure to take along sting-relief wipes and allergy-relief tablets such as Benadryl, the pink one. It is also highly recommended to take some additional medications along with you such as antacid tablets, Motrin, and Tylenol. You can purchase these in individual packs or small 30 tablet forms. For those pesky blisters that sometimes form, it is recommended to include Moleskin in your pack or you might have the worse hiking trip ever. Along with these items, some additional items you need to include are disposable gloves, forehead temperature strips, scissors, tweezers, and an emergency blanket. While you don’t have to carry a lot of supplies, I would highly recommend several of each to be prepared for whatever mishaps may happen.

Lastly, let’s take a look at your snack list and what you might want to carry to give you that extra energy boost should you need it! For a quick fix, there are a variety of energy bars and energy chews or gels, one of my favorites being my NeoLife Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter bar that contains 10g protein, 5g fiber, and 320mg Omega-3s from flaxseed. If you have never had energy chews or gels, I would recommend trying them before you head out to ensure you like them. Additional easy snacks to bring along that don’t require a lot of space in your backpack are pretzels, granola bars, trail mix, and jerky. For a good lunch that is compact and easy to bring along you might consider a ready-made tuna salad pouch or maybe whip up a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

This article is meant to be a quick overview of a couple of the essentials you need to have a good hike. I encourage you to do more research should you be heading out for a day long trip to make sure you are as prepared as you can be for your adventure. Happy Hiking!

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Writing is Like a Muscle

Think about the last time you started a physical activity, one using muscles you had not used much before. You started out feeling fine, but the next day, you were sore. Those muscles were protesting their initial use. But you enjoyed the activity, so you continued to use those muscles. And gradually or quickly, the strain decreased, the muscles grew stronger, and you were able to do more.

Writing is like a muscle because writing involves many developing many skills — from understanding grammar to understanding purpose and audience — skills that need practice in order for you, the writer, to become proficient. When you start writing, your writing muscles are unaccustomed to that activity, so you ache afterwards. This ache could translate into over critical evaluations of the work produced (probably valid), unfulfilled expectations that the writing would be easier than it actually was, or frustration that the activity took so much more time than expected with much less produced than hoped for.


Lew Hunter talks of “training-wheel screenplays”: those first four or five screenplays that are truly awful but that you need to write in order to learn enough to write a fairly good script. These first scripts should never be shown to anyone because they are embarrassing.

Every writer has a time of producing training-wheel material, whether short stories or novels, articles or books, or short stories or novels; however, we are so proud of our accomplishment — we actually finished something — that we show it to everyone. Most readers are polite, perhaps even encouraging (mothers can be like that); some will say, “It needs work.” That is all part of building the writing muscles.

Realize that practice is essential to building muscle. That practice takes time and effort, focus and concentration, and much patience on your part. You must allow yourself time to grow those skills and confidence to the next level. Proficiency only comes with much dedicated practice and focused effort.

Refrain from too much self-criticism at the beginning stages of your development. Do not become discouraged at your first feeble attempts at your craft. We all start out as poor writers; with practice, we become better writers. Eventually, we can become professional writers, if that desire is strong enough.

Do not make the mistake I did. In my early writing career, when I was trying to decide the genres to focus on, I would write something and send it out. The rejection came back with boomerang swiftness. With each rejection, I would jump to another type of writing, figuring that rejection indicated my talent for the genre. The result was that I never stayed with any one kind of writing long enough to become proficient in it.

I finally realized that all this jumping around was not the best course of action, so I chose a few types of writing that I had enjoyed (writing books, writing about travel and writing, writing screenplays) and focused on developing those muscles (skills) specific to each type of writing. Eventually I became good enough to be published or to win awards, but I worked hard, spending a lot of time and effort to reach that point of proficiency.

One benefit of all that jumping around was that I learned about many types of writing, and I learned to write better out of sheer practice of writing. Writing is always good practice for better writing, no matter the genre you write.


The more you exercise that writing muscle, the stronger it becomes. The more writing practice you put in, the better writer you will become. The stronger the muscle becomes, the more you will be able to perform more complicated, challenging tasks. You will feel confident at tackling larger and more complicated projects. So you can move from writing short blog posts to short 10 page e-books and eventually to writing 100 to 200 page book manuscripts.

The old adage is true: “practice makes perfect.” For writing, since no writing is ever perfect (a topic for another article), we will amend the adage to “practice makes improvement.”

Exercising the writing muscles is hard work, at least at first, but the whole process does become easier — with practice. The key to success is constant, daily (or as often as possible) writing. And write projects that really spark your interest, so you can sustain your writing efforts through the frustrating times.

Granted, some people do hit success with their first attempt at a genre, but most of us need that practice before we are good enough to be recognized for our accomplishments.


As you become a better writer, you will find other writers who agree to read and critique your efforts (I am not talking about your mother or close friends or relatives, unless they are truly qualified). You may join a writing group, or you may just find friends who are also good writers.

As your writing is critiqued by these qualified readers, you will learn even more, especially about those issues particular to your writing — your “favorite” grammar errors or lazy ways you put words and sentences together. You will learn to tighten your writing. You will learn techniques to create better ideas and better ways to express those ideas.

Regardless of the pain and frustration of building up your writing muscle, trudge on. Continue to write; play with different types of writing; play with writing for different audiences and age groups; eventually, you will stumble upon your best fit for your writing. Actually writing is the only way you will achieve that level of proficiency so that your writing is taken seriously.

To get to that level, practice writing– stretching the writing muscle is essential. Write in a journal or write a blog about your hobby or passion. Write novels and stories and screenplays for you alone as the audience. But write. And then write some more.

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