Archive | November, 2016

9 Things Every Beginner Should Know Before Starting Karate Lessons

Here is a list of 9 tips every beginner should know when starting karate lessons. If you know these tips going in you will have more knowledge than 95% of all beginners. When people first begin their martial arts training they have preconceived thoughts about what they will be doing in a typical karate class. Although the tips I mention might vary slightly between schools, if you know this information ahead of time you can’t go wrong!

1. It is common courtesy to address instructors as sir, ma’am, or sensei. By doing this you show that you have respect for the instructor and you understand the discipline side of the martial arts. Karate lessons will help you learn discipline and respect as you gain experience as a martial artist.

2. A karate school is often referred to as a Dojo, Dojang, school, or training hall. Dojo is short for dojang and it simply means a place where people gather to train in the martial arts.

3. Bowing is a sign of mutual respect towards another person. Many Americans relate “bowing” to bowing down to authority or that someone is better than they are. This is not at all the case in the martial arts, it’s a mutual sign of respect. Depending on how traditional the school is, you should bow when you enter and leave the training hall, when you start and finish class, and when speaking with your instructor. This will vary by school so don’t be afraid to ask.

4. Always be polite and respectful to others. This should be a mantra you live by anyway; however, in a martial arts training hall its a rule! Lose your ego, treat others as you wish to be treated, you know, the basics. Once you walk through the door and enter the dojo, you are no longer a doctor, mom, dad, lawyer, cashier, etc., you are a student.

5. Watch a class before signing up so you see what is taught at the school. This is a common mistake by beginners, they sign up for the first place they visit only to realize this was not the type of training they were looking for. If the instructor is extremely pushy and won’t let you watch a class or try one for free, this should be a sign. I realize schools have to make money, every business does! If your program is great you won’t have to pressure people into signing up!

6. Have the right attitude- martial arts is not about “kicking someones butt”! Karate lessons will build confidence and help to build self-esteem. It’s a great workout and it will help you lose weight and get in shape, all of this is true! The goal is to learn how to be a strong martial artist and if you have to defend yourself you need to be good at it. Protecting yourself and your family, absolutely! Training to start fights and kick butt, not at all! Now, don’t get me wrong, fighting in the ring is not only great experience, it allows you to put your skills to the test in the right forum, not on the street for fun.

7. You must be open to learning- if you already know everything why are you there? Many younger students come in with the attitude that they already know a lot based on practicing what they see on TV. You may know a few things based on research and that is great; however, to improve you must be open to learning. The day will soon come where you test for your next rank and have plenty of time to show your skills.

8. Work hard and always do your best! Martial arts will help you to push your boundaries and do things you never thought were possible. By working hard and safely pushing yourself you will expand your mind and body and grow as a martial artist. The more you give, the more you will get in return!

9. Help others as you grow and develop as a martial artist. Part of learning and improving your life is also giving back to others. I don’t mean you should walk around and correct everyone and be a know it all, that is not the point. But I do mean helping others achieve their goals, improve techniques, and become better martial artists.

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How HGH Cuts Fat Without Exercise

Human growth hormone [HGH] does more than just cause the loss of fat. The

typical weight loss programs today result not only in the loss of fat but

also in many cases the loss of body mass. With HGH therapy there is not only

the loss of fat but also the replacement of fat with muscle which is why in

some cases people actually gain weight to their greater advantage of the more

sculpted body and better health. Human growth hormone actually recontours

your body which results in a younger and better functioning you.

Once we get into our mid thirties there is this evolution that accelerates

from a nicely chiseled body towards more of a blob like shape. Our lean body

mass ( LBM ) including all of our organs begin to shrivel while fat mass also

known as adipose mass increases. In fact, between the ages of 30 and 75

organs such as the brain, kidneys, liver, and pancreas atrophy by up to 30.

It is now a well known medical fact that this increase in fat significantly

increases the risk for heart attack, hypertension, and diabetes and even

contributes towards cancer.

The first long-term studies with HGH were done by doctor Rudman in 1989 in

saint Thomas hospital in London on 24 adults with growth hormone deficiency.

Half the group was given a placebo while the other group was put on human

growth hormone. After six months those on growth hormone had lost an average

of 12.5 pounds of fat and gained an average of 12.1 pounds of lean body mass

which was mostly muscle. The study would not be so significant if was only

related to the fact that the study was on those with diseased or removed

pituitary glands since this would only be limited to a few thousand people in

the United States.

The fact that is significant here is that this is

indicative of a lack of human growth hormone which almost everyone

experiences as they age. Rudman’s study showed that young adults with

pituitary disease are the same as elderly men and women. Rudman did a six

month treatment on men between the ages of 60 and 81 giving them human growth

hormone. These men gained an average of 8.8 in fat mass. Also, their skin

density thickened 7.1 and 17. In a follow-up study, it was found after twelve

months of treatment with growth hormone there was additional increase with

lean body mass increasing by 6, skin thickness by up to 4 growth of a liver

and 23 acceleration in the rate of fat loss that was beyond the effects of

diet alone. In fact the latest studies from Sweden now show that growth

hormone is the most effective treatment to get rid of the middle age spread

and all the disease conditions that arise with it.

In the past 35 years we’ve gone from having ¼ of U.S. citizens being fat to 1/

3 in 1980 to now a majority of 2/3’s in 2004. Fat men have pulsatile release

of growth hormone that is three times lower compared with normal weight men

and make 25 or more gain it back. In a six month treatment of growth hormone

deficient adults at Sahlgrenska hospital there was an overall 20 compared

with 13 central deep layer body fat and 6.1 total body fat. The placebo group

gained fat during the same period. Also, there was improved glucose intake,

lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and lower blood pressure.

Central belly fat appears to be the major culprit in producing insulin

resistance. This kind of resistance also known as diabetes type 2 is now in

academic proportions in the U.S. and is directly related to obesity. Because

HGH is so effective at sucking out this underlying gut fat insulin

sensitivity is improved and allows the body to get rid of the blood sugar

more effectively. If you are now obese HGH is a proven product for getting

rid of your fat in the areas where it is so threatening to your health. In

fact, it has been shown that using HGH will not only cause one to lose

significant weight but also to gain muscle and even look and feel decades


In older studies it appeared that growth hormone countered the effects of

insulin on the metabolism of glucose which made people more insulin resistant.

There was increased insulin resistance in patients after six weeks of

treatment with growth hormone. However six months studies show that insulin

sensitivity returns to where it was before treatment. Also, large studies

with growth hormone show there is no increased incidence of diabetes. This is

because of the profound changes in body composition after six months which

induces greater insulin sensitivity due to the removal of abdominal fat. When

you use growth hormone it tends to direct the action of insulin towards

putting sugar into the cardiac, muscle, and nerve cells, rather than into the

fat cells.

Why in the world one go for things like stomach stapling and all the other

crazy gimmicks which often have terrible side effects when HGH will do a far

better job? A Belgium Physician, Thierry Hertoghe, made careful body

measurements before and after two months of treatment with growth hormone and

recorded 23 to 30% shrinkage in the love handles of older people. Not only is

there shrinkage of the abdomen but that the underside of the thigh gets

thinner, while the upper side gets thicker with more muscle. The belly

buttons of most of his patients moved up by more than 1 inch after two months

of growth hormone treatment. The skin that hangs from the upper arm of a

woman is a signal of the loss of growth hormone. When a woman receives enough

growth hormone this hanging skin from the upper arm tightens back to a normal

more attractive appearance.

Growth hormone increases the free fatty acids which makes fat stores

available for energy production. There is a process in cells called lipolysis.

Fat cells have growth hormone receptors and when growth hormone binds to

these receptors it triggers a series of enzymatic reactions in the cell to

break down fat. Also, human growth hormone increases the overall energy

expenditure so that you burn calories faster. Growth hormone is also believed

to counter the effect of the hormone, insulin. Insulin acts kind of like the

gate opener to allow into the cells glucose, amino acids, and fats. Growth

hormone blunts the sensitivity of this gateway by opposing the action of

insulin which means far less fat is absorbed into the cell and the cell is

kept thin.

Growth Hormone also conserves nitrogen needed for the building of muscle. It

also increases protein synthesis without increasing the breakdown of proteins

in the cell. It is a well established fact that growth hormone deficient

adults that quit taking growth hormone have a significant decline in muscle

mass and strength. Human growth hormone contributes significantly towards the

building of muscle and this has been proven in the study of many different

groups including athletes, healthy young men, GH- deficient adults, and the


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Exercise On An Elliptical Trainer To Better Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a very serious chronic disease that can cause debilitating health problems if it is not effectively managed. People with diabetes are at significantly higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, eye complications and blindness, foot problems, nerve damage, foot problems, and even dental problems like gingivitis. Medications can help to keep the blood sugar at healthier levels, but all medications have their own side-effects and risks. Regular exercise like the kind you get on an elliptical trainer can help to manage your diabetes while keeping medication use to a minimum.

Exercise can be very effective in managing diabetes. Exercise helps control Type 2 diabetes in the following ways.

  1. Improves your body’s use of insulin
  2. Increases bone density and strength
  3. Lowers blood pressure
  4. Lowers LDL cholesterol
  5. Improves blood circulation
  6. Promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety
  7. Increases energy
  8. Burns excess fat which helps to maintain a healthy body weight
  9. Increases muscle strength

So how does exercise help to lower blood sugar levels? Normally, insulin is released from the pancreas when the amount of sugar in the blood increases, such as after eating. Insulin stimulates the liver and muscles to take in excess glucose. This results in a lowering of the blood sugar level. As you exercise, your body needs extra energy for fuel. Continuous moderate exercising causes your muscles take up glucose at almost 20 times the normal rate.This helps lowers blood sugar levels, and at the same time insulin levels may drop in anyone not taking insulin so the risks of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is minimized.

What is the best type of exercise for managing diabetes? Research shows that strength training has a profound impact on helping people manage their diabetes. In a recent study of Hispanic men and women, 16 weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in sugar control that are comparable to taking diabetes medication. Aerobic exercise has also been shown to be effective in managing diabetes.

A workout on an elliptical trainer can provide a vigorous aerobic workout while also strengthening major muscle groups. Moving the pedals works the thighs, glutes, hamstrings, and the shin muscles. Most elliptical trainers have moveable arms that will work the upper body muscles as well, including the chest, arms, and back muscles. By varying the amount of resistance you can emphasize either muscle strengthening or aerobic exercise.

Diabetes is a way too common chronic disease which can cause serious health problems. An exercise program on a new or used elliptical can be an effective way of managing this disease.

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The Transverse Abdominis – The Spanx of Your Abdominal Muscles

Spring is here and summer is around the corner. Many people equate this time of the year with beautiful weather, vacation, warmer temperatures, less clothing, and the beach. I think you know where I am going with this. We are entering the dreaded bathing suit season!

If you are looking to firm up your stomach, prevent or reduce low back pain, prepare for childbirth or postpartum recovery, or just want to look good on the beach, continue reading. The following article will teach you the importance of strengthening your transverse abdominis muscle so that you can begin flattening your stomach this week.

Are you wondering what the transverse abdominis is?

The transverse abdominis, also known as the TVA muscle, is the deepest innermost layer of all abdominal muscles and is located underneath your rectus abdominis (the six-pack stomach muscle). The transverse abdominis muscle runs horizontally across the abdomen and is recruited almost anytime a limb moves.

The transverse abdominis assists in the breathing process by assisting in exhalation and helps compress the internal organs. However, its main function is to activate the core musculature and stabilize the pelvis and low back prior to movement of the body. It acts as a natural “weight belt” or muscular girdle by resisting flexion of the lumbar spine. In return, the TVA keeps the cervical spine in a neutral position during core training and helps to improve posture, muscle balance, and stabilization. A strong TVA provides a solid foundation for any movement.

So why care about the transverse abdominis?

Since the TVA acts as a muscular girdle, it stabilizes your pelvis and provides more support against outside forces. It protects against repetitive physical stresses from various motions your body makes such as twisting, bending, running, squatting, etc. A strong TVA will help you transfer force more efficiently through the muscles, rather than through your back and joints, thus aiding in the prevention and reduction of aches and pains caused by related forces.

That all sounds good, but what about that bikini/beach ready body that was mentioned in the first part of this article?

Not only does a developed transverse abdominis muscle help protect your back and joints during movement, but a strong and well developed TVA also equates to a tighter, slimmer waist.

How does the TVA aid in a flatter stomach and what is the difference between the rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis muscles?

If you have ever seen a fit individual with a washboard or “six-pack” stomach, they most likely have very developed rectus abdominis muscles. The rectus abdominis muscle is the most superficial of all abdominal muscles. It runs vertically and has the main role of flexing the body forward. Whenever these muscles are developed, they grow outward. This can be good, but depending on your total body fat percentage, this can also be bad. If you have a very low body fat percentage, this can create the infamous six pack stomach look. However, if you have a higher body fat content and a layer of fat over these muscles, your stomach may look as if it bulges outward. It may not even matter that your rectus abdominis muscles are well developed and strong. If there is fat over these muscles, you will look more bulky in your stomach region. Building your rectus abdominis muscle and not focusing on strengthening other areas is analogous to letting out your belt.

While the rectus abdominis muscle responds to strengthening exercises by developing outward, the transverse abdominis muscle develops inward and in effect, as mentioned earlier, is analogous to tightening your belt or wearing a muscular girdle. It is like the Spanx of the abdominal muscles! So, regardless of your current body fat percentage, developing the transverse abdominis muscle will help flatten your tummy and ultimately help you feel better in your clothes. For those who have a lesser body fat percentage, a developed TVA muscle will create excellent definition and frame around your stomach so that you will look and feel better without looking bulky or too muscular. Remember, this is true as long as you eat a well balanced, holistic and nutritional diet geared towards your body-type, participate in cardiovascular activities 4-5 days per week, and strength train your entire body, not just one part.

What causes a weak transverse abdominis and what are some problems associated with weakness in this muscle?

In many cases, inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle can cause weakness in the transverse abdominis. Surgical procedures that involve cutting of the abdominal wall can also create a dysfunctional TVA. Caesarian sections, hysterectomies, hernias, and child-birth are just some of the procedures that can be responsible for this weakness. During such surgeries, the muscles, nerves, and tissues are cut causing a loss of neurological impulse. After these surgeries, your brain will try to recruit your stomach muscles to wake them up, but they oftentimes do not answer. A lack of neural drive to the core muscles can create the belly to push outward, creating a “pooch belly.” This pooch belly will be more pronounced the weaker your TVA is and/or the heavier you are as an individual.

A weak TVA can further create poor body movement quality and instability, which oftentimes leads to early degeneration of bones and joints. Exercises geared towards strengthening the TVA muscle aid in reconnecting the nervous and muscular systems so that the stomach muscles can function properly again and rid of the pooch belly.

Another cause of a weak transverse abdominis is improper training of the core. For the vast majority of us, abdominal training has involved flexion and extension (bending) movements that focus almost exclusively on the rectus abdominus. For many years, people have been taught to train the wrong muscle during abdominal exercises. How many times have you been told to focus on flexion and extension exercises to strengthen your core? By doing crunches and other bending exercises for your stomach muscles, you are essentially only shortening the rectus abdominis and in effect pushing out the abdomen, not pulling it in, which can cause problems if you are not also training your TVA.

How do you get a stronger transverse abdominis?

If you dread or despise crunches, you are in luck. To develop and strengthen the transverse abdominis, you will not have to do any flexion or extension exercises. To build strength in your TVA muscle, you will need to know how to activate it through a series of “draw-in” abdominal maneuvers. “Drawing in your abdominal muscles” is a conscious process and takes a lot of practice, but once you get it, you will see great results.

For many people, learning to draw in the abdominals is a difficult process. Most people are used to working their core by developing the rectus abdominis muscles through conventional methods such as crunches, sit-ups, and other flexion/extension exercises which push out the abdominal wall. The concept of drawing in is the exact opposite of rectus abdominis training. It is the process where you pull in your abdominal wall.

The lying draw-in maneuver is just one of several exercises that can be used to train the TVA, the most important abdominal muscle in your body. It is a great one to add to your fitness program, as it will help you fine-tune your body and abs so that you can feel confident and sexy in your clothes, bathing suit, bikini and swim trunks this summer! To learn how to do this TVA exercise, type in “lying draw in maneuver” into your favorite search engine and click on the links listed for more information.

Good luck,

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Can Exercise Actually Reduce Excessive Sweating?

If you suffer from excessive sweating, or hyperhydrosis, you probably try to avoid situations that will make you sweat even more. For example, exercise is notorious for making people sweat. But if you avoid exercise altogether, you could be missing out on benefits that will actually reduce your symptoms.

One instance where exercise can help reduce excessive sweating is when your condition is related to toxins in your body. Sweating is one way the body tries to eliminate these toxins and this is a natural process. However, this is probably little comfort if your body sweats out the toxins as you try to go about your daily life. So wouldn’t it be better to give your body a little help in getting rid of its toxins during regular exercise sessions? This way, you take the pressure of your body to sweat them out during less appropriate times.

Another occasion when exercise can improve excessive sweating symptoms is when the condition is linked to your weight. There is a connection between being overweight and an increased level of sweating. It follows then, that as you get closer to your ideal weight, you will automatically reduce symptoms of being overweight (one of which is excessive sweating). If you’re not sure if your symptoms are linked to you weight – and you are overweight – losing weight will be a healthy experiment which just might deliver the answer to your problem. (Plus you will get to enjoy all the other benefits that come with losing excess weight, such as more confidence, energy, fitness etc…)

Hyperhydrosis, or excessive sweating, occurs because of a malfunction somewhere in the body. Part of the problem can be knowing what triggers this malfunction. Whatever the cause, though, if you strive for a healthy and well-functioning body, there’s a good chance that this will effect whatever is making you sweat excessively. So, by ensuring you get regular exercise, by keeping your body fit and active, you are helping it to work more efficiently. And the better you look after our body, the better it will be at looking after you (and the less likely it is to let you down). Exercise is a great way to show your body that you care.

Another benefit of a fit and healthy body is an efficient metabolism. This can be doubly effective for sufferers of excessive sweating. Firstly, your body will burn more calories, even when resting, thus helping you to lose excess weight. Secondly, excessive sweating can be a symptom of food intolerances or nutrition issues. So, if you strengthen your digestive system, your body is better able to cope with these intolerances and thus less likely to ‘malfunction’.

Exercise is also a notorious stress-buster. So if your excessive sweating symptoms are stress-related, exercise can help to release your residual stress. This will be very beneficial for your health but also, when you deal with your stress in a positive way, you’re better placed to cope with stressful situations in the future. This should reduce any tendencies to over-react and the subsequent symptoms that occur (i.e. sweating).

There’s another great reason to make exercise part of your solution to excessive sweating – it makes you feel good! Exercise causes the brain to release endorphins into your body. These hormones make you feel happy. This is why some people get addicted to exercise – they love the endorphin rush. But also, endorphins, and being happy, are good for your health. So you get an overall boost to your well-being that has positive effects long after you finish exercising.

Finally, it is socially acceptable to get hot and sweaty during a workout. Exercise makes everyone sweat. In any gym you will see people sweating profusely – without worrying what others will think. There is even a theory that fit people sweat more than unfit people. So during exercise is one time you can stop worrying about how much you sweat. Then you can relax and know that you are improving your health, your happiness and there’s a good chance you’ll be reducing your excessive sweating problem too.

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Medicinal Benefits of Raw Chocolate & Cacao

Medical professionals, nutritionists, and other professionals concerned about human health are now promoting raw cacao as a beneficial food. Even more potent in its positive effects on the human body than chocolate, raw cacao offers a rare, delicious way to boost personal well being.

What is raw chocolate?

Ever thought about where chocolate comes from? It grows on trees! That’s right, cacao beans which are the source of all chocolate are grown on a plant called the Cacao Theobroma, which literally means “the food of the gods.” Originating in the Amazon, the Cacao Theobroma plant is now cultivated around the world.

The Cacao Theobroma grows cacao beans which are relatively large seed pods that contain concentrated nutrients and other compounds that we use to make all know chocolate today. Cacao beans are sugar-free naturally and are made up of 12 percent to 50 percent fat depending on the growing conditions and the variety of plant being cultivated.

Many now tout raw cacao or raw chocolate as a superfood. For instance, raw cacao contains high concentrations of protein, calcium, phosphate, and other minerals which have been shown to have beneficial effects on tooth enamel! Who knew chocolate could protect our teeth! But there are many other nutritional benefits of eating raw cacao, especially if it’s grown organically.

Why eat raw organic chocolate?

Raw chocolate or cacao contains a long list of unique properties and beneficial minerals that can really help to fire up your health. In addition to making you happier and more positive, raw cacao can focus your attention and make you more alert. Like regular chocolate it can also make you feel like you’re in love.


Known as the “bliss” chemical, anandamide is a neurotransmitter that has been isolated in raw cacao. It is produced naturally in the brain and makes you feel happy and vivacious. Additionally, cacao contains enzyme inhibitors that suppress your body’s ability to break down anandamide which means this chemical will stay in your brain for longer, increasing the time you experience the positive feelings associated with this chemical.


Like regular chocolate, raw cacao contains powerful antioxidants. These chemical compounds are key to fighting off free radicals in our bodies that can lead to diseases like cancer and heart attacks. Antioxidant flavanoids found in cacao and chocolate have also been shown lower cholesterol and decrease blood pressure.

These benefits are found in products that contain high levels of cocoa solids. In fact, some studies point to higher levels of antioxidants in raw chocolate than in fruit, vegetables, tea, and even wine! Dark chocolate is therefore the best source of antioxidants of all the prepared chocolate varieties, but raw cacao contains even higher levels of these beneficial antioxidants.


This is another aphrodisiac-like amino acid that is said to help build muscle and aid in work-out recovery. It is about 33 percent more concentrated in raw cacao.

Caffeine and theobromine

Cacao can also have stimulating compounds such as caffeine and theobromine (a chemical related to caffeine), although these levels are relatively low because uncooked cacao has limited potency of these chemicals. These subtle amounts of stimulants can increase energy, improve alertness, and boost mood, and come in very small doses: about 70 mg in every 100 g of cacao.


According to some, raw cacao is the number one food source of magnesium, which is apparently one of the minerals Americans are commonly deficient in. According to Standard American Diet, close to 80 percent of all Americans have low magnesium levels! This deficiency may be the reason why women crave chocolate during their menstrual periods (menstruating depletes magnesium reserves).

Magnesium is an important mineral for balancing brain chemistry, building strong bones and muscles, aiding in sleep, and combating depression. Magnesium is also essential for having a healthy heart and supporting a robust cardiovascular system. Raw cacao contains about 131 mg of magnesium in every 100 g of cacao.

Monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (appetite inhibitors)

MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors) are likely responsible for reducing appetite when people eat raw chocolate. MAO is found in most nuts and seeds and can contribute to increased levels of serotonin and neurotransmitter activity in the brain. These further encourage weight loss naturally and facilitate feelings of youthful regeneration.


Phenylethylamine (PEA) is an adrenal-related chemical found in raw cacao that can also be created in the brain when we are in love. Raw chocolate is an excellent source of PEA and can play a role in increasing focus and alertness. It will also aid in lifting people from feelings of depression.

Serotonin and tyramine

These two compounds provide a calming effect on a person, giving raw cacao a balancing effect on mood and brain function. In general, 100 g of raw cacao will contain about 3 mg of serotonin and 2 mg of tyramine.


An amino acid that enhances relaxation and promotes sleep (know that feeling of drowsiness you get after a Thanksgiving meal? That’s tryptophan!), this chemical occurs naturally in raw cacao. In fact, it can have as much as 33 percent more than regular chocolate.

Potential downsides to raw chocolate

Possible weight gain

As we’ve already mentioned, raw cacao beans contain up to 50 percent fat, making them a high fat-to-calorie food. It is therefore wise to limit your intake of raw chocolate to avoid the potential of weight gain.

Toxic to pets

Chocolate is a known toxin for pets, but raw chocolate is an even greater risk of harming your animal companions. In general, the higher the concentration of raw cacao, the greater the risk of injury to animals. Therefore, keep your raw chocolate products well out of reach of your beloved pets.

Migraine trigger

Some believe that raw cacao (as well as some chocolates) can trigger the onset of migraines. If you are prone to this health problem, it is wise to consult your doctor before consuming huge quantities of raw cacao.

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Gallbladder Polyps – Causes, Risks, Treatment

Gallbladder polyps sometimes grow inside the gallbladder, where they protrude from the lining of the interior wall. Polyps vary in size, with some reaching one centimeter in diameter or even larger. They are usually found in about four-to-five percent of individuals who report to their doctor that they’re experiencing gallbladder pain.

Medical researchers have not been able to discover the precise cause gallbladder polyps. But it has been proven by research that someone who is older than 50, or already has gallstones, has a higher chance of having gallbladder polyps.

Gallbladder polyps fall into five different categories.

* Cholesterosis – This type is partially formed by cholesterol and is the most common of the five categories.

* Adenocarcinoma – This is the type that’s cancerous.

Three other types are relatively uncommon: hyperplastic, adenomyomatosis, and cholecystosis.

Many people who have polyps aren’t even aware of it because symptoms rarely make themselves known. However, they may cause some degree of tenderness in the abdomen. This discomfort occurs in the upper right of the abdomen, and may be steady or intermittent. Pain from is almost never constant or severe. Severe pain, especially if it’s steady, is more likely to be a gallstone symptom.

Polyps are usually detected when your doctor does a gallbladder polyp ultrasound test, but he or she would normally use such a diagnostic tool only if other symptoms of gallbladder trouble have appeared.

In cases where polyps are detected, your doctor will schedule a follow up to test for cancer.

In most cases, there’s no need for gallbladder polyp management or treatment. Gallbladder polyp surgery usually means removing the entire gallbladder, and is typically done only when the patient is experiencing a distressing level of pain. “Cholecystectomy” is the medical term for a gallbladder removal operation. You can live without a gallbladder, so if you’re starting to have gallbladder problems, removal may be the smartest way to prevent future trouble. Your liver is capable of handling many of the functions normally performed by the gallbladder.

Once again, cholesterosis is the most common type of gallbladder polyp, and it is formed partially by cholesterol. Excess cholesterol causes many different kinds of gallbladder trouble. To avoid problems with your gallbladder, you should eat a low cholesterol diet that features a variety of cholesterol free foods.

Here are some other tips that will help prevent gallbladder polyps and other gallbladder conditions:

* eat red meat sparingly and avoid fried foods – especially deep fried foods

* use olive oil and vinegar on salads. Many commercial salad dressings contain unhealthy sugar and fats.

* refrain from eating big meals – especially fatty, cholesterol-rich foods – just before bedtime

* be smart if you’re on a weight loss program. Focus on losing weight gradually, because crash diets can harm your gallbladder and other digestive organs.

If you’re already troubled by gallbladder polyps or other gallbladder problems, you can avoid aggravating them by

* do not drink sodas and similar carbonated beverages

* prefer low fat dairy products to higher fat varieties

* choose leaner cuts of meat and be sure to remove excess fat before cooking.

* ask your doctor if you should be taking fish oil supplements. These contain a substance known as omega-3 fatty acid, which helps limit the formation of cholesterol in bile..

* find recipes that contain ginger and tumeric, which have been shown to be good for the gallbladder.

And naturally, a diet that’s good for your gallbladder will benefit your heart too, so make sure your meals include a lot of fruits, vegetables and grains.

Posted in Diet & Nutrition0 Comments

Inline Skates – The Best HIIT Training Tool?

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise or exercise to help lose weight, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been shown over and over again to be the most effective style of training. And done right, inline skating can be one of the most powerful HIIT training tools at your disposal.

High-intensity interval training consists of short bursts of all-out effort followed by a longer period of exercise at a more moderate pace. The standard timing most commonly recommended is 30 seconds of all-out effort followed by 90 seconds of more moderate energy expenditure while you get your breath back and your heart rate back down some. This pattern is repeated over and over for a total of 15 – 30 minutes and delivers far more benefit to your body and weight-loss effort than much longer bouts of constant-pace aerobic exercises like jogging.

If you’ve been doing cardio or even HIIT training on a treadmill at home or in the gym, it’s time to consider moving outside and slapping on a pair of inline skates. To start with, running on an electric treadmill simply entails lifting your feet and putting them back down as the tread moves by. On inline skates, you need to push out and back with each stride since you’re providing the push to go forward, not an electric motor.

Similar to cross-country skiing in this regard, pushing out and back against the road’s resistance activates the muscles of the entire posterior chain with each stride. The day after your first 2-3 hour inline skating session will remind you of this, as you’ll be well aware of how effectively you used your hamstrings, glutes and lower back muscles!

Another factor is the weight of your inline skates. Your legs are used to lifting your shoes over and over each day, including when you’re jogging or sprinting. In most cases, however, your leg muscles aren’t used to lifting footwear that weighs as much as your skates will. Not a big deal, but every little bit helps when you’re after conditioning or burning fat, right?

So how do you convert pleasurable time on your skates to HIIT training? The first method is the same as standard HIIT training – hill sprints. Find a paved path or street with a hill just steep enough it takes about 30-seconds to climb at full-out effort levels. Skate full-force up it, then slow to a comfortable pace and go a bit further, then reverse your direction and skate leisurely back to the bottom of the hill before sprinting back up again.

The second way can be more interesting, though, and can be practiced anywhere you go on your inlines – a path, a track, wherever. After a comfortable warmup session, adopt the stance of a speedskater on ice. Bend forward until your upper torso is parallel to the ground and place one hand on your lower back, palm up. Let your free arm hang down and swing it back and forth laterally in front of you in time to your strides for balance.

This maneuver should only be used by experienced inline skaters wearing their helmet and full pads, as you’ll most likely find yourself going much faster than you’re used to. As you become more used to the proper form for speedskating you’ll be able to lean a little further forward, necessitating faster, longer strides and moving you forward even faster. Even very experienced skaters will be surprised at the oxygen requirements when skating this way, and you’ll find you’re hitting oxygen-depletion very quickly. Straighten back up and skate comfortably for a minute or two until your heart and breathing slow back down, then hit another 30-second sprint.

One caveat… Like any extreme exercise session, HIIT training should only be attempted by those already somewhat in shape. If you’re just starting your path to a fitness lifestyle, stick to recreational inline skating until you’re well practiced on your skates and have achieved a better level of fitness. New activities that deplete your oxygen reserves can be dangerous, even deadly, until you know how to gauge what you can and can’t manage in your current condition. As with all forms of exercise, start light and build from there!

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Living After Gallbladder Removal

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped sac located below the liver (on the right side of the abdomen) which contains approximately a half cup of yellowish-greenish fluid called gallbladder bile. The bile originates in the liver before moving into the gallbladder, where the bile becomes 4-12 times more concentrated. The healthy, functioning gallbladder then acts as a storage reservoir for concentrated bile before it moves into the duodenum (small intestine).

The main function of bile is to assist the body in digesting fats by dividing the fats into thin droplets. It helps pancreatic enzymes split the fats into small particles that can pass through the walls of the intestines.

When the semi-digested food exits the stomach and moves into the small intestine the gallbladder contracts causing the concentrated bile to move through the bile ducts into the small intestine. Once the gallbladder is removed liquid liver bile flows out constantly from the common bile duct straight into the small intestine instead of being stored in the gallbladder. This low quality liquid liver bile that constantly flows into the duodenum cannot properly digest the fats, causing fat intolerance and diarrhea in some people.

Bile is instrumental in removing dangerous toxins such as bile pigments, bile acids, cholesterol and heavy metals. The antimicrobial property of concentrated gallbladder bile assists in keeping the small intestine from dangerous invaders such as bad bacteria, parasites, and yeasts. Consequently, absence of the gallbladder leads to Candida-yeast and Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) which can create gas and indigestion.

Healthy alkaline bile neutralizes the semi-digested acidic food from the stomach therefore creating the proper alkaline milieu in the small intestine for pancreatic enzymes to work. It is well known that pancreatic enzymes require an alkaline condition in the duodenum to digest consumed food. When the gallbladder bile is not alkaline, indigested foods in the small intestine are fermented causing gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, and uncomfortable visits to the bathroom.

The gallbladder acts as a buffer reservoir to prevent the backup of bile and to prevent high pressure in the bile and pancreatic ducts. This high pressure expands the common bile duct causing pain. Enlargement of the common bile duct is a common finding after gallbladder removal. When there is no gallbladder, the increasing pressure inside the pancreatic duct can cause activation of the pancreatic enzymes inside the pancreas and as a consequence, inflammation of the pancreas can develop.

The liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum, bile ducts, and muscles valves work together due to the perfect regulation of the body. Doctors and researchers have found that cutting the nerve branches surrounding the gallbladder can disrupt the proper work of the Sphincter of Oddi – the valve between the bile and pancreatic ducts and the duodenum. Almost 20% of patients after gallbladder surgery suffer from Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction. Spasm of this strategic valve leads to backup of the bile and pancreatic juices with resultant pain, nausea, and possible development of pancreatitis.

Concentrated gallbladder bile is necessary for intestinal motility, digestion and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. The lack of gallbladder bile creates less peristaltic movement which makes people prone to constipation.

The main reasons for gallbladder surgery are inflammation and/or gallbladder stones. Removal of the gallbladder does not stop the production of stones and inflammation of the bile ducts. Therefore, inflammation and collection of the stones, both in the liver and in the bile ducts, can be often observed in people without a gallbladder.

Although loss of these functions of the gallbladder is not life threatening, removal of the gallbladder can cause many unpleasant symptoms. For some people life after gallbladder removal is a miserable existence. This condition is called post-cholecystectomy syndrome. The term post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) describes the presence of symptoms after cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal surgery).

What can be done to decrease the consequences and symptoms of post-cholecystectomy syndrome?

Many drug-free and non-surgical healing techniques can alleviate many of these uncomfortable symptoms. Some of them have been widely used for a hundred years all over the globe.

A healing diet is one of the oldest, cheapest, safest and most effective medicines in the world.

Dietary changes are vitally important for a person suffering from post-operative digestive problems.

In a healthy, functioning body the gallbladder, pancreas, bile and pancreatic juices are naturally alkaline. Whole body acidity is one of the main causes of liver, gallbladder and pancreas malfunction. Acidity causes biochemical changes in the bile that makes it corrosively irritating to the bile ducts, sphincter of Oddi and the small intestine. Aggressive acidic liver bile irritates surrounding tissues, causes jerky contractions and refluxes. This aggressive mix of the acidic bile and pancreatic juices regurgitates into the stomach and esophagus and/or causes spasms of the sphincter of Oddi. This can be the cause of the heartburn, nausea and upper abdominal pain often experienced after gallbladder surgery.

An alkaline diet involves eating mostly alkaline-based foods and avoiding acid-forming foods such as sugars, red meat, sodas, dairy products, white flour, white rice, alcohol, etc. A separate diet requires eating only one kind of food at one time. Mixing foods such as salad, soup, entree, dessert, sodas and alcohol together in one meal, like people usually do, causes a huge strain on the digestive system. When people without gallbladders (who don’t have the presence of good quality bile) continue to eat this way, many symptoms of indigestion such as abdominal pain, nausea, belching, gas, heartburn, diarrhea and/or constipation occur.

Typically, people without a gallbladder have two problems: one is Candida-yeast overgrowth, another is food sensitivity. An elimination diet and anti-Candida diet can be very beneficial for these conditions.

In simple chemistry it is known that to neutralize acidity the body needs plenty of minerals and bicarbonates. Unfortunately, food today contains very little of these vital nutrients, so supplementation is a practical way to get them. The easy way to get minerals and bicarbonates is by drinking healing mineral water.

Doctors from Europe have used healing mineral water for hundreds of years. There are many mineral health spas in Germany, Austria, France, Eastern Europe and Russia. Thousands of people travel to these spas for cleansing, rejuvenating and healing procedures. The most researched mineral water with 500 years of use is Karlovy Vary thermal spring water in the Czech Republic. It is difficult to believe that the first medical book referencing the use of this water in digestive problems was written in 1522. From that time, many medical articles, books, and dissertations have described the healing actions of Karlovy Vary healing water mineral for many digestive and metabolic disorders including post-cholecystectomy syndrome. Millions of Europeans have drunk healing mineral water prepared from vaporized genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt at home for more than 250 years.

According to European doctors this mineral water promotes the production and speedy transit of bile, makes it more alkaline and improves the function of the pancreas. All of these actions are beneficial for people without a gallbladder to improve digestion and decrease the symptoms of post-cholecystectomy syndrome.

Cellular magnesium-potassium, another alkalizing agent, also can decrease acidity in the body.

How can we know if our body is acidic or alkaline? Checking saliva and urine pH by litmus paper is the easy and inexpensive way to verify body acidity. If saliva and urine pH are frequently less than 6.6 it can be a warning sign of total body acidity.

Drinking herbal tea can alleviate spasms, gas, heartburn, and indigestion. A knowledgeable herbalist can customize herbal remedies for many conditions. Some formulas from European and Chinese herbal medicines can lessen the amount of stones in the bile ducts, make the liver bile liquid and less aggressive, and decrease spasms and pains.

Persons with post-cholecystectomy syndrome can decrease many unpleasant symptoms by using herbal formulas. They are not a quick fix, but in the long run, herbs are safe and effective remedies.

Some people who have had gallbladder surgery lose the proper interaction between the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum, and stomach. To normalize this teamwork, one can be treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture is the oldest healing method for digestive disorders. Many medical papers have been published during the last decades that confirm the positive action of acupuncture in the treatment of post-cholecystectomy syndrome. Another positive result of acupuncture is that it can help cure alcohol and pain medication addiction.

Medical science has not yet developed a surgical technique to replace the gallbladder once it has been removed. We can, however, control the terrible symptoms of post-cholecystectomy syndrome by employing various drug-free and non-surgical healing methods. These methods are safe, effective, and relatively cheap and can be used in conjunction with modern medicine.

The information in this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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Best Mini Trampoline Rebounder Exercise

Exercise can be boring, repetitious, difficult to maintain and commit to for the long run. In recent years, the trampoline has become extremely popular. Mostly, people purchase trampolines for their children as an outside activity. They can be large, bulky and an eyesore in your yard, but now there is a whole new chapter for this product.

The mini trampoline, or rebounder, is absolutely amazing and a full body workout. It can fit anywhere in your home because it is only 40 inches round and some are even foldable for easy storage. You can also take them with you as most fold up and fit into a travel bag and some even come with a stabilizer bar for balance. The mini trampoline is truly one of the best exercise tools on the market today. You just have to make sure you buy the right one, ensure it is sturdy (steel is best) and accessible. Recently, it has been said that rebounding is one of the most efficient and effective exercises ever devised by man.

Since the toughest part of exercising on a mini trampoline is keeping your balance, it is fantastic for your core. Any move you do is going to work your abs along with so many other muscles in your body, just remember to keep your lower abdominal pulled in at all times. Also, make sure you have on comfortable, non-slip shoes, preferably sneakers. A good warm up is always suggested and will help get you balanced and comfortable, this could just be a basic bounce to get your heart rate up. Moving onto a simple jog will continue to increase your heart rate. Jogging for about 5-8 minutes is optimal and will get you ready for the next set of exercises.

To keep that heart pumping, a jumping jack exercise is not only a great cardio move, but is so much better to do on a mini trampoline as it is easier on the joints. This can be done by starting in the middle, bouncing up and spreading your feet apart while putting your arms above your head. When you land, watch your feet, this is a fast move and it doesn’t take many of them to work up a sweat, doing 10-15 jumping jacks is great. One of the best sculpting exercises you can do is to stand in the middle of the mini trampoline with your left hand on your left hip and slowly raise and lower your right leg with your knee slightly bent. Doing three sets of 10 on each side will work your outer thigh and get rid of those saddle bags for good in addition to working your oblique muscles (your side abs).

Another great exercise that is beneficial to do on a mini trampoline is squats. Again, standing in the middle, with arms out in front of you, or hold onto your stabilizer bar if you have one, and squat down a low as you can go, making sure your knees stay behind your feet. Doing 3 sets of 15 will get your thighs in amazing shape in no time and will really work that heart muscle. One of the best things you can do for yourself is exercising on a mini trampoline, it’s healthy, effective and so much fun. Get ready for summer and then maintain your new body throughout the year with the best workout on the planet.

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