Archive | November, 2016

Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Warm-Up and Stretching in Insanity Workout?

In this post I am going to describe two essential exercises in every Insanity workout, in which you should not underestimate its importance for your own safety first, and in order to perform the workouts in the most efficient way, they are the warm up and the cool down stretching.


Put it this way, I am a 20 years old male, and while doing the exercise in the warm-up I checked my heart rate and it was 165 bpm (beats per minute) this is according to medical facts is about 85% of my total max heart rate, and believe it or not I was still in the warm-up phase, the real exercises did not even begin yet. During the real workouts itself, I took a lot of rests in the middle, but that is completely normal for anyone if he is doing the exercise for the first time, as the instructor (Shaun T) says.

The following bullets mention the plyometric cardio circuit warm up exercises, you do these exercises 3 times, no brakes in the middle, and make sure that you begin slowly, then each time you complete this interval you push yourself more, until you reached the 3rd interval when you push yourself to the maximum.

  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Heisman’s
  • 123
  • Butt Kicks
  • High Knees
  • Mummy Kicks

After you have completed these 3 intervals, you should be pouring a lot of sweat, and that’s the main goal of the warm-up, is to prepare your muscles and lean them for the insane following exercises, in order to prevent injury. You can take now a sip of water for 30 seconds, but remember that you should not stop moving.

Cool Down stretching:

The second part in this brief post is the cool down stretching, many people overlook this part of the workout or don’t do it right, but I think it is a very essential exercise after the intense exercises you do in Insanity workout. It is medically advised that if you are doing some sort of intense exercise for a long period of time, it’s not good that after you finish that you immediately stop.

Many people think that stretching is only important before you do an exercise, but stretching should be done before and after the workout. Stretching is important to prevent cramps in your muscles, because after you exercise your muscles are very warm, and the muscles cannot immediately return to its normal temperature, it takes time, and in this time you should do some sort of soft exercise, and not just because stretching is an easy part of the workout that it should be skipped.

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Different Body Types Explained – Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph

An American psychologist, William Sheldon (1898-1979) spent a lifetime observing the human body. From his observations, he developed three major categories into which the human body fits, based upon physical body types.

These three body types are: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. These three major classifications are based upon skeletal structure, musculature and how the body produces and stores fatty tissue. All people fall into one category or a combination of them.

The Ectomorph

People who are Ectomorph have small, narrow frames, are slender and are classified by the bodybuilding world as “Hard Gainers.”

They are lightly muscled by nature and have trouble developing muscle tissue. Their metabolism is usually pumped up and they do not store much fat in the usual places.

Many ectomorphs appear fragile and this can be quite deceptive as physical strength often does not equate to muscle size.

Their limbs are long in proportion to their body height, giving them an appearance of being thinner than they actually are. Generally their hands, fingers, feet, toes and necks are long and slender.

Ectomorphs have well defined, often sharp, facial features and their faces tend to be narrow or triangular shaped. Their hair is generally fine, is often unruly and grows quickly.

Because of their thin skin, the lack of body fat and their body area versus muscle mass, ecotmorphs are often more affected by temperatures than their more endowed brethren; they suffer from extreme heat or cold.

Some ectomorphs have been able to gain muscle size and strength, but it is a struggle for them to make big gains without a lot of hard work and high-protein dieting. Success can be achieved though; think of Brad Pitt in “Troy.”

The Mesomorph

Those athletic looking men and women with wedge-shaped bodies (men) or hourglass figures (women) are most likely Mesomorphs. These body types have larger bones with prominent muscles. Their facial features are defined and muscular with noticeable cheek bones and heavy jaws.

Mesomorphs have thicker skin and their hair is heavy in texture. Their arms and legs are well-developed and even their hands and fingers are muscular. Most of the major bodybuilding champions are mesomorphs. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a pure mesomorph.

Good posture, muscle mass and ease of muscle gaining are common traits of mesomorphs. They also gain fat much more easily than an ectomorph.

The Endomorph

Soft, round bodies, underdeveloped muscles and difficulty losing weight are traits of the extreme Endomorph.

They do gain muscle easily and their upper arms and thighs are more heavily muscled than their forearms or lower legs. They are often high-waisted, but their limbs are short in comparison to their overall body height.

Endomorphs often have small hands and feet in relation to their overall size. Their heads are large and faces broad. The late John Belushi (Animal House, The Blues Brothers) appears to have been a typical endomorph.

Good workout and diet programs will produce results for an endomorph, with the diet being critical to getting rid of body fat. They are best served eating five or six small (3-400 calories) meals per day to keep their metabolism in a “digesting mode.”

Combined Body Types

Very few people can be categorized so easily. While most of us fall into one of the general categories, very few people are purely in one type entirely. We often evidence traits of the other body types, and would be categorized as ecto-mesomorphs or endo-mesomorphs.

People of all body types can be successful bodybuilders, though most of us lack the dedication and devotion (let alone the money) to become a professional bodybuilder, we can all achieve a high degree of health, fitness and musculature from a good exercise program and a proper diet.

Our fitness programs must, however, be tailored to our body types and how we grow muscles and store body fat.

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What The Death Of Elvis Presley Teaches Us About Obesity

Life is a classroom where we should all observe and learn and become better people. There is no better way to learn than learning from the practical experience of others.

Elvis Presley is a legend. A great singer who blazed many trails. However the cause of his death is still not conclusively known. Was it the drugs he was taking? Or his massive intake of food that finally killed him? The situation is further complicated by the fact that it is believed that he was taking some of the drugs to try and control his weight.

Did Elvis Presley’s Diet Kill Him?

We all need a minimum of 1,500 to 1,800 calories daily to stay alive. People doing heavy work and therefore burning lots of calories need even more calories, up to about 10,000 per day.

Elvis was consuming over 85,000 calories per day and was sitting around doing nothing more strenuous than reaching forward to flip the channels on his TV set. 85,000 calories is more than enough to keep an elephant alive. Presley’s favorite daily diet was a 30-cm long bread roll stuffed with bacon, peanut butter and strawberry jam. Each one had about 42,000 calories. Elvis would eat two every day together with other snacks like hamburgers and deep-fried white bread.

The answer to our question is, yes, Elvis who conquered the fickle and fiercely competitive music industry was no match to the alluring aroma and taste of food. He just ate himself to death.

Why Do Most Celebrities Have A Weight Problem?

The Elvis era ushered in a new era of super-rich celebrities. The new medium of TV helped create a new breed of super-rich entertainers. Elvis with his good looks and suggestive dancing was especially suited to it. Ever since two problems have been constantly and regularly associated with super-rich celebrities. Drugs and weight problems. For the purposes of this article, we will concentrate on weight problems.

It is useful to note that many of these big stars were literally starving and hard-up for cash just before their big break to celebrity status. Just like Elvis.

Suddenly they find themselves in a situation where they do not have to worry about money. Situations where they don’t have to retain a nine to five job to put food on the table. That’s where all the trouble seems to start.

Most of us seem to end up in a similar situation when we get comfortable jobs that we enjoy. A mildly successful junior executive or entrepreneur is bound to have a problem with obesity, no wonder it’s a national crisis.

What We Can Learn From Elvis

It is clear that had Elvis exercised, even a little, he would have lived much longer. Had he lived in this information age, he would also have had numerous other “less painful” ways of controlling his weight.

But the real danger zone, if we are to learn anything from Elvis, is in the mind. Presley had reached a situation where there was nothing left to achieve. There was no new challenge, even in the horizon, which interested him. That was the really dangerous point and that’s the really deadly place for anybody to be in. It happens to many celebrities these days with devastating consequences.

The lesson is that however successful you become, you need a constant supply of new challenges and new ventures and formidable tasks to take up all the time. It seems that it is true that when the mind goes to sleep, the body follows suite with devastating consequences.

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How to Shrink Your Waistline Using a "Secret" Bodybuilding Technique

A common problem I see among men (and some women) is that they tend to have very thick and sometimes protruding waists. This is almost an epidemic among heavy powerlifters or prior athletes, especially football players. Often times the problem is not even that they have too much body fat, but that their midsections are simply so strong and muscular that they stick out. This can ruin your physique, and while useful in powerlifting, can cause muscle imbalances that will prevent you from performing activities in which you move your own bodyweight over distance(like basketball, soccer, or gymnastics).

What exercises to limit or avoid altogether to get rid of the “potbelly”

Right off the bat I need to mention squats and deadlifts. Now I`m definitely not against squats or sidebends despite the popular furor in many circles that they automatically create an ugly physique. I think that Deadlifts are awesome and will help you build insane Full body strength, great muscular coordination, and are simply fun to perform. Squats, I really don`t care for as much, but they definitely have their place in your routine. The problem I think is that people tend to get caught up in training specifically for these lifts, instead of using them sparingly as a tool to get in shape. If you`re obsessed with maxing our your deadlift or squat to insane levels, you either have awesome genetics so this won`t apply, or I`m betting your abs are way to bulky and your stomach sticks out. The key is to use these lifts in a limited fashion (i.e. lift moderate to heavy 1-2 times per week and keep the volume very low), and focus the rest of your workout on cardio, cosmetic lifts, or specific sports training. Moderation is key.

Why you shouldn’t be doing weight ab exercises

Two exercises you need to stop doing right now are weighted sidebends, and weighted situps. We used to train these really hard in high school for gymnastics, and I`m still trying to make up for the excessive hypertrophy and size in by abs. Now some people have the genetics that allow them to to whatever they want and maintain a perfect waist, but I`m betting that if you`re reading this that isn`t you. If you are having a problem with protruding abs, I will even go so far as to suggest that you drop all or most direct ab work at this point, particularly if you are an experienced lifter. Honestly, your abs need only a limited amount of direct work when you first start working out, and within a year or so should be developed enough that they will engage whenever you do any exercise or lift. I don`t do any isolated ab work at all and I can hold a perfect L, and do the Iron Cross on the Rings.

A “super secret” bodybuilding technique to shrink your waist

A cool trick that elite bodybuilders use to shrink the size of their waist is called the “stomach vacuum”. Basically you will try to make your abdominal muscles touch the back of your spine through muscle control. Yes, I`m telling you to suck in your gut, so those chubby dudes at the beach were actually on to something. This movement can take sometime to get used to, but once you have mastered it you can visibly and drastically reduce the size and appearance of your waist and abs. This is a great exercise since it can be done almost anywhere and at any time (Just not after a big meal, trust me). After a while, your abs will be “trained” to rest in this partially contracted state which will give a slimmer and more proportional look to your waistline.

Patience and persistence are important

This technique is incredibly effective for shrinking your waistline, but it does take time to get used to. How long exactly is entirely up to you. If you only do this for a few minutes a couple times a week, then expect very slow going and minimal results. Practice every constantly and consistently, and you can see results within weeks or even days!

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Foods to Get a Six Pack – 3 Breakfast Super Foods Which Burn Belly Fat and Build Six Pack Abs

If you’re serious about building six pack abs then your breakfast is the most important meal of the day because your body has been recovering in sleep and is starved of energy so first thing in the morning it’s your opportunity to feed your body some much needed great foods which will kick start your metabolism.


This an ideal breakfast for first thing in the morning because it contains lots of good carbohydrates which will release energy over a longer period of time. It also contains a lot of protein and fibre which will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Porridge/Oats also contain essential vitamins and minerals, so if your trying to build your six pack abs porridge/oats is one of the best options you can eat first thing in the morning.


Grapefruit is another citrus fruit which gets ignored a lot, but it shouldn’t because the nutrients that they contain are absolutely fantastic especially if you are trying to get red of stubborn belly fat and build six pack abs. Grapefruits are rich in lycopene and Limonoids which help to prevent things like tumors and cancer, they are very hard to find in other fruit and vegetables but you get plenty in grapefruits. They also help with the digestion of your food and after a big meal can be a wise choice to help digest your food faster because of their acidic properties. So, a great option for your breakfast especially if your looking to lose body fat or lose weight in general.

Scrambled Egg

Eggs are a great source of protein and what better way to start your day with a round of eggs. There is however a certain way to make your scrambled egg. Firstly NEVER use milk when making your eggs in the morning, just mix your eggs up as they are using the egg white and the yolk. The yolks are fine to eat, its been well documented that eating the yolks of eggs is perfectly healthy as that is really where most of the goodness is anyway. You can eat boiled eggs by all means there just as good but scrambled egg is also another super breakfast option that you can choose to eat.

So you now know 3 great super breakfast foods to eat. Another little tip though, I often have a small bowl of porridge with some nuts and berries on top to give it an extra bit of taste. It’s delicious, try it.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

AMGeneX DNA (Dynamic Nutrition Advantage) From Amega Global – Surprising Cellular Nutrition

AMGeneX DNA is a new superfood product manufactured by Amega Global.

It comes in sachets and you mix it in with a drink, eg water or juice. The product is infused with Amega’s proprietary Amized Fusion Technology which charges it with zero point energy, thus enabling your body to be infused with high levels of life force energy.

The product is said to be the world’s first Epigenetic product. This fairly new term in nutritional-based science is to do with the interaction of food compounds with the DNA inside the body’s cells. It seems that what was once believed to be the case – that our DNA was hard wired and couldn’t be changed – is not actually true. It appears that our DNS can be re-shaped, given the right foods.

It is now believed that if we consume foods which influence our genes and are rich sources of phytochemicals that tell our DNA to switch on our cellular defence mechanisms, we are more likely to help stay on a path of wellness.

The way that Amega Global have been able to enable the AmGenex sachets to do this switching on of our protective genes is through adding sulforaphane (sul-FOR-a-fane) via CellActiv. CellActiv is a very concentrated form of sulforophane. Sulforophane is said to be nothing short of remarkable in its diverse benefits including cellular defence. Surprisingly, it comes from the broccoli family of vegetables, which although do not have particularly high ORAC values (antioxidant value), they do contribute far greater to cellular health than possibly any other known plant food.

Sulforaphane is said to be very significantly more powerful and potent than Vitamin C. Sulphoraphane is “potentially the most versatile, multifunctional and fundamentally essential of all plant bioactives.” – (source: Fahey JW Kensler, TW Role of Dietary Supplements/ Nutraceuticals in Chemoprevention through Induction of Cytoprotective Enzymes).

The sulforaphane in the Amega DNA switches on around 200 plus various genes inside the cell. These are needed so the cell can protect itself. Sulphoraphane is the most powerful known substance that has this particular effect on the body’s cells become so much more effective in doing its own anti-oxidant work.

Some of the super fruits contained in the AmGeneX sachets include:

ACAI – Exceptional Antioxidant & ORAC

AMLA – Supports a healthy heart, promotes good blood circulation, aids cell regeneration & digestion; improves mental functions

CAMU CAMU – Highest vitamin C content of all fruits in the world

GOJI (Wolfberry) – Complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids and zeaxanthin

LO HAN GUO – Natural sweetener, contains no calories, safe for diabetics and hypoglycaemics

MANGOSTEEN – High in Xanthones and Antioxidants

NONI – The queen of health plants with many different benefits

POMEGRANATE – Outstanding antioxidant properties

All ingredients are active. Unlike many of the other products in the beverage industry, AMGeneX has NOT gone through the process of ‘Hot Fill Pasteurization’ (between 161° and 280°F). AMGeneX has NOT gone through the process of Aseptic Processing (between 195° and 295°F). This is important because pasteurization kills friendly bacteria and enzymes as well as greatly reduces nutritional value.

Thus, Amega Global, have produced a first class nutritional food, that, taken, once a day (you can take more), helps your own cells to rebuild their protective genes and maintain optimum wellness.

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Fitness Assessments – An Important Screening Tool Before Starting a Fitness Program

We’ve all heard the advice before starting an exercise program: “See your doctor before you begin.” Often, many adults disregard this advice, presuming that it doesn’t really apply to them. However, regardless of your age, your current fitness level, or your health history, it’s always important to make sure that exercise is safe and appropriate for you before embarking on a new exercise program.

Fitness assessments — also known as pre-participation health screenings, or fitness tests — are important screening tools to determine the presence of risk factors and any symptoms of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases, as well as other health conditions which may be adversely affected by exercise. The fitness assessment provides key information that can be used to develop a prescription of exercise that helps you achieve your health goals quickly, but safely.

These can range from simple self-administered questionnaires, to a physical examination and even complex diagnostic screening tests. Typically, the physician creating your exercise prescription will determine the screening procedures appropriate for his or her patient population.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests three levels of fitness testing prior to participation in an exercise or sports program. In a Level 1 Screening, only a self-administered questionnaire is completed. The Level 2 Screening is more detailed, and can involve a medical history, physical examination, and laboratory testing. Level 3 Screening involves an even more detailed physical examination and exercise stress testing.

Most often, only the first level screening is performed. However, according to the ACSM, it is not inappropriate to perform all three levels of fitness testing, since the information obtained from all three screening steps can actually enhance your exercise prescription’s safety and effectiveness.

Fitness assessments typically focus on identifying the presence of major cardiovascular risk factors, looking for symptoms suggesting possible cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disorders. However, other important areas of consideration include your baseline joint range of motion and level of flexibility, since design of your exercise program should ideally take these into consideration in order to be completely safe. Your body composition and a test of your strength and endurance should also be performed, primarily to obtain a baseline so that you can see how much you’ve improved by the end of your exercise prescription.

Finally, perhaps the most important part of a fitness test is to make sure that those who have demonstrated some risks or health concerns are referred for additional evaluation. The presence of health risks doesn’t necessarily preclude you from participating in a fitness program, but your exercise prescription may need to be altered to allow for safe participation and to maximize health benefits.

Copyright Healthy U, LLC. All rights reserved.

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History of Body Building – Where Did it All Start?

Starting in the 1980's people have become significantly more aware of the importance of their health and physique. They spend huge amounts of money on the creation of a perfect body. Statistics show that body building supplements sell like crazy, personal trainers are making good money and gyms pop up everywhere.

But where did it all start? The history of body building as a sport starts approximately a century ago. Eugene Sandow gets the honor of having invented the sport. The father of body building invited spectators to watch his muscular body. Displays of strength and agility became the center of his stage performance and he showed the ultimate Grecian physique. Soon he became very popular and used his fame to build various businesses and started marketing body building products. The first exercise equipment for the masses bears his name. Sandow's name is also connected with 'The Great Competition', the first ever body building contest, held in London. You could say it was the early version of the Mr. Olympia.

Ironically, World War II gave body building a boost. Men had to defend themselves and their families and their behavior became more aggressive. They wanted to stand up against the enemy and began to build a bigger and stronger physique. More time was spent on improving training techniques, better nutrition and the first effective and more user friendly training equipment was built.

Body building became an organized sport and leading organizations like the IFB, International Federation of Body Building, were founded in these days. The popularity of the sport has not stopped growing since then. The famous Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the sport a real boost. In the 1990's female body building made it's entrance and now has its own Ms. Olympia competition.

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Attention Attention Candida Sufferer Eat These Foods

In the article entitled "" Attention! Attention! Candida Sufferer Avoid These Foods ", in which we discussed foods that promote unhealthy Candida levels, we learnt that Candida starts to develop in the gut as a fungus and that it creates an environment that is ideal for its rampant growth.

We have learned that the environment in which Candida thrives is acidic in nature and this acidity inhibits the bodies ability to absorb vitamins and minerals and it limits enzyme production of digestive proteins. Limited enzyme production leads to symptoms of indigestion, eg wind or gas problems are evident, bloated or swollen intestines are evident, increased acid levels and sensitivities to certain types of foods are evident.

It is evident that in order to maintain a healthy body, free of an overgrowth of Candida, the foods that are eaten must be foods that promote healthy Candida levels in the body.

The ideal diet for those suffering from Candida Yeast overgrowth is to eat a diet high in fiber and protein complimented by some complex carbohydrates and a small amount of fresh fruits. For example, the daily intake should be approximately:

65% High fiber foods, such as steamed vegetables: The best choices are broccoli, celery, radishes, asparagus, onions, garlic, ginger root, cabbage, turnips and kale. Raw garlic and onions act as natural anti-fungal substances and should be eaten as much as possible.

20% High protein foods, such as: fish chicken, duck, nuts, seeds and eggs.

10% Complex carbohydrates: rice, beans and oats.
Foods that promote a healthy body and deter Candida Overgrowth "

5% fresh fruits, such as: berries of all kinds, grapefruit, pineapple, and papaya.

Here is a suggested list of acceptable foods :

Acceptable Foods

GRAINS in moderation

Whole Amaranth and flour;

Whole Barley,

Flour and hatomugi;

Buckwheat flour and groats;

Undegerminated Corn meal (fine or coarse grind);

Masa Harina;

Popcorn (air popper),

Whole Millet and flour;

Oat bran, flour,


Quick; whole Quinoa and flour;

Wild Rice;

Brown Rice (long, med. Or short grains),

Brown Basmati Rice,

Texmati Brown Rice,

Wehani Brown Rice

Rye flour,


Cream of rye cereal;

Whole Spelt and flour;

Whole Teff and flour;

Wheat Berries,

Unprocessed or miller's wheat bran,

Bulgur, cracked,


Graham wheat flour,

Whole wheat flour.



Saifun (Japanese noodles),

Soba (buckwheat),

Udon (Japanese noodles),

Whole wheat.


Any whole grain unsweetened, unyeasted bread product such as
chapatis, whole wheat flour, corn chips, quick breads, unsweetened rice cakes or crackers, tortillas made from brown, corn or whole wheat. Ryvita contains no yeast.


Dried or frozen Black-eyed peas,

Chickpeas or garbanzo beans,



Soy flakes,

Split peas

Acceptable dairy:

Unsweetened soymilk.

Almond milk

Plain yogurt with added acidophilus culture.








Pine nuts,



Sesame (tahini),


Small occasional amounts of fresh lemon, lime, tomato, and eggplant.

Eat Vegetables:



Brussels sprouts





Green pepper,







Rocket or arugulla




Almond milk


Toasted whole barley,

Coffee substitute (without malt),

Unsweetened soymilk,

Unsweetened Taheebo

Pau d'Arco tea,

Water (plain or carbonated).


Chicken broth without sweetener,

Fresh garlic,

Fresh ginger,

Fresh herbs,

Fresh onion,



Tamari (unfermented soy sauce),

Raw organic apple cider vinegar


Antelope, bear, beef, buffalo, caribou, chicken, deer, duck, eggs, elk, all types of fish, frog legs, game hen, goat, goose, grouse (partridge), guinea fowl, moose, mutton, peafowl, pheasant , pigeon (squab), pork, quail, and turkey.

These foods when taken in the recommended daily portions will foster healthy Candida levels a strong immune system and a healthy body.

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6 Daily Skin Care Routine For Working Women: Simple And Easy

Each morning is a challenge for busy women – rushing around the home to prepare breakfast, finishing other tasks from the office, and whole lot more! So, how about your beauty routine? You might be skipping it. Oh no! That's not good if you're doing so. Especially when it comes to your skin care, you must pay a great attention. Lack of skin care can end up to dull skin, ageing, acne breakouts, and other negative effects.

So, we've searched for skin care tips a busy woman like you can do to make sure you'll have an easy and effective skin care routine.

  1. Wash your face every morning. Use with a gentle cleanser. First off, know your skin types before you use your daily face cleanser to avoid negative effects. In case you have dry skin, use a non-lathering facial cleanser. For oily skin, use a gentle foaming face. In case of sensitive acne prone skin, select an acne-fighting cleanser.
  2. Use toners. Not all facial cleansers carefully clean the trace of oil and dirt. That's why it's best to use toner. Use a swipe of cotton pad and dab with toner in your skin and you'll see it will clean the dirt and residue left by facial wash. When you tone, your pores shrink which prevents acne and pimple from forming. Just remember, always use an alcohol-free toner.
  3. Moisturize. All types of skin need moisturizing. Also, if you need to go out in the morning or during the day, do not forget to apply sunscreen. For busy women, pick a multipurpose product which has sun protection, hydration and at the same time, used as foundation. Products such as BB and CC creams can be your BFF. They act as serum, moisturizer, foundation, primer, and mostly as sunscreen with SPF.
  4. Always bring facial wipes or facial cleansing sprays with your accessories. Whether you have oily, dry or combination skin, everyone has to deal with oil and sweats. In case your work requires you to spend a great amount of time under the sun (if you're working in the field, for instance), always bring a bottle of sunscreen in your bag. Apply every after 2-3 hours.
  5. When you got home after the whole day's work, you may feel awful and look haggard. Imagine that sweaty, oily, and tired face … not a very good sight, right? Wash your face with facial cleanser and then use toner. Too, you can also spray some rose water to freshen up instantly.
  6. Here's a bedtime skin care routine for you. Wash your face with a mild cleanser half an hour before sleeping. Or, you can just wipe your face with baby wipes. Dab your night cream and gently massage it to your face. You can also use a good and gentle eye cream. The best night cream is the one which is rich in antioxidants and other anti-ageing ingredients. The most important, get a complete and great night's sleep. This is because our cell repair happens during our sleep.

Additional Tips for Busy Women to Keep Skin Glowing and Healthy

Why you Need to Exfoliate

As we age, our skin is constantly renewing itself and shedding dead skin cells. Exfoliation can speed help us achieve a brighter skin tone. It's not necessary to exfoliate daily. But it's important to do this at least twice a week. Aster exfoliating, use toner and moisturizer.

How about Face Mask? You can prepare and put your face pack while you are getting your breakfast or lunch ready. Meaning, you can still do some home chores while you have the face pack on.

To maintain a healthy skin in your busy schedule, here are additional things to remember:

– Sip warm water and lemon juice as a detoxifier to start your day.

– Avoid junk foods. Instead, consume fresh, organic fruits and green, leafy vegetables. They are full of antioxidants and nutrients.

– Make sure to rehydrate by drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily.

– Get a good night's sleep. Nothing can replace that as the best form of rest.

– Use natural ingredients for your face pack. Do some search about avocado, for instance.

– Have a moisturizer and lip balm in your bag, as well as moisturizer, especially if you're working inside an air-conditioned room.

Know more skin care tips? Feel free to share.

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