Archive | October, 2015

Cardio Home Exercises – Get Fit Without Leaving Your Home

Cardio, or cardiovascular, exercises have many benefits- they improve your general health and fitness, strengthen the heart and lungs and reduce the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. It can be difficult to find the time to exercise, and many of us do not have the time to go to a gym to workout regularly. Here are some ideas for cardio home exercises you can do without leaving your home;

Cardio exercises include those which raise your heart rate and leave you breathing slightly faster. They use the large muscle groups and are usually sustained for at least 20 minutes at a time for maximum benefits. If you can afford it, invest in some home exercise equipment. This includes stationary bikes, treadmills, steppers, elliptical machines and rowing machines. All of these will provide an excellent cardio workout and can even be used whilst watching your favorite shows. Buying a cardio machine can be expensive, so it may be cheaper to purchase a second hand machine or ask around family and friends- someone may have a piece of cardio equipment they no longer use.

Running on the treadmill, rowing, cycling or stepping can then be done in your own time or when the weather is too unpleasant to exercise outside. Many machines have built in features to vary your workout, such as an inclination function on the treadmill or difficulty settings. If you can, try out your chosen machine before you buy it to make sure you will feel comfortable using it.

It is possible to purchase cardio exercise and workout DVDs for home use. There is a vast array of aerobic workouts to choose from, so you should be able to find one that suits you. You may be able to borrow a selection from your library before making a purchase. For added fun, get a group of your friends round and have a group workout.

Mini trampolines can give a great cardio workout- bouncing gently up and down is fantastic fun and doesn’t even feel like exercise. They are fairly inexpensive and don’t take up much space. You can use your trampoline whenever you have a few minutes spare, or put the radio on and bounce to the beat!

Gaming consoles such as the Wii Fit has opened up a whole new way of working out. The Wii Fit will track your progress and fitness levels and is another fun way of exercising. Make sure you choose the cardio based activities, such as running, jumping or aerobics.

If you are on a budget, there are some cardio home exercises you can do without any equipment at all. When you have some free time, such as watching television, jump up and down or jog on the spot- start doing this for 5 minutes and gradually increase this as you become fitter. You can add variations such as lifting your knee towards your chest whilst you jog, or incorporating some star jumps. Alternatively, put on your favorite tunes and dance away!

With a little investment or ingenuity, you can easily incorporate cardio home exercises into your daily routine.

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Nutrition and Football

For the general population, it is easy to sum up the key to good nutrition. One simply needs to consume a balance of nutrients from a variety of healthy foods to meet but not exceed daily calorie needs.

If you’re a football player, however, that formula will only get you so far. Because of the need for immense strength, short bursts of power and the ability to recover from hard hits, football players require a more specialized nutrition plan to excel on the field.

This plan must work in concert with a strength and conditioning program to produce lean muscle mass. It must focus on finding the right fuel to prepare for and recover from practice and games. And it must take into account individual needs-a quarterback, for example, needs a different nutritional strategy than the center he lines up behind.

But before we get into many of the specifics behind fueling for football, it’s important to first understand the basics. On the field, you need to know how to catch the ball before you can learn to run hitches, slants, curls, and post routes. In this chapter, we’ll explain overall nutritional game plans for athletes, which will prepare you for understanding how it becomes specialized for certain positions and times of the year.

Food as Energy

To be successful as an athlete, your body must be continuously supplied with food energy, called calories. If calorie intake exceeds needs, you’ll gain weight and body fat, which will make you feel heavy, play slower, and increase your risk for injury. If calorie intake does not meet demands, you won’t be able to maintain your muscle mass and speed, and your recovery will be slow and incomplete.

The number of calories needed to maintain a certain weight varies greatly among individuals. For example, a 220-pound high school fullback who is still growing would need between 4,000 and 5,000 calories a day, in-season. His 45-year-old, 140-pound mom, whose only exercise is cheering loudly during football games, would need less than half her son’s amount of calories.

There are four basic reasons why nutrition is important for athletes:

• As an energy source

• For building lean muscle mass

• To achieve ideal body composition

• To aid in staying healthy and reducing injuries.

As a serious athlete, you are asking your body to do a lot. Like a race car needs the correct type of fuel to maximize its effectiveness, so does an athlete. You need to understand and think about what you are putting in your body if you want it to reach optimal performance.

While for some athletes, talent can overcome less-than-ideal dietary composition for some time, it tends to catch up with everyone eventually. The risk for weight issues, injury, illness, and cramping are greater for those who do not meet and maintain adequate intake and stores. Energy from the right fuel also translates to staying strong throughout the entire season, which is what every coach wants to see, especially if the team has a playoff run.

Overall, there are three types of nutrients that give the body calories-carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These energy-giving nutrients can be found in varying amounts in foods. Essential nutrients that also help the body to use energy, but do not have calories, are called vitamins, minerals, and water. Let’s take a closer look at how they all work together. According to the 2009 Position Statement of The American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada and The American College of Sports Medicine on Nutrition and Athletic Performance, athletes do not need a diet substantially different than percentages recommended for non-athletes. The dietary percentage ranges recommended are:

45-65% from carbohydrates

10-35% from protein

20-35% from fat

Those are pretty large ranges, and they do get more specific for football players based on time of year, training goals, and position played on the field. In addition, using ranges only goes so far in being effective. Ideally, players should calculate their carbohydrates, protein, and fat needs in grams, based on bodyweight.

Carbohydrates Are King

For all athletes, including football players, fueling should primarily come from carbohydrates. There is a longstanding myth that football athletes should bulk up by consuming lots of protein, but nothing is further from the truth. While small amounts of protein are essential, carbohydrates are recommended for fueling most of the training during practices and games for all positions.

Why are carbohydrates so important? All carbohydrates we consume are turned into glucose in our bodies, which resides in our cells. When we need energy, our bodies utilize the glucose in our cells to function. Glucose not used immediately is then stored in the liver and muscles and is called glycogen. When we need energy, and the glucose in our cells is depleted, the liver makes glucose from its glycogen stores.

But if there is nothing in the store, there is no energy. Without a diet high in carbohydrates, you end up running on empty-meaning you aren’t running very well at all.

In addition, carbs are the main nutrient that helps our bodies recover after a tough workout. Especially during tough preseason workouts, a football player needs carbs continually to realize complete recovery. Without recovery, the hard work you’re putting in does not translate to increased strength gains.

When athletes don’t have enough carb stores in their bodies, they have glycogen depletion. The consequences are feeling flat, an inability to build muscle, and even depression. Ongoing depletion can also lead to overtraining syndrome.

An ideal dietary intake of carbohydrates for football players is 50 to 60 percent of total daily caloric intake. Therefore at each meal, about half to two-thirds of your plate should be filled with carbohydrates.

What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are composed of three elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are created through a process called photosynthesis in which water, absorbed by plant’s roots, donates hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon dioxide gas absorbed in leaves donates carbon and oxygen. Water and carbon dioxide combine to yield the major energy source for the body called glucose.

But not all carbs are created equal. One type is simple carbohydrates, which are broken down by the body quickly, and found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks. No more than 10 percent of your calories should come from simple sugars because they are lower in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients (which help your body to use fuel, stay fit, recover faster and reduce the risk for injury and illness) than complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbs are our heroes. They take longer to break down and have more nutrients, such as fiber and vitamins. Fiber is key because it slows down the passage of food through the digestional tract and the release of sugar into the bloodstream. That leads to better blood sugar control and more even energy levels, as well as regularity of stools. For those athletes who want to lose weight, fiber provides a feeling of fullness. It also has a cholesterol lowering effect, for long-term health. Fiber is found in whole grain bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables, beans, oats, nuts (almonds, pistachios and others with the woody shell), popcorn, brown rice, potato skins, corn, and peas.

Protein for Power

While protein is not an athlete’s primary fuel for training, it is a crucial part of the support system. It’s equivalent to how essential it is to wear your pads and uniform-they offer protection, but don’t play the game for you. Athletes should look to get 10 to 35 percent of calories from protein.

Protein is important for football players because it helps to build and repair muscle, helps the muscles contract and relax, builds ligaments and tendons that hold muscles and support bone, and assists with recovery by preventing muscle breakdown. Protein is also needed for building hormones like insulin that regulate blood sugar and the thyroid for metabolism, for supporting the immune system, and for regulating the digestion of food. Without adequate dietary protein, you run the risk of injury, illness, or just feeling run down. Protein also provides energy in times of extreme need when carbohydrate stores are depleted. This occurs when your total calorie expenditure is greater than your consumption and/or when your body is healing after injury.

Another important thing to know about protein is that you need it in small amounts throughout the day, especially if you are trying to increase muscle mass. A lot of busy athletes make the mistake of consuming all their protein at dinner, snacking on easy-to-grab and low-protein foods at other times of the day. It’s important to make sure protein is a part of breakfast, lunch, and snack foods, too, because it helps to prevent muscle breakdown and promote muscle building.

It also helps keep you feeling fuller than if you just had carbohydrate-based meals and snacks alone.

Protein can be found in chicken, fish, turkey, red meat, eggs, cheese, milk, and soy products. These foods contain all the essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein. The best protein sources are low-fat, but that can be tricky to find. Meat and dairy often contain fat in large amounts. Therefore, look for lean cuts of meat and low-fat dairy products.

Fewer Fats

Most people know that fat is not a good thing in a diet. But it is not quite that simple. Football players do need some fat in their diets. In fact, as much as 35 percent is okay if the athlete is not overweight, although as little as 20 percent of one’s diet is also fine.

Fat can be used as a long-term energy source-a stored form of calories when you run out of carbohydrates and protein. This is especially true for leaner athletes who burn a lot more calories or in preseason when training can more than double your calorie needs. But fat is a very inefficient source of fuel because it is used at a much slower rate by the muscles and cannot keep up the quick energy demands of high intensity training.

Fats are needed as a transporter of the fat soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K, which are essential for building muscles and the immune system, building red blood cells and healthy bones. Fats are also a provider of the essential fatty acids, the omega-3s and omega-6s required for brain function, healthy skin, normal blood pressure, blood clotting, and as an anti-inflammatory against aches and pains.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that research suggests football players often consume more than the recommended percent of total calories. In fact, one study of college and pro football players found some players averaged 43 percent of calories from fat. When more fat is consumed than needed, it can lead to unnecessary weight gains and negative changes in body composition.

It also means the athlete is probably not eating enough carbohydrates and protein. For example, if an athlete eats a 1,000-calorie meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes swarming with butter, high-fat biscuits, and gravy, it will contain about 49 percent fat, 22 percent protein, and 29 percent carbs. If, instead, he eats a 1,000-calorie meal of grilled chicken breast with a low-fat BBQ sauce, oven-roasted potatoes, whole-wheat rolls, tossed green salad, and stir-fry vegetables, he’ll be consuming 26 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 54 percent carbs. So, with the same amount of calories, the athlete increases the ever-important carbohydrates in his diet.

The two major dietary fat groups are called unsaturated and saturated fats. The saturated fats are hard at room temperature. These fats have been shown to increase the unhealthy low-density lipoprotein blood cholesterol levels and compromise performance. Trans-fats, those you find in processed foods like some types of crackers, cookies, and margarines, are also saturated and can compromise performance and health.

It’s much better to consume monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. This includes vegetable oils and fats found in fish, nuts, and avocados.

Vitamins & Minerals

If players follow the above guidelines of consuming primarily complex carbohydrates along with healthy forms of protein, vitamin and mineral needs are usually met. This is important because a lack of vitamins and minerals impact energy levels, recovery, inflammation, bone strength, and muscle contraction. Deficiencies in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium can cause cramping and muscle spasms.

While there are about 40 vitamins and minerals that we need daily to perform all healthy body functions, the ones most commonly seen in deficiency are Vitamins A, C, and D, and the minerals potassium, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, during puberty, young men need extra folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, and E.

The best way to meet vitamin and mineral needs is from whole foods. But the reality is that no one eats perfectly. Sometimes life gets in the way of eating your best. In this case, a daily vitamin supplement, fortified shake or bar can help you to meet your daily needs.

By Lisa Dorfman

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Muscle Building Exercises

Are you a smaller person who wants to put on muscle mass but you do not have the money of the time to Join a gym? Not to worry, in this article I will tell about my muscle building exercises you can do without weights. This program is for people who do not have two or three hours a night to spend at the gym.

The economy is bad, mortgage payments are due, car payments are due, food bills, the last thing you need to do is add a gym bill. If you have an half an hour and you have a local park near your home or work you have everything you will need to do these muscle-building exercises.

Before you begin any workout you should be sure to stretch, and warm up, you want to be sure to get the heart rate up and the blood pumping for a more effective workout. If you are not sure where you are on the health meter, you should check with your doctor before starting any new workout program. The last thing you will need is to hurt yourself and be laid up .With that aside it is time to get fit.

A few of the exercises I would recommend is the push up first with hands in normal position, then with the hands wide, and then with the hands close. It is great for the chest and triceps. If you want to make it, more difficult you can always use a chair to elevate the legs.

Another great muscle building exercise is the pull up. They even sale pull up bars you can use in your doorway. Again first start with hands in normal position, and then move them to a wider position. This exercise is great for the shoulders and back.

Them there is the abs sit ups, crunches; you can even use your pull up bar hold it and try to hold your legs out at a 90-degree angle. Then try lying on your back with your legs elevated and sit up. V- arms stretched over your head, and legs straight then raise your arms and legs at the same time forming a V-shape, it is great for the stomach.

For biceps, you can use resistance bands they are very inexpensive and they work great build large better shape biceps. You can use them for a number of different muscle building exercises.

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Beginners Guide to Cardio Training

Surprisingly, cardiovascular training will always be an incredibly excellent solution to burn fat and get the physical body you want. The problem is that a lot of people are utilizing it mistakenly. Unless you’re a cross-country runner, you need to realise that monotonous aerobic cardio exercise will never give you the final results you really want!

It’s the time for you to begin to use high-intensity cardiovascular training. This form of exercise will provide you with quick fat loss results.

Keep in mind, high-intensity training will certainly take 100 percent dedication and diligence to start to see great results. You’re gonna have to get pumped up for this form of exercise and gain the eye of the tiger! The most difficult component is the fact that you have got to drive your own self past restrictions you in no way assumed were possible.

All set to commence?

High-Intensity Sprint Training

I’m happy to go out on a limb and state that sprints are the most useful high-intensity cardiovascular exercise you are going to ever make use of. These kind of exercises will allow you to build up lean muscle mass and obliterate extra fat. What you should do at the moment is Google search a professional sprinter and you will certainly realize why sprints are extremely incredible.

The good news is, you won’t need to commit upwards of an hour performing cardiovascular training due to the fact a sprint regimen is only going to take approximately 15 minutes of your energy. In case you’re just starting out, I would advice the traditional sprint.

Regular sprints are performed on leveled pavement, and will assist you to build up a solid foundation for skilled variances such as incline sprints. A sprint must never go longer than sixty yards because it may possibly push your system into an aerobic state.

Body weight Exercises

Not only are body weight exercises a good muscle developing strategy, but they could also be a fantastic cardio training technique when included in a circuit. If you’re aiming to improve full-body strength and lean body mass, bodyweight workouts shall do the job.

To develop your own personal circuit just simply blend 4-5 various work-outs and do every one progressively with no relaxing. After you have executed each physical exercise, you may take a break for 90 seconds.

Body weight circuits are psychologically and physically demanding, but are very important for anyone seeking to get rid of some considerable excess weight.

High-Intensity Interval Training

For those who weren’t informed, HIIT is truly one of the most favored fat loss techniques there is. This well known training method is utilized by people of all health levels.

To execute high-intensity intervals you can expect to drive oneself to 100 percent level of intensity, take a break (walk/jog), and replicate. High intensity intervals can briskly increase both aerobic and anaerobic durability.

Among the best HIIT techniques is carried out on a track. To start out, jog the straight area of the track and sprint the curved. I highly recommend 3-6 laps in case you are just beginning.


For some reason, women and men tend to ignore plyometrics as a cardio training method and are honestly missing out! Plyometrics will strengthen the quick twitch muscle fibers and thus boost your explosiveness. As a result of the high-intensity level, you can also strengthen anaerobic longevity and minimize fat levels while building up lean body mass. The good thing is you are going to merely need 20 minutes of your time and energy to accomplish a high-intensity plyometric regime.

There are a lot of high-intensity cardiovascular training physical exercises you can use to see the good results you seek. All you want to do now is put your plans into action and work effortlessly! It’s time for everyone get cracking!

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Health and Fitness Tips for Weight Loss

Obesity is a problem in our society and nearly everyone could stand to lose a few pounds, but all of the gimmicky and trick diets in the world, all of the fat-burning super fruit coming out of the Amazon rain forests and all of the fat-blocking pills being hawked on internet sites can’t silence one indisputable fact.

The healthy and effective way to lose weight is the same one that doctors have been recommending for years. There are no short cuts and any weight you take off using these instant methods will come right back if you don’t change your eating and fitness standards. Losing 20 pounds is a great goal, but celebrating that loss by returning to self-destructive eating and fitness habits is pointless.

Losing weight is not easy, but it is possible. It takes dedication and a real desire to actually lose weight. If you have those, follow these tips to lose weight without harming your health:

· Chose how much weight you want to lose. Setting realistic goals for your weight loss is important. Tracking these goals is essential for teaching your body the self-discipline it needs to continue with your diet and fitness regimen.

· Eat your breakfast. Eating a meal in the morning will kick-start your metabolism for the remainder of the day. Having a cup of coffee may make you feel satisfied, but your body is still in a slowdown mode and your metabolism is still sluggish. You have to give your body some fuel to ‘prime the pump.’

· Eat small meals through the day. Instead of overeating at a few meals, try eating smaller portions over longer periods of time. 5 to 6 meals per day, with a reduced intake is much healthier than 2 or 3 large ones.

· Limit the carbs. Limiting the amount of carbohydrates you eat will help you lose weight. Not just breads and pastries, cut down on pastas, sodas and rice can help you shed pounds.

· Although not all fats are bad, many aren’t good. Omega-3 fats are good for you and easily available in different cooking oils and cold water fish. Replacing or supplementing your normal fats with these will help you lose weight and improve your health.

· Drink water, lots of it. Although water doesn’t have anything in it to help you lose weight, drinking plenty of it will help your body flush out toxins, hydrate your cells and promote your health.

· Exercise every day. Find an exercise you like and stick with it. Even walking or climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator will help you burn calories and keep your body healthy. For more pronounced weight loss, you will need to find a more strenuous workout routine.

· Patience is a virtue. Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight and you have to get your body accustomed to the changes in diet and exercise before it will start changing. If you stick with your diet and fitness regimen, you will see changes.

Losing weight is important to retaining your health and fitness, but it should be treated with the respect your body deserves. Forcing your body, through pills or dubious diets, to lose pounds while losing essential nutrients is not healthy and can potentially damage your body. Following a simple diet and exercise regimen will take the weight off but you have to be patient. You can’t realistically expect to lose all of your excess pounds overnight.

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Running the Best Cardio Exercise

Are you looking for the best cardiovascular exercises ever? Then do not go far, its right here for you and that is running. This is a cardio exercise that can be done at home. There is no need of any equipment and time bound to do these cardio exercises at home. One can do them at home ease. It is considered as the best cardiovascular exercises at home.

Running is one of the prime cardio exercises which helps to burn fats developed in your body. If you have some problem with running then you can go for jogging i.e. running slowly. It gives a good tone to the muscle groups to make them strong. Along with it, this form of cardiovascular exercise is also good for developing the heart rate.

Running or jogging can be done either mechanically or at outside. Among the two, the latter is much preferred as one can inhale the fresh air outside while engaging in the same.

If you feel uncomfortable both engaging in running or jogging, then you can always switch to walking. Walking is regarded as possessing a low impact of cardio-vascular exercise. But nevertheless, it is also a good way to burn out some excess fats from your body. Actually it is a perfect form of cardio exercise to start off.

You can search different cardiovascular exercises on the websites online. You will get many websites which are dedicated to exercises and home cardio exercises. These websites are very useful and will give you many links to download exercises and equipment videos.

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Best Abs Exercise For Six Pack Abs

Many people think that crunches are the best abs exercise and the most effective way to get toned abs is to do lots of crunches every day. While crunches do work the ab muscles they are not the best exercise for your abs. In fact research that recorded the muscle activity of the abdominal muscles during different exercises has shown that crunches are not even in the top ten most effective exercises for both upper and lower abs.

So what is the best abs exercise? Here are the top ten based on the amount of muscle activity during each. The top two best exercises are the same for both upper and lower abs.

For upper abs the best abs exercises are:

1. Bicycle Maneuver

2. Captain’s Chair

3. Exercise Ball

4. Vertical Leg Crunch

5. Torso Track

6. Long-Arm Crunch

7. Reverse Crunch

8. Crunch with Heel Push

9. Ab Roller

10. Plank

The best abs exercises for the lower abs are:

1. Captain’s Chair

2. Bicycle Maneuver

3. Reverse Crunch

4. Plank

5. Vertical Leg Crunch

6. Exercise Ball

7. Torso Track

8. Crunch with Heel Push

9. Long-Arm Crunch

10. Ab Roller

The results were very similar for both muscle groups and the best exercise came in at the top of both lists. The bicycle maneuver and captains chair create more muscle activity in the abdominal muscles than any other tested exercise. If you want to get sleek, toned abs these two exercises are some of the best to add to your workout routine because they have been proven to be the best abs exercises.

The bicycle maneuver is the best abs exercise because it is easy to do and does not require any type of equipment. To perform this exercise you lie on your back and put your hands beside your head. You bend your knees to 45-degree angle and start a pedal motion by touching your elbow to your opposite knee while alternating each side.

The captain’s chair is also one of the best exercises to work your abs and only requires a sturdy chair with arms or a dip machine. This is the best ab exercise and is often overlooked because it is not a traditional type of floor exercise. Never the less it is very effective. First, sit on a chair and grip the handles. Make sure you keep your lower back straight and stable. Then press your back against the pad and slowly lift your knees towards your chest. If you want toned abs this is one of the best exercises you can do.

Getting sexy toned abs takes work and the right exercises. It is important to do the best abs exercise otherwise you will be doing more work with fewer results. You also need to make sure to incorporate cardio into your workout and eat a healthy diet so that you can lose any fat that will obscure your tones muscles.

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Cardio Workouts For Fat Loss Do’s and Don’Ts

If you’re going to do cardio workouts to lose body fat and get lean, it’s time for you to know the right and wrong way to do cardio to achieve the best and quickest results possible. In this article, I’ll go over some of the things you should and shouldn’t do with cardiovascular workouts to maximize their effectiveness.

Do: Choose your cardio workout carefully. It’s better to choose the more intensive and challenging workouts such as running, rowing, aerobic classes, etc. Less effective workouts will likely burn less calories.

Don’t: Judge the effectiveness of your workout by its length in time. Just because you do a workout for 60 minutes, it doesn’t mean that it burns more calories than another workout which lasts for merely 40 does. You need to make your workout intense, not just long.

Do: Perform your cardio workout after you weight training session. You need to be as fresh and focused as possible when you lift weights. In addition, you don’t want to be sweating too much when you start to life weights. It will feel less comfortable.

Don’t: Do the same cardio workout over and over. You need to change things up every once in a while. Do a variety of cardiovascular activities to challenge your body in different ways, keep things interesting for you, and to improve your fitness in a number of ways.

Do: Wear comfortable shoes. If you want to reduce risk of fitness related injury and to make the workout as convenient as possible, invest in some good shoes. It’s worth it.

Don’t: Do cardio only at the gym. There’s something about doing outdoor workouts which makes exercise a lot more fun.

Do: Stretch before you do cardio. Especially if you haven’t done this particular workout in a long time, stretching will help to avoid sore muscles and reduce risk of injury.

Don’t: Avoid doing strength workouts. The best way to get lean is through a combination of cardio and strength training. Doing just cardio will delay your results.

Do: Perform interval training style cardio. Exercising in intervals is a way in which you can burn much more body fat and save a lot of workout time. This is the most time efficient way to workout.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways in which you can improve the results you get with cardio. follow these tips and you will change your body.

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Easy Boxing Fitness Workouts For Women

Boxing fitness is so unique in that it is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises. It’s a total body conditioning that women can really appreciate. Boxing fitness takes all the benefits of competitive boxing training without the actual training for hardcore fighting. Through the boxing training programs women will gain strength, flexibility, coordination, a good sense of balance and you will have quicker reflexes.

Here are some easy exercises you can do from the home:

10 jab punches

10 straight punches

10 squats

15 jumping jacks

Rest 30sec to 1min

10 jab-straight combination(1-2)

10 alternating lunges

15 ab crunches

Rest 30sec to 1min

10 jab-straight-hook combinations(1-2-3) then under(duck)

1min jump rope

Rest 30sec to 1min

Repeat for 2 more rounds.

Never forget to warm-up and stretch before starting your program, likewise, always cool down after every workout. This must always be part of any workout, it will prevent you from having injuries.

Don’t worry if you are conscious that you might end-up with a body like the popular professional male fighters such as Mike Tyson or Manny Pacquiao, you won’t. Instead, you will have a leaner, trimmer toned body. Plus, the add-on to your self-esteem of knowing how to box! A lot of my female clients wanted to learn boxing for fitness because they wanted to effectively lose weight fast and in a fun way. But I also had female clients who were inspired to learn boxing for self-defence. They felt good that they were taking care of their health and gaining an ability to protect themselves should they ever need to.

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The Keys to Building Muscle – A Weight Lifter’s Guide to Building Muscle

Perhaps the single biggest characteristic that separates the best from the rest is that they have all set compelling goals for themselves. In this article, I will show you one of the best processes for improving yourself in the weight room, as well as improving the quality of your life.

First, You need to create a work out regime/log that you follow. Tracking your work is very important. A lot of people don’t keep a log when they start a workout program which is something that one should need. For you to be able to get Muscle mass, you need to get stronger and in order for you to do that you need to write down your max repetition for a certain exercise and you need to try your hardest to increase that number by 1 or 2 reps every time you do that exercise. When you can exceed your max rep, write it down and try to increase it next time you work out.

After you’ve compiled your workout log it’s time to decide how many reps you should perform for each set of exercises. If you are looking to get Muscle Bulk you’ll want to keep your reps between 6-12 reps per set.

The last thing you need to remember is to eat a lot and eat frequently. Your body builds muscle between workouts and not during them, the amount of food and the time in between meals means a lot. Your body needs Protein and essential amino acids in order to repair/rebuild itself after workouts. You should eat roughly 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (do not include body fat). You should also eat every 2-3 hours to ensure that your muscles are constantly being fed.

What I have given you is one of the best ways to set yourself up for achievement, so you can get more out of your workouts, and make a difference in your life.

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