Archive | October, 2015

Extreme Cardio For Fat Loss in 1 Exercise!

If you are wanting a superior cardio workout to help you to burn the fat then you have got to engage in body weight squats. Now you are probably wondering how this body weight exercise can be structured in such a way as to challenge your cardiovascular system. The fact is that there are several ways to structure body weight squats in order to be an effective cardio fat burning workout.

Body Weight Squats For Fat Loss!

You see body weight squats can be a highly effective and extreme cardio workout depending on what type of squat you are performing. In other words, body squat exercises can be done by executing single leg drills, squat jumps, and even rolling squat exercises. These are all highly effective and very dynamic ways to utilize the body weight squat exercise to be a successful cardiovascular drill.

However, one squat drill that I am very partial to in particular is performing the squats with the ladder structure. This can be done easily and without the need for any bulky gym equipment. For instance, get your hands on some small round objects or markers such as game piece checkers, water bottle caps, or coins. It doesn’t really matter, but just make sure that these small pieces or markers are small enough so that you can hold 10 of them in your hands. From here line up the markers in a straight line with about 8 to 10 inches between them.

To begin this drill simply walk up to the first marker and straddle it by standing with your feet at shoulder width apart in length. From here you are going to perform a proper squat and reach down to pick up the first marker. Now as soon as you pick up the first marker walk up to the second marker and perform a proper squat to reach down and place the first marker back on the ground next to the second marker. Next, squat down again and pick the first marker back up and then squat to pick up the second marker. From here you are going to walk to the third marker to squat one at a time to place the two markers down only to squat one at a time again to pick them back up along with picking the third one up. You see a pattern forming here, right? Keep executing this squats in a continuous manner until you have reached the final marker. After you are finished you will see why this body weight squat drill is such an effective cardio weight loss exercise!

If you haven’t already started to implement body weight squats into your extreme cardio workout program then you are missing out. Take the time to learn more cool tactics like this one by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

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3-Day Workout Routine

In a previous article, I suggested a 5-day workout routine, which is mainly focused on training each body-part separately every day. For example: Monday-Chest, Tuesday-Arms, Wednesday-Shoulders, Thursday-Back, Friday-Legs and Weekend-Rest. Although I believe that the ideal workout is the one that you devote a single workout to a single body-part, most of us do not have the available time to execute such an overloaded weekly training schedule.

So, what is the best alternative? Your goal still remains to train each body-part at least once a week. In order to achieve that without having to go to the gym every day, you must combine training a major body-part along with a minor at the same day. Here is a typical example of a 3-day workout routine:

Monday: Chest-Biceps

Chest Exercises

1) Bench Press 4 sets x 12,10,8,6

2) Incline Bench Press 3 sets x 12,10,8

3) Cable Crossover 3 sets x 12,10,8

4) Peck-Dec (Butterfly) or Dumbbell flies 3 sets x 12,10,8

Biceps Exercises

1) Barbell or Cable Curl 3 sets x 12,10,8

2) Alternate Hammer Curl 3 sets x 12,10,8

3) Concentration Curls or Preacher Curls (machine) 3 sets x 12,10,8

Wednesday: Back-Triceps

Back Exercises

1) V-Bar Pull-Down 4 sets x 12,10,8,6

2) Wide Grip Pull-Down (machine or cable) 3 sets x 12,10,8

3) Bent-Over Barbell Row 3 sets x 12,10,8

4) One Arm Dumbbell Row (leaning on a bench) 3 sets x 12,10,8

Triceps Exercises

1) Cable Extension (kneeling or standing) 3 sets x 12,10,8

2) Lying Close Grip Barbell Extension (Forehead) 3 sets x 12,10,8

3) One Arm Dumbbell Extension 3 sets x 12,10,8

Friday: Legs-Shoulders

Legs Exercises

1) Leg Extensions (machine) 4 sets x 12,10,8,8

2) Squats Barbell or Machine 4 sets x 12,10,8,8

3) Dumbbell Lunges 3 sets x 12,10,10

4) Leg Curls (Lying-machine) 3 sets x 12,10,10

Shoulder Exercises

1) Barbell or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 sets x 12,10,8,8

2) Arnold Dumbbell Press 3 sets x 12,10,8

3) Dumbbell Raise (Front or side) 3 sets x 12,10,8

4) Cable Chin Rows (Standing) 3 sets x 12,10,8

Always train the major body-part first: Chest, Back, Legs and continue with the minors: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders (Shoulders are considered as a medium size body-part, so whenever you have the chance train them separately). You can shuffle the exercises of each body part the way you like, but keep in mind that main exercises like bench press for chest, squat for legs or shoulder presses should be executed first.

If you are currently on a mass or volume workout routine, then lift maximum weight and decrease your reps. I call this training schedule “3-day workout routine”. However, if you have some extra time you can perform it four or even five times a week. Just keep in mind to rotate the workouts. For example, if you add training session on Thursday, then work on your legs and shoulders on Thursday and on Friday train your chest and biceps. Never break the sequence of the above-mentioned workout routine so that all body-parts are being trained the same.

Whether you are on the 3-day or the 5-day workout routine, remember that muscle build is a result of three different factors: Training, nutrition and resting. Each one of these factors is equally important.

Keep those muscles pumping!

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Cardio Exercise – Elliptical Machine Benefits

There are many benefits to using an elliptical trainers. Some of the elliptical machine benefits include weight loss, cardiovascular health improvements, muscle toning, and mental health and wellness. An elliptical machine is a great tool for improving health and puts less stress on the body than other types of workout equipment.

Elliptical Machine Benefits – Weight Loss

Elliptical trainer machines are great for weight loss. Elliptical machines can give you a great workout that can burn about 200+ calories in about 30 minutes at a moderate intensity level. It is also much easier on your feet, knees, and hips than a treadmill or running outdoors. As long as you are maintaining a healthy diet an elliptical machine can yield great results for your weight loss efforts.

Elliptical Machine Benefits – Cardiovascular Health

Another of the important elliptical machine benefits is the great cardiovascular exercise you can get from the machine. The cardiovascular system is composed primarily of your heart and blood vessels, the purpose of which is to deliver oxygen to the various parts of your body through the blood.

Understandably, the health of this system is very important to your overall health. Heart disease or clogged arteries can lead to serious problems. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in many countries.

One of the things you can do to improve your cardiovascular health is to get about 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week. This exercise should be vigorous enough to raise your heart rate to what is known as the “Cardio Zone.” To figure out what heart rate you should be targeting, first find your maximum heart rate by multiplying your age by 0.67, then subtract this number from 206.9. Here’s the formula:

Maximum Heart Rate = 206.9 – (0.67 * Age)

So, if you are 30:

206.9 – 20.1 = 186.8

70-85% of this number is your cardio heart rate zone. So, going with the example of 30 years of age, the cardio zone would be between 130 and 159 beats per minute. An elliptical machine can easily help you reach this target. It may be a good idea to find an elliptical machine that has a chest strap with a very accurate heart rate monitor to help you stay in the zone.

In addition to this, if you want to improve your cardiovascular health you should eat healthy. Avoid foods high in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Smoking is another contributor to cardiovascular disease, so it may be a good idea to quit if you are a smoker.

Elliptical Machine Benefits – Muscle Toning

Toned muscles can also help you to lose or maintain weight. This is because your body exerts energy just to maintain muscle tissue, which raises your metabolism. Basically, you are burning more calories even when your aren’t doing anything.

To tone muscle with an elliptical trainer you should spend part of your workout using your arms to pump the ski pole like hand bars rather than pedaling with your feet. This can help build muscle tone in your arms. Also, pedaling in reverse and changing incline and resistance levels can help you target different muscle groups.

Elliptical Machine Benefits – Mental Health

As with any exercise routine, working out on an elliptical trainer machine has mental health benefits. Exercise is a great way to get rid of stress. In addition, you can generally let you mind wander freely while doing your exercise. I find this to be a great time to reflect on my day, to think of my plans for the future, and just to work though any unresolved thoughts going on in my head. In fact, I think best when I am in motion.

I often find that when I am in a mental funk that a moderate exercise is just the thing I need to pull me out and get me going again.

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The Chemical Breakdown Diet – Lose 10 Lbs Fast

The Chemical Breakdown Diet comes with claims that it is possible to lose weight quickly – up to 10 lbs over 3 days is widely reported. If you feel the need to shed a little weight fast this is worth considering as the ingredients are foods commonly found in most supermarkets.

Perhaps better known as the 3 Day Diet and the Tuna Fish Diet, the Chemical Breakdown Diet is reported to succeed due to the chemical reaction of the ingredients in acting on fatty deposits and flushing them out of the system. This fat loss effectively produces a loss in weight.

Because the ingredients have been selected with this chemical reaction in mind, dieters are advised against substituting other foods and also to follow the order in which the ingredients are meant to be consumed.

Some versions of the Chemical Breakdown Diet refer to it as the 3 Days On and 4 Days Off Diet, meaning that it is intended to be followed for three days only and there should be four days of normal eating before repeating the diet. Naturally, dieters are cautioned against excessive or unhealthy eating during the four day break if the weight lost is to be permanent.


Salt and Pepper are the only recommended seasonings. Drink lots of water – 6-8 cups.


Salt and Pepper are the only recommended seasonings. Drink lots of water – 6-8 cups.

DAY 1:

Morning:: 1 tbs of peanut butter allowed with 1 slice of toast, half a grapefruit, and one cup of tea or coffee (no milk).

Midday:: 1 tbs of peanut butter allowed with 1 slice of toast, tuna (half cup), and one cup of tea or coffee (no milk).

Evening:: Skinless chicken breast (1 portion), green beans (1 cup), beets (1 cup), ice cream (1 cup), apple (small).

DAY 2:

Morning:: Boiled or poached egg (1), 1 slice of toast, banana (1/2), and one cup of tea or coffee (no milk).

Midday:: Tuna (1 cup), saltine crackers (6), and one cup of tea or coffee (no milk).

Evening: Frankfurter hot dogs (2), banana (1/2), broccoli (1 cup), carrots (1/2 cup), ice cream (1/2 cup)

DAY 3:

Morning:: Cheddar cheese (1 slice), saltine crackers (5), apple (1), and one cup of tea or coffee (no milk).

Midday:: Boiled or poached egg (1), 1 slice of toast.

Evening:: Tuna (1 cup), beets (1 cup), cauliflower (1 cup), ice cream (1/2 cup), cantaloupe (1/2)

Avoid snacking between meals. As the calories are limited and below what the body normally requires, the shortfall will be made up by consuming fatty deposits in the body. The low level of carbohydrates will prevent water retention and this also assists with weight loss. However for long term benefits and to avoid replacing the weight which has been shed, consider a change in eating habits that includes balanced nutrients and a wider range of foods to choose from.

Whilst the Chemical Breakdown Diet is simple to set up, free and convenient, its obvious limitations concerning nutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats mean that it is not sustainable or recommended for long term use. As well consider how much easier it would be to follow a diet which does not leave you feeling hungry and craving for just a little more.

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Exercise – Fat Burning

Conducting fat burning exercises can be strenuous but can be a little fun as well. Do you run on a treadmill? Do you use an elliptical machine? Do you use stairs, a stationary bicycle? Cardio exercises are great for fat burning but you need more than just running. You need to expand your idea of fat burning exercises.

Exercises for fat burning are numerous. For a total body work-out I recommend aerobics. There are thousands of places that offer aerobic exercise classes.

Running on a treadmill is also a very popular method of fat burning. With modern day treadmills you can set up any program for your exercise session. You can do a fast paced run on an incline of zero, or you can max out the incline so you are in essence running up a steep hill. Flat surfaces offer less resistance as opposed to steep inclines. You can burn more calories in a shorter distance running uphill. You can do interval training on a treadmill that lets you run at a moderate pace for a determined distance, then at random intervals the treadmill picks up speed as if sprinting. This method is very effective at burning more calories without you realizing it.

If you want to get out in the fresh air and look at some scenery while you burn fat, go on an outdoor jog around the neighborhood. You get fresh air in your lungs and you get the sense of getting somewhere. Running outdoors, in my opinion, is better for you because there are natural inclines and lowering of elevations while you run.

One other method of fat burning exercise is the use of the ever popular elliptical machine. This machine operates the same way as the treadmill does, but is less jarring on your knees. When you exercise on the elliptical machine you can make yourself go faster by using the handles. I don’t recommend you do this too much. When you get off the elliptical machine be careful, your legs will want to go faster than you do.

Running up the stairs is another great way to burn fat. By running three flights of stairs up and down you are increasing your heart rate which then causes energy to burn. The human body uses carbohydrates first, then fat so keep your carbohydrate intake to a minimum.

Finally a lesser known way to burn fat is to lift weights. Lift light weights using a higher repetition number. This action causes your body’s metabolism to increase for at least 48 hours. Remember, fat burning is not just about exercise. You have to decrease your calorie intake at the same time as increasing your calorie burn. This is the formula for weight loss.

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Treadmill Workout Tips For Weight Loss

Treadmills are great tools to maintain a consistent and challenging exercise regimen. Treadmill workouts are safe and convenient, and you can do them any time of the day and any time of the year.

The more consistently you are able to complete your exercise program, the more successful you are going to be in your fitness and weight loss goals.

When you consistently run or walk on your treadmill, you will enjoy the benefits of good cardiovascular exercise: along with burning calories and brightening your mood, you will be making your lungs and your heart stronger, improving your muscle tone and strengthening your bones. You may also find that your appetite is suppressed after a good workout. Working out on your treadmill will exercise the major muscles and get your heart rate up, which will in turn boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

So how do you maximize the amount of calories you burn on a treadmill? For weight loss, experts say that you will want to workout for between 30 minutes to an hour each day. You’ll want to check with your doctor before you start this exercise program to find out what you heart rate you should be aiming for. You want to make sure you are working out at the intensity level that’s right (and safe) for you. Many of the treadmills on the market today have heart rate monitors built right in.

If you aren’t able to workout (either walking or running) for so long, start small and work your way up.

It’s also a good idea to engage in interval training, in which you start out at a slower pace and no incline and then increase your speed and incline as you go, cycling through several intervals through the course of your workout. This is a great way to increase your fitness level and endurance in a relatively quick time frame.

To lose weight, you’ll also need to pay special attention to your diet. Don’t allow yourself to get so hungry after your workout that you replace all the calories you burned with post-workout snacks or sports drinks.

You’ll also need to stay consistent with your workout. It’s actually easier to schedule your workout every single day. Write it in each day on your calendar until it becomes as much a part of your routine as brushing your teeth. On that day or two each week when you are not working out, give yourself a special (non-edible) treat: a trip to the bookstore or a leisurely walk in the neighborhood with your kids.

Treadmills are also great for those of us who sometimes feel we simply don’t have the time to work out. You can even watch your favorite TV shows (recorded from earlier in the week, perhaps) while you work out. Some of the new higher-end treadmills on the market today have televisions built right in. Just make sure that you are able to stay focused on a getting in a good workout, too.

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Muscle Building – Best Muscle Building Foods

After you’ve put yourself on a good muscle building program, the next step is designing a diet that is going to get you adding pure muscle mass to your body.

This is usually the area people tend to struggle with the most, not necessarily for lack of effort, but because for some, it really can be quite hard to gain muscle weight.

Are you one of these people? Let me ask you this question. Have you stuffed yourself for days on end to only find out at the end of the week that the number on the scale has gone down? Frustrating, isn’t it? The reality of the fact is that for some guys, it is hard to gain weight. They try, and try, and try. Nothing happens.

It’s not that you aren’t giving it your all – you are, it’s just that it seems like your body is working against you.

Take comfort in knowing you aren’t alone. There are plenty of people who have this problem, BUT if you are smart with how you go about creating your diet, you can overcome your body and finally get that muscle mass you have been trying to gain for what seems like decades.

Here are the top muscle building foods you should be consuming on a daily basis.



-Nut butter such as peanut butter, almond butter, or chocolate flavored hazelnut spread

-cottage cheese



-low-sugar granola cereal

-flax seeds/flax seed oil

-chicken breasts

-trail mix

-dried fruit

-dry oatmeal (eaten like regular cereal)

-whole eggs (include those yolk – three or four yolks per day, when trying to gain muscle can actually help to increase your testosterone production!)

-sweet potatoes

Here are the top foods you want to avoid. Not because they are not necessarily healthy, just because they will fill you up too fast and won’t give you enough total calories. Keep amounts to a minimum – just enough to give you the nutrients you need.

-lots of vegetables (while some vegetables should be eaten for nutrients, avoid large quantities)

-puffed rice cereal

-cooked oatmeal (again, a healthy choice, but if you eat it raw, you’ll get twice as many calories!)

-egg whites


-sugary candies (while calorie dense, these are empty calories and will send your insulin levels too

high – which encourages fat storage)

-low-fat products

-rice chips/crackers


So, have a look at your current diet and see how it stacks up. You should be aiming to eat every 2-3 hours if you are the type of person whose metabolism is running at an incredibly fast pace and as such, cannot seem to gain weight.

Remember, as long as you consume more calories each day then you burn off, you will gain weight.

When you couple this calorie surplus with a smart weight lifting program, you will gain muscle mass.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

Workout at Home Routines – Quick Cardio and Ab Workout

Being fit and healthy and looking good is an aspiration of every individual, even if the majority is not able to fulfill this aspiration. There are many reasons for this inability, ranging from busy schedules to sheer laziness and motivation or inspiration.

However, many people do make the effort to keep in shape. They are trying every possible effort within their capacity. A lot of people try some sort of walking exercise to get fit among other workout at home routines such as a workout on the elliptical to get a quick cardio workout at home or a sit-ups for a quick ab workout at home. Of these people some are seeing pretty good results and can be very beneficial and suitable for most, unless you hit a plateau, these random workouts rarely produce the results that one may achieve by following a routines designed by professionals.

There are many good reasons why one would choose to go with a program developed by a professional. One would be that the person who developed it is a professional, they have the knowledge and training to know what works and in the least amount of time for your effort, given you stick with it. These professional workout routines not only keep the average person’s limits and requirements in mind, but also eliminate the possibility of suffering the numerous injuries that can afflict a person, when they are not using proper form in an exercise. While a person may feel that the routine that he or she has adopted and made up on their own is perfect for his or her requirements, people often fail to understand the possibility of serious injuries that haphazard non-professional workout at home routines can lead to.

Besides major injuries such as broken bones, there can also be the occasional pulled, strained, ruptured or sore muscles. However, this risk can be easily eliminated through the usage of home fitness programs designed by trained professionals.

When it comes to finding the best home fitness programs, you are bound to get confused by the available options. There are so many of these program with big claims. However, two of the best workout at home routines are Tony Horton’s 10-Minute Trainer and the 10-Minute Trainer Deluxe. Designed specifically for people with busy schedules and who are concerned for their health, these two workouts are designed to give the body a complete workout and, that too in a matter of minutes. The 10-Minute Trainer incorporates a Super Stacking Technique which negates the need for cardio warm-ups and combines the toning, sculpting and abs workouts in a super-fast ten minute workout.

Horton has designed four different ten-minute workouts, each catering to a different body zone. While the Total Body is the complete overall workout, the Cardio workout involves kicking, lunging and punching that serve the simple purpose of improving your cardio health and burning fat.

The Lower Body workout is designed specifically to tone your thighs and buns, all in a span of 10 minutes. The Yoga Flex workout, on the other hand, is for people who prefer to stretch and flex their bodies into shape. It tones the muscles and gives them perfect shape.

The Total Body, however, remains the optimum workout as it is the most complete of home workout routines. Building upon its huge success, Horton has designed the 10-Minute Trainer Deluxe, a fitness regime incorporating 9 essential workouts that result in the dream body in no time. These 9 workouts are listed below to give you a fair idea of what to expect and the sheer ease with which you can fulfill you aspiration for the best possible body:

  • Total Body 2: The complete workout, which is the basic building stone of the 10-Minute Trainer Deluxe.
  • Upper Body: Innovative moves that keep your upper body in the best possible shape.
  • Plyo Intervals: Designed to give you the fitness and stamina of an athlete.
  • Cardio Intervals: Intense drills designed to burnt any excess fat off and keep your heart up for the 10-Minute Trainer Deluxe challenge.
  • Friday Night Arms: Your arms and their toning are the center of attention.
  • Core Cardio: Burning fat but this time focusing on your mid-section.
  • One on One Lower: A combination of moves, with each minute a surprise for your lower body muscles.
  • One on One Upper: Why let your upper body off the hook? Fast-paced moves to give you an upper body you can be proud of.
  • Chest and Back: Essential moves for these two major muscle groups.

Apart from being the best amongst the numerous home workout routines, Horton’s 10-Minute Trainer and Deluxe comes complete with a nutrition plan and DVD guide that provides that vital information and the free coach you get, given you utilize them, will provide the motivation when you need it the most. So, if you are interested in doing all the workouts and training at home and are pressed for time, then you know a good choice, Tony Horton’s 10-Minute Trainer.

Posted in Cardio0 Comments

Diet Plans For Muscle Building

A muscle building diet is crucial to your success as a bodybuilder. Exercise and weight training can only do so much for you. If you are not implementing the right diet into your muscle building journey, you are essentially not doing yourself much good at all. Knowing what to eat and how to eat are critical elements in it.

Remember when you were younger, your parents told you that every growing child has to eat the right foods to become big and strong? Well, the same applies now, even as an adult. In order to grow, you have to eat, but in order to grow in the desired way, you have to eat right. Eating the wrong foods will lead to fat. In body building, there is nothing worse than fat.

There are many different types of diet plans for muscle building. These include protein, anabolic, and low carb diets. The protein diet is one diet that many body builders use and maintain. It is a known fact in the world of bodybuilding that protein is necessary to gain the muscle mass you are looking for. There are many ways you can get your protein, but with a protein diet, it consists of animal meats and other such forms of protein.

Another one of the many diet plans for it is the anabolic diet. This diet is not as popular because it takes more discipline and careful planning. In this diet, all you eat is protein, that is it – nothing more. Carbs are kept to a minimum during the week. When the weekend comes, carbs are allowed and you try to eat as many as you possibly can. However, this really takes some discipline.

If you are not careful and watchful, the anabolic diet can actually increase your body fat instead of your muscles. It is important to stick to the diet during the weekdays, in order to refrain from gaining the fat.

The low carb diet is another effective muscle building diet if you are careful with what you eat. Again, in this diet, you are limiting the amount of carbs you consume. However, as with the anabolic diet, it is not the preferred diet for bodybuilders. It is difficult to stick with and tends to wear out the bodybuilder quickly, increasing fatigue and weakness.

The reason for this is that your body loves carbs. It turns the carbs into fuel for the body. However, with this diet, the body is tricked into using fat for its fuel instead of carbs. Depending on who you talk to, this diet may also cause you to lose muscles as well.

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Best Fat Loss Diet!

In this article I am going to share with you the best fat

loss diet you could possibly ask for that is going to help

you to achieve your fat loss goals so that you can maintain

and live a healthy life. The diet recommended below has

worked for me and many others throughout the world.

If you don’t already know, a pound of fat equals

approximately 3500 calories. Your objective should

be to lose around two pounds a week, which comes

out to about 7000 calories a week. You want to do this

by creating a calorie deficit of around 500 calories

a day.

The first thing you are going to want to do is to

calculate your BMR(basal metabolic rate). This

is the amount of calories that your body burns a

day in order to function properly. This is the amount of

calories a day your body burns without any exercise

required. As a rule of thumb, the most basic way to

calculate this is to take your body weight and multiply

it by 15.

Ex: So if you are 200 pounds X 15= 2500.

2500 would be the amount of calories your body

naturally burns everyday.

The next thing you want to do is multiply your BMR

by your activity modifier. Below are some of the

activity modifier listings.

-(little are no exercise) AM(activity modifier)= 1.2

-(light exercise- 1-2 days/week) AM= 1.375

-(moderately active-3-5 days/week) AM= 1.55

-(very active- 6-7 days/week) AM= 1.725

So let’s say that you are moderately active. We

are going to take the 2500 calories that we already

calculated and multiply it by 1.55.

It’ll look like this.


So, 3875 calories is the amount of calories that my

body consumes everyday, assuming that I am moderately

active. With that said the next thing that we want to

do is take that number and subtract 500 calories

from it.

3875-500= 3375

With that done, we have created the calorie

deficit that we needed, which was 500 a day.

So the amount of calories that we want to take in

on a daily basis, assuming we weight 200 pounds

and are moderately active is 3375 calories a day.

This gives us approximately our 7000 calorie a week


The way I like to divide these calories in to meals, is

to have 6 smaller meals a day. so 3375/6=562 calories

a meal. If you do the math, you’ll see that this all makes

since. Again, this is the diet plan that has allowed me

to lose the weight I wanted to lose.

The important thing now is to know what to eat.

Each of your meals should be proportioned correctly.

During each of your meals you should be eating

40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% natural fats.

However, it is optional during your late night meals

if you want to consume carbs or not. Most of the time,

I leave them out of the last two meals of the day. With that said, if you follow this plan, you will

most definitely lose the fat you are looking to lose.

I wish you the best of luck on your fat loss journey!

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