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6 Week Body Makeover – What’s Your Body Type?

The first step of the Michael Thurman 6 Week Body Makeover is to determine what body type you are and the types of foods that will cause your body to lose weight. The body makeover is not a diet; you do not have to eat special meals, buy and mix special drinks or ingest diet pills. The whole point of this diet is not to starve yourself and to choose foods that work with your body to speed up your metabolism and eventually burn calories. The premise of the diet is that once you understand what types of foods increase your metabolism, the more food you’ll be able to eat.

Step one entails determining what type of body structure you have. You can determine your body structure by using the body blueprint which comes with the makeover diet kit. There are four different types of bodies in the Michael Thurman diet and you will be categorized as having an A, B, C or D body once you fill out the blue print.

Body Type A is known to have the slowest metabolism of any of the bodies within the Michael Thurmond diet. Often the person with this type of body has struggled with keeping their weight down their entire life. However, the positive side of being a Body Type A is that these types of people will have the most significant weight loss and faster results because the food choices in the six week body makeover will speed up your metabolism. Type A bodies are more sensitive to certain types of carbohydrates such as fruits and starchy vegetables. These types of people should avoid “sweet” and “complex” carbohydrates such as sweet fruits, candy, fruit juices, process grains in breads and pastas. Because of the Type A metabolism, proteins should be limited to the leanest types of meats such as halibut, tuna, flounder, cod and egg whites. Also, chicken and turkey respond well with this type of body. A sample meal for a Type A would be tequila-lime grilled halibut, roasted new potatoes and spring vegetable medley.

A Type B body tends to build and maintain lean muscle with relative ease. This is good a factor as lean muscle is the key to boosting your metabolism and losing weight. However, a Body Type B metabolism is still too slow to burn all the calories that are consumed in any given day. These types of people need to stay away from very complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, yams, rice and unrefined pastas. When it comes to protein consumption, the best type of meat is chicken breast, turkey breast, shrimp, crab and other seafood. A Type B should stay away from red meats as the purpose of this diet is to become lean, not gain mass.

Type C is similar to a B. However, the difference between a B and a C is that these types of people do not have to be as careful with complex carbohydrates. A typical meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with garden vegetables.

Lastly, Type D bodies tend to have sluggish metabolisms and a lack of adequate lean muscle tissue. The key to weight loss for a Body Type D is to consume and large amount of high-quality proteins such as lean red meats. This is the opposite of the other body types as the other types of bodies tend to stay away from red meats. Just like B’s and A’s, these type of bodies should stay away from simple carbohydrates that are found in fruits, pure sugars and processed grains.

You do not have to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The key factor is to know what type of body you have and to determine what types of food work well with your body, not against it. So the question is, are you an A, B, C or D?

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What Is Autosuggestion And Can It Help With Weight Loss?

Autosuggestion is not some new wave mumbo jumbo, it is a psychological technique that has been used for more than a century. Autosuggestion harnesses the power of your subconscious mind in order to influence your behaviour, but is it something that can benefit you?

There is an expression that says that you are what you think, we are all products of the sum of our thoughts. We are only limited by the ceiling we set in our own mind. The way you picture and see yourself (self-image) is crucial to your long term success and happiness. Your behaviour and the habits you form are in part down to your thought patterns.

What Is Autosuggestion?

Autosuggestion works on the concept that in order to change our behaviour, traits or habits, we must first change our thinking. Autosuggestion is often used in self improvement programs to help achieve a specific goal such as:

  • Losing Weight
  • Quitting Smoking
  • Increasing Confidence
  • Attracting Wealth
  • Enhancing Sporting Performance
  • Curing A Phobia

Autosuggestion involves filling your subconscious mind with positive instructions on a regular basis. Your subconscious mind constantly takes in information through your senses, but a lot of it is negative. Your conscious mind acts on the information that is taken in through your subconscious mind. One way this is achieved is by using affirmations, these are positive statements that you repeat on a regular basis each day, normally when you wake and prior to bed. These statements will relate to whatever you are trying to achieve. For autosuggestion to work, you must rid your mind of any negative thoughts as soon as they appear.

Use I Am Statements

Your suggestions should relate to an outcome or goal that you desire. Positive statements that start with the words I am can be very powerful indeed. This is because you are making a statement in the present which relates directly to you, for example if your goal is to lose weight then you could use the following statements:

I am getting slimmer every day.

I am going to lose 15 pounds.

I am eating a healthy diet every day.

I am getting fitter and stronger.

I am looking better than ever.

Can Autosuggestion Work For Me?

In the beginner, autosuggestion will feel very alien to you, and you may feel a little silly, but stick with it. You must also put some real conviction into your autosuggestion program and believe that it really is going to work for you. Practice autosuggestion every day and start seeing yourself how you want to be.

Autosuggestion And Weight Loss

Autosuggestion can help you lose weight, but you will also need a healthy diet and an exercise program. Start picturing yourself looking slim and healthy, intensely imagine how you will feel and what you will be wearing. Build up positive pictures in your mind, backed up with positive suggestions in the form of affirmations. It will help you to change your eating habits exercise habits.

Make your subconscious mind a place full of positivity and harness the power of autosuggestion.

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The Perils of a White Trash Diet

According to the latest statistics from the United States’ Center for Disease Control (CDC):

  • 66% of adults age 20 years and over are overweight (including obese)
  • 32% of adults age 20 years and over are obese
  • 17% of adolescents age 12-19 years are overweight
  • 19% of children age 6-11 years are overweight

Those are really horrifying statistics. We have become an oversized bunch of people, but we lie to ourselves to try to find peace with it by saying things like: “I’m comfortable with the way I look,” “I’m not as big as she is,” or joke about it by saying “I’m shakin’ what my Momma gave me.” I have news: your Momma did NOT give you that. But she may have given you some bad eating habits.

There’s no magic bullet behind weight gain, and there’s a myriad of reasons for why we may suffer from it more or less than those around us. But there is some simple advice and nutritional knowledge I can give you that can help you. Since most people don’t like to read loooooong articles, I’m just going to keep this as simple as I can:

1. Stop Eating White Trash!

White trash is typically refined sugar, white bread, white buns, bagels, white rice, white flour, tortillas, white potatoes, white corn, etc. But I like to expand this definition to include what foods I’d expect to find at a typical American BBQ (I call it the “White Trash BBQ”): hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, macaroni salad, fried chicken, potato chips, fries, baked beans (sugar!), corn on the cob (metabolizes down as sugar and starch!), and then – of course – the pies, cakes and muffins for dessert. And the beer and sodas to wash it all down with.

The first glaring mistake with these white trash foods is that many of them are not “food” at all. They’re refined and processed, taking nutrients out in some cases (to preserve shelf life), adding synthetic nutrients back in, adding nitrates and nitrites as preservatives, sugars, corn syrup, etc. While many of us will avoid butter or real Mayonnaise in the attempt to lose weight, we still will eat these other non-food offenders all the time. At least our bodies know how to handle a “real fat” or “real food” such as butter. With adulterated food products, our body has difficulty knowing what to store and what to burn.

The second glaring mistake with the white trash foods is that most of them metabolize high on the Glycemic Index and elevate your blood sugar, thereby triggering insulin to be released in your body; in turn telling your body to store any excess as fat or to create new fat cells. This response occurs BEFORE you ever get to the gym. So next time you think you’ll be burning it off at the gym later on, remember that your body is busy storing it hours earlier.

Since your body isn’t getting the right nutrients from “whole” foods (unadulterated, non-processed, non-canned, non-processed), it holds onto every bit that it can.

2. Know the health-history of what animal you’re eating.

Do you know if you salmon was farmed, pumped with antibiotics and fed corn-feed and given pink food coloring? Many farmed salmon are. The vast majority. Are your chickens injected with saline to plump them up or (again) fed with corn feed and caged so they can’t move (so they gain weight quickly), and pumped with hormones and antibiotics? Be sure… sometimes they’re raised without the antibiotics, but they’re pumped with them en route to the meat processing plants.

Same with beef. It’s still America’s favorite meat. But the vast majority of cows are kept in pens and fed only corn feed – AGAIN with the corn. They’re kept confined so they gain weight quickly. They continually feed on what is NOT a part of their natural diet. They are brought to full weight within 1 year (by making them obese) so they can be slaughtered BEFORE they die from the ulcers they receive on the corn feed diet (which, as I said, is not a part of their normal way of eating).

So we eat obese and sickened animals. It’s no wonder that we are sick and obese ourselves!

The reason why this is so important also, is because of toxins and how they relate to fat cells and obesity. I was working in a Women’s Fitness center recently, and EVERYONE there wanted to lose weight. But their eyes would cross if I told them they had a glaring gallbladder problem. So I know that to get people to listen, the “weight is the bait” — and so I’m going to tell you now why you should care about the health of the animal you’re eating.

Simply and succinctly put, toxins are stored in fat cells. Those two things are married. So if you can de-toxify yourself, you will have an easier time losing weight. Women – pay attention to this: we carry a higher percentage of fat in our bodies naturally. So we are even MORE susceptible to toxin storage. And again, it creates the vicious cycle of difficulty and/or inability to lose weight. Meats have a higher percentage of fat, and are therefore more important to pay attention to when considering its origins.

It is also widely believed (by myself included) that these stored toxins are largely responsible for many of the cancers in our reproductive organs.

I’m not a vegetarian myself, but I do advise people to take caution when buying their meats. This is a huge reason why we have such a sickened society. We demand cheap foods, but we are most definitely getting what we pay for. Believe me, I’m very budget conscious myself these days and I can’t always buy the highest, elite quality of food. But I HAVE decided to cut down a bit on meat so that I can eat better qualities of it.


As more and more people in the USA are exposed to the truth about the food supply, the vendors listen and give us what we want. We have more access to Organic foods than ever; we have Farmer’s Markets, we have the internet so these things like “unhealthy farming practices” are no longer a secret for very long. We can go to our local Trader Joe’s and request grass-fed beef. We can easily find “cage free/allowed-to-graze” chicken. The more people demand it, the more the economics of supply and demand will bring the prices to a more affordable range.

But awareness is key, and we must make the changes ourselves AND tell our families and friends… that way, we not only encourage each other and gain support, but we create the kind of demand for healthier foods that will help our bodies be able to metabolize better.


In conclusion, those are 2 simple things you can do immediately for your health and the health of all your loved ones: eating foods in their natural states (more vegetables of all kinds & colors – not white trash!), and being conscious of the health of the animal who’s meat you’re eating.

Guarding your diet on both those fronts addresses two KEY issues behind difficulties in losing weight for just about absolutely everyone: insulin and toxins. I guarantee you that if you follow those two tips, it’s worth more than all the calorie counting, food weighing and lap-band surgeries in the world.

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What Foods Will Make You Jump Higher? You Might Be Surprised!

If you are into basketball, volleyball, track, or any other sport, you NEED to be able to jump high. There are many diets that promise to improve your athletic abilities, but I have found only one diet that works. Here are a couple aspects of that diet and the benefits of each.

Eat Fat!

This sounds shocking to most athletes.  I’m not saying that you should eat a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken every night.  There is one type of fat that is very beneficial to improving quickness and strength: Omega-3 fat.  This unique fat is found in fish, nuts, some eggs and some whole wheat breads.  

Omega-3 is important to an athletes diet because of the actual cell improvement that it provides.  Omega-3 fats give every cell in your body elasticity which is a crucial part of injury prevention.  The less time your spend injured or sore, the more time you have to focus on exercising to improve your vertical leap.  Omega-3 gives you the energy that you need to perform your workouts at optimum levels.  

High Carbs!

For some reason people like to go on a low carb diet.  This does not work for athletes.  Think of carbs as gas in a car.  Without gas, the car can’t go.  It is the same way with our bodies.  You must take in high amounts of carbs in order to have the energy to improve jumping.  

There are carbs that you want to stay away from though.  Anything that is not 100% whole grain contains starchy carbs.  These starchy carbs can quickly convert to glucose and that just adds fat to your body.  Eating 100% whole wheat breads will give you quick burning, but long lasting carbs and energy.

Keep in mind that no matter what you eat, you will not improve your vertical jump height without a solid exercise plan.  

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Candida and Cellulite – The Effect of Anti Candida Regime

Though the subject of cellulite seems a bit trivial, it’s a good indicator of how choked up with toxins your body really is. Some people who started the anti-candida regime noticed a massive improvement in their all over skin tone and cellulite. The guess is that candida overgrowth is not a catalyst for cellulite; rather the same poor diet encourages both to flourish.

A candida sufferer who noticed this in her own body talked to a beauty therapist about the improvement of cellulite. The therapist knew nothing about Candida but she explained the type of diet she is following. The therapist said the diet is very detoxifying which is good, but that she should also avoid ‘Spicy Food’ to further improve cellulite. She wasn’t very clear on what constituted spicy food though, but it is advice that I’ve heard before.

So the question is: what’s wrong with Spicy food? Most people with candida are happy to increase their intake of chilies, fresh herbs, and spices to make their diet more interesting. And turmeric and cumin are supposed to be especially good for fighting Candida while Coriander is a good chelator.

According to my experience and other’s shares, giving up spices made her cellulite disappear, literally. Some spices, and very hot or peppery foods, can irritate a leaky gut and thus let more toxins into the system, apparently. Other than that, if you think it through, adding spices to foods originated as a method of preservation, because so many of them are antifungal.

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Cupuacu Fruit – The Facts

Grown in fertile, nicely drained soil in the cover of the Brazilian Rainforest, Cupuacu is considered probably the most promising of all fruits from the plush Amazon. Cupuacu is a part of the Cocoa family and has a prized unique taste, combining components of chocolate, bananas and keenness fruit.

Cupuacu incorporates distinctive Polyphenols (Antioxidant Phytonutrients) called Theograndins, with incredibly potent antioxidant properties discovered nowhere else on earth. Add to this an abundance of 9 other powerful antioxidant, including Vitamins A and C, and Cupuacu becomes a very full spectrum antioxidant. This unbelievable Superfood can be stuffed with Important Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, Phosphorous, Fiber, and Nutritional vitamins B1, B2 and B3 (Niacin). With such a wealthy profile and deliciously unique style, you will note why Cupuacu is considered a delicacy throughout South America!

A FUN and EASY solution to get extra nutritional vitamins & minerals into your weight-reduction plan is by drinking freshly made fruit juices, vegetable juices, and by blending thick and frothy smoothies and shakes from frozen fruit.

Freshly made juices are a tremendous source of bio-accessible nutritional vitamins and minerals which are the partners of enzymes and co-enzymes. Vitamins activate enzymes and with out nutritional vitamins, enzymes couldn’t perform their work, and we could not live.

Enzymes act as catalysts in tons of of thousands of chemical reactions that happen throughout your body, and are essential for digesting, absorbing and converting meals into physique tissue. Enzymes produce energy at the mobile stage and are vital for most of the metabolic activities taking place in your physique every second of every day.

Another advantage of drinking contemporary juices and smoothies is that your body can take up MORE of the vitamins and minerals then in the event you have been to eat the vegatables and fruits complete! Most of the nutrients are TRAPPED in the fiber and by blending vegatables and fruits, you break down the fiber and launch the vital nutrients.

Research is at present underway to determine if Cupuacu, or isolated Theograndins in Cupuacu, will have a spot in most cancers remedy due to its capacity to successfully kill colon cancer cells in laboratory tests.

Cupuacu is traditionally used by indigenous peoples as a serious meals source, to alleviate abdominal ache, and to help in tough births. Many new well being advantages have now been found!

  • Anti-Aging
  • Elevated Energy & Stamina
  • Psychological Alertness
  • Immune System Help
  • Stabilize and Neutralize Free Radicals
  • Strengthen Cardiovascular System
  • Ldl cholesterol
  • Coronary heart Disease
  • Colon Health
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Healthy Hair
  • Weight Loss
  • Ache Aid
  • Digestive System
  • High Blood Strain
  • Protect Artery Partitions
  • Diabetes
  • Sooth Intestinal Tract
  • Cataracts
  • Age Associated Macular Degeneration

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The Diverticulitis Diet

Diverticulitis is a common medical condition that affects the digestive tract. It is believed to be caused by increased pressure in the colon as well as the large intestine when waste material excreted as the byproduct of digestion is unable to efficiently be moved along the tract. The result is friction which creates small pockets or folds called “Diverticula”. Much like the appendix, when the diverticula become enlarged and trap decomposing waste, inflammation and chronic infection can occur resulting in symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, fever, indigestion and in serious instances light to heavy rectal bleeding. A modified diverticulitis diet is the most common treatment modality.

Treating Diverticulitis

The treatment for diverticulitis can vary depending on the degree of inflammation or infection of the diverticula and the length of the symptoms. The first choice is to modify the patient’s diet and offer the colon and digestive system to rest by a simplified bland diet of easily digested foods and water soluble fibers. Medical research has shown the “low residue” diverticulitis diet as highly effective in not only managing disruptive and painful symptoms (called attacks) but also in improving the overall health of the colon and large intestine. In very serious cases invasive surgery is required.

Dietary Choices

The diverticulitis diet includes low acidic foods such as fruits and vegetables, tender meats such as chicken, eggs and fish. Foods to avoid include vegetables such as Swiss chard, broccoli or corn are not recommended as they contain a non-soluble exterior skin which is exceedingly difficult for the human digestive system to break down. Vegetables and fruits (as well as other foods) which contain hard exteriors tend to remain inside the digestive tract and have an increased risk of becoming compounded inside a diverticula, leading to infection in some cases. Whole grains are never recommended as part of the diverticulitis diet but soluble fibers are an encouraged part of the diverticulitis diet.

The Role of Water in Diverticulitis

The most effective agent in a diverticulitis diet remains clear water. Doctors recommend that at least 1.5 liters of water per day for a patient with diverticulitis. Water enters into the digestive system and assists by propelling waste through. It also enlarges bulk fiber and swells the material allowing the digestive contractions to push waste out. Patients are also encouraged to avoid a dehydrating high sodium diet. Snack foods, processed foods and carbonated drinks are all sources which contain harmfully high levels of sodium should be avoided.

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Successful Diets

Successful Diets and Why Most Diets are Doomed to Failure

Is there a reason why some people go on successful diets while the majority are doomed to failure? The reason most diets are doomed to failure at the outset could be because of a simple mistake. This simple mistake is made by millions of people worldwide; millions of people, who have no idea why they struggle, week after week, while others seem to do well and achieve their goals.

No doubt you’ve been there, we probably all have. I was one of those people who made this simple mistake, the mistake that stopped me from losing any significant, or meaningful, weight without a gargantuan struggle. It wasn’t until I understood, really understood, the very literal way the subconscious mind, the part that runs our body, reacts to the way we think and speak, that I stopped making it.

If you’ve ever been on a successful diet in the past you somehow avoided making the mistake and that’s why you succeeded. Then, if you put the weight back on again, and most people do, and you went back on the original successful diet, only to find it didn’t work this time, you made the simple mistake.

The Simple Mistake that Stops Successful Diets in their Tracks

So, what is the simple mistake made by millions of unsuspecting dieters? The simple mistake they make is, they ‘go on a diet,’ or, ‘start a diet’ and when they ‘go on a diet’ that’s what they get, ‘a diet.’ What is a diet? Everyone who has ever been on a diet or on lots of diets knows what a diet is for them; this information is already downloaded into their subconscious mind.

For most people diets are hard, they comprise deprivation, calorie counting and denial. When you go ‘on a diet’ you will get all of that, and whatever else a diet means to you, and that may be all you’ll get, because going on a diet is as foolish as going on a journey.

Imagine setting off in your car, ‘on a journey,’ without a destination? A journey means travelling and so you would, on this journey, just drive round and round. You’d have to fill up with fuel every so often and probably you’d sleep in the car. The journey would go on until you decided on a destination. However, the idea of anyone being foolish enough to do that is so bizarre that you cannot imagine any sane person setting off on a ‘journey.’

Going, ‘on a diet’ without a final destination is just a crazy, for the same reason going on a journey without a destination is mad. When you get up to go somewhere, you have to have a destination in mind, don’t you? Even if it’s just the kitchen or the toilet you are going to, you have to direct your actions. That’s why, simply going ‘on a diet’ is utter madness yet that is what hundreds of thousands of otherwise intelligent people are doing, worldwide, every day.

On their ‘diet’ they turn down cake and treats, they count calories, cut out carbs, and increase exercise and then, when the diet doesn’t work they tell themselves they lack the willpower needed to succeed. Yet, what if, just what if, it wasn’t so much the lack of willpower but the lack of a final destination that was creating the problem? Your subconscious mind will take you unerringly towards the focus of you attention, if your attention is on ‘diet,’ then ‘diet’ it is.

You’ll never get slim by going on a ‘diet’ but you may get slim if you ‘diet’ to reach your goal of your ideal size and weight and that’s what successful dieters do.

I help people to create their final destination and give them tools to keep it in mind, and keep walking towards it, until they arrive there. Successful diets seem to be out of the reach of most people but they no longer need to be for you.

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Dal Dhokli Is a Traditional, Healthy, Delicious and Wholesome Gujarati Dish!

Gujarati cuisine is primarily a vegetarian cuisine. A typical Gujarati thali apart from other items contains a traditional delicacy called Dal Dhokli (saucy dumpling cooked in lentil curry). Dal Dhokli is known to have originated in Gujarat state, though few people believe that the dish belongs to Rajasthan. This dish is also popular in Maharashtra and many other states of India.

Dal Dhokli is actually a variation of dal and roti, which is the wholesome staple diet of masses in India. Typically Dal is cooked separately as per the taste preference and Roti is prepared separately. Both these things are then served as a single dish Dal and Roti, whereas Dal Dhokli is a one pot dish, which is flavored with a variety of spices and condiments making it delicious as well as completely wholesome. It is made with pieces of seasoned dough (wheat flour) cooked in lentils and topped off with a striking tempering, lemon juice and fresh coriander leaves. Lentils gravy is first prepared to liquid/soup consistency and the dumplings are then added and cooked further to make saucy consistency like yummy and delicious dish.

Dal Dhokli can be prepared in different taste variations as per the taste of people and like typical dal roti it is rich in proteins, iron, calcium and dietary fiber. The dish is a healthy and nutritious meal that offers sufficient nutrition to the body. It is also a good source of nutrition for all age groups including kids and can be served as meal by itself.

People sometimes find it difficult to prepare Dal Dhokli because of lack of time or expertise to prepare this dish. They may have many alternatives like junk food or fast food, which are easily available as choice of food, but they keep craving for homely dishes like Dal Dhokli / Daal and Roti. Those looking for easier and handy version of Dal Dhokli can now opt for Ready to cook Actchawa Indian Daal Rotii, which is a simple two minute recipe available as packaged food. The ready mix version contains Roti pieces along with cooked daal available as powder form in the packet. One needs to just add water and cook the preparation for two minutes to make tasty and delicious Dal Dhokli with traditional taste. This ready mix preparation can really be a boon during offshore family vacations and for the bachelors staying away from their family.

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Six Pack Abs Diet For Women – Fast And Easy Plan To Get That Tight Tummy!

Searching for the right six pack abs diet is a tough task…you’re quickly overwhelmed by advertisements for dangerous diet pills, expensive machines, and potentially harmful eating plans. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy, especially when everyone wants to a tight tummy to show off at the pool or to put the “skinny” in our favorite skinny jeans!

Asian women have been toning their mid-sections and getting ultra-lean waistlines easily for generations, and today I’m going to go over one of their best six-pack-abs diet tips that you can add to your daily life for quick results.

Six Pack Abs Diet – The Skinny Asian Method

When new students join my local weight-loss classes usually their first question is something like “So how do Asian women get so skinny”??

There are literally hundreds of ways they make their bodies happen without killing themselves in the gym or going hungry for days by skipping meals. And while you’re not going to learn what you need from a single article or webpage you CAN pick up a few things that will get you on the road to success. Stick with this six pack abs diet and you’ll make immediate progress.

The RIGHT Food Plan = 1200 Calories A Day (3 Main Meals + 2 Snacks)

It’s not enough to just target calories, you’ll quickly drive yourself crazy trying to keep track of it all, and Asian women never count calories themselves. Instead they set a “food limit” that is around that estimated level and then stick to the pattern.

Here’s how they turn an eating routine into a six pack abs diet instantly: Focus on having 3 main meals per day (breakfast/lunch/dinner) with 2 smaller snack times in-between (mid-morning/mid-afternoon).

At each of the main meals lean protein should be your focus through the primary meal ingredient (eggs, fish, chicken, tofu, soy, etc). Each of the snacks should be a simple items, like a handful of nuts or a single apple or orange.

Your portion size at the main meals needs to be able to fit on an 8-inch plate, and should be a mix of 2/3rds protein and 1/3rd fiber-rich vegetable. As an example, a good dinner that fits the formula would be 6 ounces of grilled chicken (skinless) with 3 ounces of steamed broccoli. Another example, 6 ounces of grilled fish with 3 ounces of tomatoes and spinach.

You do that simple six pack abs diet routine, 3 x main meals made up of protein and 2 x small snacks, and you’ll never be hungry. Better yet, the fat around your waist will disappear quickly. Students in my weight-loss programs rarely go more than a week without seeing the first inches fall off in their trouble spots.

Why It Works

Protein has a unique synergistic effect when combined with fibrous carbohydrates that occur naturally in the environment, researchers have found a direct link between that specific combo of food at meals and dedicated weight loss…just as Asian women seem to have figured out naturally over time.

It doesn’t work with refined processed carbohydrates, so no bread or pasta or sweet carbs are going to work…you can forget about that ha ha. Instead stick to the fundamental six pack abs diet eating formula I’ve described for you here and you’ll get where you want to go in terms of your body and look.

What If You Still Can’t Get That Tight Tummy?

If you just can’t seem to make any progress towards getting lean around your waist you’ll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month…without starving or doing crazy workouts.

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