Archive | Diet & Nutrition

The Role of Nutrition in MMA Fitness

Mixed martial arts (MMA) fitness is a must for this cage fighting sport–especially if you want to win. In fact, more than other contact sports, mixed martial arts is tougher. It is in a different league altogether. This is because while other contact sports have select areas of permissible contact, in mixed martial arts there are no holds barred. Full body contact is part of this sport, and striking and grappling both while standing and lying on the ground are norms.

For this reason, nutrition in MMA fitness simply cannot be compromised. It is fundamental if you are in this sport to win. It is essential for both the short and the long term in gaining the competitive edge in this sport.

Good nutrition keeps you conditioned so that you can keep up with the strenuous training sessions that precede a fight. Mixed martial arts incur a lot of body teardown, but good nutrition speeds up recovery and healing. This is needed in cases of injuries that may occur during training, and very helpful after a fight.

MMA fitness is not just a matter of good nutrition–but smart nutrition, too. Raw materials are essential as well as carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. Everything must be geared not just to keeping healthy for normal life circumstances but to be physically prepared for the wear and tear that goes with mixed martial arts while training, during a fight, and winning.

That is why appropriate nutrition is just as important as good nutrition. Appropriate nutrition should be geared to the nuances of mixed martial arts. MMA fitness also takes into consideration weight management because the sport has weight categories and you want to fit into the weight category of your choice.

Here are some fundamentals to appropriate nutrition for MMA fitness:

1. Small is better. Instead of three large meals a day, have several smaller meals, all throughout the day. In training, carbohydrates are your major source of energy and you want to constantly replenish this. Ideally, complex carbohydrates, like those found in fruits and oatmeal are good because they are natural sources. Be sure to load up on carbohydrates three hours before your scheduled workout.

2. Lay off useless weight loaders. Examples of useless weight loaders are high sugar drinks, junk food, sodas, deep fried food and fatty foods. These types of food spike up your weight very quickly but add no substantial nutrition to the added pounds. Instead, load up on lots of water and go for baked and broiled foods. While you want to fit in the weight category you are aiming for, you have to do it by building up pounds from foods of substance. Essential fatty acids are plentiful in fish, so load up on fish for MMA fitness.

3. Natural is best. You should eat a lot of whole grain products, lean beef, fish and eggs. Protein shakes are also good for MMA fitness. The intensive workouts and training that goes with mixed martial arts requires enough protein to build muscle, heal, and replenish. This is not going to happen if you eat processed foods like canned goods and white bread which contain little nutritional value.

4. If you want extra nutritional help, be sure that it is the right kind of help. If you want to do more than what you are already doing to gain more calories faster, you can take vitamin and mineral supplements and other appropriate natural and organic supplements if you feel they are necessary for you to reach your goals. Some vitamins can increase the appetite, so make sure you in turn increase intake of good quality foods, and in the correct amounts that you need for the weight, strength and stamina that you aspire.

Mixed martial arts is a tough sport and you need the right nutrition to maintain the strength and stamina that this sport requires. Food is fuel, and if you eat smart, you will achieve MMA fitness which is fundamental to win.

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Nutrition – Ten Reasons For Proper Nutrition

Nutrition is what we provide to our bodies, in the form of food and drink, to support life within our body’s cells. It is what we eat and drink, which is known as our diet. People provide themselves with all kinds of nutrition, and not all of it is beneficial to supporting life. Experts recommend that we eat and drink certain nutrients for good reasons. In this article, we discuss ten reasons for giving your body proper nutrition.

Ten reasons for giving your body proper nutrition are:

1. Reduce the risk of certain illnesses.

Most people want to have the chance of a long healthy life, and therefore want to reduce illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and certain cancer. Proper nutrition goes a long way towards reducing the risks.

2. Improve our Immune System

By taking certain nutrients, we build up our immune system, and are less susceptible to viruses that other people have.

3. Get Fit

If we are unfit already, it’s a real challenge to exercise because of the lack of energy. So, if we feed our bodies with proper nutrition, we’ll get more energy and feel like exercising to get fit.

4. Have Fun and Do the things we Want to do

If we are on a good diet most of the time, we can do new and strenuous activities like rock climbing or wind surfing, or scuba diving, things that take a lot of energy and strength. Having the right nutrients in our bodies, builds our strength and confidence to do different things.

5. Look Good and Healthy

When taking good nutrition, we look good. Our bodies are trim and lean, and our skin looks clear and healthy, nails are stronger, and our hair looks shinier.

6. Feel Good

I believe this is the most important. With good nutrition, we feel much better because our cells are getting the nutrients they require.

7. Improve the Quality of Our Lives

When we look and feel good, we have a lot more confidence. It’s easier to get the job we want or to have a successful business, or just to do the things we love doing.

8. Learn More Easily

Healthy children learn more easily, and this is shown by research studies. I believe this is true for adults also, and that learning is a fun part of life at any age.

9. Improve Vision

Good nutrition improves our vision, including night vision.

10. Improve our Memories

Our memories will be improved if we take certain nutrients, and this will improve our working life, or make it more fun in relationships with other people, to remember things we’ve heard or read before.

By reading about these ten reasons for good nutrition, I hope you were inspired to learn about proper nutrition and to think about what you eat and drink.

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Diet or Exercise – Which Is Better For Weight Loss?

Many people think that dieting is the fastest and best way to lose weight. Many other people think that exercising produces better and faster weight loss results. So who is right and what are the reasons for one being better than the other.

First, I’ll state the obvious. Each person is different and unique. Having said that, it’s obvious each person will get different results doing the same diet or the same exercise program. That’s just how life is.

So which is better for weight loss… diet or exercise?

It’s not even close. Diet is king when it comes to weight loss. They each have their place, but if you want or need to lose a lot of weight and lose it fast, focus on your diet.

Bodybuilders as a whole are probably the best experts when it comes to losing weight in short periods of time. A lot of times they are mostly dropping water weight and dehydrating themselves, but they also know quite a bit about gaining and losing weight.

If you were to ask any professional bodybuilder which they rely on more for weight loss… diet or exercise… every single one of them will say diet. I can guarantee you that.

There is only so much you can do with exercise and boosting your metabolism through exercise for weight loss. The truth is, you can increase your resting metabolism better through diet.


Eating frequent, smaller meals… as well as eating a lot of low calorie foods that provide a lot of bulk (fiber). This increases your metabolism because you’re making your digestive system work more to digest these foods and burn calories.

So if you were wondering which is better for weight loss… diet or exercise… diet is. Just eat smaller, more frequent meals to improve your weight loss efforts. Even if you eat the same foods… breaking them up into smaller meals would help you with weight loss.

That’s true even if you eat the same exact foods each day… as well as the same amount of calories. So focus on your diet first if your goal is weight loss.

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Fitness Diet For Ultimate Health and Wellness

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand for a healthier lifestyle as well as a better quality of life. Either one, on its own, has many benefits, but if you combine the two together you can look and feel like a perfect physical specimen.

If you work out because you are trying to lose fat and sculpt a perfect physique than you need to understand that exercise is only half of the equation. If you really want to bring your health, fitness, and body shape to a different level you need to pay attention to your diet.

Diet needs can vary depending on the level of fitness activity. The diet health of a professional body builder would be different than that of a marathon runner. In this newsletter we are going to focus on some general diet health improvements people can make in order to maximize their fitness efforts and get a body they can go to the beach with.

Eat Smart

You don’t have to be a food Nazi and govern everything you eat, but if you can follow a few rules, most of the time, your health will benefit greatly. For one, drink enough water.

Hardly anyone really drinks enough water. Some high quality fitness drinks, (not Gatorade and Powerade) are okay while you are exercising, but the rest of the time drink water. Stay away from all of the energy drinks and other manufactured nonsense your body doesn’t really need.

Secondly, try to eat as much organic food as possible. Regular food (what is in the aisles at the grocery store) is filled with chemicals and preservatives that do nothing but cause disease, make you fat and make you feel sluggish. No matter how much you work out you won’t achieve a great physique if you eat that junk.

Probably the most important factor in achieving and maintaining the level of health and body you desire is to minimize the amount of bread you eat. So many people who work out eat a lot of bread because they think that they need the carbs for energy, or because it just tastes great.

Bread is simply not good for you. Why? Bread is loaded with refined sugar and bleached flour and preservatives. So try to eat less bread. I guarantee that in a few weeks you will notice a difference in your physique.

In order to get the carbohydrates that you need try to eat more organic fruit, vegetables, and oats. These are great sources of natural carbohydrates that will give your body the proper nutrition it needs.

The second most abundant substance in your body besides water is protein. So you want to make sure that you are getting a lot of high quality protein in your diet. You can do this either from eating organic meat, fish, poultry and dairy products or from taking a high quality protein supplement.

Usually eating some meat and taking protein supplements is often the best way to get the proper amount of protein. Consuming too much protein from meat can cause some health complications.

Once you exercise regularly getting the body and health you have always wanted is not that difficult. It just takes a little will power and motivation.

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Hospital 3 Day Diet – Birmingham Hospital Diet Review

The Hospital 3 Day Diet, which is also known as the Birmingham Hospital Diet, has become popular due to claims that the diet was created as a means of enabling patients intended for surgery to lose up to 10 lbs in weight over a period of three days. Other sources attribute the origin of this diet plan to the University of Alabama.

It should be noted that these institutions do not make that claim and do not accept any responsibility towards those who follow the diet.

Notwithstanding the uncertainty of its origins, there is little doubt that this simple diet plan has become widespread and that many people have used it, often coming across the weight loss strategy under one of its many names. Apart from the Hospital 3 Day Diet, it is also known as Alabama 3 Day Diet, 3 day Tuna Diet, Tuna Fish Diet, 3 Day Cardiac Diet, and others.

The content of these weight loss diet plans is very similar and will here be treated as essentially the same.

A key element of the Hospital 3 Day Diet is that it contains a low daily calorie level of about 1,000 calories with specified ingredients to provide the protein, carbohydrates, fat (very little) and other nutrients that we need to survive. For a full description of the menu plan, do a quick search for my article “3 Day Tuna Fish Diet – Menu and Diet Plan”.

In brief, the plan outlines the foods to be included for breakfast, lunch and dinner over a three day period.

There are many reports of weight reduction from those who have followed the diet. The amount of claimed weight lost during that time varies, as might be expected with so many differing metabolisms and food requirements being involved. However, a minimum weight reduction of at least 2.5 lbs does seem attainable and likely.

Much of the weight loss from a diet of such a short duration probably comes from water loss. As well, with a calorie count of about 1,000 this would be well below normal requirements for most adults, so energy expended would also account for some of the loss.

However, whilst not a ‘starvation diet’, the Birmingham Hospital Diet is likely to generate user problems if continued beyond the recommended 3 days. For instance, it is normal for our bodies to make adjustments when a food shortage is detected. This is a survival mechanism which protects us when little food is available, as in times of famine. The body slows metabolism and conserves fat stores to enable us to survive longer with less food. This actually makes it harder to lose weight, we have less energy and tire more easily. Not a satisfactory long term condition!

Although there may be some short-term loss advantage, the feelings of hunger experienced by the end of the diet encourage extra food intake after the diet has been completed. A better alternative is a program that does not produce a craving for food, does not cause the body to slow its activities, and takes into account nutritional requirements so that changes in eating habits would allow fat loss to happen over a longer period and be lasting.

Rather than following a simple, low calorie diet plan, losing weight over an extended period allows other tactics to be employed in the plan, such as ‘calorie shifting’, placing greater emphasis on fat loss and adequate nutrition. This is more likely in the long run to provide health benefits and sustainable weight loss.

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A Comprehensive Muscle Building Diet Plan – This Works Great For Men Or Women!

Muscle building diet plans are a very important part of building up your muscle mass. Whatever you eat plays a vital role in building your body’s muscles. If you do not have the perfect muscle building diet information made up specifically for you then do your research before starting your program.

Muscle building diets need to be made up for each individual, but there are general rules to be followed by all. You will need to plan your meals in the best way by following diet plans that include all of the body’s basic nutritional needs as well as a lot of nutrients that are needed to grow your muscle mass quickly.

A muscle building diet is quite different from your everyday diet. A body builder will add highly concentrated nutrients in their diets when they perform heavy weight lifting. Indeed, they will require a heavy quantity of balanced nutritional supplements in order to build their body muscles quickly.

In this article I am going to share with you the most prolific muscle building diet plan that I follow myself. It is as follows:

Meal at 7:00 AM

This muscle building diet plan will consist of 30 grams of whey protein along with water. After 30 minutes, you will have to eat an omelet consisting of 2 full eggs, 4 eggs whites, 2 slices of brown bread, and 1 glass of 100% orange juice.

Meal at 10:00 AM

A muscle building diet plan will also consist of weight-gainer-shakes. It will include: 40 grams of protein, 40 grams of pure carbs, and 5 grams of creatine along with 2 large bananas. Mix it up and enjoy your shake.

Meal at 1:00 PM

During this span of time, you will have to eat about 150 grams of tilt beef, boiled chicken, or tuna. You can add brown rice or brown bread too. But, you must add salad and one piece of fresh apple.

Meal at 4:00 PM

Have another weight gainer shake. It will include 40 grams of protein, 40 grams of pure carbs and 5 grams of creatine. You can add 3 low fat biscuits on the side.

Meal at 6:00 PM

This must be considered as a post workout shake. It will include 40 grams of whey protein, 25 grams of dextrose and 5 grams of creatine.

Meal at 7:00 PM

It is a post workout meal. It will be consisted of 150 grams of lean beef, chicken or fish. You can also include brown rice and green vegetables.

Meal at 11:00PM to 1:00 AM

Before going to bed, you can take 30 grams of whey protein along with water.

I can conclude that the above mentioned muscle building diet plan is arguably the best program for building your body muscles quickly that I have found. It is really a fit dieting plan especially for those in the 180 pound to 210 pound person who wants to build muscle mass quickly. This diet is also very good for female muscle builders to utilize.

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Muscle Building Nutrition – Protein, Carbs, and Fat

Protein, carbs, and fat. You know you have to eat them, but what the hell do they do exactly? Here is an analogy to help you learn more about muscle building nutrition. Think of food like fuel for your car. There are many types of qualities, brands, and prices. The food you eat is your body’s fuel. The better grade of fuel you give your body, the better your body will look. It will also run more efficiently and effectively. You can control your mood swings and hunger levels by eating high quality foods such as lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Muscle Building Nutrition

All foods can be broken down into 3 categories; protein, carbohydrates, and fats. It is important to know why you do everything, and in this case, why you eat each macronutrient. Here is a simple breakdown of each macronutrient and what they do.


Muscle building nutrition starts with protein. It simply builds and repairs muscle. It is a necessity to your muscle building goals and you aren’t going to grow without an ample amount of protein. “How much protein should I eat?” That is a question often debated but here is my take on it. Some sources of protein include chicken breast, turkey breast, ham, steak, tuna, salmon, and whey protein powders.


The 2nd ingredient of muscle building nutrition, carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel and they simply give you energy. They can be broken down into 2 groups; complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates like vegetables, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal, are full of nutrients and are slower digesting. Simple carbohydrates like fruit and white potatoes are faster digesting. You should eat simple carbohydrates with a high-quality protein source before and after every weight training and cardiovascular training sessions in order to preserve and build as much muscle as humanly possible.

Carbohydrates play an important role in muscle building nutrition. What does that mean? You should never try to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet altogether. Instead, strive to eat the right types of carbohydrates at the right times of day. There aren’t too many diets that I don’t approve of but when it comes to completely dropping off carbs, that is something I would never recommend.

I did that once and it wasn’t fun. I remember going on a walk with one of girlfriends and throughout that walk I felt like I was going to pass out. It’s a good thing I didn’t because we were a long ways away from home and she would have had to carry my ass all the way back LOL.


Carbohydrates have often been thought of as the “evil” macronutrient. So many people believe that eating carbohydrates after a certain time at night will make you gain fat because your body doesn’t process them as well when you are sleeping.

On the other hand, many smart people (like you and me) believe that it doesn’t matter when you eat carbohydrates because your body can handle them efficiently at any time of the day. So go ahead. Eat your carbs in the morning, afternoon, and any time in between. Consuming more calories than you burn is how you gain fat, not just by eating carbohydrates later at night. Check out the best way to lose body fat.

Eliminating carbohydrates after a certain time at night is an effective strategy, but not for the reason why many people believe so. If someone is conscious about their diet and eating habits, those excess calories tend to come from carbohydrates, and not from protein and fats. Let’s say you stopped eating carbohydrates after 7 PM, and you didn’t start eating them again until 7 AM the next day. That means there will only be 12 hours in the day to eat carbohydrates. By not eating carbohydrates later at night, you are limiting the total amount of time available to eat the one macronutrient that tends to be overeaten.


The last main ingredient of muscle building nutrition. Fats are an essential part of your diet and can be broken down into 2 categories; saturated and unsaturated. Saturated is often referred to as the bad fat while unsaturated is often referred to as the good fat. Compared to protein and carbohydrates, fats are more caloric dense having 9 calories per gram. Just like carbohydrates, never try to eliminate fats from your diet altogether. Fats are required for normal growth and development, they provide energy, they cushion the organs, and absorb vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. Strive to keep your fat intake from 20%-30% of your daily caloric intake.

Whew… that was fun (sarcasm)! Not gonna lie, talking about what each macronutrient does is probably my least favorite topic, but muscle building nutrition is important and you should know why you’re eating protein, carbs, and fat. You’ve got this down, now it’s time to move onto the juicy stuff!

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Goal Setting in Fitness & Nutrition

A goal is the result or achievement toward which effort is

directed. Without setting goals in exercise or nutrition, there

is far less value and purposeful direction; and they need to

be measurable and realistic. For example, a thin teenager

weighing 120 pounds wishing to weight 220-pounds of

muscle is both specific and measurable. However, he

cannot hope to achieve such a physique, especially not

soon and probably not without growth-enhancing drugs.

Therefore, in this instance, the goal to gain 100 pounds of

muscle is specific, it is measurable, but it is unrealistic.

Non-measurable goals, such as “I want to lose fat and get

lean,” will never be realized since the term “lean” is

subjective with no objective measurement. What is lean to

one person may not be lean to another… or perhaps it is

“too lean”. Once the individual obtains a supposed state of

leanness, will that person know that he has achieved that

goal or will his perception of what he thinks is “lean” change

because of higher standards and greater expectations? On

the other hand, if a trainee indicated that he wants to reduce

body fat to a level of ten percent, then he has a measurable

goal – one that can be quantified.

Next, to achieve goals better, trainees must provide a

measurement and do so in the smallest amount necessary

and within reason relative to past accomplishments. Don’t

aim for something greater than you could ever have

achieved in the past. Moreover, the more distant the goal,

and the smaller the increments, the more likely the success

of obtaining the goal. But it should be noted that a goal must

require some degree of effort and challenge. If the goal is

too small or easy to obtain, there is little incentive or sense

of accomplishment or pride.

Goals can be measured in terms of outcome and

performance. An outcome goal refers to that which a

person is aiming to achieve, such as lifting five pounds

more in the bench press next workout or a far greater weight

over the course of several months. There is little flexibility in

this type of goal – either it is achieved or it is not.

Performance goals refer to the process through which a

person achieves those goals, including both the short- and

long-term. Performance goals are much more flexible, and

allows a person to reorganize a strategy from day to day in

order to meet the outcome goal(s). Performance goals are

associated with less anxiety, since there is flexibility and, as

a result, should be emphasized in an exercise and nutrition

program. It can be upsetting not to achieve an outcome

goal, but if all the steps leading up to the outcome were

done to the best of your ability, it is easy to maintain

motivation in preparing for the next outcome goal.

When determining a long-term goal, a strategy of

immediate, short-term goals (performance goals) must be

considered. For example, if you desire a ten-pound

increase on the best bench press, how will you get there?

This is accomplished by creating a workout schedule, a

long-term plan of increasing “x” pounds/ounces to the bar

each workout until you achieve the extra ten pounds. The

plan may need to be reevaluated then re-designed –

particularly if you fail to increase the weight by “x”

pounds/ounces during one of the workouts, and falling short

in the end. It could be further stated that creating a goal

strategy in exercise is very similar to a marketing or

business plan in that goals may be established, but they

may also need reformulating on a regular basis to reflect

current facts of finance, the economy, sales, customer

satisfaction, etc.


Set Specific Goals. The goal must be measurable, such as

“bench press 275 pounds” by a certain date rather than

“increase the bench press” and without a concrete date in


Set Difficult and Realistic Goals. The goal must be within

reach, yet challenging in order to increase mental arousal

and motivation. Easy goals will not be motivating, yet goals

that are nearly impossible will hinder motivation for future

workouts. Goals must reflect your genetic ability accurately;

as strength and size increases, the ability to match past

goals will diminish.

Establish Short-term Goals. Each main goal must consist

of sub-goals or short-term goals. Before a person can

increase chest measurement by an inch, or bench-press an

additional 50 pounds, he must progress in smaller

amounts. Being able to see patterns in those amounts

(your results over a particular period of time), or lack thereof,

provides valuable data and feedback in your ability to

achieve long-term goals during a specific time frame. Not

being able to achieve short-term goals provides further

information as to what is not working and the need for a new

plan of short-term goals in order to achieve the long-term


Develop Goal-Achievement Strategies. A trainee cannot

achieve short- or long-term goals without knowing how he

or she eventually will get there. In order to lose an inch off

the waist, you must first lose a quarter-inch, then a half-inch,

etc., and each step requires a certain amount of exercise

and a proper eating plan. These aspects determine your

daily or immediate goals.

Create Backup Plans of Action. What happens if a

short-term goal is not reached? If something goes wrong,

is it probable that the long-term goal will be reached? It will

be difficult to get back on track if a backup plan of action is

not established to correct any minor setbacks. If the goal is

to lose a quarter-inch off the waist during the first month,

and the trainee only lost one-eighth inch, the chances of

losing a quarter-inch during the next phase of the strategy is

highly unlikely (unless exercise is increased and eating is

decreased). It will be necessary to rethink the strategy and

decide what must be done in order to get back on track. But

rather than waiting for the possibility of failure, strategize

ahead of time and anticipate failure or what could go wrong.

Individual Personality Considerations. Prior to establishing

goals, personality must be considered. Is the person a

high-achiever or a low-achiever? Does the person have the

commitment and can he or she maintain that commitment?

Can the person sustain the motivation to reach a difficult

goal that may be a year away while paying attention to diet

and intense exercise during that time on a daily/weekly

basis? Does the person have the maturity and intellect to

work through any problems leading to each goal? How

does the individual accept failure – as a learning experience

or another “nail in the coffin” of defeat?

Provide for Goal Evaluation. At the end of each short- and

long-term goal, evaluate performance, dedication,

motivation, and well you did to achieve (or surpass) your

goals. From this information it will be easier to establish

future goals, and to make goals easier or more challenging,

by learning from mistakes, failures, and successes. Also,

evaluate the backup plans of action and if any of those steps

needed to be implemented, your problem-solving skills,

what went right, what went wrong, and any factors that were

not considered.

Provide Goal Support. Share goals with others, such as a

loved one, friends, a mentor, or associates on the Internet.

Telling people about what you intend to achieve increases

support and keeps you on the path to prove your ability

rather than experiencing humiliation or embarrassment

from backing down when the going gets tough. Regular

updates on a long-term goal, and how each short-term goal

is proceeding will keep you in check and sustain motivation.

You may publish this article in your newsletter, on your web

site, or other publications, so long as the article’s content is

not altered and the resource box is included. Add byline and

active link. Notification of the use of this article is

appreciated, but not required.

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Nutrition For Lactating Women

Many already realize that nutrition for lactating women is going to have different rules than their pregnancy diet had. Because of the milk production process, the body needs different fuels than it did before. And while nutrition for lactating women might seem a bit much at first – remember that you’re not the only one that is going to benefit from watching what you eat.

Eating Regularly is the Best Advice

The process of breastfeeding is one that requires a lot of energy for mom. This means that as a mom, you will need to eat three regular meals a day and two snacks to make sure your body has enough fuel to produce the milk. Most experts on nutrition for lactating women agree that choosing balanced meals with plenty of nutrients is the best way to ensure you’re getting adequate vitamins and minerals.

But what you might not realize is that this will and should add up to about 2700 calories a day. While this seems like a lot when you feel like you should be losing weight, it’s actually what your body should be getting, plus an additional 500 calories for the breastfeeding process.

This is simply not a time for dieting – there’s plenty of time later to try to lose weight. Right now you need to focus on being healthy!

Drink It Up

Nutrition for lactating women also needs to include plenty of beverages, like water. Since the process of breastfeeding and lactating takes up more water to complete, you need to be able to replenish your body’s stores and keep your energy up in this way.

If you should notice signs like a dry mouth or constipation, these may be signs that you need to drink more water. You should also realize that these symptoms are quite common, and there’s nothing to be worried about.

Keep up Those Vitamins

To further ensure that you’re getting adequate nutrition, you might want to keep taking those prenatal vitamins you’ve been given. In terms of nutrition for lactating women, this is a great way to fill in any gaps your diet might leave. And if your doctor agrees that this is a good step, why not keep up this good habit?

With the proper nutrition for lactating women, milk production is much easier and more nutritious for your growing child – and that adds up to a happy mom and child.

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Weight Loss For Women: Exercise and Diet Plan

The first thing to do to accomplish these lifestyle changes is to analyze your daily calorie intake. This is done easily by writing down everything you eat each day for at least a week. Look up the calorie count for all the food. This will help you further analyze what changes need to be made, so that you can lose weight effectively.

Most of these lifestyle changes just call for replacing unhealthy foods with healthy alternatives. You can substitute low fat or no fat dairy for high fat dairy. This will allow you all the nutrition of dairy, with less fat and calories.

Cook more of your dishes from scratch and try to stay away from fast food or processed foods. Processed foods are counterproductive to weight loss many times, because they can contain too much salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Shop the fresh foods in the store and create your own unique dishes flavored with olive oil and healthy herbs.

Make sure all your sources of protein are lean ones. High fat meats are not only high in calories, but can be hard on your circulatory system and heart. Lean meats and other healthy protein choices will help the weight loss for women to be more successful.

Aim for a daily caloric intake that is at least 500 calories less than what you normally eat, to lose weight. If you still do not lose weight with this decrease, then decrease your food intake a bit more until you start to gradually shed some of those unwanted pounds.

Stay away from sugar, except on very special occasions. Sugar will make you blood glucose levels spike, and this will prevent your body from burning its own glycogen stores. Also, simple carbohydrates such as white bread, regular pasta and white rice should be avoided just as sugar should be for the same reason. Whole grain products and brown rice are okay because they take longer to digest and do not cause the blood sugar to go up as quickly. When your body burns these glycogen stores, instead of just the food it takes in, weight loss will occur.

Also, watch your salt intake to make sure you do not get over the recommended amounts. Too much salt (listed as sodium many times) could lead to water retention for women and for that fact men and slow down efforts at losing weight.

Eat more of the fresh, green, leafy vegetables. These are not only low in calories, but also highly nutritious. Some believe that half of your plate should consist of this type of green vegetables and the rest of you plate can be starches and meat. Add some fresh fruit in place of a high calorie dessert such as cake. Fruit provides vitamin C and other antioxidants that support the immune system.

Above are some simple ideas for being successful with weight loss for women. Eat to live a healthy life and you will lose weight and be able to maintain your ideal weight successfully.

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