Archive | Diet & Nutrition

5 Effects of Good Nutrition

The effects of good nutrition on the body are as visible as the effects of bad nutrition on the body. The difference is that bad nutrition can destroy the body, while good nutrition only supports and builds up the body. Hence, the better goal in life is to maintain a lifestyle that promotes good nutrition. This will cause many positive effects, including the following 5 effects of good nutrition.

5 Effects of Good Nutrition:

1. Maintain normal body function

This includes better learning, proper balance and pH in the body tissues, to stabilize and regulate body systems like blood pressure, rebuild tissues, and maintain proper blood sugar levels

2. Maintain healthy weight

This includes proper blood pressures, less likely to allow diseases like Diabetes, heart malfunctions

3. Prevent disease

This includes prevention of cancer, tissue disease, parasitical invasions, bacterial infections

4. Pass along good start to future generations

Healthy babies, immune system, healthy pregnancy

5. Provide stress relief

Reduce side effects of drugs, boost immune system, maintain calm and coping abilities

If you can enjoy these 5 effects of good nutrition, you will be well on your way to a better, healthier body that is able to function properly.

One key to getting good nutrition regularly is to avoid excess. Balance food intake between the major groups, and eat appropriate amounts. You need a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. A multi vitamin may be helpful if you are not sure about your food intake but it is not a substitute for eating properly. Water is essential to body functioning, moving nutrients into cells, and handling waste disposal.

You can obtain and follow the standard daily food pyramid and recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) put out by the government. It is adjusted according to age because dietary needs change as a person ages.

This pyramid is composed of nutritional groups of: calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and includes lists of antioxidants and herbs that are beneficial to health.

Besides age, the body’s nutritional needs change with use of drugs, or disorders and diseases that affect the body’s ability to meet those needs, or interfere with absorption or intake of food nutrients.

There are more than the above 5 effects of good nutrition, but these go a long way to getting you started in a healthy lifestyle if you pay attention. By the way, if you cant pay attention, you may need better nutrition! Avoid excess sweets and highly refined food, because they can cause bacterial excesses that can even have a lethal result if left unchecked (Candida). By providing the proper fuel (food) to your body, you enable it to function at its optimum capacity, keeping you healthy, happy, and fit for years and years, with benefits extending even unto the next generation.

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Any Tips For a 40 Year Old Woman That Can’t Lose Weight?

I hear this question often – it reflects the experience of many 40 year old women. Most have been on at least 5, if not more diets, products or weight loss programs. But up to now  they couldn’t lose weight permanently. It has a lot to do with the hormone system. Compared to a 20 year old woman, the metabolism of a 40 year old works much slower.

Given the time constraints of most middle-aged women you probably won’t be able to make up for this by increasing your exercise time. Here are a couple of tips which will help you to lose weight permanently:

First, you need to be clear what your motivation is and keep that motivation always on top of your mind. Write it down and post it around the house so you see it several times a day- especially everywhere you store food.

Second, get your hormone system going as best as you can. You need to look for healthy nutrition and stress management. Your hormone system cannot function properly if it doesn’t get the right nutrients, and stress will challenge your hormonal balance as well.

Third you need to understand that your body demands more calories than you can allow yourself to consume. This means: You need to handle having a slight feeling of hunger most of the time. The easiest way to address this situation is eating 5-6 small meals per day, so you always feel full. Being emotionally well-balanced helps too- you might need to learn some stress-releasing techniques.

Last, being physically active will not only get your hormones up, it will energize you too. Many 40 year old women have little to no time for exercising. But, if you can integrate 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening on 6 days a week, you will feel better and increase your chances to lose weight permanently greatly.

Many 40 year old women have a hard time losing weight. My program targets this specific situation:

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Fitness Diet Plans – Fitness Programs Online Really Do Work Wonders

If you are anything at all like me, you know you should exercise. You actually enjoy exercising when you do it, it’s just hard to find the time or the motivation to do it. You know that the point of Fitness Diet Plans are actually the fitness part. I do well when I go to the gym, I actually like going to the gym, and it’s just so far away. (I can see my gym’s sign from my balcony). Even though I like going to the gym I would prefer to work out at home, but then it’s even harder to find the motivation to do it and continue with it on a regular basis.

I have found a few different websites that tout online fitness diet plans and most of them look okay. What I need is a constant barrage of motivation though. Even when I’m at work I need to be thinking about exercising. I found a website that offers a free trainer via a program that is designed specifically for me. I only need to lose 15 pounds to be at my ideal weight. I don’t want to pay a fortune at my gym for a trainer when I know I can lose this weight by myself- if only I’d go to the gym that is. So, I filled out all the pertinent information on the website and decided to give it a try.

The Fitness diet plan with a web trainer is actually pretty cool. I get text messages asking me if I’m going to walk or job when I get off of work. I get emails to all five of my accounts and I have a support team in an online forum. Granted, it is online and that means I need to sit down and not move around much to participate. So, after encouragement from the other folks on my team, I participate after my work outs as part of the cool down routine.

I never, in a million years, would have thought that a fitness diet plan implemented online with an online trainer who is not standing a foot away yelling about how fat and worthless I am , would actually motivate me to do anything. But the program is working for me. I feel guilty if I skip a work out and don’t check in with my team that night. I’ve become buddies with them and it’s actually working. I’m down five pounds two weeks into it.

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Diet – Foods to Avoid When On Any Diet!

Today, there are several diets publicized in books and on the internet, it is difficult to choose. Here we are not going to look at foods to eat but foods to avoid on any diet.

A common sense way to understand which diet is best is to see which one fits your own personal choices for life-style and natural (we stress the word, “natural” not synthetic) tastes.

We all have our likes and dislikes…many of which from a child passes with us all our lives.

Today’s commercial world, and international food and beverage business is about as responsible for the obesity problem as the tobacco company’s are for lung cancer. When you are on a diet, or if you wish to be your ideal weight, you must avoid the general choices below.

oAny “processed” food. ANY…this means food that has been treated in an industrial way. These foods contain additives and chemicals that disturb your natural processes of digestion and elimination. In this category, you can think of any food from a can, or one that can stay on a supermarket shelf more than one month.

oAny and all fast foods. These are perhaps the worst offenders, as they somehow taste great when you are hungry, you eat them quickly, and they contain all the ingredients you don’t need or your body wants; such as transfats, incorrect food combinations (cola drinks with proteins and carbohydrates), and an excess of calories.

An average fast food meal is about 1,000 or more calories. It is often more, and leaves you hungry in about 2 hours.

oAny “deep-fried” foods. This includes the famous potato, but can also include fried meats (such as fried chicken), and some sweets, such as the donut or many oriental-type sweets. These kill your diet, raise insulin levels in the blood, and there is no way to lose weight.

oAll polysaturated and animal fat. We do not say to you to eliminate fat, just eat the correct ones. These are found in fish, some vegetables and some dairy products (where omega-3 oils have been incorporated to the dairy animal’s feed).

oWhite Flour. There is nothing in it good for you, nothing. Whole wheat or other whole grains are another story. Eat them as you wish, but NO white flour.

It is a dead food itself, and only causes unbalances in your digestive system. White flour was invented as it does not spoil, where whole grains do. The bugs know which is best to eat. They eat the whole grains and not bleached processed white flour.

oWhite Sugar. As its carbohydrate cousin above, white sugar also has very little or no nutritional value.

There are so many healthy alternatives to it, and although sweet, these natural sugars are easily digested in your system as they are natural as you are natural.

oMayonnaise and its Derivates. Although very tasty, and makes the food you eat it with so as well, the mayonnaise is heavily processed, usually with the cheapest oils, mostly transfatty ones, and full of preservatives.

Also mayonnaise is made from eggs, and commercially treated to withstand the age process on the supermarket shelf. It will not help you diet, and in fact, it is not good for you at all. If you make it yourself however, and eat it sparingly, that is another matter.

o Caffeinated Drinks. This includes coffee, dark tea, the cola drinks, chocolate, and the new power drinks that are appearing in nightclubs, supermarkets and gyms.

The caffeine (or similar chemical found in tea and chocolate) disturbs your metabolism, and will prevent the natural slimming process when you are dieting.

There are many other foods to both avoid and enjoy, but the above list is generally agreed to by most dieticians.

When you are NOT dieting, you can certainly eat these foods, but it is advised to do so sparingly as to remember you had dieted, lost weight, and now, why gain it back.

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Bodybuilding Diets – Burning Fat and Building Muscle!

If you are serious about your physique you would understand what you eat is important, however, do you know how you eat is also important for building muscle?

Calorie cycling is a favoured option. You need to be eating at least six small meals a day made up of the approximate ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is suggested about 40% each of protein and carbohydrates and 20% fat, in some cases about 10% fat intake. If you are doing this and are still not seeing results, it’s time to shock your body and mix up the formula.

Do you want to build a massive physique and go in body building competitions or do you just want to lose a bit of fat and build a little bit of muscle tone? If you’re looking to build muscle only, one way to start building muscle is to begin a new body building diet. Some people recommend that you take your body weight and multiply it by 12 to 15 to get an approximate calorie estimate. This gives you a rough number of your daily calorie intake that needs to be consumed. Then for the next couple of days, restrict your food intake according to this figure. Keep your diet clean, with quality foods and calories.

Ensure you select low GI foods that will release slowly in your body. It may be slightly harder for those of you who are reducing your calories, so things like pasta and oatmeal combined with protein – tuna, turkey or chicken will be essential in your diet.

If you are nearing competition phase and want to get ripped try the old tested method of having some fluids as a replacement for food. Water or a muscle building low fat drink can help out the lower calorie phase of the plan. Also the extra fluids are important for hydration it can also assist to keep hunger away. Try drinking a full glass of water or a specific bodybuilding drink if you finish a meal and find you are still hungry.

As well as mixing up your food ratios and calorie intake, also cycle your training intensity. This will help double the effect and will help kick start your metabolism and iron out any plateaus.

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Bodybuilding And Nutrition

When getting into bodybuilding many people lose sight of the fact that sound nutrition forms the basis of any muscle building program and no amount of supplementation with the latest and greatest products will make up for bad eating habits. If you are serious about bodybuilding, building muscle mass or sculpting your body you will most likely have to supplement your diet with commercially available whey or soy protein powders (and possibly other supplements) but before you jump into the supplement craze you need to build a solid nutritional foundation.

It is really hard for new people to bodybuilding to avoid getting caught buying supplements that don’t work or that they don’t need. A lot of people when they start bodybuilding want to take the quick and easy road to being big, but they don’t realize that there is no easy road or quick road for that matter. If bodybuilding was easy then everyone would be doing it and if getting big muscles was as easy as buying the newest supplement then everyone under the sun would be big!

The best way to start in the bodybuilding game is to read about proper diet and nutrition, and build a solid nutritional foundation to build upon. Once you have a good nutritional base you can start to add things such as more protein, creatine, vitamins etc. But if you skip this step you will never be a good bodybuilder because you will never have the proper nutrition for optimal growth.

So if you want to start bodybuilding then you need to educate yourself about proper nutrition for bodybuilding so that you know how to supply your body with the basic building blocks for proper muscle growth.

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Fitness and Nutrition – How They Affect Each Other

What is nutrition?

One of the most important aspects of our health and development whether we are overweight or not is nutrition. It is the procedure whereby we ingest and utilise food and supplements for healthy growth and energy. A healthy diet, which is part of nutrition, is vital to ensure we lead productive and enjoyable lives without worrying about the possibility of poor health. Eating a balanced diet can decrease the chances of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes; however nutrition is still sometimes neglected when dieting.

Dieting and Nutrition?

When we talk about nutrition we are discussing what we shouldn’t eat, what we should eat, and the conversion of the things we do eat from food into energy for our bodies. This is why correct eating is vitally important during the dieting process so we do not damage our bodies with over-exercising and malnutrition. By changing your eating habits you can determine the success or failure of your diet.

Going on a ‘starvation diet’ is often thought of being one of the better options on how to lose weight fast but this type of diet is actually very unhealthy and can be counter-productive! When you don’t eat for an extended period of time, your body enters what is called “starvation mode”. In this mode your body will initiate a self-defence mechanism thinking it won’t have food for a long time to come. Your body will slow down your metabolism, store more fat and break down muscle for nutrients. So even though you want to be rid of that excess fat, your body may not be ready to do so just yet.

Developing an effective and healthy diet plan that has nutritional value (and gives you results!)isn’t very easy.

How do nutrition and exercise affect each other?

Nutrition and exercise are. You spend hours developing an exercise regime, whether it is weight training or toning exercises at the gym, to deliver your perfect body. This may all be for nothing as you will never get the perfect body without proper nutrition to supplement your weight loss exercises. Your body needs to be provided with the proper nutrients to convert into energy to allow you to complete your exercise without feeling tired. Tom Vento’s “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle” gives a detailed guide on how to lose that fat, in all the mushy spots, and keep your energy up. Nutrition and fitness perfectly combined in a diet regime providing excellent weight loss results.

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The Importance of Nutrition in Our Daily Life

Whenever we take any food or nourishing liquids, our body digests and absorbs the simple but essential minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water from these food or nourishing liquids and converts it into the bloodstream and energy that help our body to grow and keep it healthy.

The nutrition value is more important for any individual’s health. The food or liquids whenever we take it affect our body and health as well both. So it is very important that we should be more aware of the foods or liquids whatever we take in our daily life. A large number of diseases occur only due to wrong diet. Some certain diet may itself cause some disease or alter the course of a known disorder such as diabetes, heart or kidney disease.

Why Nutrition is important for us?

As we know that food and water is necessary to build up our body and keep it healthy. Every good food and liquid contains some important nutrition like proteins, carbohydrate, fats, some vitamins, minerals and water. These all play different role to keep our body healthy and build new cells in our body.

These are the important nutrition and their role in our body:


Protein helps our body to build muscles and strong immune system. Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different types of amino acid and our body needs all these amino acid to function properly. Protein is abundant type of nutrient in our body that builds new tissues and repairs all damaged cells in our body. It also helps in formation of hormones and enzymes which play variety of roles in our body such as metabolism and sexual development. There are many types of protein that play different types of important role in our body. For example collagen is a protein and it gives the strength, elasticity and composition of our hair and skin. Some of the good protein sources are lentils, low-fat dairy products, tofu, nuts, seeds, peas, tempeh. Some common foods such as whole grain bread, potatoes, corn and pasta also have protein. Soya protein is the most essential and strong protein and it is equal to any animal origin protein.


Carbohydrates give us energy. This is an ideal source of energy for the body because carbohydrates converted more readily into glucose. It helps our body to supply the energy for the formation of cellular constituent. Carbohydrates are made up of three compounds Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen formed by plants. There are four types of carbohydrates are important – Sugar, Starches, Fiber and Gums. If carbohydrates taken regularly it doesn’t cause any weight gain, unless like other food group. There are two types of carbohydrates – Complex and Simple. Efficiency of carbohydrates can cause the production of ketones in the body, it can results into a condition known as ketosis. The good examples of carbohydrates are breads, potatoes, pasta, soda, chips, candies/sweets, cookies/biscuits, puddings, cakes, sugar, bananas etc.


Fat provides us extra energy. It is a nutrient and a particular amount of fat is necessary for our body. It doesn’t always make us fat. It play role to insulate our bodies by giving us protection from sudden changes in temperature and also protects our vital organs. Fats consists of a wide group of compounds are soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. Fats provide 9 calories per gram. When dietary fat is digested, fatty acids are produced. It is also important for healthy skin and blood pressure regulation.

There are two types of fats Saturated (solid at room temperature) and Unsaturated (liquid at room temperature). To obtain an adequate amount of linoleic acid, one of the few fatty acids the body cannot produce on itself. Any adult needs one tablespoon of unsaturated fat daily. Saturated fats mainly occur in dairy products like butter, cream, cheese and some chocolates. The source of unsaturated fats are soybean, sunflower and corn oils.


A vitamin is an organic compound, it regulate our body processes and plays an important role to make our body function properly. The term vitamin was derived from ‘vitamine’, a combination word from Vital and Amine. Today a chemical compound is called a vitamin. Our body needs vitamins as substances to grow and develop normally. There are 13 vitamins necessary for our body. Some of them are A, B, C, D, E, K, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. In our daily life we get all most all these vitamins form foods whatever we take. Our body can also produce vitamins D and K.

Each vitamin plays specific jobs. Any particular low levels of vitamins cause deficiency disease. For example, if we don’t get enough vitamin D it can cause rickets. Deficiency of vitamin ‘A’ can cause Night Blindness.

If we eat a balanced diet we get enough essential vitamin automatically form our daily food or liquid. We don’t even need to take any particular vitamin separately. Only in some cases we need to take a daily multivitamin for optimal health.


Minerals regulate our body processes and also make body tissues. Minerals make our body work properly same as vitamin play the role but it doesn’t prevent weight loss. Although we get it form our daily foods, so we don’t need to take it separately. Minerals boost our immune system. Some important minerals are Chloride, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Fluoride, Iron and Iodine. These types of minerals can be found from our daily food or liquid supplement like salt, soy sauce, milk, vegetable oils, whole grains, cheese, nuts etc

Water gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is the well known yet most important nutrient our body needs. It is also the most abundant type of liquid found in our body contributing 70% of our total mass. It helps to dissolve and carry the essential nutrients to all parts of the body. It is also needed to help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body’s waste products.


In human body there are 70% of total mass is covered by water. Water gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is very necessary nutrient than available all nutrients. It is also the most abundant type of liquid found in human body. Water help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body’s waste products.

We see that nutrition plays a very important role in our lives, each food and liquid contains its own nutrition value which is very necessary in our life. It could help to extend or decrease our life span as well as define our degree or livelihood. It helps in our mental and physical development as well. We must should aware about the food and liquid what we take regularly. Popper food in our daily life leads to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life.

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What is a Muscle Building Diet?

So you have decided to take action on your muscle building dreams. There are a couple of things you need to realize. Now more than ever you are what you eat. Everything that goes into your body should contribute to your number one goal of building muscle mass. Secondly, consistency is everything. In this article I will tell foods your body needs for maximum results.

Start with protein, protein and more protein; one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. The best thing to do to reach this goal is employ one of the many good protein powders on the market. Using this tool you will deliver a strong protein boost to your body without the fat and excess calories in some foods.

Eat protein reach fish and beef. These meats are good for your muscles and help create much needed muscle growth. As a way of life over the ling hall, I would recommend a heavier reliance on fish; this is the best kind of protein that you can eat.

Protein should make up about thirty five percent of your overall diet. But protein is not the only thing you need. Many bodybuilders drink up to two or more gallons of water a day, to help wash away the toxins in your system.

Another important muscle building ingredient is carbohydrate in fact; carbohydrates should make up at least fifty to sixty five percent of your diet. When you are working out your body actually takes energy from the carbohydrates that are stored in your body.

Many supplements have carbohydrates as a key ingredient.

Now this next ingredient is going to sound weird. You should be eating fat to build muscle. You are most likely thinking to yourself why you would want to eat fat to gain muscle.

You will only want to make fatty foods like ten percent of your diet; too much fat will make you fat. But fat does help to build muscle because it can aid the muscles in insulation and also give your body extra fuel to maintain the much needed effort of bodybuilding.

In Conclusion, these are just some ideas to help you figure out what you should be eating during your muscle-building quest. The diet you put yourself on should be consistent with these three things and I think that you will see results rather quickly. Make sure to eat plenty of protein and drink plenty of water and along with your workout you should make your fitness goals in no time.

For detailed diet and workout plans put together by experts in the muscle building and fitness field, click below to read reviews of some the top online ebook programs available.

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Nutrition For Muscle Building – The Role of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide you with the energy to train hard, they are the primary fuel source during weight training. If you do not eat enough carbs you will lack the primary source of fuel to train hard, this makes it hard to add muscle. Another problem with eating to little carbs is that protein will then be used for fuel leaving your muscles starved of protein.

The more active you are and the more you weight the more carbohydrates you need. Carbs enter the blood stream as sugar, there they release a hormone called insulin. Insulin is very important for any bodybuilder. Insulin drives all the excess carbs that are in the blood stream into the muscles where it is stored as muscle glycogen, until you need it.

When you train the body very quickly burns up all the carbs in the blood stream and then needs the stored glycogen that is stored in your muscles in order to complete the training session. Insulin also drives the building blocks of muscle called amino acids into the muscle so more muscle can be produced. If you do not eat enough carbs, your body will use protein for energy and that is bad, because you need the protein to repair damaged muscle fibers.

Insulin in excessively high amounts can store carbohydrates as fat and prevent body fat from being used as fuel. It is very important to consume just the right amount of carbs, not too little but not too much either. When muscles are completely loaded with glycogen, all the excessive carbs will be stored as body fat. And a super high intake of carbs can lead to a insulin spike, which leads to increased levels of body fat and inhibits fat cells from giving up fatty acids so they can be used as fuel.

So how much carbohydrates do we need? The goal for anyone who wants to build muscle is to consume about 50% of your daily calories from carbs. We know that 1 gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories, so if you consume 3000 calories a day you need: 1500 divided by 4 is 375 grams of carbs. This is just an example.

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