Archive | February, 2017

4 Sensational Ways an Amino Acid Supplement Can Improve Your Health & Well Being

Amino acids, or aminos are essential to a healthy life. They play a multitude of roles in your body, such as:

o Repairing tissue
o Building muscle
o Helping with metabolism
o Creation of enzymes
o Act as neurotransmitters
o Increases energy
o Promotes healthy brain function

There are many more, but that is a good start. The bottom line is that taking an amino acid supplement can be very beneficial if you want to feel and function better.

One of the best ways is to take aminos in a multi-nutrient formula that also contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The reason is because the health benefits are enhanced and absorption is better overall.

With all that said, here are four ways an amino acid or multivitamin supplements can improve your health and well-being.

# 1 – Immune System

It has been shown that aminos and multivitamin supplements can significantly boost your immune system by giving your body what it needs.

# 2 – Building Muscle

I am not talking about becoming a bodybuilder. Getting more muscle can help you look more fit and younger. Aminos help your body repair tissue and build healthy, lean muscle.

# 3 – Brain Function

L-tyrosine is one amino acid that helps keep your brain functioning optimally. It helps your body handle stress, regulate appetite and handle pain.

# 4 – Depression

Many clinical studies have found that those that are depressed often are deficient in many nutrients, including different aminos. A lot of studies are coming out showing that many problems today are caused by nutritional deficiencies.

The Best Way to Improve Your Health

Are you thinking about how you can improve your health with this information? One of the best and simplest ways is to take a multivitamin supplement that uses a me does in conjunction with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients.

In nature, no nutrient is eaten alone. For example, if you eat a banana, you're not just getting B-vitamins, you're also getting fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

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Suggested Strength Training Equipment for Home Workouts

If you want to continue your strength training at home, then you need to invest in some strength training equipment. There are various kinds available in the market and they come in all price ranges. From the most basic stability balls to portable resistance bands to the more complicated home-gym systems, there is a variety of fitness equipment to choose from. Here’s a list of the types of strength training equipment you can buy for your home gym.

1. Exercise bench. If you’re really working on a tight budget, an exercise bench is one piece of equipment you really need. Ranging in price from $100 to $500, this is the very basic yet versatile fitness equipment must have. From bench presses to sit ups to bicep curls, an exercise bench services many traditional exercise routines.

2. Resistance bands. These colorful rubber pieces are portable resistance training equipment. They come in different diameters marked with different colors to indicate tension levels and are quite popular strength training aids because of their affordability (they only cost from 50-$100) and adaptability. And because they’re portable, they can be brought anywhere with you so you can continue with your resistance training exercises even if you’re far away from home.

3. Dumbbells. Strength training usually starts with dumbbells which you can purchase by the pound or in sets. At $500, they are original pieces of resistance equipment that can jumpstart your strength training program. They can be used for a variety of isolation as well as multiple joint exercise routines and they come in different lengths and diameters for both men and women.

4. Stability balls. These air-inflatable, highly functional pieces of strength training equipment aren’t only for resistance training. They are also used for balance and flexibility exercises as well. Ranging in price from $20 to $60, this resistance training equipment will never make any workout routine boring or stale.

5. Free weight systems. If you are an advanced exerciser, the challenge offered by free weight systems are just right to give you the routine you need to stay fit. A fusion of home gyms and health club bench systems, this type of fitness equipment can give that “gym feel” to any home workout for an average price of $800.

6. Home gym systems. The all-in-one strength training equipment, home gyms have weights, pulleys, cables, guide rods, steel frames, and pads and enable the exerciser to do the workout routines usually possible only in a gym setting in the comfort of your very own home. While it’s a very versatile piece of equipment, it’s also a very bulky one to have so you need to have ample space in your own home before you decide to buy one. It’s not easy on the pocket as well. The most complete machines could set you backwards by as much as $15,000 while the most basic ones by $3,000. The good thing about home gym systems is that aside from being able to do a variety of exercises here, they’re also durable pieces of fitness equipment that you can depend for your exercise needs for a long time to come.

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How Can You Get A Fit And Slim Body?

The desire to look fit is nothing wrong. We all do have the same feeling at some point of our life and the fatter ones out there will definitely agree with what I say. Slimming down not only gives you a great look but also makes you look attractive. Therefore, if you have the same desire in your mind, we advise you to follow certain tips that will help you reach your goal.

• You can start with drinking 2 glasses of water at the beginning of your day. This will give your metabolism a good start. Water also helps to remove unnecessary toxins from the body. The added advantage is that water does not have any calories so it will not do you any harm. Even during the day, if you drink water in plenty then it will keep your hunger in control and restrain you from consuming calorie rich food.

• Exercising is a good thing for the health and well-being. If you are not able to exercise regularly, you can just take a walk after the meals. Walking burns out a great deal of calories. This will help to keep your weight under control in the long run as the glucose is cleared from the blood stream.

• Processed food contains a lot of salts. Even chips, and the things you mostly love eating have salt content in them that works as a preservative to add taste. Reduce the intake of salts as too much of it increases the blood pressure.

• You are advised to go on a fiber rich diet. These foods will keep you full as they take a longer time to digest and make you have a lesser appetite for food. Thus, it boosts your slimming regime and keeps our weight in check.

• The last but not the least advice for you is to eat homemade food. Saying so, I do mean that you need to stay away from the lip-smacking delicious food that the cafés and restaurants offer. You have to lessen the number of visits you make there in a week and consequently in a month. While you eat at home, you will be able to monitor what you are eating.

All these things, if you are following them, will make your fit and get a slim body that you have wished for a long time. Not only that you will become healthy and would be able to lead a better life by keeping away several diseases.

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Quick Shoulders And Arms Workout

I am going to show you a quick shoulders and arms workout I did earlier today. This is the sort of workout that you will enjoy because it gives you a nice pump and feels great. The workout is fairly intense so that means it does not take as long to do, which is great for days when you do not have much time.

The workout itself is based on tri-sets. If you do not know what they are; tri-sets are three exercises performed back to back with no rest in between. If you don’t fully understand – do not worry you will get the idea after you have finished reading the workout. So let’s get stuck in a have a look at the workout below.

Shoulders And Arms Workout

Tri-Set 1 – Shoulders

A1 – Front Lateral Raise

A2 – Side Lateral Raise

A3 – Shoulder Press

Tri-Set 2 – Biceps (Front of arm)

B1 – Barbell Biceps Curl

B2 – Dumbbell Hammer Curl

B3 – Seated Dumbbell Curl

Tri-Set 3 – Triceps (Back of arm)

C1 – Close Grip Push Up (use knees if you have to)

C2 – Dumbbell French Press

C3 – Triceps Extension

Shoulders And Arms Workout Explanation

The above shoulder and arms workout is fairly simple so do not worry if it looks complicated. To perform the workout just work through the exercises as listed. Perform 8-12 reps for each exercise. Take 10 seconds rest between each exercises but rest for 30 after the third exercise of the tri-set.

For example: perform 1 set of all the A exercises as listed, rest for 30 seconds then move onto the B exercises, rest for 30 seconds and then do all the C exercises. That then completes one round of all the exercises. You can then repeat all the tris-sets another 2 times to complete all exercises 3 times each.

Generally speaking the workout is fast paced so rattle through all the exercises quickly and do not be lazy. You will love the feeling you get from this workout because you get a great pump. If you feel a slight burning sensation do not worry, that is lactic acid in your muscles. If you feel this burning sensation you are working hard and doing everything right!

I should also mention that even if you only want bigger shoulders and arms; it is important to work the entire body at some point. One full body workout done once per week is sufficient.

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Tips For Losing Weight Naturally

Obesity is a growing problem and childhood obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic. Being obese or overweight, not only affects your self-esteem, but also makes you prone to diseases. Taking weight loss medicines and supplements have side effects which can cause more harm than good in the long run. Many people are searching the internet to find out how to lose weight. Losing weight naturally is a healthy and safe way to shed some extra pounds. The method generally involves making changes in your diet and lifestyle and adding exercise to your daily routine.

If you are looking to shed some extra pounds, there are several natural methods to achieve it. Here are some ways:

Right Eating Habits– It is important to take a balanced diet. Base your diet on whole, single ingredients, food and avoid processed food. It is the best way to eliminate added sugar and fat from your diet. Eating whole foods will eventually lead to weight loss. You should aim to take at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits. With this, you will get many essential nutrients for very few calories. Add Protein to your diet as it is the king of nutrients. High protein foods not only reduces your appetite, but also increases fullness.

Drink Water-Keeping yourself hydrated can actually help in losing weight naturally. Taking water before meals can also lead to reduced calorie intake. Water will be particularly helpful when you replace other beverages, which are high in sugar and calories with it.

Exercise Regularly– Getting into a regular exercise routine will not only support your efforts, but will also improve your overall health. Try to be more active in your daily life, walk more and try taking the stairs when and wherever possible.

Get Enough Sleep– Sleep deprived people are more likely to become obese Getting good sleep will stop poor appetite regulation to help prevent future weight gain.

Control Your Cravings– You should learn to overpower your cravings and resist eating certain foods which are high in sugar and fat, like chocolates, pastries and cookies.

Lifestyle Changes– This is the best way for losing weight naturally. Getting up early, doing exercise, taking balanced meals and sleeping on time can bring a lot of change in your body, making it healthy and strong.

Instead of focusing only on losing weight naturally, you should also focus on nourishing your body with healthy food and nutrients to become a happier and fitter person.

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Why The Fat Diminisher System Should Be Your Go To Diet Plan In 2017

Have you ever asked yourself why gaining weight is so easy but losing the same is difficult? It is common for many people to engage in a weight loss diet plan only to give up before attaining the set goals and objectives. Are you in search of a weight loss program that is not only effective but encourages you to lose weight finally leading a healthy lifestyle? The Fat diminisher system is your go to weight loss program that helps you lose weight safely and effectively.

What is the Fat diminisher system?

This refers to a set of eBooks that spell out the causes of weight gain. The main guide for the program is compiled into an eBook with 140 pages. It is designed to help users fight metabolic acidosis.

What is metabolic acidosis? This refers to a common problem that occurs among people aged 30 years and above. It centers on the inability of the liver to regulate the levels of acidity in the body. This has been found to slow down metabolism leading to your body storing fat around the stomach, the hips and thighs. This is how obesity begins.

The eBook contains detailed descriptions of foods and herbs which are beneficial towards your weight loss efforts. They promote fat burning allowing you to shed off several pounds finally attaining a healthy weight.

Who is the author?

Wesley Virgin, a celebrated trainer, motivational expert and weight loss specialist is the author of the Fat diminisher system. As a well respected health fitness guru, he has helped thousands of people.

The program is designed for both men and women. Thanks to its packaging format (PDF eBook); it is highly portable allowing users to store it in a smart device. The main focus of the program is to help men and women lose weight naturally and safely.

The eBook contains techniques, step by step details about preparing healthy smoothies, list of healthy snacks and a detailed explanation of how to boost your metabolism. It also contains a list of fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and minerals that will aid in weight loss.

How it works

How the Fat diminisher system works is a no brainer. The author, Wes Virgin, has provided techniques and step by step instructions which are clear and detailed. They are easy to follow allowing you to modify your lifestyle and engage the fat burning process. The first advice that the author offers in the eBook is how to eat slowly. The benefit behind this technique is that it improves your metabolic rate allowing you to burn fat finally losing weight.

The second advice offered by Wesley Virgin is about foods rich in carbohydrates. It is a common misconception that all carbohydrate rich foods are unhealthy. What you need to know is that foods rich in resistant starch are not only healthy but promote weight loss too. The author has provided a list of good carbohydrates foods in the eBook.

The last piece of advice offered is about drinking water. Water is the most underrated resource when it comes to weight loss. It is actually a great promoter of fat burning and weight loss as it makes one to feel full. As an appetite suppressor, it promotes fat burning as the body turns to store fat instead.


a. The program provides permanent results

b. It contains delicious healthy smoothie recipes that promote healthy living

c. Ingredients listed are natural and safe to consume

d. It is portable thanks to the PDF format

e. Bonus materials are available with the purchase

f. A 60 day money back guarantee is offered which allows you to receive a full refund


a. The eBook is only available online and no hard copy is available

b. Customers have to pay a shipping fee for the free hard copy bonus titled “Arthritis Reversed”.

Where to Buy

The eBook is available on the official website. You can purchase it safely and take advantage of the 60 day money back guarantee.

Final Verdict

As said earlier, many people today end up not achieving what they set out to do at the beginning of their weight loss journey. This may be attributed to the many diet plans that promote quick weight loss.

With the Fat diminisher system from Wesley Virgin, you will benefit from a program that is written in easy to understand and clear language. The eBook contain techniques, step by step recipes to prepare healthy smoothies, list of fruits and vegetables to consume plus how metabolism plays a part in weight gain among others.

Are you planning to lose weight anytime soon? Try the Fat diminisher system today!

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Weight Loss Meal Services: Eliminating the Guesswork

If you're considering starting a new weight loss diet do not just go with the latest advertisement you see. There are many programs for diet, working out, as well as tons of gimmicks out there. With that being said it's easy to get overwhelmed with the multitude of information and products on the market. Do not be afraid to get some help on this. There are a lot of knowledgeable and certified experts and there are some solid meal plans available that take the guess work out of it. Your goal is to find the most effective weight loss diet and that make take admitting you need some direction.

Diet and nutrition are key elements to losing body fat. That can also be the most difficult part. Most of us know at least a hand full of exercises to do in order to burn calories. Treadmills and ellipticals are easy to operate and most fitness equipment has instructions. If not, there's usually someone in the gym that can quickly show you the proper way to use machines. But diet is the area most people need help in.

When it comes to a weight loss diet you need a schedule and you need everything easily laid out before you. Rather than ending up frustrated at the grocery store uncertain what to get there are several solid meal plan services you can utilize. These services prepare healthy meals with pure ingredients with no unhealthy additives or fillers. Many of these services also offer home delivery so you never have to step foot in a grocery store. This is perfect is you have a demanding schedule and are simply too busy to cook. The last thing you want to do is to rely on restaurants or fast food joints for your health and nutrition.

Sometimes when we try to take on too much at one time nothing gets 100% of our attention. Your nutrition is not something you want to leave to chance. So if you're a busy person, or simply lack the knowledge or maybe even the discipline to shop and prepare your own meals, you can take advantage of these types of meal planning services. Can be your this new and Improved weight loss diet plan.

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Ways to Find Your Motivation to Exercise and Keep It!

We've all started an exercise program, gotten all excited about it, but then gave up on it a week or two later. While we start out super motivated, that excitement fades quickly. The key to sticking to an exercise program is finding a way to keep that original motivation. Here are a few tips for getting for getting and staying motivated.

• Find a role model. Many women get motivated to diet and work out by taping up pictures of models or actresses. This is actually a great way to remind yourself what your goals are and keep a visual of them fresh in your mind. Just be sure to pick an appropriate role model and not someone with unhealthy eating and exercise habits or an unachievable image.

• Set small goals. If you start out setting tough goals, you probably will not achieve them and will then become discouraged. The key is to set smaller, easy to achieve goals and work your way up. Start with "I will work out three days this week". Once you get yourself into a routine, get yourself to work out harder and do more during each session.

• Reward yourself. Setting goals is good way to get yourself into a workout program. If you have trouble keeping yourself going, try rewarding yourself when you reach a goal. Do not go with big rewards, just small rewards for reaching small goals. For example, I can go to that movie if I work out three times this week. If you're working out to lose weight, just do not reward yourself with food.

• Get a buddy. Having someone to workout with can help keep your mind off the work and keep you entertained. That means you're more likely to want to go work out. Having a buddy also makes it harder for you to skip your workout because you'll be letting someone else down and they'll be there to talk you into going even if you do not feel like it. If you can not find a buddy to go with you, you can always hire a personal trainer to keep you going.

• Make it fun. Exercise does not have to be boring a repetitive. If you do not like your exercise routine, change it. Keep looking until you find something you enjoy doing. This way, you'll end up looking forward to exercise instead of dreading it.

• Mix it up. Even the most exciting workout can get boring if you do it over and over every day. Find several exercises you like to do and alternate. Try swimming Mondays, bicycling on Wednesdays, and a Pilates tape on Saturday. Any time you find yourself getting bored with a workout, replace it in your rotation for a while and start it again in a few months.

Do not take it too seriously. If you start acting like exercise is hard work, it will become hard work. Make your exercise a light, fun, activity rather than a chore you have to do. This will keep you from getting a bad attitude and make you less likely to give up.

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8 Ways to Beat Stubborn Body Fat With Walking

Do you know which is one of the best exercises for your body? It’s walking! Strange hey, my first thought always was that it would be something like jogging, HIIT training or something more strenuous for your body.

Walking is one of the best exercises out there simply because it has a gentle low impact on your body. And if you step your workout up a notch, brisk walking can provide the same health benefits as jogging.

The great thing about walking and why I recommend it to everyone who is beginning on their weight loss journey is because it is simple to perform and is gentle on your body. Plus because it is one of the simplest exercises out there it is easier to stick with and do long-term.

The hardest part of weight loss is just getting started that is why walking is such a great starting point. You can even make it a social event by inviting your friends and family and create bonding experiences while burning fat! That’s what is called a walking club and there are many of them that already exist.

1. Ease into walking. Let’s face not everyone is a seasoned fitness professional! So if you are just begging your weight loss journey, it’s a good idea just to start off slow and easy like doing just 1 lap around the block. Of course, as you become fitter over time you can always increase the intensity!

2. Wear the correct clothing. If walking is something you are going to do long-term make sure that you at least have proper walking/jogging shoes so that you can protect your joints. It’s also important to make sure you are comfortable during your walk, so dress appropriately for the weather.

3. Do a couple of pre-workout stretches. You don’t exactly have to do the same sort of warm-up exercise if you were going to do a session of HIIT but it is important to do at least 10 minutes of stretches before your walk! If you don’t have the time you can always start off with walking at a slower pace in the beginning.

4. Maintain your posture. Hold shoulders back and keep your head held high, after all, you don’t want to injure yourself because you have bad posture!

5. Regulate your intensity. You are probably walking too fast If you are out of breath and can’t carry a conversation. Slow it down so that you don’t burn yourself out!

6. Measure your progress. What we measure, improves. Just like you would measure your weight every day, record how far you have walked and how long did it take, then try better your own stats by a little bit every single day!

7. Have a little fun. Threes really no need to punish yourself, start a walking group with your friends and make your exercise a fun experience. You can even plan several routes for variety or even listening to your favourite music while walking!

8. Cool down. In order to prevent muscle stiffness the next day, try a couple of cool down stretches after your workout routine or even slow your pace at the end your route.

The most important part of any exercise program is to have consistency and sticking to your plan! Always stay flexible with your workout routines and you will have no problem with burning your stubborn body fat!

Losing weight can be a real ‘grind’ at times so keep things interesting by planning different routes and starting a walking group for that extra social support! And remember that starting is already half the battle, after that it is mostly downhill!

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6 Quick Muscle Gain Tips – Get Brawny, Not Scrawny!

If you are more scrawny than you'd like to be then you know what problems go with it. People treat you differently when you are a little guy. People act like they can walk all over you and women just are not as attracted to you. If you are looking for quick muscle gain tips, here's a few that will take you a long way towards getting the results you want.

Tip # 1: There's No Such Thing As Too Much Food

One of the best things about trying to put on weight is that you can completely throw caution to the wind when it comes to your diet. The last thing you want to do is not give your body the fuel it needs to build lean muscle mass. So do not feel bad about going for seconds and always eating until you are full!

Tip # 2: Eat Lots of Meat and Other Animal Products

The best tool you have towards building muscle quickly is protein. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle mass and you would be in big trouble if you did not eat enough. Fortunately, since you are eating as much as possible, it should not be a problem to do this! Load up on meat, eggs, and dairy products at the grocery store and you'll do just fine.

Tip # 3: Load Up On Carbs After You Lift

This might seem to fly in the face of tip # 2, but when you chow down on carbs after lifting you restore glycogen and leptin levels, which causes your body to build muscle instead of fat. Potatoes, corn, squash, and beans are all excellent ways of achieving this.

Tip # 4: Balance Feasting With Fasting

Although you get the thumbs up to eat as much as you want, you will see better results if you do a weekly fast of 24 hours. When you change things up like this, your body changes the hormonal balance to further support muscle growth rather than fat accumulation. To balance this out, make sure either the day before or the day after your fast you eat as much food as possible to balance your caloric intake.

Tip # 5: Lift Big, Lift Quick

Forget about spending hours upon hours in the gym every week in order to gain muscle. If you do full-body workouts and compound exercises, you can stress every muscle in your body quickly and force your body to release HGH, the muscle-building hormone, into your bloodstream. Here's a list of the exercises you should focus on:

  • Sprints
  • Deadlifts
  • Cleans
  • Overhead presses
  • Jerks
  • Snatches
  • Pull ups
  • Push ups
  • Dips

Tip # 6: Get Your Z's

Lastly, make sure you get enough sleep every night. Being sleep deprived causes you to lose muscle mass due to the secretion of cortisol. Which is NOT the way to go if you are looking for quick muscle gain.

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