Archive | February, 2017

25 Valuable Tips for Online Entrepreneurs in 2017

These tips for Online Entrepreneurs were complied for entrepreneurs and ordinary people who are interested in the best way to earn money online.

Many people are turning to the internet to make money thanks to the number of opportunities available on the web.

However, not everyone is successful in producing income as well as others, and often times end up failing or just quitting altogether.

In most cases this is due to selecting the wrong business model or not choosing a specific niche, poor planning and high expectations.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is no easy accomplishment. Sacrifice, hard work and an unwavering determination for achieving greatness are required. So is surviving your mistakes — because they will happen.

During the holidays we tend to disconnect entirely from work. After a few splendid weeks being detached, it’s especially hard to get back to focus. A study established by Glance Networks, found that most businesses don’t get back to normal productivity levels until usually three weeks after New Year’s Day.

However, with some planning, you can get back into things faster than your competition and set your business up for a productive month (and year). Before you enter the world of online entrepreneurship it is important that you do your homework.

To help you in this respect given below are 25 valuable tips you can do right now to hit the ground running in 2017.

25 Tips for Online Entrepreneurs in 2017

Invest In a Good Internet Connection

If you are online, you need a good internet connection. Without a fast internet connection, you could miss out on orders and customer questions. In short, your business could be paralyzed.

Choose The Right Business for You

Make sure you pick the right kind of business to start with. There are many options from selling products to starting a blog to trying your hands at MLM (multi-level marketing). It is very important that you study the industry and then pick something you have real interest in and are passionate about.

You can also choose a business idea or niche that you have experience or knowledge about regarding any topic of your choice. In case you know nothing, it is important that you take a few online entrepreneurship courses to expand you’re thinking and get your creative juices flowing.

Solve A Problem You Have

Go after solving a problem that you have. Something that’s near and dear to you, not some random market opportunity. Because, when things get hard, if you’re chasing just the dollars, or a random market opportunity, you’re not going to be able to have the determination or the passion, to stay with it.

Be Creative

Believe it or not, most ideas on the internet are copies of one another from giants like Orkut to Google to Facebook. Remember that it is okay to copy as long as you can do better than the original. If you are going to provide people the same thing, see how you can do it differently. This point is very important as many people often get inspired by a business but then lose due to stiff competition simply because they couldn’t outdo competitors.

Create a Work Space Devoted for Business Only

When starting out many online entrepreneurs work from home. The people you live with will likely interrupt you. It’s hard to focus on important business when people are trying to have a conversation with you. Create a space just for work only, nothing else.

Time Management The Key

It is very important that you remember the time gap. Big companies like YouTube are not earning big profits yet, well at least not as big as they can. You need to know that if you are doing everything right you will eventually take home a huge chunk of money but you need to be a little patient with everything.

Many people start an online business and close it within a few months losing all hope. You need to plan carefully and see when you expect to break even. It is best to go for a business model that requires little to no investment as this is one of the main benefits of online entrepreneurship as in numerous cases, you need nothing more than your time and efforts.

Get Started Early

Its best to get things done earlier in your day to ensure that you get scheduled task done before the day can get away from you. Distractions can rear their ugly heads. The best time to grind is 6-7am get up 8am hit the gym 9-2pm grind.

Implement An Exercise Plan To Your Daily Routine

Hitting the gym can be great for productivity. It gets your blood pumping and can help your brain function better to think more clearly and effectively. You should consult with a physician to ensure you are healthy enough before starting any exercise plan.

Plan Out Meals Ahead Of Time

It is very helpful to plan out your meals ahead of time so that you may stay fueled while you are working and have food ready to go so that you don’t need to take breaks to cook or go out and get food.

Plan Daily Task Monthly And Weekly

It is important to plan what you are going to be working on specifically on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. Plan out what you want to accomplish in a year and plan out the major tasks that need to be done to reach those goals on a month to month basis.

At the end of the month plan out what to focus on during the next month week by week and day by day. Once the next month is planned out, plan the most important tasks that need to be done in the next week on a day by day basis. This way when you get up in the morning you can look at your list.

Paint A Picture For Long-Term Success

The New Year is a perfect time to set goals for all facets of your life. People who openly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than those who don’t, and those odds for success increase to 50 percent when you write those goals down.

Strip Away Productivity Blockers

What was holding you back or frustrating you last year? I’ve found it’s the little things that end up wasting the most time. Like Social Media browsing! But the good news is that identifying time-sucks is the first step to eliminating them.

Set Rules About Email And Social Media

Ask yourself do you really need to be on Facebook or any of the social media sites for work. After self-evaluation, if you do, try to get in and out as quickly as possible without getting sucked into non business Facebook or social media activities. Use a timer to monitor the time spent and do not go over the selected time slot for no reason. The same goes for email.

Organize Your Web Assets

This extends much further than just organizing your business. Your web assets are everything from your website to your social media profiles to your hosting account. These need to be in order. All appropriate assets should be optimized for your brand. For example, your social media and webpages should have the same relevant keywords. They should be incorporated within an integrated marketing plan. It is important that they should be completely updated with the latest information about your company.

Protect Your Brand’s Online Reputation

Online business is all about reputation. The slightest mistake can taint your brand forever. The key is control. Setup a Google Alerts notification for your brand. That way, you’ll be able to inspect any mention of your brand. Have a firm set of branding and social media guidelines, so anyone posting on behalf of your brand is aware of what you expect from them.

Learn to deal with customer complaints and adopt a mindset of solving problems; even if the customer is wrong. You should be aware of social media channels your competition is using. And you should inspect keyword usage from all your competitors using the variety of tools Google provides.

Maintain Customer Data Safely

One problem business owners have is that they need to be able to keep data safely. You have a legal obligation to protect any customer information obtained online. For example, you should store information on separate devices and have a number of secure backups.

Do You Know Your Competition?

Any good business will know its competition. You need to know who you’re competing against so that you know why customers choose you over others, or vice versa. Nowhere is this more important than in the online world.

Stay On Top of the Latest Trends

The online world is one that is constantly changing and evolving. It evolves faster than anything you’ll see in the real world. Furthermore, you’ll see social media trends evolving all the time. You need to be on top of this so you too can be on the cutting edge of online marketing and branding.

Don’t Run From Risks

Just like a brick and mortar business, online businesses also face risk, which is why you need to prepare in advance. For example: If you run a website there is always the risk of it getting hacked etc. You should keep these points in mind and plan accordingly. Always have security and proper backup so that you don’t end up in trouble.

Be Persistent

No business becomes an overnight success story. This is something you’ll have to accept if you want to enter the business world. Persistence will pay off in the end if you continue to do all the right things. You need to be consistent and stay focused on your goals.

Follow Your Heart

Simply put… the ability to do what you’re passionate about, and discovering a new way to live with purpose. There is a true saying “Certainty is more dangerous than ignorance.” “It’s up to us as entrepreneurs, to see the world as it should be –not necessarily how it is. When you think you’re sure of the way things are, that’s when you will get passed up and you don’t see the opportunities that real entrepreneurs foresee.”

Know When to Call It Quits

Sometimes an idea will fail. The biggest challenge for an entrepreneur is to know when an idea has failed. It’s no point trying to revive a dead duck. So don’t be scared to change course if necessary.

Success Takes Hustle

Hustle is an act of focus, not frenzy. Hustle is about subtraction and addition. It’s not about doing more, it’s about focusing on the things you need to do, in order to move your business forward.”

Promote, Promote, Promote…

It is very important that you promote your business. No one will know about it till you make them. You can use methods like blogging or advertising (Google etc.) to reach your target audience so that more and more people will know what you have to offer.

Don’t Give Up

“Don’t give up, don’t take anything personally, and don’t take no for an answer.” Refuse to accept failure as an option.

In Conclusion

Running a business is fundamentally risky. Regardless to the method you use online or offline. Taking the time to learn and progress is one of the best investments you can make to alleviate these risks.

We are hopeful that these simple points will make things easy for you.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do for your business is start 2017 with a positive attitude that will set the tone for the rest of the year.

Are you an Online Entrepreneur? I would love to hear more tips you could offer the online entrepreneur. Just drop them in the comments below!

Are you interested in learning more about online entrepreneurship? Check out my website in the resource box! It is by far the best tool to have to get you started earning the right and ethical way to online entrepreneurship success!

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Squats And Lunges – The King And Queen Of All Exercise Routines

If you’ve been working out for months and seen very little change in the shape of your body, chances are you’re either not doing resistance work at all, which is a whole article in itself, or you’re not doing the right exercises.

Two of the biggest ‘result-giving’ exercises known to man or woman are the squat and the lunge. These two exercises hit the whole hip and leg structure, as well as every other muscle in your lower body. Why do you feel so breathless after a set of either one? Because they are hard and they work! For the quickest results to reshape and define your buttocks and legs, there really are very few exercises that even come close.

Starting with your own bodyweight is more than enough to see physical change initially. There are more people in gyms doing squats and lunges incorrectly than doing them the right way, so make sure that you ask for some technique advice from the instructors in your gym, and try to choose one that knows what he or she is talking about.

Key points to remember are:

Squats: Sit back from the hips, not the knees. Think about pushing your bum back behind you, and keeping your chest lifted as you lower down. Standing facing close to a wall will force you to maintain a more upright posture and stop you from pushing forward with the knees.

Lunges: As a beginner, use a support to get yourself into place, such as a wall, a door or a rail. Step forward into a split stance position, both knees slightly bent, your front foot flat on the floor and your rear heel lifted. Keeping your torso upright, slowly lower down, by bending both knees and tightening your bum. ONLY lower down as far as you can, while keeping your torso upright.

Once you have the basic technique in place, there’s no stopping you, especially with lunges, which can be performed at a whole variety of angles and depths, to hit every single muscle in and around your hips.

Squats and lunges are the staple of any exercise program worth its salt, provided that they are correctly performed and regularly practiced. These 2 exercises will build you ‘buns of steel’ in the shortest possible time!

While some of you may not be able to see your ‘steel’ glutes immediately, they are in development – trust me. Stick to a healthy eating plan, exercise regularly and you will uncover your ‘behind’ for all to admire!

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Blast Your Bench Press – Can You Really Add 50 Lbs to Your Bench Press in 3 Weeks?

Blast Your Bench program promises to add 50 lbs to your bench. And to make it even more amazing claim, you should be able to do so in just 3 short weeks. Sounds too good to be true, does not it?

If you are not familiar with Blast Your Bench routine, it is developed by Lee Hayward, a well-know strength coach. Of course, that itself is nothing new. There have been countless of bench press workouts developed and promoted by professionals and average Joe's alike. And, just like Blast Your Bench program, they too promised amazing results in short time.

So the obvious questions you are now asking are – does Blast Your Bench delivers on its promise; and how is Blast Your Bench routine different from all the others. The short answers would be: Yes, it does deliver, and it is very different.

In fact, the success of Blast Your Bench program lies in the fact, that it is like no other out there. It breaks many rules that you are now probably recite like benching Bible. The biggest heresy of the program is in the frequency of the workouts. The program lasts only 3 weeks, but you workout your bench several times each week. The weights are heavy, the breaks are fairly short and the intensity will cause your body to scream in pain.

Remember the times when you just started out and you could see increase of your bench press strength grow exponentially literally from one day to the next one? It was due to the body being bombarded with new impulses that it never experienced before. And I'm sure you noticed, that the gains were dramatic, not slow and steady. And that's what Blast Your Bench does to your body too.

It stimulates your body in just 3 weeks because the intensity is almost overwhelming and your body simply needs to adopt. Just like when you were a bench press beginner and every exercise gave your muscles an impulse it needed to adopt to by getting bigger and stronger. It itself is not a new concept, after all, short, but frequent and intensive workouts were successfully practiced in former Eastern Bloc. What makes Blast Your Bench concept unique is that it takes this concept and applies it only on one exercise – bench press.

So yes, it does work. Many lifters tried it with great success. What you need to realize though is, that you will be given precise instructions you need to follow. And trust me, although it is just for three weeks, the intensity will make it feel like eternity. But if you are intermediate to advanced bench presser and you truly commit yourself to the program, you indeed could add 50 lbs to your bench press. It's 3 weeks only. The question is – are you hard core enough to go through this bench press hell?

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

Natural Diet For Gallstones – The Top 5 Foods to Reduce Your Gallstone Symptoms and Pain

When you have symptoms of gallstone problems, it’s difficult to focus on anything but solutions. One of the keys to eliminating the pain is changing your diet. Five foods can start bringing gallbladder relief quickly:

  • Apples: As the saying goes, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” This certainly applies to your gallbladder health. Apples contain malic and tartaric acids which break down cholesterol. As 80% of gallstones are made primarily of cholesterol, apples can soften or help to dissolve gallstones. This is why most liver and gallstone flushes advise eating apples or drinking organic, unfiltered apple juice for days before your flush.
  • Artichokes: The artichoke is wonderful for your gallbladder. It encourages more bile production. This, in turn, can thin down the proportion of cholesterol in your gallbladder which can help dissolve gallstones. Artichokes simultaneously reduce cholesterol production by your liver. While fun to eat the artichoke “meat” from the leaves, it’s often very slow. Artichoke hearts, of course, are much easier to eat. The easiest of all, though, is taking artichoke extract or supplements.
  • Radishes: There are several kinds of radishes in the world. In North America, we often think of the Cherry Belle variety that is red on the outside and white in the inside and is about an inch in diameter; but, there are many other kinds: the Daikon (originally from Japan), the Black Radish (excellent for your gallbladder), and the Red King, to name a few. Like the artichoke, radishes stimulate bile production and help break down fats — both of which are helpful if you have gallstone pain.
  • Turmeric: This spice is often used in curry dishes, giving it a vibrant orangish-yellow color. Curcumin is turmeric’s beneficial component that decreases inflammation, destroys liver cancer cells, and most importantly for the gallbladder, dissolves gallstones. Note that the body can best utilize turmeric when it is consumed along with black pepper.
  • Leafy Greens: Mothers around the world hound their children to eat their spinach, and for good reason. The health benefits of leafy greens like spinach go way beyond benefiting just your liver and gallbladder. Other greens such as mustard greens, collard greens, and kale are equally as effective. Greens contain chlorophyll, which helps make the body more alkaline. Foods that are acidic in nature (meat, dairy products, sugar, grains, alcohol), leave an acidic ash in your body that the liver must dispose. Eating greens reduces this residue, lessening the burden on the liver and, consequently, the gallbladder.

If you or someone you know has gallstone pain, symptoms of gallbladder problems, or wants to learn about a healthy diet for gallstones, visit our site for optimum, natural gall bladder health.

Posted in Diet & Nutrition0 Comments

Arm Wrestling Techniques – How to Do the Top Roll

Arm wrestling is not just your typical Hollywood movie stunt where everything happens inside the bar, money thrown on the table with fists slamming around, participants sizing up each other mentally and everybody else getting rowdy. The sport is being recognized worldwide with official tournaments happening just about anywhere utilizing Arm wrestling techniques to impose oneself over his opponent. But what helped it in becoming a very popular sport is that famous technique dramatically performed by Sylvester Stallone in the Hollywood movie “Over the Top” called the “Top Roll”. Talk about twists.

This arm wrestling move is good if you sized up your opponent to be less-skilled. Winning using this move means skills defeated brute strength. Putting tremendous pressure on your opponent’s fingers gets you leverage over him, giving you the advantage as his hand will slowly open up. Here, you can make your move because he just lost his ability to counter your move, and you can then pin him down. This method is also referred as the “outside” move. This is a good tactic to prevent you opponent from exploiting his powerful arm.

Here’s how Stallone did the top roll with deadly effect. You can do the same too.

1. First things’ first. Gently pull your body back slightly. As the match has started recoil by pulling back slightly to give your self more leverage and making his less.

2. With full force, pull your bottom knuckle towards the direction of your nose. In a split second, bend your own wrist as you continue to pull. This has a great effect on your opponent as his grip will be broken.

3. By using one finger at a time, focus intensely on breaking his grip. Work you way through all his fingers starting from the pinkie. You will accomplish much from this because his fingers will slowly lose the grip which put him in a losing position. His situation will eventually be unrecoverable.

4. Now’s the perfect moment to pin down your opponent. As you work through his middle finger, it will be all over.

It is important not to take lightly the side pressure while you concentrate on the match utilizing the back pressure. Taking it for granted gives your opponent an opening to counter your top roll.

Mastering Arm wrestling techniques like the top roll has real advantages. If you can do it quick enough just like Stallone in the movie, your opponent will have absolutely no idea what had just happened. Just like in the movie.

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Warm Ups – Don’t Do Them

Don’t be misled by the title warm ups are a key factor in any athletic or general fitness programme.

However that said a lot of people turn up to their session for PT or with their coach and get the bog standard, Go warm up on the treadmill for ten minutes” or “run five laps” each time they have a session.

Warm ups are a key factor in any programme as is a cool down, and should always be conducted despite time restraints. Do not neglect your warm up as it is probably as important as the outcome of your session.

Warm ups can take a few forms but general consensus is that they should be:

Task specific

Prepare the body for the upcoming workload

Prepare you psychologically

Increase the heart rate and blood flow.

So does the light treadmill warm up or cycle warm up fit into the basic criteria? The simple answer is no.

Your warm up should be about the following:

SMR- Foam Rolling (self myofascial release)

Activation – dynamic movement

ROM- range of motion

Using a ball, stick or roller activates the myofascial muscle fibres allowing feedback of tightened areas and possible problems arising in the muscles.

The dynamic activation further prepares the body by stimulating the CNS increasing, blood flow, and heart rate to name a few.

The dynamic activation leads into increased range of motion in the muscle groups preparing the body for the workload.

By conducting a detailed warm up using the method described above we start a sequence of events within the body, which allows us to:

Prepare the muscles

Prevent injury

Increase blood flow

Promote muscle plyobility

Increase muscle flexibility

Sample warm up

Foam rolling full body inclusive of vertical and X Sagittal rolling of the muscles.

1a rotational half squats

1b monster band walks

1c ninja band walks

1d walking lunges with rotation

2a diagonal wood chopper (mb) left

2b diagonal wood chopper (mb) right

2c wood chopper (mb)

2d round the world (mb)

3a glute picks

3b ankle picks

3c can opener

3d bent over windmill rotation

Repeat the above warm up twice more, do not include the foam rolling in the subsequent sets.

Each time you conduct the warm up apart from the foam rolling which should always be executed first, start at a different point in the routine, this ensures the body is always adapting to new stimulus thus helping promote the muscles to activate.

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Why Skating Is Better Than Jogging

When I was young, I loved to run. It did not matter whether it was raining or snowing, I would be running early in the morning. If I let a few days go by without running, I would begin to feel sluggish. I enjoyed running not only for the exercise but also for the benefit of clearing my mind as I would begin a new day. When I didn’t run, I would wake up focusing on the problems that I would have that day or the days ahead. But running gave me a respite from the problems around me.

As I have got older, I have found that my body can’t take the abuse from running. My bones and joints began to give me some issues. I have found that skating, whether it be inline or roller skating can be a great replacement for running. I have found that skating can give me all the same benefits as running but without further damaging my bones and joints.

When I ran, the souls of my feet were absorbing the impact when my feet hit the ground. But when I would be roller or inlining, the skates would be absorbing much more, as much as 50 percent of the impact with each landing. Because the frames and wheels take the brunt of the impact, I found that my knees and ankles were not greatly impacted.

What this meant to me was that I could continue my exercising via skating without further damaging my joints, because of the minimum impact. I also found that I could skate longer than when I was running, which meant that I could burn more calories.

So if you are considering taking up this sport or have been running and thinking about taking skating up as a sport, let me share with you some of the benefits,

Clarity of Mind: This is a great benefit that is often over-looked by vigorous exercise. Whether you are skating intensely or casually, your mind will benefit.

Strengthen the Heart: This is quite obvious. Just like running, skating gives your heart a great workout without damaging your joints! In fact I think skating gives a better workout because you can do it for a longer period of time. If you are doing this for 30 minutes, you can get your heart rate up to 148pm

Weight Control: Since skating is a fun sport, you will get your exercise by having fun at the same time! If you spend 30 minutes on the skates, you will burn on average 285 calories. If you go fast on the skates, the calories burned will be much greater.

Coordination: When a child is young, this is very important to learn. But as we get older, it is very good to engage in a sport that continues to improve your coordination and balance. All this happen naturally as you skate.

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Exercise After Liposuction-10 Exercises to Improve Your Liposuction Resullts

The perception of appearance depends on the concept of proportion and symmetry. There is even a mathematical formula, the phi ratio, which proves this. Your ultimate beauty depends on how the various parts fit together. While it is usually felt that plastic surgery and exercise are mutually exclusive, I feel the reverse is the case. There is a true symbiosis between them.

Dissatisfaction with certain areas of your body led you to undergo liposuction. You had these stubborn areas of fat that the procedure removed. Of course you look better but do you look as good as you can? Does the body as a whole have its ultimate look or can some spots be refined with the proper exercises to bring the whole package into ideal aesthetic proportion and symmetry?

The liposuction set the stage to allow the results of the proper exercises to be more appreciated. However, all exercise regimens are different in what they accomplish in respect to sculpting the body. The exercises that follow are the ones which are specifically designed to contour and define the torso and the limbs.

Too many people assume that preferred method of exercise is aerobics. While this does reduce your overall body fat percentage, it merely leaves you as a smaller version of how you started. A large pear becomes a small pear.

Others, caught up in the catch word of the day, concentrate on core training as is emphasized with yoga and Pilates. Again, you definitely gain in fitness but both yoga Pilates lack the ability to spot enhance to ideally proportion the body.

Training with machines is like using stencils. They seem simple to use but keep you locked in directions that may not be ideal for your anatomy.

Following liposuction, the need is to re-proportion the body to match the surgically improved areas as well as maintaining these improvements. The abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks can now be further tightened. The arms, shoulders and legs can be sculpted and defined. Here are the ten exercises to improve your liposuction results.

I’m sure everyone wants a firmer, shapelier derriere.

Wide stance or sumo dumbbell squat

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, hanging down. Keep your head up, eyes looking directly in front of you, back straight and your feet spaced as wide as comfortable. Either hold a dumbbell in each had or a vertically oriented heavier dumbbell with both hands between your thighs. Inhale and squat down until your upper thighs are parallel with the floor. Keep your back straight and knees wide apart. Return to the starting position and exhale. The descent should be slow and controlled. The ascent should be accelerated. Repeat.

Dumbbell front lunge

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, hanging down. Keep your head up, eyes looking directly in front of you, back straight and your feet about a foot apart. Inhale and step forward with your right leg as far as possible until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Your left leg should be held as straight as possible, not bending at the knee any more than is necessary. Step back to starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and repeat with the other leg.

Dumbbell stiff legged dead lift

Using a foot stance slightly narrower than shoulder width, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your legs straight, back straight and head up inhale and lower the weights until you feel a stretch in the back of the legs. Then keeping the legs straight and back straight, return to the upright position while exhaling.

Now we have what I call the spaghetti strap exercises.

Bent over two dumbbell rowing- elbows forward

Using a close foot stance, place a dumbbell on each side of your feet. Bend forward at the waist and grasp the dumbbells in both hands with your knees slightly bent to take the pressure off your lower back. Turn your palms to face your legs. Pull the dumbbells directly up to the sides of your chest keeping your elbows out and your upper arms perpendicular to your body. Hold momentarily and then slowly lower the dumbbells under control. Exhale as you lift and inhale as you lower. Keep the back straight and the head up.

Hand on bench one arm dumbbell rowing-palm facing in

Place a dumbbell on the floor along side a flat bench. Place the right knee and your right palm on the bench with your back straight and parallel to the bench. Grasp the dumbbell in your left hand with the palm facing the bench and extend your left leg back. Keeping the elbow close to the body, pull the dumbbell straight up to your chest. Hold a moment and then lower slowly under control. Perform the desired number of repetitions and then reverse position with your left knee and left palm on the bench, your right leg back and the dumbbell in your right hand. Remember to keep the elbow in close to the body as you lift the dumbbell.

To firm, define and reduce the jiggling of the arms, we have the following trio.

Rotating lateral-front raise

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand hanging at arms length with your palms facing your thighs. Keeping the arms straight, raise the dumbbells to a little above shoulder height, keeping the arms parallel to the ground rotate the dumbbells forward to touch in front of your chest. Keeping the dumbbells together, with the palms facing down, lower the dumbbells to the front of the thighs with the palms facing the thighs. Maintaining the dumbbells in front of you, lift them in a semicircular path to in front of your face with the arms parallel to the ground. Keeping the arms parallel to the ground, rotate the dumbbells laterally and lower to the sides. The motion is raising to the side, lowering to the front, then raising to the front and lowering to the sides. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Alternating hammer curls

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand erect with the feet about shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight. Bend the knees slightly to relieve pressure on the lower back. The dumbbells are hanging at arm’s length at your sides with the palms facing in. Curl the dumbbell in your right hand, maintaining the position of the palm facing in to the level of the right shoulder. Lower under control with the palm facing inward until the dumbbell is in the original position. Now do the same motion with the left hand as the right hand remains by your side. Alternate the two hands.

Lying supine two dumbbell triceps press

Lie on a flat bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing one another and lift them to arms length keeping them in line with your shoulders. Inhale and lower both dumbbells straight down in a semicircular motion by bending your elbows but keeping your upper arms vertical and elbows pointed to the ceiling throughout the movement. The dumbbells should be lowered until the forearms and biceps touch. Lift the dumbbells back to the starting position using the same path as your exhale.

To get that tight, flat abdomen, try these.


Lie on the floor with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle. Cross your arms over your chest. Inhale and contract your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders off the floor. Squeeze the abdominal muscle and hold for a moment. Return to the starting position and exhale. Once you can do 15 repetitions, hold a 15 pound dumbbell on your chest. Progress to heavier weights as you can complete 15 repetitions.

Reverse crunch

Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Steadying yourself with your arms, lift your buttocks up and hold, pushing your toes toward the ceiling. Lower slowly and repeat until failure.

The proper exercise training can greatly enhance the results of liposuction. Why settle for less?


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Polarized Training for Cycling and Mountain Biking

What is polarized training in relation to cycling?

A polarized model for cycling training concerns spending most of the time spent training at low intensities and less, but still significant time spent training at higher intensities. Low intensity here is defined as anything below the cyclist’s lactate threshold, and high intensity is any endurance training performed above the lactate threshold.

It’s distinct from what’s been called a “Threshold model” where considerable time is spent training at or around the lactate threshold, middle intensity range. The polarized training model has come to light in recent years after the work of Stephen Seiler and colleagues.

Why train using a polarized model?

It’s still unclear exactly why the polarised model seems to be the chosen intensity distribution for top performers in many endurance sports, but there have been several theories put forward as well as anecdotal evidence.

Many coaches who have had success using this model agree that training at the lactate threshold excessively induces too much stress on the athlete for the amount of fitness benefit they can reasonably expect to gain. It has been referred to as the “blackhole” of training, where the training is too hard to promote recovery and not hard enough to induce large favourable adaptions.

This intensity distribution may play into the psychology of the athlete. When only having to “dig deep” and train very intensively about 1 in ever 5 training sessions, the athlete is likely to feel that the training is more manageable and that they can mentally refresh before having to suffer through a painful session again. By being mentally and physically recovered by the time of their next high intensity workout, athletes arguably get the most from these sessions and may be less likely to suffer from overtraining syndrome or burnout.

Practical considerations

As an endurance athlete, it may be wise to adopt some or all of the characteristics of the polarized model into your own endurance training. Here are some practical ways that a cyclist could action some of the recommendations:

  • Increase overall training time by vastly increasing time spent training at low intensities (far below lactate threshold, <2Mml lactate, Zone 1, 2 and 3 heart rate and power)
  • Train conservatively at the lactate threshold intensities at appropriate times in the season
  • Spend more training time towards the VO2Max level of intensity, using interval repetitions of ~5-8 minutes.
  • Include very easy days for rest and recuperation.
  • Learn how to train with a power meter in order to closely monitor training intensities using a time-in-zone method.

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What Are The Benefits Of Fitness Training On Your Heart?

When it comes to your heart and fitness training, the two are definitely linked. There are many benefits that can be had from fitness training, not the least of all to your heart. Whether or not you have heart problems, your heart and fitness training go hand in hand for a healthy lifestyle. This is because both your body and your heart will be doing a lot better if you get into regular fitness training routine.

The main thing that is affected with your heart and fitness training is the blood flow. The blood flow will be a lot better if you workout on a regular basis. This is because moving around and getting your blood moving increase circulation. Improved circulation can help with a variety of health problems. Not only that, but it can actually help avoid a lot of health problems before they even start. Besides helping with a variety of health problems, improved circulation can help raise your metabolism. Which in turn can help you lose weight even quicker.

Another benefit to your heart and fitness training is if you have problems with your cholesterol. It has been shown that a lot of people with high cholesterol are overweight. The weight is definitely a factor in the bad cholesterol. By losing just a few pounds it has been shown that you can lower your cholesterol by a few points. Even just a short walk four or five times a week can make a difference. You don’t have to workout very hard and lose a ton of weight; even a few pounds can make a difference. Lowering your cholesterol can reduce a lot of stress on your heart. This aspect of your heart and fitness training is definitely a great one to take advantage of if you fall into this category. Even if your cholesterol isn’t that bad, if it runs in your family you should take advantage of this as well. By starting now you can avoid problems in the future.

No matter what you do, make sure you get a doctor’s advice first. This is especially true if you have heart problems to start with. A doctor can give you some options for exercise that will not put too much stress on your heart. Yet a doctor can also let you know which ones will be best for your heart while still being able to lose weight.

In the end you can see that there are many benefits when it comes to your heart and fitness training. Once you get out there and take advantage of these benefits you will be glad you did. Whether you are trying to improve your heart or just avoid future heart problems, fitness training can definitely help.

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