Archive | November, 2016

Muscle Building For Skinny Guys – Never Be Skinny Again

Muscle building for skinny guys is a whole other art. Nothing like conventional body building. Have you tried to pack on muscle with no results showing, even after spending hours upon hours in the gym and stuffing your face with food at breakfast lunch and dinner? Have you followed all the body building magazines and not added a single pound of muscle? Well this article will serve as a ‘muscle building for skinny guys’ guide to getting bigger.

I know the term hard-gainer and I have tried hard to pack on muscle, but our genetics make it more difficult than it is for other people. unfortunately a lot of us give up there because we think it means we’re not destined to get big. That is NOT TRUE. We do have the potential to build large amounts of muscle and completely change from skinny guy to muscle man, but we have to do things twice as smart as other builders out there.

Why should you listen to me? Because I know how much it sucks being the skinniest of all your friends, having to wear baggy clothes all the time to hide your size, and sometimes even thinking that you just don’t look that good to the ladies. I’ve been there, but I’m not there any more. I know for a fact, that everything in this article works.

So let’s get started with the ‘muscle building for skinny guys’ 3 steps to gain muscle shall we?

‘Muscle building for skinny guys’ step #1. Eat a LOT MORE. You need to increase your caloric intake in leaps and bounds to provide the energy required for muscle gains. High amounts of protein are vital to gaining muscle as are good carbohydrates and oils. In addition, you should try to squeeze in between 6 and 7 small and nutrition packed meals in a day. Keeping the tank full is the first step in muscle gaining success.

‘Muscle building for skinny guys’ step #2. Rest properly. Not only does this mean that you must get a lot of good quality sleep. Early to bed and early to rise. But power-naps help to a great extent too. Furthermore, this rest does not refer purely to your sleeping hours, but to rest between work out days too. One of the biggest mistakes that hard-gainers make is overworking. Not only will this not help put on muscle, but it might actually result in muscle loss. Try not to let each work out session go beyond 90 minutes, and work out no more than 3-4 times a week. A work out drink would also help your body in good condition during your work outs.

‘Muscle building for skinny guys’ step #3. Working out the right way is the next most important thing for you to grow. So you know not to overwork, but what do you when you are in the gym. Here’s a checklist.

Exercise with intensity.
With weights, go as high as you can while still reaching your rep target.
Rep ranges of 8-12 result in maximum muscle hypertrophy, so this is a good rep range to start with.
Decrease break lengths
Focus on the best form possible
Variation is absolutely necessary to prevent plateaus.
Vary exercises, weights, set and rep ranges every 4-6 weeks

Keep that check list by your side and you’ll have some great work outs, whether they’re full body, or split body routines.

Eat, Sleep, and Work out. You had already heard that a 1000 times I’m sure, but there is more to it than that.There is a way to eat right, rest right and work out right and these muscle building for skinny guys tips won’t apply to you anymore. Why? Because skinny will be a word of the past.

PS: All the hard work that goes into carrying out these ‘muscle building for skinny guys’ steps will definitely be worth it when in the end, you’ve packed on several pounds of muscle and your body is totally changed. Just the look on people’s faces when they see your transformation will be completely worth all of this.

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Selecting The Right Nutritional Products For Fitness

Strenuous exercise and activities that involve a great deal of physical effort can be very hard on the human body. Nutritional products that contain protein, carbohydrates and other essential nutrients can play an important role in the recovery process. Finding the right product can also ensure that athletes are able to get the most out of their fitness efforts.

Along with physical fitness, nutrition is one of the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. Being left with no other option but to eat foods that may be high in sugars, contain too many calories or that conflict with a diet or meal plan care create many problems. Quick and easy access to shakes, snack bars and other products can ensure that athletes are able to get the energy they require without compromising their meal plan or diet.

Products that contain a great deal of protein can be of assistance in assuring that the body is able to repair muscle tissue that may have suffered harm through exertion. Building new muscle mass is a common goal for those who live an active lifestyle or who wish to improve their physical appearance. Providing the body with plenty of protein is not a concern that should be left to chance.

Carbohydrates are another essential nutrient, one that provides the body with an energy source. Loading up on carbohydrates can be of benefit following a long run, trip to the gym or after other strenuous activities. Failing to eat enough carbohydrates after a trip to the gym or track may increase the temptation to eat foods that may be less than healthy. Stocking up on the right nutritional products could make a real difference.

With so many different products, suppliers and choices available, finding and selecting the right options can be a difficult proposition. Having to make due with a limited selection of products and options may lead to issues that many customers would just as soon avoid. Knowing enough to ensure that the best options are able to be found and selected may not be a matter that should be taken lightly, especially for those who are serious about achieving their fitness goals.

Not every product may be suitable for every situation or need. Shakes are ideal for situations where food must be consumed quickly, while snack bars and other similar items can provide greater satisfaction for those who might still be hungry after drinking a shake. Selecting multiple options and stocking up on numerous products ensures that finding the right snack or meal following an activity may be done with greater ease and success.

Conducting a little research into the various products that may be found can allow customers to discover several options that they might not want to miss. Online information can often be found with minimal time and effort and often plays a key role in ensuring that more effective and educated decisions are able to be made. Product information, customer reviews and other insights that may be found online can shed a great deal of light on the options that have the most to offer.

Finding the right post-workout supplement is an important concern for those who take fitness seriously. Lacking a healthy snack or a nutritional product that may offer greater benefit can find many athletes tempted to eat the wrong foods. Learning a a little more about the options, choices and solutions that have the most to offer is always a smart move.

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Bouncer Weight Training

Being a bouncer, you experience a world that most people cannot imagine. You spend your nights and weekends in smoky bars, quietly and politely observing bar patrons purposefully filling their bodies with alcohol as a means of impairing their own judgment and finding opportunities with the fairer sex. You also have to break up fights, protect the door, and at times restrain individuals so they don’t hurt themselves or others. It is a job that can change from boring to deadly at the drop of a hat. It is the responsibility of even bouncer to train intelligently and responsibly to ensure he can do the best job possible. Here are some training tips you can employ to ensure you are in the best possible strength, cardiovascular, and skill set positions for the tasks that your job as a bouncer may entail.

Weight Training

Being big and strong is the first way you are going to be an effective bouncer. If you’re big enough, your mere presence alone will be enough to prevent most confrontations. However, there are going to be times when actual strength will be required to subdue people and control situations. Your lifting regimen should consist of the heavy compound movements of bench press, squats, deadlifts, rows, shoulder presses, skull crushers, and barbell biceps curls. Keep your repetition range in the 5 to 10 area to build functional strength.

Cardiovascular Training

Nothing is worse than gassing out while grappling with an angry, 300 pound drunken bar patron on the concrete floor. Brief yet intense confrontations can be a major drain on your body’s resources. For this reason, you should complete 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular training at the conclusion of each workout. You don’t need to worry about using some great level of intensity – simply walking 3 miles per hour at a 2% incline grade is more than adequate. In addition to building up your lung capacity to help in stressful situations, you will also be improving your own cardiovascular fitness and overall health levels.

Proper Training

Safety is always one issue of being a bouncer that is never overlooked – when it comes to the bouncer himself. However it is important that bouncer also consider a quick 2 to 4 week training session on proper take-down and restraint methods to ensure rowdy bar patrons are subdued quickly, without causing the person to sustain serious physical harm. If your bar is being sued, you’re losing money and will probably be the first man laid off. Enroll in a self-defense course with an emphasis in safe and secure take-downs which will protect both you and the inebriated bar patron.

The old rule of bouncing is, “if there isn’t a fight for three weeks – start one!” and it stands true that many in the field will instigate confrontations in order to present to management a sustained need for their presence. Tactics like this aside – if you present a strong, fit and well-trained package, you will always have work in the entertainment industry.

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10 Advisory Tips To Gain Solid Muscle Mass

1. Take more proteins:

Most bodybuilding experts recommend taking a minimum amount of 2 gram (0.06 oz) protein on 1 kilo (2, 2 pounds) of your body weight. To make body grow faster its better to use 3 to 4 gram for each kilo of your body. Increased protein intake will strengthen protein synthesis and will protect muscle lysis. The final result will be anabolic reaction (qualitative muscle mass gain) instead of catabolic (muscle mass reduce)

Food: lean meat, boiled chicken chest, egg’s proteins, lean curd or curd cheese. Also drink lots of protein having cocktails.

2. Increase carbohydrate intake:

Taking 6 gram of carbohydrate for each kilo of your body you will supply enough amounts of calories which is energy. That’s how you will avoid proteins being scattered for energy use and instead that you’ll be sure that all carbohydrates will be used for muscles recovery and mass grow.

Food: pasta, rice, buckwheat, cornflakes, oat flakes. Also drink full of carbohydrates having cocktails.

3. Take necessary fats:

Not every kinds of fat are the same. Omega-3 fat acids could be found in salmon. It will improve glycogen formation and improves protein synthesis. Eat salmon three times a week or take 5-7 gr. of fish oil daily.

Eat more nuts. Nut fats are good fats. This way you will provide your body with essential fats and higher volume of calories which are needed for body grow.

4. Make longer breaks between series:

Break between series helps muscles to recover. You’ll be able to train with heavier weights if take longer brakes between series. It’s simple: heavier weights (plus good technique) = more muscle weight. It is recommended to rest no less than two minutes but no more than three minutes within series

5. Eat six times a day:

Such frequent eating might be troubled but eating only four times a day helps only genetically awarded monsters. Plan your meal each 2-3 hours. Such eating type will help to absorbed food better and gain weight faster.

Eat qualitative food 3-5 times a day (boiled chicken chest, egg’s proteins, pasta, rice, buckwheat, cornflakes, oat flakes). In between, use compounds which are high in proteins and carbohydrates. Accordingly those 6 meals per day could be formed. If eating 4 times than 2 cocktails needed, if 5 times than 1 cocktail.

6. Do not ignore sugar:

Quick assimilated carbohydrates, such as sugar, can be very beneficial. Take simply absorbed carbohydrates immediately after exercising to avoid cortisol production (muscle destruction hormone) and increase insulin production. Take 80-130 gr. of carbohydrates immediately after training. At least half of them should be quick assimilated carbohydrates.

7. Increase anabolic body reactions:

Every human body secrets anabolic hormones ( growth men hormone – testosterone) In order to secret these hormones more drink natural hormone secretion stimulating drinks.

8. Try few repeats and heavy weights combination:

Basic exercises (squats, barbell push from chest while lying, dead lifts) try to do little repeats (2-4) with maximum weight. These hard complex exercises are essential for maximum muscle growth.

9. Drink insulin emission stimulating drinks:

400 mg of alpha lipoic acids will improve carbohydrate access to muscles even without insulin emission, 200 mcg of chrome will increase muscle sensitivity for insulin and 6 grams of BCAA will improve insulin emission. This cocktail can be used with simple absorbed carbohydrates (read 6th point)

10. Limit training time:

Volume of exercising could be characterized as number of series which is done for one separate muscle. When doing a lot of series for the same muscle you are stimulating catabolic (muscle destructing) hormone emission what is negatively influential for muscle recovery and growth. Ideal volume of exercising for muscle growth is 6-8 repeats which are dueled from two exercises for little muscle groups and 10-12 repeats compounded from three exercises for big muscle groups.

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A Good Diet For Healthy Pregnancy

Just because you are eating for two should not be an excuse to eat whatever you can get your hands on or succumbing to all your cravings however strong they are. In fact, you should be more careful with what you eat because you are nurturing a life in you and you want to give it the best kick start in life. Your pregnancy diet should be good enough for you and just as good for the baby.

But with so much information readily available it can be very challenging to decide what foods are best during this important phase of life. During pregnancy, it is very easy for a woman to gain weight, especially with so much eating and less exercise going on. But when you choose the right foods, you will not have to worry about your health and that of the baby even if you add a few pounds. There are so many healthy foods good for pregnancy, you can choose from so you enjoy meals and maintain good health.

Eggs – They may seem unlikely during pregnancy, but they are top quality protein choices that happen to be very beneficial during pregnancy. Eggs have minerals and vitamins too. Considering that baby cells are growing, protein is very important in diet. The eggs also have choline that promotes overall growth and brain health of your baby. Some even have omega-3 fats that are great for vision and brain development. They may be high in cholesterol, but they are low in saturated fat, thus making them okay during pregnancy.

Sweet potatoes – The orange color of sweet potatoes is from carotenoids and they are helpful in catering to vitamin A when there is a shortfall of the same from veggies and fruits. The sweet potatoes are also high in vitamin C, fiber and folate making them very good during pregnancy.

Whole grains – They contain nutrients like selenium, phytonutrients and vitamin E and they are also high in fiber. There are so many choices and you can experiment with them as you prefer to make delicious meals that will not only prove beneficial but also enjoyable. You can go for anything from barley, oatmeal of even quinoa, which seems to have an abundance of nutrients.

Dark green leafy veggies – They include Swiss chard, kale, spinach and they are all loaded with nutrients and vitamins C, K and A. The green leafy vegetables are also rich in folate which is very important during pregnancy. They make very good food choices for promoting eye health too.

Lean meats – It is a natural protein source, but when buying red meat you should ensure that you get cuts that are fat free. Pork and beef are some of the best during pregnancy because of the choline they contain additionally to the protein. It is however important to keep off deli meats and hot dogs because of the risk of passing parasites and bacteria to the baby. It is also a good idea to cook your own food so you are sure.

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Exercise on the Run: 5 Tips for Finding Energy and Fitness in No Time!

Exercise time can be tough to come by. With your hectic daily routine – getting ready for work, getting the kids ready for school, a busy day at work, coming home and fixing dinner, cleaning up the house and getting everyone, including yourself, to sleep – exercise is usually the last thing on your mind!

But exercise is the one thing that energizes and enables you to handle such a busy lifestyle. Indeed, when you exercise regularly you reduce your stress, sleep better, feel better and boost your self-confidence.

Exercise on the Run – and I Don’t Mean Running!

There are many exercises you can do anywhere, at any time. All you need are a couple of makeshift weights you can find around the house and the physical weight of your body. And it’s vital that you remember to warm-up and cool-down. This is important to prevent injury and is easy to accomplish no matter where you are. A bit of walking works very well for both of these purposes.

So here are 5 simple exercises you can do anywhere:

Tricep Dips.

Sit on the edge of a chair or bench with your hands next to your thighs. Lift your body out just in front of the chair, with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Lower yourself down so your elbows bend no more than 90 degrees and push yourself back up. Avoid this exercise if you have wrist or shoulder problems.


Don’t be afraid of these! The key is to modify your routine so it works for you. Everyone knows the standard push-up position but to change it up a bit try starting with your knees rather than your toes on the floor. And how about some half push-ups – either going only half way down and then back up, or starting from the floor and only pushing up half way and then going back down?


Crunches are great for your abs if you do them correctly. Done incorrectly, they can put undue stress on your neck and back. The biggest risk is if you jerk your neck to give you the force to crunch. While doing crunches, keep your hands behind your head and your elbows back while using your stomach muscles to lift your head and chin towards the ceiling.

Once you’ve mastered this technique, try lifting your legs off the ground or assuming a bicycle position with one leg bent and the other straight off of the ground.


Body weight squats are a great exercise you can do anywhere. Start off your squat workouts by lowering yourself only a foot or so. Then work up to deeper squats as your muscles become accustomed to the exercise. If you’re feeling a bit advanced and in need of a more intense workout, grab two 2-liter bottles filled with sand and try performing squats while holding one in each hand.

Calf Raises.

Calf raises can be done wherever there is a raised surface, such as a stairway. If you need balance, hold onto the railing. Facing the stairs, stand with only your toes on the stair and your feet extending out past it. Standing straight up, lower your body down below the level of the stair and then back up onto your toes. Even though it seems as if this is an ankle exercise, it also works out your calf muscles.

Adapt these exercises to your own strength and stamina levels and build slowly for the best results. Soreness is a good thing, but pain means you need to stop. Try these exercises out today and feel the healthy difference of fitness on the run.

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10 Advisory Tips To Gain Solid Muscle Mass

1. Take more proteins:

Most bodybuilding experts recommend taking a minimum amount of 2 gram (0.06 oz) protein on 1 kilo (2, 2 pounds) of your body weight. To make body grow faster its better to use 3 to 4 gram for each kilo of your body. Increased protein intake will strengthen protein synthesis and will protect muscle lysis. The final result will be anabolic reaction (qualitative muscle mass gain) instead of catabolic (muscle mass reduce)

Food: lean meat, boiled chicken chest, egg’s proteins, lean curd or curd cheese. Also drink lots of protein having cocktails.

2. Increase carbohydrate intake:

Taking 6 gram of carbohydrate for each kilo of your body you will supply enough amounts of calories which is energy. That’s how you will avoid proteins being scattered for energy use and instead that you’ll be sure that all carbohydrates will be used for muscles recovery and mass grow.

Food: pasta, rice, buckwheat, cornflakes, oat flakes. Also drink full of carbohydrates having cocktails.

3. Take necessary fats:

Not every kinds of fat are the same. Omega-3 fat acids could be found in salmon. It will improve glycogen formation and improves protein synthesis. Eat salmon three times a week or take 5-7 gr. of fish oil daily.

Eat more nuts. Nut fats are good fats. This way you will provide your body with essential fats and higher volume of calories which are needed for body grow.

4. Make longer breaks between series:

Break between series helps muscles to recover. You’ll be able to train with heavier weights if take longer brakes between series. It’s simple: heavier weights (plus good technique) = more muscle weight. It is recommended to rest no less than two minutes but no more than three minutes within series

5. Eat six times a day:

Such frequent eating might be troubled but eating only four times a day helps only genetically awarded monsters. Plan your meal each 2-3 hours. Such eating type will help to absorbed food better and gain weight faster.

Eat qualitative food 3-5 times a day (boiled chicken chest, egg’s proteins, pasta, rice, buckwheat, cornflakes, oat flakes). In between, use compounds which are high in proteins and carbohydrates. Accordingly those 6 meals per day could be formed. If eating 4 times than 2 cocktails needed, if 5 times than 1 cocktail.

6. Do not ignore sugar:

Quick assimilated carbohydrates, such as sugar, can be very beneficial. Take simply absorbed carbohydrates immediately after exercising to avoid cortisol production (muscle destruction hormone) and increase insulin production. Take 80-130 gr. of carbohydrates immediately after training. At least half of them should be quick assimilated carbohydrates.

7. Increase anabolic body reactions:

Every human body secrets anabolic hormones ( growth men hormone – testosterone) In order to secret these hormones more drink natural hormone secretion stimulating drinks.

8. Try few repeats and heavy weights combination:

Basic exercises (squats, barbell push from chest while lying, dead lifts) try to do little repeats (2-4) with maximum weight. These hard complex exercises are essential for maximum muscle growth.

9. Drink insulin emission stimulating drinks:

400 mg of alpha lipoic acids will improve carbohydrate access to muscles even without insulin emission, 200 mcg of chrome will increase muscle sensitivity for insulin and 6 grams of BCAA will improve insulin emission. This cocktail can be used with simple absorbed carbohydrates (read 6th point)

10. Limit training time:

Volume of exercising could be characterized as number of series which is done for one separate muscle. When doing a lot of series for the same muscle you are stimulating catabolic (muscle destructing) hormone emission what is negatively influential for muscle recovery and growth. Ideal volume of exercising for muscle growth is 6-8 repeats which are dueled from two exercises for little muscle groups and 10-12 repeats compounded from three exercises for big muscle groups.

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A Guide to Good Health – What Is Nutrition?

Everyone wants good health. However, not everyone shares a common definition of what good health is, though a common starting point for any definition would have to include the term “nutrition”. Proper nutrition is required to keep a human body functioning, but just what is nutrition? Simply put, nutrition is everything we consume that contributes to our health. Nutrition is all the vitamins, minerals and foods that supply the basic needs for life.

In other words, good nutrition is the key to preventing a plethora of health problems. Diet, the food we consume, can either serve to prevent disease or encourage negative health issues. Physical issues from chronic fatigue to skin and hair problems are often related to nutritional issues. A well balanced diet ensures that nutrients are properly distributed to all areas of the body. Conversely, an imbalance contributes to everything from that feeling of being too tired to get up in the morning to male impotence. The secret is to find a balance that works for maintaining a quality of life that only comes from good health.

The human body requires many elements to function properly – to have proper nutrition. At the top of the list is water, followed by carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Each of the elements has a function in keeping the human body healthy, and an excess or shortage of any one element can produce negative health outcomes. While there are arguments about which of them is most important, the simple fact is that we need to concentrate on finding a balance that meets the needs of the human body.

Diet is the primary element in maintaining a healthy nutritional balance. While some nutrients can be obtained from consuming nutritional supplements, the foods available should serve to meet the body’s normal requirements. By being cognizant of our nutritional needs, foods can be selected that meet those needs. Unfortunately, this skill does not always come naturally. Each consumer must take the time to become aware of how the human body functions and what foods allow those functions to properly occur.

Only by properly meeting nutritional needs can humans maintain health and guard against illness. And only by recognizing that the human body is essentially an engine that needs specific fuels can humans enjoy good health. Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the fuels that keep human bodies running smoothly. By educating ourselves on which foods provide those nutrients our collective health can be improved, with a corresponding improvement in our quality of life.

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A Mr Universe Workout

Here is a workout from 1959 Mr. Universe champion, Bruce Randall.

Randall liked to work mostly upper body with squats or deadlift being his only lower body exercise. He would change his routines frequently and went through different stages as a powerlifter, Olympic lifter and bodybuilder.

As a matter of fact, Randall went from 415 pounds (as a powerlifter and Olympic lifter) all the way down to 223 pounds as a bodybuilder!

Bruce finished second in the 1958 Mr. Universe and was bound and determined to come back stronger the next year. Of course he did and the rest is history.

Some of Randall’s best lifts were 770 pounds in the deadlift, 680 in the squat, 375 in the overhead press and 482 in the bench press.

Below is a typical workout that Randall followed on his way to the 1959 Mr. Universe crown.

Mr. Universe Workout

Overhead Press 3 x 4-6

Bench Press 3 x 4-6

Incline Bench Press 3 x 4-6

Curls 3 x 4-6

Chins 3 x 4-6

Leg Raises 1 x 20-50

Squats or Deadlifts 3 x 6-8

Notes: Randall trained 3-4 days per week and would alternate squats and deadlifts. He eat three meals a day with one or two homemade protein drinks. As always, train hard and with maximum effort. If 3-4 days is too much, lower it to 2 days. Train hard and heavy.

Understand that to be successful in any weight training program – hard work is a must! Half-hearted effort does nothing for you. If you’re new to weight training or grossly out of shape, consult a physician first. End of disclaimer.

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5 Valuable Tips About How To Build More Muscle

How do you build more muscle? The best time to build more muscles is actually during winter. As the winter season approaches, you can shift your muscle building regime. If you have been focusing on fat loss, it’s time to move on to muscle building. You’ll be wearing layers of clothing during winter, anyway, so there is no need to concern yourself about how you look in a shirt or a bikini. If you have a smaller physique, the winter time apparel can cover you up. How will your muscle building program work?

Give yourself 4 to 6 months to build quality mass of muscles and add 2 to 3 months more to lose the fat that you’ve gained along the way. When the next summer season comes, you’ll have a buff and lean body to show off. Here is a short list of valuable tips to build more muscle.

  1. Choose an appropriate plan and adhere to it. Most people make the mistake of halting their exercise plan after realizing that it doesn’t produce any results in 1 or 2 weeks. You actually need to monitor your progress and understand that your muscle building program wouldn’t normally show any effects until the 4th to 6th week of working out. Jumping ship at the initial stages of your program results to a waste of time and effort because you need to readjust your exercises again. You’ll get too far to the mass developing stage of building your muscles.
  2. Mix dry oats to your muscle building shake. Good if you’re doing well on your calorie intake, otherwise you’ll have to look for more means to gain weight and bump up. One easy way to make your muscle building shake more effective for weight gain is to mix ¼ cup of raw oats to your shake. The consistency of the shake will be altered, but you can grind the oats so that you’ll hardly notice them on your beverage. It will give a thicker taste to your shake. Instead of fruits, oats contain carbs that works better to restore glycogen in your muscles which is very important in building muscle mass.
  3. Take time for rest for muscle recovery. Stay out of the gym for an ample time. Don’t spend all of your time in the gym because doing so will break down your muscle tissues. The culprit for this is too much weight lifting. Take some time out of the gym to allow your muscles to repair. When your muscles have recovered, they build back as stronger muscles. Continually pounding your muscles while weight lifting without allowing time for recuperation will make you grow weaker.
  4. Relieve and manage your stress. You may be so focused on what you’re doing at the gym and the kitchen that you’re constantly 100% on. Be wary that you could be such a perfectionist that it causes you high levels of stress. Consider that stress can work against your muscle building program. Being under too much stress causes the release of certain hormones that can break down your muscle.
  5. Ask for the guidance of a coach or mentor, but be aware of the workings of your own body. If you’re really serious about building your muscles, you can look for a coach or mentor. A coach or a mentor is well-knowledgeable about your endeavor, plus they boost your motivation, too. But while you have a mentor with a physique that you covet. Understand that you can work to have the same muscled body, but remember that you have a different metabolic rate and recovery mechanism. Your nutritional needs and habits are different from your mentor’s. Heed the coaching of your mentor and use their techniques as a guide, but you have to adjust your program according to your own individual needs and the responses of your body.

Good luck on your muscle building endeavor. These 5 valuable tips on how to build more muscle can help you achieve your physique and fitness goals.

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