Archive | October, 2015

Muscle Building Workouts – Basic Exercises for Bodybuilding Beginners

Muscle building is the most favorite among men. There are some people who live for bodybuilding. It is also a passion among young boys to build their body to attract females. This is 80% true for most guys. Others do bodybuilding simply to maintain their shape. If you ask which parts of the body you want to improve then all they want is huge muscular chest, bigger arms and six packs. That’s all most guys want to achieve in their bodybuilding journey.

Here I am going to discuss some basic bodybuilding workouts which are best to build upper body in a V-shape. They help to gain some muscle for guys which are starting bodybuilding.

Bench Press:

Bench press works on your chest and is the most efficient workout for your chest. Lay on a flat bench in a well balanced way while your face facing upwards. Grab a bar and position your grip with equal to the distance when your biceps and forearms making an angle of 90. Lift your bar and push it upwards till your arms are fully stretched. Now take it back slowly and slightly above your chest. This completes your 1 rep. Now repeat it with 10 reps and then take a 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.


Flying isolates your chest and bring them in a wide position.

Sit on the bench and grip both hands on the handle. Slowly bring them in front of your chest and let them go back. This is your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.


Pully works on your wings. Sit on the bench and grab the hanging bar with full wide grips on both sides. Pull the bar slowly till it touches behind your head and slowly let the rod go back to the starting position. This is your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

Cable Rowing:

Rowing also works on your wings. Sit on the seat while your feet on the flat surface. Grab the handle of the machine and pull it till it touches your abs. Remember don’t move backwards while pulling and your back must be straight. Slowly bend yourself slightly and let it go back. This is your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

Standing Curl:

Standing curl mainly focuses on your biceps. Take a rod while standing and make your grip equal to shoulder width while your palm facing in the direction of your face. Lift your rod slowly till it comes in front of your chest. Remember to fix your knees and then lift the rod. This completes your 1 rep. Do it again till 10 reps. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

Alternate Dumbbell Curl:

This workout is similar to standing curl but you’ve to take dumbbells instead of barbell rod. Take dumbbell on both hands while you are sitting and your palm facing in the direction of your face. Lift your right dumbbell till your arm is bent fully while keeping your knees still. Then move your dumbbell back slowly to staring position. Do this with your left dumbbell. This completes your 1 rep. This way complete 10 reps and take 1 minute break. Repeat whole exercise 3-4 times.

These are the basic exercises with light weights which you have to do during your first 10-15 days then you will move to further exercises. These exercise will help your body to build its shape and then you will be able to lift heavier weights.

Remember to take sufficient amount of protein, carbs, and skim milk after every 3-4 hours to ensure proper building of your muscles.

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Fitness and Nutrition – How They Affect Each Other

What is nutrition?

One of the most important aspects of our health and development whether we are overweight or not is nutrition. It is the procedure whereby we ingest and utilise food and supplements for healthy growth and energy. A healthy diet, which is part of nutrition, is vital to ensure we lead productive and enjoyable lives without worrying about the possibility of poor health. Eating a balanced diet can decrease the chances of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes; however nutrition is still sometimes neglected when dieting.

Dieting and Nutrition?

When we talk about nutrition we are discussing what we shouldn’t eat, what we should eat, and the conversion of the things we do eat from food into energy for our bodies. This is why correct eating is vitally important during the dieting process so we do not damage our bodies with over-exercising and malnutrition. By changing your eating habits you can determine the success or failure of your diet.

Going on a ‘starvation diet’ is often thought of being one of the better options on how to lose weight fast but this type of diet is actually very unhealthy and can be counter-productive! When you don’t eat for an extended period of time, your body enters what is called “starvation mode”. In this mode your body will initiate a self-defence mechanism thinking it won’t have food for a long time to come. Your body will slow down your metabolism, store more fat and break down muscle for nutrients. So even though you want to be rid of that excess fat, your body may not be ready to do so just yet.

Developing an effective and healthy diet plan that has nutritional value (and gives you results!)isn’t very easy.

How do nutrition and exercise affect each other?

Nutrition and exercise are. You spend hours developing an exercise regime, whether it is weight training or toning exercises at the gym, to deliver your perfect body. This may all be for nothing as you will never get the perfect body without proper nutrition to supplement your weight loss exercises. Your body needs to be provided with the proper nutrients to convert into energy to allow you to complete your exercise without feeling tired. Tom Vento’s “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle” gives a detailed guide on how to lose that fat, in all the mushy spots, and keep your energy up. Nutrition and fitness perfectly combined in a diet regime providing excellent weight loss results.

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Weight Loss – Best Way to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast! – Nurse’s Guide

If you want to get rid of belly fat fast the best way to do it is through exercise. Of course you can count calories or go on a raw food diet too but the exercise will help whittle the belly fat away. The following tips will help you lose weight and you’ll watch the belly fat disappear.

Any time you participate in any physical activity you’ll reduce your belly fat and lose weight. If you have a bike or can borrow one, even if it’s only riding in your neighborhood you’ll soon benefit. Take biking for example. Start out slow and work up to 30 minutes a day of solid biking. Make sure if you stop on your bike that you subtract the time you stopped. Every week add about ten percent more time. You want to keep adding more so you can experience the weight loss benefits.

Taking into account how fast you’re going. If you are going up hills you’ll need to take that into account when you compute the time. It’s generally thought that one minute of biking is equivalent to one minute of running. In both cases they should be intense.

Also you can buy a pedometer and see if you can get in 10,000 steps a day. You can wear it when you ride your bike. Put it on your lower leg and it will measure your steps every time it goes around. After you reach 10,000 steps a day you should notice you’re starting to lose weight and losing some belly fat.

If at all possible, borrow a heart rate monitor. You want to compare how fast your heart is beating when you’re on your bike. Use it also when you go for your walk. If the heart monitor indicates the same number of heart beats per minute then you’re probably experiencing the same intensity walking as you are biking.

In any case step up your activity level and try to get in at least 10,000 steps a day. Whether you’re biking or walking or participating in any physical activity or sport, you’ll soon notice you’re starting to lose weight. This will be especially true if you’re also cutting out calories or eating a raw food diet.

A raw food diet, also called living food diet, can really help you lose belly fat and lose weight fast. Not only is exercise and good physical fitness good for losing weight but with the weight loss you’ll notice a significant improvement in your health also. Of course there are a lot of other natural ways to lose weight. You’ll want to focus on the natural ways as opposed to drugs, diet pills and expensive weight loss programs.

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The Best Fat Loss Exercises For Women

Ladies, in this article you will discover some of the best fat loss exercises for women. But if you want to lose fat and even get a flat belly it is time to cut out the crap. I am not going to tell you to do the exercises you will like. Perhaps the exercises may look a little bit different. And to be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if you end up in sweat after doing them. That is a good sign because the traditional fat burning exercises for women do look very easy, in fact they are but their intensity is far from high enough. There is a saying in life that is definitely true when it comes to fat burning. To get different results you will have to do things different. If you are a lazy person then this article is not for you, if you are motivated but are looking for some additional help then you will enjoy and benefit from this article.

High Intensity Interval Training One of the best fat burning exercises for women is HIIT or high intensity interval training. HIIT training is ten times more powerful then low intensity cardio training. With low intensity cardio training I mean jogging, walking, treadmill exercises and soon. HIIT workouts are performed at such a high level of intensity that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover. Yes you will definitely end up in sweat and maybe tears if you do this for the first time. Getting out of your comfort zone is the key to lose fat fast.

Weight training to get super lean One of the best exercises to lose fat fast for women is weight training. Most women unless they are bodybuilding don’t do weight lifting exercises to get super lean. This is a very if not the hugest mistake you can make. Most women who are following a traditional diet lose muscle weight and that is a crucial reason why conventional diets don’t work. Do not be afraid you will end up like a female bodybuilder this will not happen. In contradiction to cardio exercises weight training does not burn fat during the workout, during a weight lifting workout your body burns sugar. But after the weight lifting workout your body acts up like a non stop fat burning workout. No I’m not going to lie to you training with dumbbells once a week won’t do the work. You should implement weight training in your daily lifestyle. To lose fat fast follow a weight training workout at least 3 or 5 times per week.

So the best fat loss exercises for women are not the ones discussed in magazines orthe exercises you like the most but the exercises that are high in intensity.

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Six Pack Abs – Here’s Why “YOU” Don’t Have THEM!

Most of the supplement companies have you believe that you need supplements (a.k.a. fat burners) to get rid of the fat that is hiding your six pack. Sick pack abs require you to do more than just pop a couple of fat burners.

Some people need to work harder than others and some people don’t work at all on getting a six pack and those are the people that usually have them. Well the reason for this is that it has a lot to do with genetics and their metabolism. Usually people that have six pack abs usually have a high metabolism, which is in charge of burning fat. These types of people frustrate me and many others because they do nothing and have a six pack. I’m jealous, that’s really what it comes down too.

Aside from that if you’re willing to put some work into achieving six pack abs than read on; if you are not genetically gifted than the information below will help you achieve abdominals. Over time I made it a priority to learn all there was to achieving an attractive mid section.

Here’s what I came up with;

If you want six pack abs you need to know what is required to get them. Most people would say that in order to get abs you need to do crunches. This is not entirely right and in fact it might not be right at all. The truth is you don’t get abs by doing abdominal workouts; you get them by revealing them from under that fat that is covering them.

Why don’t you have a six pack?

I’m sure not everyone wants too have a six pack, but I’m sure for the most part a lot of people do. This is true for both males and females. Males are more prone to getting six packs because they have more muscle due to their dominant hormone “testosterone”. Women on the other hand will end up with a sexy slim waist line and not so much with a six pack because they do not produce a lot of testosterone.

Some people don’t think it’s possible to get a six pack or a nice waist line, but it is. You just need to know how to get it. That’s usually the answer to most problems. You can’t expect to get a different result if you are doing the same old thing. Many people do this and wonder why they still can’t see their abs. It’s because what ever you are doing isn’t working. You need to come to grips with that and put into action something that will work. Make the choice that you want to get into the best shape possible and make it happen.

How can you make it happen?

  • if something works are you willing to follow it?
  • Learn from those who have achieved the things you want
  • Ask those people for help, and take the same action
  • Look at reviews and find out what works and what doesn’t
  • Be willing to invest in yourself and your health
  • Not all the best information is free, you may have to pay to learn

Nothing happens until you decide it. Make the decision and be clear on what you want to accomplish. Everything is possible. Trust me; I had a problem realizing this for myself until I made things a reality in my life.

So Why Do People Fail?

People fail because they may give up to early and they never realize their goals. That is why you need a system you can trust and put into action without wondering if it will work or not. Take responsibility for your life and for your body. If you want to get into great shape follow those who have done it. Follow a system that is proven to work.

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Weight Loss Cardio Workout – 4 Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss Cardio Workout

Dragging yourself onto a treadmill and sweating it out by running on the spot leaves a lot to be desired. What if your weight loss cardio workout could be fun? What if you could maximize your workout so that you spend less timing sweating it out on a treadmill, and more time doing the things you want to do? Well the truth is, with the right guidance, it can be done!

Cardio exercise doesn’t always mean running on a treadmill! Pick an activity you enjoy.

The first thing you need to know about any weight loss cardio workout is that you need include activities that you enjoy. The biggest problem that people face is loss of motivation when they don’t see results immediately. But if you choose something you enjoy doing, and do it more often, you’re much more likely to stick to your routine, melt the fat away, sculpt and tone your body.

Here are some cardiovascular exercise activities you could try:

  • How bout a swim? If you like swimming, then go with that. Go for a swim 2 to 3 times a week. Increase the intensity of your work out i.e. more laps.
  • Jump rope? You can do a lot of neat stuff with a jump rope. The world’s best boxers use this method. What more, if you have kids, you can include them in your cardiovascular routine. You can make up lots of little games to keep yourselves entertained, I know my kids love this! Who can jump faster, who can jump backwards, can you skip with the rope crossed over? Let your imagination run wild!
  • Enjoy nature? Then drive to the beach and go for a jog along the beach. How about a jog on the beach as the sun sets? If there’s no beach nearby, then maybe you can jog around parks or any other place of your choice.
  • Do you have a bike that’s gathering dust in the garage? You could give that a try and use it to explore your neighborhood. If your friends don’t live too far, maybe ride your bike when you visit, instead of driving your car.
  • Enjoy the company of others? Get an exercise buddy, or join and aerobics class.

Hopefully these suggestions will get your creative juices flowing!

Interval training for maximum results

Interval training will allow you to reap the benefits of cardio training. It involves high intensity cardiovascular exercise for a few minutes then a very low intensity recovery period for a minute or so. For example, you could sprint past the next 2 or 3 lamp posts and walk slowly to the next lamp post. The beauty is, you can do this with any type of cardiovascular exercise.

Minimize the cumbersome equipment

You can have a fantastic weight loss cardio workout with minimal equipment. Most people are bombarded with advertising for latest exercise gadgets. While some of these are great, some do nothing and some even increase your chances of injury. The other problem of course is that some people buy the equipment and never use it. If you find yourself in this situation, here is a tip:

Sell or give away all but one of your pieces of exercise equipment. Make sure the one you leave is the your favorite one. Use the extra money to buy something that will add to the particular activity you’ve opted for. For example, if you’re left with a jump rope, or treadmill, then by yourself some cool running shoes. Or if you’ve decided to take up swimming, then buy yourself some good swim wear that you feel really good in.

Monitoring your heart rate can help you achieve optimum results

It’s important to consider your heart rate during your weight loss cardio workout. The easiest and least time consuming way to do this is to try and speak half way through your workout. If you’re too winded to say a sentence, then you need to take it down a notch, you’re over doing it. But if it’s too easy, then you need to up the anti a little.

Be sure to get the right guidance, starting from scratch by yourself, adds to the frustration that can come with weight loss. It also increases the likelihood of giving up. A weight loss cardio workout need not bring you boredom. Spice it up by picking activities you enjoy. If you get bored with that, pick something else. It’s as easy as that.

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The Importance of Nutrition in Our Daily Life

Whenever we take any food or nourishing liquids, our body digests and absorbs the simple but essential minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water from these food or nourishing liquids and converts it into the bloodstream and energy that help our body to grow and keep it healthy.

The nutrition value is more important for any individual’s health. The food or liquids whenever we take it affect our body and health as well both. So it is very important that we should be more aware of the foods or liquids whatever we take in our daily life. A large number of diseases occur only due to wrong diet. Some certain diet may itself cause some disease or alter the course of a known disorder such as diabetes, heart or kidney disease.

Why Nutrition is important for us?

As we know that food and water is necessary to build up our body and keep it healthy. Every good food and liquid contains some important nutrition like proteins, carbohydrate, fats, some vitamins, minerals and water. These all play different role to keep our body healthy and build new cells in our body.

These are the important nutrition and their role in our body:


Protein helps our body to build muscles and strong immune system. Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different types of amino acid and our body needs all these amino acid to function properly. Protein is abundant type of nutrient in our body that builds new tissues and repairs all damaged cells in our body. It also helps in formation of hormones and enzymes which play variety of roles in our body such as metabolism and sexual development. There are many types of protein that play different types of important role in our body. For example collagen is a protein and it gives the strength, elasticity and composition of our hair and skin. Some of the good protein sources are lentils, low-fat dairy products, tofu, nuts, seeds, peas, tempeh. Some common foods such as whole grain bread, potatoes, corn and pasta also have protein. Soya protein is the most essential and strong protein and it is equal to any animal origin protein.


Carbohydrates give us energy. This is an ideal source of energy for the body because carbohydrates converted more readily into glucose. It helps our body to supply the energy for the formation of cellular constituent. Carbohydrates are made up of three compounds Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen formed by plants. There are four types of carbohydrates are important – Sugar, Starches, Fiber and Gums. If carbohydrates taken regularly it doesn’t cause any weight gain, unless like other food group. There are two types of carbohydrates – Complex and Simple. Efficiency of carbohydrates can cause the production of ketones in the body, it can results into a condition known as ketosis. The good examples of carbohydrates are breads, potatoes, pasta, soda, chips, candies/sweets, cookies/biscuits, puddings, cakes, sugar, bananas etc.


Fat provides us extra energy. It is a nutrient and a particular amount of fat is necessary for our body. It doesn’t always make us fat. It play role to insulate our bodies by giving us protection from sudden changes in temperature and also protects our vital organs. Fats consists of a wide group of compounds are soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. Fats provide 9 calories per gram. When dietary fat is digested, fatty acids are produced. It is also important for healthy skin and blood pressure regulation.

There are two types of fats Saturated (solid at room temperature) and Unsaturated (liquid at room temperature). To obtain an adequate amount of linoleic acid, one of the few fatty acids the body cannot produce on itself. Any adult needs one tablespoon of unsaturated fat daily. Saturated fats mainly occur in dairy products like butter, cream, cheese and some chocolates. The source of unsaturated fats are soybean, sunflower and corn oils.


A vitamin is an organic compound, it regulate our body processes and plays an important role to make our body function properly. The term vitamin was derived from ‘vitamine’, a combination word from Vital and Amine. Today a chemical compound is called a vitamin. Our body needs vitamins as substances to grow and develop normally. There are 13 vitamins necessary for our body. Some of them are A, B, C, D, E, K, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. In our daily life we get all most all these vitamins form foods whatever we take. Our body can also produce vitamins D and K.

Each vitamin plays specific jobs. Any particular low levels of vitamins cause deficiency disease. For example, if we don’t get enough vitamin D it can cause rickets. Deficiency of vitamin ‘A’ can cause Night Blindness.

If we eat a balanced diet we get enough essential vitamin automatically form our daily food or liquid. We don’t even need to take any particular vitamin separately. Only in some cases we need to take a daily multivitamin for optimal health.


Minerals regulate our body processes and also make body tissues. Minerals make our body work properly same as vitamin play the role but it doesn’t prevent weight loss. Although we get it form our daily foods, so we don’t need to take it separately. Minerals boost our immune system. Some important minerals are Chloride, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Fluoride, Iron and Iodine. These types of minerals can be found from our daily food or liquid supplement like salt, soy sauce, milk, vegetable oils, whole grains, cheese, nuts etc

Water gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is the well known yet most important nutrient our body needs. It is also the most abundant type of liquid found in our body contributing 70% of our total mass. It helps to dissolve and carry the essential nutrients to all parts of the body. It is also needed to help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body’s waste products.


In human body there are 70% of total mass is covered by water. Water gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is very necessary nutrient than available all nutrients. It is also the most abundant type of liquid found in human body. Water help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body’s waste products.

We see that nutrition plays a very important role in our lives, each food and liquid contains its own nutrition value which is very necessary in our life. It could help to extend or decrease our life span as well as define our degree or livelihood. It helps in our mental and physical development as well. We must should aware about the food and liquid what we take regularly. Popper food in our daily life leads to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life.

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Fat Loss Tips For Women

Fat loss for women is a bit tricky as there are lots of other factors that come into place when it comes to fat in women. As a general rule, there is a larger percentage of fat in women than in men. Even the change in diet sometime makes it very hard in the loss of fat in women due to the physiology of women. The presence of large amounts of Alpha-2-receptors on the lower body of women causes the large increase of body fat in the lower part of the body.

This being the reason as to why there is fat accumulation on women’s hips and things, and responds very slowly to all different type of fat lose methods. The following are the points as to why fat loss for women are harder in response

o The basal lipolysis which is the fast released at rest and before eating is greater from the upper body parts of the skin than the lower parts of the skin. This is the same for both sexes but in women the lower activity is a bit lower.

o Unlike in men beta agonists such as caffeine don’t help in the increase of breakdown of fat in the lower body. This is due to largely because of the increase amount of Alpha-2-receptors in the lower body of women.

o Both genders breaks down fat in the lower body in the same way.

o The female hormone estrogen plays a major role in the protection of buildup of fat in the lower body of the women.

Keeping these in mind helps to realize the function in the female system and what should be used and not be used for the choice of losing weight in females. A good point would be that insulin makes these alpha-2-receptorrs more sensitive to reducing carbohydrates and helps in its break down. Another factor that causes an increase in fat build up would be the use of birth control pills as it deals with estrogen content.

This doesn’t mean that women can’t lose weight or there is no hope for fat loss for women, its just that they need to be approached in a slightly different manner.

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Extreme Fat Burn – The Best Cardio Workout to Burn Fat!

As a strength and conditioning specialist I always get asked about what the most effective way to train the body for fat loss involves. The truth is that the more intense the workout the better. You see if you engage in movements, lifts, and exercises to elevate your heart rate and significantly raise your level of perceived exertion you will lose the belly fat, period! This is why I am a big fan of kettlebell training.

You see with kettlebell training you integrate the use of hundreds of your muscles at once and quickly elevate your level of perceived exertion. The great thing is that you can easily cover and involve both of the major bodily movements into your workouts consisting of the push and pull motions. Basically, by engaging in kettlebell lifts such as variations of swings and presses you stand to hit every major muscle group in your body including your heart! The base strength endurance lift that is performed with the kettlebell and falls under the “pull” category would be the swing. This is where you literally swing the kettlebell from between your legs up to at least chest level back and forth like a pendulum. This is highly effective in burning body fat and trimming down your body.

To cover the “push” motion I am talking about doing a variation of some sort of pressing action such as a static press and walk, a get up (or turkish get up), or a windmill lift. All of these lifts are variations of different pressing or pushing type movements. There is no muscle group left untouched with the implementation of kettlebell training. Your workouts can be effectively structured to yield a high result of cardio and fat burning success. Every lift and exercise is dynamic in nature and will not only get you cosmetic results, but will also give you the form and function to back it all up. To be a kettlebell man or woman you have to be just a little bit better than anyone else in terms of your strength and fitness goals.

If you haven’t already taken the time to learn more about kettlebell training and what it can do for your personal cardio program then start today! What else are you waiting for? Your knowledge, physical change, and the overall success of your cardiovascular fitness won’t come in the middle of the night. You have to take action. I will even make it easy for you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

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Beyond Aerobics – The Most Intense Cardio Workout For Serious Fitness!

If you are wanting to learn about the most intense cardio workout for serious fitness then you have got to take the time to learn and implement the use of kettlebell circuits into your fitness program. Kettlebell training alone is one high intensity cardio and strength workout that is quick to get your attention if you have never experienced it before. Kettlebell circuits are even harder because they implement the combined use of many kettlebell lifts one after the other without rest.

The only cardio workouts that will give you any significant physical benefit have to involve high intensity. As a strength and conditioning professional I can think of no better high intensity cardio workout than the kettlebell. With this device you can train your entire body to be mobile, flexible, strong, powerful, and overall better conditioned than with the use of anything else! When I talk about cardio I am talking about going beyond the weak effort of aerobics. Forget about taking a stroll around the block. For real hard hitting results you have got to get your heart pumping hard and fast. Kettlebell circuits are a means of getting this done in a hurry. Even by implementing the most basic 3 or 4 kettlebell lifts in a row you stand to get a high intensity cardio exercise session that is sure to take your breath away and give you the strongest heart you have ever had. You see even basic lifts such as swings, snatches, cleans, and jerks offer a tremendous workout by having you incorporate hundreds of your muscles at one time in order to handle and tame the kettlebell throughout each individual movement. Once you give these exercises a try you will never go back to the “old aerobics” that you were so used to doing before. Not only will you gain an unbelievable cardiovascular workout, but you will soon have the rock hard lean muscle mass to follow. Forget about so-called high intensity walking my friend, especially if you are ready to take on the iron bell.

Kettlebell lifts involve the proper application of technique just like any other form of strength and resistance training. In order for you to benefit take the time to learn the proper form that is involved with the basic lifts. Once you do this your workouts will soar. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

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