Archive | October, 2015

Six Pack Abs – Is It a Good Idea?

The idea of having six pack abs where the abs are trim and fit without an ounce of fat to show is just that, an idea. While there are people who sport six pack abs, both men and women, most of the time they are hyper focused on the body and its appearance as opposed to overall good health. The best fitness goal for anyone to have is optimal good health. Six pack abs are not a reality for most people past their teens and twenties, both in terms of time and energy and well as body fat and age.

Six pack abs are a goal that is mostly subjective and about appearances over good health. While good nutrition and focused exercise can lead to such sculpting of the body, six pack ab pursuits are best reserved for those in bodybuilding competition. That being said, there is nothing wrong with a focus on fitness. Being in good shape and possessing the ability to do anything you want during the course of daily life as well as achieve personal fitness goals. If you do decide to try a focus on six pack abs, there are a few things to keep in mind.

The healthiest way to pursue six pack is to first of all, be young. Those older than their twenties will have a big challenge in that the body has had time to develop cellulite and a fat layer. Age aside, the path is similar in that the best way to pursue six pack abs is good nutrition. Eating natural foods is better for you and will also allow you to eat more than if you are eating processed, less healthy foods. Eating five or six small meals of health foods a day will keep your energy level up and curb overeating. Keeping the energy level up is the key, for once your energy flags and hunger sets in, overeating is dangerously near.

It is important to take on a regimen of both good nutrition and exercise, for exercise alone simply expends calories. Without adapting the diet, the road to six pack is quite long and not nearly as successful. With any exercise and diet plan, the ultimate goal should be overall optimal health. With the body in good shape and functioning well, the mind is at ease and life is good. Good health is attained and maintained with good nutrition and regular exercise.

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Be a Fat Burning Furnace With an 18 Minute Cardio Fitness Program

The High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) technique has been around for over 10 years but has only caught on in certain circles of fitness pros that have given it a shot. HIIT is a technique that will drop your time in the gym significantly while still giving the benefits of a great workout and fat loss. If you aren’t familiar with what HIIT an example would be performing your exercise such as a stationary bike for 10 seconds at your maximum pace followed by 50 seconds at your normal pace. This cycle is repeated anywhere from 15-22 minutes depending on the setup.

Experts may argue and state that you need to spend at least 20 minutes just to get into “fat burning mode”. The problem with “experts” is that they might not be “experts” anymore while fitness science is advancing rapidly and many of them don’t stay up to date with what’s new. I put HIIT to the test a few years ago and found that it was superior for my workout needs and fitness program. I was able to do 2-3 twenty minute workouts per week along with my typically weight training and I lost fat at the same pace as doing 4-5 30-40 minute cardio sessions per week. HIIT isn’t for everyone as you should be in decent condition before attempting a HIIT workout. Someone that is moderately obese or a beginner in training will probably have a hard time with this type of session until they have got themselves into good cardio condition which then makes longer duration steady state cardio a better choice.

And why does it work? How do short intense fitness workouts end up burning as many calories as longer lasting lower intensity fitness exercise? During a HIIT workout you will be tapping into the anaerobic (without oxygen) energy systems. This means your body will be burning glycogen stores rather than fat tissue for energy. So why would you want to do HIIT? It’s the after burn you are looking for or in technical terms, it’s called “EPOC” – Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. This means that your body will be using more oxygen for several hours after your workout. This equates to a much higher metabolism and is where the majority of the fat is burned.

There are many possibilities to choose from when performing a HIIT workout. Here are a few examples. I would suggest an overall time frame of 15-22 minutes depending on your level of conditioning. I also suggest at least a 5 minute warm-up prior to going right into these workouts. You’ll want your blood flowing and your body warmed up prior to going all out on these exercises.

Stationary Bike

Ride 10 seconds maximum pace – 50 seconds moderate pace

Turn up the resistance on the bike for 10 seconds to increase the difficulty

Elliptical Machine

15 seconds maximum pace – 60 seconds moderate pace

Sprints or treadmill

10 second sprint – 90 second moderate walking pace

Jump Rope

15 seconds jumping rope – 45 seconds moderate walking pace

The variations of time sprinting vs. time at a moderate pace can vary. It is suggested to switch these intervals up to keep the body guessing and to keep your workouts interesting.

These fitness workouts can be performed two to three times per week in place of steady state cardio exercises. If you are seeking fat loss it is sometimes a good plan to use both HIIT and steady state cardio fitness programs if you wish to perform several fat burning workouts per week. On my days that I train with weights I’ll usually add a 20 minute steady state cardio session after my workout. After training with weights your body will have decreased blood sugar and glycogen stores so once you start your cardio you will typically go right into fat burning. On my days that I don’t train with weights I like to do a 20 minute HIIT fitness workout.

The flexibility of HIIT allows me to do a sprinting, biking, or jump rope workout outside without having to go to the gym. If the weather is nasty and an outdoor fitness workout isn’t in the cards I go to the gym for a half hour and I am done quickly. It doesn’t require a huge time commitment to lose fat once you have implemented HIIT fitness workouts. Your fat burning will be incredibly supercharged if you add in a solid eating and nutrition plan.

If you’re looking to drop body fat or maintain a healthy weight but you don’t have hours to spend in the gym you should consider adding HIIT to your fitness solution.

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6 Week Diet and Exercise Program

Training with lightweight dumbbells and doing a high number of reps four days a week, as well as eating a high protein low calorie diet is the basis of a good 6 week diet and exercise program. This plan works very well for several reasons. This program helps people lose weight and build muscle within 6 weeks. Read on to find out why this particular routine works so well.

First of all training with lightweights is one of the best ways to lose body fat very fast. A person should do between fifteen and twenty reps per set. This will also build muscle at the same time. A person should also do a little bit of cardio after their workouts, fifteen to twenty minutes is a good amount of time to do cardio. Walking, jogging or running are what people should do for the cardio part of the workout. This is an important part of this 6 week diet and exercise program.

Protein is an extremely important part of this program. A person should strive to get one gram of protein per pound of body weight. This means a person who weighs one hundred pounds should consume one hundred grams of protein every single day. Protein repairs muscles and this is important for a person who is training with lightweights and doing a high number of reps. Consuming a high amount of protein on a daily basis for 6 weeks will help burn fat rapidly as well as help build some solid muscle.

When a person trains with lightweights they should know which exercises to start off with. For biceps a person should start with barbell curls. For triceps a person should start with tricep presses. For back they should start with deadlifts. For shoulders they should start with barbell shoulder presses. For legs they should start with squats.

As far as calories go, while on a 6 week diet and exercise program people should consume a low amount of calories on a daily basis. A man should try to eat around 2,000 calories a day while a woman should try to eat 1,200-1,500 a day. The meals that a person consumes should be low in fat, moderate in carbs as well as high in fiber. A person who sticks with this can expect to lose weight and gain muscle fast.

People who want to get serious about getting into shape should follow the advice listed throughout this article. If a person follows this advice, then they can end up getting into great shape within six weeks following this 6 week diet and exercise program.

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Best Fat Burning Foods for Men – Weight Loss Tips

What are the best fat burning foods for men? This guide on weight loss tips will show you exactly what the best foods are to eat when you are trying to burn fat, get in shape, and yet still keep the muscle you currently have. There is one simple answer to this question. Eat healthy foods that are natural and you will be using the best fat burning foods for men. Most people don’t know what healthy and natural really points towards o I am going to spend the rest of this guide showing exactly what I mean.

Fruits and Veggies

Everybody knows how good fruits and veggies are for our health. They are a great choice for those interested in weight loss tips. I recommend people to add a salad or some “Greens” into each and every single meal. This is a great choice as it helps keep your blood sugar levels normal, adds fiber and nutrients to your meal, and helps with the digestion of all the other foods you eat.

They go a long way for providing for you the energy and vitality your body needs especially on a calorie cutting diet plan.

Be sure to avoid the sugary fruits like bananas, oranges, grapes, and apples. They’re fine to eat, however, don’t over eat them as they have lots of sugar. Eat more fruits with low sugar such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, kiwis, etc.

Whole Grain Types of Foods

One great food that is easy to add into your daily foods is whole grains. They have more fiber and nutritional content than usual white bread or flower foods. And they’re really easy to add to your diet. Just replace your foods that are made of white flower or breads and use whole grain options instead. This goes with bread, cereals, crackers, flour, noodles, and a wide variety of other types of foods as well.

Protein, Lean Protein

One of the best fat burning foods for men is lean protein. Eating more protein makes us feel fuller faster as well as keeps our body working to digest the item. Since protein has a higher thermal effect on the body, it is a good choice as well.

I recommend only lean protein items such as lean meats, chickens, fish, etc. Another great option is whey protein. It is filled with protein and is a healthy choice since it has no fat usually. Avoid the full meal replacement shakes and go for just protein powder.

Posted in Losing Fat0 Comments

Tips to Maximize Your Aerobics Workout

You can derive maximum benefit from your aerobic workout by making numerous changes to three determinants of aerobics i.e. frequency, duration and intensity.

Aerobics means “with oxygen”, and aerobics exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. Aerobics is especially designed to improve cardio respiratory endurance by repetitive and rhythmic movements. Everyone knows how important work out is for their health but not everyone knows to derive maximum benefits from their workout.

Here are some tips for getting maximum benefits from your aerobic workout:

o Weight control: One of the first steps in maximizing the benefits of aerobics workout is the keep ones weight in control. Workout not only helps to loose weight, it is also good for your overall health.

o Frequency, duration and intensity: Frequency, duration and intensity are the three determinants of aerobics workout. These determinants will establish the overall effectiveness of your exercise program. By making numerous changes to these determinants you can derive maximum benefit from your aerobics workout

o Increase intensity with weights: By adding light hand weights occasionally during your aerobic workout you can increase the intensity of your workout. And it will also strengthen your muscle at the same time.

o Add variety to your workout: In order to maximize your aerobic workout you will need to mix it up occasionally. As your body becomes more accustomed to normal workout, you can interchange your workout. One day do strength training and one day do aerobic exercise. By doing so you will keep yourself interested and your body will stay challenged.

o Proper nutritional support: Along with workout a well balanced nutritious diet that includes food sources containing carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as vitamins minerals and fiber is also very essential. If you eat well, you will be able to increase your training frequency, intensity, and duration and reducing risk of over-training injury. If you are able to exercise with greater frequency, duration and intensity, you will achieve maximum benefits from your aerobic workout.

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Skinny Guys Build Muscle – A Guide to Help

A lot of skinny people around are of the belief that they first of all need to gain a lot of fat, in order to be able to turn it into muscles later. On the contrary however, newer and newer studies are proving that the process of burning fat and the process of building muscles are two totally different and independent types of processes here. Therefore, it is very advisable to get started with your workout sessions as soon as possible, instead of indulging in ant waiting period.

The process of building up muscles, and thereby increasing the muscle weight of the body, requires that you try higher and higher values of weight, during your weight training sessions, and perform slower number of reps. On the contrary if you are into doing several reps while keeping the weight low, it will make your body tone out and cut down in your body size.

Many people stay blissfully ignorant of the rules of body building, and then keep pondering, as to why, they cannot see any results coming through. It is also extremely important to perform each exercise with its exact technique and form, in order to be able to see results in the form of muscles, as well as, in order to be able to avoid any kind of surprise muscle injuries whatsoever.

Again it is important that you perform each of these exercises at a very slow pace, and also that you read up and follow the instructions on each machine, before going ahead with the idea of using a new or unfamiliar machine. Using the support of the actual, intended muscle groups or the correct muscle groups is also important. If while performing a lifting exercise, you find yourself with a curling back, make sure that you maintain a straight back and also that you use the power of your biceps and not your entire body to lift the weight up. Using the right muscle groups this way, will help you build muscles much quicker than if you opt to use the wrong muscle groups.

When you start out initially, it is very important to train in compound exercises, training multiple muscle groups, than to work on isolated muscle groups. Once you have successfully built individual muscle groups, then you need to rest and keep alternating the work out sessions of different muscle groups on different days, through isolated exercises.

Also, do not tire every fiber of your being, by giving your body no time to rest and repair or build muscles. Make sure that you take adequate rest atleast twice a week. Make sure that you eat a lot of food. Skinny people are known to have enormous metabolic rates, thereby quickly digesting all that found its way down the stomach. So if you are used to a 1500 calorie diet on a daily basis, double or triple up the quantity of food you consume, and make sure it’s a healthy, nutrient-rich, balanced diet that you are hogging on, in order for it to be able to be transformed into muscles, when you are working out.

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3 Intensive Cardio Workouts to Burn Stomach Fat

One of the best ways to burn stomach fat is to do cardio. However, there are many people who hours and hours of cardio each week yet get practically no results in the process. Why is that? 

The reason is that they’re doing the wrong kind of workouts. The key is to do intensive cardio workouts because they burn the most fat in as little time as possible.

So, what are some effective workouts that you can begin doing today?

1. Running – My all time favorite, running is a highly intensive cardio workout which works the entire body and burns a lot of calories in the process. To make sure that you run as effectively as possible, change your tempo every few minutes. This ensures that you’re working your body at different levels and helps to burn more fat.

2. Rowing – This is an excellent workout because it incorporates strength stimulation with cardiovascular stimulation, so you get the best of both worlds. Rowing, if done fast, is super intensive. You not only tone your back, shoulders, and arms, but also burn a lot of body and belly fat.

3. Jumping rope – I know that you may consider this a children’s game, but boxers don’t jump rope for no reason. It’s a great and quick way to burn off some calories. What I love about jumping rope is that you can do it at home, in your backyard, or anywhere where there’s some space. You don’t need a gym or a machine to do it, just an inexpensive rope. It’s great.

These workouts are great, but to burn off the most stomach fat, I recommend also doing weight training to really get the metabolism running and the fat melting. This combination of cardio and strength is the best way to really get lean.

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Golf Training Fitness – Proper Nutrition and Diet For a Better Golf Game

A golf training fitness program needs to be accompanied with a very solid golf nutrition plan. In doing so, what you eat determines how well you could play. So, which foods produce champions and which foods hinder play? Lets look at some choices.

Proper nutrition is very important for all of us without a doubt. But, if you are serious about shredding those valuable strokes from your scorecard, then you need to make some tough decisions on following through with a golf training fitness diet plan. For instance, say you have to travel for a golf game, or play in golf tournaments, it is very important not to get into the trap of just going for the fast food or for a hotdog and cold beer. Everbody knows that golfers never pay any attention to on course nutrition nor do the beverage carts come equipped with nutritionally good foods. Nevertheless, if you are going to make the commitment to a diet full of carbohydrates, proteins and fats along with an abundance of water, you can more or less watch your score drift into the sand trap or into the water hazard!

Here are some tips to follow:

Avoid eating large amounts of food two hours leading up to your tee time. The food in your digestive system will divert blood away from your brain and muscles, affecting concentration and physical performance. Eating a meal two to three hours before you tee off the best.

Never skip your meals. Golfers needs a slow and steady release of energy to get them through the difficult or long hours of play. Smaller meals are a better choice to help increase your metabolism.

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10 Weight Loss Tips for Beginners

There are many reasons for wanting to lose weight. Among the many reasons are feeling more energetic, better health, and more self confidence. It seems as if it should be an easy goal to accomplish once the desire for these things hits. However, it is not so easy to do, especially for those that have never tried to lose weight before. These simple tips, though, will make the weight loss process more bearable.

Don’t Allow Yourself to Get Too Hungry

Hunger is the enemy of all that are trying to diet. When hungry, anything edible suddenly seems like a good idea. Whatever is consumed may quell the hunger, but it often comes back to haunt you later. Avoid that regret by planning meals and snack time in advance. Always have a healthy snack handy. Keep it in the car, a purse, a pocket, or anywhere else near by just in case you do get hungry and are caught away from home.

Do Not Cheat the Calorie Intake

Math does not lie. If roughly 3500 equals a pound, all it takes is an excess of 3500 a week to gain a pound a week. An excess in calories is more than the body uses. If the body cannot use all of the calories consumed in a day, it stores those calories as fat for later use. So if more calories are continuously being consumed than used, the fat builds up. Weight loss only begins when more calories are being used than consumed.

Eat Carefully After Exercise

A workout leaves a person feeling hungry, but eating too many calories after a workout can undo all of the work that would otherwise go toward the weight loss goal. People also tend to overestimate the amount of calories burned during a workout, thinking they can afford to eat more calories after a meal. One way to avoid that trap is to plan a healthy post workout snack that will curb the hunger without adding more calories.

Remember Red, Orange, and Green

If every time you eat a meal you put something either red, orange, or green on your plate, you will be sure to get many of the nutrients your body needs. In addition, colorful food is more attractive and increases the appetite. You will be more likely to eat more healthy food and less unhealthy calories. In fact, following a strict calorie counting diet may be too difficult. If so, try focusing on this tip instead.

Drink A Lot

Shying away from liquids for fear of retaining water weight is not a good idea. The truth is, a person is more likely to retain water when not getting enough of it. Not to mention, dehydration is not healthy and causes a whole host of other medical problems. It is much better to be a heavy drinker, especially at meal time. Drink water, though, not alcohol or other beverages. Not even diet sodas are helpful for weight loss. They are loaded with salt and unhealthy artificial sweeteners. Water is a zero calorie indulgence and it helps the stomach feel full so that less calories are ingested. The average person needs to consume about 64 ounces of water a day in order to avoid dehydration.

Ditch the Salt

Salt has the potential to increase both hunger and thirst. Plus, too much salt in the diet leaves a person feeling bloated, can cause weight gain, leads to water retention, and makes it hard to lose weight. Always check the labels on items purchased in the grocery store. Lower sodium options are always best. Better yet, whenever possible, prepare a meal at home where sodium does not have to be added.

Do Not Keep Food on the Table

Traditionally, food is placed in the center of the table and then passed around to put on the plate. However, that leads to temptation to eat more servings than necessary even if hunger is already gone. Instead, plate the food somewhere away from the place it will be eaten. You will be less likely to go back for seconds if you have to get up to get it.

Do Not Rush

People that eat quickly tend to eat more than those that eat slowly. This is because it takes some time for the brain to register the feeling of being full after food is in the stomach. The average time for the brain to realize the stomach is full is about 20 minutes. So, taking more time to chew food thoroughly and to fully enjoy the flavors of it gives the brain time to register that the stomach is full without overstuffing.

Eat Before Going Out

Going out with friends or going to parties tends to lead to excess food consumption. All the goodies are there for the taking. It is quite easy to mindlessly consume the snacks. To avoid that issue, eat a healthy meal before heading out. You will be more mindful of what and how much you eat.

Never Skip Breakfast

Research published by the British Journal of Nutrition suggests that those who eat breakfast every day stay more satisfied throughout the rest of the day than those that do not. The goal for breakfast should be about 250 calories and there should be protein included in the meal. This will keep you feeling fuller longer, making it less likely that you will do unhealthy snacking or that you will consume too many calories during lunch

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Six Muscle Building Tips For Building Your Dream Body

Let’s face it we all want to be more fit. Those movie stars and athletes make us all dream of finally building the dream body in order to reap the benefits of optimum fitness.In this article, I will give you a few Muscle Building tips to help you finally stick with it this time. It really is worth it!

#1 Do Your Research:

This one is not as hard as it sounds. The internet is an awesome information warehouse. Just go to your favorite search engine and ask your question. I will also leave you with a site with advice from professional trainers concerning fitness and muscle building.

#2 Set Realistic Goals:

Figure out your body-type, take some before pictures, get in the mirror and decide where you want to go with your muscle building program. Write it down! I even tape it to my medicine cabinet in the bath. This is a simple but critical step. How can you get there without a focused destination?

#3 Schedule Your Workout Time:

Stop, take a good look at your life and decide what part of your day is best for you to workout. You have to really get this one right. Consider the type of personality you have. Are you a morning person? Pay attention to wasted or downtime in your day. Most of all once you decide what time of day is best for you; don’t let anything or anybody get in your way. Outside of any emergencies stick to your workout schedule and you will win!

#4 Figure Out The Food Thing:

This part is really not that complicated. You probably really already know the difference between good and bad food. The site I leave with you will help in this area. There are articles with muscle building tips there; including diet plans and so on. The food thing should be considered when you are setting your goals; you will have to consider how much fat you take in to prevent covering those new muscles of yours.

#5 Work Hard:

When you are working-out…workout! If you are at home following an online program, don’t waste your time standing around, get busy! Move from one exercise to the next quickly. If you are going to the gym, limit your lustful peeps at the hot body on the other side of the gym. You will get what you want a lot faster if you put in the work.

#6 Be patient:

It took you along time get so soft and out of shape, and it will take you some time to get ripped! Don’t be fooled and suckered by the build a perfect body in 10days claims you see on TV. Those bodies on the commercials are the bodies of workout models. They started working-out and never quite. Yes they look that way for a living. Your muscle building program will take time; but look at it this way, the time is going to pass anyway, you might as well build the body of your dreams along the way.

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