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Acidic Foods – 5 Acidic Foods to Avoid

Eating healthy in this day and age can indeed be quite difficult with all of the temptation that is out there today, but it is having the determination and the will-power to stick to it that will see you through. As mentioned in the title of this article, there are five types of acidic foods to stay away from, each of which will be discussed as followed.

We will be covering each of these types: dairy, meat and poultry, processed and frozen foods, refined sugar and products made with refined sugars and beverages. This article provides the latest information on 5 highly acidifying foods:

Acidic Food # 1: Dairy Products

The different types of acidic dairy foods include butter, cheese, cream, custards, eggs and yogurt.

Dairy foods are filled with hormones, pesticide residues, microforms, mycotoxins, and saturated fats. Layer on top of all those goodies milk sugar (lactose) that breaks down like any sugar and feeds harmful microforms.

Cheese and yogurt are made by fermentation. And dairy is the leader of all foods in forming sticky mucus. It is highly acid-forming. Furthermore, pasteurization destroys the beneficial enzymes milk starts out with.

Acidic Food # 2: Meat and Poultry Products

Of this category, there is meat, chicken, beef, shellfish, goat, lamb, pork, rabbit meat and turkey.

Meat and poultry and their by-products are highly acidic foods. The animals feed on stored grain and pass along all the associated problems in their meat.

There is a strong correlation between animal protein and several kinds of cancer, particularly breast, thyroid, prostate, pancreatic, endometrial, ovarian, stomach, and colon cancers. Studies show that people who get 70 percent of their protein from animal products have major health difficulties compared to those who get just 5 perfect of their protein that way. Besides, animal foods are simply dead.

Acidic Foods # 3: Refined, Processed and Frozen Food Products

Which is pretty much anything that is frozen, like frozen peas, carrots, broccoli and also the frozen mixed vegetables, not to mention take out meals or frozen meals. But it also includes many foods you may not have considered, such as canned soup, chips, cookies, doughnuts and just about anything you can get at fat food restaurants. Refined, processed and frozen foods are loaded with sugar, salt, artificial coloring and flavoring, additives, preservatives, and butter, margarine, or hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated (hardened) vegetable oil – and deficient in fiber. All these types of foods are acidifying.

Acidic Food # 4: Refined Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

Majority of people in the US is getting more than the 149 pounds of sugar a year. Did you know that you body needs only two teaspoons of blood sugar at any tie in order to function properly? This amount can be easily obtained through the digestion of unrefined carbohydrates, protein and fats.

Refined sugar, as tempting as it may be in all those cakes, candies, and cups of coffee, is, in fact, more of a pharmaceutical drug than it is a nurturing food. The minerals needed to digest sugar – chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, and magnesium – have been striped from the sugar during the refining process. This, in turn, forces that body to deplete its own mineral reserves to process the sugar.

Acidic Food # 5: Beverages

Alcohol, coffee, black tea, sodas and concentrated juices all have a negative effect on your body’s pH level.

All these products produce a lot of acid and a lot of mucus.

All of these acidic foods can affect the pH balance in your body in a very negative way. A healthy human body is slightly alkaline measuring 7.4 approximately. This ideal blood measurement means that it is slightly more alkaline than acid.

Many people wonder why they lack energy and feel so sluggish all the time. We wonder why we can not seem to lose the weight that we want to and why some of us have poor digestion. When our pH level is out of whack our bodies reflect it like this.

The human body has to have a balanced pH like any other living thing or it does not function properly. The alkaline level is important because as research has already proven, diseases can’t survive in an alkaline state. But they will live in an acidic environment.

An acidic environment will decrease your body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients. It decreases your body’s energy production and limit it’s ability to repair damaged cells. It’s ability to detoxify heavy metals will be limited also. It will also make the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness.

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Vegetable Juice Recipes for People Who Don’t Like Vegetables

You may think you don’t like vegetables, but finding the right vegetable juice recipes just might change your mind! Juicing vegetables might just open up a whole new world for you.

We all know that vegetables are healthy for us. Most doctors and government health departments tell us we should be consuming several servings a day. They are full of vitamins, minerals and important cancer-fighting compounds.

Unfortunately, to some people, vegetables just don’t taste good. Maybe the texture of boiled or steamed vegetables is disagreeable to you, or the sulfuric odor or flavor of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, etc.) turns you off. With any electric juicer you can transform you relationship to these nutrient-loaded plants through vegetable recipes aimed at vegetable-ambivalent taste buds.

Most people enjoy fruit juices, but the term “vegetable juice” conjures up images of V8 or other canned tomato drinks. Believe it or not, there is a whole world of juice-able vegetables that taste nothing like what you’d imagine. Whether alone or mixed with fruit extracts, even an avowed vegetable hater can partake.

Vegetable juices that are easy to enjoy even for the vegetable-averse include cucumber, carrot, bell pepper, fresh tomato (which is very different than canned tomato!), celery, jicama and zucchini. Then there are a variety of options for masking the flavor of other examples.

The first option for making vegetable juice recipes tastier is to mix them with fruit extracts. Spinach juice or kale juice mixed with apple juice is sweet and delicious. Orange juice can overpower the flavor of a little bit of green juice. Carrot and apple are a great combination for vegetable haters. Cherry or pomegranate juice are flavorful enough that a little bit of carrot or celery juice will be barely noticeable. Melon juice mixes well with cucumber or celery. Jicama juice or zucchini juice can be combined with mango or pineapple juices.

If you are making a smoothie, avocado can be added to any fruits or fruit juices without changing the flavor significantly. This will add fiber and healthy fats to your beverage. Spinach or other leafy greens can be pureed with fruit and yogurt to create a nutritious green smoothie without a strong vegetable flavor.

Another option is to add lime or lemon juices to brighten up the flavor of a vegetable juice, heightening its appeal to your taste buds. Adding fresh ginger or garlic can give it an entirely different twist. Herbs can also be juiced to change the flavor profile of a juice. Try basil, parsley, cilantro or dill.

Vegetable juices can be incorporated into other recipes if you so desire. Use fresh vegetable juice as a base for lentil soup or vegetable soup, or in a vinaigrette or marinade. Bell pepper, tomato and cucumber juices can be combined with spices to make a delicious gazpacho.

Vegetable juice can even be used in place of water to cook rice or other grains in. It can also become part of cocktails, or used in place of water in nearly any savory recipe.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to finding ways to incorporate vegetables into your diet. Through juicing, you can enjoy vegetables’ critical nutrients without unwanted vegetable flavors or textures.

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Potatoes and "White Foods" – Do They Help Or Hinder Belly Fat Loss?

You hear a lot about the glycemic index and how white potatoes are not only unhealthy but also cause weight gain. In fact many so-called nutritional experts warn you to avoid white foods.

Hmm. Not all white food are unhealthy.

Sure, white flour and white sugar are two of the most unhealthy things I really prefer not to call them food since they do more robbing your body of nutrition than feeding you) on the planet. Avoid them at all costs.

However, there are many white foods that boost your health and well being and can be an important part of any beneficial diet. Those foods include obvious things like onions and garlic, cauliflower and jicama, to name a few.

While popular articles and books tell you that more color on your plate means more anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc., the fact is that white vegetables also provide important and significant health benefits.

I personally experienced how quickly garlic lowers blood pressure. I actually have to monitor my intake of that tasty herb as it can cause my blood pressure to plummet! But garlic and onions also offer phyto-nutrients, vitamins and trace minerals (your body needs minerals to absorb vitamins AND it also needs fats to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins).

Some of the most beneficial nutrients found in garlic and onions include allicin, quercetin (an important flavonoid), chromium, and other unique anti-inflammatory nutrients. (Silent inflammation causes most diseases and conditions)

Cauliflower provides vitamin C, fiber, minerals, and special compounds such as glucosinolates and thiocyanates. Those compounds, which are specifically abundant in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, help counter estrogenic chemicals abundant in our food supply and environment. That action can help prevent excess belly fat. Does cauliflower suddenly taste better to you!

White mushrooms, surprisingly, have high levels of unique nutrients and antioxidants including high amounts of two specific antioxidants: polyphenols and ergothioneine.

White tea is purported to contain more anti-oxidants than green tea.

And now we get to the most controversial of the white foods – potatoes. (This discussion focuses on white potatoes. Realize I mean white potatoes as opposed to sweet potatoes. You see the nutritional factors present in white potatoes carry across to yellow blue, red and purple potatoes).

The controversy stems from the listing of white potatoes as high glycemic food. The fact is that a high glycemic index is not the sole factor in determining a foods virtue or unhealthfulness.

Many factors determine how your body will react to and process the carbohydrates you ingest. Glyceminc load is one factor. Another very significant factor is how much and how you eat that high glyceminc index food, i.e., combined with other foods.

Some foods must be eaten in such large quantities to meet the reported high glyceminc index number that no human would ever eat that amount voluntarily.

Food combining is not a new science. The combinations of foods that you eat together impacts how you process what you eat. If you always eat a high glycemic index food with a high fiber, healthy fat and even some varieties of protein (not animal products) often the blood sugar and glycemic response will be slowed down so you do not suffer any ill effects.

That said, if you plan to eat potatoes never fry them. Always eat them with the peel (many vitamins and fiber are in the peel) and avoid eating them with animal protein. Potatoes contain many vitamins and minerals.

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Don’t Be Duped By A Mango

I live in the north, and it’s very clear to me that mangoes are not from around here. You can tell just by looking at them. The trees in these parts don’t produce things that large. So when we buy mangoes in the grocery store, we’re not likely to know if they’re ripe and we don’t really know how to treat them when we get them home.

If you’ve ever been in an area where mangoes grow, you know the best way to choose a mango is to find a ripe one hanging on a tree–not a likely sight at our local grocery store. Mangoes happen to be one of those fruits that does not tolerate early harvesting and long-distance shipping well.

There are two main types, large reddish green ones (up to eight inches long), and small yellow ones (three or four inches in length). Mangoes are quite soft when ripe, even softer than a ripe avocado. If they were picked green they will often turn brown inside instead of ripening, and in this case they have a very unpleasant taste. There’s nothing to do when this happens except toss them into your compost pile.

When you’re purchasing mangoes, it’s a challenge to know what’s going on under the skin but here’s a tip that will help; dark spots or blemishes almost always indicate internal problems for a mango, whereas they will have a pleasant and fragrant aroma if they have ripened correctly.

If you purchased mangoes that are not soft enough to be ripe, and are not emanating a noticeably pleasant odor, put them in a brown paper bag with a couple of semi-ripe bananas. Bananas give off ethylene gas as they ripen, which is a gas used to ripen fruit in commercial packing plants. Ripe mangoes are such a taste-treat; it’s certainly worth the effort to try ripening them. But the unfortunate reality is that mangoes picked too soon will never ripen correctly, so if you bought them green you always run that risk.

If you do happen to purchase completely green mangoes, I would recommend using those in your cooking rather than trying to ripen them. They will have a tart pleasant taste. You can dice them and mix them in with rice and vegetables, add them to soups, put them in a fruit salad or blend them to serve as a relish with meat.

Be sure at some point in your life, to eat a fresh ripe mango straight from the tree. There is nothing in the world that tastes so exquisite.

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Dried Fruit – Smart Snack Or Health Hazard?

In speaking to countless patients over the years, it is apparent that people generally want to eat a healthy diet. In most cases, however, this is easier said than done. It takes a lot of planning to eat right each day, and many people feel overwhelmed by the high volume of information about nutrition coming from magazines, newspapers, television and medical professionals. One of the most common concerns I hear from patients is the difficulty of getting enough servings of fresh produce. To make it easier, people often turn to dried fruit out of convenience. My wife often buys these types of snacks every time we are in the airport. I would like to explore these kinds of choices and let you know whether or not it is a truly healthy option.

The Importance of Fruit

Everyone needs fruit and vegetables to stay healthy. These natural wonders are chock full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the substances that protect our cells from free radical damage. Many fruits commonly sold both fresh and dried, such as blueberries, cherries, cranberries and figs, are particularly rich in nutrients that protect our health.

Depending on age, weight and activity level, most adults must consume 5 to 9 fruit and vegetable servings each day. The problem is that choosing fresh produce isn’t always easy. You may not have access to a refrigerator at work all day, and delicate fruits like pears and raspberries don’t travel very well. Furthermore, purchasing fresh fruit at fast food restaurants, delis, or convenience shops is either impossible or expensive, and the selection is very limited. Despite these challenges, eating your daily produce servings is a natural, highly effective way to keep your body at its best.

Dried Fruit Pros and Cons

For many people, dried fruit has become the go-to solution to the produce dilemma. The question, however, remains: Is dried fruit truly healthy? The answer is not as clear as you might think. To make dried fruit, manufacturers remove the water. It is the water in fresh fruit that contributes to spoilage and bacteria growth, so dehydrating the fruit makes it shelf stable for six months to a year. If dried fruit is simply fresh fruit with the water extracted, how could it be bad for you?

In order to dehydrate fruit like plums, apricots, figs, grapes and all the rest, the fruit must be exposed to dry heat from either the sun or commercial grade ovens. This heat has a negative effect on fruit’s nutrient content. In particular, vitamin C, potassium and calcium are three important substances that drastically deteriorate during the drying process.

For example, a dried apricot loses over half of its potassium content, and fruits high in vitamin C lose nearly all nutritional value due to drying. On the upside, however, dried fruit does not lose its fiber and iron content.

Another issue to consider with dried fruit is chemical content. For certain fruits, such as, golden raisins and apricots, sulphur dioxide is used to fix the color during the drying process. This chemical may aggravate or provoke asthma attacks in some individuals. To avoid unwanted additives, you can purchase natural and organic dried fruit at health food stores.

When you eat dried fruit, you must also take calories into account. Remember, the water has been removed, considerably reducing the volume of the fruit. Therefore, you will need to eat a smaller portion of dried fruit compared with fresh fruit in order to consume the same amount of calories.

For example, one cup of fresh grapes has about 60 calories, while one cup of raisins has 495 calories-quite a difference!

In addition, dried fruit tends to be much sweeter due to concentrated flavor, so it’s easy to eat a lot without thinking about it. To keep calories in check, divide fresh fruit into individual portions and put them in zip top bags. Keep single servings in your car, purse or desk drawer for snacking.

Despite some stumbling blocks, the National Cancer Institute says that a quarter cup of dried fruit counts as a serving of produce. I recommend that my patients who enjoy dried fruit eat it as just one of their daily produce servings, and that they carefully monitor portion size. With healthy eating, variety is the key. If you purchase natural, chemical-free dried fruit and eat it along with a wide array of fruits and vegetables, it can be a convenient solution to your eat-right goals.

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Healthy Eating – Not All Fats Are Bad, You Need Some Fats to Stay Healthy

In today’s world, many people are cautioned against including too much fatty food in their eating plan. Unfortunately, just as many people consider carbs the enemy, others are under the impression all fats are bad and must be avoided at any cost. They are told they should focus on a low-fat, high-fiber diet to maximize health. Too much fat in people’s diets has traditionally been saturated fat, which raises cholesterol levels and may help to promote cardiovascular disease.

This said, not all fats are bad. In fact, you need some fats to stay healthy. What are some signs you are deficient? Check out the list below to see if this could be an issue for you…

1. You Are Hungry All The Time. While carbohydrates may instantly make you feel full, they do not provide the satiety dietary fats do. When you eat a meal containing sufficient fat, you will get a “stick to your ribs” feeling, which puts the brakes on hunger.

Aim to eat 5 to 10 grams of fat at each meal to get this effect.

2. Your Hair, Skin, And Nails Are Dull. Another sign you may not be getting enough dietary fat is if your hair, skin, or nails are looking a little dull and brittle. Healthy fats nourish these cells in your body thanks to the high amount of vitamin E they contain..

If you are experiencing a high degree of hair breakage, for instance, check the fat content in your diet.

3. You Are Feeling Cold. Feel as though you are often shivering? It could be your lack of fat intake. Fats help to insulate your body and keep you feeling warm, so you will want to ensure you are getting enough of them.

Of course, if you are very lean, you will likely feel cold regardless of how much fat you consume, so note this must be taken into account as well.

4. You Are Struggling To Stay Focused. Finally, the last sign you are not taking in enough dietary fat is if you are struggling to stay focused during the day. Fats are key for enhancing brain health and memory, so if you are running deficient, you may be noticing your signs and symptoms relate to this.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and flaxseed are particularly important for overall brain health.

Check your diet. Are you getting enough healthy fats? You should be aiming to take in no less than 0.7 grams each kilogram of bodyweight as a reference point. If you are above this, you are doing just fine.

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How to Stop Eating So Much Candy

Candy is made from a concentrated solution of sugar and water, then flavors and colors are added. Pretty unhealthy isn’t it? These treats are rich in sugars, refined sugar to be exact, which is the most unhealthy sugar that exists. Candy addiction can be related to sugar addiction as well. Stopping your sugar addiction can begin by stopping your candy addiction, but it isn’t easy. It is difficult but not entirely impossible, so don’t lose hope. Start to discipline yourself for to conquer your candy addiction.

Learning How to stop eating so much candy will have to start with research. Knowing what not to eat and why not to eat it will help you strengthen your resolve. You will know candies if you first see of course, a treat covered in shiny, attractive foil or a colorful treat waiting to be picked out of a bowl. The more colorful they are, the more food coloring and flavoring was added, which is not good news for your health, of course. These treats, if taken constantly, will cause tooth decay.

Eating too much candy results in increased sugar intake because candy has a high glycemic index, which means that it can increase your blood sugar level quickly after eating. This is mainly a concern for diabetics young and old but could also be dangerous to the health of non-diabetics. Excess sugars from eating too much candy will result in diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. With this knowledge of the negative impacts of having too much candy you can now have the reason you need to avoid eating candy.

Replacing candy can be a good way to stop eating so much of it. Whenever you crave something sweet in your mouth, mainly candy, then you can just eat something to replace it. A good alternative is fruit. Eating a small apple whenever you have that candy craving will help you in many ways. The calories of an apple are very small, and the sugar it contains is fructose -a sugar made by nature.

Lastly, the best way method to take regarding how to stop eating so much candy will be simply avoiding them. Simply do not buy it. When you go on a grocery just buy the products that you need, and don’t go buying that candy pack. Not having candy at home will also help, since whenever you get the craving to have some you will not have any available. Eating veggies, whole grains, and other healthy foods will also help stop that craving, since your body will start to adjust to the healthy diet you have. Avoid going to places where candy is exhibited, like candy shops. The reason for this is that when you see candy you might have a sudden craving to buy some. Keeping away will help if you to stop eating candy. Drinking water will help you avoid candy because if your body is properly hydrated it won’t ask more sugar.

All of these tips will help, but the one who will truly help you is you, yourself. Keep in mind that you need self discipline and strength against those sweet temptations. Have a strong mind to say no to those treats, and tell yourself you don’t need them.

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Can Matcha Green Tea Powder Cure Candida and the Fibromyalgia Myth?

Fibromyalgia is a familiar word today. Television and magazine advertisements flood our airwaves and glossy pages, heightening public awareness. Some promise cures, while others just proclaim aid in alleviating certain symptoms. Well, fourteen years ago, this was certainly not the case. The internet was in its infancy stage (as far as public use) and the barrage of pertinent information that the average person now has at his fingertips just didn’t exist then. I know…because fourteen years ago, I was suffering…and looking for answers.

My plight back then mimicked those of many others – severe fatigue, muscle and joint pain, slight sore throat and a general steadiness of feeling lousy. I remember telling my family and friends, “I wish you could live in my body for just one day… wouldn’t believe that I’ve lived this way for so long!” At the time, I had a two year old and a five year old who expected me to exude the vigor and energy they saw from other stay-at-home mothers. I saw general doctors, specialists, acupuncturists, massage therapists and a myriad of others who gave me even a glimmer of hope to recapture my life. Any literature out there at the time was nothing but depressing…the most optimistic headline would read “How I’ve Learned to Cope with Fibromyalgia and Try to Lead a Normal Life for the Last Twenty Years”. Gathering the current information at the time simply put me in hopeless, negative state. But, by some miracle, my luck and mood would change.

Through some remote channel of friends, I learned about a Holistic practice in a neighboring state and made an appointment. My particular doctor (yes, a real medical doctor) was well versed in both Eastern and Western medicine and was originally from Russia…and our first appointment was an entire hour long dialogue. The tests administered there were none like the hundreds I had previously had…saliva test and hair analysis, in addition to blood, urine and stool and sent to a highly specialized lab somewhere in the middle of the country. While waiting for the test results, my body was still ailing, but my spirit, for the first time, was beginning to heal.

The test results came back…and the catch-all category of ‘fibromyalgia’ may have actually been incorrect. The condition I had was adrenal exhaustion and systematic Candida, an overgrowth of yeast in the body which can wreak havoc on every major system in the body. Again, back then, nobody ever heard of this, let alone diagnose it. Today, the web alone, has millions of pages dedicated to it. To combat and cure this, I met with the nutritionist in this holistic practice and was put on a very strict diet excluding sugar, breads, starches and many, many other things. Basically, the only thing I could eat was protein, vegetables and the occasional treat of popcorn and rice cakes. I was given quite a few supplements to boost my immune system and normalize my adrenal function. Lastly, my doctor (again, quite some years ahead of the curve) told me to get pure Matcha Green Tea Powder because of the antioxidants and numerous healing capabilities and have the tea twice a day.

Today, fourteen years later, I play competitive tennis three times per week and am in the gym six times per week since getting certified as a personal trainer. My energy level is high, my stress levels are low and my outlook on most things is always optimistic. I still grimace when I hear the term “fibromyalgia” and wonder if that’s really what these inflicted people have. I am no longer on a rigid diet (still need my fix of licorice often) and now take only two supplements per day. The only routine I have never stopped is drinking my matcha green tea twice per day – especially since the health benefits go well beyond what I thought years ago.

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Information About Subway And Reasons Why It Is A Healthier Choice

Fast food restaurants are not doing business as well as they used to about a decade ago. The reason for this is that the food which they serve has no nutritional value whatsoever. This was OK a few years ago but these days more and more people are getting health conscious. The obesity rates are through the roof and more and more studies are giving definitive proof of a number of diseases that are connected to and caused by obesity. That is the reason why fast food chains all over have had to change their menus considerably and make their food more nutritious without cancelling out the taste factor. This rising awareness has also lead to the mushrooming of health food chains too. One such restaurant that couples great taste and health is Subway.

Subway is a chain of restaurants that serves different types of subs and sandwiches. These are low fat and extremely nutritious. At a Subway you have many different kinds of sandwich fillings that you can choose from. In fact you can get the sandwiches made to your specifications. This is the USP (Unique Selling Point) of this joint that has made it so popular. When you walk into a Subway you have to make 4 choices. The first choice is concerning the kind of sandwich you want. Next you have to choose the bread you want to make your sandwich out of. You have a choice between Whole Grain, Wheat, Honey Oat and Parmesan Oregano. Most franchises have their own selections that are usually added to these 4. Every loaf is freshly baked in the franchise itself. Once you have chosen your bread the meat filling is added. This filling is consistent with the type you ordered. Next you are given a choice of a number of different fresh vegetables. Last comes the sauces. There are number of different sauces that you can choose from. You can even ask your server which are the sauces that are low in calories.

Every sandwich is rich with taste and yet low in calories. It is one of the best choices when it comes to fast food. There are people who have even taken the subway challenge and lost a lot of weight. The menu also has a nutrition chart and a calorie break-up chart so that you can make a more informed choice as to what you want to eat and how many calories you want to consume.

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Sticking to Your Diet – What Is Your Light Bulb Moment?

Every year millions of people around the world start diets and the majority of them give up within a few days or weeks, leading to feelings of failure and disappointment.

It is easy to start but it takes some mental effort to keep going, but it is easier to stick to your diet if you have had a light bulb moment.

Most people start a diet to lose weight to look better and to feel better about themselves. Unfortunately this only works long term for the most dedicated or the severely vain.

Failures tend to erode our self-confidence making each successive attempt less and less likely to be successful.

The light bulb moment is when you discover a reason for maintaining your diet that is so important that you can overcome all of your past failures and all your subconscious resistance, and simply just turn your diet into a lifestyle.

8 Such reasons as:

  1. A serious health diagnosis.
  2. Feeling left out of some activity because of weight or fitness.
  3. Requirements for a great job.
  4. Revenge
  5. Special occasions.
  6. For a special holiday.
  7. Energy for children or grandchildren.
  8. Fear of aging.
  9. The need for wellness to care for others.

Of course there is one other very important consideration, it is that you have chosen a diet which makes sense, is sustainable and promotes health and not just weight loss. One celebrity lost weight by eating only potatoes for a year but the health consequences would be considerable.

The question is what is your light bulb moment where you realise that if you don’t take action you will lose out, or suffer, or pay a big price. And a simple way to make it stronger is to stack up two or more of these reasons.

Each extra reason will boost your commitment and by the time you get four or more you will have the power to push through any physical or emotional resistance.

The only problem is if we ignore these light bulb moments. Unfortunately this happens all the time, after all by the time a person becomes overweight or unfit they have ignored many such signals.

It is said that for many people the first sign of a heart attack is the heart attack itself. But I would challenge this. By the time of the heart attack there will have been many warning light bulbs, don’t let this happen to you.

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