Archive | Cardio

Cardiovascular Fitness – The Key To Life

It may be the most important part of your overall fitness, yet it is one of the more neglected aspects of fitness. Cardiovascular fitness is a very important part of people’s overall health because unlike other types of exercise, cardiovascular fitness increases the body’s ability to provide oxygen rich blood to your muscles as they work. The energy needed to promote an active lifestyle is derived from this improved ability of the body to use oxygen effectively. Cardiovascular fitness carries with it many benefits, for both everyday health as well as some medical. By performing some cardiovascular exercises a few times a week, an individual can increase their own longevity by a few years. In so many different ways, cardiovascular exercise is able to affect the human body on various levels from the heart, to the lunges, the muscles, blood, etc. Many people wait until they become sick or simply face some serious health complications and then have to depend on different medicines or vaccines to recover and even then, they are not back at a 100%. Cardiovascular fitness is a great prevention tool that if use properly can help people to avoid some of the unnecessary complications people experience time and time again. Apart from burning calories to achieve fat loss, cardio fitness helps to release serotonin which regulates people’s mood. Furthermore, the increased energy received from cardio exercises allow you to do more of the things you love with the people you love.

A Versatile Workout

The great thing about cardiovascular exercises is that they can be almost anything and in addition, they can be done anywhere. If you are the type of person that loves the great outdoors then that’s not a problem. If you are the type of person that is introverted by nature and prefer to stay indoor then that’s not a problem either. Cardiovascular exercise is described as any activity rhythmic in nature that is done consistent for a designated amount of time. It must also work your muscles while improving the consumption of oxygen. Whether you prefer to use equipment found at the local gym or freehand, there is cardio program out there for you. The possibilities are endless when it comes to cardio workouts. Depending on what kinds of activities you enjoy, you can turn it into a cardio exercise. For instance, if you are a big fan of kickboxing or mixed martial arts, you can copy the routine of your favorite fighter and do it for about 45 min to 60 min. Therefore, if your favorite fighter likes to do jab, jab, cross, swing kick combo then you can turn that into a workout. Some people really enjoy activities such as swimming. Swimming is one of the more renowned exercises because it works every muscle in the body. In addition, swimming increases a person’s oxygen consumption which makes it an excellent cardio exercise. People usually get hung up on what the best kinds of cardiovascular exercise are but the fact of the matter is that they are all really good. The most important thing is to make sure that whatever you choose to do is intense. Intensity pressures your body to grow and adapt which promotes physical changes.

Cardiovascular Fitness for Weight Loss

For the simple purpose of weight loss, a lot of fail to acknowledge the fact that cardiovascular fitness is the best solution. You will find many people that are in pretty good shape but simply want to shed the unwanted fat around the abdominal muscles to show off their six pack abs. These individuals usually believe that if they do a few crunches or sit ups that they will get the six pack abs they desire but are constantly met with disappointment. What these individuals and many like them do not understand is that there is no such thing as spot reduction. Cardiovascular exercises in conjunction with a reduction in caloric intake are the only way to decrease the fat around the mid section, thighs, arms, etc.

There are many people who understand that it is important to perform cardio workouts if they want to burn large amounts of fat and they will go to the gym 5 days a week for up to an hour. The sad thing is that these people work very hard but after performing these activities for a month or more, they look in the mirror and they see little to no results at all. If they are doing the right thing then why are they not seeing any results? The answer is that many of these individuals go about doing things completely the wrong way. This is why it is important to understand how the body operates. The human body is a miraculous work of art. Many people do not know that the body is continuously adapting to the various challenges it faces. The more the body performs a particular activity at the same speed and intensity, the more it adapts to those strains, the easier that activity becomes and the fewer calories are burned each time.

Unfortunately, this is the mistake people continuously make when exercising. In order to consistently burn calories, you must relentlessly increase the intensity. You cannot give the body an opportunity to adapt to the exercise. If you allow the body to become accustomed to a particular exercise done at the same speed, the same way then you can potentially begin to see decreases in your lean muscle mass as well as a reduction in your metabolism.

Any Alternatives?

Many people are also unaware of alternative methods to cardio programs that have become obsolete. An alternative to traditional cardio programs is something called INTERVAL TRAINING. Interval training is a type of anaerobic training that is focused on boosting your metabolism through a process of performing a series of high intensity cardio activities followed by a series in a moderate state. This does not allow the body to simply adapt to the exercise being performed. The constant change in intensity forces the body to become stronger. Remember that it does not matter if you are performing cardiovascular exercises, weight training, or any other kind of program, if you are not bringing the intensity then you will not see any changes.

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Cardio Workouts: Get In The Zone

You always need to be aware of your intensity level during a cardio workout. Getting into the aerobic zone is the key to both cardiovascular benefits and calorie burning. You will often hear about the “target zone” or “target heart rate”-this is a percentage increase over your normal pulse rate. To get a real cardio workout, you want to keep your pulse in the target zone for 20 minutes. A heart rate monitor you wear is the easiest way to keep track during your cardio workout.

Your personal target zone depends upon your age, weight, and fitness level, and can change over time. Once you know your target heart rate, during your cardio workout you should periodically check your pulse by using your index finger and middle finger to find the pulse below your ear behind your jaw. Count the number of beats for 10 seconds and multiply by six.

The other way of maintaining your cardio workout in the target zone is by using the scale of perceived exertion. The standard is the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion. Essentially, you’ll know when you’re in your target zone when you are breaking a sweat and can tell you’re working, but can still say at least 25 words without gasping for breath. You should be able to describe the exercise as “somewhat hard.” If your cardio workout involves interval training, during a one-minute interval of intensity you should feel like you’re working hard and would find it difficult to say more than a couple of words at one time.

The post-interval recuperation period during a cardio workout is at a level where you still break a light sweat but can talk comfortably.

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Cardio for Weight Loss- The Wrong Way

You are doing the wrong cardio workout. The weight loss cardio program you are using is wrong, wrong, wrong! Slow, boring cardio is not best for fat loss.

Recent research from Australia has shown that intervals works better than cardio. The female subjects did 3 workouts per week. Group 1 did intervals for 20 minutes. Group 2 did cardio for 40 minutes. The subjects in Group 1 lost more weight! So don’t rely on cardio for weight loss.

But a lot of people are doing intervals wrong as well.

Here are two ways that people do intervals wrong and that end up reducing the effectiveness of their workouts.

1) Don’t do them at the start of the workout.

Unless you want to wipe yourself out and make your strength training less than optimal, don’t start your workouts with the intervals.

You’ll get more results by doing your intervals at the end of the workout.

2) Don’t alternate between a strength training exercise and an interval.

If you do this, your strength work will suffer. Want to get 20% weaker in your lifts? Then just try to lift something after you have sprinted for 30-60 seconds. I guarantee you’ll be a lot weaker if you do that…but that’s the exact opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve with strength and interval training.

We want to be fresh and strong for our strength training exercises, and then finish the workout with energy-depleting, turbulence-promoting interval training.

Again, the bottom line: You’ll get more results by doing your intervals at the end of the workout.

I strongly believe it is best to separate the two methods…otherwise, the intervals knock the strength out of your “sails” so to speak, so that the results are not optimal.

Focus on the quality of training, not just on sweating up a storm.

Consistency is king, but you also have to follow a perfectly-structured plan,


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Cardio Workouts That Work

A lot of people harm themselves when they go on a diet because they drastically cut their calories and skimp on the exercise. They do not realize that doing exercises such cardio workouts is the best way to get rid of unwanted calories. If you want to lose weight and maintain that weight you lost, then you have to combine exercise with your diet.

You have a lot of options when it comes to cardio workouts so you can’t quit because of boredom. Almost any kind of activity can be turned into cardiovascular workouts. If you do it right, you can even turn your house cleaning sessions into effective weight loss workouts. Keep moving while you clean, and do activities that require vigorous motions, like scrubbing and vacuuming.

You may even include your children in your cardio workouts. I often dance along to Wiggle’s DVDs with my daughter. You can purchase DVDs that have nothing but songs, and these will keep you moving. The dance moves are easy and your children can learn the moves and keep up with you. This is one that is a lot of fun as far as cardio workouts go.

Your television is also a good source of great cardio workouts. In fact, a few stations on cable cater exclusively to exercise and eating right. These stations have a variety of shows that offer great workouts that you can do in your own living room.

Another idea for getting good cardio workouts would be to join a gym. You can choose from simple aerobics, dance, spin, and other activities that are meant to help keep your heart moving for a superb workout. Both beginners and more experienced dieters will benefit from these classes.

You should begin with simple exercises if you have a lot of weight to lose. This is because your body won’t handle extreme cardio workouts very well. The last thing you want is to overdo your workouts and then quit because it is too strenuous. You can begin your workout with walking exercises. Remember to walk at a fast enough pace to get your heart rate slightly elevated.

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The Top 5 Best Cardio Exercises

When it comes to your body it is very important that you do some cardio, whether you want to lose weight, improve your health or build on your muscle. And you won’t get bored because, there are plenty of different types of cardio exercise. Anything that gets your heart rate pumping will pretty much do the trick. The thing that’s confusing is there are so many different cardio exercises out there… which one will benefit me most? There’s no right or wrong cardio exercise for men and woman. The correct choice is the cardio exercise you enjoy and the one you’ll stick with, but there are some that work best if your goal is to get in great shape and burn calories.

1. Running

Running is a good one for many different reasons. You don’t need any special equipment apart from some decent running shoes. You can do it just about anywhere and anytime. It’s high impact, which helps build connective tissue and strong bones. It gets your heart rate up a lot quicker than low or no impact exercises. It’s good for burning serious calories, especially if you add sprints, hills or try interval training. The same person would burn around 50% as much with just a brisk walk. The only downfall is that it takes time to build the stamina and strength to run continuously and, because it’s high impact, it may not benefit every person. This bodyweight exercise is probably the best cardio workouts.

2. Bicycling

Whether you’re outdoors or indoors, cycling is an excellent cardio workout. By using the power of your legs, you increase endurance while burning lots of calories, anywhere from 250-500 in 30 minutes, depending on how fast you go and how high your resistance is. What makes cycling even better than other activities is that you can incorporate it into your daily life. You can ride to and from work or use your bike to run errands around town. It’s also low impact, which is great for your joints and perfect cross-training for high impact activities like running or aerobics.

3. Swimming

Swimming is another great choice because, like cross-country, it’s a full body exercise. The more body parts your workout requires, the more calories you’ll burn. Best of all, you dent have to worry about any high impact injuries because your joints are fully supported. It’s also great cross-training for other cardio activities.

4. Step Aerobics

Step aerobics is another good choice, especially for people who like choreographed workouts, but don’t enjoy the jackhammer feel of high impact aerobics. This gives you the intensity without the pounding and it’s easy to up the energy used by adding risers.

5. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is another great choice for exercisers who are looking for more of a challenge with more choreographed workouts. Combining punches and kicks not only, involves both the upper and lower body, but it enhances your combination making this an excellent all round workout.

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Aerobics and Cardio for Beginners

Aerobics and Cardio

Unfortunately, many people cringe at the mention of the phrase “cardio exercise”. To achieve all round fitness aerobic, or cardio fitness exercises need to included along with weight training.

Benefits of a cardio/aerobic fitness exercise program are:

  • Lose excess body fat,
  • Increase stamina,
  • Reduce risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke,
  • Increased immune system,

Cardio or aerobic exercise is cheap and can be done anywhere. Cardio can be made more interesting, even fun, by employing a few simple ideas listed in this article.

OK, let’s get going!

How many times should I do my cardio workout?

In the beginning three days a week is enough as part of you exercise program. If you are following the weight lifting program we’ve outlined in this series, it is a good idea to do cardio on the same day as you perform your weight training.

It is advisable to finish your weight lifting first then do your aerobic/cardio fitness workout.

Alternatively, if you, like many people, have a piece of cardio equipment gathering dust (or being used as a coat rack) in your home, then you have other options. If your main goal is fat loss, it is recommended that you perform your cardio first thing in the morning.

If this is an option for you, give it a try – you may find that it wakes you up more effectively than your morning shower.

How long should I do cardio?

As with anything new it is best to start slowly and build up as you strengthen.

Just 15 minutes of cardio is enough to start with.

Which type of aerobics should I do?

When you start it is easier to work out on a machine where you can set your own pace rather than being in classes. When do you cardio workout by yourself on a machine you don’t have to worry about keeping up with the others in a aerobics class.

There are three main types of cardio equipment to choose from.

  • Riding the bike, which eliminates impact on joints. This is very good for people with sore joints or back problems.
  • Elliptical Walker, this is a more intensive workout but is very easy on joints like the bike. On the Elliptical machine the user remains standing the entire time (more effective at toning the glutes, a.k.a. the butt) and has the option of using their arms (as well as their legs) during the workout.
  • Stair climber or step machine, this gives an even more strenuous workout than the elliptical walker. It’s very hard to perform the stair climber at a fast pace, unlike the stationary bicycle or elliptical machine, thus longer workouts are required to reap the full benefits. This machine is recommended for more advanced trainers.
  • The treadmill, is the most widely used in the gym. The speed is adjustable in almost all machines and can vary from a slow walk to flat out running and the intensity of the workout on the treadmill can be adjusted by setting the incline. The problem with working out on the treadmill is the high impact on joints, so it is not recommended for people with joint or back problems.

Example Cardio Program for Beginners

The first two weeks of your cardio exercise program should be…..Choose which ever method of aerobic exercise suits you best, and simply follow the guidelines below:

  • Week 1
  1. Monday 15 minutes
  2. Wednesday 15 minutes
  3. Friday 15 minutes
  • Week 2
  1. Monday 20 minutes
  2. Wednesday 20 minutes
  3. Friday 20 minutes

Watch for my next article and get the most out of your cardio!

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Cardio Workouts – A Waste of Precious Fat Loss Time?

Cardio workouts have gotten a bad rap recently. I have to admit, I’m as guilty as the next fat loss guru when it comes to “standard cardio” bashing. Don’t get me wrong, my reasons for preferring shorter, more intense and fully dynamic fat loss workouts are quite validated, but standard cardio training does still have it’s place.

With all of the anti-cardio workout messages constantly being spewed out by so many fat loss experts, I’m afraid the general public may start to get the wrong message. It’s not that traditional, longer and slower paced (aka steady state cardio) cardio workouts are ineffective, but rather that they are highly inefficient and potentially less effective overall.

To clarify, doing a 60-minute jog on the treadmill six days per week is quite a time commitment for the average person. Assuming a shorter and more intense workout could burn the same amount of calories overall (thanks to a post-workout boost in metabolism), a time crunched individual would benefit greatly from performing six 15-minute weekly workouts, instead.

The second option is what I preach and there are numerous benefits that accompany the huge time-savings. But this approach is not without downsides and a given individual’s workout plan does not have to be one form of cardio workout or the other.

It’s important for the general public to understand the benefits of traditional cardio workouts and shorter, more advanced cardio training, so that an optimal blend of fat-burning exercise can be achieved.

The “new age” cardio workouts that often encourage using intervals, plyometrics, circuits and other, more intense techniques, may not be appropriate for everyone. True beginners, injury-prone individuals and those who are opposed to hard work, all would be poor candidates for this type of fat loss training.

These exercise enthusiasts would be best-suited for traditional cardio workouts, with perhaps a gradual introduction to more intense training as their fitness level progresses. Simply put, lower effort cardiovascular workouts carry a substantially lower risk of injury (although overuse injuries can occur) and are more appropriate for the fat loss newbie.

Another limitation of shorter, more advanced workouts is the overtraining phenomenon. It’s a known fact that one cannot workout at maximum effort levels day after day, workout after workout. Eventually, the body will throw in the towel, as the overtrained individual continues to try and push past their recovery abilities. This leads to diminished fat loss results and may even cause backwards progress.

For this reason, any workout plan must find the right balance between intense training and lower effort, longer duration workouts. Plus, longer cardio workouts can become a more powerful calorie-burning tool with slight adjustments. For example, by using moderate intervals, one can potentially create a slight post-workout bump in metabolism, without subjecting their body to intense stress. A second option is to use incline and/or resistance variations to accomplish the same effect. Finally, a tempo effort may be used to enhance the overall calorie-burning effectiveness of any cardio workout.

The bottom line is that each form of fat loss workouts has a unique set of pros and cons. Depending on the individual at hand, one method may be more preferred than the other, but ultimately all individuals will need to use both to achieve an optimal balance between obtaining results and preventing injury or burnout.

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Cardio Exercise

Cardiovascular conditioning, or cardio exercise, is the most popular form of exercise practiced because it requires no special equipment and anyone can do it in any location. It is also the favorite among those looking to lose weight. However, if weight loss is your goal you better incorporate resistance training into your routine for the best results. Better yet, why not combine resistance training and cardio exercise into one workout.

Most people think of cardio exercise as a separate form of exercise, when in realty any program you do contains a component of cardiovascular conditioning. For example, when you are lifting weights the body is under stress; blood pressure goes up, heart rate rises, respiration increases, all to deliver oxygen to areas of the body that demand it. So, when you are lifting weights you are actually doing a form of cardio exercise. The difference is -it is not a continuous movement. However, if you’re lifting weights you can adjust your workouts to include the cardiovascular system more just by modifying repetitions, intensity and rest periods.

The whole purpose of working out is to place high demands on the body so it will adapt and function more efficiently at rest and…to increase your metabolism. So, instead of looking at your cardio exercise as a separate program why not save time and combine it with another workout such as lifting weights. Here’s how you can do it. First, it is best to include movements that use your body weight as resistance, or perform exercises that use multiple muscle groups such as: squats, lunges, push ups, bench press, pull ups, seated or standing rows, shoulders press, planks or standing twists. Better yet, incorporate plyometrics. Plyometrics are fast explosive movements like jumping or medicine balls passes/tosses.

You can save yourself time and gain more benefits from combining resistance training and cardio exercise into one workout. If you take this approach to working out you can increase your metabolism, strength, and muscle tone while you burn calories and train the cardiovascular system. Otherwise, you will receive limited benefits from performing an isolated cardio exercise.

Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski DN

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Concept 2 Rower – The Easy Way to Cardio Fitness

Whether at home or at the health club, more and more people are gravitating toward exercises that focus on overall fitness more than strict bodybuilding. There are plenty of devices and machines that can help you to do that, but one of the best ways to go about achieving overall health and fitness is with the use of a rowing machine. And, highlighting that category of exercise equipment is the Concept 2 Rower.

If you make your way to fitness centers and gyms that put a premium cardio equipment you are sure to find one version or another of the Concept 2 Rower. This is absolutely one of the best machines at actually simulating the actual full-body movement that one would engage in during true life rowing.

If you try one out, you’ll witness, first hand, all the wonderful features that this rowing machine offers. First, with its PM3 or PM4 monitor, you can use many of the preset programs or make one of your own. Among other things, you can track you speed, distance, time, pace, and any number of other features that might interest you.

But across the board, the features that have consumers pleased as punch are all those that make the experience quite close to that of actual rowing. The smooth rowing action allows you to incorporate the use of your arms, back, shoulders and legs, as if you were on the water. The seat glides back and forth easily, allowing you to maintain a smooth rhythm throughout your routine.

One of the other advantages of getting a workout on a Concept 2 rower is that you are able to involve the vast majority of your muscles in the movement, while getting an incredible cardiovascular workout. The chain-driven action has ten levels, which allow you to adjust the resistance according to your own physical demands. You’ll find that by working your way up to just 30 minutes of rowing, you’ll achieve an incredible overall conditioning workout.

Many people are so taken with the proficiency and ease of use of the Concept 2 rower, that they are getting them for home use as well. They don’t take up much space at all — perfect for those that simply cannot find enough room for other exercise equipment. The machine is light enough to be able to move to one side of the room when you have completed your workout. You’ll pay in the neighborhood of $1,000.00, depending on offers and discounts, but that is far less than what you would pay for a combination of weights and other cardio machines.

You really can’t go wrong with this type of set up, either at the gym or at home. So if you are at the fitness club, opt for this way of working out and save time while exercising the whole body. If at home, save money, space and time and get a great workout in the process.

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Cardio for Weight Loss

The best cardio exercise for weight loss is not slow, boring cardio. Instead, to maximize fat burning and your metabolism, you need to do intervals. This form of cardio wil burn fat and help you lose weight faster than ever.

Q: I know intervals are great, but is it ever beneficial to do longer workouts of moderate intensity cardio? Is this what beginners should do?


Good question.

I think that the more fat a person has, the more they will simply benefit from any type of exercise. Therefore, even low-intensity work will help.

However, two things to consider before we just send everyone out for 60 minute jogs and cardio sessions.

1) Is the individual physically prepared for high-volume exercise?

Unfortunately, I’ve seen my share of clients that decided to jump back into fitness with long cardio workouts. Soon enough they were asking me to help rehab their injuries…whether they were small muscles strains or more serious overuse injuries.

So you always have to make sure that the individuals are physically prepared for the exercise program – which is why my training programs include introductory and beginner muscle strengthening phases in combination with exercise that focuses on calorie burning.

Many beginners will have weak muscles – somewhere along the line. So doing dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of repetitions (i.e. longer cardio stuff) can exacerbate small injuries into full-blown injuries. We must always be careful there…that’s one of the reasons that people drop out of exercise programs so frequently.

And that’s why fitness assessments are very important when you are able to work one-on-one with a trainer (or when you are a trainer – make sure you do these!).

2) Efficiency

You can get the same benefits as long cardio in half the time by doing structured interval training instead. So if time is a factor, then intervals rule.

So remember these 4 simple rules for your fat loss program and it will be effective, efficient, balanced, and safe:

1) Strengthen the weak muscles

2) Stretch the tight muscles

3) Burn more calories (through exercise and by boosting your metabolism with resistance training)

4) Improve your nutrition so that you are taking in fewer calories to lose fat, but not dieting so hard that you are messing up your body’s fat-burning hormones.

Cardio works for fat loss, but not the cardio you think. For weight loss, you need to boost your metabolism and fat burning with intervals.

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