Archive | Building Muscle

Watsu For Canine Healing

First, what is Watsu? Wastu is a form of body therapy performed in the water. It encompasses muscle stretching, massage, yoga and Tai Chi all to relax and rejuvenate the body. For dogs it is basically Tai Chi in the water, but you hold a dog in your arms while you do it. Canine Water Therapists combine Watsu and swimming to help naturally alleviate pain in arthritic dogs or help a dog heal from surgery or injury. Trainers use Watsu to reduce aggressive tendencies in shelter dogs, or to build confidence.

Often after major surgery a water therapist uses the slow, fluid movements of Watsu to relax their client. The swishing of the water against the dog’s limbs helps to circulate the blood and promotes healing. This also gives the dog a chance to get acclimated to upcoming therapy sessions. Since most patients aren’t able to actually swim until about two weeks after surgery Watsu gives the practitioner a chance to get the dog in the water without preforming any rehabilitative manipulations.

Watsu helps to loosen joints and muscles while a dog is still recovering. Many water therapists mix Watsu in with other forms of therapy, but because of its noninvasive technique Watsu is often use in the early stages of therapy. Different limbs can be isolated and stretched naturally by the motion of the water. No undo stretching is placed on the body. The water does all the work.

Any dog can be stressed beyond their limit after going through a traumatic experience such as major surgery. Many pets come away with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Many practitioners employ Watsu to help dogs overcome post- traumatic stress. With its warm, gentle technique the dog lets go and relaxes. A less stressed dog heals faster and adapts to other forms of therapy more quickly.

Watsu is wonderful for geriatric and arthritic dogs. Many therapists break a thirty-minute session up by Watsuing their client for the first ten minutes before moving onto swimming. Watsu helps loosen stiff joints, easing pain and helping the dog perform better when swimming. A lot of geriatric dogs love the calming movement of the water moving their limbs. The slow gentle stretch helps relax muscles and ease pain Even if your dog doesn’t swim Watsu helps alleviate aches and promotes healing and most dogs take to it with little problem.

Trainers working with shelter dogs use Watsu as a way to calm aggression and fear. Because most aggression comes from fear using water is one of the best ways to counter act it. When you put a dog in a warm pool it builds confidence and relaxes them. Even dogs that are afraid of water often like Watsu. Building confidence relieves fear and once the fear issue is addressed aggression often disappears.

New forms of canine therapy are being developed all the time. Many of the same techniques used for people are now effective in helping canines be rehabilitated. There is no question that Watsu is very effective in helping dogs heal faster.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Gainer Supplements

If you are trying to put on or build muscle in your body, there are some methods you can try. The tried, tested and proven method is to lift weights, eat the right food and follow it up with the right supplements. Mass-gainer supplements as the name suggests, helps you to add body mass which converts itself to muscle when you lift weights. There are some advantages of using this and some possible drawbacks too.


They can help digest food faster. When digested fast, the food is able to then move faster to the muscles, enabling the muscles to build faster. Protein in these supplements enables the blood flow to increase to the muscles. Mass-gainer supplements increases the body strength and also the energy levels. It will leave you feeling energized throughout the day. It is also known to increase the power levels in athletes, thus enabling them to run or exercise for long periods. Through these supplements, the body is able to keep water levels which are necessary for muscle growth.

Apart from for muscle growth, it also helps the body with a good metabolism. If you have sore muscles or torn muscles, these supplements help to repair and build muscle tissue. Therefore its use goes beyond just gaining body mass. Recovery rate when suffering from muscle injuries are great. The ideal supplements make you feel less full, increase energy and strength levels through the day.


If you are allergic to milk or milk products, than avoid taking supplements having whey proteins. Do not expect to build your body just by popping in supplements. People who have diabetes or hypoglycemia should avoid taking supplements that have whey protein as it is known to cut sugar levels further in the blood. Creatine in supplements can cause liver and kidney damage if used in large proportion and over long periods of time. If you are on any kind of medication, please consult your physician before you take mass-gainer supplements. Prescribed drugs might not have its required effect or might cause negative effects on the body when used simultaneously with supplements.

There have been cases where these supplements have caused diarrhea, fatigue, reduced blood pressure, swelling of arms and legs, cramps, nausea, fasciitis and also headaches. Please avoid mass-gainer supplements if your body has any of these symptoms Or at least, check with a physician on the chances of these occurring to you.

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Review of Jusuru Life Blend – Can This Product Really Deliver on Its Claims?

If you are looking for some unique formula for healthy living and for slowing the aging process, you have probably come across this product that is very “popular” these days – Jusuru Life Blend. But, before you buy this product, you need to know if it really has the excellent health benefits which its manufacturer claims it to have.

The company behind this product, Jusuru International, says that it believes in providing the best healthcare benefits to its customers with its powerful and nutritious formula. Now, what makes this liquid blend so unique? According to the company that manufactures this product, this supplement drink has some super ingredients such as Resveratrol, which provides healthy anti aging benefits and give a youthful appearance to the skin.

Many of us may not know that Resveratrol is the same ingredient which is naturally found in grapes used for preparing red wine. The amount of this special ingredient contained in this juice supplement is equivalent to around two full bottles of red wine without alcohol content in it. So, the idea is, you can reverse the effects of aging and add more youthfulness using this supplement since Resveratrol is known to mimic the effects of the gene that delays the aging process in the body.

Nutritionists all over the world have widely acknowledged the benefits of using Biocell Collagen due to its natural health benefits. This key ingredient, which is used in this juice supplement, apparently provides complete nutrition support for effective maintenance of the connective tissues around the joints, skin and the cardiovascular system. Besides, Biocell Collagen comprises of a natural blend of elements including collagen, chondroitin sulfate along with hyaluronic acid with each having its own unique properties and benefits to a human body.

Independent research and scientific studies have shown the immense health benefits of using the same ingredients as those used in this drink supplement – they provide better nutritive support to the joints and tissues of the body and they slow the aging process. So, unlike other products, this liquid formula has all the essential ingredients, which aims at providing maximum nutrition to the body.

So, it is probably true that this product has a lot to offer, that this unique juice blend is better than other health care formulas. Every ingredient used in this unique formula provides better healthcare support right from the antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals and help in preventing any kind of damage to the cells of the body.

Phytonutrients are also essential components used in this liquid supplement that are known to possess natural antioxidant properties for fighting against free radicals. In addition, vitamins and minerals are added to this supplement to promote health growth and development of the body and maintain proper metabolism. Amino acids are also present in good amount in this liquid blend, which aid in tissue and muscle development and reduce the amount of body fat.

In addition to providing a wide range of health and anti-aging benefits, this product also provides some income earning potential through some of its business opportunities.

Just by reviewing the ingredients used in this product, our view is that it can indeed help to improve your health, and is therefore worth a try. Since all the ingredients have been tested and proven to help the human body, we recommend that you try Jusuru Life Blend [].

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Soy, Balls and Testosterone

In case I lose your attention in the next 30 seconds, here’s the take home message: men who value their balls should not eat a lot of soy. Got it?

The other day whilst killing a bit of time in my gym, I found myself looking at the ingredients of a well known brand of protein powder that the juice bar there uses for all their shakes and smoothies. To my surprise, Soy Protein was listed as one of the ingredients. I enquired of the company who made this protein how much soy was in each serving, but was told that details of their ‘proprietary formula’ could not be disclosed. Now, soy protein is extremely cheap (far cheaper than whey for example, which is pretty cheap itself) so the ‘Our Formula Is A Secret’ stance = We’re Making Tonnes of Money From This Product And Don’t Want You Or Our Competitors To Know How Much.

Anyway, aside from having an inferior amino acid profile compared to pretty much any other protein I can think of (maybe apart from pea protein!), the main problem for men eating soy is that its been proven by various studies like this one to lower testosterone levels. (This article from a weightlifting site contains a more detailed article on the effects and lists several studies in support). If you value your abilities as a man, (whether its on the sports field, in the boardroom or bedroom), you’ll want to take note of this. I’m not saying that a bit of miso soup with your sushi or a helping of soy protein in your shake is going to give you the hormone levels of Mr Muscle, but what I am saying is that if you consider the estrogenic world you live in and how its proven to effect your hormone levels (consider the estrogens in the tap water you drink- thanks, ladies!, the alcohol you also drink, and the food you eat), men may want to steer clear of other easily avoidable things that further lower testosterone.

And for girls who for obvious reasons may not be concerned about his article- rather than waste your money on a soy protein that has a poor amino acid profile, buy a proper whey or casein protein. You’re ultimately getting far more bang for your buck.

What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

Without going into excrutiating detail, all men understand that as they age, virility wise they won’t be the ‘man’ they were when they were longer. And despite what progressive parts of the medical community may say, this is not only normal, its a good thing. The flipside of less testosterone and aggression is increased tolerance and empathy with the world and those around you. Its one reason why a lot of men only seem to come into their own (whether in terms of business or relationship success) until they hit middle age.

Having said this, abnormally low testosterone levels outside of very late life is a bad thing which can and should be treated. Symptoms include

  • loss of libido (really? Who would have thunk it!),
  • reduced energy and increased fatigue,
  • loss of athletic performance
  • difficulty staying awake especially at night
  • loss of enjoyment of life and perhaps depression
  • increased interest in purchasing a red sportscar (not yet scientifically proven)

What you can do about this?

Assuming you don’t have abnormally low testosterone levels (in which case your health professional will advise you on the appropriate form of hormone replacement therapy) for those with normal to low levels, or those men who just want to maximise what they have, aside from minimising the consumption of soy in your diet, I suggest the following:

  • Don’t buy bottled water that’s in plastic bottles- chose glass. The plastics can release estrogenic compounds into the water over time.
  • For the same same reasons, NEVER microwave food in plastic containers.
  • If you drink, drink spirits or wine, not beer.
  • Make sure you’re eating enough healthy fat in your diet- this should be a combination of saturated fats from things like avocadoes, steaks, eggs and butter, and Essential Fatty Acids from things like fish or fish oil supplements. If you eat like a bird, you’ll look like a bird. (You can take that however you want to interpret it!)
  • Do heavy compound lift weight training at least once a week. (A few decent sets of a compound lift (squat, bench press, deadlift, pull up etc) stimulate the endocrine system to cause hormone release- albeit temporarily- far more than dozens of sets of bicep curls, no matter how much of a burn you get.
  • Cut back on the amount of cardio you do- unless you’re an athlete training for an event, you don’t really need that much for general health and body composition purposes. (Extreme amounts of cardio vascular training can hugely lower testosterone levels-in one study of US Ranger soldiers, the extreme exercise and low food intake of their regimen resulted in most soldiers having the hormonal profile of castrated men!)
  • After all this, consider supplementation with herbs like tribulus terris, which can increase testosterone levels.

Your reward for making it to the end

And finally, gentlemen, as summer is finally here- the next time your partner catches you looking where you shouldn’t be, blame it on the sun and your hormones as sunshine also boosts testosterone levels.

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Strength Training For Rapid Weight Loss


Did you know that muscle naturally decreases with age? And if you don’t replace the muscle, fat will take its place, talk about motivation! Which is where strength training comes into the picture because it can help preserve muscle at any age.

Either way, strength training should be a part of any good weight loss program anyway, because as you increase your lean muscle mass your body becomes better at burning fat! Now let just mention that when I say, “Strength training” I don’t necessarily mean that you have to be ‘Mr. Muscle’, but having a good percentage of lean muscle can really go a long way in helping you with losing weight.

Benefits of strength training

1. Develops strong bones

2. Reduces your risk of injury

3. Boosts your body image

4. Improves your stamina

5. Better night’s sleep as with all exercise.

Your strength training options

Gyms are the first place people think of when they want to do strength training because of all the available equipment. But it is also possible to keep your workouts at home if you have various types of tension bands, they work just as well! Hand weights also work well if you are just beginning plus you can even use your own body weight by doing push-ups, sit ups crunches and leg squats.

Starting out

It is always important to begin your workout session with about 5 – 10 Minutes of warming up using gentle cardio like walking or stretching. Start your workout routine with 12 reps of a lighter weight before moving onto the heavier weights, and then move to heavier weights until the 12th rep tires you out!

A good rule of thumb when you want to increase the weight you’re working with is to increase the weight in 10% increments.

When you are starting out with strength training, try and aim for about 2 – 3 sessions a week, that will be more than enough for you to start building lean muscle. It is also only natural to feel some soreness during your workout but never pain, so if you ever feel sensations of pain, stop immediately to prevent injury.

Like I said earlier, you don’t necessarily have to be Mr. Muscle in order to benefit from strength training, just as long as you have some lean body muscle, it will go a long way towards helping you lose weight. And remember to always give yourself one full rest day for every muscle group that you have trained!

Till next time!

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Does Muscle Memory Occur?

The concept of muscle memory is controversial. Most bodybuilders have experienced this phenomenon, yet virtually no discussions of this topic have appeared in scientific and athletic publications. Although there is some speculation herein, these ideas are sure to help you better understand your body’s response to training after a layoff.

Before you know it, a month has gone by. Two months. Six months. I’ll get back to it sometime soon, you keep saying. You’re finally ready – a year later.

Don’t worry. Life can get in the way of even the most dedicated bodybuilder’s workouts. Be glad that you’re ready to commit to consistent training again. For those of you who haven’t attempted a small comeback before, here’s good news.

Gaining muscle size seems to be easier the second time around – even if you starting from the same place. That’s right. It appears that your muscles can reach their former size (their size when you stopped working out) in a much shorter time than it took to achieve that size that first time you trained.

If you’re an experienced bodybuilder who has returned to square one more times than you wish to remember, you probably know exactly what I mean. In fact, even many scientists and coaches are convinced this phenomenon occurs – having witnessed first hand. No one has a clue how this happens. Why should you pack on muscle size quicker when ‘retraining?’ It just doesn’t make sense.

With so many athletes and others observing this mystery of the iron game, some plausible explanation must exist. I’ll describe some possible reasons why your muscle may appear to have a memory. While understanding that the following ideas might help you make a comeback, keep in mind that these are just good guesses – not dogma.

Mind Games

Certainly, we can’t overlook the possibility that muscle memory doesn’t really occur at all. In other words, it’s completely possible that these changes have nothing to do with muscular adaptation. Then why do muscles seem to progress faster during a comeback? Well, it could all be in your head. Here’s what I mean.

The first time you trained consistently, you were probably a bit hesitant with the weights. You weren’t too sure how your muscles would respond and most importantly, you didn’t have a good idea how much weight you could lift. So you were cautious when it came to big weight increases – at least until you felt you could handle the heavier weight safely.

When making a comeback, that initial fear is gone. You know you can handle heavier and heavier weights because you’ve done it before. You probably expect to attain your former strength soon, anyway. For these reasons, you are more likely to add weight to the bar at a faster rate – pushing yourself as never before. Of course, this progressive overload will lead to quicker gains in strength and size.

The Nerve of those Muscle Cells

Perhaps the most likely explanation of muscle memory involves the neurons (nerve cells) that stimulate your muscles. These neurons tell all the muscle fibers (muscle cells) they innervate to contract. But, depending on the amount of weight being lifted, only a small percentage of neurons innervating a particular muscle may be recruited to stimulate their fibers. More weight on the bar – more neurons involved and more fibers stimulated. Simple enough, right?

Here’s something really interesting. Even during maximal voluntary contraction (attempting your max on any lift), you’re still not recruiting all the muscle fibers in your working muscles. In fact, it is this discrepancy between the percentage of fibers we normally recruit and what we theoretically can recruit (100%) that may account for those rare, but documented feats of superhuman strength.

What has that got to do with muscle memory? Well, one way your muscles may adapt to the stresses of consistent training is to increase over the long run the total percentage of fibers recruited during maximal and near-maximal lifts. Here’s the possible scenario:

The first time you trained, you recruited a certain percentage of muscle fibers during maximal lifts. As you trained more and more, this percentage increased. Then you stopped working out. When making a comeback, this ability to recruit a greater percentage of muscle fibers remains intact. Therefore, you’re starting with a capacity to develop more force within a muscle (since more fibers can be activated). Compared to the first time you trained, you’re one step ahead.

If you can develop more maximal force, then you can lift more weight – you’re a bit stronger. Although you may think you’re starting from the same place, this greater strength will enable you to progress faster, resulting in an ability to regain muscle size at a quicker pace.

The second way that neurons may be involved in muscle memory deals with skill development. When you start working out, your muscles interpret most of the lifts as new movements. So your neurons must develop the appropriate pattern of stimulation to get the weight up. Remember how shaky the bar was the first time you tried the bench press?

Fibers must be activated in just the right sequence to perform complex movements like the bench or the squat. And learning a new skill (just like trying to swing a golf club, etc.) may take quite a long time. The first time around, it may have taken you weeks to feel steady on the bench. Now those neural patterns have been developed and though they may be rusty, they can return very quickly after a layoff. What may be happening here is that after you stop working out you lose some of those neural patterns. When you work out again the neurological changes come faster. This accelerated restoration of neurological control will enable you to stimulate your muscles more efficiently, eventually causing the leveling off you reach in muscle strength and hypertrophy to be higher. You may be stronger and bigger when the neural patterning is done the second time around.

Muscular Adaptations

Another possible explanation of muscle memory concerns certain changes in your muscles that regular training may produce. Your muscles may adapt in two ways that could translate into faster gains during retraining. First, you may be able to increase the capillary bed surrounding muscle cells, creating a greater blood supply to the working muscle. If this happens, and many scientists believe it does, you would then be able to enhance the nutrient (glucose, branch-chain amino acids, etc.) availability to the muscle cell. Also, you might remove the waste products of repeated muscular work and energy production (lactic acid, heat hydrogen ions, etc.) at a faster rate. Since these waste products can limit performance, with the increased capillary bed, you would be in a position to train harder and longer.

Either or both of these situations would probably enable you to create a more effective muscular stimulus. This is the key in terms of muscle memory. These positive changes from an enhanced blood supply would be restored soon after a comeback since the capillary beds would quickly reopen. Thus you would have the advantage of a greater muscular stimulus from the start of retraining. This would lead to a greater adaptation – stronger and bigger muscles – and give the illusion of muscle memory.

Second, the enzymes that are involved in important bio-chemical reactions may be responsible for muscle memory. For example, we know that enzymes in reactions leading to the storage of glycogen (your energy source during anaerobic work) can be enhanced with training. It is plausible that enzymes involved in protein synthesis may increase in concentration and activity following repeated muscular stimuli and damage. It may actually be those enzymes that have a memory, quickly returning to their former increased concentrations and turning on these processes earlier. If this occurred, you’d be able to work out harder, possibly recover faster, and gained muscle mass more quickly than when you first trained.

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Obesity: Associated Risks and Interventions to Prevent It


Overweight and obesity are both results of imbalances between calorie intake and expenditure. As the names would suggest, both are characterized by excess body weight (read fat).

BMI (basal metabolic rate) is the chief criterion used universally to classify an individual into normal weight, overweight or obese.

• BMI < 25 kg/m2: normal
• BMI > or = 25 kg/m2: overweight

• BMI > or = 30 kg/m2: obese

• BMI > or = 40 kg/m2: grossly obese

Although, BMI is accepted universally as the norm for determining overweight and obesity, it does not take into consideration the type of tissue. For example, a NFL player or a body builder weighing 320 lbs. and 5% body fat would be labelled obese using the BMI method.

Some therefore consider body fat % (skin fold thickness method) as a more accurate estimate. However, in the general population and for epidemiologic purposes, BMI is the preferred method. Height-weight charts, bio electrical impedance (BIA) are other methods used.


According to recent estimates, more than half of the human population can be safely said to be overweight, one third to be obese and 5% morbidly obese. According to Stein CJ and Colditz GA (The Epidemic of Obesity, J. Clin Endocrinol Metab., 2004), the health care costs related to the direct or indirect effects of obesity in the US alone are a staggering 117 billion dollars a year.


Android obesity: as the name suggest, this is mostly encountered in men. Fat deposition is chiefly around the abdomen with slender arms and legs.

Gynaecoid obesity: mostly seen in women; fat deposition mainly around the lower abdomen, hips and thighs with narrow shoulders, small breasts and waist.

Obesity associated with pathological states

Obesity can occur in relation to a number of diseases or disorders like Myxoedema, Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, metabolic syndrome, Polycystic ovarian disease, mood disorders and medications.

Complications of Obesity

• Weight gain

• Abdominal distension

• Cardiovascular disease

• Metabolic syndrome

• Appearance of striae (stretch marks)

• Hyperlipidaemia

• Arthropathy

• Menstruation disturbances

• Female infertility

• Thrombophilia

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


For primary prevention as well as treatment of obesity and the more serious consequences of overweight and obesity, life style interventions are a crucial consideration. Reductions in energy intake along with increased energy expenditure are the key to losing weight. Energy can be expended by indulging in physical activity on most days of a week to a total 150 min per week. Moderate intensity (40-60% of VO2 max) will be essential to cause any sort of weight loss. Cardiorespiratory training in the form of jogging, cycling, an aerobics class or swimming should be prescribed. In addition, resistance training by its virtue of increasing muscle mass will increase basal metabolic rate and thus the basal expenditure of energy (muscles are the most metabolically active tissue, even at rest).

A weight loss of 5 to 10% will result in significant improvement in the risk of complications of obesity.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Taking BCAA’s?

Typically, BCAA refers to Branched-Chain Amino Acids. These are nutrients obtained from proteins such as dairy, legumes, and meat. Essential components in protein including valine, isoleucine, and leucine form a chemical structure that resembles a branched-chain, hence the term for this group of amino acids. Many people use BCAA as treatment for several disorders. Athletes and health-conscious people take BCAA to improve overall wellness.

Uses of BCAA

Some doctors use BCAA as medication for patients with brain conditions caused by liver disease, tardive dyskinesia, McArdie’s disease, and spinocerebellar degeneration. The supplement is also given to enhance appetite in elderly patients with cancer and kidney failure. Health care providers also provide BCAA to those who are confined in bed, as the supplement can slow malfunctioning of muscles. Aside from the uses of BCAA in treating several medical conditions, people use the supplement to reduce fatigue, improve muscle performance, and enhance concentration.

How the Supplement Works

The amino acids promote the growth and development of protein in the muscle. This action reduces muscle breakdown and deterioration. Moreover, BCAA prevents the transmission of faulty messages in the brain. This function of BCAA is useful in treating people with anorexia, mania, and advanced stages of liver disease.

BCAA Side Effects and Drug Interactions

Those who had tried using BCAA discovered the effectiveness of the supplement in improving their medical condition. However, BCAA side effects are likely to develop due to prolonged use. The use of BCAA for over six months can be harmful to health, as experienced by many people who took the supplement for an extended period. The common side effects of using BCAA include loss of coordination and fatigue. It is also important for people to avoid taking the supplement before they engage in activities that require excellent motor coordination.

Medical experts do not prescribe BCAA to people who have specific health conditions because of the possibility of severe side effects.

The following are among those who are susceptible to experience the jeopardizing effect of BCAA to the health.

1. Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

The use of BCAA in patients with ALS has been linked with high death rates and lung failure. The medication resulted in poor recovery and severity of the medical condition among these patients.

2. People with ketoaciduria

Patients with ketoaciduria are not advised to take branched-chain amino acids because of the serious effects to their condition. Several BCAA side effects had been observed in patients who used the supplement such as muscle breakdown, mental retardation, and seizures.

3. Alcoholics

Those who suffer from chronic alcoholism should avoid using BCAA for dietary purposes. The use of this supplement in alcoholics has been linked with liver disease and brain damage.

4. Infants with low blood sugar levels

Infants who were supplemented with BCAA, particularly leucine, caused a reduction in the blood sugar levels of infants. These patients experienced idiopathic hypoglycemia, and researchers suggest that leucine stimulated the release of insulin from the pancreas. An overproduction of insulin leads to low levels of blood sugar.

5. Patients who will undergo surgery

Those who will undergo surgery should have the right levels of blood sugar, so they will have excellent recovery after the medical procedure. Since BCAA affects the normal blood sugar levels, patients are advised to discontinue the use of BCAA at least two weeks prior surgery.

Aside from several medical conditions, those who take the following medication should avoid using BCAA due to side effects and ineffectiveness of the drug.

1. Ledovopa

Ledovopa, a medication for Parkinson’s disease, will have a decrease in effectiveness when taken with BCAA.

2. Anti-diabetes drugs

The use of branched-chain amino acids causes a reduction in blood sugar levels. Since anti-diabetes drugs aim to decrease blood sugar, patients might suffer from hypoglycemia. The different medications for diabetes that should not be used with BCAA include glimepiride, rosiglitazone, glyburide, glipizide, and several others.

Before patients decide to take BCAA, they need to consult their health care provider for recommendation and medical advice. They can avoid experiencing BCAA side effects when they have proper guidance regarding the use of the supplement.

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Amino Acids Supplement – Laminine Review

An Amino acids supplement can come in many different forms. There are many synthetically produced amino acids supplements but in this article I’m going to concentrate on a natural source of amino acids and provide a Laminine review.

There are thousands of testimonials about Laminine which is sold multi level marketing company.

An Amino acids supplement is essential to growth and vitality and many people have now experienced the benefits of it.

It contains the building blocks of life. What isn’t common knowledge is that Laminine is a brand name, chosen for its likeness to “Laminin”.

You can search on YouTube for a lecture at Kings College London about the importance of “Laminin” to the human body.

Laminine’s special secret ingredient was Norwegian Young Tissue Extract YTE. YTE acts a conductor to stimulate dormant stem cells in our body. It contains Avian fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) and all 20 Amino Acids.

Supplement – Benefits

There is a wide variety of health potential benefits associated with using this Amino acids supplement including: improved mood, improved calmness and happiness, increased libido (in both men and women), alertness and mental clarity, increased strength and vitality, reduced stress, improved stamina and energy, improved muscle tone, improved sleep, increased lean muscle mass, quicker recovery after workout, increased reduced “brain fog and overall sense of well-being.

It’s hard to know exactly how much YTE is in each capsule of Laminine as all it says on the label is 600mg of a proprietary blend.

There have been numerous clinical trials performed on Young Tissue Extract YTE during the last 20 years. They clearly demonstrate it provides the benefits mentioned earlier. The daily dosage that the medical studies were based on was 1600mg of YTE.

Providing only one capsule per day, it is viewed by many as an expensive supplement… What price your health?

Other alternatives can be found on the market.

Stem Fit Active also contains Norwegian YTE and provides twice the dosage of Laminine for a similar price. Again its hard to ascertain exactly how much YTE is in each capsule as the label states 500mg per capsule of a proprietary blend.

There is another product on the market which provides the full 1600mg of Norwegian YTE as used in all the medical studies. Each ingredient and the exact amount contained in each vegetarian capsule is clearly marked on the label.

When comparing with Laminine and Stem fit active, the price is cheaper and calculations suggest at least 4 times more Norwegian YTE is provided.

Young Tissue Extract provides a chain of 20 Amino Acids which are essential to life. Linear or (straight) chains of Amino’s are the building blocks of all proteins. They are also responsible for multiple functions in the metabolism. Proteins are formed from Amino Acids which are organic compounds. When proteins are digested by the body Amino Acids remain. We need these in order for us to grow and breakdown food making it a crucial part of nutrition.

You can view the clinical trials and see a Doctors product comparison on the link in my bio.

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Best Nutritional Supplements For Weight Loss

Even without trying to lose weight, there’s no question any more about the importance/necessity for taking food grade vitamin/mineral supplements. The fact is the foods we’re supposed to be getting all our nutrients from are not anywhere near the same as what they used to be 30 years ago. Gmo foods, over-farmed soils and pesticides are creating produce with much less usable nutrients than what we used to be able to rely on for our vitamins. There are numerous fruits and vegetables that develop the majority of their vitamin/mineral content during the last 7-10 days of vine ripening. Unfortunately, unless you live on a farm and eat directly out of the garden, you get your produce from the super market. In order for fruits and vegetables to be fresh and last long enough for you to buy them from the store, they have to be picked well before this time. This means much of the produce we buy from grocery stores have finished their ripening process in dark crates or under fluorescent lights and never fully develop their full nutrient profile. Considering all of this, even if you are getting all 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, you should still take some kind of vitamin/mineral supplement to fill in the gaps your food may not be providing.

On a reduced calorie diet, the need for nutritional supplements is even greater. If your weight loss diet is properly balanced and correctly planned (which most are not), food is taken in smaller quantities while the exercise demand is considerably higher. As compared with normal (non-dieting) eating, a good weight loss nutritional program should contain much more vegetables as they are less calorie dense, cleanse the body and are supposed to provide the proper nutrients needed. While the greater volume of these foods should make up for vitamin deficient foods, the greater demand from increased exercise will cause the body to require more. Do not choose vitamin/mineral supplements based on price and go with the cheapest you find as these may not be the best for you. Do your research before buying and look for vitamin supplements that will be the most absorbable rather than affordable. The most absorbable vitamin supplements are colloidal (liquid) and/or as close to food sources as possible (minimal processing).

As important as good quality, absorbable multi-vitamin/mineral supplements are to your health, these products should be the baseline of every nutritional supplement program. They will not however make a noticeable difference in weight loss if they are the only supplements you’re taking. There are many other products designed specifically to help you lose weight and build healthy muscle. Like a good multi-vitamin, these must also be carefully chosen so you can get the best results possible for the cheapest price. When used correctly at the right times and for the right reasons, there are many nutritional supplements currently for sale that can help you achieve new levels of fitness and health very quickly no matter what your age is. When shopping, the number of different supplements available will keep your mind spinning; this market is huge and there are many good companies offering an astounding number of great products. However there is also an equally large number of ineffective junk products as well if you’re not careful. For simplicity reasons, you can categorize most weight loss nutritional supplements into three groups; macronutrient replacement, fat burners/energy pills and performance based products.

Macronutrient replacement type supplements are available as protein drinks and meal replacement powders. The goal of these nutritional supplements is to support your diet with more macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Meal replacement powders are a cheap and easy way to get excellent nutrition on the go in a very convenient way, a drink you can mix up and get down quickly on the go. These products make dieting much easier and tastier! Whey protein drinks and meal replacement powders are sweet, tasty, come in lots of interesting, delicious flavors and are excellent for satisfying the sweet tooth cravings everyone struggles with on a diet. For weight loss, protein drinks and meal replacement powders make it easier to get all the protein you need every day to keep you from losing muscle. When taken directly after a muscle building or strenuous workout, liquid protein drinks are the fastest and best way to get the nutrition you need for both growth and recovery.

If you’re not a breakfast eater, a tasty meal replacement protein drink can be easy to get down and an excellent way to get a good shot of vitamins with balanced, easy to absorb nutrition to start your day. These supplements are not expensive, especially when you consider they are replacing food, however cost-wise it equals out to about the same. Macronutrient replacement supplements can also be found as pocket sized, protein bars that are also very convenient. While these products are popular, they are harder to digest and will not absorb as quickly as liquid drinks. It can also be a struggle to find a protein meal replacement bar that’s tasty enough to want to eat it more than once. Compared to the flavor and ease of liquid protein meal replacement drinks, the bars are merely a back-up for most dieters.

Perhaps one of the most important supplements for weight loss are the fat burners. These are pills and/or powdered drink mixes designed specifically to help speed up your metabolism and target fat burning. They do work well however should be used in conjunction with rigorous exercise; in fact most of these products work best when taken directly before. Fat burner type supplements are also great for adding energy to your day. These products often have caffeine or natural substances such as herbs that cause a stimulatory effect. While macronutrient replacement supplements are deemed very safe for most people, fat burners should be looked at a little closer if you have a history of certain health conditions such as heart problems, etc. If you are prone to certain conditions that are sensitive to stimulants, you would be well advised to consult your medical doctor before taking a fat burner supplement. On that note, beware of asking any medical doctor about nutritional supplements, exercise or nutrition advice if they are not an athlete themselves. Overall, fat burners are helpful for weight loss, but very secondary to how much exercise you do and how good your nutrition is. If you’re hardly exercising and your diet is not dialed in for weight loss, fat burners will not do much for you. If your program is good and you’re exercising hard and regularly, fat burners can make a great difference.

Besides meal replacement powders and protein drinks the next most usable nutritional supplements are performance based. These products are powdered drink mixes to aid in your workouts. Performance supplements include pre-workout energy drinks that give you more energy for your training but also contain ingredients to help with other aspects. For example, some pre-workout drinks also help your muscles get a better pump and help them expand larger to make you bigger. Some pre-workout supplements are combined with fat burners and also ingredients for long term energy used best for endurance sports. Performance supplements also include drinks designed to be consumed during and after your workout. Intra-workout supplements are great for supplying your muscles with nutrients and amino acids while you train. These not only improve performance during the workout but also help you recover faster for the next set. Post-workout drinks are designed primarily to aid recovery and are perhaps the most valuable of all. These products are best consumed directly after training or right before bed and greatly aid the body in recovering faster and more completely.

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