Archive | April, 2017

Buy Isagenix for Nutritional Cleansing and to Improve General Health

The nutritional cleansing industry is growing and more people than ever before are realising the importance of a regular detox or cleanse. It has been shown that over time toxins and waste can accumulate inside your colon and other areas of your body, this can cause digestion problems, a lack of energy, weight gain and a host of other health complaints.

Isagenix and other similar nutritional cleansing products work by targeting impurities and toxins that have become established within the body, once these nasties have been removed the body is able to return to its natural balance. As well as cleansing the body, Isagenix also provides the body with the nutrients it needs to repair and restore itself to full health.

There are many benefits to nutritional cleansing products like Isagenix, many people have reported better weight management, improved skin, better digestion, more energy, improved concentration and a range of other improvements to general health.

There are many reviews of this product, and most of them are positive. Thousands of people have used Isagenix to lose weight and improve their health. It is important to remember that whilst the 9 and 30 day programs from Isagenix are comprehensive nutritional cleansing solutions, people still need to exercise and maintain a healthy balanced diet if they want to achieve substantial, long-term results.

It is extremely important to read reviews before you try out a product as there are many number of different colon cleaners, detox and weight loss product available in the market.

This product cannot be purchased from large retail stores. Isagenix have thousands of independent associates and distributors who help you purchase the product and assist you as you cleanse your body. These associates understand how to get the most out of the product and many of them use Isagenix products everyday themselves.

When you plan to buy isagenix there are two options. You can purchase it as a retail customer and pay full retail prices or you can become a wholesale customer by paying a small membership fees. By becoming a wholesale customer you are also recognized as independent isagenix distributor and are able to order products at discounted prices. Products can also be ordered online.

Isagenix is currently available in the following countries; USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Mexico, Costa Rica and Taiwan.

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These Three Most Important Food Groups Are Key to Eating Healthy

The best most desirable diet for superior health should be made up primarily of three basic whole food groups. These foods are adaptable for everyone and will supply adequate amounts of all the nutrients required for the maintenance of optimum health, including high-quality proteins in sufficient amounts. It is important to eat healthy and create your daily menu from foods of these three key food groups that are indigenous to your area and grown locally (on organic farms whenever possible). Make sure that your diet is composed of a variety of fresh whole foods from these three food groups.

#1. Grains, Legumes, Beans, Seeds, and Nuts – This is the most important and potent health-building food group of all. The good nutrition of these foods is unsurpassed because they contain the secret of life itself – the germ! The germ is the reproductive power and spark of life in all seeds, and it is essential to life, health, and reproductive ability. This food group contains all of the essential nutrients for human growth and maintenance of health. Even though all grains and seeds are beneficial, it is best to predominantly eat those that your ancestors ate and those that are grown locally.

Contrary to what you may have heard, buckwheat, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts all contain complete proteins, which are comparable in biological quality value to animal proteins. This food group is also the best natural source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary to maintain health. The vitamin content (especially vitamin E and the B-complex vitamins) of this food group is unsurpassed. Grains, nuts, and seeds are also a treasure chest of minerals and trace elements. Minerals also help balance the body chemistry, especially regarding alkalinity and acidity. This group also contains pacifarins, which increase the body’s natural resistance to physical ailments. And finally, whole grains, legumes, beans, and seeds provide the body with necessary fiber and roughage content. This is critical to avoiding all kinds of colon and intestinal tract problems that currently plague our nation as a result of refined and processed foods.

The best grains to eat are buckwheat, oats, millet, and brown rice. Most other grains are beneficial, but be careful with wheat because it is one of the most common allergens today. These grains can be eaten daily in the form of cereal, porridge, breads, pancakes, soups, etc. or sprouted. Cooking grains or sprouting them actually helps release the vital minerals by breaking down the mineral-phytin bond so that minerals can be assimilated in the intestinal tract. The best seeds are flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Beware of sunflower seeds because they are extremely vulnerable to rancidity. The best nuts are almonds and hazelnuts. Do NOT buy roasted nuts and seeds because the high heat makes them carcinogenic. Always and only eat fresh raw nuts and seeds, including raw almond butter and raw peanut butter.

#2. Vegetables – This is the next most important food group to incorporate into your daily diet. Vegetables are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Most green leafy vegetables also contain the highest quality complete proteins. Some vegetables, such as green beans, squash, yams, and potatoes, should be steamed or baked. However, most vegetables should be eaten RAW in the form of a daily salad. A few exceptions would be spinach and chard, which contain too much toxic oxalic acid, and asparagus. Cabbage-family vegetables should be either cooked or prepared in lactic-acid-fermented form. Garlic and onions are powerful health-promoting vegetables and should be part of your diet. Other excellent vegetables are Jerusalem artichokes, horse radish, black radish, celery root, and parsley. Be sure to also include root vegetables in your diet such as carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, parsnips, and yams. Potatoes are extremely nutritious and are best baked or steamed. Keep in mind that potatoes must be kept in dark storage because a highly toxic chemical, solanine, develops when they are exposed to light. Also, be sure to remove the “eyes” (sprouts) of the potato before cooking.

#3. Fruits – Fruits are a powerful source of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, as well as easily digestible fruit sugars. In addition, they are an excellent cleansing food for breakfast, and they can be eaten between meals, but not with meals. It is best to eat fruits RAW, fresh, and in season, because they lose their vitamin content quickly. It is also beneficial to eat sun-dried fruits, but they must be not sulfured and preferably organically grown. Avoid all dried fruits with sulfur preservatives. The best sun-dried fruits to eat are raisins, figs, apricots, and currants. Now, two cautions about eating fruit: eat fruit in moderation and eat fruit on an empty stomach, by itself. Eating too much fruit will put too much sugar into your blood stream, and eating fruit with other foods will cause them to putrefy in your system and lead to poor digestion.

Daily Quote: “There is a great deal of truth in the saying that man becomes what he eats. Healthy foods = healthy body. Unhealthy foods = unhealthy body.” – Gandhi

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Flavoring With Wines and Spirits – Do Alcoholic Beverages Contribute Any Nutritional Value to Food?

Wines, beers and spirits have long been enjoyed as drinks but have taken on a new role as flavoring ingredients in cooking and baking. Although some countries have used them liberally in the past, they are now being used in many traditional and non-traditional cuisines and cooking application throughout the world.

The cook does not have to be a bartender or wine steward to use these beverages properly in the kitchen. A basic understanding of types of beverages, and the flavors that dominate them, is an important aspect of modern nutritional cooking.

Alcoholic beverages provide another way to enhance the flavor of foods. Although most people think of alcoholic beverages only as drinks, they are used by professional chefs to impart unique tastes to cooked foods or pastry items.

Many different kinds of alcoholic beverages may be used to flavor foods and pastries before, during, and after cooking or baking. Wines, beers, ales, brandies, and various liqueurs have been used for centuries to flavor some of the most common and exotic foods and pastries.

Alcoholic beverages represent part of an entire spectrum of flavors that can blend in with or dominate the flavors of any particular dish and can give character to the final presentation. When enhancing flavors in food, chefs cannot afford to overlook the versatility provided by using these liquid flavors enhancers.

The history of wines and beers is as old as recorded history itself. How they were discovered and when they were first used may never be known but have often been the subject of speculation. Humans have enjoyed the spirit of these drinks for thousands of years. As cooking and baking developed, so did the use of these natural flavors enhancers. Brandies and liqueurs can give extraordinary distinction to otherwise simple tastes. These liquids can impart character and excitement to the easiest of preparations without fat or other unhealthy components.

Not only wines, beers, brandies, and liqueurs impart flavors to foods, but many may add to the nutritional value of a finished product. Alcohol by itself does not add nutritionally to the human diet (and is usually reduced or eliminated by evaporation during cooking or baking), but the beverages containing alcohol can contribute to nutrition.

Some wines contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Most other wines aid in the absorption of these minerals as well as zinc when made a part of a meal. Researchers are investigating any correlation between moderate wine consumption and a healthy level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or the “good” cholesterol) in the bloodstream. If true, then moderate wine consumption (one to two glasses per day) may play a role in reduced risk for heart attack and stroke.

Beers contain traces of protein or amino acids, fats, and some B vitamins, which remain in the bottle or can form the yeast used in the fermentation process. Liqueurs are often flavored with the essences of herbs and spices and were originally created as medicinal cures. Their contribution to health can be argued but not totally denied.

If you like to explore more mouthwatering alcoholic beverages recipes, please visit for FREE drinks recipes.

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If Broccoli Is So Good for Me, Why Does It Make Me Sick After Weight Loss Surgery?

People in pursuit of healthy weight management know to stick close to the veggie tray at parties and buffets. After all, vegetables are good healthy food full of beneficial vitamins, nutrients and fiber. But some vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables like the ubiquitous broccoli and cauliflower, can cause severe gastric upset when eaten raw by patients of gastric weight loss surgery. In fact, there are many examples of weight loss surgery patients who have experienced gastric distress so severe after eating raw broccoli or cauliflower that a trip to the emergency room was needed.

The reason weight loss surgery patients of all procedures (gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, adjustable gastric banding or lap-band) are prone to discomfort after eating raw cruciferous vegetables is a matter of balance. The vegetables are rich in enzymes which are believed to aid digestion. However, due to the shortened gastric tract and loss of stomach acid the vegetables cannot be fully digested in their short trip through the intestinal tract. The problem is compounded by the presence of cellulose, the dietary fiber in the vegetables that requires intestinal bacteria to process. Even without gastric weight loss surgery many humans lack enough intestinal bacteria to break down the cellulose enough to avoid symptoms of gas, bloating, and cramping.

After weight loss surgery many patients are intently focused on becoming healthy and in control of their weight through proper diet and nutrition and increased daily activity. These are admirable pursuits which often lead to the conundrum over eating good healthy vegetables at the risk of severe gastric distress. Frustrated patients wonder, If it is so good for me why does it make me feel so bad? Good question. There are a few measures that may be taken to reduce the discomfort that follows eating raw vegetables so we can have our nutrients and enjoy them too. Take a look:

  • Experiment cautiously. If you do not know how you will respond to raw vegetables go easy at first and avoid discomfort or embarrassment that may come from eating too much of a good thing. In addition, remember that from day to day foods will sit differently. Always practice restraint while you get a feel for how food is setting with you that day.
  • Lightly steam or parboil vegetables to begin breaking-down the cellular structure thus helping the intestinal acid get busy more quickly with digestion. Remember, if you cannot digest the vegetable you will not be able to absorb the vitamins and nutrients in the vegetable. To serve the steamed or parboiled vegetables chilled simply prepare them in advance, drain of water and pat dry. Plate, cover and chill. Then serve cold with a lightly seasoned veggie dip made from yogurt which contains healthy bacteria that will aid in digestion. Avoid dairy-based dips, such as those made with sour cream, as this may increase the chance of stomach discomfort.
  • Take a digestive enzyme as directed prior to or shortly after eating raw vegetables. There are many digestive enzyme supplements available at reasonable cost. Many weight loss surgery patients report that papaya enzyme is effective in reducing digestive discomfort. According to one maker of papaya enzyme the dietary supplement contains “papain, a proteolytic enzyme and a popular ingredient in dietary supplements used for digestion. Taken after meals, it is a perfect natural supplement that may assist in digestion and may help reduce the effects of poor digestion, including heartburn and gas.” As with all dietary supplements keep in mind the FDA does not evaluate these claims or approve supplements for their claimed use. Consumers should consult with a health care professional before using any dietary supplement.
  • Chew, chew, chew. Remember that digestion begins in the mouth and it is critical to chew completely all raw vegetables in order to give your gastric system the best conditions under which to digest food and benefit from the vitamins and nutrients it contains.

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Vitamin A: What It Does in Your Body, and Where Can You Get It

Vitamin A

Different compounds fall under the category of vitamin A, for example Retinal and Retinol. These are also known as performed vitamin A. Retinal is an aldehyde, whereas Retinol is an alcohol. Studies suggest that Retinal plays an important role in gene transcription. Trucker’s Complete Nutrition is an excellent source of vitamin A. Each serving offers 10,000 IU of vitamin A.

Vitamin A Benefits

Vitamin A is very important for immune system of the human body. Skin, lining the digestive and urinary tracks, contains Retinol. This lining restricts the entrance of various infectious microbes and other harmful materials. Retinoic acid and vitamin A are also essential for the formation of white blood cells, which are very important for fighting different infectious materials, hence strengthening the immune system. Red blood cells help in absorption of oxygen. These cells are formed from the stem cells which themselves are formed by the help of retinoids. Different studies suggest that Vitamin A is helpful in reducing growth of cancer in different parts of human body for example liver, breast, colon and skin.

Retinoic Acid, a special form of Vitamin A, plays an important role in the structure of human genes. It can also influence transcription rate of the gene, which can effect formation of other proteins formed in human body. Retinoic Acid is also very important for cellular differentiation. Therefore vitamin A plays a key role in growth of human body. Retinoic acid and Retinol are helpful in development of embryo.

Vitamin A is very important for human sight. After complex chemical reactions, Retinol gets binds with a protein called opsin to form Rhodopsin. Rod cells, which are inside human eye, contain Rhodopsin which aids viewing in low light conditions.

Vitamin A Deficiency

Deficiency of Vitamin A can weaken the immune system, hence making human body prone to infections. Its deficiency may also lead to respiratory problems. Acute deficiency of Vitamin A in children may lead to night blindness. Mild deficiency of vitamin A may cause dryness of skin and eyes and Bitot’s spots.

Viatmin A Interaction with drugs

Several studies suggest that combination of vitamin A, along with other drugs may lead to serious consequences. Medicines that must not be used with vitamin A include weight loss and cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood thinning products, birth control medications. Antacids and alcohol should also be avoided along with the use of Vitamin A. It is therefore recommended that while using vitamin A supplements you should first consult your healthcare provider.

Vitamin A Dietary Sources and Supplementation

Vitamin A can be found naturally in vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach etc. Egg yolk, fish-liver oil, milk, cheese and butter are also good natural sources for the vitamin. Vitamin A is required by human body only in minute amounts, its excess may cause headaches and skin rashes.

In many cases such as unbalanced diet or certain diseases loss of Vitamin A can occur. Supplements like Trucker’s Complete Nutrition can serve as an artificial alternative for Vitamin A. The supplement contains the right amount of vitamin A to satisfy your daily needs.

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Juice Plus Review

Is Juice Plus a Scam?

Juice Plus is a supplement that has been in existence since 1993. I looked into the product at one time as a possible source of nutritional benefit for my family. I was even interested in becoming a distributor so that I could earn a residual income, since so many people are looking for ways to improve their nutrition just like you and I. I will not say outright that the Juice Plus is a scam. I have thoroughly looked into many business opportunities, especially health related companies, and I will say that there are many fraud companies out there. I think that Juice Plus is actually one of the better companies out there, but in my search for the best quality source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and general nutritional supplements… a little bit of research let me know that Juice Plus+ was not for me. Let me tell you why I decided that it was not for me.

The Juice Plus Company

Juice Plus is manufactured by a company called Natural Alternatives International in Santa Monica, California and distributed by National Safety Associates (NSA) in Tennessee. NSA was started in 1970 and before introducing Juice Plus, was known for other multilevel-marketed products. Juice Plus scam? No, they are just a smart company that seems to follow the business trends of the decades. Do you remember all of those water filter companies that were popular in the 1980s? Well this company sold home fire detectors when they were popular in the 70s, water filters in the early 80s, and air filters in the late 80s. They also sold educational games at one point.

While some companies in the past have made multilevel-marketing look bad, there is nothing wrong with using the method of sales distribution known as multilevel-marketing. If done right, it can benefit more people than traditional marketing, save people money and can also help get a product out to many who may have never learned about the product.

So from a business standpoint, it looks like they have the right idea. They follow the trends.

The Juice Plus Products

Their main products are the Juice Plus, which are not juice really, but powder in capsules. This is better than juice because juice supplements like the popular Acai berry juice, noni juice, Mona vie juice or Mangosteen juice products will begin to oxidate as soon as you open the bottle. This liquid oxidation is harmful to the body. The Juice Plus blend include great ingredients that come from fruits such as acerola berries, apples, cranberries, oranges, papaya, peaches, and pineapple. Their Juice Plus+ contains vegetables that are sourced from barley, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, oats, parsley, spinach, and tomato. So to answer the question is Juice Plus fraud, I say that there is no Juice Plus scam, since they sell real products with decent ingredients.

It has become general knowledge that by increasing your fruit and vegetable intake on a daily basis, that you can improve your health and wellness. Eating more fruits and vegetables will actually help your body also get rid of free radical cells as well as a natural antioxidant in the body. I just do not feel that this product has enough fruits and vegetables in it for me is all.

A Few Juicy Problems

Their Juice Plus Gummies supplement for kids were found to have around 80% corn syrup and 10% beef gelatin, making the product almost without nutritional benefit. So these are not much better than the gummy vitamin/mineral bears that you can buy at your local store. Both are basically just candy!

I assume that their other products probably have a higher quality of nutrition than this but I saw some other problems that made me shy away.

The Biggest Problem

I could not find any of the product labels on their site.

The biggest problem that I saw was that in all of the poking around on their company website, I could not find any of the product labels for any of their products! What are they trying to hide? Sure they list a few fruits and vegetables, but they don’t say how much of each fruit that they use. They don’t show you the nutritional facts so you can see how much sugar and natural or artificial ingredients are in each product.

I did not like that I had to buy the product to see the product labels.

Some other problems that I saw …

1. The products were not unique enough

2. There was not enough research and science

3. The testimonials were lacking

4. The products were not manufactured to high enough standards to make me want to pay the extra money for them

5. Not all of their ingredients were organic and/or plant-based.

Juice Plus Research

One thing that caught my interest when first evaluating Juice Plus was that the product had at least been in scientific journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Nutrition Research, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Integrative Medicine.

But wait a second! I soon discovered that of the the published peer-reviewed studies, only one was conducted independently! The others were all funded and/or authored by the manufacturer, the main distributor, or by individual Juice Plus distributors. That made me a little leery!

Juice Plus Testimonials

One serious mistake that was made, was in choosing former professional football player O.J. Simpson to be celebrity endorser of the product. Simpson was given a multi-year six-figure contract to sign on with NSA as a icon for the company. I personally like to see a company that has a product that is so good that star athletes use the supplement on their own, simply because they like the added performance gain and benefits that they get while using them.

The testimonial of O.J. Simpson was thrown even further out after he was charged with murdering his wife and her friend Ronald Goldman. In March of 1994, shortly before these murders took place, he was videotaped telling 4,000 Juice Plus distributors at a sales meeting that Juice Plus+ had cured his arthritis, enhanced his golf game, and freed him from needing to use anti-arthritic drugs. However, his defense attorneys in the criminal trial in 1995 and civil trial in 1997 (and in his 2007 book If I Did It) all suggested that Simpson was so handicapped by arthritis that he could not have committed the murders. They also went on to say that Simpson was using a variety of potent anti-inflammatory drugs, such as sulfasalazine and ibuprofen. Well, these may have been what improved his arthritis enough to allow him to have an enhanced golf game.

My Conclusion

In conclusion, I looked into them as a health product and as a source for a second income, since they use the residual income model which I like. To answer the question is Juice Plus a Scam? No I don’t believe Juice Plus is a scam, but Juice Plus was not for me. You should do your own research. I found an alternative that I am extremely happy with.

The Perfect Alternative

A supplement that is used by hundreds of Olympic athletes!

I found an alternative product to Juice Plus that I really like! While just looking for a health product to help my family with some health challenges, I happened across a great opportunity to get paid to share a product that I really love. Help others feel great about their health and energy. Become a wellness distributor! It is fun, rewarding and after a few years of hard work put in, can return you a nice residual income.

Everybody wants good health and more energy. Ever heard of glyconutrients? Improve your wellbeing. And since glyconutrients are so new, and are easy for anyone to start including into their diet on a regular basis, there is a huge growing demand for glyconutrients distributors. If you would like to become a local representative for an extra flow of residual income, then come talk to me. I have been consuming glyconutrients supplements for a few years now and am extremely happy with my energy, immune system, and wonderful health.

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7 Adaptogens That Will Change Your Life

Dr. Israel Brekham MD, pharmacologist and physiologist discovered and coined the term “adaptogens.” While at the Far East Science Center in Vladivostok, USSR, he researched hundreds of various herbs for almost 50 years and unlocked some fascinating secrets of nature that can empower you physically and emotionally.

Dr. Brekham believed an adaptogenic herb must have three characteristics. First, it must be nontoxic, safe for humans and animals. Second, it had to help the body adapt to stress. Third, the herb had to bring the body back into balance (homeostasis).

The first herb, Eleutherococcus (Acantho root or Siberian Ginseng) was named “King of Adaptogens” by Dr. Brekham. This ancient nutritional plant may normalize body systems, reduces stress caused by physical and emotional overload, and increase endurance and stamina.

Schizandra Chinensis (Chinese Magnolia Vine) according to folk lore was used as a general tonic for fatigue and exhaustion. Schizandra may help the body to increase physical productivity and speed recuperation from fatigue. It may build the body’s resistance to disease. Certain herbalists in Asia report that this herb balances body functions, boosts recovery after surgery, protects against radiation, counteracts the effects of sugar, protects against motion sickness, normalizes blood sugar and blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol, and improves the health of the adrenals.

Rhaponticum Carthamoides (Maral Root) was also used in folk medicine. It was thought to ease fatigue and weakness. It may work with the body to improve circulation, mental acuity, and muscular performance. It contains a substance called 20-Hydroxyecdysone, which may help increase protein production at the cellular level and helps build muscle tissue!

Rhodiola Rosea (Golden Root) was discovered about 400 years ago. According to legend, the root will make the finder happy, healthy, and enable them to live a long, long time. All folk lore aside, golden root contains a broad spectrum of nutritional elements and may help mental acuity, improved circulation, and enhanced endurance.

Japanese Aralia (Manchurian Thorn Tree) may aid digestive, respiratory, uninary and intestinal systems; provide effective, resorative action on some internal membranes.

Glycyrrhiza Uralensis (Ural Licorice Root) according to Tibetan folklore nourishes and contributes to the performance of the six senses. It may increase circulation, enhances skin tone, protects against stress, and supports the immune system.

Rosa Majalis; Rosa Cinnamonmea (Cinnamon Rose) a member of the rose family was also used in ancient times. It was used as a revitalizing tonic and to promote physical beauty. Combined with the licorice root, this herb may promote balancing on the body’s systems and provide antioxidant protection!

Please note that these herbs by themselves are extremely beneficial. However when they are combined, the synergistic effect of combining all 7 multiplies their power many times over.

You don’t have to spend the next 50 years studying. These 7 adaptogens are all in Prime Delight, a delicious super nutritional pomegranate drink combining the most powerful antioxidants, and remarkable attributes of adaptogens, and CoQ10.

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How to Do Pull-Ups – Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

Pull-ups are one of the best exercises you can do – period.

They stimulate so much muscle growth that they are probably the ultimate upper body exercise. In fact, doing pull-ups can have the following effects on your body:

  • Broader back
  • Broader shoulders
  • Bigger arms
  • Stronger forearms
  • Stronger grip strength

They’re one of the best exercises I’ve every used – and they deliver results very fast, especially if you haven’t done pull-ups before. You’ll see changes to your body in less than 2 weeks, if you do them everyday.

However, pull-ups aren’t easy. In fact, most people can start doing push-ups pretty easily, but pull-ups require some practice – most people actually don’t have the strength to do even one.

So how do you build strength to do pull-ups, and then reap the advantages of this fantastic all-round muscle builder?

Here’s how.

Building Strength to do pull-ups

The only way to get strong enough to do pull-ups is to actively train for it. You need patience, but if you can invest in this for a few weeks, you’ll easily conquer this exercise.

Phase 1: Eccentrics Only

  • To begin with, you need to focus on the eccentric portion of the movement, which is when you lower yourself to the bottom. This is also called a ‘negative’, and is where you start to build a lot of the strength required for pull-ups.
  • Simply jump up and grab the bar and using either momentum from your jump or with a chair, position yourself at the top of the movement with your chin at the bar.
  • Then, release your legs from the chair (if using one) and lower yourself to the bottom AS SLOWLY AS POSSIBLE.
  • This is a single rep exercise, and you want to try it no more than 4 times, so 4 sets during a session.
  • Your goal is to work towards stretching your negative from top to bottom for as close to 20 seconds as possible. Meaning – it should take you 20 seconds to get from top to bottom. Once you can do this on all four sets, you’re ready for the next phase.

Phase 2: Eccentrics with Pauses

  • Same as Phase 1, get to the top of the bar, but this time, while lowering yourself, pause half-way down.
  • Hold your pause for 8-10 seconds.
  • Then lower yourself two-thirds down.
  • Hold for another 8-10 seconds.
  • Then lower to the bottom.
  • Rinse and repeat, 4 sets the same way.
  • Once you can do this, move to Phase 3.

Phase 3: Spotter + 2-ankle hold

  • By now – you should be ready to start cranking out full range pull-ups with support. Here’s where having a friend or a spotter really helps.
  • Grab the bar, assume the bottom position of the chin-up and crook your ankles together, and have a friend/buddy grab your ankles with a firm grip.
  • This way, when you push down your ankles into their hands, you’ll push yourself up.
  • Do this and work towards getting out 12 reps in a set. When you can do that, move to Phase 4.

Phase 4: Spotter + 1-ankle hold

  • This phase is the same as the previous, but now your spotter will only grab 1 ankle to support you.
  • This forces you to use more of your stabilizer muscles to generate the power for the lift.
  • Do this version till you can get 12 reps in a set.
  • Then move to the next phase.

Phase 5: Spotter + waist support

  • Final phase – the spotter will now support you by holding you at the waist, while you pull yourself up towards the bar.
  • Once you can get 12 reps this way, you are ready


Now, you should try to perform a un-supported strict pull-up. If you followed the program you will already be able to do about 4-5 clean reps with no help at all.

From here on, it’s all about practice and practice. Keep at it and watch your numbers go up!

Final Words

If you can only do 4 pull-ups – keep doing sets of 4 as often as you can – you’ll very quickly progress to 5, and then 6, and then so on.

The other way to do it is to set a number goal – so let’s say you decide to do 25 pull-ups in one go, but you can only do 4 at a time. Do the 4 pull-ups. Take a short break, maybe 30-60 seconds. Then do 4 more. Then take another break. Now try again – you may only get 3 reps, and that’s fine. Do the 3, take a break, do a more. Keep going till you get 25. You’ll have to grind them out and so you may end up with a series that looks like this:

4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,1

And that’s perfectly OK. The next time you try, it may look like this:

4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1.

Keep going – eventually you’ll need fewer sets to get to 25, which means that your max pull-ups per set has automatically gone up from 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 and so on.

Once you can do 10+ reps in one set – it’s time to add weight. You can do that either with a dumbbell between your legs or by wearing a weighted vest.

That’s it. This is how you get better at pull-ups. This is a great muscle-building move, so make sure you add them to your routine.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

Paleo Recipe Book

Among the hardest parts about shedding weight is attempting to do everything on your own. Hopefully you’re going to be in a position to stick to this diet and sustain your fantasy weight and figure for life. The recipe book is an essential component in preparing for the diet regime.

Make certain that the barbecue tools are made from professional-grade materials in order that they will endure for a long time. There are many cookbooks available on the internet but not all of these are worth your money and a few do not even offer proper paleo-centric recipes. It is not a huge deal if you don’t hit a meal or two.

In these days ingredients cause digestive troubles and may lead to a greater weight and higher possibility of developing diabetes and other health issues. P.S.S. Remember, you’ve got ZERO risk. If you’re trying to eliminate weight than you need to start with a wholesome diet plan however, it’s also wise to consume the most suitable varieties of foods.

Bringing the acceptable ingredients together, it’s possible to always produce your own diet program. You will always locate Paleo-proof food everywhere. The meals that you consume are even superior to their meals.

It plays an incredibly important part in fat metabolism. Your whole family will feel much healthier and look better once they begin eating the most suitable foods. Burn fat and make sure that it stays off.

When the meat turns brown on a single side, gently turn it over permit it to cook on the opposite side too. If our favorite berries aren’t in season, we happily utilize frozen ones. These meals can be ready quickly and easily, which means you won’t devote all day in the kitchen.

Naturally, he fails to suggest decreasing barbs out completely. Look at both of these delectable and irresistible smoothies that are likely to make your mouth water. You will need to be prepared to spend a great deal of time in the kitchen, but I guarantee you’ll delight in cooking more once you begin to acquire better at it.

There are in fact lots of dishes that you may cook out of all-natural ingredients. In general, you’ll get hundreds of recipes in 1 package so you won’t ever eat boring and unhealthy foods again. Including some recipes for all of the important meals, together with some great suggestions for starters and sides, it is possible to find a recipe which is going to be suitable to your taste buds fast.

Cheese and butter were produced at home. It isn’t English and it’s not a soup. Sometimes it doesn’t do the job, but I need to let you know the veggie pasta does get the job done.

You are able to cook more than two times as much per kebab than you are able to with a typical straight skewer. There are lots of herbs that assist in detoxification of the kidneys. Our bodies are designed to stick to this pure diet comprising high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods rather than the high-carb, low-protein of modern days’ foods.

In addition, it enhances the general health of the kidneys. Even supposing it’s just eliminating the extra sugar; it may make a big difference in your wellbeing. A suitable diet program is totally essential when treating or attempting to reduce gallbladder stones.

It is really useful if you require a little more guidance in making a menu or trying new things. While it may appear intimidating to be significant changes in how we eat, when it’s required for supporting our wellness, it’s a welcome change with positive end benefits. Consider the next home remedies.

It creates a great present for that distinctive chef in your everyday living, too. At times, all you will need is a small perspective! With this book, you are going to learn new means of cooking and you won’t need to spend an excessive amount of time in the kitchen.

Should you be a working mother and don’t have a lot of time to put money into the lunch, planning it is quite important so you don’t ignore your child’s health. Becoming healthy and getting fit seems as if it is among the toughest tasks on the planet. It is a blueprint for a wholesome lifestyle that you can maintain over the long run.

With time, this will wind up a family heirloom and not only another selection of recipes. Additionally you will get suggestions from the PaleoHacks team that will assist you in making nearly every recipe delicious and colorful. Here’s a comprehensive chart of a whole day on what can be some healthier recipes for pregnant ladies.

Rachael has created the greatest cookbook for everybody on a restricted diet who only wishes to delight in food again. The main point is that in order to be healthy and appear great your diet should change and the Paleo Cookbooks can secure you where you should be. Though some views might be different, it is not at all that hard to acquire their hands on a Paleo recipes reference.

If you prefer to follow along with the paleo diet but do not know the best places to begin, then a paleo recipe book may be fantastic placed to begin. Like every cookbook that you want to get an awareness of what you’re getting. It is a good deal more than a cookbook.

Remember, I’m going to supply you with an entirely unbiased and honest review. This is most commonly overlooked in different books and is an important bit of actually getting real outcomes. It’s not true you have to be a skilled chef or have your own cooking show to compose a cookbook and for folks to purchase your book, even though the competition is definitely large.

No worries, it is easy to get your money back. It’s important to possess the facts, but reader’s will also delight in a modest light-hearted humor. There’s really something inside this book for each and every taste.

Just choose the suitable phase for the way you live and you will begin seeing results in as few as 3 short days. For instance, you are going to want to get started working out several times each week should you not already, but you’re going to also want to earn a good deal of time for rest and regeneration. It’s possible for you to prepare this recipe the evening before as well.

Posted in Diet & Nutrition0 Comments

Exercises and Workouts – 5 Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Activity

When it comes to fitness and health, it is important to remember you do not have to be in the gym to stay in shape. Sometimes the best workouts happen outside of the gym. Not to mention, by adding more overall activity to your day, you can dramatically improve your well-being.

One thing many people do not take the time to realize, however, is how much is enough. What are the signs you are getting enough activity – or more importantly, too little?

Let us look at five signs signifying you may need a bit more activity built into your day…

1. You Are Tired And Sluggish. Most people would think too little exercise would equate to having stacks of energy, but often this is not the case. If you are not moving enough, you may find yourself feeling sluggish, and when you do attempt to exercise, it seems to take a colossal amount of effort.

As the saying goes: “a body in motion stays in motion.” If you can focus on moving more, you will find exercise after that becomes easier.

2. You Are Making Little Gym Progress. Another sign you are not getting enough exercise is if you are not making progress at the gym. When was the last time you became stronger? If it has been a while, consider you may need to hit the gym more frequently.

For best results with your strength training program, you need to do at least three workouts each week, if not four or five.

3. You Ache All Over. Do you have tight and stiff muscles? Does it hurt to bend over? Are you constantly dreaming of having a massage?

If your muscles are constantly tight and tense, a little activity can help loosen them as it improves blood flow to the impacted areas. Try for ten minutes a day at the minimum and see what a difference it makes.

While too much exercise can cause you to ache all over; too little exercise can do the same.

4. You Are Not Sleeping Well. Sleep can also be influenced by your exercise schedule. If you are not sleeping well at night, consider adding more workouts. Moving more will help you not only to fall asleep faster but to sleep deeper.

Do note though you do not want to exercise too close to bedtime. Working out close to when you plan to sleep can have the opposite effect and make you feel wide awake and restless. Schedule your workout sessions at least three to four hours before bedtime.

5. You Are Not Controlling Your Body Weight. Finally, physical activity and diet go hand in hand regarding controlling body weight. If you are not getting enough sleep, your daily calorie burn may be exceptionally small, which makes it tough to manage your body weight.

The more you move, the more you burn calories. It is that simple, so focus on exercising more, and you will see better results.

There you have five signs showing you may need more exercise. Are you demonstrating any of these?

Posted in Workouts & Routines0 Comments

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