Archive | April, 2017

A List of Foods That Burn Fat Fast: Go Catabolic

It’s a basic principle of weight loss.

Every item of food you put in your mouth contains calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.

Some foods, like a piece of chocolate cake slathered with chocolate icing, are high in calories, and take a while to burn off. Other foods, like lettuce, are low in calories, and can be burned off faster.

Your body is always burning calories, even if you’re sitting still and doing nothing. But being physically active helps you burn calories faster.

So, what are the foods that burn fat fast?

Catabolic foods burn more calories than they contain. For example, an apple contains around 80 or 90 calories. But the energy your body uses to metabolize the apple burns about 180 calories. So, when you eat an apple, your body burns off up to 100 calories more than you consumed.

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Here is a list of high catabolic foods.






















Sweet Potatoes





Now, this doesn’t mean you can eat a slice of chocolate cake, and then eat five apples to make up for it. What it does mean is, if you are on a diet, eating certain foods will help you burn calories and lose weight faster. These are also foods you can snack on throughout the day, satisfying your hunger without worrying about ruining your diet.

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History of Strength and Conditioning Science

Early records of strength training date back to 3600 BC when Chinese emperors made their subjects exercise daily (Webster 1976). During the Chou Dynasty subjects were required to pass weight- lifting tests before entering the military. There is large amount of evidence that indicates weight training was part of life in ancient Greece and India. In fact, the Greeks built numerous sculptures of people lifting stone weights.

Numerous systems of training have been proposed over the years. The accumulation of experience and different philosophies has led us to the current training methods utilized today. Keep in mind; many authorities have varied greatly from the original purpose of strength and conditioning. Hard work and dedication formed the foundation of earlier training methods. Today the opposite has occurred in numerous settings as easy work and quick fixes form the foundation of most people’s regimens.

During the 16th century in Europe books on weight training began to surface. Sir Thomas Elyot’s book on the topic was published in England in 1531. Joachim Camerius, a lecturer at Leipzig University, wrote several books in 1544 recommending that weight training should be a key activity offered in the model school. John Paugh published a book in 1728 titled A Physiological, Theoretic and Practical Treatise on the Utility of Muscular Exercise for Restoring the Power to the limbs, which pointed out the benefits offered by weight training for rehab purposes. In the 1860’s, Archibald Maclaren, devised the first formal system of physical training with dumbbells and barbells for the British Army.

The showmen and strongman entertainers of the 19th Century heavily contributed to methods used today in the fitness and Sports Conditioning industry. From extensive research iron game historian David Webster credits Italian circus and fairground performer, Felice Napoli as the one who popularized strongman performances on an international scale. Disciples of Napoli include Professor Attila (Louis Durlacher) and Eugen Sandow (Frederick Muller). Attila became well known and he attracted some of the world’s most well known physical culturists and many rulers of Europe. His list of students included King George of Greece, King Edward of England, Crown Prince Frederick who became King Haakon of Norway, the six children of King Christian of Denmark, the Queen Mother Alexandra of England, Princess Dagmar (Empress of Russia and mother of Tsar Nicholas), and the Duchess of Cumberland.

At the time training the wealthy was a much respected occupation. We have what we call personal trainers today. The current protocols used by the majority of today’s trainers are a far cry from the original teachings and benefits provided by trainers. The fame and notoriety of trainers of those days was a result of the public displays of extraordinary physical feats. These events were often attended by royalty and were highly acclaimed for their promotion of physical well-being.

Eugen Sandow, born in Koningsberg in East Russia in 1867, was recruited for his teachings by presidents and rulers from around the world. Nine kings and queens and many princes of Europe, as well as US presidents William Taft and Woodrow Wilson endorsed Sandow’s book Life is Movement. Sandow was a successful strongman as well as a promoter of formal fitness and health management. He emphasized that physical education and sport should be an integral part of the school system. He also toured the world lecturing and promoting physical culture as a means of improving the quality of life.

Most authorities recognize Sandow, as one of the most important figures in the history of fitness, with the history of his work revealing that the modern phenomenon of science based fitness training is not a novel invention. Sandow promoted the importance of strength and skill as being the cornerstone of fitness. A half a century later Dr Kenneth Cooper proposed that being fit was primarily dependent on aerobic conditioning. Approximately 25 years later the important role of strength training has once again been recognized by the academia.

In Russia during the same period Vladislav Krayevsky founded the St Petersburg Amateur Weightlifting Society (1885). Many respected scientists, athletes; artists became his students, including famous strongman George Hackenschmidt, who credited Krayevsky for teaching him all he knew. Hackenschmidt mentioned in his book The Way To Live that some of the world’s strongest men of the era, including Sandow were trained using Krayevsky’s system.

Krayevsky’s work and the popularity of his students had a major effect on weightlifting in Russia. Not only was he a renowned teacher, but he also achieved significant numbers in barbell lifts himself. He was the president of the jury at the first world championships in Vienna in 1898.

Krayevsky wrote two of his fundamental works during the period of 1896-1899. The writings were titled The Catechism of Health-Rules for Athletes and The Development of Physical Strength with Kettlebells and without Kettlebells. The Catechism of Health-Rules for Athletes was sent to press December 9th 1899, but was never published and is now preserved in manuscript form. His other book was published in 1900 and reprinted three times (1902, 1909, 1916) after his death (1901).

Krayevsky was well studied on the history of physical culture and all forms of gymnastics. He was knowledgeable about Swedish gymnastics and noted its therapeutic benefits, but his concern with the lack of scientific data of the Swedish system led him to recruit experimentalists to research it.

Many of Krayevsky’s recommendations are still used today. His recommendations include medical control of an athlete’s health, consistent training and varying load patterns, full spectrum physical development, psychological development and avoidance of smoking and alcohol.

The early strength pioneers developed numerous devices in regards to strength training including cable machines, kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, odd-shaped bars, thick grip bars, weighted boots, isolation machines and various throwing devices. Yet 50 years later there are numerous people who claim to have invented this machinery. In today’s industry there are many systems and people promoting their new systems, which are not really new at all.

The development of different scientific and educational cultures split the West and East as their promotion of physical activity was vaguely different. During the years following the World Wars Russia and Europe still continued to promote various elements of physical strength, power and skill while the West primarily promoted aerobics. Kenneth Cooper’s book Aerobics was popular at the time as well as Swedish endurance exercise research. According to Cooper and the Swedish researchers cardiac and general health depended primarily on prolonged endurance work. Supporters of the endurance doctrine heavily protested strength training. Cooper told the world strength training promoted a beautiful body but did nothing for health.

During the same period that the aerobics craze was running wild in the West Russians and Eastern Europeans accumulated extensive international information on strength and sports training while developing comprehensive educational programs to promote their findings. Most schools offered weightlifting and within a few decades there were approximately 1 million weightlifters in the USSR. Strength training became a key element in all sports training programs in the USSR while the attitude in the West was that weight training would slow athletes down and limit their range of motion. Consequently Russia dominated the Olympic Games, especially in Olympic Weightlifting, at the same time the aerobic doctrine became gospel in the West.

The Russian dominance has often been attributed to the use of anabolic-androgenic drugs, but the sporting use of these drugs was actually introduced in by the West first. It is probably more accurate to say that the Eastern nations dominated due to their special strength science and understanding of comprehensive sports conditioning. On the topic of drug usage no one uses more drugs than Pro bodybuilders, which are predominantly Americans.

In the West today the majority of gyms, trainers, academia and coaches are still ill informed when it comes to fitness and Sports Conditioning. The aerobic endurance crazes still dominates in most cases, yet this makes up a minor portion of fitness. All one needs to do is study the science and abundant evidence that supports the numerous health and fitness benefits of a proper strength-training program to realize its importance.


Siff, M.C (2000) Supertraining. Mel Siff.

Copyright 2005 Jamie Hale

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Cardio Pilates – Are They Really That Good at Shaping Your Body?

It’s true Cardio palates are one of the best ways to is ways to lose weight and stay healthy. These workout routines help you shape your body by burning excess calories. Expensive personal trainers believe other than investing long hours in the gym combine the palate’s and cardiovascular exercises is one of the most efficient ways of burning calories in any environment.

Cardio Palates workouts provide better results when wanting to lose fat fast, this has been tested by fitness fanatics, dieters and health professionals while being scientifically monitored. A few cardiovascular exercise you may have heard of include running, jogging, cycling and dancing. They play a vital role in keeping your heart healthy and includes many other benefits.

Regular exercise keeps your body in good shape you will look good feel good and be healthy. It’s true that combining the core benefits of Palates and the powerful advantages of a cardiovascular workout produce high impact, fast acting, and amazing results.

Losing inches couldn’t be easier than when you combine cardio and Palates, this technique seriously helps you tone up. A Cardio Palates routine will last around one hour, which combines a high intensity Palate’s workout with a powerful cardiovascular stimulus.

This technique provides a full body workout, and goes beyond just a simple cardiovascular routine. Your muscles will be working harder, they will develop throughout each session following each session they will continue to heal and grow around another 24 hours. This means that not only do you get the initial calorie burn but it is also followed up by 24 hours of increased metabolic rate, thus burning more calories even when you’re sleeping.

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14 Benefits of Rope Skipping!

Skipping sounds as an inexpensive and simple exercise that can be performed anywhere, either be at your home or a nearby park, you might even observe children skipping ropes on sidewalks. One you develop coordination between skipping and rope movement, you can skip for longer time without any miss.

1.Skipping rope can be beneficial in your exercise to lose weight. It is so effective in burning calories that an hour of skipping rope will make you burn up to 1000 calories.

2.The exercise is easy to learn, doesn’t need you to look for a guide or coach. The best thing about this activity is that once you start skipping, you learn very quickly and in no time you start skipping like a kid.

3.It’s inexpensive as you only need a rope.

4.It turns out to be fun when you start doing it with a friend or a group of friends.

5.It enhances your coordination and rhythm between hands and feet movements.

6.Strengthens your bones and increases your stamina and endurance.

7.When you practice it with your friends, it develops a sense of teamwork and social skills in you.

8.It makes you more vigilant and alert. It increases your attention skills.

9.It can be a healthy sport and competitions can be held for it all year round.

10.It can be exercised by people from any age groups and both genders.

11.Skipping enhances flexibility and athletic abilities. It improves your reflexes, balance and posture.

12.It tones your muscles in arms, legs and abs.

13.Without running it speeds your heart rate like that of a runner and so requires a lot of energy to maintain a good fitness point.

14.But skipping rope can be frustrating or boring as after missing a few jumps. Even if you have a good stamina and maintain a good coordination, you fail to skip for more than 2 minutes. This is because your calves and Achilles tendons are stressed when you keep skipping in the same pattern and when they sting you start missing.

So to skip without missing you have to keep changing from a single bounce to a double bounce or to a skip or a jog or a knee up. You should keep changing the skipping style after every 30 seconds to avoid fatigue. To avoid a miss you can even do side skipping or rotating rope without jumping. This can be to warm you up in the start or to avoid any halt during the sets.

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Candida: A Huge Link To Weight Loss And Muscle Development

I recently discovered something HUGE in the fitness world. Not just the fitness world but the entire “health” world overall. This is a little something that is largely connected to abdominal fat, and I decided to share my knowledge because most people don’t understand this idea or have never been aware of it before.

I care about seeing people change their appearance, so if I have the opportunity to bless someone with a real secret, you have to understand I wouldn’t dare hesitate. So I’ve decided to explain what this new “link to abdominal fat” is, and how I addressed this problem to start getting the maximum results.

Severity Of Candida:

Alright, let’s access the depths of the indicated issue I recently heard about. This recently discovered issue is a powerful enemy our bodies are fighting against every single day. Its called Candida. You may or might possibly not have been informed of this, and just to be certain, I’m here to explain the severity of Candida.

This Candida is a powerful fungal infection within our body that literally every individual has, but nobody seems to know much about it because most people don’t educate themselves the way they ought to.

It is a huge deal and our bodies are fighting against it everyday but the problem is that very few individuals educate themselves about their bodies and how to enhance their health.

This is why I’m here to educate you, personally, about how to strengthen your body and give yourself that long lost energy that’s “supposedly” lost with growing age.

Yes, lively energy can actually seem somewhat lost as individuals grow much older, but that isn’t the main reason for our drastic loss of energy and our increase in fatigue. The reason our bodies seem to lose all functioning abilities is because of Candida. Candida isn’t exactly a “disease” but is more of a health problem that can suck the life away from people.

There are countless ways to receive Candida and enable a clear entrance for it into your system, but the most typical way is through your nose and mouth. Candida might be found all around us because it’s a type of fungus, but the problem is that it isn’t so easily exploited.

The main problem with Candida is that it multiplies and grows within our internal system without us even knowing it.

Candida is a fungal growth in our bodies that multiplies and grows within us without us even knowing it. It harms us and increases dramatically because it feeds off of the sugar that we ingest day after day. Unlike most parasites and fungi, candida isn’t based upon the feeding off of merely one thing like most parasites and fungi feed off sugars or dairy products.

Instead Candida feeds off most anything and everything we ingest each and every day, and isn’t easy to be relieved of. That’s why there is a specific diet you can go on to drown Candida and destroy it from your body so you can maximize your health and results.

So many individuals are left clueless why they possess no energy or seem to have abdominal fat that’s literally impossible to eradicate.

The Link To Abdominal Fat Loss:

Losing abdominal fat is the main issue with Candida, but most individuals just think their fat problem pertains to the wrong diet or wrong exercises.

The fact is you won’t aren’t capable of losing any of that frustrating abdominal fat unless you happen to go on a Candida diet and kill that fungi off within your body. You can do all you want including exercise and workout, but the problem is internal, within your body, and the only type of diet that will naturally help you lose abdominal fat is a Candida diet.

Candida diets are extremely powerful because you don’t even need to exercise and workout to see drastic results. You ‘ll begin to see your body trim down drastically just because you’re wiping out the Candida within your body with the specific diet designed to destroy that fungal nuisance.

Your abdominal fat will begin to reduce all naturally just because you’re handling the internal problem of Candida.

Now Candida causes countless internal problems within our bodies besides excess abdominal fat buildup and loss of energy.

What This Fungus Can Cause:

Due to Candida, you lose capability to concentrate, develop skin problems, parasitic problems, and even develop types of bodily fungi (including Athlete’s Foot).

Due to high volumes of toxins found in the colon and liver, you will find numerous things that you might possibly be experiencing MAINLY due to Candida.

Here’s Just A Small List:

A heart that seems over-stressed or weak

-Any form of body aches or pains

-Headaches or Hot Flashes

-Overweight & a Pot Belly

-Memory Loss and Terrible Concentration

-Depression or Insomnia

-Fatigue or inability to workout due to over-exhaustion

-Skin problems including acne and even wrinkles

-Weakened brain and ability to remember

-Weakened muscles and joints, or even stiffness

Most people don’t understand the importance of cleansing their body from this terrible fungi. The list of problems from Candida goes on and on, but the main point is that you might be completely unable to lose abdominal fat no matter what you do, because you have Candida within your body.

I highly suggest you go on a Candida detoxification program not just to lose permanent abdominal fat, but to live healthier and get back that natural energy that you thought you once lost.

I’ve been through a Candida detoxification program and while it was my first time on this dieting cleanse, I can personally see why this cleanse is so extremely powerful. I notice I am much more lively and have much more energy to get through my workouts, and thats just the beginning of the list. I sleep better, gain muscle much faster, and seem to get more out of my fat-blasting workouts. I highly recommend a Candida detoxification program to anyone.

It’s not just one of the main ways to destroy abdominal fat, but it allows you to live a much healthier lifestyle. If anything, go on this Candida detoxification cleanse to clean your body from harmful toxins and bacteria that could be destroying you internally.

If you have a true desire to change your health and abdominal appearance permanently, I highly recommend you look into and research exactly why a Candida detoxification plan will improve your overall health and Fitness results. Personally I wish I could reach the entire planet and communicate to them the importance of a Candida cleanse.

However, I can only reach you right now since your looking at this article, and thats good enough for me if I get my point across to you. So again, by going on a Candida detoxification program, you can lose abdominal fat permanently, gain muscle faster, possess more energy for workouts, and think more clearly. With these benefits in mind, let’s get into the actual program itself.

A Candida Diet Cleanse Program:

Now you need to find a very specific program that is meant to cleanse your body of toxins and any signs of Candida, which will allow for your body to do so much more than it used to be able to. Since Candida is a natural part of the body’s gut, you need to research a cleanse that will do major things for your stomach fat.

What Foods To Avoid On Your Candida Diet Cleanse:

-Foods high in sugar and other foods that turn into sugar in your system

-High carbohydrates that are bad for your system

-Alcohol and fermented foods like mushrooms

-Foods high in starch

-Fresh fruits (high in natural sugar)

-Foods high in gluten and contain yeast

-Cheese and dairy products

What Foods To Eat On Your Candida Diet Cleanse:

-Vegetables and fruits low in natural sugar

-Protein foods like meats

-Nuts and berries

-Natural Green Foods

-Yogurt not sweetened with much sugar

-Grains that have a low gluten concentrate

As you can see, a Candida cleanse is a very powerful diet cleanse and really needs to be taken seriously. Your commitment is key to success with any diet, but particularly with a Candida detoxification program, so hunker down and prepare for whatever you’ll have to endure.

Just two days into it, you feel a drastic difference in energy and clarity of thought. Imagine what great things will happen for you if you rid yourself og Candida and research the best Candida Diet Cleanse for your specific body type and lifestyle. Along with fat loss and muscle development, your health will become greatly maximized as well. So, go out and start researching different Candida diets so you can increase your health and live a better, healthier lifestyle.

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