Archive | October, 2015

A Body Fat Loss Diet – The Best Method to Lose Weight

If you are on a mission to lose some body weight, there are many benefits that you can get from following a body fat loss diet. For sure, you will be able to burn fat and gain muscle quicker. Not only that, you will have the pleasure of shaping your body as you wanted – meaning, you can add as little or as much muscle as you please.

To attain your weight loss goal, it’s important that you find the most suitable fat loss diet for your needs. Remember, what works best for one person may not be suitable for you, because each and every one of us is unique. Therefore, make sure that you select the best diet for your needs – one that can provide the results that you are looking for.

There are many types of exercises that you can do for your body fat loss diet; weight training is one of the most effective exercises. Weight training is the perfect exercise for your body fat loss diet, because it can increase your body metabolism level for up to 40 hours – even after you have done the workout.

Weight training can also energize you more and it will bring a positive effect on most the muscles in your body. By doing regular weight training exercises, your endurance level will be improved, you will feel stronger in general and you can decrease the risk of your body developing diabetes. Rest assured, your ultimate objective of doing the weight training exercise is not to become a bodybuilder and you won’t end up looking like one as long as you do the exercises properly.

Although it is important to keep pushing and challenging yourself in order to get results, you don’t want to take it to the extreme and start lifting too heavy of weights.

In addition to the weight training, you should also include cardiovascular activities. These will be beneficial to help you lose weight, build stronger lungs and hearts, increase the density of your bone, reduce stress, and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancers. You can also sleep better and gain more energy from doing them.

If you follow the proper diet and do regular exercises as mentioned above, you will be able lose a significant amount of weight in no time and keep yourself from gaining them back in the long term. Just be consistent in your diet and exercise.

Posted in Losing Fat0 Comments

Muscle Building – Nutrition And Training Tips For Bodybuilders

Do you experience jealousy and frustration when you see another guy showing off his shapely chest and his set of killer abs? It’s natural. Everyone would like to have highly muscular chest, well developed arms, broad shoulders, and pair of legs like Mr. America’s. You can find loads of body-building sites online with pictures of award-winning body-builders.

Have you ever been curious as to why only a few people have the ability to transform the desire for a good body into reality? It’s because most of us only daydream about having a good body. There’s just no escaping the fact that if you want a good body or 16-inch biceps, you need to spend several months of hard work and sweat in a gym.

What’s their secret to a great body? It lies in these 5 important factors:

1. A bodybuilding routine that works

2. Great nutrition and diet

3. Use of supplements (optional only)

4. Adequate rest and sleep

5. No alcohol, smoking or other bad habits

Let’s have a closer look at the first point: the muscle building workout.

See, the importance of body-building can never be neglected. It is said that a good body houses a great soul. If you do not have a good body, you cannot look good wearing a body-hugging shirt ever. This article is not for those who want to develop huge muscles overnight; it is for those who are ready to train hard.

No matter what anyone says, you need a great bodybuilding program and good nutrition plan to build the perfect body. A great diet is not enough to build large muscles; you also need proper physical training. The opposite is also true; you need adequate nutrition to reinforce muscle training. Celebrity body builders eat healthily in order to add bulk to their frames.

If you are serious about muscle building, then you need to cultivate the habit of working out at the gym for at least three days a week. Follow a weight lifting and bodybuilding program which is realistic and which suits you. Imitating world famous muscle-men as far as their exercise-regimen is concerned, would never help you.

The most effective way to start off a muscle building regimen is to work out with free weights on a daily basis. Schedule your work out sessions such that no more than two muscle groups are worked on in a single session. Don’t overdo the training either – no session should last more than forty minutes.

Rotate through the various muscle groups : chest, back, biceps, shoulders, legs, abdominals, and triceps. You also should pay close attention to your diet to make your muscle building program into a success. Diet and workout go hand in hand in helping to build muscle growth.

So there you go.

You now know what it takes to get that great body, and some tips on how to spot a good bodybuilding workout. So take your time and commit to a good workout, and reap the benefits for a great looking body. When you find yourself enjoying the workouts and seeing great results, it will not feel like hard work at all.

Posted in Building Muscle0 Comments

High Intensity Interval Training Vs Slow Cardio Workouts – A Guide to Choosing the Finest Option

Gone are the days when Cardio used to mean countless hours of work-outs, runs and jogs. Welcome to the new age approach to cardio that offers not only better benefits but also takes a much shorter duration to relieve you off your excessive body fat. For anyone aspiring to take their body to a new level of fitness, it is essential to understand the importance of including interval training in your regime. Intertwining intense work out phases with brief interludes for revival ensures that you burn enough fat to transform your body and give it the fitness level you desire.

If you are still the type to prefer long drawn out cardio workouts, here is a guide on why HIIT might be a superior system to achieve your fitness goals.

HIIT – The fine points

A HIIT usually involves few initial workouts for warm up and that is followed by a series of intense exercises for short durations. These high intensity workout sessions are immediately followed by a period of rejuvenation with moderate intensity workouts which again is followed by a series of low intensity exercises. The moderate intensity workouts are generally done at half the intensity with a medium number of replications. That is, one can go for 30 seconds of intense sprinting followed by another minute of jogging or walking or any other form of workouts of lower intensity. Since the whole session lasts for a maximum of 30 minutes, it is a highly efficient technique that can be completed in quick time.

HIIT – The Gains

Tabata, Timmons, Gibala, or the Peter Coe regimen, whatever the type, these workouts that last anywhere between 5 to 30 minutes have a wide range of benefits.

Heightens Metabolism

The beauty of HIIT is that it helps you enhance the total amount of fat burnt, in quicker time. Since the intensity of workouts is higher, it translates to a much longer duration of exercises and consequently an increase in the overall amount of fat burnt. A Higher intensity workout reduces the amount of oxygen taken in by your body. This deficiency causes your body to consume more oxygen post the workout sessions as a result of which the metabolism is substantially amplified. So you end up burning fat even after the sessions are over for the next 24 hours at least. Professionally this is called an EPOC or the Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption.

Improves glucose tolerance and decreases aging

HIIT ensures that your body muscles take up the responsibility of absorbing Insulin thus preventing the increase of blood glucose and assuring an enhanced Glucose tolerance level. With the increased burning of fat, the aging process slows down and you get to maintain a form that is much younger and healthier.

Helps stay lean without losing muscle

Dieting might ensure that you become lean but only at the cost of losing significant muscle mass. Dieting causes you to drop muscle along with the fat and to regain the lost muscle mass becomes another headache altogether. HIIT provides the perfect answer to that problem by ensuring that you retain your muscles while burning the excessive fat from your body. Through HIIT you tend to burn fat not from your muscles but from the innumerable fat storehouses in the body. These high intensive workouts kindle hormones that serve to build muscles and as a result you burn fat while keeping your muscles intact.

Increased endurance and aerobic power

HIIT is also said to greatly enhance athletic performance by increasing endurance levels and speed. This is made possible by augmenting the amount of oxygen taken in by your body.

Cardiovascular benefits

The High Intensity Interval Training serves to improve the cardiovascular system. During the sessions your heart rate increases substantially which in turn improves your cardio power and fortifies your heart. Plus these intense workouts, the short revival sessions improve your capacity to get back to normalcy at a much faster rate.

Speed and Efficiency

The modern world has left little time for ensuring better health and fitness. For those of you with an extremely busy and tight schedule, HIIT is the perfect partner to bring in a high level of fitness and well being into your life. Whether you would like to workout during your office breaks or get yourself a fantastic figure before an important and key occasion, if you are restricted in time by social, familial and professional pressures, HIIT gives you the perfect weapon to win the battle against fat and bulge. A 20 minute regime, in accordance with quite a number of researches, is said to burn more fat than a low intensity, longer duration jog or workout.

A Low Intensity or steady state cardio can work for those who are pregnant or advanced in age but for those who are looking to turn their lives around within a shorter span of time, HIIT shows a great new way. Perfect for the present generation that lacks the time and access to healthier and better food habits, HIIT ensures a body that is fit, robust, lean and enduring.

Check with your physician before starting any exercise program.

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Women’s Fitness Competition Diet

Who says only men are effective leaders in the corporate and sports world? Women have become as competitive as men. The female species can also excel in people management and winning any sports game dominated by men like chess, tennis, basketball and track. If in the olden times only men would normally lift barbells and dumbbells, women can now do the same thing as coherently as men do. Weightlifting and bodybuilding fields are not anymore exclusive for men. Women engage in this type of competition as well. In fact, female bodybuilders and world-class athletes especially those who compete in the Olympic Games follow certain women’s fitness competition diet to get them on the go all the time.

Women’s fitness competition diet is more restricted than an ordinary career woman who spends 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes on strength training and 30 minutes on weight machines. It’s even more intense than doing 100 crunches every other day or doing three sets of 12-repetition dumbbell lifting. Any athlete does series of workout routines and takes a certain food diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Amino acids are needed to develop muscles and enhance agility, alertness and vigor in everyone who’s up for a long day of competition. Food that is rich in fiber and vitamin C is also part of the daily food intake among athletes. Fiber gets one to be completely full yet feeling light while vitamin C serves as a strong antioxidant. If you have several antioxidants in your system, you are far from getting colds, cough and headaches which may hurdle an athlete from performing excellently in her game.

Daily strength and resistance training is necessary in every woman athlete. Other than that, a highly balanced food diet is to be taken seriously on a daily basis. Lots of water intake is also needed. Energy-giving foods are meat, milk and eggs but they should also be at moderate amount. Calories are necessary to be burnt during the intense training. Junk foods are definitely no-no’s if you want your brain and body to function outstandingly. A good diet also means not skipping any meals. Cereals would do for breakfast plus lots of fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals plus good carbohydrates. Alcohol and coffee are not good to be part of the women’s fitness competition diet.

Women may have weaker resistance than men, but it doesn’t apply to all. If a woman is highly trained in fitness and she embraces women’s fitness competition diet consistently, she may be stronger and firmer than a few of the male individuals. If your body is exposed to workout routines, it gradually increases its tolerance level. If it also takes in good and healthy foods, it will certainly combat sickness and loss of energy.

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Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight Fast

If you are reading this article, you must be interested in losing weight and weight loss tips. If so, how fast do you want to see those pounds come off? While it is not advisable to seek out and/or utilize rapid weight loss techniques on a consistent basis, you should continue to read if you want to learn some quick weight loss tips you may want to consider on a short term basis.

One quick way to start your rapid weight loss is simply by reducing your food intake. When doing so, however, you may only see benefits for a couple of days. This commonly occurs as your body will slow down your metabolism to conserve fuel and energy, thus you may find yourself frustrated quickly if you try this approach for more than a few days. Worse yet, once you increase how much food you eat, you will most likely gain as much as you initially lost and, even worse, you may gain additional weight. And, it is very important to point out that starving one’s self is not a healthy (nor maybe even a safe) approach to weight loss.

If you start by trying to take in less food, it is definitely possible to lose weight if you also look to reduce your sugar and fat intake as well as exercise. If you are able to minimize or eliminate how much junk food you eat, you will find that you may be able to quickly loss some weight. Since almost all junk foods are high in calories, such as candy, potato chips and the like, you may see a significant decrease in your caloric consumption by eliminating them from your diet. By reducing your caloric intake, you are more likely to lose weight.

Another key component to fast weight loss is exercise. With exercise, it may take some time to notice any weight coming off your body. That’s why it can be frustrating for so many people and why they fail in their many diet attempts. However, once the weight starts coming off, it can often happen quickly, especially with heavier people. For the most benefits from exercising, you should plan to do so at least three to four times per week.

And, for a balance approach to weight loss, you should take in less food and calories while, at the same time, increase your exercise regimen. By burning off calories through exercise, your body absorbs fewer calories, thus making it possible to lose weight. However, before starting any exercising program, you should consult with your doctor prior to doing so to make sure your body is able to sustain the rigors of exercise. Same holds true for any diet. You should discuss any major change in your diet with your physician prior to doing so in an effort to stave off any potential risk for harm to your body, including major organs.

Yet another method for quick weight loss is to cleanse your colon, sometimes called a colonic or colon cleanse. With this type of therapy, toxins and several pounds of waste are removed from your intestines (or colon). If you decide that you want to consider this therapy, you definitely want to discuss it with your physician and ask him or her, the benefits and risks of such procedure. Typically, you are required to eat a special diet and limit the types of food you eat. Your doctor should also provide you with the benefits of a liquid cleanse versus a cleanse in pill form.

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Muscle-Building After 60 in Men – 7 Tips On How To Build Muscle Faster

Having healthy, firm and well-contoured muscles communicates to others that you are healthy, successful and able-bodied. Not only does having stronger muscles help you to look more powerful to other men and sexier to women, but it also confers a number of health benefits. The bodies of physically stronger men are able to heal more quickly after an illness, and they generally have better bone density.

For various reasons, the average man has more natural muscle mass on his body when he is younger than when he gets older. Still, that fact does not mean that men of 60 years of age and beyond cannot attain very healthy, strong-looking physiques: they can.

In order to build muscles after the age of 60, it is important to know how what to do. Just diving in and starting to lift weights will likely be not only less successful, but even potentially much more dangerous, than if you take a measured approach under the guidance of a body-training expert.

If you are interested in muscle-building after 60, here are 7 tips on how to build muscle faster:

1. Muscle begins to atrophy after age 25:

Understand that you will need to work a bit harder than you did when were in your 20s in order to achieve that sleek, muscular physique you want. That is because, by the age of 60, the average man has lost about 50% of his natural muscle (as compared to before age 25). This is due to the fact that muscle naturally starts to atrophy after age 25 or so – and the process continues steadily each year.

2. You can slow or stop muscle atrophy through weight training and diet:

Fortunately, you have the power to stop muscle atrophy. Weight training and the proper diet can put you back on the path to looking great in the nude or in your swimsuit again – even well after the age of 60.

3. It is never too late to start weight training:

The most powerful and effective way to build muscle mass is through weight training. Free weights such as barbells and dumbbells offer you an amazing opportunity to start adding attractive firmness and shape to the muscles in your chest, shoulders, arms, back, legs and stomach.

4. Consult with your doctor:

Before embarking upon any exercise routine, be sure to check with your doctor first.

5. Always start with light warm-up stretches:

Begin every workout with a set of light warm-up stretches. While stretching before a workout is important at any age, it is particularly important as our bodies age.

6. Start with chest workouts using barbells or dumbbells:

There are a number of exercises you can use to build up your muscles all over your body. Here, we’ll start with two types: one that focuses on building up your chest and another that focuses on building your shoulders.

For your chest, try the bench press. Here’s how:

1. Lie flat on your back on a workout bench while keeping your feet flat on the floor.

2. Start with just the bar (which weighs 45 pounds by itself). Lift the bar up off the rack and hold it at arm’s length above you.

3. Next, slowly lower the bar until it touches just above your chest.

4. Finally, raise the bar back up until your arms are completely straight (almost to a “locked” position).

5. Repeat for 5-10 reps, rest, and do 2-3 sets total.

7. Try the shoulder press deltoid exercise:

To start bulking up your shoulders, try the shoulder press deltoid exercise. Here’s how:

1. Sit up straight on a shoulder press exercise bench and place your hands on the barbell.

2. Now press the weight up above your head, holding it there briefly.

3. Finally, lower the bar (under controlled motion) until it is returned to the starting position.

4. Repeat for 5-10 reps, rest, and do 2-3 sets total.

Try these 7 steps to muscle-building after age 60 and you will start seeing noticeable results after a week or two.

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Flat Six Pack Abs – The Secrets

First things first. You may well believe that exercise is the key to a solid flat six pack but, think again. No matter how many hours you spend in the gym your six pack will still be hidden under any excess body fat. So first you need to diet and get your body fat to under 10%. Failing this means that you are never ever going to be able to see your six-pack! You have to focus on the big picture and focus on exercising your legs, back and chest. Training your large muscle groups will help to stimulate your metabolism and the fat burning hormones that will turn you into a lean machine. This will help develop your six pack and put it on show. Maximum definition comes from losing body fat, not exercising your abs.

You need to live a healthy lifestyle that includes eating the right nutritional foods. Living a healthy and fit lifestyle will help to make you confident, energetic, strong and youthful. Making this commitment will keep help you to beat the obesity epidemic and help to minimise the risks such as, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc.

There is so much information out there on how to easily achieve a six pack, yet a lot of the information is misleading and will not work. In fact some of the information is dangerous. So please always apply common sense before following what the self proclaimed experts are saying.

The three key points that you should address if you want a solid six pack are;

1. Your diet. You must get this well under control. The media gives out conflicting advice that only serves to confuse people. You must follow a diet that promotes fat loss. You have to get your fat levels under 10% if you want to succeed.

2. Once you have your diet sorted you need to focus on the intensity of your workouts. Do not just exercise your mid region as this is another mistake that many people make. Focus on working your whole body. This will help to get the best metabolic response. This will help you to burn fat. High intensity workouts with short rest periods, working the largest muscle groups of the body, instead of trying to isolate specific small muscles like the biceps, triceps, or calves

3. I have found that too many people make the classic mistake of concentrating on sit ups and crunches. Unless the person is really out of condition this really is a waste of time. Crunches actually provide the least amount of resistance and it is resistance exercises that we want if we are to succeed as this develops and tones the muscles. Probably one of the most resistant exercises that will work your abs are ‘Hanging Leg Raises’, when performed correctly. Most people do these wrong when they are trying to concentrate the resistance on their six pack. The key to working on your abs is to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs. I have not seen many people exercise like this. Admittedly this type of hanging leg raise is not for the beginner. A certain amount of practice is called for if you want to do this type of exercise correctly.

Any kind of hanging abs exercises will help, as well as some good floor exercises. The most effective exercises are various forms of swings and snatches, squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, clean & presses, mountain climbers, sprinting, and other full body exercises. If you want great looking abs, focus on those instead of focusing so much on training the abs directly!

Your diet should be natural avoiding processed food that make a diet unhealthy. Processed foods also wreck your metabolism and hormone balance in your body. Whole grain foods are better for you than refined grains. Nuts, avocados, eggs, fish and similar foods. Natural healthy foods are best. Foods that promote lean muscle and not fat.

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Workout Routine – What is the Ideal Length?

Have you ever been daunted by the prospect of having to work out for hours in order to get an amazing physique?

Perhaps you may have fallen for the conventional wisdom that the more time you spend in the gym, the better your muscle gains will be?

Think again. Staying too long in the gym can actually be counterproductive. Short and intense workouts are the way to go if your goal is to maximize your muscle gains. Spending additional time in the gym is not going to provide you with any additional benefits.

Contrary to what you may think, it might end up reducing your muscle gain. Here is the explanation: The body releases a hormone called cortisol after forty five minutes of any form of strenuous exercise. The effect of cortisol is that it breaks down muscle tissue in order to provide additional energy to the body during strenuous activity. As a result, by overtraining you could actually end up losing muscle.

Ideally your workout should last no more than an hour. This does not include the couple minutes of warm up that I usually recommend. Going beyond an hour means compromising the important recovery time. The recovery period is extremely important because this is when muscle growth actually occurs. This is why it is important to sleep at least 8 hours every night, especially on days when you have had an intense workout.

The other benefit of doing short intense workouts is the mental factor. You are much more likely to dread and skip multi-hour workouts whereas you would likely look forward to a shorter one. Doing long workouts is one of the reasons why many get de-motivated and do not stick with the program.

Avoid chit chatting and making small talk while you are in the gym as this tends to drag out the length of your workout. Focus intensely on getting your sets and reps done, and be out. Of course, as I have stated before, having your pen and notebook handy makes this easier as race to check off the list of exercises. Winging it and not having a plan makes it much more difficult. Not only that, you spend your lime less efficiently.

And if those are not enough reasons, when you do long marathon training sessions, you stress out your joints more and increase the likelihood of injury. As you know, all it take is one serious injury to put you out of commission for a while, which could set you back several months in attaining your goals.

Lastly, if you do overly long workouts and you let them take over your life and other activities, you will soon start resenting the workouts and start skipping a session here and there. Of course, this impedes your progress. With short intense sessions you can be in and out of the gym relatively quickly and be free to pursue your activities.

You will be much happier and complete if you also have a life outside of the gym. In summary, short and intense is good. Long and drawn out is bad. No more than an hour (excluding warm up time). Remember this and you will avoid the temptation to get distracted and lose focus when in the gym.

Found this useful? Claim your FREE Muscle Building course (while still available) by following the link below.

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Muscle Building – Nutrition And Training Tips For Bodybuilders

Do you experience jealousy and frustration when you see another guy showing off his shapely chest and his set of killer abs? It’s natural. Everyone would like to have highly muscular chest, well developed arms, broad shoulders, and pair of legs like Mr. America’s. You can find loads of body-building sites online with pictures of award-winning body-builders.

Have you ever been curious as to why only a few people have the ability to transform the desire for a good body into reality? It’s because most of us only daydream about having a good body. There’s just no escaping the fact that if you want a good body or 16-inch biceps, you need to spend several months of hard work and sweat in a gym.

What’s their secret to a great body? It lies in these 5 important factors:

1. A bodybuilding routine that works

2. Great nutrition and diet

3. Use of supplements (optional only)

4. Adequate rest and sleep

5. No alcohol, smoking or other bad habits

Let’s have a closer look at the first point: the muscle building workout.

See, the importance of body-building can never be neglected. It is said that a good body houses a great soul. If you do not have a good body, you cannot look good wearing a body-hugging shirt ever. This article is not for those who want to develop huge muscles overnight; it is for those who are ready to train hard.

No matter what anyone says, you need a great bodybuilding program and good nutrition plan to build the perfect body. A great diet is not enough to build large muscles; you also need proper physical training. The opposite is also true; you need adequate nutrition to reinforce muscle training. Celebrity body builders eat healthily in order to add bulk to their frames.

If you are serious about muscle building, then you need to cultivate the habit of working out at the gym for at least three days a week. Follow a weight lifting and bodybuilding program which is realistic and which suits you. Imitating world famous muscle-men as far as their exercise-regimen is concerned, would never help you.

The most effective way to start off a muscle building regimen is to work out with free weights on a daily basis. Schedule your work out sessions such that no more than two muscle groups are worked on in a single session. Don’t overdo the training either – no session should last more than forty minutes.

Rotate through the various muscle groups : chest, back, biceps, shoulders, legs, abdominals, and triceps. You also should pay close attention to your diet to make your muscle building program into a success. Diet and workout go hand in hand in helping to build muscle growth.

So there you go.

You now know what it takes to get that great body, and some tips on how to spot a good bodybuilding workout. So take your time and commit to a good workout, and reap the benefits for a great looking body. When you find yourself enjoying the workouts and seeing great results, it will not feel like hard work at all.

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Muscle Building Diet – The Three Must-Haves to Gain Weight

If you’re trying to start up a muscle building diet, it’s absolutely vital that you have three main components. If you miss any one of these the chances that you do see success with your efforts are going to be slim to none since you won’t be giving your body what it needs after each workout.

Here are the three main things you must do with your muscle building diet.

Total Calorie Intake

The first thing that must be looked after on a weight gain program is the total calorie intake. If you want to build new muscle tissue, you need to provide the body with the calories it will use to create this tissue with.

If you aren’t growing, increase your calories. That will likely be the solution to your problem.

Sufficient Protein

The next ‘must’ on a muscle building diet is sufficient protein. If you aren’t taking in enough protein, your muscles won’t have the required amino acids to recover after each workout and ensure that you make progress. Most people tend to take in enough protein, but if you’re a vegetarian or following some other type of restricted diet, it’s something you definitely want to watch out for. One gram per pound minimum is what you require.

Carbohydrates Around Training

Finally, be sure you are also timing your carbohydrates around your training. Some people will choose to use a lower carb muscle building diet approach, which can work, but you will still need that glucose around your training to see good results.

If you fail to provide this, your workouts won’t be at the intensity level that would give you ideal results.

So, keep these points in mind. If you take the time to get on a good muscle building diet, you will see much better results – in fact, it may actually make or break your results.

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