Archive | Workouts & Routines

Exercises to Grow Taller – Increase Your Height in 3 Easy Steps

Many people are not aware that there are numerous exercises that can help you grow taller. You can achieve a noticeable increase in your height through stretching exercises. Implementing this new routine will probably mean a few changes in your lifestyle. However, the following exercises to grow taller are only consuming 20 to 30 minutes of your time, so it is not like you need to pack your luggage and go on a long journey.

Stretching workouts are easy to learn and do not involve many special equipments, and therefore anybody can learn and benefit from it. Additionally, they are very cost-effective because you do not even need to spend money on a DVD or a guide. Just read the rest of the article and you are ready to go and grow taller in three simple steps.

Step One – Flexibility and Muscle Development

Back muscle development is stressed in the 1st step. It makes good sense to begin with the muscles supporting the spine since it literally functions as your backbone. Inappropriate positions or a poor back muscle system can compress the backbone and consequently cause a misalignment of the spine, making you recede a few inches of your height.

Though the web opens up a flurry of suggestion for back workouts, the back extension exercise has always been my first preference. Lie on your stomach and place your toes in such a fashion that they are at 90 degree angle with the ground. Raise your hands behind your head as you would for a sit up and then flex back. Count up to 5 and relax. This process is highly effective for the lower back muscles where severe compression occurs.

Step Two – Lengthening the Spine

The second step essentially involves the straightening of your spine. Your back muscles are now strong enough to maintain a straight position. Hence, it is time to consider an exercise that can extend your spine.

The Chin Up Exercise is probably the most unpopular all-rounder in the history of exercises, but you should definitely use chin-ups as one of your main grow taller exercises. Apart from increasing the body length, they also help in stretching the back. You can notice a small increase in your arm length as well but do not worry. This does not mean that your body will look disproportionate. Ensure that you stretch your neck and upper back region before beginning the chin up workout. If chin-ups are too hard in the beginning, simply hang from a bar for about 30 seconds. This will also help you to lengthen your spine.

Step Three – Recovery

This is my personal favorite and focuses on preventing joint and spinal injuries. It can barely be called an exercise, anyhow the key is simple: Get plenty of rest. Ideally nine hours sleep per day would be perfect and will actually help you to grow taller. While asleep, your muscles relax and the pressure on your spine will be reduced significantly.

Do not wait any longer. Start right away and enjoy a healthy and a taller living!

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Are Scoliosis Exercises A Waste of Time?

As a clinician who uses natural methods to reduce and stabilize scoliosis the question of effectiveness as it pertains to scoliosis specific exercises is always a concern. The internet is riddled with advice, some good, and some not so good especially when it comes to curing ailments. There are a lot of so-called “experts” giving conflicting advice. Unfortunately this certainly holds true with the diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis especially adolescent idiopathic. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel the world has become a bit more hostile when it comes to what healthcare option is best for a certain condition. Scoliosis, because it affects children, comes with plenty of hostility when discussing what is best for a child diagnosed with this spinal deformity.

I remember when the Milwaukee brace was the standard of care for children with crooked spines. This was a rigid cast style brace with metal traction rods that pushed the skull away from the body to traction the spine. Orthotists (specialists in bracing) have since removed the traction component and now use just a plastic cast to force pressure on the spinal curvatures and claim to prevent progression, yet tens of thousands of kids are fused using titanium rods every year, most who were braced prior. Surgery is also a very controversial treatment option for scoliosis patients, mainly because of the magnitude of risk involved in fusing a large portion of a child’s spinal column; having referred scoliosis patients for surgery, I have seen the devastating consequences of this procedure when things do not go well, so it is not without justification.

When it comes to actually reducing curvature of the spine using any treatment option, the first thing that needs to be questioned is the length of time the result from treatment should last. If you perform an exercise designed to reduce your scoliosis, how long will the result from that exercise program last. Tractioning a patient for 5 days, taking an x-ray immediately afterward, and then marveling at the 30% improvement, does not provide evidence to claim that traction is a way to successfully treat scoliosis. The traction produces a temporary improvement but nothing that will last more than a few hours. Exercise is a very broad term that encompasses a wide variety of things. So when patients ask me if there are exercises they should be doing for their scoliosis, I usually respond with, “It depends on what you mean.” Exercises like, Pilates, yoga, cardiovascular, or weight lifting will have no ability to reduce or stabilize a child’s scoliosis. Sure there are few patients that did 5 years of Pilates or yoga and reduced their scoliosis by 5 or 10 degrees, usually adults, but this does not provide evidence that Pilates or yoga permanently reduces scoliosis.

The real issue when it comes to exercise induced changes and scoliosis is in understanding what type of exercise is being performed and to what capacity it can create spinal adaptation. For instance, I can do one directional exercises at the gym or stretch only to the left and it won’t give me scoliosis. I can position myself in a scoliosis type posture consciously and it won’t give me a 30 degree curvature. These types of conscious exercises lack the ability to influence spinal control centers that cause an adaptive response. These exercises can alter global posture and can influence the overall scoliosis measurements by approximately 5 degrees in larger curvatures but really lack the neurological punch necessary to actually reduce a scoliosis by more than a degree or two.

The complexity of spinal adaptation limits my discussion based on the educational background of most readers, not everyone will understand neuroscience and muscle physiology to warrant a scientific discussion. When simplified the spine is made up of layers of muscle that are of different mass and fiber type. The larger the muscle the more leverage it has and can move the body easily when contracted, these muscle groups are largely Type II fibers which are good for voluntary movement and also can be controlled by thought. These muscles have little to do with scoliosis as they are not asymmetrical in composition or function when examined in scoliosis patients. The deeper we get in examining spinal muscle layers we find that muscles get very small and their fiber type switches to Type I which is resistant to fatigue and controls the stability and alignment of the spine in gravity. These intrinsic deep layers are involuntary and controlled for the most part innately through righting reflexes in our anti-gravity mechanism of our brain.

So exercises that activate the intrinsic muscle layers and influence how the brain is programming these muscles will have a significant ability to cause spinal adaptation and alter static alignment of our spine. If I were able to perform an exercise that caused by brain’s anti-gravity system to learn a new alignment pattern it will have a lasting effect as it is involuntary, like our heart beat. This form of scoliosis specific exercise is termed auto response training. The clinician provides a piece of equipment that uses forces which push and pull against your body and hips while you are performing balance exercises usually on an unstable surface. Your body fights to not fall off, and in the process the brain initiates those deep intrinsic muscles to engage at a high level as they are responsible for stabilizing you and creating an alignment pattern that causes balance. If in the process of redistributing weight, your scoliosis gets smaller, than you have now influenced the ability to reduce your curvature in a lasting manner.

So to quickly summarize, exercises which do not engage the anti-gravity system and cause spinal adaptation will be a waste of time, if your goal is to reduce and stabilize your scoliosis.

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NordicTrack Space Saver E5 Si Elliptical Trainer Review

The snappily titled NordicTrack SpaceSaver E5 si Elliptical trainer is a bit of a novelty in that it has a folding mechanism in order to allow you to easily store the machine when it is not in use. This is a fairly standard feature on most home treadmills and is the second in NordicTrack range to use this feature. So the question is, does it really save any space and does the folding mechanism affect the machines stability. Well, it does save some space (between 2 to 3 feet) so does make sense if you want to stowe the machine away into a smaller space.

The elliptical machine has been rated to take an exerciser with weights up to 275llb, and although the folding mechanism doesn’t overly affect the sturdiness of the machine I think the 275llb is a little too high for this elliptical trainer.

This elliptical has the iFit card reader built in to the computer console. Each iFit card comes with an exercise program designed by an certified personal trainer. Your trainer talks to you throughout your exercise routine and manages the resistance of the elliptical during your work-out.

Above and beyond the iFit programs, this elliptical trainer also has six work-out programs. Four of these are classified as aerobic, weight-loss or performance programs. The programs manage the resistance of the machine to ensure that you get a precisely calculated work-out each time you exercise.

There are also two heart-rate controlled programs built into the machine. These increase or decrease the resistance of the machine as necessary to ensure your pulse-rate stays within pre-determined boundaries. Not surprisingly, your heart-rate is monitored by “Club Design CardioGrip” heart rate monitors that are built into the handlebars of the machine.

This SpaceSaver E5 si has some really good extras for an elliptical in this price range. In particular this elliptical trainer has an large built-in fan that changes its airflow depending on how hard you are exercising. You can also set the fan to blow constantly if required. If you like listening to music whilst you exercise, you’ll be pleased that the NoricTrack has built-in speakers that allow you to play music via your mp3 player or iPod.

The stride on the SpaceSaver E5 si elliptical is fixed to an 18” pitch. If you’re not of an average height you may be better served looking for a machine with a stride that suits you’re height more, or paying for a machine with an adjustable stride setting.

I always find the warranties interesting, being that they directly show the confidence has in the quality of their equipment. This NordicTrack elliptical trainer comes with a lifetime guarantee on the frame and 1 year parts and labor. I’d like to see the warranty more closely aligned with the treadmill warranties we see.

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The 4 Elements of Fitness

Most people want to be fit but that raises a question. What does it mean to be fit? The answer is fairly simple. To be fit, one must have physical capability in four areas: aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition.

1. Aerobic Capacity. Aerobic capacity, which is also known as cardiorespiratory fitness, refers to the health and function of the heart, lungs and circulatory system. Simply stated, aerobic fitness is the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver an adequate supply of oxygen to exercising muscles. As your aerobic capacity increases, your ability to participate in more intense and longer lasting exercise also increases (e.g., walking, running, swimming and bicycling). It can be argued that aerobic capacity is the most important of the four elements of fitness because of the health benefits it bestows. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, increased aerobic capacity leads to reduced blood pressure, decreased total cholesterol, increased HDL (good) cholesterol, decreased body fat, increased heart function and decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes.

2. Muscular Strength and Endurance. Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate during a single contraction. Muscular endurance is the number of repeated contractions a muscle or muscle group can perform without tiring. Both are important components of overall fitness because increasing your strength through various types of resistance training (e.g., weightlifting) leads to increased bone strength, decreased bone loss, decreased muscle loss, increased tendon and ligament strength, increased physical capacity, improved metabolic function (e.g., burn more calories at rest), and decreased risk of injury.

3. Flexibility. Flexibility is the range of motion within a joint. Increased flexibility provides a variety of benefits such as decreased risk of injury, increased flow of blood and nutrients to joint structures, increased neuromuscular coordination, decreased risk of low back pain, improved posture and reduced muscular tension.

4. Body Composition. Body composition refers to the relative percentage of body weight that consists of body fat and fat-free mass (everything other than fat such as muscles, organs, blood, bones and water). Generally speaking, the lower your body fat percentage the better because of the diseases linked to excess body fat such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and sleep disorders. I am often asked, “Can you be fat and fit?” The answer is an overwhelming NO. A significant element of fitness is the possession of a healthy body fat percentage because increased fat leads to decreased athletic performance and increased risk of disease (although it is possible to be overweight and healthy since health is merely the absence of disease or illness). According to the American Council on Exercise, the average body-fat percentage for men is 18-24%. For fit men the percentage is 14-17%. The average percentage for women is 25-31%; however fit women will be in the range of 21-24%. Body-fat percentages above 25% for men and 32% for women are considered obese.

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Secrets of Doing Yoga in the Morning

Being an inexperienced or an advanced user of yoga, everyone must start the day by doing yoga in the morning. If you are inexperienced and want to start the day through the yogic way, then you must practice yoga each morning as a routine.

Before you start doing yoga you first need to know, how you could gain all the benefits of yoga or, where to start or what do I do now?

Actually, yoga has various aspects as far as therapeutic uses are concerned.

However, you should put all the therapeutic benefits of yoga to the dustbin for now and answer yourself,

Where to start?

Let me confess one thing about yoga to you that, most of the diseases get cured by doing the routine yoga in the morning daily.

Why should I exercise yoga according to a routine daily? Specially, in the morning…

It’s because, to cure most of the diseases you must remove impurities from your body. That will be done if you practice some somewhat special yoga exercises daily in the morning.


Please follow the step-by-step process of daily morning yoga exercises below.

Yoga in the morning:

Wake up very early in the morning. If possible, please wake up at 5:00 a.m. I hugely recommend.

Clean your face, eyes and brush teeth, etc.

Now take a glass of warm water and add a lemon and very little salt into it and drink it.

Now do not waste any more time, and you should start doing yoga. The first yoga postures is Viparitkarani Mudra.

ViparitKarani Mudra: Lie down on a soft mat on the ground with the legs stretched out, here in this position the inside your legs will be touching each other and your hands will be lying by the side of the thighs. Bend your hands in the elbow and place your palms on the hips. Lift your legs up and raise your hips with the support of your hands upward and breathe in deeply. Hold this position for 6-8 seconds and breathe out slowly. Drop your hips first, then followed by your legs. Breathe normally. Practice this Yoga posture for four times.

Shalbhasana: Lie down on your stomach. Your legs are stretched and the hands are lying by the side of the respective thighs. Breathe in and raise your legs together upward up to the thigh without bending your legs in the knees. Hold your breath there for eight seconds and then slowly drop your legs on the ground. Breathe out slowly. You can do it with a single leg to start with, if you find it a bit difficult at the beginning. Practice this Yoga posture for four times.

Padahstasana: You are done with all the lying postures in the morning. Now move on and stand up straight. In this pose, your heels are touching each other. Breathe in and raise both your hands upward above your head by the side of ears while palms are facing outward. Slowly breathe out and lower down your body by bending in the waist forward. Place your palms on the ground by the side of your respective feet. Do not bend your knees here in this position at all. Try to place your head between your knees. Hold your breath out there and remain in this position for 8-10 seconds, then return slowly to the starting position and breathe normally. This yoga posture you should practice for four times.

By the time you finish these postures, I am sure you will definitely feel some pressure in your stomach and clear your bowels.

You are fresh like never before, now.

You are finished with postures and now move onto the Mudra section and master Agnisara Dhauti.

Agnisara Dhauti: This is very easy to practice, but a bit difficult to follow properly. However, I will explain it to you without hiding anything behind. First sit down in Siddhasana posture with the spine erect. Look straight ahead. Now deep breath in slowly and squeeze your lower part of the abdomen and navel region upward. Try to touch your spine. Hold this position for six seconds and breathe out slowly as well as return to the starting position. Practice this cleansing process for at least 10 times. It is hugely effective to remove all the impurities from your stomach as well as your body. It is guaranteed.

Now move onto Pranayama section and master Bhraman Pranayama.

Bhraman Pranayama: This is a very easy to follow Pranayama, but needs to master some technique to practice this. This time you will start the morning walk, but not the traditional morning walk you are going to perform this time. You will do the morning walk in Yoga style. Inhale and count one and place first step forward. Inhale and count two and place second step forward. Keep doing this up to four counts.

This is like, inhale 1-step 1, inhale 2-step 2, inhale 3-step 3, and inhale 4-step 4. Walk step-by-step with inhalation in every step. Now do the exact opposite of the inhalation. Breathe out and count one and place your first step forward, then breathe out and count two and place your second step forward. Keep doing this up to four counts. After two to three days, you will walk in rhythm with Yogic Pranayama. Practice this Pranayama for six to seven minutes.

Then you can devote some more time after one month of practicing these exact steps detailed above by tweaking your Yogic routine with some new kind of Yoga Posture’s entries.

Process is the same, but you can get a huge benefit by practicing Sun Salutation just before the Viparitkarani Mudra. These twelve postures of Sun Salutation will make you prepare to perform any Yoga Asanas in the future as well as this is the only Yogic workout, which has capabilities of removing every single blockage from your entire body system. I highly recommend you to practice Sun Salutation.

You can also add two Pranayama just after Agnisara Dhauti as Kapalbhati Pranayama and Anulom-Vilom Pranayama.

Then follow the routine yogic road map discussed above.

If you practice these postures and related Mudras and Pranayamas, I am sure you will get guaranteed success in terms of getting your perfect health in no time.

This whole process is also called as Sahaja Basti Kriya.

So, start from today…

So, there you have the secrets of doing yoga in the morning.

Feed your Body, Mind and Soul the required yogic protein to fight with all the diseases naturally.

Hope this helps at least one person.


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Benefits of Trampoline Exercising

Trampoline exercise is a quick way to build muscle and to lose fat. The exercise that one gets from playing on the trampoline is especially helpful for women who have put on extra weight from aging or from pregnancy.

One might think that trampoline exercise would be hard on over weight middle age women as well as fit young teenagers, but just the opposite is true. The trampoline can be a fun exercise for a woman to do while playing with her young children as well as for teenagers to use up some of that pent up energy that is typical of the growing up process and can actually work out some of the toxins that might make teenagers break out into pimples or acne. Benefits of trampoline exercise are not that commonly known because learning to exercise properly on the trampoline takes skills and many people see it as an athletic sport as such.

However, the facts are that teenagers and active women would most benefit from trampoline workouts because of the very nature of the rebound effect of bouncing on the trampoline that stimulates all parts of the body but especially the glands. Bouncing on the trampoline stimulates the brain in a special way much like weightlessness stimulates the brain to adjust to lack of gravity by inducing a sense of calm to make up for the unnatural condition. Muscles have to work in special ways to absorb the shock of contact with the trampoline and the more adept one becomes in bouncing the more those muscles begin to tense and relax automatically waiting for the next bounce.

The best way to learn to play on the trampoline is in your own back yard with a good quality trampoline and not one of those cheap trampolines that can cause one great injury if it breaks while one is bouncing.

An expensive trampoline is worth its cost if it is used regularly and for young mothers with young kids, the play time can be great for learning trust, cooperation, balance, agility and to firm up muscle tone that might be flabby through lack of use.

In scientific terms, exercise on the trampoline is like pumping the body, much like the heart is kept in shape by being automatically pumped by the heart muscle. Pumping your body on the trampoline affects the thyroid gland, and it is stimulated to begin to clean itself and the entire lymphatic system of stored fat, in this case the targeted fat is cellulite. Working out on the trampoline is the most proven method of getting rid of cellulite. The thyroid is one of the three most important glands in the human body and has much to do with height and bodily muscle growth. The total body work out on the trampoline and the need for quick reaction from muscles stimulates the brain to ask for fat from thyroid controlled muscles. The loss of cellulite is one of the biggest benefits of exercising on the trampoline.

Of course, one of the other benefits of working out on the trampoline is that one gets to play and exercise in one’s back yard, breathing in fresh air and also working out in private areas. The privacy alone as well as the hard fat that one can lose by bouncing on the trampoline is worth the money and the time it might take to find a well made trampoline that can withstand impact shock without buckling. That is also an important consideration as all trampolines are not made equally well, and to buy a cheap one might be one at risk for injury while exercising on the trampoline.

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Squat Kicks – The Deceptively Simple Exercise to Strengthen Your Legs and Improve Your Kicks

The following exercise that I am going to explain to you is deceptively simple to perform, yet the benefits that you can achieve in a relatively short period of time, if you are consistent in your workouts, are nothing short of amazing. NO, this isn’t some silly miracle technique or some secret training technique only known to a select few who learned it from a Tibetan monk. It is simply a solid basic exercise combined with any kick or kicks that you wish to combine with it. So, without further delay let’s get started!


The starting position for your basic squat is executed by facing directly forward (front facing squat position) while standing with your feet approximately a little wider than shoulder width apart and your upper body and back straight. In this particular case, I want you to keep you hands up in a fighting position, exactly like a boxer would hold his hands up.

From this position, slowly bend your knees keeping your upper body and back straight and your hands up, while lowering yourself down until the tops of your thighs are parallel with the ground. Make sure your head is up with your eyes focused in front of you, not on the ground. Once you reach this position, slowly raise yourself back up to your original starting position. Once you become familiar with this exercise and your bodies reaction to it, you can adjust the speed to where you alternate between doing slow repetitions and faster ones.


The only difference in this particular variation is that instead of standing facing directly forward, I want you to stand more sideways (side facing squat position) like you would if you were in an actual fighting position. One thing to remember though, keep your feet parallel with one another. Don’t actually have your feet in the position you would normally have them in during an actual fighting stance.

From this position, slowly bend your knees keeping your upper body and back straight and your hands up, while lowering yourself down until the tops of your thighs are parallel with the ground. Make sure your head is up and turned over your lead shoulder with your eyes focused in that direction, not on the ground. Once you reach this position, slowly raise yourself back up to your original starting position. After doing a predetermined set of repetitions, switch your feet so that you are facing the opposite direction with your opposite side of your body now facing towards the front.

Once you become familiar with this exercise and your bodies reaction to it, you can adjust the speed to where you alternate between doing slow repetitions and faster ones.


What kick or kicks you decide to do is entirely up to you. My only recommendation is to not do any kind of jumping kicks for several weeks until after your legs have become accustomed to the new training routine. You can execute your kicks at any height you prefer. The only thing to make sure and do is to alternate your legs after each squat, but more on that later.

SQUAT KICKS (The Exercise):

Start out by standing in either the front facing squat position, or the side facing squat position. Whichever position is more comfortable for you to be in. Eventually, you will want to do this series of exercises from both positions.

Keeping your hands up and your upper body and back straight, slowly lower yourself down until the tops of your thighs are parallel with the floor. Upon reaching this point, slowly raise yourself back up into your original starting position. However, as you start to reach your original position, execute any kick you prefer with your right leg. Immediately upon returning your kicking leg back down onto the ground, slowly lower yourself back down again into the squat position. Repeat this again and then execute your preferred kick with your left leg. This constitutes one (1) repetition.

Execute this 10 times executing the same kick ten times with each leg before moving on to your next kick.

Now I know what you are thinking. This is really simple! Well, you’re right, it is simple, but extremely effective in building strength and endurance in your legs. Not to mention improving the speed and power in your kicks.


I strongly recommend performing the following routine 3 to 4 times per week. You will need to adjust the number of repetitions to fit your own level of fitness.

Day One:

Knee Raises – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps (2 squats and 1 kick with each leg is one-rep)

Rising Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Front Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Side Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Back Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Day Two:

Knee Raises – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps (2 squats and 1 kick with each leg is one-rep)

Rising Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Crescent Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Reverse Crescent Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Roundhouse Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Day Three:

Knee Raises – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps (2 squats and 1 kick with each leg is one-rep)

Rising Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Axe Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Wheel Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Hook Kicks – 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps

Be sure and stretch properly before attempting to execute these exercises. They are simple in nature, but are a very brutal workout for your legs. These can even be done while watching your favorite TV show. However, if you do decide to do them at that time, I recommend that you perform the exercise during the show itself and take a break during the commercials. Try and work up to where you can do these during the entire time your favorite show is playing.

Final Note:

Please feel free to drop me a comment on this routine and let me know how it works for you.

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The Facts On How to Jump Higher and Increase Vertical Leap

Enhancing your ability to jump higher is a crucial skill to develop if you play sports. Presented below will be key ways on how you can increase your vertical leap. You can rise to the occasion and make more game-changing plays or game-breaking scores if you work hard and increase your vertical leap, and this goes for basketball, football, track, baseball, or volleyball. It’s imperative to understand that you can raise your vertical jump regardless of who you are. How old you are, race, gender, do NOT play a part. All persons respond to external training exercise.

The indispensable basis on which to rest your entire jump training schedule is to train your muscles for maximum explosive power generation. There’s no way around it. The only method of successfully increasing the explosive power to jump higher is to frequent the free weights section at your local gym. The most effective exercise you can do in your jump training program is learn to do the squat using low reps and heavyweight–as much as you can do safely. Increasing your quadriceps’ strength by loading then extending your legs are an outstanding means to increase your vertical jump. But you want to keep the power in the front and back of your legs balanced, consequently work on your hamstrings as well.

One aspect of jump training that too many athletes neglect is building up your “six-pack.” The ab muscles are the foundation of your entire muscular structure, and stronger abs assist in all power generation. You may have noticed that many of the great leapers — Michael Jordan, Vince Carter, Kobe Bryant, and LeBron James — have well defined arm and shoulder muscles. This is no accident; a powerful arm swing actually adds height to your jump. A valuable addition to your jump training exercises is to work on the flexibility of your body. Not many people know this, but having more flexibility in your joints produces more power upon each jump.

Getting sufficient rest between your workouts is the best way to maximize your jump training effectiveness. Working out too hard and too frequently will set back your progress, and may even cause you to lose gains. Doing jump exercises is additionally exceptionally traumatic on your nervous system, which is why you want to maximize the amount of sleep that you obtain every night. Consequently, do not hit those muscles too hard too often… working out twice or maybe three times every week should be more than plenty.

Don’t stop now. Keep perusing below to learn some proven techniques on how to get bigger hops.

Box Jumps are a fantastic plyometric technique to work on your vertical leap. Today, plyometrics have been proven to work. While on top of a solid object such as a wooden box, jump down to the floor, and bound back up onto the surface as quickly as you can. Do three sets of ten reps.

Strengthen your calves. Carry out a set of toe raises every day in order to build up your calf muscles. You need to work on your calves every day, because these muscles are notoriously hard to train. Supplement the basic exercise by utilizing weights over time to increase strength in your calves.

Jumping rope is another exercise that is very effective in building up your quadriceps and calf muscles. When you do this exercise, don’t imitate the boxers by barely getting off the ground, but really leap into the air every time you jump. Do 1 set of fifty to two-hundred reps.

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Air Climber Reviews – How Did I Lose 34 Pounds in 7 Weeks With the Air Climber?

You have probably seen the Air Climber exercise equipment on those late night TV commercials. It seems like a great tools to help you lose fat and gain lean and fit body. However, before you buy, read this Air Climber review first to see if it fits your workout and weight loss needs.

How I lost 34 pounds in 7 weeks with the Air Climber

It was after Thanksgiving that I found myself gaining over 15 pounds and I must do something about it. I saw the Air Climber commercial and thought it looked convincing and could be the one that give me an excuse to get up and exercise. My goal is to lose weight by my 35th birthday in February, and maybe look good for the next summer. If you are like me, you hate those gut-wrenching crunches and laying-down-the-floor abs exercises. I was looking for a quick solution to flatten my flabby abs, arms, and legs, while enjoying the process and without the pain in my joints.

At first I was really skeptical about this systems and didn’t really think it would work. Despite the doubts, I bought and suick with it anyways because I had promised myself and didn’t want to disappoint my friends and family. Even though the product sell for over $80, I was fortunate to get the trial for only $15 and I was hooked with the10 inches or 10 pounds in 10 days or money back guarantee offer.

My trick to really make Air Climber really effective

I received the Air Climber is 5 days shipping, but leaving it sat underneath my bed for almost 8 days because I was kinda busy with my work and family issues. However, when I finally decided to jump on it and just give it a real shot, it got addicted to the fun following the DVD. The key is to start right away and stick with the rapid weight loss meal plans included in the package.

After the first week or so, I started to see some changes in my waistline. I was so excited when I lost almost 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks using the system. It gave me more motivation to keep my 20 minutes a day routine workouts in my living room and the meal plans was delicious too. If you are looking to lose serious weight and feel good fitting in those tight sexy jean or bikinis, the Air Climber system could be the one that change your life forever.

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Why You Shouldn’t Skip the Warm-Up and Stretching in Insanity Workout?

In this post I am going to describe two essential exercises in every Insanity workout, in which you should not underestimate its importance for your own safety first, and in order to perform the workouts in the most efficient way, they are the warm up and the cool down stretching.


Put it this way, I am a 20 years old male, and while doing the exercise in the warm-up I checked my heart rate and it was 165 bpm (beats per minute) this is according to medical facts is about 85% of my total max heart rate, and believe it or not I was still in the warm-up phase, the real exercises did not even begin yet. During the real workouts itself, I took a lot of rests in the middle, but that is completely normal for anyone if he is doing the exercise for the first time, as the instructor (Shaun T) says.

The following bullets mention the plyometric cardio circuit warm up exercises, you do these exercises 3 times, no brakes in the middle, and make sure that you begin slowly, then each time you complete this interval you push yourself more, until you reached the 3rd interval when you push yourself to the maximum.

  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Heisman’s
  • 123
  • Butt Kicks
  • High Knees
  • Mummy Kicks

After you have completed these 3 intervals, you should be pouring a lot of sweat, and that’s the main goal of the warm-up, is to prepare your muscles and lean them for the insane following exercises, in order to prevent injury. You can take now a sip of water for 30 seconds, but remember that you should not stop moving.

Cool Down stretching:

The second part in this brief post is the cool down stretching, many people overlook this part of the workout or don’t do it right, but I think it is a very essential exercise after the intense exercises you do in Insanity workout. It is medically advised that if you are doing some sort of intense exercise for a long period of time, it’s not good that after you finish that you immediately stop.

Many people think that stretching is only important before you do an exercise, but stretching should be done before and after the workout. Stretching is important to prevent cramps in your muscles, because after you exercise your muscles are very warm, and the muscles cannot immediately return to its normal temperature, it takes time, and in this time you should do some sort of soft exercise, and not just because stretching is an easy part of the workout that it should be skipped.

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