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3 Exercises to Reduce Waist Size

I promise they have nothing to do with jogging for a half hour on the treadmill like a hamster. Also… no crunches, no situps, no elliptical, no stairstepper. Basically, none of that crap! I have much better exercises that are more fun to do.

3 Exercises to Reduce Waist Size

1. Hindu Squats

This helps reduce the waist size by burning up a ton of calories. It creates a huge oxygen deficit which ellicits the body to burn off fat for energy. Here’s what you do…

In your living room or wherever, just squat up and down as fast as possible. Be sure to touch or swipe your finger tips onto the ground with each repetition to insure you went low enough with the squat. Do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. Once you can do that, add another 100 repetitions and do in under 10 minutes.

There are no weights or anything else needed. Just keep your back pretty straight when you do it. Do this everyday. Hey! Don’t complain, it only takes 5-10 minutes.

2. Walking up an incline

This is another biggie. It also creates a huge oxygen deficit which forces the body to burn belly fat for energy. All you do is take a treadmill and incline it to 10-15 degrees and walk for 15 minutes. Sound easy? Try it. You can thank me later. It’s like night and day inclining a treadmill and walking or jogging on a flat treadmill.

You can also walk up hills. But I can’t snap my fingers and put a hill outside your house. So the first 2 exercises are more calorie and fat burners which annihilate belly fat by stealing it for energy.

3. Vacuum Pose

Ok, now this is a direct abs exercise. In fact, it’s the best exercise you can do to reduce your waist size. My clients lose between 1.75-3 inches off their waists in less than a month doing this exercise.

Here’s what you do…

Suck in your belly button… not your upper abs area. Suck it in until you can’t suck it in any further. It should feel like your belly button is touching your spine.

Now, hold that position for 15-60 seconds. Rest, then repeat. Do this for 5 minutes everyday and you should be down 1.75 inches from your waist in less than a month. My clients who’ve done this for 20 minutes a day have lost an incredible 3 inches from their waists.

So if you do these 3 exercises, you should reduce your waist size by a couple inches in less than a month.

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Kettlebells and Shoulder Pain – Upper Cross Syndrome

Upper Cross Syndrome causes postural deviations of the neck and shoulder. Tightening and hyperactivity of the internal rotators of the shoulder (e.g. the pectorals) and the neck extensors (e.g. the posterior cervical group, the upper trapezius, the sternocleidomastoid muscle) results in inhibition of the deep neck flexors, the scapula retractors (e.g. rhomboid, mid and lower trapezius) and the external rotators of the shoulder (e.g. the rotator cuff). This results in a chin forward slumped posture, often accompanied by shoulder elevation. This dysfunctional postural and movement pattern results in fertile ground for almost all the common musculo-skeletal ailments of the upper body including neck pain, shoulder pain, rotator cuff injury, cervicogenic headache etc. How does one get upper cross syndrome? Look around. Almost everything we do as a society is done in front of us, driving, cooking, writing, cleaning, computer work. Add in a healthy dose of stress (causing upper trapezius hyperactivity) and you have upper cross syndrome!

Kettlebell training (as you would expect) addresses this problem in a dynamic and functional way. In addition to training lower body, core and cardiovascular system, kettle bell training will reverse the upper cross syndrome. Clean and press, snatches and high pulls facilitate and strengthen the mid and lower trapezius, rhomoboids and rotator cuff. This in turn will inhibit the upper traps and neck extensors, reversing shoulder elevation and chin forward posture. Strengthening the scapular retractors and facilitation of the rotator cuff results in external rotation of the shoulders; pulling the shoulders out of the vulnerable internal rotation position. That is why one of the first things you begin to see with someone who is training with kettlebells is improved upright posture.

A proper and well performed kettlebell routine will not only get you in the best shape of your life, but repair the damage done to your body by western lifestyle. Other exercises may increase strength or endurance, but usually do little to reverse the dysfunctional patterns created by day to day life and actually may make things worse. That is why I call the kettlebell workout, cross training for your life.

(c) 2007 Ronald J. Tyszkowski, DC – All Rights Reserved

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Height Increase Exercises – Grow Taller Now and Heighten Your Chance at Love!

Have you ever been attracted to someone but do not have the confidence to make the move…just because you are several inches shorter than her other guy friends?

This is a common problem for most adult guys. But all that can change though. No, I am not asking you to go for that limb lengthening surgery to make yourself taller – it is much too dangerous and expensive to do so.

I am going to share with you a secret to become taller than you already are right now…by doing height increase exercises.

That’s right guys! Put on your spandex because you are going to work your way out to increase your height!

Okay, forget the spandex…for now.

But what I am saying is it is perfectly possible for you to start increasing your height by doing a special set of exercises targeted at lengthening certain parts of your body.

Yes the results are as good, or even better, than limb lengthening surgeries. The difference is, by height increase exercises, you ACTUALLY grow taller naturally.

So what do these exercises do?

These are actually stretching routines that help to correct the alignment and the curvature of your spine. Additionally, your spine is gently stretched and extended to reach its maximum possible length.

Believe it or not, because your spine accounts for 40% of your total height, stretching your spine this way helps you to achieve an increase of about 2 to 4 inches to your height in just a matter of weeks!

Just imagine how different you would look then…not to mention your increased self-confidence to finally approach the girl of your dreams – and then some *winks*.

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Sprint to Look Better Naked!

Traditional approaches to cardio for fat loss have focused solely on exercising in the “Fat-Burning Zone” (FBZ), also know as the aerobic zone, by performing slow, steady-state exercise of low to moderate-intensity for long-durations. However, aerobic exercise alone has not only FAILED at producing significant fat loss, it can actually cause you to store fat (think trouble spot areas) and lose muscle. Not too sexy!

So what’s the alternative? Exercising in the “Carb-Burning Zone” (CBZ), also know as the anaerobic zone, to make your workouts dramatically shorter AND more effective. This is accomplished via interval training where you alternate between bouts of all-out high-intensity sprints and low to moderate-intensity active recovery periods. The sprint portion of the interval rapid depletes your body’s glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrate, or sugar, in muscle) tank so that your body starts using fat (both dietary and stored body fat) as it’s primary energy source at all other times of the day. More specifically, sprints lasting 30-60 seconds in length are scientifically proven to burn up the most sugar in your body so that you can quickly tap into your unwanted fat stores.

For maximal fat loss we highly recommend intervals that consist of a sprint followed by an active recovery period of greater or equal length depending on your current level of conditioning, with the exception of some elite level interval protocols where the recovery period is actually less than the sprint period (e.g. Tabatas). For example, if using a 30 second sprint, here’s how you would go about selecting the appropriate active recovery period for your current fitness level to best customize your interval training workouts:

Level I- Beginner: Use a 1:3 work to rest ratio (30 s on, 90 s off)

Level II- Intermediate: Use a 1:2 work to rest ratio (30 s on, 60 s off)

Level III- Advanced: Use a 1:1 work to rest ratio (30 s on, 30 s off)

In addition, this form of training not only burns a ton of calories during the actual workout but has a serious AFTERBURN effect which will have you burning more calories for hours and hours after your workout is completed (some studies suggest anywhere from 12-24+ hours). This phenomenon is know as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and describes the energy expended by your body in the recovery of your metabolic rate back to pre-exercise levels. The best part about EPOC is that you control it, meaning that the harder you work during training the more calories your body will burn BOTH during your workout AND for up to 24-48 hours after completing your workout!

So what are you waiting for?

Start sprinting to look better naked TODAY!

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Top 8 Benefits of Regular Exercise

We all want a lean and healthy body, and regular exercise is the only way to have it. But due to the busy lifestyle in this 21st century, we can barely manage enough time to do it. If you have been thinking about exercising regularly for some time, this article is here to motivate you with reasons why you need to hit the gym now.

1. For an improved memory

Regular exercise not only provides more oxygen to your brain but also boosts your memory power. Recent studies have shown that increased blood flow due to vigorous exercise has a part to play in improving memory power.

2. For more energy

You may feel tired and weak after an intense training session. But with proper rest and nutrition, you will surely have more energy than ever before.

3. For better sleep

Suffering from insomnia? Don’t worry, just start exercising on a regular basis and this problem will be gone in no time. However, remember to exercise in the morning or afternoon instead of right before going to the bed.

4. For a stress-free life

Stress may be a part of your life, but you have the chance to fight it off with regular exercise. Endorphins released in the brain while exercising efficiently reduce stress, making you feeling better at all times.

5. For superior immunity

Just exercise 3 to 4 times a week and soon your immune system will certainly be strong enough to fight flu, viruses and other diseases. Some recent researches have proved that those who exercise regularly are half as likely to get a cold than those who don’t do it at all.

6. For better sex

We all know regular exercise helps improve blood circulation all over the body. Thus, it helps increase sexual stimulation and reduces erectile dysfunction.

7. For superior confidence

Hitting the gym on a daily basis helps you look good and stay fit. And when you feel better about yourself, your feel confident in doing whatever you do.

8. For living longer

It’s a known fact that staying fit and healthy is the key to living a long life and avoiding premature aging. One study found that you will get the same benefits of quitting smoking if you take part in regular training sessions. Moreover, you can expect to add 10 to 20 more years in your life expectancy if you live on a proper diet and stay fit at all times.

Let’s admit it, it’s hard for us to manage even one hour every day to go to the gym. No matter what, you must try your best in order to live a happy and fulfilling life.

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300 Workout for Women

Women need to strength train for fat loss. That’s surprising. And women can also train hard. That’s surprising to a lot of folks as well. Here are some cool workouts for women’s weight loss.

Now just because the 300 workout was built for a guy’s movie doesn’t mean we can’t modify a workout originally made to chisel male Greek Statue bodies into a workout that will turn the average gal into a fitness Goddess.

The original 300 workout is brutal, and there are two ways we can modify it. First, by using the same exercises and decreasing the reps. And second, by keeping the reps but reducing the intensity of the exercises.

Let’s do option A first, doing a workout with mostly the same exercises but fewer reps. So this becomes a 125 rep workout. Its tough, and is really for advanced female fitness only. A more beginner exercise is below.

a) Pullups – 5 reps (if you can’t do real pullups, use the assisted pullup machine or even pulldowns)

b) Deadlifts with 25lbs – 30 reps (in the original workouts, they used 135 pounds. We’ll decrease the weight and use the EZ curl bar instead. Alternatively, you can do dumbbell squats with 15 pounds per hand).

c) Pushups – 20 reps (do a combination of regular and kneeling if necessary)

d) 12-inch Box jumps – 25 reps

e) Floor wipers – 20 reps (Use the EZ Curl Bar again, or a broomstick)

f) 1-arm Clean n Press with 10lbs Kettlebell – 20 reps total, not per arm

g) Pullups – 5 reps (same as above)

A woman with a moderate fitness level might try this 100 repetition workout (remember – minimize the rest between sets):

5 bodyweight rows

15 bodyweight squats

5 pushups

50 jumping jacks

10 mountain climbers

10 lunges

5 bodyweight rows

Those are some challenging workouts. Work with a trainer to come up with other ideas.

Just do this workout once as a test. You might try it every couple of months or so as a comparison, but don’t train like this everyday.

And as always, train safe. If you aren’t sure about the technique, your form, or don’t feel comfortable with the workout, skip it!

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Online Personal Workout Program – The Million Dollar Question

Many people believe getting nutrition only from food is a bad idea. Sometimes we need supplement and exercise on a regular basis for healthy body and mind. If you eat a healthy diet each day and think that you are getting enough nutrition then you are probably mistaking something. Studies found that sometimes taking supplement is good with regular exercise as long as you ate balanced diet. Some people these days found very serious for food intake and exercise, and follow a higher nutritious diet, often they take supplements with regular food, sometimes consult with health experts and sometimes over the counter.

Benefits of Online Workout Programs

Taking health supplements and consulting with experts online are some of the common things at present days. The benefits of online workout programs are many. One can find a plan sitting at home, choose supplements if needed after consulting the experts, complete the fitness plans from the industry’s best experts. Not only does every trainer provide workouts, but they also include exercise and health consultation.

  • Millions of busy men and women who do not find enough time to visit or consult with nutritionists take up online workout programs and consult with health expert for required supplements.
  • Many of them register or online exercise program, where they get in touch with experts virtually or often a group of experts, who are nutritionists, trainers, body builders and healers.
  • They can consult for supplement needs and exercise, and especially if they are overweight or underweight. Health experts provide best plans and supplements possible, so that they can gain or reduce weight, also can improve health as per requirement.
  • An online exercise planer can provide training and fitness tips. First and foremost, the person is one who holds you accountable. Discussing with trainer online is easy and affordable. No need to go there. You can connect whenever you need.
  • If you are not sure where to start or what to take, which supplement is good, what workout you need, when you decided to take training at home, or if you have plan of taking a supplement over the counter, then the online trainer helps you.
  • If you are a busy person, who does not have time to go out for an exercise class, gym or jogging every day, an online trainer could help you know which thing or workout would be best for you, that you can do at home.
  • If you are a fitness enthusiast or want to build strong body or looking for body building camp that helps your workout, but do not have time to join the camp, online program is good for you. You can join the periodical camp for workout as well occasionally.

Last, but certainly not the least, the biggest advantage lies in online workout programs is affordability and flexibility. The workout sessions are not done in person, but you can choose the best time to complete the workout. You can choose your available equipment at home consulting with the experts. Online training programs cost less per month compared to long hour in person workout sessions. The million-dollar question: Are the outcomes as good as what you would get from a one to one session, from a real-life trainer? The answer is ‘yes’. People who have enrolled these programs considered good and satisfactory.

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How to Build Braveheart’s Body in 2 Months! Mel Gibson’s Secret Workouts Revealed!

Mel Gibson’s Exercise Tips

You must take proper nutrition that has low fat and high protein food. Also, you must make sure there are a lot of vegetables and fruits as they flush out toxins from the body. Natural sources of protein like soy based products, oatmeal and eggs must be consumed to maintain energy levels. Saturated fats like red meat, candy bars and sodas contain empty calories and must be totally avoided.

You should include creatine and other protein supplements in your daily diet in order to obtain the energy required to perform high intensity workouts. These also help to supply water and oxygen to working muscles and maintain energy levels easily.

Cardio exercises like hiking, running, walking and swimming must be done daily to boost metabolism that consequently leads to burning of fat. Bodyweight exercises like squats, crunches, sit ups and push ups must be done to warm up the body for weight training exercises.

Dumbbell flyes, cable crossovers, decline barbell press, bench barbell press are a few of the most effective workouts to build chest muscles. Biceps can easily be sculpted by performing hammer curls, preacher curls, bicep curls and pull ups.

Consuming Nitric Oxide helps your body to attain the required levels of strength and endurance in order to effectively perform high intensity exercises. It improves flow of blood and encourages muscle pumping. Many deadly disorders like heart attacks, diabetes and cancer are prevented by consuming Nitric Oxide. It can also cure injuries and joint pains easily. It rejuvenates the immune system and stimulates fat loss. It also acts as an agent against aging. 

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8 Tips to Stop Your Dog’s Disobedience

Disobedience occurs when your dog just decides not to listen to something you tell him to do. This is something different than incomprehension. If the dog doesn’t know what you want, it’s not really his fault. But, if he does know and just doesn’t do it, you need to take strides to teach him who is boss.

The only way to really know if your dog is being disobedient is if he has performed the requested task reliably in the past. If he has done it 2 or 3 times he still may not be sure what is going on. If he has been doing well for months, or years, then he is just misbehaving by not doing it now.

Most people just see this as being inconvenient. The reality of the matter is that it is a pretty serious thing for your dog to disobey a direct command. This could end up being dangerous for your dog in certain situations and will also be bad for your relationship with your dog.

The most important part of your relationship with your dog is gaining his respect. You need to be the pack leader, not the dog. Disobedience is, in reality, your dog challenging your alpha status. He is looking you in the eye and saying “Who are you to boss me around?”. This type of passive aggressive behavior will continue to get worse and worse until you do something about it.

I always try to stress the fact that your dog MUST understand that you outrank him in the pack. If he thinks he outranks you you are in big trouble. Good luck getting your boss at work to do something just cause you told him to! Same goes for dogs. You must reinforce your status at the top of the social hierarchy in order to gain dominance.

However this may sound to you, it would sound like Mozart to most dogs. It is actually in your dog’s best interest, psychologically, to have someone else making all his decisions for him. In a pack the alpha always leads the other dogs(or more likely wolves) around, even in their every day behaviors. They also make sure to do little things to gain obedience by establishing their dominance. In a wolf pack all other members must wait until the alpha is done eating the choicest pieces of meat before they begin eating.

Having a solid human/dog relationship hinges heavily on your dog understanding that you are the authority figure. He should be at the bottom of the chain of command in the house. Here are a few tips to help you reestablish dominance and gain your dog’s respect:

  1. First off you should not give the dog free, unrestricted access to the whole house. Make certain places, like beds, couches, or even entire rooms off limits. Remember, its your world and he’s just living in it.
  2. Always be the initiator of play. If your dog brings you his toy, or starts nudging you to play what he really means is “I want to play, and since I am the boss, we’re gonna play now.” Don’t want him thinking that way. When this happens ignore him, maybe go do something else, until he stops trying. Then, if you are ready go ahead and have a little playtime. Playtime is important, but you need to set the rules.
  3. Always make sure you are the first one out of the house or car. In a dog pack the alpha always goes first, since he is the biggest and strongest. If you let your dog first you are acknowledging him as being the bigger and stronger of the two of you. This will start to inflate his ego and make him much more disobedient. By the same token you should always make him wait for his food. Put it on the floor in his bowl and make him stand at you heel. When you have made him sit there for 5 or 10 seconds tell him to “go ahead”, or some such thing. Just like the alpha dog who would make his pack wait until he decides it is time for them to eat.
  4. A great way to make your dog more obedient is to have a basic obedience training program. It can start out at around 10 minutes a day, and trail off to about 5 as your dog becomes more proficient at obeying the commands. Keep the following tips in mind for a good training program:
  5. Always make sure you can reinforce all commands immediately if the dog disobeys. This will probably mean keeping your dog on a leash whenever you are outside the house until he understands the commands, and starts listening.
  6. Use verbal cues properly. When interrupting your dog you should try to avoid using the word “No”. Other sounds will better get your dog’s attention. I use the word “Hey”, although it sounds more like “A” when I say it. This cuts through the dog getting his instant attention. Also make sure to use tone of voice to your advantage. Praise should be in a light cheery tone, with lots of smiling. Corrections should be using as deep and powerful a tone you can use, without yelling.
  7. Never repeat a command. Use a correcting tug on the leash if the dog does not listen. This will remind him that you are still here and still in charge.
  8. Keep training sessions short. Your dog is not as intelligent as you are and cannot keep up the learning process for long periods of time. He will likely start losing interest and paying attention to other things after not much more than 10 minutes. Try to keep sessions between 5 and 15 minutes.

You may also want to try formal obedience classes. This is especially helpful for puppies. While the things you will learn here are helpful they can also be learned, for the most part, from books and other people. The real benefit to this that goes beyond a normal home training program is the socialization factor. Interacting with the other dog’s and their owners is healthy, and will also help you teach your dog to listen to you with the many distractions found in public.

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20 Dog Camping Tips

Summertime is the right time for you to pack your bags and take your furry pal for an ideal season of camping. It not only makes you feel connected with the nature, but also makes your camaraderie with the doggy stronger. If you are someone who loves camping then sharing the experience with your furry pal will provide even more satisfaction. Dogs are excited when they new smells and sites of the camp site. You will see a new side of your furry pal when you go camping with him. There are certain interesting features that your doggy notices that you might otherwise overlook. Also remember that for camping your doggy does not need to be in the best shape. The only thing that you need to ensure is that you have adequate supplies when you backpack for the camp.

Let us now focus our attention to some of the camping tips that will make the trip a wonderful experience for your doggy:

1. While travelling, stop at regular intervals so that your doggy can go for bathroom breaks, drink water and have adequate exercise.

2. In case you need to leave your furry pal in the vehicle even for a short duration ensure that there is proper ventilation, shade and water for your pooch.

3. Carry your dog’s essential products like toys, blanket and bed so that he feels at home at the camping site.

4. Always assure the furry pal that he is safe, secured and loved.

5. Keep a watch on the health of your doggy.

6. Always be vigilant about the diseases that your furry pal can contract in the wildlife.

7. Carry flea and tick repellents and collars if you find that there is a higher risk of fleas and ticks in that area.

8. Give adequate time for the doggy to adjust to the new surroundings.

9. Give enough rest to your furry pal.

10. Never leave the doggy unattended when you are outside with him.

11. If you have any leftover food keep it in a place which will not attract wildlife and insects.

12. While you are at the campsite ensure that you do not leave the furry pal unattended.

13. Always have your doggy leashed so that he is safe from any uninvited visitor at the neighbouring campsite.

14. Honour the camp-ground regulations for on-leash and off-leash areas.

15. Always keep the doggy under control all the time.

16. Always follow your doggy especially in forest area as hikers, walkers, bikers, etc. will be using the area.

17. Throw the dog’s waste in an environmental-friendly dog bag and dispose it off in appropriate trash containers.

18. Always leash the doggy far away from the campsite.

19. If see huge space at the camping site, it is advisable to employ an expandable leash. The great thing about this leash is that you can tie a rope between trees and secure the leash to the rope for a dog run.

20. Always be vigilant to ensure that your furry pal is safe from their leash getting untangled around stakes, picnic table, trees and tent poles.

There is nothing better than to snuggle with your doggy in a cosy tent with the scent of camp fire still lingering in the air. With some thoughtful planning you will be all set to heed the call of the wild and have a blast!

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