Archive | Losing Fat

Belly Fat Weight Loss Pills and Natural Supplements

People usually call the fat as jelly belly, dunlap disease etc, but it doesn’t look pretty. The excess fat around your midsection which wiggles and jiggles in all the wrong places and it doesn’t look attractive. Belly fats look unattractive and it can be downright dangerous to our health. The risk of heart disease is increased with the increased fat around our waist and abdomen. People get confused with so many pills, potions and programs which are flooding the weight loss industry in recent times. People get so confused with these products that they are unable to come to the conclusion that which product is effective and which is helpful in reducing the weight successfully.

The first thing to be kept in mind is that losing the weight is not a magical process. We have to work hard to achieve our goal effectively. Three pronged approaches are required for reducing our weight or belly to its exact position. It is not so easy just to popping diet pills or gulping down foul tasting drinks. Only doing sit-ups and crunches are also not responsible to reduce the belly fat especially at the spot. So it is advisable not to waste your precious time. It may be reduced with the help of healthy pills, cardiovascular exercises, lift weights in addition to the effective herbal and diet pills.

There are five types of diet pills which makes you to lose your weight fast.

1. Fat burners help to lose your weight faster as they increases the fat burning metabolism naturally, they help to suppress your appetite for faster weight loss and they also provide more energy to workout for longer and intensely helps you to burn more calories which result in more weight loss.

2. Colon cleansers also help you to reduce your belly effectively and it also saves your money.

3. CLA, Omega-3’s, and GLA are very helpful fat burners. Weight loss foods like fish and nuts are very effective and faster.

4. Multi vitamins are very essential for the person undergoing the process of weight loss. It must be taken regularly. Ladies must take one women’s multivitamin in a day and men have to take one men’s multivitamin in a day.

5. Meal replacements also help you to lose weights if some people don’t have time to prepare meal. It is a powdered drink mixes which are very easy and quick to prepare. It contains perfect amount of carbs, protein and fats which help us to lose weight.

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Fat Loss Exercise – Program Design

The program design of a fat loss exercise program needs to be considered. Not all exercise programs are the same; you need to find one that works for you. Weight training and interval training are great fat loss exercise techniques that will give you great results.

When we train using a program that is poorly designed and doesn’t give us what we want, in terms of results. We must make changes and see what we are doing and how we are doing the exercises. Sometimes reassessing and making changes will get you better results and you will be more effective during your training sessions.

Weight training not only gives you bigger muscles, but they also increase your metabolism. The resistance that we train with increases our body’s metabolic activity well after our exercise session causing the body to increase its fat burning capacity throughout the day and night.

Bicep curls, leg extensions, and hamstring curls are exercises that focus on a one joint motion. When you isolate the movements, you are not effectively burning much fat. Exercises that optimize more joint movements are better at burning more fat.

Studies confirm that low repetition weight training helps increase the body’s fat burning activity. In addition, exercises that use more joints such as, split squats, push ups, chin ups, rows, step ups, lunges, dead lifts and squats have shown to burn more calories and result in burning more body fat,

High intensity interval training is better than slow aerobic exercise. The quick burst activity have residual effects and promote metabolic activity even after the exercise session.

Interval training causes the body to function in a lowered oxygen state. This causes the body to work even harder to bring oxygen to the muscles to repair, replenish and remove waste from the muscles. The increased metabolic activity of the muscles increases its energy consumption and promotes greater fat burning.

Program design needs to be assessed in order to get the fat loss exercise results that you wish. Finding the perfect program is the key to getting ripped abs. When you incorporate weight training and interval training, you will be better able to get fat loss results quicker and easier.

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Weight Loss Diets That Work vs Fat Loss Diets That Work – What is the Difference?

Weight loss and fat loss have become synonymous in most circles. However, these terms can be very different. A diet can cause weight loss with very little fat loss. Lose of lean muscle tissue or water may show up as weight loss, but could cause an increase in fat stores. That is why using multiple tools to gauge success is important. How your clothes fit, how you look in the mirror, comments from other people, and the pinch test are all great tools to supplement the scale when gauging success during a diet.

The body still has starvation protection built in from prehistoric times and when it senses a change in caloric intake, it will slow the metabolism and store as much energy as possible. In this stage it stops building, or rebuilding, cells and conserves energy, using those nutrients for energy. Lean body tissue cannot be rebuilt and is lost. At this point, due to bones losing density and muscles losing mass, the body is more susceptible to injury. The infection fighting capability of the body is severely impaired as well, which causes an increase in the risk of infectious diseases. The body loses excess water through the waste removal system, as well. A lot of dieters also take diuretics, while decreasing their water intake, hoping to increase total weight loss, leading to serious dehydration.

Although the scale may register a lower number after a loss of body water, failing to replenish that water can lead to serious health problems. Water is essential for many of the body’s functions, including cooling, keeping fluid (blood) levels up, and assisting with various metabolic functions. Chronic dehydration may develop if water intake does not match water output (through urine, sweat, respirations, etc.) Dehydration can damage many of the body’s vital organs, including the brain. So, although water loss will register as weight loss, the dieter’s health will suffer.

Exercise may help the body shift into a fat loss mode. Easy- to moderate-level exercise done for an extended period (at least 30 minutes) will put the body into fat burning mode. Exercise that is too strenuous results in more carbohydrates being burned than fat. The muscles use glucose for energy and they have stores of carbohydrate energy right inside the muscle tissue. This carbohydrate energy is good for short, powerful bursts such as running, swimming, lifting weights, etc. Since fat burning is the goal, you want to select exercises that will result in the fat burning furnace being turned on. Walking, slow jogging, easy biking, or other low intensity exercise is perfect.

A fat loss diet, versus a weight loss diet, will lead to less body fat. Exercise may increase the metabolism and support fat burning to keep that fat off. A weight loss diet may lead to water or lean tissue loss with no cosmetic or health improvement at all. Seek a diet that leads to fat loss not just a weight loss diet. Look for a diet that uses food to shift the body into fat burning mode.

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Weight Loss Tips and Secrets That Work

Top Weight Loss Tips

The first thing you must do as you look to lose weight is get out a notebook and write out what your goal is. Do you want to lose ten pounds, thirty pounds, or even more? And how long should you give yourself to meet your goal? Writing down a clear and concise weight loss goal on paper can be a source of motivation that you can look at over and over again to keep it fresh in your mind. Stick this up on your refrigerator or bulletin board and use it as inspiration when you’re feeling lazy.

The next step is to take a look at your diet. Cut out all of the unnecessary junk foods including chips, candy, and soda. Just by cutting out soda, for example, can help you lose five pounds or more very quickly. Elimination of sugary and foods that are high in carbohydrates is key. Increase your water intake and try and drink as much as possible daily. Drinking more water will suppress your appetite and keep your body hydrated which helps with recovery and energy.

Increase your protein intake and focus on foods that are low in carbs as mentioned before. Protein helps to burn fat and increase muscle mass and will help you take advantage of the exercise that you will be doing and fuel your body properly.

The next component to a good weight loss plan is a solid exercise program that includes a mix of cardio and weight training. Typically you should do cardiovascular exercises such as running, stair climbing, elliptical machines, or other aerobic activity that will get your target heart rate in the fat burning zone and keep it there for 30 minutes or more. You want to do cardio on a regular basis at a minimum of three times per week.

For strength training with weights, you can do work out all of your major body parts at least once a week and lift moderate to heavy weight. Try and use free weights if possible, as they will work more muscles than machines. The combination of weight training and cardio exercise on a regular and consistent basis will build muscle, get your metabolism rate up, and help to get your body into fat burning mode.

How to Successfully Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

All of the weight loss tips in the world will never work if you don’t commit to losing weight over time and doing it right. Avoid diet fads and quick solutions like diet pills that may provide short term results. You need to live a healthy and active lifestyle to meet your goals.

Want to learn more and take it to the next level? Imagine having a beach body year round that others envy. To be successful and stay motivated it helps to use a proven diet program where you have a blueprint of what to eat and how to exercise.

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5 Weight Loss Secrets and Tips

For those that will try to lose weight, there will always be solutions which people say are effective, yet for some people that have been particularly suffering from obesity for a long time, have also tried many miracle solutions on the market. As such, if you’re tired of trying creams and who knows what magical diet that doesn’t really offer you any results; please find the time to take a look at one last fat loss solution. I guarantee you will not be disappointed you did.

For example: If you take a look at countries such as China, many Asian women are slim. Have you ever wondered why? Well, the secret is in the food that they are eating, of course and not the processed and high in fat foods that are in the diets of most people in North America.

Even though you will not find all of the secrets to weight loss in this article, it will be enough so you can finally get rid of your belly and start looking great. So, let’s start!

1. Organic:

First of all, you will need to ensure that all of the food you purchase, is organic food. Yes, this costs you generally more money, but you need to remember the purpose you are having in mind, is more important than a few dollars you spend on food. There are plenty of studies and I know that it might be hard for you to even find these foods. However, buying normal food that contain many pesticides, are not healthy. In addition, be careful so that you only use condiments that don’t contain many calories.

Also, read the labels of everything that you purchase. You will see how easy it is to lose weight with this diet without having to starve.

2. Protein:

Now, make sure that you will choose the right base items for your diet. What I mean by this is that your diet should emphasize on sources of protein, such as fish, eggs, chicken (without the skin), pork, tofu & let us not forget about soy.

3. Vegetables:

When it comes to vegetables, ensure that on your plate, there is a variety of these each day. From carrots to broccoli, peas, greens or perhaps lettuce, which can easily be turned into a delicious salad. If you cannot have fresh vegetables, you can alternatively use the canned versions. However, be sure to have them washed, as they tend to have some salt.

4. Fruit:

Oh yes, who can have an effective diet without fresh fruits? Fruits are not only perfect for those trying to lose weight, but they are also full of vitamins and antioxidants that help your immune system to fight against various diseases and pathogens. Blueberries and cranberries in this regard is what your fat loss menu should contain most. For they contain powerful antioxidants, yet don’t forget that pears, apples, bananas and so forth, should not be disregarded.

5. Exercise:

Most of the time, you will also need to consider physical exercise to lose weight. Cardio is very effective for your weight loss goal, which is why you should highly consider it. When you are doing cardio, you will increase your metabolism and increase the heart rate as well. However, before attempting these exercises, you should consider an online calculator that will allow you to calculate your optimum heart rate. Then, you can go with an aerobic exercise for 20 minutes a day, three to five times weekly in order to lose fat more effectively.


a) It’s recommended that you incorporate your diet with physical exercise for more effective results. Remember to get plenty of fresh air and always sleep at least eight hours per night;

b) Drink plenty of water! 8 glasses per day is an ideal and effective way of losing weight;

c) If there are changes you would like to make to your diet, you should consider speaking to a certified nutritionist, particularly when considering burning belly fat.

Exercise and maintaining a healthy balanced diet have always been an effective way for everyone to have the body they have always wanted. So, stick with this and before you know it, you will reach your weight loss goal!

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What is the Best Exercise For Fat Loss?

One exercise will not ensure you burn fat.  You need to have a multi-pronged approach to hit the fat from all angles!  There are some amazing exercises out there that will help you, though, so long as you also follow a few key principles.

1.  You will only lose fat if you consume fewer calories than you burn!  No ifs, no buts: it’s true.  However, you may struggle to lose fat even if you are eating fewer calories if those calories come from junk foods with no nutritional value, as our body uses our fat stores to store toxins.  If you fill your body with toxins they have to go somewhere.  Junk foods also affect our hormones, that can promote fat gain on the same level of calories that would see fat being lost if the food was unprocessed and natural.

So you must keep an eye on calories, but also make sure you are eating 5-10 portions (if not more!) of vegetables a day, plus fruit and lean proteins.  You need adequate good fats (nuts, seeds, fish oils). Carbs cause most people who struggle with their weight a problem so these should be limited and certainly as natural as possible.  Eat clean and you will feel better and more energised, ready for step 2:

2. Perform full body, multi-joint, compound exercises that hit every muscle in the body.  This includes squats, deadlifts, rows, presses.  You need to challenge your body and workout intensely in order to burn the most calories both during the session and afterwards – this kind of exercise means you burn fat for up to 48 hours after training so has a far greater fat burning effect than your typical long, steady cardio.

3.  Perform interval training, working to your maximum ability for a short period of time, then recovering.  This has the same effect as above, increasing your fat burning after you have finished exercising, as well as increasing your fitness levels more quickly.

Kettlebells are the perfect solution to the second two parts of the equation, as you can get a strength and cardio workout in with one piece of equipment.  You can easily store them at home and you only need a small amount of space, so they are perfect for making sure you actually do the exercise – no workout is going to be effective if you don’t do it, and kettlebells are the ultimate ‘excuse buster’ for that reason!

Fat Blaster Number 1 – The Turkish Get Up

From a lying position, hold a kettlebell at arms length directly above your shoulder, keeping the arm locked straight. Keep the kettlebell directly above the shoulder at all times, and keep your gaze on the kettlebell as you manoeuvre your body from the lying position all the way up to standing.  Then you reverse the movement and return yourself back to the ground.

Fat Blaster Number 2 – The Swing

You swing the kettlebell between your legs and up to about chest height, using the power of your hips and legs.  The explosive hip drive works your entire body in the same way as plyometrics, or jumping, without the impact.  You get your heart rate right up and work all the major muscle groups, burning fat fast!

There are plenty more, of course, and in many ways, the best exercise you can do for fat loss is one you are not doing now!  Our bodies are very good at adapting, so we need to keep shocking the system with new movements and challenges.  Luckily kettlebells offer almost infinite variety, which is why they are my workout tool of choice.

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Fat Burning Diets – What Foods to Eat For a Fast Fat Burning Diet Plan

A healthy and nutritious diet plan is most effective means towards body fat reduction. Fat burning diets and strategies are widely available for anyone who wants to lose weight. They are all over the newspapers, fitness magazines and even online. These diet plans were carefully planned and devised by wellness experts to help you attain the results that you so desire in the shortest possible time.

Body fat reduction is the means to eliminate unwanted fat in your body. Fat is good however if it is more than the recommended level, it can also become detrimental to your health. That is why most experts recommend for us to cut on our food intake which are fatty but depriving and stopping ourselves from eating would change our disposition and make us irritable most of the time. Moreover, reducing body fat would also require us to exercise regularly that seems to be difficult for people with busy schedules. Thus, the better alternative to lose weight is to keep track of our food intake. The more food we eat the more calories we get, the more calories we have in our body, the harder will it be for us to follow one of the popular fat burning diets.

The way to an easy body fat reduction diet is to carefully choose what we eat. Most dieticians would recommend apples as part of your daily meal. This is because apples contain a substance called pectin that is unbelievably rich in protein. Protein in turn helps our metabolism hence, allowing more fat to be burned. Garlic, just does not spice up your food but also adds spice to your health. It contains allicin that helps in the reduction of fat and cholesterol. Tomatoes on the other hand, are not just rich in lycopene that helps in the signs of aging but it also help in eliminating fat and reducing the risk of cancer. Carrots are also effective when it comes to following one of these fat burning diets.

Fat burning diets all boil down to the right choice of foods. Amino acids which are the building blocks of protein help us fight free radicals that are harmful to the body that is why protein is considered to be an excellent component in eliminating body fat. Lean meat is high in protein that is why it is advisable among all other meat products. Dark Chocolates on the other hand, are verified to be rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are like the body’s soldiers that fight against toxins that are bad for our health. Lesser toxins mean lesser radicals and better fat reduction. Surprisingly, going on a diet doesn’t look bad as it sounds, think of it, you still can enjoy meat and bask in the glory of dark chocolates.

Fat burning diets should not be too complex for many people. The methods should still be attractive to the majority and not as painful as the sound of deprivation. The main thing we need to remember whilst losing weight is to choose the right food and take in just the right proportions.

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Weight Loss and Side Effects of CLA

Does Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have any bad side effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and body composition (i.e. losing fat and gaining muscle) changes seen in studies using mice and rats. Does is work in humans? More recently research in humans has shown that it can be used to increase fat loss. In this article we’ll look at some of the benefits of CLA as well as some of the potential side effects. In addition to weight loss studies there have been (and are currently) countless studies looking at the effects of this fatty acid on reducing inflammation, fighting cancer, and in the treatment of other conditions.

Ever since 2007, there has been an increase in use of CLA as a fat burner. This is due to the release of a meta-analysis (basically a review of several scientific studies) published in the May 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which concluded that 3.2g/d of CLA can induce moderate weight loss in humans. CLA is an attractive weight loss supplement and many people use conjugated linoleic acid as part of a fat loss supplement stack (i.e. a group of compounds and herbs taken together to maximize effects) because unlike many other weight loss supplements it is not a stimulant and you don’t suffer the nasty side effects of getting the jitters, increased heart rate, or worse – increased blood pressure. This is especially as there are not many effective options for non-stimulant fat burners on the market.

Let’s now look at two more studies that involve people taking supplemental CLA. The first study was again published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers found that when people supplemented with 3.2 g/d of CLA (this is generally the recommended dosage for weight loss purposes) they burned more fat and more specifically they burned more fat when they slept!

This is true.

Not only did the subjects that took CLA burned more fat when they slept, the fat they burned was NOT fat they had recently eaten; it was actually stored body fat that they were burning. This study gets even better as the researchers reported that the individuals that took CLA had decreased urinary protein losses. In other words the CLA group had improved protein retention when they slept. These are really interesting findings. If I owned a supplement company that sold large dosages of CLA – my new headline would be “CLA – Scientifically Proven to Burn More Body Fat and Build Muscle while you SLEEP.”

So CLA can work for weight loss but are there any side effects? Again in 2007, another study was published that looked at the effects of CLA on weight loss, this time in obese people. In this study, the participants were given CLA dosages of 0, 3.2, or 6.4 grams/day. At the end of the study the group that received the 6.4 g/d of CLA experienced a significant increase in a compound called C – reactive protein or CRP for short. C – reactive protein is a protein that is released from your liver. It is commonly used in the medical field as a general marker of the level of inflammation in your body – higher CRP means more inflammation.

While there was an increase in CRP, it was truly not clinically significant as CRP levels remained below what is considered normal (Normal CRP levels are 3mg/dL). It is also important to see realize that the people in the study that had increased CRP as a result of taking a CLA supplement were taking 2x the ‘recommended’ dose for weight loss and also that people that obese normally have higher CRP levels (this might have come into play here as well). The group that only took 3.2 grams per day did not have any increase in their CRP levels.

Based on the findings in the studies that I’ve mentioned above and the review of studies from article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is seems that 3.2 g/d of CLA can be safely taken to boost weight loss.

The next question that you should ask is…

What do you do with these findings? At the moment not a whole lot… CLA is a nice add-on to a fat loss program but “add-on” is the key word. CLA is perfect for nutrient stacking as combing these effects with a supplement like green tea extract (which has also been shown to boost weight loss), increased non-exercise physical activity, and multiple meals throughout the day will surely boost your fat loss. If you aren’t spot on with your nutrition, training with weights 3x per week, and doing 3 interval sessions per week then don’t waste your time with CLA and focus on the more important things.

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Fast Weight Loss Exercises: 3 Fat Busting Workouts

So you want to lose a few pounds and get in shape pretty fast. I assume you’ve got a diet plan in order and are searching for some fast weight loss exercises to speed up the fat burning process, and get you down to your goal weight as soon as possible.

In this article I will share with you three of the best exercises I know for rapid weight loss. Of course there are many to choose from, but for me, these rank at the top for burning calories and defining muscle.

1. Get your running shoes on: Many people don’t consider running as an option to lose weight, probably because they think it’s going to be really hard, and only super fit people do it. I mean, when do you ever see a fat jogger right?

But the truth is, You hardly ever see a fat runner because running burns more calories and strips more fat than pretty much any other exercise. It really isn’t that hard either. Just like any other physical activity you try, start small and increase your workout gradually.

First off, you’ll need a quality pair of running shoes. It’s sometimes a good idea to ask in the shop for advice, as you may have flat or curved feet. Running in the wrong type shoe can sometimes course aching feet. Now you got your shoes, lets get running…

There are two ways for beginners to start running. You could either take the bull by the horns and run one or two miles if your confident you can do it. Or, run then walk, then run in two minute intervals, which you can increase over time till your up to running one mile without stopping.

Run your average two miler workout three days between Monday to Friday and one long distance workout on the weekend. Your long run should be increased around 20% each week and no more. This increase in distance on your long run workouts is the key to rapid weight loss.

Final note: Don’t worry about getting so out of breath, you have to stop. Everyone has these moments at the beginning. When your feeling this way, try and slow right down to almost a walk, but still jogging. You should be able to get your breath back and then carry on without stopping. Of course, if you feel unwell at any time, stop and recover.

2. Get weight training: It’s often thought that weight training Is purely for building muscle and has nothing to do with weight loss, but think again. There’s a lot of great research that has been done, which suggests that lifting weights is exactly what you should be doing if your serious about burning calories.

Studies show that after a good session on the weights you will experience a high boost in your metabolic rate. This means, the rate in which you burn calories increases, even hours after your workout. So your not only burning fat at a supper fast rate, your also tightening, shaping and defining you body.

Joining a gym is a good idea because not only you have use of all the equipment, but there’s normally someone around to answer any questions you may have. Also, having someone to train with can really make a difference when it comes to motivation.

3. Step & stairs workouts: These are real lower body burners you can easily do from home. Their designed to strip fat and shape your hips, bum and legs with dramatic results, but like anything else, you must take action and commit to these exercises each day.

For the stairs workout: Walk up and the stair for around two minute, then rest for one minute. Repeat this routine four times and be sure to rest in between sets, this is important. There’s no doubt you’ll feel this exercise working all the right areas. Expect your legs to burn like crazy and feel like jelly afterwards.

For the step workout: Use the bottom step of the stairs for this one, or a low stool or chair, no higher than your nee. Step up then down continuously for two minutes, then rest for one minute. Repeat this routine four time. Now try the same exercise but with a side step. Side step up for one minute with the right foot, and then turn around and do the same with the left. Again, repeat this routing four times with rests in between.

You may find that you can push a little longer than the times I’ve given here. On the other hand, you may need to build up to this level. Once you are comfortable with these workouts and start to find them easier over time, be sure to increase the time for each set.

Remember that with any such exercise, everyone has different fitness levels. So take your time at first, get to know your own physical ability. If you feel ill at ant time stop, and above all else, be careful!

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Weight Loss Tips – 4 Weight Loss Tips To Lose Fat Fast

BURN fat! If you want to lose your weight. This is the main thing that you need to know. What is burn fat? It means that you consume more calories than you take in. The extra calories will be stored in your body as the freaking body fat if the calories you take in are more than your body used.

You can either decrease your calories intake or increase the daily activities levels to avoid the body fat. We suggest that doing both will be ideal for weight loss.

The more fats you wish to lose, the more calories you need to burn off. It is as simple as that. Here are few tips for you for speeding up your weight loss.

1) Expedite your metabolism

Exercise will be the good choice! The more exercise you do, the more fat you burn and quick metabolism you have. There is no way to deny that metabolism does control the weight. Most of the people never realize that they are actually can control and adjust their metabolism to reduce their weight.

Exercise can speed up the metabolism. The more exercise you do, the more quick metabolism you have, as well as the weight you loss. Maybe it’s not healthy for all of us to get into highly active exercise. However, there is a possibility for us to get there as quickly as safely we can as an individual.

2) Take healthy balanced diet

Make sure that you take variety of foods. It includes plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grain products. Not to remember to take low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish and legumes. Take plenty of water; be moderate in taking salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat.

In western world, they always view the food as an entertainment. This will worsen the battling of fat burn and slow metabolism. In addition to taking on an active lifestyle, stop treating that food consumption is an enjoyment! This will cause you a foodie.

3) Take plenty of rest and sleep

Sleep and other lifestyle patterns can obstruct the food metabolism rate. An active daily life will ultimately lead to being able to exercise to exhaustion. As the result, this will cause your fat burn and quick metabolism by pushing your limit in utilizing the lungs, heart and muscles and fat burn most efficiently.

4) Mentally strong

Do not let your weight bother you. Understand that everyone has a bad day. Do not berate yourself if you are failed in weight loss. Do not feel guilty upon the mistake you have made. Keep on moving, trying and enjoy your life.

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