Archive | October, 2018

How to Get a 6 Pack in 20 Days? – Learn To Get Great Abs Fast!

Are you desperate to get 6 pack abs quickly? I know exactly how to do it, as I have personally succeeded myself after finally discovering many truths about ab training. Firstly, you must be willing to commit and do whatever it takes to get the six pack abs. This article will lists the most important aspects that you have to get right if you want to have any chance of getting your 6 pack.

1. Build Up Your Lean Muscle

The most important thing to do is to lose the layer of stomach fat covering the abs. Cardio alone is not going to help much. The best way to do this would be to raise your body’s metabolism throughout the day, and you need to build up lean muscle to accomplish that. Lean muscle can be built by doing strength training with weights, but they don’t necessarily have to be very heavy unless you want to get big. Always remember to consume some form of protein after your workouts.

2. Eat More Of The Right Foods

Try not to eat too large quantities of food per meal. It would be good if you can divide your daily 3 meals up into 5 or more smaller meals each day. This keeps your metabolism high throughout the day, burning your body fat even when you are not working out. Also ensure that your meals contain a good mix of fiber, protein and healthy carbohydrates like vegetables and fruits.

3. Do Ab Exercises, But Don’t Overdo Them

Many people misunderstand ab training and tend to overdo them. It is a necessary step but not the only step, which most people seem to think so as I see people just doing their crunches all day long without much success. Ab exercises are useful for strengthening your abs, but almost useless when they come to fat burning.

Also, it does not mean that the more reps you do, the faster you will get six packs. The ab exercises you perform must provide enough resistance to your abs, which means that if you have already done many crunches before, it is time to move on to more challenging ones like hanging leg raises.

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Penis Exercises And Supplements – Guaranteed Ways To Increase The Size Of Your Penis

Penis exercises work very well on the their own when it comes to increasing the size of your manhood. In this article I will go through supplements that you can use with the penis exercises to see wonderful results and gains. All you have to do is sit back, relax and read about these two crucial methods. Many men across the globe have seen massive success by using these techniques.

The key to being successful with penis enlargement is consistency and focus. When you have both of these things penis enlargement becomes so much easier. When I first used these methods I was very surprised with how well it worked and even more surprised with how fast it worked. Normally with enlargement the process of enlargening is a steady journey but with these methods it will be a quick process.

Comparing Body Exercises

Weather it’s losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of cellulite, building muscle or just generally trying to stay fit, exercises alone will not be able to help you accomplish your goals. When you are trying to reach your goals with body exercises you will always need a good supplement product to help you improve in every aspect of your body exercises. The same goes for penis exercises because you also need great supplements for great results.

Below are a few minerals and vitamins that you need to take that will help you increase the size of your penis. Taking both of these things everyday will help maximize the blood flow in your penile area. When more blood flow is increased to your penile area, your erections will be much harder, thicker and longer then before. Doing exercises alone will help increase blood flow but doing them with vitamins and minerals makes the process twice as effective.

When trying to maximize the flowing of your blood these are some of the best vitamins and minerals that you can use to do that. These supplements do not only help increase the size of your penis but they are also very good for helping your overall health to improve..

L- Lysine – (Also gives you more vibrant skin, stronger bones, better digestion and more.)

Ginkgo Bilboa (Also gives your brain extra energy, heals wounds quicker, stops blood clots, stops yellowing of the nails and more.)

Zinc (Also gives you stronger blood cells, better muscle growth, gets rid of fat and more.)

Ginseng (Also gives you stronger immune system, better stamina, more flexible bones, reduces hair loss and more.)

Super B Complex (Also helps you heal wounds quicker, gets rid of bad bacteria, stops yellowing of teeth, healthier skin, whitens eyes and more.

Multi Mens Vitamins (Also gives you faster muscle growth, stronger bones, healthier ligaments, flexible tendons and more.)

Everything I have listed above is all natural and they will all help you increase the blood flow to your penis area.

Natural Penis Exercises – How To Exercises Properly

The first step to exercising properly is warming up. The warm up allows your body to get ready for all the intense exercises you will be doing. Warming up should never be skipped when attempting to do natural penis exercises. Some men try to skip the warm up because they think it’s not important but they soon find out that warming up is essential.

When exercising it’s always best to take it easy. A lot of men exercise very roughly and this can lead to a lot of problems. The best thing to do is to do it in a very comfortable speed so that you actually enjoy the exercises better. The last important thing to remember about these natural penis exercises is to always use lubrication. Lubrication is very important if you want to see maximum results and avoid injury.

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The Little Known Effects and Benefits of Creatine!

Creatine preworkout supplements are very popular among men and women that want to get in the best shape of their lives. This mixture of creatine with other ingredients has been around since the mid 90’s as a way to get more creatine loaded into the muscle cells. Early formulas used high doses of dextrose to spike insulin and use its action to force creatine into the muscle. More recently different delivery systems have been introduced that help push more creatine into the cell. USP labs Jacked for example uses a zero carbohydrate formula and relies instead on quick passage through the stomach for it’s creatine boost. Anadraulic State GT, another popular creatine supplement for preworkouts take an approach of using amino acids and a small amount of dextrose along with cinnamon extract to force more creatine into the muscle cells. Cinnamon is very interesting since it really has an effect you can feel instantly. People are raving about the combination of cinnamon and creatine, and luckily Anadraulic State GT masks the cinnamon taste, giving you all of the potency. Additional things are often added to creatine like waxy maize starch, a form of carbohydrate that is supposed to pull more water into the cell along with creatine. Jacked skips this ingredient and has arginine instead, feeling that a zero carbohydrate formula is superior, while Anadraulic State contains some waxy maize to help augment the cinnamon and dextrose. Either method seems to get people zinging in the gym and gives truly crazy pumps and focus, so you can’t make a bad choice.

Creatine is a substance that is naturally produced in the body and is used in muscle cells to retain energy for vigorous physical activities such as sprinting or weight lifting. Even though creatine is naturally found in the body it is also possible to take creatine supplements to give the body an extra boost. Many athletes will take supplements in order to improve their endurance and strength and it can also increase muscle size. In elderly, creatine is shown to help brain function, muscle mass and could actually have some anti-cancer benefits.

Creatine can be found in some foods such as red meat and fish but this small amount is usually destroyed during the cooking process. Creatine is not ideal for all athletes, it actually works better for those who are looking to improve short burst of vigorous exercise such as sprinters or weight lifters. There has been little or no research to show that creation has any benefits for those athletes who take part in prolonged activities such as marathon running, but anecdotal information is certainly interesting in that regard.

Creatine works by recharging and replenishing the stores of ATP which is one of nature’s primary ways of storing and utilising energy in the body. ATP is used during any type of physical exercise or exertion but it is especially useful during periods of high energy. Creatine ensures that the stores of ATP do not become depleted as they normally would during exercise so that an athlete can perform at a higher level for longer periods. Mixing creatine with dextrose used to be the best way to get insulin levels up, which shoves creatine into the cells. These days, insulin mimetics such as cinnamon, hydroxy-isoleucine and bitter melon do a lot of that work for you, so there is no need to take creatine with 75g of dextrose (sugar) or grape juice as was once thought.

As with all supplements it is important to be aware of the pros and cons of the substance. The main purpose and advantage of creatine is that bodybuilders use it to build bigger muscles and athletes use it to improve performance levels. However, there are other advantages of using a creatine supplement apart from the obvious ones. One of these being that creatine helps to deliver more testosterone to the cells of the body thus leading to bigger muscle mass. Creatine supplements also work by drawing more liquid into the muscles which can lead to a 3% to 10% increase in muscle mass. It is widely known that creatine supplements can help an athlete to work for longer periods of time therefore increasing fitness levels. The supplements have also been attributed to decreasing muscle recovery time and making the muscles able to withstand more strenuous workouts.

If you are looking to increase muscle mass then creatine is the supplement for you. Increasing the amount of creatine in your body can increase muscle power during aerobic exercise and it has also been linked to an increase of muscle mass. It may be that you find it hard to put on weight naturally but with creatine weight gain will be made easier.

Creatine supplementing is a controversial subject but it is not considered to be doping and is not banned by the majority of sports bodies. Creatine is a substance that is naturally produced in the body but the ethical connotations into whether it is acceptable to enhance performance with supplements is something that remains shrouded in controversy. Still, the number of athletes that use creatine dwarfs the amount of average people who use it to help them look good.

Creatine has some very interesting “side effects” in young and old people that one might want to consider. Creatine can increase satellite cell production and reduce myostatin, making it a very important part of any successful plan to increase muscle mass. The best form is really good old creatine monohydrate, but it is OK to take more exotic forms like creatine magnesium chelate, creatine malate and creatine orotate. These should work as well as creatine monohydrate, just make sure you have some creatine monohydrate since it is the only form shown to have the satellite cell boosting effects. Some of the other effects are age dependent, but creatine has also been shown to increase DHT conversion, which is a hormone that in implicated in a all sorts of things from hair loss to increased penis size. In young people DHT can control penis size, height and hairline, since it antagonizes the work of estrogen, which signals the penis to stop growing and the closing of growth plates. So, it might be an advantage to take creatine when in growth ages to help increase penis size and height. In older men, DHT can cause hairloss, so it is a good idea to watch how much hair you are losing while on a creatine supplement. DHT can also cause aggressive behaviour, which can be an issue.

Creatine is certainly safe and effective when used as directed and in 8-12 week cycles. I feel personally that creatine should be cycled 8-12 weeks on and 4 weeks off for maximum benefits.

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Are The "5 Deadly Whites" Coming to Take You Away? (Part 1: White Flour and White Rice)

There is a group of foods that most Americans love to eat, and, in fact, eat several times a day. These foods have a few things in common. They are stripped of almost all nutrition. They are loaded with calories, and they partner up with each other to create foods that compromise the health and fitness of Americans.

Although the name may be new, these foods are very familiar to all of us. In fact most of us eat the “Five Deadly Whites” every day and usually more than once. Can you guess what foods are included under the category of the “Five Deadly Whites?”

They are:

White flour

White rice

White salt

White sugar

“White” or refined oils

With the event of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s in Europe and in America came the invention of more complicated and efficient devices for pulverizing the wheat berries into fine white flour, polishing brown rice into white rice, and the refinement of the sugar cane into white sugar, making these common foods more palatable to the Western taste buds.

Add white salt and refined “white” oils, and we have a total of “Five Deadly Whites.”

Who are the losers in this processing and refining process? We are. White rice, white flour, white sugar products may taste better to spoiled taste buds, but they are also stripped of nutrients.

What is so bad about white rice, white flour, white sugar, white salt, and “white” or refined oils?

Let’s take a closer look at these common foods, starting with refined grains.

Americans love many different foods made from refined grains in the form of white flour products, white rice, quick oats, and corn grits. We have an emotional attachment to the Pillsbury Dough Boy (ah-hoo) and fine, light white flour for breads, pastas, pastries, pizza crust, pies, cookies, cakes, and desserts of all kinds. Many of us love these products made with refined white flour, even more than we love sugar-laden foods.

Furthermore, since World War II, grains were bleached, gassed, and colored into mere remnants of their original form; and then roasted, toasted, and frosted with sugar; and embalmed in chemicals and preservatives; and stuffed into a big box. We call these completely adulterated grains–cereals; and these cereals have about as much nutrition in them as the cardboard box that contains them.

Refinement, pulverization, sifting, cooking, and packaging of whole grains cause the loss of enzymes, or the “life force” in foods, along with the loss of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

Again, who are the losers in this refinement process? We are.

Refined grains, or fragmented foods, offer poor nutrition, leaving the body still hungry for good nutrition. Thus we overeat; and we overeat the wrong foods. Americans are often overfed and undernourished. Why? Because we eat too many of the processed, refined, and preserved foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories, high in fat, high in sugar, high in salt, and we eat too few of the foods that are nutrient- and fiber-rich.

Refined grains contain no fiber that acts as an intestinal broom to clean out our intestines.

Refined grains are refined and preserved with chemicals; chemicals that we end up eating and are hard on our bodies.

Refined grains cause our bodies to make excess mucous that accumulates in our noses, sinuses, throats, bronchial tubes, and our lungs, causing us to sniff, blow, drain, and cough and, often times, leading to more frequent colds and respiratory problems.

Refined grains cause the calcium to be depleted from our bones, increasing our chances of getting osteoporosis.

Refined grains are broken down in our digestive system and absorbed too quickly into the blood stream. This upsets the blood sugar levels, exhausting the pancreas and/or the adrenal glands, triggering hypoglycemic and diabetic reactions. Refined grains are just as bad for people with diabetes as white sugar.

In fact, refined grains are just plain bad for all of us, and we pay a hefty price for eating them–premature diseases and early deaths.

Are white flour goodies worth risking the health and fitness of our bodies? Only you can answer that question for yourself, but be prepared to accept the consequences that will result from your answer.

Part II: White Salt

Part III: White Sugar

Part IV: “White” Processed Oils

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10 Tips on How to Last Longer in Bed

Nothing spoils a night of lovemaking like premature ejaculation. It ruins the whole mood of the experience and can really take the wind out of both your sails. Premature ejaculation can hit your confidence and hit it hard. You feel like you let your partner down. You feel like you have no control and lets face it…

…you have an overwhelming sense of inadequacy after the fact.

Why deal with all this performance anxiety? Lovemaking is supposed to be stress relieving. If you’re spending the whole time worrying about delaying your climax, you’re bound to find sex less enjoyable AND you’ll be reluctant to make love the next time around.

There is a solution…

When you’re with your partner in bed, you’re both reaching for the same goal. Once you know how to last longer, you’ll be halfway towards giving your partner that eyeball rolling, pinky toe curling, screaming till’ the neighbors hear orgasm you can both smile about over breakfast.

It’s not as hard as you think to kick premature ejaculation to the curb. You CAN last longer… if you know the right techniques. This tutorial will show you exactly how to do it. So, without further ado, here are the best ways to last longer in bed.

Techniques for Prolonging Ejaculation

1. Numbing Creams

Different creams are available in most drugstores. Brand names will vary but prevalent condom manufacturers have lines of desensitizing products. Numbing creams, as the name implies, have a slight numbing effect on your member.

There are pros and cons to using this strategy. An obvious pro is that by numbing your organ, you’ll certainly last longer. A big con, however, is that you’ll need to use trial and error to determine the amount of numbing cream to obtain the desired effect. Apply too much and you may have trouble ejaculating at all. Apply too little and you won’t see much difference in your performance.

I do recommend this method as a first strategy for anyone suffering with premature ejaculation. The biggest benefit with using a numbing cream is that you’ll learn to concentrate much more on your lovemaking technique when you aren’t distracted by a reluctance to ejaculate.

Your strokes will be more controlled and you’ll be thinking much more about your partners pleasure. This is because you won’tbe overwhelmed by your own stimulation.

2. Muscle Building Exercises

Sex is much more physically demanding for men than women. I’m not trying to take away from any of the wild contortion women undergo. However, in this example I’m referring more to muscle contraction.

During intercourse, men use their core, arms and buttocks to power most of the thrusts. If your muscles aren’t conditioned to last, you’ll get tired and subconsciously lazy with your lovemaking. It leads to faster strokes as you rely on momentum to take some of the effort off your body. Faster strokes means a faster finish.

Start weightlifting to exercise these specific areas. Some great weightlifing routines for building stamina in bed include squats, leg extensions, hip abduction, hip adduction, dips, bicep curls and bench press. Bottom line – when you’re built for sex, your stamina will grow by leaps and bounds.

3. Slow Your Rhythm

The fundamental strategy for lasting longer in bed is pacing your stroke. Learning hip movement and stroke rhythm can be much like learning to dance. You’ve got to coordinate with your partner for maximum pleasure. By slowing your stroke, you’ll do much more than just prolong ejaculation. You’ll make sex much more enjoyable for your partner.

Slowing down your lovemaking gives your partner a chance to enhance her own experience. She’ll have an opportunity to change hip position and her pelvic angle for maximum clitoral and vaginal stimulation.

Don’t get me wrong. When it comes to lovemaking, there is a time to speed up your thrusts. I’m simply saying that in the beginning, it’s best to go slow, make sure you’re both on the same page and pace your climax to arrive after her own.

4. Train through Masturbation

Increase your masturbation sessions to 15 minutes or longer. The average male climaxes during sex between 5 and 15 minutes into the act. Masturbation is a great way to train yourself away from getting carried away.

As you feel yourself approaching orgasm, force yourself to slow down. Until you reach a set goal. Try for 15 minutes. Try for 20 minutes. This isn’t exactly work here, so take as long as you like. the more self-control you gain through this rehearsal, the happier she’ll be during the live show.

5. The Squeeze Technique

If you feel like you’re approaching climax and it’s way too early in your lovemaking, squeeze right below the head of your penis, putting pressure on your urethra. Blood will retract temporarily from the penis head and you’ll delay ejaculation.

This technique is usually used when you’re just about to have an orgasm. It’s kind of an emergency stop on your bodies automated muscle reflex. It can be uncomfortable, so the idea here is to avoid this last minute measure altogether.

6. Let Her Take the Lead

Get on your back and allow your partner to ride you cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. When a woman is on top, the underside of the penis (the most sensitive skin) is less stimulated. This will allow you to last longer.

Additionally, you won’t be using your muscles to thrust. This will give you a chance to relax and recoup for the next position.

A side benefit is that she’ll enjoy the stimulus of her clitoris rubbing on against your pelvic bone. Many women have said their favorite position is on top because they are more likely to climax due to this rubbing sensation.

7. Mental Exercises

Stop thinking about your orgasm. If you concentrate on your ejaculation, it’s bound to happen much faster. You’ll want to not only pace your thrusts but also your thoughts.

You don’t have to think of repulsive thoughts or anything when you’re getting close to climax. Rather, try to pace your excitement. Rather than getting carried away with the moment, try thinking about your technique.

You won’t have to do this forever. I promise, ultimately when your stamina is built up you can get lost in your lovemaking. However, while you’re trying to build up stamina, this is a great way to improve lovemaking technique at the same time.

8. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can have unpredictable results on sexual performance. Take it out of the equation by keeping it out of your bedroom routine.

I’m not telling you that you can never have a glass of wine before lovemaking. I’m simply saying you should determine the effect that alcohol has on you. You may discover that it’s a factor in your lovemaking performance.

9. Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises help tighten the muscle that controls ejaculation. You can become familiar with this exercise by cutting off the flow of urine and then starting up again. The benefit of this technique goes beyond lasting longer in bed. After spending a few weeks practicing Kegels, you’ll find that your orgasms are more powerful altogether.

You can practice Kegels anywhere. Try them while you’re at your office desk or even in the shower every morning. They’ll be hard at first but you will build up strength in this region over time.

10. Take the Plunge

The most sensitive part of your penis is the skin just under the head. Shorter, faster thrusts are what lead to a faster orgasm in men.

When you feel like you’re getting close too soon, slowly and gently thrust yourself deep into your partner. Don’t go so deep, it’s not pleasurable for her. Make sure you know how far is too far.

Once you’re deeply penetrated, grind against your lover’s hips. If the position allows, stimulate her clitoris with your hands until she reaches orgasm while you’re plunged inside her.

Mastering this technique will not only give your partner an intense orgasm. It will also allow you to calm down and regain your composure for longer lovemaking.

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Erectile Dysfunction and Nutrition – 8 Surprising Effects of Honey

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction you’ll be amazed at the effects honey can have on your sexual wellbeing. Honey has always been associated with love and sex, and finds an important place in literature. It is mentioned in the Bible, and has been known as an aphrodisiac as far back as 500BC. Hippocrates, considered one of the greatest figures in the history of medicine, was known to prescribe honey for sexual vigor. The Kama Sutra, an ancient Indian work on sex life, praises the benefits of honey. It has long been a traditional part of Indian weddings and even today the bridegroom is often offered honey to boost his stamina. Avicenna, a great Persian physician of the 11th century, considered honey to be “the food of foods, the drink of drinks and the drug of drugs”, and prescribed honey mixed with ginger and pepper as a sexual stimulant.

In fact the word ‘honeymoon’ is derived from an old Viking tradition in which newlyweds, in their first month of marriage, would drink a daily cup of honeyed wine, called mead. The Vikings considered mead to be a fertility enhancer and aphrodisiac.

And there appears to be a scientific basis for the idea that honey is good for sex. Research has show that a 3 ounce dose of honey can increase nitric oxide levels in the blood by up to 50%. Nitric oxide is the chemical that is released during arousal, and is responsible for causing the blood vessels in the penis to dilate. When the tissues are dilated or relaxed, this allows increased blood flow into the penis, causing an erection.

Honey has been used by many people over the ages as a general tonic or a medicine. The Ayurveda system uses it profusely in all its medical preparations. Honey, when used appropriately or combined with other food items, can promote growth and regeneration of body tissues and strengthen even a healthy body. Since it contains several anti-oxidants, it makes it vital to our overall health. In addition, it has the following beneficial effects on our sexual health:

1) Honey has the most potent aphrodisiac power to improve your sex life since the bees gather nectar from aphrodisiac flowers such as jasmine, orchids or marjoram.

2) Pure and unheated honey is a mild natural sexual stimulant, since it contains numerous substances such as zinc, vitamins B and E which promote virility and reproductive health. It is also easy to metabolize, and as it is a sugar, it provides our bodies with sustained high levels of energy.

3) The vitamins in honey also boost testosterone production, while the boron in honey helps the body to use estrogen, which is important for sex arousal.

4) A mixture of honey and grounded garlic taken regularly at bed time gives a stimulating effect that increases sexual stamina and pleasure.

5) Honey has been found as a sperm booster. It can provide lasting remedy for men with a low sperm count problem. It can boost the sperm count from level zero to a fertility level of over 60million count. Regular intake of honey can increase the production of sperm cells and also the quality and motility of the sperm cells.

6) Honey mixed with boiled onion juice (two tablespoons taken twice a day for at least a month) will assist in combating weak erections.

7) Home remedies of South India suggest that taking honey mixed with ginger or garlic juice and raw egg before bed time every night can increase sexual virility.

8) Researchers say that certain properties in raw honey can boost the testosterone level in men, which in turn will increase your libido!

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Advantages of Sonamasuri Hand Pounded Rice

Going on a diet? Does this mean going off your favorite food, rice? If yes, read on to uncover a healthy way of keeping rice in your diet. The answer lies in going traditional. Eat what was eaten for thousands of years before machines were invented. Substitute the ubiquitous polished rice with the pale Sona Masuri hand pounded rice. Eat rice which has all the nutrients intact. Eat rice milled by hand, the way our ancestors ate it.

Hand polished rice is pulled by hand, so that only the robust outer protection layer, the husk, is removed. It is edible and contains all of the nutrients as nature intended.It is hand pounded with a mortar and pestle and winnowed to produce pale, whitish rice. This kind of whole grain is a complex carbohydrate and bears a mild nutty flavor. It is full of fiber and may take longer to cook. However, with pressure cookers at hand; it is an easy task to convert hand pounded rice into instantly likable and nutritious food.

Benefits of consuming Sona Masuri hand pounded rice:

• Low on the Glycemic Index, It takes a long time to digest making you feel fuller for longer thereby helping got keep hunger at bay

• Presence of fiber aids digestion

• The protein is absorbed quickly and is readily assimilated

• Contains essential nutrients like Manganese, Tryptophan among others

• Selenium in hand pounded rice reduces the risk of cancer of the colon

• Presence of amino acids helps to reduce fatty liver

• Reduces cholesterol and accelerates fat burning making you leaner

• Reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases

• Avoids spikes in sugar levels, It can be eaten by people with diabetes too

• The presence of Vitamin E makes it an anti-aging agent

• Helps to regulate blood pressure

• Insoluble fibers contribute to preventing formation of gallstones

As you plan your diet combine Sona Masuri with your favorite dal to make a wholesome meal. It grown organically with no adulteration can do wonders for your health. Produced and grown by natural methods Sona Masuri is rich in proteins, vitamin B & vitamin E and iron along with several minerals.

A diet consisting of pastel white hand pounded will keep you physically and mentally healthy. Interestingly, Ayurveda suggests many rice based diet plans which are used to treat various imbalances in the body. Eating the right amount of natural hand pounded with your favorite accompaniment is a meal which is easily digestible and gives you essential amino acids – the building blocks of proteins. As your diet continues, you will observe a change in your body making you more active.

While this is an introduction to the advantages that hand pounded rice offers when included in your diet we would also like to hear from you on how hand pounded organic rice has helped you. Any interesting recipes that have enhanced the taste and were appreciated are welcome to be shared.

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What Can I Use to Replace the Bars in My LA Weight Loss Diet?

Many people are looking to replace La Weight Loss bars with another brand of bars or a food substitution. There are many popular substitute bars such as Luna, Balance Bar Trail Mix, Power Bar, Honey Stinger, CLIF Nectar, LaraBara and Bumble Bar, Pria, and Go Lean. The cost of LAWL bars seems to be the main driver, but that can easily be overcome by buying your bars on eBay. But there is also the need for some variety and some people just can’t find a bar to their liking. So, if you are looking for a substitute, here are some alternatives. Just remember, by not eating the required 2 La Weight loss bars a day, you void the money back guarantee offered by La Weight Loss Centers.

If you feel you don’t need the bars you can exchange 2 equivalent bars for 1/2 protein, 1 vegetable, 1 fruit, and 1 starch. Stay focused on upping your vegetable intake while lowering processed flours and sugars.

If you are looking for a bar replacement, look for a bar that has about 160-180 calories, 17 grams of carbs, at least 8 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fat.

Here’s the general nutritional info on the LA Weight Loss Bars:

Serving Size: 1 Bar (40g)

Amount per Serving

Calories 160 Calories from Fat 45

% Daily Value *

Total Fat 4.5g 7%

Saturated Fat 2g 10%

Trans Fat 0g

Cholesterol 5mg 2%

Sodium 85mg 4%

Total Carbohydrate 24g 8%

Dietary Fiber 1g 4%

Sugars 18g

Protein 8g 16%

Vitamin A0%

Vitamin C0%



Below are the most common substitutions for La bars. The information is a general guideline for substitution. Read the nutritional information on the back of any bar you are considering to be certain that the weight loss bar falls within the general nutrition counts for the La bar you are substituting.

Luna bars are reported to be the closest to the actual LAWL bars in nutrition. Many consider the Luna bars a direct substitute for the LA bars. So you eat two a day just as you would normally with the La Weight Loss bars. The Luna bars in particular (as opposed to other brands of protein/diet bars) make a good substitute because they are similar in calories (around 180) and protein (8-10 grams). Any bar that meets those two basic guidelines can be used.

Luna – Nutz over chocolate

Calories: 180

Calories from Fat: 40

Total Fat: 4.5g

Saturated Fat: 2.5g

Cholesterol: 0mg

Sodium: 100mg

Potassium: 105mg

Total Carbohydrate: 24g

Dietary Fiber: 2g

Sugar: 12g

Protein: 10g

Slim Fast Bars are a low calorie meal replacement, the bars are usually 250-260 Calories, which is a little more than a candy bar, but packed with more whey protein and less refined sugar.

Balance bars are very similar to protein bars sold by most companies. The balance bar is made by the same company that provides weight loss centers with their bars.

Kinetix bars are cheaper, have more protein, less calories. Similar in texture size and taste as the La Lites, Kinetex have about 4X’s the sodium that the LA Lites have and 2X’s the amount of protein, so you would have more protein than you are allowed on the plan.

Kinetex – Chocolate Peanut Crisp

Calories 170

Fat 4g

Cholesterol 2mg

Sodium 320mg

Potassium 55mg

Carbohydrate 17g

Protein 17g

Kashi Go Lean bars. They have about the same nutritional value as the La Lites.

South Beach cereal bars. They are similar in most counts, but have less calories, less carbs and more protein. There are two kinds of SBD bars just so the newbies know there are the cereal bars that are around 140 calories, and there are the meal replacement bars which are around 200-220.

Zone bars they are fairly close in calories/protein. Zone Perfect bars score better on the value scale (more protein per calorie). However, they are higher in calories overall.


Serving Size: 1 bar (50g)

Servings Per Container: 12

Each bar contains 2 Zone Blocks:

Calories: 210

Calories from Fat: 60

Total Fat: 7g

Saturated Fat: 3g

Cholesterol: 5mg

Sodium: 360mg

Potassium: 100mg

Total Carbohydrate: 20g

Dietary Fiber: 0g

Sugar: 13g

Protein: 16g

There are a lot of energy bar articles, threads and posts, but they all seem to be either about snacks, or about how awful energy bars are. It would seem like someone should be able to manufacture the equivalent of a healthy, balanced meal replacement bar that tastes great. But, if what you want is a no thought required, eat this one thing twice a day meal substitute that you don’t have to worry about and lose weight, then it would just be easier to buy La Weight Loss bars on eBay. The prices on eBay are as good or better than the cost of other bars and you will still be eligible for the money back guarantee offered by La Weight Loss Centers.

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Lentils Health Benefits – Nutritional Facts of Masoor Dal

Lentils are an integral part of the daily diet in India. Rich in proteins, lentils have an earthy, nutty flavor and come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. From the south Indian staple Tuvar dal to the ‘very lite to digest’ Moong dal, to the ‘packed with power’ Chana dal, to the oft fermented Urad dal, and on to the ‘vegetarians delight’ Masoor dal; they all have their pride of place in the Indian kitchen. It is now a scientifically proven fact that eating nutrient-rich lentils can curtail several kinds of medical problems.

Compared to other legumes like Rajma, Cowpeas, Black Beans, etc., lentils have a shorter cooking time, and they don’t require to be soaked. Lentils are thus very easy to cook and a perfect addition to all meals.

Masoor dal or Red lentil is a vegetarian’s delight. Its color and flavor make it one of the tastiest lentils. It is extensively used in Ayurveda as it has several medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants it is anti cancerous and good for anemic people. Apart from this roasted powder makes an excellent face and body scrub.

Power to lentils:

Lentils, come from the legume family and are packed with nutrition. Protein dense lentils have numerous health benefits. Not only packed with dietary fiber, folate and iron they are full of calcium, potassium, zinc, several vitamins, and niacin. Listed below are the full health benefits of lentils which will make you reach for your daily fix of dal.

Lean protein: For vegetarians, lentils are the third major source of proteins after soybeans and hemp. A cup of cooked lentils gives about 18 grams of protein. What is wonderful is that this is lean protein without any cholesterol or saturated fat. Though they do not contain all the amino acids combining them with rice or wheat provides the complete range of proteins.

Complex carbohydrates: Lentils contain a high amount of complex carbohydrates which burn slowly so that you feel fuller for longer.

Balances blood sugar: Presence of soluble fiber and manganese helps in stabilizing and balancing blood sugar levels.

Decreases blood pressure: Some good news for people with high blood pressure! The potassium, calcium, and manganese present in lentils help in lowering blood pressure.

Monitors digestive disorders: Lentils have a high amount of insoluble fiber which is great for reducing digestive disorders like constipation, flatulence, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Reduces cholesterol: Regular intake of lentils reduces arterial and blood cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of stroke and keeping your heart healthy.

Fights obesity: Full of fiber, proteins and several minerals, lentils act as a bulking agent, keeping hunger pangs at bay. They are very low in calories thus helping in weight management.

Provides energy: Lentils are full of iron and provide you with instant energy to keep you going. Eating lentils is a great way to fight fatigue, especially for women.

Fights cancer: Selenium present in lentils fights inflammation thus reducing tumors. It stimulates the production of cancer-killing cells in the body as well as helps the liver detoxify cancer causing elements. The fibers in lentils also lower the risk of colon cancer. Regular consumption of lentils also keeps breast cancer at bay.

For Healthy Pregnancy: The folate in lentils prevents congenital disabilities as well as provides folic acid for women to help them carry their babies to term.

Lentils are Good! Good! Good!

1 cup of cooked lentils provides –

0.90 percent folate

0.49 percent manganese

0.37 percent iron

0 36 percent phosphorus

0.22 percent thiamin

0.21 percent potassium

0.18 percent vitamin B6

Apart from several trace elements like selenium, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, copper, etc.

Masoor dal or red lentil is a vegetarian’s delight. Its color and flavor make it one of the tastiest lentils. It is extensively used in Ayurveda as it has several medicinal properties. Rich in antioxidants it is anti cancerous and healthy for anemia. Apart from this roasted powder of masoor dal makes a great face and body scrub.

When buying lentils make sure, you pick up an organically grown pack to ensure that you have all the goodness of lentils without the side effects of harmful pesticides.

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How to Naturally Increase Erection Size on a Raw Food Diet

What is the best way to increase erection size without pumps or products? Are there any legitimate ways to increase, enhance and improve blood flow to and through the male anatomy when erect? Can diet, or lifestyle affect penis size… and IF so, HOW so? Any of these questions sound familiar?

If you are anything like the tens of thousands of men who struggle with issues of erection size and self esteem during sex, this article was written with YOU in mind!

Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look at some of the best ways to increase your erection size, without drugs, danger or doing anything wild or weird.

The best NATURAL way to improve erection size?

Very simply, your diet. What you eat has a very powerful and profound effect on your sexual performance, and believe it or not… on your SIZE as well. The truth is, erection size is modulated mostly by the amount of blood flow to and through the corposa cavernosa, and no matter how much you may read that says differently elsewhere, if you aren’t getting an appropriate amount of blood… your erection strength, length and power will suffer for sure.

The biggest enemy to driving blood flow to the male anatomy?

Lifestyle choices. Or more specifically, POOR lifestyle choices that compromise the quality of your body’s inherit ability to perform at an optimum level. (both sexually, and of course… in all others areas of physical, emotional and mental health as well, ALL of which that play a part in your ability to maximize your manhood in bed)

For example?

Smoking and alcohol are 2 lifestyle choices that are highly associated with sex. Unfortunately, for men, both of those habits constrict the blood vessels, decrease the amount of oxygen to the blood stream, and ultimately, restrict the amount of blood that can travel to and through the corposa cavernosa, by as much as 50% or more.

Habitually… and in combination with a poor diet?

Both can lead to significant size shrinkage, poor sexual performance, PE, (premature ejaculation) ED (erectile dysfunction) and quite simply, being BAD in bed to boot!

Categorized: Do it with Diet

The BEST way to reintroduce highly ozegnated blood back into the blood stream that can reverse the poor performance above?

A raw food diet is a great place to begin. Foods high in anthocynanins, anti oxidants and phytonutrients can not only hyper oxygenate your blood, but they open UP your blood vessels, and force more fluid to flow to and through the extremities as well. (all leading to longer and stronger erections, and MUCH better sex to boot!)

Foods that are specifically HIGH on the list of “Do’s”?

  • Spinach and Broccoli
  • Blueberries, Bilberries, Blackberries and ALL red, purple or deeply colored fruits
  • Salmon, sardines and all oily fish high in Omega 3 fatty acids (not a “Raw” food, but a super food that IS good to introduce into your diet if you are struggling with maintaining an erection)
  • Resveratrol supplementation (or small amounts of red wine prior to sex)
  • Sprouted seeds and nuts

The truth is, any food that is compromised mostly of water is going to have by default, high levels of hydrogen and oxygen, and are going to have a dramatically POSITIVE effect on your bodies ability to fill up dense spongy tissue and maximize muscle growth.

The BEST approach if you feel insecure about erection size relative to your partners expectation level?

  1. Avoiding highly processed foods, sugar, refined starches and eat ALL natural, whenever possible.
  2. Include a wide variety of male enhancement exercises, including jelling, pc lifts, Kegel exercises and other movements to improve blood flow to and through the erogenous zones.

Lastly, be patient!

Give yourself a bit of time before you expect radical improvements or expect to notice a dramatic difference. It can take a few weeks to notice changes this significant, but when you DO (and you will!) the payoff is more than worth the wait, I promise!

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