Archive | March, 2017

The Basic Apparatus Used In Pilates

Pilates classes were designed to increase focus, remove stress and tension from the mind and the muscles and also make one's life better through basic exercise by developing controlled movement from a strong core. Joseph Pilates originally developed his method in 1945 as mat exercises and used several pieces of apparatus to help people with improving one's inner and outer image by feeling and looking great. Each piece of apparatus has its own set of movements and exercises and focuses on certain aspects of one's body.

A Pilates studio uses a wide range of apparatus which most are for resistance training which allows one to choose how hard they want to work out according to their fitness level and strength. A spring is used to apply the progressive resistance so the further one stretches the spring the more resistance there will be. The most widely used apparatus in called the Reformer and is probably the most important. Pilates classes will also have apparatus such as the Cadillac or Trapeze Table, the High or Electric Chair, the Wunda Chair, the Baby Chair, the Ladder Barrel, the Spine Corrector or Step Barrel and the small barrel.

All these apparatus come with specifically designed exercises and routines which focus on certain aspects of the body which you want to improve and strengthen. In contemporary Pilates other props are used such as small weighted balls, foam Rollers, rotating disks and resistance bands. As technology improves more and more equipment tend to change but the basic principles set out by Joseph Pilates tend to stay the same. There are 2 different types of Pilates today though, the Classical / Authentic Pilates which tries not to vary from the original teachings on Joseph Pilates and build their equipment according to its exact specifications. The classical instructors training can also usually be traced back to either Joseph Pilates himself or to one of his protégés. The Modern / Contemporary Pilates are vary their exercises from lesson to lesson and use most modern-day equipment and exercises from around the world with the basic principles.

So wherever you chose Classical or Modern Pilates they are both designed to tone one's body and mind to work more effectively and efficiently, increasing focus, energy and overall well-being. Each Pilates studio has its own methods, classes and apparatus which the instructors have stocked or sometimes built from the teachings of Joe Pilates. Finding the right exercises and places to go are hard today because in today's life the choices are endless and there are studios and exercise routines from around the world being offered to us with strange apparatus with names that put a smile on one's face.

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Speed Reading Tips – 7 Tips to Overcome Sub-vocalization

A recent visitor to my site inquiring about speed reading asked, “How can I move away from actually saying the words, and learn how to identify the symbols?” The question demonstrates a knowledge of one of the difficult habits to overcome in learning to speed read – sub-vocalization. Sub-vocalization is seeing the words, then saying the words in your mind, then hearing the words, and finally understanding them. It is a four step process. Reading is defined as getting meaning from printed materials – seeing them, and creating understanding. Theoretically, reading should be only two steps. This article will give 7 tips to overcome and transform this process.

Sub-vocalization is heralded by most uninformed pundits as the primary block to slow reading. It is a difficult habit to overcome. Too often speed reading learners get too hung up in the beginning because they become so focused on this habit. It is a problem for speed reading depending on how you define speed reading. If someone currently reads at 250 wpm (words per minute), and then learns to read at 500 wpm, is that speed reading? If so, that is still a speed in which the spoken word can still be understood, but it is below the visual reading threshold which occurs at about 600 wpm. From my experience of using and training tens of thousands of learners, speed reading occurs much faster than that.

Tip One – Get physical – learn to move the eyes more rapidly and fluidly over the print. All speed reading programs cover some sort of physical eye training. Unfortunately, most programs stop with the physical training, and that is one reason why speed reading programs often get negative reviews. Keep in mind the eyes are the mechanics in reading. Learning to move the eyes more fluidly and getting them unstuck from focusing on single words and phrases is very important to getting the mind to respond faster. You do need to see the words faster. But in the early stages, this can be unsettling. Know that you are making dramatic changes to your perceptual processing of the material and stay focused and disciplined.

Tip Two: Since sub-vocalization occurs below 600 wpm, increase your rates far beyond that. In fact, you should consistently move at least twice that speed. Breaking sub-vocalization by fast practice is useful in stimulating the brain’s nervous system in a way that is similar to driving a car. You might feel comfortable driving at 30 miles per hour.Then you drive on the freeway. As you accelerate, you focus on controlling the car as you ramp up to 70 mph. After a couple hours you exit the freeway and slow back down 30 mph. It feels very, very slow. Training your eyes and brain to focus and understand at accelerated rates follows a similar principle.

Tip Three: Think about what you are seeing. After all, reading is a thinking skill. As your eyes are passing over all the words, think about what the material is about. Do not focus on saying to yourself, “Stop Sub-vocalizing!” Paying attention to your sub-vocalization and telling yourself to stop only interferes with any comprehension.Your mind will be thinking about the sub-vocalization, not the material.

Tip Four: Use multiple rapid exposures to the material. The brain has an incredible capacity to recognize patterns and relationships of visual symbols at extremely high rates. Seeing something very fast more than once leads to recognition and then comprehension.

Tip Five: Ask questions of the material as you pass over it. Questions have a powerful impact on the mind. Questions seek answers. Allow your mind to start stringing things together. Use any clues you get to start forming a mental picture of the material.

Tip Six: Monitor your thinking. If your mind is not responding to the material below, or in front of your eyes, notice what you are thinking about, and then bring it back to the material. Constantly ask yourself, “What is this about?” When you speed up the eyes moving over the material, the mind will naturally become more engaged until you get to an overload point. When that happens, combine the above tips. The experienced speed reader can read in almost any environment with precision concentration. He/she has full control of the mind’s focus.

Tip Seven: Practice, practice, and practice some more. Overcoming sub-vocalization is a tough habit to beat. Your old ways will easily slip back until you remind yourself to behave in new ways. Don’t “practice” in materials that are important for you fully understand and retain. Comprehension and retention are a separate part of the process. Use materials that are interesting to you, but you don’t need to master. You can work on comprehension and recall after you’ve reached a level of some comfort with the basic mechanics.

Overcoming sub-vocalization is only part of the process. There are other strategies and tactics in learning speed reading, such as the comprehension process and building memory and recall. All the above tips should be done together. However, the goal of overcoming sub-vocalization is not to quiet the mind. You do not want your mind to go to sleep. You want to replace sub-vocalization with your mind’s response to the print. A skilled speed reader’s mind is very active. It’s not sounding out the words verbatim in the order of the printed sentence, but rather, you are summarizing as you go. Those are skills that I write about in other articles and in a full course.

For now, I want to remind you that there is more to effective speed reading than merely moving the eyes and overcoming sub-vocalization, and that is comprehension, but that is for later tips. I’d like to invite you learn more about the dynamics of speed reading and better comprehension by visiting the link below for more free tips on speed reading.

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Components of Any Sensible Weight Loss Program

A day doesn’t go by without someone I run into tells me how they are trying to lose weight and get into better shape. The amazing thing about it is; for every person that has shared this goal with me seems to have a different idea on exactly how to go about losing weight and getting into better shape. Some of them are using Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers or the South Beach diet. Most of them unfortunately are missing some key components from their weight loss program that would otherwise help them to achieve their goals and realize lasting results. Here I explain some of those essential components:

– Stay Hydrated:

– Vitamins & Minerals:

– Protein & Carbohydrates:

– Stretching:

– Weight Training:

– Aerobic Exercise:

– Rest:

Stay Hydrated: Water is among the top most important bodily needs to live and survive. Many folks are walking around in a constant state of dehydration and don’t realize it. Yes, your body needs water to survive, but equally as important it needs the water to perform many important functions. As an example; muscles are 90% water and dehydration can diminish their ability to function as designed. It is important that you drink plenty of water each day; about 8 full glasses.

Vitamins & Minerals: The food we are consuming these days, unfortunately, much of it doesn’t have the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function at peak performance. Your body will need supplements if you are to maintain good health. Vitamins C, D & E will be necessary along with niacin and iron to help the body to perform important metabolic functions.

Protein & Carbohydrates: A balance of meats, vegetables, nuts and grains are crucial to any long term weight loss program. The body needs amino-acids to build new cells and muscles as well as the glucose carbohydrates provide for the production of energy. An imbalance of protein and carbohydrates is not a long term weight loss strategy that anyone can maintain. Eventually the body will breakdown from the depletion of one or the other.

Stretching: Your muscles store a lot of kinetic energy and stretching is one of the most efficient methods for releasing this energy. Stretching provides many other benefits such as more flexible tendons and muscle fibers. The benefits of stretching regularly can enhance performance and help you avoid injury. Daily stretching is a key component to any successful exercise routine or weight loss program.

Weight Training: Many people in the past have avoided weight training because they thought they would develop gigantic muscles. But the fact is weight training accelerates the metabolism faster then any other kind of exercise. Working the muscles progressively and consistently will burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. Also stronger muscles are healthier muscles and will reward you with a better looking physique. Start up slow and build up the intensity as you progress.

Aerobic Exercise: Participating in an exercise program that is aerobic will help you burn fat your body has already stored away. Just 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week and you can lose 2 to 3 pounds of excess body fat. Both the regularity and duration of your aerobic workouts are important if you want to see consistent weight loss results. Once you begin an aerobic exercise program then stick with it.

Rest: This is one of the most neglected and overlooked aspect of a weight loss program. Rest is the time for the body to repair, replace and rejuvenate the bones, muscles and tissues. At least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night is mandatory for each individual. You will have more energy and enthusiasm if you make getting sufficient amounts of rest just as important as the any other component of your weight loss program.

A more broad perspective regarding your weight and your daily habits can help you to achieve more satisfying and consistent results. Start off both slowly and gradually when it comes to making changes. The body reacts to small changes much better then abrupt ones and small changes are easier to live up to as well. Embracing the 7 components listed above and giving them their rightful place in your weight loss program will help you achieve the results you desire.

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Hydroxycut Side Effects – Can You Lose Weight Fast using Hydroxycut, Without any Side Effects?

As one of the most heavily-promoted diet supplements on the market, Hydroxycut Side Effects have become a big issue in weight loss. Can you use Hydroxycut for fast weight loss – without suffering through any of a list of frequent side effects? (For more information on this, go to the website listed in the Resource Box below this article.)

Hydroxycut is a product made by MuscleTech, a well-known supplement manufacturer. It is a “thermogenic” compound, meaning that it helps you to burn off more fat by raising your metabolism. It contains both natural and laboratory-made ingredients, including well-known fat burning substances – some of which are used in many others thermogenic supplements.

(Note: The original form of Hydroxycut contained Ephedra. When widespread dangerous ephedra side effects became fully known, bottles of Hydroxycut were quickly removed from store shelves under Federal mandate! MuscleTech then had to scramble to create an Ephedra-free version of Hydroxycut, to avoid those dangerous side effects – and prevent another multi-nation-wide recall. Thus, I will only be discussing the Ephedra-free version of Hydroxycut, from this point onwards…)

Here are the known benefits of Hydroxycut, in regards to weight loss:

-increased amount of fat loss and weight loss

-increased speed of fat loss and weight loss

-increased energy and stamina

-stronger and more successful workouts

-some reports of decreased appetite as well (which would obviously be a further advantage to those trying to lose fat)

Now before you run off and buy a year’s supply of Hydroxycut, I’m going to be honest with you. There are some very substantial problems associated with using this weight loss supplement. In fact, over *90%* of those who take Hydroxycut have reported serious Side Effects from its use!

This may be a shock to you, but don’t worry. Fortunately for you, I’m going to reveal Insider Secrets to using Hydroxycut for fast weight loss, while avoiding most of those side effects. (And possibly, losing weight quickly without ANY side effects!)

But first, you need to understand what those side effects are – so we can solve them together.

1) ALL diet supplements are still drugs. So they all have side effects.

2) The more frequently-reported Hydroxycut Side Effects include: blurred vision, nose bleeds, restlessness and hyperactivity, increased heart rate, increased/decreased blood pressure, dizziness, light-headedness, headaches. There are even some reports of vaginal yeast infections, body rashes and acne outbreaks!?

3) One particular side effect that is cause for great concern, is arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). Hydroxycut users have reported feeling their heart skip beats – and even “stall”!

4) A concern for men in particular, are reports of Hydroxycut-caused impotence. In fact, the bottle’s label does note the potential for “sexual side effects”. Since decreased blood pressure has been widely reported, this would be the most likely suspect for causing the difficulty in achieving and maintaining erections, in men using Hydroxycut.

In addition, many of those who claim success using Hydroxycut, also participated in a diet and exercise regimen during the same period. So there is no way to know for sure, if they would have succeeded without using Hydroxycut.

Even worse, after you suffer through some or all of the above side effects, you then find that your success is short-lived. ALL diet pills only work for a short period. The typical diet pill user finds that after awhile, your body builds up resistance to the pill’s effects – the pills lose potency!

This potency problem is much worse, in this new, ephedra-free version of Hydroxycut. Almost all of those who used the previous, Ephedra version, have found that the new ephedra-free version, produces “watered down” results.

Diet pills all come with the promise of “easy weight loss”, but we have seen that using Hydroxycut can produce Side Effects accompanying its use – and a long list of them! However, as I told you above there ARE ways to minimize (or even eliminate) these side effects – yet still lose weight rapidly and easily! And I discuss exactly how to do that, in the next article in this series at:

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B12 Shots for Weight Loss – What Are the Benefits and Side Effects?

For anyone who wants to shed excess weight, the most tried and true method is a proper diet and frequent exercise. Nevertheless, there are some ways to enhance your likelihood of reducing your weight. One of those ways is B12 injections which has shown to improve a persons overall health. There are those that have a B12 deficiency and require the shot, but that doesn’t mean its right for you. We’ll discuss what exactly the B12 shot for weight loss is and what benefits or side effects may result from taking this shot.

What exactly is B12?

B12 is a nutrient you could acquire by eating fish like bass or salmon, as well as clams and lean meats. Taking B12 may also increase a persons metabolic rate which increases energy levels. Increasing your metabolic rate not only helps you burn calories even while resting, but stops the extra consumed fats from just being stored; more will be used up to produce the energy.

Even though there is a lack of clinical proof that B12 injections for weight loss work, some have reported that taking B12 helps in controlling weight gain. Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages of B12, experts agree that the most efficient way to get vitamin b12 into the blood stream is by taking a b12 shot. Since B12 helps in making your metabolic rate work appropriately, it could be one factor in the success of every fat reduction plan.

Some doctors would have you taking B12 shots for weight loss once a week, but there are things to consider. Price is one thing to consider because the shots run upwards of $25 dollars per shot. Now, if you need 1 to 2 shots a week that might be more than you are willing to pay. Once taking the shot if you see positive gains in your energy levels and just overall feeling good, then you could opt to have the shot twice a week or twice a month. As with any medically related treatment, your doctor will advise you best.

B12 shots for weight loss can also produce weight loss results, because often they contain some sort of fat burner. These shots may contain a lipotropic complex which combines natural herbs, multiple vitamins and minerals. This lipotropic complex supports healthy liver organ function and will help the liver manage fats. These fats are broken down and then move throughout the bloodstream where they may be used to produce energy.

B12 Shots Benefits

The benefits of B12 shots may be reduced stress levels, skin condition improvements, energy level increases, and possible weight loss. If you’re in good shape, feel healthy and balancedandhave no lack of energythen taking the B12 effects may be minimal. However if you are feeling run down, on the go all the time then a B12 shot may just be the thing to help give you a boost. Having a B12 deficiency though and taking the shot, may improve your bodies response to any weight loss program and increase your energy overall.

B12 Shots Side Effects

As with any shot, medicine or product you take, there can be side effects. Not all people will experience these side effects, but there are symptomsthatyou should be aware of. If you decide to take the B12 shot and experience any of these side effects, contact your physician immediately. These may include:

  • Moderate diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Inflammation at the area of injection
  • Headache
  • Tightness within the chest area or raised heartrate
  • Muscle soreness, weakness, cramping pains
  • Regular urination
  • Trouble breathing or swallowing
  • A sensation of excessive exhaustion or tiredness
  • Swollen hands, lower legs, arms, ankles or feet
  • Hives
  • Itchiness
  • Visible rash on the skin surface

If considering b12 injections for weight loss just understand it’s not the only answer. Proper diet, exercise and learning about nutrition all will benefit you in the long term. Like some, you may have a B12 deficiency and require the shot, but your doctor will examine your overall health and help you decide.

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The Truth on Weight Loss with Spicy Food

Everybody seems to have their own ideas on how to lose weight. Atkins and Banting suggested low-carbohydrate diet plans, the South Beach does away with bad carbohydrates and fats, and the Beverly Hills diet wants weight watchers to go with an all-fruit meal. Then there are some people who think that eating spicy foods will help them lose weight faster than you can say overweight.

Spicy foods have always figured in various native delicacies in different cultures. Black pepper, for example, is an antioxidant and it also has antibacterial effects. Cayenne pepper is touted to boost the immune system and clear congestion. Eating spicy food also increases the endurance of athletes and also helps in treating osteoarthritis.

Interestingly, among the many benefits of eating spicy food came the idea that it can actually aid in weight loss.

Weight loss with spicy dood: Fact or myth?

There is an ongoing debate on whether or not one can achieve weight loss with spicy food. The idea is that spicy foods increase your body’s metabolic rate which makes you digest your food faster. Basically, spices improve digestion by increasing the hydrochloric secretion in the stomach. This is what increases your metabolic rate. With increased metabolism comes increased absorption rate. When there is increased absorption, then the body is able to utilize the stuff that you ate for your daily activities so almost nothing really stays put. Ergo, you lose weight.

Some experts believe that while it’s true that spicy food can increase the body’s metabolism, the increase is not really as substantial as we would like to think. The increased digestive rate after eating spicy food isn’t so high as to affect weight loss. Still, there are some other people who look at it from a different standpoint.

Spicy food makes us eat less

There are only a few of us who have a high tolerance for spicy food. Logically, when a meal is spiked with pepper, we have a tendency to eat less. Cayenne pepper, for example, has capsaicin, which among others has shown to help the body burn fats and reduce the appetite. According to some scientists, cayenne increases the level of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body which causes us to feel less hungry. Spices enhance the flavor of any food which provides the a satisfied sensation to the palate. Eating spicy food makes us eat less which explains why people connect weight loss with spicy food. As thermogenic herbs, spices helps the body burn more calories in food especially when eating a meal high in fat. This is by increasing blood circulation and the body’s temperature. In this regard, spices are also capable of stimulating the break down of fat cells thus aiding in weight loss.

So in a sense, weight loss with spicy food sounds logical enough to be true.


With this explanation in hand, more and more people strongly believe that eating spicy food can aid weight loss. Unfortunately, eating spicy foods is not without a negative consequence. Eating spicy food can also cause stomach ulcers. Spices can also cause GERD or acid reflux. Moderation is really the key. Don’t overeat on spicy foods especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Acid reflux usually happens to obese people so if you’re trying weight loss with spicy food, you may want to think this over. Maybe you can go on the spicy food diet as a sort of supplement to another weight loss plan instead of using it as your basic means of burning calories.

Aside from acid reflux, spices can also irritate your digestive tract and mess up digestion. Too much spicy food can also wreak havoc on your sense of taste. Over time, you won’t be able to enjoy food in its natural state.


If you’re still hell-bent on going on the idea of weight loss with spicy food, you may want to keep a few tips in mind before going on a curry overload.

Try to test your tolerance for spicy food in small amounts first. Make sure to put in just small amounts of it in your meals. As you go along, feel free to increase the servings according to your taste. Remember not to eat too much of it though because as it was mentioned, spicy food in large amounts isn’t good for your stomach.

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How to Lose Weight – And Never Gain It Back

Recently, I was interviewed on a radio program dedicated to the topic of living life regret free. I was disappointed I didn’t know about that program earlier. (Get it? See what I did there?) Anyway, who would think that when someone is interviewing me, the subject might shift to the topic of weight loss? What a surprise! The host asked a series of questions on all the psychological, physical, and even spiritual aspects of dropping weight and finally landed on the big Kahuna for anyone who has ever faced the battle of the bulge, “So, you’ve worked with literally tens of thousands of people in this area. What’s your guess as to why so many people regain their weight?”

It’s a sad truth.

According to an article earlier this year, nearly 65 percent of people who lost weight return to their starting point (or higher) within three years. That’s per the clinical director of the Weight and Eating Disorders Program at the University of Pennsylvania so one can take that stat to the bank. As for folks who try crash diets, defined as any unhealthy diet, from severe calorie-restriction diets to diets that consist of only a few kinds of foods; the outlook is even bleaker. Wellsphere, a website sponsored by Stanford University, reports that only five percent enjoy long-term success. That measurement also includes dieters who lose weight rapidly. For clarification, a sustainable (e.g. “non rapid”) weight loss is considered to be a long term average of .5 to two pounds a week.

So, back to the question; why do up to 95 percent of people regain their weight within a few years? I don’t have to guess to answer it. Pure and simple, their goal was misplaced. They mistakenly opted to lose weight rather than re-create their lifestyles. Said elsewise, they focused on how fast they could get the number on the scale to drop instead of developing habits to see how long they could a sustainable and reasonable lifestyle to support a healthy weight once they achieved it.

You see, the vast majority of people who decide to drop those extra pounds get trapped in the “how fast can I lose it/how long will it take” treadmill. Virtually every decision is aimed at speeding up the process, mistakenly believing that if they can get the weight off, everything will work its way out. They’re so stuck in the “now” that they don’t take time to realize there will be a “then.” It is similar to spending every single penny made during your career on what you want immediately without any regard for what you’re going to do upon retirement.

Those of us successful at long-term weight maintenance are neither smarter nor better nor luckier. Rather, after banging our heads against the wall several times, usually after several failed attempts similar to what was already described, it dawned upon us: What we weigh is a one reflection of the manner in how we lead it our lives. It is not only about what we eat nor is it random happenstance. We did this to ourselves, most likely unwittingly, but done nevertheless. Logically then, we have to rebuild our lives and the scale will automatically reflect those changes. The definition of what that looks like varies but usually includes developing patience, accepting setbacks better, realizing time is out of your control, eating and cooking in a healthier fashion, increasing activity, changing self-talk, and in general, learning better to enjoy the ride, rather than wait for the destination.

Once that becomes a lifestyle, a healthy, sustainable weight becomes an unavoidable result.

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The Miracle Fat Burning Powers of Onions

While onions and other onion-family foods may force you to add a few more breath mints to your diet, these products miraculously help the body to burn fat! Exchanging a few extra calories for fresh breath is well worth it when you encounter the many fat-burning benefits derived from a diet rich in onions. 

Onions and the Fat Burning Benefits

Onions, along with some of the other onion-family foods, help stimulate weight loss due to their natural richness of chromium. Chromium is an essential nutrient that improves the efficiency of insulin in the blood stream. With a more stable insulin release pattern, the body is able to maintain blood sugar levels, leading to more stable feelings of energy and stamina. While enhanced energy is certainly a perk, the greater benefit of stable energy and sugar levels is derived from the body’s ability to abstain from food cravings and hunger. With stable energy and sugar levels, the body is less likely to send out hunger pains, as oftentimes the body will crave sugary and unhealthy foods in order to experience a short-term energy fix. If individuals consume foods that lead to an overproduction of insulin, the body encounters a low-energy crash and continues down the food-craving hunger pathway. Providing the body with chromium, onions help consumers feel more energized and fuller for longer periods of time, allowing consumers to comfortably restrict their caloric intake as they burn off stored fat to boost the body’s functioning. 

Fat Burning Onions

With only 35 calories in each half cup of onions, this flavorful vegetable can be added to many savory foods and dishes. Also, to ward off the bad-breath side effects, dieters can consume a bit of parsley, which has been proven to fight off some of the effects of bad breath.

Chives – A Delicious Fat Burning Food

Chives are another tasty alternative in the onion family, and they can be eaten either cooked or raw. Add chives to a salad or a healthy starch, like a potato, or even mix chives with lean ground meats (like turkey) for a low-calorie and fat burning flavor boost. Also, since chives are easy to grow, consumers can add some chive seeds to their gardens, or can even grow chives near a well-lit window, so the tiny fat burning vegetable is available all the time without hassle!  

Losing Weight with Leeks 

For a sweeter fat burning alternative, try adding leeks to some of your meals. With a sweeter taste when compared to other onion vegetables, leeks can enhance the flavors of soups and stews, while they can also be added to other dishes, such as stir fry. 

Popular in the country of France, many diet experts even promote the consumption of a detoxifying leek soup, as the leek is full of vitamins and minerals. Best of all, this tiny sweet vegetable will boost your body’s ability to burn stored fat, as it contains only 25 calories in a half of a cup!

Scallions for Shedding Pounds

Similar to the chive, scallions can be chopped and added to a variety of foods and dishes. Commonly used in salads and on potatoes, scallions provide consumers with the same fat burning benefits as many other vegetables in the onion family.  

Shallots – A Sweet Fat Burning Food

As another sweeter onion option, similar to the leek, shallots are tiny onion vegetables that are less intense in their flavor. With a mild taste, shallots can be added to a variety of meals to boost consumers’ fat burning benefits. Sautéed with other vegetables or meat, shallots allow consumers to enjoy the benefits of onions without the intense “onion” taste. Also popular overseas, nearly all shallots consumed in the United States are derived from France.   

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Jump Rope Sport

There are some misconceptions about jump rope workout. Of the common Misconceptions is that it leads to serious lung and heart problems and prolapsed uterine in women and that it may cause them bleeding in a date other than the menstrual cycle date, all these beliefs and concepts are incorrect.

Jump rope sport is considered by many fitness specialists as the first full fitness sport after swimming. Jump rope works on all body muscles, especially back muscles, abdomen and the lower part of the body. It also strengthens the ligaments of the feet and knees as well as improving the performance of the heart and respiratory system.

Rope jump workout should be avoided by the women during the menstrual cycle so as not to increase it, as well as during months of pregnancy so as not to cause abortion. It also should be avoided by people who are suffering from some chronic diseases such as heart, asthma and erosion of joints or rough knees.

Sports and fitness specialists suggest the following tips for those who wish to practice some jump rope, so that it would be fun and safe sport:

– Start by warming up for three to five minutes by walking fast or jogging in the same place.

– Finish by cooling for three to five minutes by walking slowly to rest the body until the pulse return to normal level.

– Use healthy sneakers and wear clothes that will not hinder the rotation of the rope.

– During exercise, hold the rope firmly and consistently.

– Let your elbows be close to your body, and your shoulders should be relaxed.

– Bend your knees slightly and use your forearms and wrists to move the rope in an arc passes over the head and under the feet.

– keep your head up, your back straight and do not bend forward during the jump exercise.

– It is not necessary in this type of sport to jump very high because that could adversely affect the joints of the feet and knees.

– For women, it is preferable to wear a bra to maintain the stability of the chest during the jump sport.

So, jump rope sport is just like any other sport, it has its benefits and its harms. Jump rope is one of the simplest, easiest and most enjoyable sports and the least expensive. It can be exercised at home or in the open air by both sexes and all ages.

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Weight Loss Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

I’m no stranger to the sun. Growing up, I was outside playing all day every day. Although my skin was used to the sun’s harsh rays, I often ended up sun burnt. The sting of the burn and the itch of the skin was always an unpleasant feeling, but my grandmother always soothed it with Aloe Vera.

The sap from Aloe Vera acts like a pain reliever and it reduces inflammation. So I’ve always known that Aloe Vera leaves had its benefits. But drinking it? That’s news to me.

I recently ordered a protein shake from an organic health food store and the lady asked if I wanted Aloe Vera juice in it. The confused look on my face lead her to explain the question deeper.

She educated me on the benefits of Aloe Vera juice. I learned that, just like in my childhood, the ingredients in the juice serve as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It tremendously helps your joints and their flexibility.

The benefits of drinking this juice also include that it is filled with mucopolysaccharide, which are the amino sugars needed for producing more body cells.

Supports a Healthy Immune System

I was also informed that drinking Aloe Vera juice improves your immune system. And with the change of the seasons coming up, who wouldn’t want to strengthen their immune system? Furthermore, anyone who has chronic immune disorders will love this juice because it helps stimulate your white blood cells, which fend off viruses.

Helps Aide Weight Loss

And last but certainly not least, this surprising juice helps weight loss! How is a drink beneficial to your weight loss, you ask? Well let me tell you. Aloe Vera juice is a natural diuretic. It helps relieve people with constipation, yet slows the process of diarrhea down. Two for one!

I was so happy that a health food expert informed me about the benefits of this juice because I probably wouldn’t have even thought to try it. I suppose the Aloe Vera plant isn’t only good for sunburns.

This juice tends to have a strong tart taste. If you can’t handle the straight shot, mix it into your shakes and fruit juices.

I’ve realized that I love the benefits of this juice and add it to my daily diet every chance I get. The suggested serving size of this juice is 2-8 ounces per day, which you could spread out to a couple ounces with each meal. And remember that organic is always recommended.

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