Archive | March, 2017

The Difference Between Losing Body Fat and Losing Weight

You see when you weigh your self on the scales they may tell you that you have lost weight. However many kilos or pounds – and you are probably quite happy about weighing less right? After all that is what you want. But did you know that for every kilo of weight you lose – 50% is actually fat loss, while the other 50% is made up of muscle, fluid and bone density?

Many people are not aware of this. While your new weight number on the scales may look great to you now – most people will put this amount of weight loss back on and more in the future. The biggest reason for this is because you have lost muscle mass in your original efforts to lose weight and this decreases your bodies ability to burn more calories. You need lean muscle to burn calories – the more you have – the more your body becomes at efficiently burning fat.

The best way to determine if you have actually lost body fat is not via the scales. It is by using your trusty old tape measure and taking your measurements. When you notice a decline in centimeters you are losing body fat. You will also notice it in your clothes and how well they fit you too.

This is why some people who may look really fit and slim actually weigh the same as you – and you may be overweight. It is because they have more lean muscles and lean muscle weighs more than fat. Because they have all this lean muscle their body is very efficient at burning calories – so they may weigh the same as you but be considerably smaller because they have less body fat.

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Try Eating Chicken For Weight Loss – 10 Fat Burning Tricks

There are many ways to increase fat burn for weight loss, and eating chicken is just one of them. It is certainly fine to eat poultry to aid in helping in your quest to lose weight. Chicken is a lean protein and protein is extremely important in our weight loss efforts.

Eating chicken for weight loss is a smart choice. Although most people make the mistake of eating much too much of it. Large portions are not necessarily better. The size of your fist is what you should be aiming for as the amount of lean protein that your body requires.

Eating chicken for weight loss is something you should be doing a few times per week. Although chicken is not the only food you should be eating to burn fat. Here are 10 fat burn tricks you can use to further increase your diet efforts.

1. Make sure to eat a variety of foods. Add sources of lean protein, such as fish, tuna, turkey, or pork to your diet.

2. Be sure to eat fibrous foods, like vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower.

3. Try to eat more beans for more protein and consider making home made hummus. Also eat black beans or kidney beans as well for good sources of protein.

4. Be sure to drink water and lots of it. Make sure it is slightly chilled to help up your metabolism.

5. Add some spices to your foods like chili powder, cinnamon, or red pepper flakes. These increase your inner metabolism greatly.

6. Add short intense bursts to your workouts. Run your tail off for two minutes, take a break, then go again. Add at least 10 sets of two minutes sprints.

7. Do not eat 4 hours before bed time. I know you have heard that it does not matter because it is how many calories you eat versus how many you expend. This is simply not true. Your body needs to digest your food before you put it rest.

8. Make sure you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. This is also of vital importance to losing weight. Remember eating chicken for weight loss works, but it does not equal the importance of sleep for weight loss. You will see results if you give your body the recovery time it desperately requires.

9. Add a green drink to your daily diet. Go to a local health food store and find a decent tasting green drink. These drinks are essential in giving your body the enzymes it requires. We cannot possibly eat the amount of vegetables per day that our body needs.

10. Try to be happy and upbeat as much as possible. When we are feeling down or depressed our bodies will protect itself by reserving all the fat for our brains to function properly. So put on some great music or call a friend.

I hope this has been helpful and that you add some of these suggestions to your daily routine. Start out with one or two and then add them all. You will not be sorry you did. Eating chicken for weight loss is only one great food choice, be sure to combine other fat burning foods as well.

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Boxing For Fitness? Incorporate This Boxing Circuit Into Your Workout

So you want to get fit and you have heard that boxing is a fun way of doing it. Well you are right! Boxing is a type of interval training allowing you to get your heart rate up really high with short bursts of activity. When you put together several short bursts of activity into an exercise regime of approximately 20 minutes you really see fitness benefits. You will see not only your strength improve but also your cardiovascular fitness. With the activities listed below you will also see an improvement in your abdominal strength, helping you get that elusive 6 pack!

Before you start you will need a superior set of boxing gloves and boxing mitts and a mat to do the sit ups on.

Try this circuit in your next boxing training!

Partners – 1 minute rounds and then swap

  1. Jab, Cross, Hook, Hook
  2. 10 straight punches, 10 high punches, 10 upper cuts
  3. 4 punches, duck, duck
  4. 10 punches, sprint to wall touch floor and back
  5. upper cuts
  6. sit ups – sit up, 2 punches, down, sit up, 4 punches, down, sit up 6 punches, down, sit up 8 punches, down and then work your way backwards.i.e. 8, 6, 4, 2
  7. 5 x left hand – jab, jab, cross: 5x right hand – jab, jab, cross
  8. 4 punches, 4 scissor steps
  9. boxer kneeling, partner standing behind with boxing mitts out in front and above head of boxer. Boxer punches continually upwards.
  10. medicine ball pass. With your partner sit facing each other and link ankles. Lie down at same time, when come up for a sit up pass medicine ball to partner, both lie down and sit up again at same time

You can repeat this boxing circuit as many times as you like.

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Regain Your Man Chest – Best Exercise to Get Rid of Your Man Boobs!

In order to get rid of your man boobs (or moobs) you have got to implement the use of kettlebell training. By now you may have heard of the ancient kettlebell and realize that this single ancient strength and conditioning device has been around molding some of the world’s greatest athletic bodies for over three centuries. This single device is so versatile that it can train your entire body with some very basic movements. I have included a single hard hitting lift that is great for helping you to rev up your metabolism, burn fat, and speed up the process of getting rid of your flabby chest.

Get rid of the flab by building lean muscle mass, period! The overhead kettlebell swing is a single lift that you can use to burn a ton of calories and slim down your body as fast as any exercise you can possibly do. This lift is done by you holding the kettlebell with both arms and letting it hang at your groin. From here your feet should be about shoulder width apart in length. You should initiate a movement called the hip snap in order to swing the bell from between your legs up to above your head. The hip snap is done by you having to constantly flex and extend at both your hip and knee joints to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum. As you gradually build momentum keep increasing the force of the swing by allowing the bell to elevate to above your head. This is a sure way for you to build muscle and burn off any excess body fat that you don’t want. You see the key to burning fat is speeding up your metabolism and the key to speeding up your metabolism is building lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you have head to toe the quicker the flab goes away! That’s how your body works. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

If you haven’t already included the kettlebell into your personal strength and fitness program you are missing out. Don’t waste anymore time and get started now. I’ll even make it easy for you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

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Seaweed For Treating Fibroids – Shrink Fibroids Naturally With Diet

The apparent lack of effective treatments for women who are wanting to shrink fibroids naturally often means that women explore some rather unconventional options. One such remedy is using seaweed for treating fibroids.

Some forms of seaweed have excellent nutritional qualities and brown seaweed in particular, has been shown to prevent the formation of blood clots, lower cholesterol and halt the growth of tumors. In addition, studies in animals showed that a significant lowering of fats in the liver occurred when seaweed was eaten which has strengthened the belief that seaweed can be a valuable part of a good liver detox.

Now how does this relate to fibroids?

The obvious link between seaweed and the halting of tumor growth does not really need expanding on. As fibroids are a form of benign tumor, anything which can stop them growing larger merits consideration. As far as the liver is concerned, it has long been believed that certain environmental pollutants and pesticides are stored in the liver and can mimic the action of estrogen which is known to fuel fibroid growth. Seaweed for treating fibroids may therefore be a useful component of a thorough liver detox to help remove these toxins and help stop fibroid growth. It may, in some cases, help shrink fibroids naturally.

Estrogen, which is often known as the “fuel” for fibroids, is stored in and produced by fat cells. Therefore if you are overweight it makes sense to try to reach a healthy weight which will naturally reduce estrogen levels and therefore can help to shrink fibroids. In addition, it is thought that following the basis of a good healthy diet which includes at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily will be helpful.

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Find Time for a Quick Energy Boost

Finding time for exercise can sometimes feel like trying to squeeze your foot into a shoe that’s too small. That can be especially true at a busy time of year like this. So here are three things to consider, no matter what time of year it is and how busy you are:

  1. Finding time for exercise is important!
  2. Your exercise time doesn’t have to be long.
  3. EVERY time you exercise, you will boost your energy!

Finding time for exercise is important.

If you make exercise a priority, you are more likely to find time for it. The benefits are so great, this is really worth doing!

Your exercise time doesn’t have to be long.

This is very true – and it’s the place where many people get tripped up. Unless you are training for a marathon… and maybe even then, too… it’s more important to do something than to worry about how long you do it. If you only have 5 or 10 minutes, don’t let that stop you. If you don’t have your exercise clothes, don’t let that stop you. You can still do something – and something is much better than nothing!

EVERY time you exercise you boost your energy.

This is something you’ve got to experience to understand. The energy boost comes from a variety of sources, I believe. Here are two examples:

  • One is the purely physical rush, which will leave you feeling better, more focused, and ready to move forward into the rest of your day.
  • Other boosts come from the great feeling of having followed through on a commitment to yourself. When you do that you build self-trust and send yourself wonderful, self-nurturing messages.

Try setting aside some time to exercise. Build it into your routine… in whatever increments make sense for you. It doesn’t have to be a LOT of time… JUST DO IT (as they say). And I’d love to hear how it goes!

Let’s explore time together…

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15 Fat Burning Foods – Eating Your Way To Natural Fat Loss

Quickly, can you name 15 fat burning foods in the next 30 seconds? How did you do? Well, there are a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that are hyped as foods that you can eat to help you to lose weight. They are also known as negative calorie foods and have what is known as a high ‘thermogenic’ value. In other words, they use more calories in the digestive process than what is actually contained within the food itself. This process speeds up your metabolism, which can lead to fat loss.

In actuality, it is not the food that burns the fat, but the nutrients in these foods that help in breaking down fatty deposits and make it easier for your body to help flush out the fat. Also, when your body is properly nourished it has a positive affect on maintaining your blood sugar level. Regulating your blood sugar level has proven to be the most effective method to maintaining the body’s fat-burning capacity by eliminating the feel of hunger.

Following are 15 fat burning foods known for accelerating fat loss; they are packed with nutritional value and can assist you in achieving your weight loss goal and improve your overall health in numerous ways:


Steep in fiber and an excellent source of protein as well as iron, a single serving of beans is very filling and can satisfy your appetite for hours. The great thing is that they come in many varieties including lima beans, black beans, kidney beans, navy beans, green beans, wax beans, northern beans, and garbanzo beans. They are great for helping to keep the blood sugar level balance.


This staple has a worldwide reputation as a miracle food and comes in over 300 varieties; it contains vitamins A, C, and D. One of the most common is the American garlic; it has a white paper-like skin and a very strong flavor. Its many forms include whole peeled gloves, minced fresh cloves, dried garlic powder, garlic extract, garlic salt, and whole peeled gloves. Garlic contains the compound allicin which studies have shown can help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure; it is a natural diuretic food that aids the breakage of fat. It has been observed that allicin begins to degrade immediately after it is produced, so its medicinal effect decreases over time. Cooking degrades its even further and microwaving allicin, more likely than not, totally annihilates any health benefits.

To receive the optimal effect, crush a little raw garlic and combine with the cooked food shortly before serving. Be careful not to overdo it – too much can irritate or possibly damage the digestive tract. Keep in mind that raw, crushed garlic yields not only the most powerful flavor but, as an entry on the 15 fat burning foods list, it is an extremely effective ingredient to have as a part of your health and fitness arsenal.


This vegetable contains high levels of carotene, which is transform into Vitamin A. Carotene stimulates the metabolic rate of the body and speeds the elimination of fat deposits and waste. In addition, research has shown that this compound may be of significant benefit for maintaining blood sugar level and possesses antioxidant properties that can reduce the rate of certain types of cancer as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Known as a simple home remedy for ailments ranging from sinus headaches to a sore toe, apple cider vinegar also has the natural ability to accelerate fat loss. Made from apples, it contains malic acid, which is an essential ingredient for converting sugars and fats into an energy source that fuels the bodily functions such as walking, running, breathing, and blood flow.

Apple cider vinegar also have high levels of potassium that has an antiseptic quality , which helps to eliminate stored fats. Pectin is another ingredient contained in the fresh apples from which the vinegar is made; it is a soluble fiber that binds to cholesterol globules and pulls them out of the body. It works 24 hours a day to help your body remove unwanted fat. This also helps remove unwanted heavy metals. Less fat and cholesterol in the body reduces the risk of just about any ailment!


Like its fellow vegetable in the 15 fat burning foods category – garlic, onions have minerals and oils that will help to promote fat loss by the breakdown of fat deposits and speeding up your metabolism. They also are rich in vitamin C and chromium. Chromium is a mineral that is promoted as a weight-loss supplement due to it’s supposed ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and boost the body’s fat-burning metabolism.


Whether raw, steamed, fried, stewed, crushed, pureed, or reduced to a sauce, the tomatoes is one of the most frequently eaten “vegetables” in the United States. It has a high Vitamin C and Citric malic-oxalic acid content. The acid contains enzymes that will hasten the metabolic process. It also helps the kidneys to release more water, which filters out large amounts of fatty deposits. Because it is a “fatless” vegetable, many people employ tomatoes fat-loss diet for a brief period of time.


Raw celery has a high calcium content and when eaten the calcium is sent directly to work. This pure form of calcium will stimulate your endocrine system. The hormones in your body will break up the fat that is stored in the body. In addition, celery contains a high amount of iron and magnesium; these minerals are excellent for flushing out your system.


The high silicon and sulfur content in cucumbers works to stimulate the kidneys to filter out uric acid, which is a waste product formed from the metabolic breakdown of substances in food called purines. Once this uric acid is washed out, it speeds up the removal of fat, and loosens the fat from the cells.


A good vegetable source of vitamin E, and a natural treatment for rheumatism and arthritis, asparagus is also a natural diuretic that promotes the elimination of fluids in the body. This pick for 15 fat burning foods contains a chemical that accelerates metabolism by assisting in the breakdown of the oxalic acid that tends to bind fat to cells. Its affect in reducing fatty deposits into small bits makes it easier to expend them out of the body.


This is another powerful diuretic that supports the functions of the liver and kidneys. Beets wash out floating body fats; they are rich in a special iron that cleanses the corpuscles. Corpuscles are blood cells that can contain fat deposits.


Because of the cabbage ability to inhibit the transformation of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat it is of great value in the fat loss war. It contains the minerals iodine and sulfur, which cleanses the body of waste matter from the membranes of the stomach and intestines. If you have a pot belly or want to rid yourself of love handles, cabbage is a natural diuretic that will help to break up the excess fat stored in these areas.

Olive Oil

This item should be at the top of the 15 fat burning foods for everyone. Numerous studies have shown that the reasons for southern Europeans low rate of cardiovascular disease is their frequent use of olive oil as their primary source of dietary fat. By utilizing olive oil in the same way, you can reap the same health benefits. Extra-virgin olive oil (nuts, avocados, and canola oil) is made of monounsaturated fat and helps to lower the levels of the ‘bad fat’ ldl cholesterol and also the blood fats that are known as triglycerides.

The fats that you need to avoid, the saturated fats found mostly in animal foods and diary products, are what raise those levels. That is why it is recommended that you eat only lean meats and nonfat dairy products. The bottom line here is, olive oil, used in healthy amounts as a replacement for the “unhealthy fats,” will enhance your fat loss program.


This is a food that is high in fiber and provides your body with volume; it prolongs digestion, which makes you feel full longer. Eating apples in place of junk foods, decrease the likelihood of you eating foods that are less filling and high in calories. This encourages stable blood-glucose levels. Because fat burning foods such as apples have fewer calories, they are popular in fat loss programs that involve calorie counting. The high water content of apples is another reason why apples are great for weight loss. The water within the apple is absorbed by the body and helps to keep blood-oxygenation levels high.

When this occurs, your body’s metabolism is stimulated and burns glucose energy. A low blood-oxygenation level makes your body feel sluggish and the nutrients that you do eat cannot be effectively transported to the areas of the body where they are needed. So, why not add apples to your list, and the next time you feel the urge to have a snack, pick up one and start munching knowing that you are making a significant contribution to your fat loss efforts.


There is a reason why professional bodybuilders have relied on oatmeal as a staple of their breakfast; it is very high in nutrients. It is an amazing source of cholesterol fighting, fat-soluble fiber that is filling and provides a good amount of energy to propel you through any workout. Avoid instant oatmeal and choose rolled or steel cut oats instead.

Lean Turkey

This is another favorite food of bodybuilders. Many studies have proven that the proteins contained in lean turkey boost the metabolism that promotes fat loss and helps to build up the lean muscle tissue that enables you to burn even more fat. (calories.) The reason lean meats stimulate metabolism and burns calories is because it uses more energy in the digestion process that other foods.

So there you have it, 15 fat burning foods that not only promote fat loss but contains vitamin and minerals that yield many other health related benefits as well. As with any changes in diet or fitness related activities, you should always consult with your health care practitioner first!

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Fast Food Nutrition – The Silent Killer

It’s recognized that fast food isn’t healthy or nutritious at all and as a matter of fact, it’s completely harmful to you. Therefore it is crucial for you to know about fast food nutrition details that will help you become more conscious of the unknown dangers of eating fast foods which can be even worse than you may ever have thought possible. Americans have for ages been familiar with consuming fast foods and recently, this problem has also spread to the rest of the globe.

Hence, becoming acquainted with junk food nutrition information is necessary for not just Americans and people residing in the western world, but in addition for people living in the third world countries where this fad has quickly caught on and is consequently affecting the more affluent in those parts of the world too. Fast food will make an individual fat and it is also the key cause for obesity in the USA with even kids not being spared.

You can easily understand from taking a look at junk food nutrition details that these foods are full of fat and are packed with calories. Although Americans have to eat not more than sixty-five grams of fat plus that their calorie count shouldn’t exceed two thousand, dependent of age and how much they exercise, when they consume fast foods, they would find themselves consuming much more than the suggested levels. Statistically, this is often 30 percent or more above the ideal level.

Hence, a meal that is made of a McDonalds Big Mac together with some french fries and a shake would cost you fifty-seven grams of fat in addition to twelve hundred calories, which will make sure that you will be unable to stay within the required limits. Often you might consume more than this mini-meal and should you go for a “super size” meal, you would certainly take in a lot more than you should. Whenever the unwanted fat and calories stay in your body, you’d just end up doing lots of damage to your body and it’s health. By doing this you pay a large price for having satisfied a short-term urge to please your taste buds.

Moreover, you can see out of available junk food nutrition specifics that fast foods do not contain sufficient basic fibers and nutrients and there are insufficient vitamins contained as well, all of which are crucial for a person’s health and well-being. After you have carefully learn about these fast food nutrition specifics, you’d probably realize that the threat to your health is usually hidden and therefore fast foods will act as some sort of silent killer which can even result in early death.

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Why Lean Muscle Is Better Than Bulky Muscle

If you search around the internet and read through lots of fitness magazines, you will find out that the male fitness industry is full of all kinds of personalities who believe in different things, for example for some an aesthetic physique may be a Frank Zane or Surge Nubret type physique which is more of a classic overly muscular bodybuilder type physique whereas others favour the fitness model type of physique like Greg Plitt or David Kimmerle. Everyone has their own take on what is aesthetic and we all work out towards our own personal goals. Now I will tell you which kind of physique is more favourable in terms of real world situations.

Think about the fitness magazines and body-building magazines, magazines with huge monstrous guys are generally not for your average Joes and that look is not something most people would work towards looking like. The magazines with the big guys are for body-building fans and people obsessed with gaining size. The fitness magazines and men’s magazines on the other hand have images of smaller sized men with acquirable physiques, they are in better shape than the average man but they are still considered normal sized and athletically built. You would never see those huge monstrosities you find in some body-building magazines in men’s magazines like men’s health, mainly because it is not how most people would want to look.

So now that I have given you a picture of what kind of physiques appear in which type of magazines I will give you some reasons why having lean muscle is better than being bulky.

The first thing is that getting the lean physique can be done naturally, using supplements to aid you is a personal choice and they are legal, whereas getting to an unnatural size like those Olympia guys is not a healthy thing to do, you put a lot of stain on your body and that level of body-building is filled with use of steroids which are illegal and have very bad side effects.

The second thing is that being lean is about having functional muscle that makes you more athletic, just look at sprinters they have lean muscle that allows them to run faster and be more powerful, and having functional muscle is what most people want. Being bulky on the other hands makes you and ogre, you can hardly move and you sure as hell can’t be fast with an unnatural amount of muscle putting stress on your skeletal structure. Most of that muscle mass is for show.

Another thing is that you can dress in trendy clothes and they will suit you if you are a lean guy but if you are abnormally large you will struggle to find clothes that look good and fit right, instead you will always be wearing baggy pants and shorts because your legs are too thick.

You will not look good at the beach topless if you are bulky, you have worked out so much that you have passed the beach body ideal which is a fitness model, lean muscle type physique.

And finally people of the opposite sex are more attracted to lean muscular guys with fitness model and Hollywood type physique’s, being too big will most likely decrease the number of women who find you or your physique attractive if you care about that sort of thing.

I have given you some reasons why I feel the lean muscular holly wood look is the look to go for if you care about functionality and general appearance. I know there are others who disagree but all that I mentioned above is what most people think as well.

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The Weight Loss Magic of Green Tea

In the quest to lose weight by people who may be on the fat side, it is necessary to combine a few effective lifestyle practices to achieve the weight loss goal. Routine daily exercise and a good diet plan are major keys to help get rid of those extra pounds. Anyone who has been actively seeking for ways to lose weight must have heard some good things about drinking green tea, as a weight loss strategy. You probably would like to get more information about this wonder brew and how it aids in weight loss. Here it is;

Green tea is a powerful drink that has been regularly consumed by people in Asia for several thousand years now. It has substantial health benefits that are believed to play a direct, positive impact on weight control, which can be attributed to the fact that this beverage contains many polyphenols. Polyphenols contain anti-oxidants that can fight free radicals from attacking healthy cells.

What makes this tea so special is the production process. With most black tea that we commonly drink, the nutrients can be lost during processing. This is because dried tea leaves are used, whereas with green tea, only fresh leaves are used. The fresh leaves are usually steamed at very high temperatures.

Although green tea isn’t exactly caffeine-free, it has much lower milligrams of caffeine when compared to other tea drinks. Even though it gives you the pep of coffee, it does something that is nothing short of a miracle for people looking to lose weight. Coffee raises insulin levels, and insulin can sabotage fat loss. Green tea lowers insulin level; as a result your body fat reduces.

Drinking 3 cups of this amazing tea during the day can raise your metabolism by 4% over the course of 24 hours, which means better efforts at losing weight. Green tea also helps inhibit glucose from turning to fat cells The drink itself is low-calorie, and many people like to include it as part of their weight loss plan, because it can help control your appetite.

In a nutshell, green tea helps your body to be more active, and this goes a long way in helping to burn fat. Without a doubt, these interesting facts and benefits about the precious tea would surely be helpful in your weight loss goal. Does this not make you want to start incorporating it into your diet plan?

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