Archive | February, 2016

Get Ripped Workout – Key Tips For You

One of the biggest markets out there is the weight loss niche. People always want to know how to get ripped, what the best workouts are and why. What the correct diet is, etc. There are many different questions and everyone wants to be paid for their answers.

This may come as a reality shock to some of you but there is no magic formula when trying to lose weight, it comes down to eating correctly and working out. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight; it’s as simple as that.

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish there are many different paths you can go down. If you just want to shed pounds, then you have to watch out for the bad foods out there. Stay away from sugar as much as possible, especially soda. If you really want to get ripped, then cutting sugar out almost completely is the best way to go.

Some carbohydrates are ok, but don’t consume too many. If you don’t burn all the carbs you take in, then they turn to fat and it’s the same thing with sugar. Foods that are high in fiber are great as well to keep your body in line so to speak.

When working on overall body shape-up it’s a good idea to focus on exercises that increase your core strength such as planks. If you don’t know what planks are it’s ok, we will get into that in another article as well as other exercises.

One thing to remember is your diet accounts for 70% of your weight loss. You can work out like crazy but if your diet is below par, you won’t lose the weight as fast as you want to.

Some people say not to count calories, but it’s a good start down the right path. Avoid excess sugars and carbohydrates, consume a fair amount of fiber and don’t forget to keep with it. You didn’t gain the weight in a week so don’t expect to lose it that fast either. Follow the steps outlined in this article and you will be well on your way to get ripped.

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Best 3 Workout Routines to Build Muscle

The best three workout routines that can build muscle fast are the Bench Press, Squats and Dead Lifts. These three exercises are the most commonly used muscle building workouts by all the greatest bodybuilders that have ever been.

Think of it, if you are working out a few muscles groups at the same time, then you will save a lot of time working on the muscles individually, and you will gain muscle fast. If you arrange these three types of workouts, then you can make workout routines to build muscle fast really easily.

There are compound exercises, and isolation exercises. Compound move the body with more than one joint movement, and isolation exercises the body through a single joint movement.

Put simply, compound exercises cause you to use several muscles at the same time. Bodybuilders and people interested in gaining muscle make sure they use compound Workout Routines to Build Muscle Fast.

A bench press uses chest, shoulders and triceps. Squats use quadriceps, hams, calves, butt, back and abs. As you can see you are working on many muscle groups at the same time, thus reducing the time and dedication needed to focus on each one individually. If you were to do chest fly’s, then you would be working only your chest.

Here are a few more compound exercises that you can use in your workout routines to build muscle.

Chin ups focus on your lat’s and bis, while leg presses focus on your quadriceps, hams and but.

Military presses focus on all three of your shoulder muscles, and any kind of workout on a bosu ball.

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Rain Nutrition – Is it a Legitimate Company?

As I observe the marketing Industry, I came to notice that Rain  Nutrition  has been one of the hottest picks of the community. People, even more of those in the marketing industry, have been hooked with the said company’s opportunity. Along with this are the stories saying that this company is a scam.Well, in this article, let me tackle about Rain  Nutrition  and see if it is really a scam.

It was in May 2009 that a new MLM, Rain  Nutrition , registered its domain. The Company has two primary products to promote, Soul & Rush. The first product, Soul, will be competing in the health and wellness market while the second product will be competing the energy drink market. In connection to this, it is clearly stated in the company’s website that the products of the company have been formed in partnership with Dr. Arnold Leonardo. The purpose of the said partnership is to create a world class line of nutritional products that will continue to expand along with the demands of the market. On that point, it can be concluded that Rain  Nutrition  really offers an opportunity and not just a scam.

Now, let’s move on with the compensation plan.

They propose a generous plan as what Rain  Nutrition  claims. On a weekly basis, Rain  Nutrition  pays out its distributors a guaranteed fifty percent of all commissionable volume. So to speak, it is on the sales where the income of the distributors depend on. If a distributor is able to make lots of product sales and recruits other sales reps to do the same thing as he does, he can make a large stream of income. It further states the opportunity.

In conclusion, this opportunity isn’t a scam. You would just be starting a distributorship in an MLM Company that is offering an option to individual to gain success. After all, the company will not be the one who makes an individual successful. Then, if not the company, who will it be? The one responsible is the individual himself. The only contribution of he company is the opportunity it offers. It is still the individual who will take step to the path of success. He will be needing knowledge to gain success, marketing knowledge to be exact. Yes, a well firmed knowledge and skills of marketing is the one needed to be able to sponsor 10-20 reps a month. After all, this is a marketing industry, so a parallel set of knowledge is the most important one.

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5 Tips For the Best Chest Workout

I think it would be fair to say that a well developed, muscular chest is longed for by a large majority of guys wanting to improve their technique.

How do you design the best chest workout? A great chest workout is the one which focuses on developiong good chest size and shape.

What are the fundamental Chest Exercises?

For overall chest development you need to do two kinds of movements – Presses and Flyes. Although these 2 movements are enough on their own for overall chest development, they have to be performed at various angles as the chest is a big muscle with many insertion points.

Below you will find a sample workout for beginners (for more advanced, see link to website at bottom of article)

Beginner Chest Workouts

Beginners should in the first place be trying to bulk up their chest size before trying to add definition etc later. So fairly heavy weights with the Bench Press, Incline Bench Press and Dumbbell Flyes should be the first priority.

 Sample Beginner Chest Workout

Workout # 1

1. Bench Press  –  Warm up with 2 sets of 15 reps each, 4 heavy sets of not more than 10,8,6 and 4 reps. Use the heaviest weight possible and someone to assist you (spotter)

2. Incline Bench Press – 3 Heavy sets of 8,6 and 4 reps

3. Dumbbells Flyes – 4 sets of 10,8,6 and 4 reps.

Workout # 2

Bench Press – 2 warm up sets, 5 heavy sets with 10,8,6,4 and 2 reps

Dumbbell Flyes  – 4 sets of 10,8,6 and 4 reps.

Pullovers – 3 sets of 10,8,6 reps.

Workout # 3

Bench Press – 2 warm up sets, 4 Heavy sets of 10,8,6 and 4 reps

Incline Bench Press – 4 heavy sets of10,8,6 and 4 reps

Machine Flyes – 4 sets of 10,8,6 and 4 reps

5 Tips For Every Chest Workout

1. Always warm up well

A good warm up with at least 2 light weight warm up sets will get you ready and pumped for the challenging workout ahead, sending blood to the chest area and preparing it for the oncoming assault.

2. Focus on increasing size first

In bodybuilding Size comes first. You can then worry about defining them later. The exercises for beginners above will help achieve this

3. Wide movement range

The greater the range of motion, the better the results. Dumbbell presses and Flyes are absolutely crucial for maximum growth.

4. Stretching the Chest Muscles between heavy training sets will help enormously. Never neglect the importance of this

5. Never perform triceps exercises before working your chest. Tired triceps will give up before chest muscles, therefore chest muscles will be not optimally trained.

By following this advice you will be well on your way to gaining an impressive chest. For more details and help with advanced workouts, see below.

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Effective Muscle Building Diet For Weight Lifters

A muscle building diet is essential for everyone who are serious into lifting weights. Staying in the gym for several hours, lifting loads and loads of weight is not enough if you do not supplement your training with proper diet.

Some people might think that with weight lifting to be effective you must eat everything that you can to be able to gain weight then turn them into muscles. This statement is just partly true. Yes you might need to earn more than your usual but selecting the food that you eat is also necessary.

For weight lifters, a good muscle building diet involves a ton of protein. This is what builds your muscles and your diet should consist of a lot of good protein. Lean meat, chicken and turkey are some samples of these types of protein. You still have to be selective with what you eat, toning down on some extremely fatty foods and junk foods.

Another thing to remember is your daily caloric intake. To be able to gain muscle, you must have excess food to turn and make them into muscles. Try to measure the amount of calories you burn daily and always eat more than that. If say you burn an average of about 2000 calories per day, then you should consume about 2500 to 3000 calories per day. Again I have to stress that you must take 2500 to 3000 good calories, not just any form of calories.

People on a diet tend to eat less and are very picky about their food. Weight lifters on the other hand, though they should be eating a lot of food and protein should still be picky about their food. Remember, your aim is to gain and develop muscles, not fat.

For some scientific analysis of how much amount of protein, carbs and fat you should consume, it is always effective to follow the 40-30-30 rule. Meaning you daily food should contain about 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat.

Adhere to tips I mentioned above for an effective muscle building diet that can surely supplement your hard work in the gym.

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Why is a Healthy Diet Important For You?

Food is what keeps us alive and functioning. Without food, our bodies would slowly stop working and eventually die. We have the ability to control how well our body is working by the types of foods we choose to put into it. Having a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and essential fatty acids ensures that we can live to our fullest potential. The vitamins and nutrients obtained through the foods we eat support our immune systems and help promote healing and cell growth. This is why a healthy diet is important.

A poor diet will eventually show itself through your health. It can lead to tooth decay, migraines, heart disease, and many other illnesses. If your body is lacking in proper foods, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

A person experiencing any health condition should make sure that they are eating a balanced diet full of nutritious foods. This can help your symptoms and further the healing process. A healthy diet can help treat illnesses as well as prevent them.

The proper diet will maintain your immune system. This is the part of your body that keeps you healthy. It fights off infections, bacteria, germs, and disease. Part of a complete healthy diet is antioxidants, powerful substances found in certain foods that help strengthen your immune system. In contrast, if you eat a diet high in sugars and fats, your immune system will not be as healthy and able to fight off sicknesses.

If you want to feel good mentally and emotionally, I would suggest that you eat a well-balanced diet. Nothing will make you feel more sluggish and add to depression and stress more than fatty sugary foods. There is not enough nutritional value in these substances to keep your body strong and energized. Good foods not only help keep your body healthy, but you will feel healthier as well.

If you want to maintain your weight or are trying to drop a few pounds, the foods you eat are equally as important as any exercise you may do. You will see little results from your workouts, faithful as you may be, if you are still eating a diet full of greasy foods and sweets. A healthy diet will help you stay on track with your weight.

Do you want to live a long life, look your best, and feel good? A healthy diet is a major factor in promoting longevity and keeping you physically and mentally active. Proper foods also can enhance the look of skin, nails, and hair. A healthy diet will do much to keep you younger longer.

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Bodybuilding Workout Routines – 10 Tips For Insane Muscle Gain

So, you want to build more muscle? OK, let me cut through the lies and ineffective bodybuilding workout routines, and show you what really works…

The first thing you need when you want to build massive muscle is a good diet, and I cannot stress that enough. Good eating habits are crucial to your success, and a bad choice in diet can slow down your growth tremendously. So, listen up!

Tip 1. Eat regularly, every two to three hours or so. Your body can only absorb a certain volume of nutrition during each meal, so eat often. Also, remember breakfast.

Tip 2. If you are not gaining 1 – 2 pounds of muscle a week, you are not getting enough calories, and need to add more to your diet. There are many good calorie calculators online that you can use as reference.

Tip 3. You have probably heard that protein is important for muscle growth, and that is absolutely true. You should try to get somewhere around 40 – 60 grams of protein with every meal. This of course depends on your weight.

Tip 4. Aim to get about 60 -80 grams of carbohydrate with every meal as well. Carbs play a big role in giving you energy.

Try to get most of your food from whole foods, like meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruits, etc. And stay away from foods like cereals, cookies, and foods with a lot of additives. High intake of fruit and vegetables in also very important.

OK, that’s it for the food, now lets’ get into the workout itself…

High intensity is the key to fast muscle gain. You should treat your body building workout routines like it’s a job that you have to work hard on in order to succeed. With every set, you should push yourself to the point of fatigue, No excuses.

Tip 1. Treat your first and your last set, like it is the last one you will ever do. Give it your max!

Tip 2. Always have your end goal in mind. You must know where you want to go, if not you will never know when you have arrived. Hold a clear image of your ideal body in your mind.

Tip 3. Lifting the same weights week after week will make your muscles lazy, and you are the one to blame. You should gradually increase the weights that you lift, always give your muscles reasons to grow. You should be able to do 2 – 3 sets, but no more!

Tip 4. Your muscles will not grow in a slow 2 hour session at the GYM, your muscles grow when you force them over a short time span. So when you lift you should always do so as fast as possible without straining your posture.

Tip 5. Exercises such as bench press, squats, dead lifts, rows and military presses are among the top body building exercises.

Tip 6. Don’t over exercise yourself, remember to give yourself adequate rest in between your sessions. THIS is when your muscles build new tissue. You need to feel your way to what is the right amount of rest days for you. Remember if you feel the previous workout in your muscles as pain or soreness, etc, you need more rest!

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5 Essential Muscle Building Tips

In this image obsessed society we live in, people really are judged more upon their looks than they are by their skills and attributes; quite frankly, if you are looking to get a date then carrying a few extra pounds is not going to do you any favours. In fact you will probably find that layer of flab around your midsection will ensure that as your date smiles coldly and runs out for the nearest door, you struggle to get to your feet in time to stop her.

When it comes to muscle building and transforming your body it is necessary for us to make use of the most powerful muscle in our entire body: our brain.

Follow these steps to ensure the best Muscle Building development possible.

1. Plan each workout in advance. If you do not plan your workouts, but instead simply proceed without forethought or organisation then you will end up limiting your progress, and worse yet causing yourself an injury. You should know exactly what exercises you plan to carry out in each workout session, what weights you are attempting to lift and the rest intervals you are allowing yourself between sets. Each aspect of your workout should be thought out and documented for future reference, this will allow you to track your progress and ensure continued muscle building development.

2. It is imperative that you adopt a holistic approach when it comes to muscle building rather than focusing on a select few muscle groups. You see, if you develop muscles in one part of the body but not the opposing side, this results in a muscle imbalance which means that the body will automatically engage its safety mechanism designed to prevent injury. Therefore you will not be able to strengthen a single muscle without improving the opposite muscle as well, and your progress will be capped. So, if you are planning on expanding your chest and increasing the muscle density of the muscles in your chest then you will have to ensure that you also spend some time developing and strengthening the back muscles as well.

3. Set Goals and aim high. When it comes to setting yourself objectives and goals, ensure that you do not succumb to a plateau and that you are constantly challenging yourself, move outside your comfort zone. At the same time however, it is equally crucial that you do not set the benchmark so high that you set yourself up for failure. Breaking down a large goal (such as being able to bench press 100 lbs) into smaller milestones, such as 15 lbs increases each week until you hit your ultimate goal, is guaranteed to provide far more positive and dramatic results.

4. When actually exercising, make sure that you keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water. Contrary to popular wisdom, drinking during exercise will NOT result in cramps. Indeed, drinking water will ensure that your body has sufficient fuel to maintain the muscle building process.

5. After each muscle building workout ensure to flood your system with Protein. Each workout will breakdown your muscle fibres and in order to ensure they begin recovery immediately it is essential to have a good dose of Protein. This is the one time when a Good Protein supplement will yield great muscle building results.

By following these simple steps you are sure to set yourself up for muscle building success.

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Performance Nutrition – Perform Better, Every Day of the Week!

Nutrition is often the unsung hero of increasing an individual’s performance. In fact, I would go as far as to say that without good nutrition you cannot even begin to successfully increase your levels of performance, whether it’s in daily life or in sport. There are many factors, from a nutritional perspective, that need to be in place even before you can start to increase your performance.

Try increasing your recovery ability with impaired gut function. You will not even begin to absorb all the high quality food you might be consuming and the expensive supplements that you are knocking back all because your nutrition is not in check. So when it comes to performance nutrition it might actually be a case of stripping the individual back to basics. So does the person in question have good nutrient absorption, a strong immune system, an adequate sleep pattern and enough de-stress time? If not then what are the chances of them increasing their levels of performance through increases in training volume and frequency. This is usually when players get ill, crash and burn, all because their nutrition and lifestyle are not in check.

So performance nutrition might in fact be a cloak and dagger word, but there are obviously factors of performance nutrition that do lend themselves to increases in someone’s physical performance. So let’s say we are working with an individual that has all the above in check, then we can look to increase their physical and mental performance with the aid of nutrition, including food and supplements. Of course there are many ways to coax the body into the environment that you want it to perform in. Specific food and specific supplements at certain times can signal the body to perform in a certain way. A perfect example of this would be during the post workout recovery period, a time where nutrients are partitioned in a certain way, when provided in the right proportions, into the muscle to preferentially induce a greater anabolic and recovery effect.

So really the above is a prime example of performance nutrition. Such a nutritional strategy thus increases someone’s performance through increasing the body’s ability to recovery quicker. After all recover quicker and we can train sooner, which then, over time, leads to greater overall increases in performance as more training practice has been performed. But what must not happen in performance nutrition strategies is skip one phase before the other. There is no point in giving an individual X, Y and Z supplement if their gut health is currently impaired. Much of the consumed supplements might be going to waste through poor absorption, so it would make sense to repair the gut, then build on top of that, as in theory you will then observe two increases in performance, one from re-building the gut and another from the targeted supplement use.

So of course there is a place for fancy supplements and specific foods to increase the performance of an individual at the right times, but there are essentials that have to be in place first. In essence you could liken performance nutrition to the art of building a house. Rock solid foundations have to be in place first before you build your fancy architectural sculpture on top. Now that is the art of performance nutrition.

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Workout Routines For Women – 5 Easy Workout Routine Tips

Women are always worrying about their weight and self-conscious of their appearance. Shedding the extra pounds is beneficial but a lot of people have difficulty doing it. Pay attention to the following  workout  routines for women.

The 1st tip consists of jump roping. Jumping is a way to sweat trigger your body also as running does when going around an oval track or treadmill. Jumping up and down will energize you helping you burn more calories. Jump roping is a full body  workout . It engages all the major muscle groups when you jump.

The 2nd tip is aerobics sessions. Women enjoy these activities because they are one of the easiest ways to drop the pounds fast. Aerobics consist of kickboxing, and also dancing. These can effectively burn fats everywhere on your body.

The 3rd tip is swimming. Swimming is very popular mainly because it is refreshing and everyone loves to do it. Swimming uses your hips, legs and arms and your head. This is a total body  workout  that is gentle on your body and just fun in general to do.

The 4th tip is dancing. Latin or jazz dancing to hip music is a total body  workout . Dancing isn’t boring especially to a good beat. Jamming along with the music of your choice is also a lot of fun if you know the lyrics. Using karaoke tracks and singing to them while dancing is fun and gives you great exercise too. Dancing burns a lot of fats and the rhythm easily amuses a lot of people.

The 5th tip is boat rowing. Going on boat trips can be a lot of fun, especially if you are rowing the boat yourself, and being able interact with the water. Rowing is also a complete full body  workout . It uses all of the arm and abdominal muscles.

To get the best results quickly find something that you will enjoy doing and do it well. Exercise should not be boring so make it exciting and make it fun for you. Fitness is a journey it doesn’t have to be hard, and stressful like a lot of people consider it. Working out can be especially tough for women who have busy schedules and don’t feel like they have the time to  workout . But if you find one of these  tips  you like on  workout  routines for women then go for it, and have some fun too.

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