Archive | October, 2015

Sarcoidosis Diet – The Super Foods Which Treat Sarcoid

A natural sarcoidosis diet is showing promising results in treating this debilitating disease. As well as relieving uncomfortable symptoms like fatigue, sore lungs, breathlessness, swollen glands and a skin rash, many patients are reporting total remission of their illness.

Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself, even when a potentially serious illness like sarcoid hits. When provided with the right foods, your cells can cleanse and repair themselves and help you regain your health and life. Lets have a look at the super foods that make up the sarcoidosis diet.

Firstly an alkalising diet based on an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables is essential. These natural foods are rich in enzymes, antioxidants and fibre that cleanse and rebalance the pH of your cells. Juicing your vegetables and fruit will accelerate your healing process.

The next step in the sarcoidosis diet is to eliminate acid producing foods that disrupt cell function. These toxic foods include alcohol, coffee, colourings, preservatives, excess animal protein, trans fatty acids and chemicals. Too much carbohydrate like that found in sugar and processed grains can worsen inflammation, so should be minimised on this diet.

The addition of healing herbs and nutrients to your sarcoidosis diet will optimize your results. Herbs like ginger, peppermint, milk thistle and immune-balancing Chinese herbs are showing therapeutic benefits in sarcoid patients. Anti-inflammatory nutrients like vitamin C, zinc and fish oil can repair damaged tissues and prevent further damage.

Lastly the use of plant and animal-derived enzymes is invaluable in breaking down the clusters of abnormal immune cells called granulomas which are seen in sarcoid.

The healing foods in the sarcoidosis diet should be at the forefront of your fight against this nasty disease. Unlike conventional drugs, these foods and supplements have no side effects. They are also affordable and easily sourced from your health food shop or grocer. If you or a loved one are struggling with sarcoid, then these foods may be the answer you have been looking for.

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Cardio Workout for Weight Loss – No Sweat!

A cardio workout for weight loss is a great way to help you lose weight and at the same time build leaner muscles. Yes, losing weight means having to get up and do some physical activity. When losing weight, the best mantra to take is this: eat less; exercise more.

About weight loss

Before doing a cardio workout for weight loss, it is important to understand what weight loss is. People usually have the wrong impression that losing weight equals to being thin. This is presumption often leads to dangerous results.

In medical terms, weight loss is the reduction of one’s weight to one that is proportional to his body type. To get your ideal weight, you have to know your body mass index (BMI), or the proportion of your weight to your height. Some people are either too thin or too overweight for their height, both of which are unhealthy.

Healthy weight loss

Adopting a healthy weight loss program is the best way to go if you want to lose weight. Healthy weight loss entails eating less and exercising more. This does not mean that you undergo crash diets and other weight loss products.

Eating less simply means you decrease the amount of calories you intake. This means:

1. Replacing soft drinks and sodas with water.

2. Swapping whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.

3. Eating less lunch than usual.

4. Decreasing the intake of sugar in tea and coffee.

5. Having smaller portions of the food you enjoy.

6. Avoiding second helpings at dinner.

7. Cutting out unhealthy treats such as confectionery, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.

8. Cutting down on beer and alcohol.

Also, exercising more helps your body burn the stored energy and excess fat. One of the methods of exercise is a cardio workout for weight loss.

About cardio

Cardio workout is an effective weight loss method. Together with dieting, cardio workouts help you build a leaner and fit body.

Before you undertake a cardio workout, you need to consult first with a dietitian or a fitness trainer to guide you in your activities.

How often should you do cardio?

Because cardio workout is essential for weight loss, you need to undergo cardio almost everyday. Some claim that the best way to do cardio is during the morning, before breakfast. Why is that? Because doing cardio with an empty stomach results in your body burning the stored fat, as opposed to it burning what you just ate.

How long should a cardio workout take?

A regular cardio workout for weight loss should take about 45 minutes to an hour. When doing cardio, remember to work on a progress level and take note of your training zone. Do not push for an ambitious cardio workout plan that will only result in you pushing your body beyond its limits.

A low-intensity aerobic exercise uses body fat as its primary fuel source. However, as you get closer to your breaking point, your body starts using a smaller percentage of fat and a larger percentage of carbohydrates, another fuel source. Pick up the pace so you can burn more calories.

If you do the following activities for 30 minutes, this is the amount of calories you can expect to burn:

Aerobic dance – 342 calories

Basketball – 282 calories

Bicycling at 15 mph – 354 calories

Boxing – 330 calories

Circuit weight training – 378 calories

Golf (carrying clubs) – 174 calories

Karate, tae kwon do – 834 calories

Running 8-minute miles – 446 calories

Swimming freestyle, 35 yds/min. – 248 calories

Tennis, singles – 232 calories

Walking, 20-minute miles, flat – 120 calories

Muscle toning

Aside from weight loss, cardio workout also helps you build leaner and toner muscles. Combined with strength-training and a healthy diet, a cardio workout can help you achieve a healthier and better body image in no time.

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Weight Loss Exercises – The 3 Best Exercises For Fast Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight fast, then these are 3 of the best exercises for fast weight loss that I have listed below that will help you lose weight in record time.

Losing weight is not difficult when you have the right information, at the right time, and the right tools to put it to use. I am going to give you the right information, you have to decide the right time, and the tools, in this case, are adjustable to your needs. If you will do these exercises on a consistent basis, week in and week out, then combined with a good diet, you will lose weight fast.

3 Best Exercises For Fast Weight Loss

1. Interval running: Running has the potential to burn more calories per amount of time worked than any other exercise there is. No, I don’t mean jogging. Although you can use walking, then jogging as a way to prepare yourself to be able to run in the future. Interval running is just running with short breaks in between. For example: run for 30 seconds, then take a 30 second break then repeat.

2. Rowing: I love rowing. Rowing is a complete body workout and can be done outside on a lake, in the comfort of your own home, or at a gym. It burns a lot of calories and builds lean muscle.

3. Squat Presses: This exercise is well known to trainers and athletes alike, but not to the mainstream. It is simply taking a dumbbell or a barbell, then doing a squat. As you come to the top of your squat, you press the dumbbells (or barbell) above your head and then bring it back down and repeat. This exercise works every large muscle in the body and if done with short rest periods can be a good cardio workout (gets the heart rate up).

If you really want to lose weight, and want to do it fast, then you will have to use exercise. If you do these exercises 3-5 times per week (and be sure to mix it up), then you will reach your weight loss goals.

Not only are these exercises popular exercises for weight loss, they are the 3 best exercises for fast weight loss.

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Bicep Workout Tips And Tricks

It is a fact that most women find men with bulging biceps more attractive than men who have wimpy arms. Because of this, most men try hard to build up muscle mass on their biceps. That said, if you do not know how to build muscle mass on your biceps, it can be hard to make it happen. Fortunately, there are a few very simple things that you can start doing today to increase your chances of building bigger more muscular arms quickly and naturally.

The simple bicep workout tips uncovered in this article will help you to understand the fundamentals of building those muscular biceps that you want. Just like any other part of the body you want to create bicep workouts that specifically target your biceps. If you can get good at designing arm workouts that hammer your biceps with heavy weights, then you will be able to stimulate some new muscle growth pretty fast.

According to body building experts, the best bicep workout tips they can give you for building bulging biceps is to focus your arm workouts around your triceps. Your triceps take up a lot more room on your arm than your biceps. If you can make your triceps grow, you will instantly have much bigger arms.

You need to focus on your triceps before you concentrate on your biceps. A lot of guys get this wrong and spend way too much time training their biceps and not nearly enough time training their triceps. Since your triceps take up a lot more space on your arms than your biceps, the overall size of your arms is really just a direct effect of the training you perform for your triceps and really does not have too much to do with how you train your biceps.

If you really want to build big eye catching biceps, then you need to pay close attention to the next bicep workout tip. For the most part, your arm workouts should be structured around the arm exercises that allow you to train with heavy weights through a complete range of motion. If you really want to have big muscular biceps, then you must structure your arm workout in such a way that it will be focusing on training with heavy free weights and exclude the isolation style exercises which won’t allow you to train with heavy weights.

After you have a clear understanding of the bicep workout tips covered above, your next move should be to create a plan for an effective arm workout that stimulates muscle growth fast. The very first thing you need to do in making your bicep workout structure is to allot a specific amount of training time. Make sure that your bicep workouts so not exceed an hour, but set aside enough time to get in a good workout. I like to teach people to train their biceps for about 20 – 30 minutes at a time.

You also need to allow your biceps to recover between sets. 1.5 – 3 minutes of rest should be enough time for your arms to fully recover between heavy work sets. Structure your bicep workouts to have a total of 5 heavy work sets. While 3 or 4 heavy hitting sets is usually enough to stimulate new muscle growth, a total of 5 sets will really hammer your biceps and force them to grow.

If you’ve been having a hard time getting your biceps to grow, mix a few of these bicep workout tips into your regular arm workouts. While building bigger more muscular arms is not all that complicated, it does require some hard work and dedication. Commit to tweaking your arm workouts using the simple formula uncovered in this article until you begin to see some new muscle growth.

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How to Build Body Muscle – Gain 40 Pounds With This Guide For How to Build Body Muscle!

Though more people than ever have access to weight rooms, almost nobody has any clue about how to build body muscle! If you look around any gym, you’ll see people doing the wrong movements, using bad form, and not truly focusing on their goals.

This article will explain how to build body muscle through weight training and nutrition. At the end of the article, discover the best, most proven system for building muscle mass, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pound of muscle in 6 months.

Eat To Gain Weight

The most important part of how to build body muscle is nutrition. Unfortunately, this is also where most people mess up. People are either too scared to actually eat enough to GAIN weight, or they are too lazy to cook and eat that much food.

If you really want to make progress, you’re going to need to eat around 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of your own body weight. This means that if you weigh 150 pounds, you get 300 grams of protein per day.

For the rest of your calories, consume quality sources of complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. Remember, if you want to know how to build muscle, you need to get enough calories to actually GAIN weight.

Train To Get Much Stronger

If you take a look at most bodybuilding publications, you’ll notice the “gurus” and “experts” giving advice that says you don’t actually need to get a lot stronger to build muscle. This is a lie! A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period, end of story.

If you really want to know how to build body muscle, you’ve got to get a lot stronger on compound movements like the squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press. These movements will allow you to use the most weight and gain the most strength.

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Kettlebell Swings – A Cardio Strength Training Workout For the Titans!

If you are serious about getting results and achieving both a superior strength and cardiovascular component within your workouts then you have got to include kettlebell swings into the equation. Kettlebell swings are a hard hitting strength and cardio workout. This single lift is second to none in offering you astounding results and will enhance your workouts ten fold.

If you have heard of the kettlebell by now then you know that this ancient strength and conditioning device has a reputation that is quite impressive. The great thing about kettlebell training is that it is primarily a movement oriented style of training. You see when you engage in whole body movements up against the resistance of the kettlebell you stand to achieve a very high level of fitness. This single exercise is the perfect combination of lifting that delivers to you an awesome cardio and strength training workout to change the landscape of your training program forever. If you are like me then your schedule gets hectic and trips to the gym don’t always happen due to family, work, and the weekly visits to the grocery store. You know exactly where I’m coming from. Yes, even though I am a strength and conditioning professional I am human too! I promise I’m not a robot, even though I would like you to think so. Anyway, the kettlebell swing fits perfectly into this chaotic lifestyle that most of us have. Time efficient, hard hitting, and getting results are what we want and I am here to tell you that kettlebell swings are here to deliver this for you.

The kettlebell swing is an awesome lift and can be performed in a number of ways. This lift can be done with both arms and a single bell, a single arm, or with a bell in each hand. Either way you are going to get a tremendous cardio strength training workout. To perform this lift you will need to place the bell or bells on the ground between your feet. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. From here allow the bell or bells to hang at your groin with your body locked out at both your hips and knees. From here keep your shoulders retracted and perform the hip snap motion to drive the bells back and forth from between your legs up to chest level in an arc like motion. As you engage the lift make sure that you forcefully breathe with every rep while keeping your abdominal and core muscles tight. Forcefully “hike” the bell between your legs with every rep and drive your hips and knees through the lift to “lock out” at the top of every swing.

If you are wondering why this lift is such an effective cardio strength workout for the Titans then give it a try. This is an exercise that is sure to change the entire format or your strength training program. If you haven’t already taken the time to include kettlebell swings and other great kettlebell lifts into your workouts then you are missing out. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.

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Weight Loss Diets – 4 Simple Tricks That Can Help You Lose Weight Effectively

The ever-growing numbers of obesity particularly in the United States has become alarming that more and more people are now looking into weight loss diets regimen that will help them to become fit and healthy. Weight management is such a major concern in America and according to statistics, 64% of people in the United States are overweight. Obesity is also said to be the cause of 325,000 deaths every year. The statistic has become so alarming that people have now succumbed to various types of weight loss strategies, from diet pills to workout programs. However, there are also practical ways where you can start losing weight by simply making some changes in your lifestyle.

If you happen to be one of the weight-watchers who have the pattern of falling in and out of the radar of your weight loss goals, then it is high time for you to go back to the basics of healthy living with the simple but effective ways of being fit and healthy. Here are 4 simple tricks that you can do to help with your weight loss diets goal

1. Get rid of bad food in your house. Remember the saying “out of sight, out of mind”? This is essentially true when it comes to resisting those mouth-watering buggers! The more you see them, the more your equally sinful appetite will crave and long for them. It is extremely difficult to get rid of bad food so it is better to store up your house with nutritious food so you won’t have a choice but to only eat nutritious food when you are craving for something to eat. Eventually, your body system will adjust and won’t longer crave for junk food.

2. Focus on your food while eating. A study shows that a person who is eating and at the same time doing any sort of activities (like watching a movie, TV, playing a game, etc.) is more likely inclined to eat more as he does not realize how much he is eating. So concentrate on your food when eating so you won’t lose track of the amount of food you are consuming.

3. Use smaller utensils when eating. Yes, another simple weight loss diets trick that has an immense psychological impact. A study shows that this practice will help you reduce calorie intake and will prevent you from having a second or third serving.

4. Eat slower and chew the food bit by bit. Indeed this is probably one of the diet tricks that are commonly known to all. However, there is a twist to this theory. A recent study shows that starting at your normal eating rate followed by a slower rate is more effective than eating slowly throughout the meal. The perfect pattern would be normal-slow rate, instead of slow-slow.

There are many other weight loss tricks that you can do to help you shed off those unwanted pounds, but starting with the above simple and yet effective weight loss diets practice is a surefire way of losing weight.

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The Best Weight Loss Workouts

Are you looking for the best weight loss workouts? There is one major problem with people who want to lose weight. No one has time to exercise. You will discover how to easily lose some weight after reading this article.

The truth about exercise is that you don’t need to spend hours upon hours at the gym. If you can just exercise for a few minutes every day this will teach your body to burn calories at certain times of the day. Follow these tips.

Weight Loss Workouts top tips

1. Do 30-50 stomach crunches or sit ups each day. This should not take you more than a few minutes.

2. Run or walk .5 to 1 mile 3 times per week. This should not take you more than 20 minutes.

3. Eat smaller meals more times per day. Instead of eating 3 large meals every day break those meals into smaller meals and eat 4-5 times per day. This helps you body increase metabolism and digest faster thus burning more calories.

These are just a few of the ways you can start losing weight. Remember, everyone is different and everyone will lose weight in a different way. Not all programs work for everyone because sadly most people give up on the system before it even has a chance to work. Don’t do this. Stay focused, stay fresh, and stay motivated and you will succeed.

If you follow these weight loss workouts then you can be sure you will succeed with weight loss no matter what diet program you choose.

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Easy and Effective Muscle Building Tips – Change Your Body in a Few Weeks

If you are serious about building your muscles, then this is the right place for you to find valuable information about maximizing your ability of bodybuilding. Some tips have been successful for a number of years now and still have enjoyed little mention in body building theories and work. However, what has yet been untold is now presented before you in simple terms.

First, realize that your capacity to pack on more muscles is to some extent determined by genetics. However, this is not to say that you cannot embark on the mission, you can always improve the shape of your body. Age is another factor to take into consideration and being young can be a great advantage. Of course, you are only as young as you feel and if you are looking to build muscle and get healthy then go for it.

Personalized Training

The volume and intensity of your training matters a lot. Do not exercise excessively hoping that this will reap faster results, and it may end up hurting you. The most effective tip is to learn to increase the intensity and volume on a progressive scale. Pushing yourself a little harder every time you achieve your mark can help you a lot because you do not over train and therefore, do not get exhausted.

You can try the squat, the bench press and the dead lift as well. They help to build strength, bulk and can easily be included in some form or the other into your plan to change your body.

Be regular with your training. Three times a week is a must for stimulating muscle building. As you get used to it, you can increase the number of sessions. However, for beginners two sessions is a well enough start.

Do not train yourself for two things simultaneously for example, a marathon and building big muscles. You can try a combination of cardio and weights but at an extreme level, biochemistry and training physiology are at opposite extremes and it is advisable that you can concentrate on any one.

Last but not the least, set reasonable and achievable goals for yourself and be patient about your progress.

Pay Attention to Diet

Your protein, carbs and fat intake should be in proportion in order for our muscle building training to be effective. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be used as an extra. However, try and avoid use of supplements as much as possible.

Always eat well when you are exercising at least one hour before and after exercise.

Cut down on the intake of days when you do not exercise. Avoid overeating on your free days. It could lead to an imbalance.

The volume and intensity of your diet will dictate the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats you actually need. You can also try creatine supplements. Last but not the least, set reasonable and achievable goals for yourself and be patient about your progress.

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Body Building And Nutrition

Things To Take Into Account Before Starting Your Body Building Routine

It goes without saying that nutrition is a crucial element for anyone starting an exercise habit. I would even go as far as to say that one of the first things to be considered when contemplating a body building routine is your nutrition. The two, body building and nutrition go shoulder to shoulder. Within the body building nutrition, you need to pay attention to two aspects: frequency of meals and meal ratios

Frequency Of Meals

The main goal of body building nutrition is to stimulate the assimilation of the nutrients into the growth of lean muscle, clearance of body fat and the diminishment of water retention. A good way to do this is to increase your meal frequency, meaning smaller but more frequent meals. In practice you can eat every two and a half to three hours. This higher frequency keeps your metabolism going and ensures that your body’s engine never stalls. Not only is the frequency of the meals important but also the characteristics and composition of the meals.

Additionally to a higher frequency, it will also be important to plan your meals in a strategic way. As stated before, body building and nutrition go shoulder to shoulder, but also in regards to when the meals and nutrients should be ingested. The intake of calories should be geared towards the times of exercises: more intake when doing the routine and less in times of inactivity.

Constituence and Composition Of Meals

Frequency of your meals is not the only thing that relates body building and nutrition. The composition of your meals is another relating factor between the two. The most important factor here is the arithmetical proportion of carbohydrates and proteins in your nutrition. The ideal ratio would be 40% carbohydrates, 40% proteins, and 20% fats. As for fats preference should be given to the fats found in lean meats or in plant oils. Proteins consist of amino acids and these amino acids are assimilated by the body to form muscle tissue. Carbohydrates produce the energy needed to get going during a workout. And although fats have been attributed with a bad name, they too are a fundamental element. They work in two key parts in the body: the protect essential organs by procuring a cushion around them and they also work as an insulator and coating for nerves. Needless to say that a smart body builder makes sure that his nutrition contains enough fats.

Did I hear you say water?

Body building and nutrition can’t go without water, it is again one of the important and essential constituents and indeed water is critical to your body building excellence. Water has many uses for every person but certainly for a body builder: it can help in cooling the body down after an intense workout. Water also flushes out any toxins that build up in the body. Making sure you get plenty of water controls the appetite and some research shows that cold water helps to spruce up metabolism.

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