Archive | Diet & Nutrition

‘Discover the Best You’ With These Simple Lifestyle Changes

It would be great if we can just hold on to a magical diet plan and then in two weeks’ time, achieve a slim figure like that of Cinderella. But reality proves otherwise.

No matter what diet plan you decide to go by, none of those plans have the power to transform you unless you stick on to it. The problem is not with the diet, but with your commitment. Now hitting hard on with that sensitive remark might be tough, but if you examine, you’ll find what went wrong in your previous attempts.

The secret is rather simple. No matter how drool-worthy a meal looks, don’t pay heed to its urgings, or else you’ll end up feeling guilty for giving in to the temptations and would have lost another attempt with another worthy diet plan.

Being able to do this abruptly, especially when your hunger is at its peak, could be overwhelming and it’s not going to happen overnight. Start with your little baby steps as you progress to a point where you can make a healthy choice between a plate of colorful salad and a deluxe steak burger.

If you are all set to take your baby steps, check out these simple yet very effective lifestyle changes that can even get you ramp ready in no time.

1. Quit being fitness focused, be wellness focused

Fitness is nothing without wellness and health. Hoping to get in shape in the quickest way possible, if you forget about staying healthy, you’ll probably end up in the ER. It is possible that sometimes, focusing too much on getting those fancy abs, we go overboard and compromise our health. Your fitness regimen will work for your good only if your diet is equally healthy and adequate. So start prioritizing your requirements.

2. Quit jumping mountains, take one step at a time

Trying to take an instant transformation from being a junk food junkie to a complete nutritarian will only bring you back to where you started. Try taking one step at a time. Sketch out a feasible plan that imparts both exercising and healthy eating. Start working out for just ten minutes and try abandoning pizzas for a bowl of fresh, crunchy collard greens salad for lunch. Remember, “Salad is your main dish” by all means. Skip your regular diet cokes and indulge in a tall glass of Agua Fresca whenever hunger calls.

3. Quit watching and waiting, broaden your perspective

The key to enjoying proud results is not in counting your days and bearing the brunt of not being able to enjoy the meals that you once did. Fix your focus on the end result that you’ll be able to achieve. All the hardships you face today are nothing when compared to the much healthier and enviable version of you, tomorrow.

By combining these aspects of fresh thinking, smart eating, and mindful living, you’ll be able to reach where you need to be. As you move through this journey, your peers can’t help noticing the changes and it wouldn’t be surprising even if your fitness saga goes viral.

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Stay Focused Through The Diet Plan Minefield

Dieting to lose weight or to maintain that svelte figure can be challenging enough when you have personal control over each meal or snack opportunity. A strong partner who is “all in” with you on the same or similar plan can make all the difference in keeping you accountable and on track. Enter all the other players who either don’t share your dietary views, or contribute to your waistline despite their best intentions.

The most important of these is your significant other, spouse, partner or other live-in companion. Aside from you, this person exerts the greatest influence on your diet plans. If you work together and you are equally committed to the plan, life will be like magic and the path to health and happiness is much easier. If your partner becomes overweight for any reason, your chances of following that same path increase dramatically. It can simply be too difficult to reduce portion sizes and select healthier options when you are served up mountains of food.

In addition to the challenge of managing food intake, your partner influences you in other ways that can affect your health and your ability to maintain your diet. Stress and depression are examples of these. If your partner struggles with stress or depression continuously, this will create anxiety in you and your stress levels will increase as a result. If one partner is dealing with stress, find ways for both to engage in stress-relieving activities like exercise and intimacy.

The re-balancing of stress hormones will help you both stay focused on your diet and it will improve your relationship. Similarly, if your partner has difficulty sleeping or snores loudly, the constant movement and noise may disrupt your sleep and you will both become fatigued during the day. This fatigue affects your physical and mental performance and it can trigger food cravings.

Of course, other family members play a role as well. If you have children, you may choose to keep a variety of snack treats in the pantry as a reward for their good behavior. These snacks are not good representatives of your preferred diet options.

Yet, they are in front of you daily and you can’t help noticing how much your child relishes each bite. It all starts when you reach into the pantry to retrieve the snack, and if there is any preparation involved, you are sunk. You will not be able to resist absorbing a few hundred calories at snack time, for your children.

The list of Yo-Yo diet friends goes beyond the walls of your own kitchen. As you leave home and head off to work for the day, you encounter co-workers who invite you out to lunch at local restaurants. As they each order their meals fit for a mammoth, your choices begin to expand so the soup and salad option evolves into a double burger and fries by the time the waiter turns to you. Sharing a cheesecake for dessert adds a lot more calories; even though you may justify it by thinking that you’re only eating half of it.

Evenings and weekends are good opportunities to spend time with close friends, take in a ball game and enjoy each other’s friendship. If your friends are not equally committed to your dietary vision, you will make compromises at every meal. Watching sports on television will be a calorie-fest of snacks, beer and sodas.

Staying steadfast is entirely up to you. Having supporters makes the job easy and that is where your determination comes in. Partners, children, co-workers and close friends are all easily influenced by you, just as you are by them. Stick to your guns and make your choices and the reasons and benefits clear to them – without lecturing, of course – and you will slowly alter their behavior to the point where enough of them will become fans and supporters of your diet plan.

Decide to keep your food portions to normal human sizes, regardless of what others choose to do. Insist on that soup and salad lunch option at the restaurant. Keep children’s snacks out of sight and adjust them to healthier options over time. This may take a while, so the best time to start is now.

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Every Body in the Game! Make Moves for Good Health

The first month of the year represents new beginnings and one of the things that folks put on the list in January is to lose weight. In fact that is something most Americans need to do. According to the Center for Disease Control 70% of adults age 20 and older are overweight, including those that are obese. These stats are costly. The economic impact of being overweight can affect earnings. Those who are overweight tend to have higher rates of absenteeism, lower productivity and higher medical costs. Though this health concern impacts folks from coast to coast, it’s a particularly weighty matter in Southern states, which have been labeled the “obesity belt.” We all need to watch it and be mindful that children model the behavior they see.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama helped put childhood obesity on the radar. In an effort to aid parents, child care providers and children in battling this bulge, she focused on healthier eating-more fruits and vegetables, installed a garden at the White House for home-grown produce, promoted staying hydrated with water and got kids moving. The Let’s Move! Campaign initiative focused on setting the table to raise a generation of healthier kids. Youth carrying too much weight can face many of the same health issues that we see in adults-propensity to develop heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, poor body image and low self-esteem.

It is no wonder that childhood obesity has been creeping up. Today many children do not walk to school, snack-time has ballooned from one snack to an average of three each day and technology has given rise to sedentary leisure. Between the PC, smartphone, Game Boy and video gaming it can be hard to get those young bodies moving. This is where the adults have to become actively involved. Here are some easy recommendations of behavior you can adopt and encourage the young people in your family circle to try.

You Are What You Eat-Keep an assortment of colorful fruits and vegetables on hand. The more colorful the food, the better it is for you. Add something new to the shopping cart. If you see an item you’re unfamiliar with in the produce section-buy one or two to sample and learn the nutrients that it contains. You can actually make this a family activity. It is amazing that some young people are unfamiliar with typical fruits and vegetables, let alone some of the new items like kiwi, jackfruit or purple cauliflower. Encourage your kids to eat 5 to 7 fruits and vegetables every day.

Let’s Move—Get active and encourage your children to do the same. Young people age 6 to 17 need to be active 60 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. If you have a dog, encourage the kids to join you in walking the dog or join your designated dog walker for at least one of those walks each day. If you’re going to the Y to work out, see if they have an activity program for children at the same time. Getting in the routine of going to work out is an excellent habit to help children develop. Try your hand at some of the activities and sports your kids enjoy-there is nothing more entertaining to kids than to see the adults in their lives trying to jump rope, hula hoop or simply race them to the corner!

Try to adopt these suggestions and include them in your family activities for the next 30 days. You’ll find that everyone will have fun, be less stressed, and more energetic by including these simple changes in their lifestyle. Try it-I am pretty sure you will like it too.

Take Away: Children model the behavior they see in adults. Make a few changes in family activities and eating habits. The results will benefit the entire family.

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Keeping Dinosaur Eels (Bichirs) In Tropical Freshwater Fish Tanks or Aquariums

Dinosaur eel

The dinosaur eel is the common name for the Grey Bichir, Polypterus Senegalus, though it is a fish and not an eel. There are more than a dozen species of this fish but the Grey Bichir or Senegalus Bichir is the most common and is popular among aquarists. This Bichir is covered in dark grey horizontal bands that become paler as the fish grows. Some Bichirs can reach over three feet in length, although most species, including the Senegalus Bichir, grow to around one foot.

Natural habitat

In their native habitat they can be found in lakes, rivers, floodplains and swamps in Africa, especially the Congo River and Nile. They are capable of surviving in waters with low oxygen content and can move in search of food or to find other wet areas in their home dries in time of drought.

Characteristic features

The misnomer of dinosaur eel (hereafter referred to as Bichir) comes from the prehistoric appearance of this elongated fish. Its snake-shaped body is covered by thick, bone-like scales made of an enamel-like substance called ganoine, which resembles the now extinct earliest ray-finned fishes. It has a distinctive series of up to 18 dorsal finlets, each one with a sharp spine, which are erected when it is agitated. The fleshly pectoral fins, which control the slow movement of the fish, are attached behind and below the gill openings. It is also able to travel over land using its strong pelvic fins. Bichirs can also breathe air via a lung-like modification to their swim bladder. Other characteristics include a pair of blowholes, a long lower jaw and external nostrils which protrude from the nose to enable the Bichir to hunt by smell since its eyesight is poor. Females tend to be larger than males, while adult males have thicker dorsal spines and broader anal fins.


Bichirs are predatory and essentially carnivorous and will attack and feed on small fish that are easy to swallow as well as slow-moving fish. They will also eat insects, crustaceans and frogs. Since they are nocturnal they will feed mainly at night.


After a series of energetic twisting movements, the male Bichir fertilizes the eggs by enveloping the female’s genital opening with his anal and caudal fin. He then scatters the eggs using thrashing movements of his tail. It is difficult, however, to get Bichirs to breed in captivity. Some aquarists have noted that even if a male and female are present, the male is often unresponsive and will not fertilize the eggs the female releases.

Aquarium size

Due to the length Bichirs grow and their need to breathe air, it is important they are housed in long tank aquariums that are not too deep, possibly even a fish tank table. Aim for an aquarium that is at least three times the adult size of the Bichir you have or plan to purchase. Choose fish tank aquariums that are no more than eighteen inches deep and do not fill completely with water. This is important as Bichirs need to be able to breathe from the air and therefore have to be able to swim quickly to the surface and back to the bottom where they dwell.

Being able to use oxygen from the air enables Bichirs to survive out of water for several hours. Given this and the fact that they have the instinct to move out of one place in search of food in another, it is recommended to have a tight-fitting lid on your aquarium!

Aquarium decor

A thin layer of soft sand or gravel is fine as substrate. Bichirs also like hiding places, especially as they prefer to stay out of the light during the day. So it is much more enjoyable for them to have robust plants, rocks and tunnels which allow them to display more natural behaviours. Plants attached to wood work best as Bichirs tend to displace plants rooted in the substrate because of their size and when searching for food.

Water conditions

As they are tropical freshwater fish, Bichirs require a temperature of 75-85 F. They like a pH of 7 or slightly below and prefer water that is a little hard. Of course, it is important to perform frequent water changes to ensure the quality of water is good in your tropical freshwater aquariums.

Aquarium lighting

Bichirs are nocturnal so they will be typically lethargic during the day and active at night. Rather than switching the aquarium lights off complete, provide the semblance of a natural nightfall by installing a blue moonlight bulb so you too can experience some action from your Bichir!


Being carnivorous, Bichirs love to be fed baitfish, mussels, shrimps and bloodworms. They will also readily accept frozen foods. Some aquarists have tried to encourage them to take dry foods by only supplying them until their hunger overcomes them, and have found they can adapt OK. However, I would mention that this is not their natural diet.

Tank mates

Given the large size of Bichirs and their predatory nature, it is extremely important to match them with suitable tank mates. Do not keep them with fish smaller than three inches which can provide a ready meal! It is better to match Bichirs with bigger fish as they will not bother as much with fish they cannot swallow. Siamese Tigerfish, Angelfish, large Barbs, Cichlids and Knifefish are possible tank mates. It has been observed that suckermouth Catfish tend to suck on the skin of Bichirs which irritates them and so it is not advised to keep both types of bottom-dwelling fish. Also avoid matching them with overly aggressive species. In a very large fish tank it will be possible to keep several Bichirs together, provided they are around the same size. They should generally tolerate each other, apart from fighting over the food!

To keep or not to keep?

Bichirs are interesting specimen fish but do be aware of all the issues involved in keeping them, especially the size of the tank and the other tropical freshwater fish you have or plan to have. Bichirs also cost more to keep than other fish, though they are a very hardy breed. Keeping Bichirs in a suitable environment requires careful planning!

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Herbalife – What Exactly Is Herbalife Anyway?

Over 30 years ago, in 1980, Mark Hughes, founded a weight loss company called, you guessed it, Herbalife. It all started with a weight loss shake that Mark created after seeing his mother struggle with weight loss his entire life and eventually died from it. She actually became addicted to the weight loss pills she had been taking and eventually started using other pills that she, unfortunately overdosed on. He decided to make it easier and healthier for people to lose weight. Mark started by selling this weight loss shake out of the trunk of his car in Los Angeles, California.

That weight loss shake which is called Formula 1, is now the core product in Herbalife’s line of products. Herbalife actually now has several product lines for things such as weight loss, weight maintenance, weight gain, sports nutrition, healthy heart, digestive health, healthy aging, children’s nutrition, men and women’s nutrition, and skin and body care, just to name a few

Since Mark Hughes got it started, Herbalife has become the largest weight loss company in the world whose products are all natural. Just recently, in 2011 Herbalife surpassed the 5.4 billion dollars in sales mark. They continue to steadily and quickly grow and expect to be doing over 10 billion in sales by 2015.

Herbalife prides itself on its high-quality products and stringent product testing, to ensure that all products meet Herbalife’s high standards and are produced with only the best ingredients.

The company has a great track record for results. In fact, over 70,000 people recently have reported having great results by using the Herbalife products.

With the great products that Herbalife produces, it is no wonder it has 2.3 million distributors worldwide. The company also provides phenomenal training for its distributors so that they have all the tools that they need to be successful.

Along with these tools is a very generous compensation plan. This plan allows distributors to get a higher than most discount or profits on products right from the beginning but are able to move up to higher discount or profit levels quickly and easily, making it more of a motivation to move up in the marketing plan.

With these facts, it is easy to see that Herbalife strives not only to produce the best products and results for its clients but to give great opportunities to those who desire to be successful in their own business.

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Type 2 Diabetes – Do Genes and Diet Interact?

Much has been written on how genes affect our body and how nutrition affects us, but what about genes and nutrition together? According to research reported on in the British Journal of Nutrition in January 2017, genes and diet can combine to do more than either could do alone. Scientists at the University of Singapore and several other Scientists in the United States and China compared insulin resistance in identical and non-identical twins. In Type 2 diabetes the body is resistant to insulin. Both dietary fat and family history are linked with insulin resistance. So what happens when the two occur together?

A total of 162 pairs of identical twins and 149 non-identical twins in southeastern China were included…

  • identical twins had more diabetes-related attributes than non-identical twins.

The dietary fat intake, insulin sensitivity, and insulin resistance were strongly linked genetically, linked more closely in identical than non-identical twins…

  • dietary fat intake was 52 percent genetic.
  • fasting glucose and insulin levels were 70 percent genetic.

The amount of dietary fat changed the genetic effects, showing an interaction.

All of which is to say individuals with a family history of Type 2 diabetes in parents or siblings need to control their fat intake. According to Kansas State University in the United States, fat should take up 30 percent of an adult’s total calories. A total of 45 to 65 percent of calories per day should be made up of carbohydrates, and the protein intake should be 0.8 to 1.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight.

To calculate the number of calories needed for a woman to maintain her present weight, add 655.1 to 9.6 times her weight in kilograms, add 1.9 times her height in centimeters and subtract 4.7 times her age…

  • Women: BEE (basic energy expenditure) = 655.1 + 9.6(W) + 1.9(H) – 4.7(A)

To find a man’s BEE or basic energy expenditure add 66.5 to 13.5 times his weight in kilograms, add five times his height in centimeters, and subtract 6.8 times his age:

  • Men: BEE = 66.5 + 13.8(W) + 5.0(H) – 6.8(A)

To determine the amount of fat needed for maintenance multiply the BEE by 0.30.

Fat contains nine calories per gram. Someone needing 1500 calories per day needs 450 calories in fat. To find the number of grams, divide 1500 calories by nine calories per gram. The total amount of fat grams required per day would be 167 grams.

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The Budwig Diet – A Biography of Dr Johanna Budwig

Dr Johanna Budwig was one of the most important biochemists in Germany who is remembered mostly for her incredible discoveries into the effect that diet can have on a number of serious diseases including cancer. The Budwig Diet, which she created to help to combat and treat cancer in patients, was the culmination of an entire career’s worth of work.

Her work with cancer patients led her to becoming recognised as one of the leading cancer researchers in Europe. Her work was so widely respected that she was even nominated for the Nobel Prize on seven occasions. She spent a large part of her life trying to help cancer patients and those with other terrible illnesses, and she managed to achieve remarkable success with her natural treatment programme.

Before the Budwig Diet

Dr Budwig was born in 1908, and died at the age of 95 following a fall. Before her discoveries into the effect that diet can have on the body, she was a leading biochemist who was widely respected by her peers. She held a PhD in Natural Science, a doctorate in physics and was a qualified pharmacologist and chemist. She was also the chief expert consultant for drugs and fats at the Federal Institute for Fats research.

Dr Budwig was a specialist in the role that fats played in the diet. Although we are now mostly aware of good and bad fats and how important they are, Dr Budwig was making these discoveries a long time before it became accepted knowledge. She even lectured on the importance that essential fatty acids held in the modern diet over 40 years ago.

On top of this, she was a published author. She wrote mainly on her discoveries with fats and the natural cure for cancer, and published such books as ‘The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook’ and ‘Cancer – the Problem and the Solution’ which has been translated into English.

Important Discoveries

It was Dr Budwig’s research surrounding different types of fat that were the trigger for her research into the cure for cancer. Most importantly, Dr Budwig became aware of the potentially serious problems with the modern diet. Namely, that it was composed of a great quantity of over-processed foods that contained high levels of hydrogenated fats. According to Dr Budwig, this and the lack of essential fatty acids in the diet were likely to be one of the major causes of serious illnesses in the developing world.

As a result of this research and discoveries into the presence of fats in the modern diet, Dr Budwig set about researching how these could be affecting cancer patients and sufferers of other serious diseases. She was sure that not only could diet help people to lead more healthy lifestyles, but that it could actively help to treat those people who were suffering from diseases. Now all she had to do was prove her theory.

Key Research

So began Dr Budwig’s research into cancer patients in her attempt to discover what was making them ill and how they could be potentially cured. The majority of her research was made into the blood of the cancer patients. She analysed this because she was sure that it held the secret to her ideas surrounding a potential cure for cancer.

After years of research, she had made a number of important discoveries into the blood of cancer patients and how it differed from that of healthy people. The main findings she made were that the blood of cancer patients lacked the same levels of lipoproteins, phospatides, haemoglobin and Omega 3 as those found in the blood of healthy people.

In addition, she discovered that cancer patients had a strange greenish-yellow substance in their blood that she could not find in the blood of healthy people. She realised that getting rid of this substance was key to the recovery of cancer patients. And it was through the diet of the patients that she was adamant the process could take place, allowing her to reverse the process.

Treatment Begins

Dr Budwig came up with a treatment programme that was based on nothing more than giving patients a diet based on two simple ingredients: flaxseed oil and quark. In combination with these ingredients, patients would also have to follow a strict diet free of many types of unhealthy foods, to get outside in the fresh air and take gentle exercise, and to be exposed to a lot of sunlight.

Flaxseed oil was chosen by Dr Budwig because it contains a very high level of Omega 3, as well as being easily tolerated by the majority of people. Quark, a substance similar to cottage cheese, was chosen for its high levels of sulfurated protein. The two were required in combination in order to help the absorption of the flaxseed oil into the body.

Immediate Results

Almost immediately, improvements were witnessed in her trial patients. After just three months, her patients began to improve in health and strength, and the strange substance in their blood began to disappear at the same time as the nutrients began to rise. Dr Budwig had found her cure for cancer, and set about making the details of the Budwig Diet readily available.


But her protocol was not greeted by everyone. The cancer industry did not accept her results, and the Central Committee for Cancer Research ended up taking her to court over her claims. However, the case was thrown out following the acceptance that her findings were backed up by solid research and results. She stuck to her belief that cancer could indeed be prevented and even cured through diet alone, as long as the strict diet was adhered to.

The Budwig Diet is still not accepted by the medical community as a whole. However, there are many who accept that Dr Budwig made some incredible discoveries throughout her lifetime, and who hope that in time her findings will become more widely accepted so that more people can discover the benefits of her revolutionary diet.

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Know the Miracle Substance Becopa Monniera Extract for Memory Enhancement

Bacopa monniera extract is derived from the herb known as bacopa. In fact this herb is used in Indian system of ayurveda for over thousands of years. It is called Brahmi in India. It has been used in India for memory enhancement. There are scientific evidences to show the benefits of this herb for the heath of the brain.

For any disease the reason is only one. That is the nutrition deficiency. Lack of memory is a disease. If we provide proper nutrition we can recover and improve our memory. The problem is in identifying the proper nutrition. In this respect bacopa monniera extract plays a vital role in memory enhancement.

Our brain is nothing but billions of nerve cells connected to each other. There is an arrangement called synapse that ensures connection amongst the cells. The chemical neurotransmitters are released from a cell through the synapse. The receptors in the second cell receive them in the form of chemical and electrical signals. In this way the net work of neurotransmission work that are responsible for our memory. The central to the health of the net work is the synapse that has neurons in them.

The active principle in the bacopa monniera extract is their bacosides A and B. These ingredients provide required muscles to the protein that has the potency to generate new neurons to replace the damaged and old ones. This is the way to keep the health of the synapse. If we maintain the synapse healthier our memory will be in tact and even we can improve upon it.

However the story does not end here. If bacosides have to reach the brain, the blood circulation near the brain should be good. However the blood vessels near the brain are soft and have the tendency to contract. The solution is to relax the blood vessels. This can be done by another nutrition called vinpocetine. This nutrition is a great antioxidant as well as having the neuro protective properties. This is deposited in the herb known as vinca minor.

The bacopa monniera extract and vinpocetine are the ideal combination for memory enhancement. The problem is to get them in an ideal proportion in our diet. The best solution is to take a natural nutrition supplement but availability in the market is rare with such a unique combination. Fortunately I could find a fantastic natural nutrition supplement that has both these herbs in addition to another 70 natural herbs and salts. Visit my website and I am sure you will know more about bacopa monniera extract.

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Calorie Shifting Diet Plan – A New Weight Loss Program

Working out in the gym may be a novelty as you embark on a weight reducing plan. You might be too tired or busy or unmotivated to make your way to the gym for those workouts to keep your weight loss consistent. It is hard to be consistent in any weight loss program that gives quick results in a short period. Most diet plans require you to count your calories and make a diary of what you eat so you can track what goes into your body.

Calorie Shifting Diet

Another weight loss program is in town. A calorie shifting diet may be the weight loss program that has eluded you for losing weight consistently all this while; this diet program does not require you to keep count of every morsel you put into your mouth or body, and allows you to enjoy some of your favorite dishes.

Though this diet plan does not insist on a gym workout, exercises are never excluded from a healthy program. Exercises only serve to maximize the diet’s effect when implemented in conjunction with the diet plan. You are at liberty to consume as much as you want and still get rid of some pounds.

Weight loss

You will be able to get rid of about 9 calories in the first 11 days of your program startup, which is a great achievement that not many diet programs can offer. The bottom line is that you will lose more pounds if you stay on the program longer.

Cause and Effect

When your body takes in food with different calorie intakes, it adjusts its metabolism to digest these foods, unlike starvation programs in which the scarce food intake causes the body’s metabolism to become lower.


One great benefit of embarking on this Calorie Shifting program is that your food requirements in the food plan are easily available in your home. Traditional dieting requires the dieter to watch every piece he or she eats, but calorie shifting gives way to easy management of the meals as you do not need to plan and stress yourself over the menu.

This weight loss program is gaining such popularity that there are many resources available about it in books and on the Internet. You only need to adapt slightly to enjoy this program with little stress and effort. Check your weight now and in eleven days to note the remarkable difference. You’d be pleased.

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How to Master Cleanse to Get Rid of Fibroids Using Natural Detox Solution

Fibroids can be a debilitating and annoying discomfort that many women endure. Many women are constantly searching for methods to get rid of fibroids or at least shrink them down to size in the most feasible and least damaging means to their body and their lifestyle. There are numerous diets and programs containing a lot conflicting information, there is no doubt that huge amount of confusion permeates for seeker in the health industry. A detox diet with health programs including the master cleanse diet can be a gentle solution for elimination heavy toxins and metals found in the body that could be contributing to the problems.

Most women are aware of various options such as surgery and methods are available for removing individual fibroids and groups of fibroids that will cut off the blood supply to the offending fibroids causing them to shrink. Other available methods include drug treatments that are most often used before and after surgery to treat the fibroids. In effect, the drugs quickly reduce the size for optimal surgical success yet there is a common problem with this treatment. Fibroids have reported to grow back quickly and a temporary measure known to have potential undesirable side effects or complications.

These options are not without its merits and maybe necessary depending on the severity of any individual situation. Yet, many women are often searching for a more gently and natural methods that is less intrusive to their body while promoting greater overall health. Fortunately, the unique system of the body is remarkably receptive to natural alternative treatments. In the absence of good alternatives it is obvious to anyone the first thing to want to do is reduce the size through non-invasive means.

In efforts to prepare your body for shrinking or to try to eliminate fibroids, a master cleanse used to detoxify your body is most beneficial. Fibroids are conditioned to respond extremely well to natural remedies are an ideal treatment in combination with other solutions. Using a detox diet will flush out the excess toxins, heavy metals, and hormones from the body that can contribute to the fibroid growth. Some of the side effects of taking a master cleanse is the reduction of weight that most women enjoy. Maintaining a normal weight balance aids the elimination organs to rejuvenate and keep a natural healthy balance.

Fibroids thrive on excess estrogens and in many ways this can be limited by reducing the consumption of animal fats in a diet. Unfortunately, there are many foods and environmental substances that mimic estrogens and the body can absorb excess unable to process and stored in tissue. Cleansing the vital organs like the liver and the kidneys will help restore damaged cells and fortify healthy rejuvenated cells. Often women living in extremely stressful situations over a long period of time can contribute to fibroids growth. Meaning that there is more stress place on the body and its ability to function at its optimum. Stress as a contributing factor is often resolved by eating all the wrong foods for emotional comfort and distraction from the stress in our lives. Master cleanse solution can eliminate poorly ingested foods and allow the body to better produce the needed elements to combat stress naturally.

Detoxing with a master cleanse affords the body the ability to heal itself by the process of eliminating toxins and excess foreign substances that may be a contributing factor to fibroid growth. If nothing else, this is a cleansing system that promotes increased energy, healthier appearance and a safe alternative to harsh drugs and chemicals alone.

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