Archive | Diet & Nutrition

5 Nutrition ‘Worsts’: Foods, Trends, Lies, Mistakes, and Habits

Ranking Lists are trending – 10 Best Xs, 10 Worst Ys. This list is a compilation of worsts in several categories.

The Worst Food

If you read my articles regularly, you’re probably expecting me to list sugar here. And let’s face it, that would be a solid and logical choice.

But the consensus seems to go in the direction of processed meats – hot dogs, salami, bologna, even turkey.

Processed meats contain chemical preservatives, including nitrates and other preservatives used for smoking and curing. These preservatives increase colon cancer risk and more.

Processed meats contain few nutrients and very little fiber, but are high in sodium, fat, and cholesterol. They may also contain a food dye called Orange B that’s bad for the liver and the bile duct.

Innocent-seeming turkey contains arsenic, which is toxic and carcinogenic.

Avoid processed meats whenever possible.

The Worst Trend

This would have to be the fat-free trend. The trend grew out of the low-fat direction that folks were scared into by the sugar industry’s lies.

The fat-free trend had several consequences:

1. the consumption of much more sugar (great for the sugar industry’s profits)

2. the addition of sugar to low- and nonfat foods (great for the sugar industry’s profits)

3. a reduction in satiety (fats trigger satiety hormones, sugar does not; Big Sugar didn’t care)

4. the ongoing obesity epidemic in the U.S. (Big Sugar didn’t care; they were making big profits)

I still run into clients who are afraid to eat fats, so the trend persists. Instead, eat some fats and avoid sugar. (You knew I’d say that sooner or later, right?)

The Worst Lie

Yes, the sugar industry’s lies about fats could definitely qualify for this category. But I’m going back quite a bit further in food history – to the margarine lie.

Margarine was designed to replace butter, which contains saturated fat. But sat fats are definitely not as bad as we were told. And butter contains a healthful fat called lauric acid – which also happens to be a key healthful fat in coconut oil.

Margarine contains worse fats than butter – trans fats – which increase serum cholesterol and can cause blood vessel damage. Margarine also contains potassium sorbate (a carcinogen), soy oil (lots of bad info about it), and artificial colors.

My favorite margarine story is about the informal experiment done at a school. They unwrapped a stick of margarine and left it outside on the window ledge for the entire school year.

And? Nothing happened to it! Bugs didn’t eat it, birds didn’t eat it, mice didn’t eat it, mold didn’t grow on it. No life form would touch it.

So this was promoted as food… Some people still use it, but it’s better to stay away.

The Worst Mistake

Several mistakes were in the running for this category, but my final decision was the “a calorie is a calorie” mistake.

Different foods trigger different hormonal reactions. Insulin is only one hormone in this mistake, and its fat-storage effect is only one reason that the low- and nonfat craze led to the obesity epidemic.

Consider that supposedly evil fats yield 9 calories per gram while carbs yield only 4 per gram. The obesity epidemic that started during the low-fat craze would make no sense – unless you factor in the hormonal effects of foods.

Fats have value in terms of both health and satiety. Satiety is the feeling that we’ve had enough food and don’t need to resume eating for a while.

Protein consumption also fell during the low-fat craze. People wanted to avoid the fats that protein foods typically contain.

Yet proteins have a higher thermogenic effect than other foods, so digesting them burns extra calories.

Protein also has the highest satiety effect of any foods.

Thinking – eating – only in terms of calories is a big mistake. Choose healthful foods instead, including fats and proteins. Not all calories are equal.

The Worst Habit

The worst nutrition habit is probably avoiding carbs after exercise – when the body may actually need them most.

Carbs (especially starches, not sugars or fruit) replace glycogen most effectively. Glycogen is what we need to replace so we can continue training effectively. This is true for recreational fitness enthusiasts, not just elite athletes.

Avoiding carbs, especially in the key 30 minutes after a workout, will make the muscles temporarily insulin resistant. That can make it harder to replace glycogen, even if you eat perfectly the rest of the day.

To oversimplify, the idea is to eat so you can train well tomorrow. Carbs plus protein in a 3-to-1 ratio right after training will help you do that. Skipping carbs will not.

Difficulties with glycogen replacement become even more exaggerated if you also avoid carbs before exercise. If you work out regularly – especially if you work hard – you need carbs, both before and after your workout.

So there we have 5 Nutrition ‘Worsts’. The best plan would be to avoid these foods, habits, and behaviors.

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How To Restore Gut Health After Antibiotic Use

The first antibiotic, Penicillin, was discovered in 1928 by a Scottish biologist named Sir Alexander Fleming while he was experimenting on influenza virus. He found that a common fungus, Penicillium notatum, can control the growth or kill certain kinds of bacteria. He named this newly discovered substance Penicillin, which successfully treated some deadly bacterial infections like syphilis, gangrene, and tuberculosis.

These days, most antibiotics are synthetic though they are usually chemically related to natural antibiotics. Antibiotics are of great value because they combat infections, save millions of lives, and are not harmful to normal body cells. However, they have their drawbacks as they kill healthy gut bacteria and may have side effects such as stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea, and yeast infection.

When penicillin and other antibiotics were first introduced, they were perceived as wonder drugs because they worked quickly and seemed like an answer to all common illnesses. Unfortunately, decades of overuse have resulted in more and more drug-resistant germs – any bacterium that survives an antibiotic treatment can then multiply and pass on its resistant properties to other bacteria.

  • Although antibiotics can only treat bacterial infections, they have often been misused for viral infections as well (for example cold, flu, bronchitis, most coughs and sore throats, some ear and sinus infections, and stomach flu).
  • Antibiotics are commonly sprayed on fruits and vegetables and given to animals like cattle, chicken, and pigs. As a result, humans are consuming minute doses of antibiotics every day. The cumulative effect on healthy gut bacteria cannot be underestimated.

Antibiotics kill beneficial gut bacteria. Even a single round of antibiotics causes havoc to our gut health.

First, antibiotics cause leaky gut or intestinal permeability, because they so viciously inflame the intestinal lining resulting in the widening of spaces between cells. Normally, the food that we eat is broken down into tiny molecules before they are being absorbed. When we have leaky gut, large molecules of food get through the gut lining into the bloodstream. This triggers the immune system to react, makes antibodies against that food, and result in a food allergy.

Second, antibiotics decimate the population and diversity of good bacteria in the gut. Since 80% of our immune system is in the gut, these good bacteria are our major defense system against all sorts of illnesses. Not only is it important to have a preponderance of good bacteria versus bad, diversity of gut bacterial strains is also critical. Antibiotics are known to reduce the number and diversity of the resident bacterial population in the gut.

What do we do if we absolutely have to take antibiotics? Are there ways we can counter the damages caused by antibiotics?

First and foremost, take a quality probiotic supplement as this will immediately help to reseed some of the good bacteria in the gut.

Check to make sure the supplement contains one or more of these bacteria strains that have confirmed health-promoting features:

• Bifidobacterium bifidum

• Bifidobacterium brevis

• Bifidobacterium infantis

• Bifidobacterium longum

• Lactobacillus acidophilus

• Lactobacillus bulgaricus

• Lactobacillus casei

• Lactobacillus paracasei

• Lactobacillus plantarum

• Lactobacillus rhamnosus

• Lactobacillus salivarius

• Streptococcus thermophilus

Choose one with a higher bacteria count by looking at the number of organisms per capsule, expressed in billion CFU’s. Most brand range from 1-50 billion CFUs. In general, the higher the number, the more potent and expensive it is.


For the first month after antibiotic use, take a probiotic supplement twice a day, morning and evening. Some supplements are to be taken on empty stomach, some with food. Follow instructions on the bottle. For maintenance, take a probiotic supplement every day.

Apart from taking a supplement, the following are five additional dietary tips to help restore gut health:

1. Avoid Inflammatory Foods

With leaky gut, the gut lining is already inflamed, therefore, it makes no sense to continue eating foods that will cause more inflammation. The worst foods are:

  • wheat
  • dairy
  • sugar
  • deep fried foods


Stay away from inflammatory foods during antibiotic use and at least 7-10 days after. Best is to avoid for 2-4 weeks so that the gut lining has a chance to completely heal and rebuild.

2. Stewed Apples

Cut up two washed, unpeeled, organic apples into 1/2-inch pieces. Place in a pot with filtered water up to about one-third of the apples. Add a few raisins and some cinnamon. Bring to a boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes until the skin of the apple becomes shinny. This makes four servings.

The magic with stewed apples is the fiber inside the skin called pectin. When it is cooked, the pectin comes to the surface. It acts as a prebiotic (food that feeds the good bacteria) and helps seal the leaky gut.


Have the stewed apples twice a day for the first week after antibiotic use. Then reduce to once every few days for the rest of the month.

3. Chicken Bone Broth

For those who are not into cooking or have no time to cook, many health food stores do carry pre-made chicken bone broth. However, homemade bone broth still tastes the best.

Place organic chicken bones in a soup pot. Add vegetables (such as onions and carrots) and herbs (such as thyme, oregano, parsley, and bay leaf). Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Fill with filtered water. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 3-4 hours. Season to taste.

Chicken bones are rich in collagen which acts as a prebiotic (food that feeds the good bacteria) and helps seal the leaky gut.


Drink a cup of chicken bone broth every day for the first few weeks after antibiotic use. For maintenance, drink on a regular basis.

4. Foods That Make Butyrate In The Gut

Butyrate is a fatty acid naturally found in butter, ghee (clarified butter), raw milk, parmesan cheese, animal fats, and kombucha (fermented tea).

Butyrate is also formed inside our gut when the good bacteria feed on insoluble fiber (bad bacteria do not feed on insoluble fiber.) Insoluble fiber passes through our intestines largely intact because humans do not have the enzymes to digest it (whereas soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with liquid). Insoluble fiber prevents constipation by retaining water in the stool and making it soft and bulky.

Top insoluble fiber foods include:

  • Beans and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds such as almonds and flax seeds.
  • Vegetables such as turnips, parsnips, okra, green peas, artichokes, asparagus, beets, sweet potato, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, corn, kale, bell peppers, onions, and carrots.
  • Fruits such as apple (with skin), pear (with skin), orange, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, mango, prunes, and figs.

(Please note that it is always preferable to buy organic fruits and vegetables as conventional produce is often sprayed with pesticides and antibiotics. However, if organic is not available, it is still preferable to eat non-organic vegetables than not eating vegetables at all.)

Butyrate is crucial to the well-being of our gut because it supports the health and regeneration of cells in the gut lining. In other words, butyrate helps to repair leaky gut. Multiple studies have shown its ability to fight colon cancer – people with higher levels of butyrate in the gut have a lower risk for colon cancer.


Make sure your daily diet is always rich in insoluble fiber, especially vegetables.

5. Fermented Vegetables

If you are not into making your own fermented vegetables, you can find them in the refrigerator section of many health food stores. Just make sure they have not been pasteurized as all the healthy bacteria will be lost.

Fermented vegetables are very rich in healthy bacteria or probiotics. Each type of vegetable provides a different strain of bacteria. Since diversity of gut bacteria is essential, it is best to eat several types of fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut, kimchee, fermented beets, and pickled carrots, cucumbers, and onions.


Eat a forkful of fermented vegetables twice a day for the first few weeks after antibiotic use. For maintenance, eat once a day.

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High Triglycerides – 2 Success Stories You Must Know About

With all the focus in the last 15 years on cholesterol, mainly due to the many billions of dollars made by selling cholesterol-lowering drugs, the role of high triglycerides in heart disease has often been overlooked. There is simply not enough money to be made in lowering triglycerides. This is because it is mainly a dietary issue.

Abnormally high levels of triglycerides have been implicated in causing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the blood vessels. They have also been implicated in inflammation of the pancreas and other disorders. The good news is that for most people lowering their triglyceride levels is a simple matter of better nutrition and will power. Let me let you in on a personal story.

I personally had borderline to high triglyceride levels since my teenage years. Several medical doctors told me that it was “idiopathic,” which, in plain English means that they had no idea why my triglycerides were higher than they should have been. After spending several years studying biochemistry and trying all sorts of nutritional plans, I found that certain simple dietary changes and one superior nutritional supplement dropped my triglyceride levels from just under 200 to well below 50 in just a couple of months. And this is where they have remained.

I then shared this success story with a friend, who was also diagnosed as having “idiopathic” high triglycerides, except that he also had a history of heart disease in his family and his triglycerides were over 850, which is dangerously high. Well, I’m happy to say that after copying my nutritional plan, his family doctor’s eyes practically popped out of her head when she saw the results of 105 in two months and 74 two months after that, proving that people can and do have control over their own health.

The strategy is the following: eliminate all simple sugars and refined carbohydrates from the diet. That means no white bread, no white rice, no white spaghetti, no sugar and/or sweets, no alcohol and no sweet/tropical fruits. Replace them with complex carbohydrates, such as dark rye rusks, brown rice, whole-grain spaghetti and lots of raw and steamed vegetables. Replace the sweet fruits with sour, low-fructose fruits, such as Granny Smith apples, kiwis and grapefruits.

Sugars, all types of sugars, including sucrose, dextrose, maltose and generally anything that ends in -ose, are converted by the body into triglycerides. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is one of the worst offenders, being the most damaging when consumed in fruits with a low fiber content. A good general rule is to eat only fruits that grow in the Northern European or North American latitudes, such as apples, pears and berries, which are lower in fructose than tropical fruits and to limit their consumption to a few servings per day.

The second piece of the puzzle is exercise. Daily exercise helps to burn off excess triglycerides, as the fats in your body are converted into energy. The key here is consistency, not fanaticism. My friend, for example, began with walking up a steep hill for one half mile, twice a day on his way to work after breakfast and lunch. It’s that simple.

The final piece of the puzzle is taking at least six capsules of a pure, top-quality concentrated fish oil supplement, every single day. Fish oil is extremely effective at lowering triglycerides. Honestly, I can say that it was a great satisfaction for me to see my friend wave his blood test results in my face with glee, after coming back from his (shocked) family doctor. And to top it all off, he lost about 35 kilos, or 77 pounds, yet another health benefit of this regimen.

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Are you Flushing Your Vitamins Down the Toilet?

People who clean out those portable toilets know the truth about vitamin and mineral pills. Many of them report seeing the remnants of partially digested vitamin and mineral capsules at the bottom of the porta-potties, some with the name of the pill manufacturer still on them! Do you think the people who took those vitamins realize they have literally flushed their vitamin pills and money down the toilet?

Out of the millions of nutritional supplements available on the market today, how do you know that the one you are using is worth the money you are spending on it? New technology can help you make the most of your vitamin and mineral supplement purchase.

There are 3 ways to judge if your vitamin and mineral supplement is worth the money you are spending on it: the quality of the raw materials, how well your body absorbs it and the ORAC score.

First, your nutritional supplement must be produced with quality raw materials. The only requirement FDA places on supplements is that it contain at least a trace of the vitamin, mineral or herb that is named on the label. If your supplement is really cheap, you might want to investigate how much of the ingredient you want is in there. Many discount vitamin makers will just use one little leaf per bottle of supplement with fillers added to make it look good.

Second, the Physician’s Desk reference says that only 10% of the nutrients in traditional vitamin and mineral pills and capsules are absorbed by your body. It must be digested first to be in a form that your body can use. Liquid nutritional supplements are an improvement over pills and capsules but they can’t be completely absorbed by the body either because they go through the digestive process as well. The nutrients are not in a small enough form to be absorbed by the body but they are better than pills and capsules.

Third, the ORAC score can tell if your nutritional supplement is strong enough to do what it says it will do. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It is a “definitive test for assessing the anti-oxidant strength of potential antioxidant compounds.” So, the higher the ORAC score, the stronger the antioxidant capability of the compound. To give you an example of this, fresh fruits and vegetables were given an ORAC score of 800. That means they are capable of delivering a strong antioxidant effect on the free radicals that produced by your body.

Eating fruits and vegetables with a high ORAC score may help the aging process in the human body and brain, according to studies done at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. Whole food vitamins give you the nutrition found in food plus the convenience of being able to get all you need with just one dose.

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, you really do get what you pay for. Investigate your choice in vitamin and mineral supplements to make sure that the one you choose are of the highest quality and completely absorbable by your body.

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3 Amazing Tricks You Can Use To Stick To Your Diet Program

Suddenly lost the motivation to complete your weight loss program?

You’re not alone. There are millions of people from all over the world who take up a diet program and try to complete it, but fall short at the end. It’s just like New Year’s Resolution- it’s great at the start, but you lose steam as you go along.

Is there a magic wand that will make you stick to a weight loss program until the end?

Believe it or not, there are 3 surefire strategies you can employ right now that will improve the chances of you sticking with your diet program:

1. Curb Your Hunger Pangs

Going hungry is the enemy of every person who has ever tried to stick with a diet. This is perhaps the #1 reason why most people fail in their quest to lose weight fast. You could either be stuck in one of these situations- the diet states that you should only consume X amount of calories (which leaves you starving), or it states that you should only eat X type of foods (which would not make you feel full).

The best diet programs are ones that recommend food groups such as protein, which takes quite a while to break down and be digested. Fibrous carbs and lean protein is an effective one-two punch that lets you stick to the diet. Add small servings of dietary fat to stay healthy and well.

Bottom line is, you can add a few good calories to your diet as long as it will help you curb hunger pangs.

2. Pair Up With A Buddy

If you’re losing the will to get through the diet hump, then you may need someone who’ll serve as your motivator. Having a buddy get you past the lows and the highs of diet programs ensure you’ll stay on track and stick to the diet plan.

Studies show that having a diet buddy increases your chance of being successful. It can be anyone- a family member, a loved one, or your best friend. Just make sure they’ll hold you accountable towards the completion of your weight loss goal.

3. Write Down Your Short Term Goals

The best way to start a weight loss program is to write down effective short term goals. These goals should be realistic and specific. For example, how many pounds do you expect to lose in 2 or 3 weeks’ time?

A long term goal may be good and all, but it won’t help you along like a short term goal would. Having something that you can achieve in a few weeks can serve as an excellent motivational tool that will set you on the right track.

A reiable diet program is a great platform that will help you achieve what you’ve always wanted- to lose a certain amount of weight and start a healthy lifestyle. When you develop good diet habits during those 3 weeks’ time, you can be sure that you’ll carry it with you until you get to the finish line.

Interested about what a reliable and efficient diet plan can offer? Our free report will give you a full overview of how you can effectively burn fat and start your weight loss journey ASAP. You won’t have to struggle with sticking to the diet plan because the report has all the elements you need for weight loss success.

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Bistro MD Vs Diet To Go – Which Is Best For You?

Trying to decide between Bistro MD vs Diet To Go? These are two very popular nation-wide diet food delivery services. They both make food fresh – with no preservatives – and deliver meals to your home or office.

They are both also two of the most affordable and highly rated weight loss meal delivery services currently on the market.

So that leaves a lot of people wondering – what’s the difference? Which one is best for them?

This article will review some of the key differences between these two services to help you make a more informed choice:

#1. Type of Plan

Bistro MD has one main plan – an overall low calorie, smart carb diet that was designed by a physician and specialist in the weight loss field, Dr Caroline Cedarquist.

However there are specialty plans within Bistro MD for diabetics, men, women, women in menopause and women who have just had a baby and want to lose the pregnancy pounds.

Diet To Go has 3 plans – Balance (traditional low fat), Balance D (for diabetics) and Carb30 (low carb plan). Within these options, there are also options for vegetarians and a no-seafood option.

#2. Price Per Day

This is a hard comparison to make as it really depends on you – how many meals you want etc. It also depends on any current specials each plan is having.

However, overall, the Diet To Go plan is slightly more affordable than Bistro MD, starting around $19 a day and up. Bistro MD starts around $22 and up. However again, this depends on the options that you choose (see #3 below).

#3. Flexibility

Both plans give you a lot of flexibility with your options. Diet To Go for example, lets you choose to get 2 meals a day (lunch and dinner) or 3 meals a day.

Bistro MD offers 3 meals a day – with the option of an add-on snacks/dessert package.

Also, both plans let you go online and swap out meals (for example if you don’t like a certain meal and want another one) for no extra charge.

And neither plan locks you into a long term contract – which is great.

#4 Meal Quality

Overall Bistro MD meals are slightly more gourmet than Diet To Go – which also explains the price difference.

For example on Bistro MD you get meals like:

Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy, Seasoned Brussel Sprouts and Spiced Apples

Chicken Cordon Bleu with 3 Cheeses with Dijon Mustard Sauce, Quinoa with Rice and Fresh Broccoli

On Diet To Go you get meals like:

Chicken Tenders with Pepper Sauce and Brussel Sprouts

Baked Salmon with Pineapple Salsa and Carrots

And of course, if you’re looking for desserts, Bistro MD is the service that offers this option.

So those are some of the main differences between Bistro MD vs Diet To Go. Again, both are excellent services with a lot of happy customers and tons of weight loss success stories.

And they do everything for you in terms of calorie counting, food prep and more – which makes losing weight really easy for you.

It really comes down to what you’re looking for in a diet delivery service. Just remember to take your time, relax and enjoy your food – the weight will be dropping off before you know it!

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The Relationship Between Nutrition And Weight Loss

It’s no secret that what we choose to put in our bodies has a profound impact on what happens on the outside of our bodies, as well as impacting our overall health. Poor nutrition has been inexorably linked to everything from obesity to cancer. So when it comes to shedding those extra pounds, it’s no surprise that nutrition and weight loss go hand in hand.

The relationship between nutrition and weight loss exists because of the primary role that food plays in weight control. In order to lose weight you must reduce caloric intake and increase physical activity. A balance must be achieved between these two components in order to achieve a healthy weight. And in order to find the balance that’s right for you it’s important to evaluate how nutrition and weight loss affects you personally.

Many people – when they take an objective look at their food choices throughout the day – will be surprised by how poor their diet really is; a day spent skipping breakfast, nibbling chips and sweets, downing coffee to stay awake, and gorging themselves at night. It’s a cycle with which we are all, unfortunately, familiar. Staying in this unhealthy pattern will slow metabolism, deplete us of energy, and cause our bodies to store excess fat. In order to establish a positive relationship between nutrition and weight loss, it is imperative to make some critical lifestyle changes.

Nutrition and weight loss begins with making different choices when it comes to food. First and foremost, skipping any meal in the hope of weight loss is not only unhealthy – it also doesn’t work. In order to keep the body’s metabolism at a consistent pace – that which burns calories throughout the day – you must give it something to burn. By eating a healthy breakfast, we jumpstart our metabolism for the day. That is also why most experts recommend eating small meals frequently throughout the day – to keep our metabolism burning at the optimum rate.

But it is also just as important what and how much food we put in our mouths. In order for nutrition and weight loss to have the symbiotic relationship it is meant to have in order to optimize health, it is imperative to focus our meals and snacks around whole, natural foods. Choose fresh fruits, green, leafy vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid fried and processed foods. And keep your portion sizes reasonable.

Nutrition and weight loss is inseparable. In order to achieve your optimum weight, you must turn a critical eye on the foods you are eating. Make some better choices and big changes, and you will soon find that you feel – and look – better than ever!

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The Best Weight Loss Diet Programs to Get Rid Of Unwanted Fat

Are you overweight or obese and want to lose weight immediately? Or maybe you are one of the many people who are confused as to which weight loss diet program is best to help regain a slim and trim body. Well, if you want to really lose weight then you will need to get up to speed on the different diet programs out there and which ones will be best suited to your lifestyle.

So following are some of the better known weight loss diets and an overview of each one.

* Atkins Diet – This is a well-known and accepted weight loss diet program today. This is a triple combination of a low-carbohydrate, high-in-fat and high-in-protein diet plan. Atkins is being used for more than a decade now by people who have been trying to lose their extra weight.

The Atkins weight loss diet program is all about eating healthy and nutritious food without carbohydrates. Foods that are encouraged by the Atkins Diet are leafy green vegetables, lean protein, fruits, nuts, and whole grains.

– Pritikin Diet – It is a weight loss diet program that is high in carbohydrate and low in fat. The main objective is to lose the weight by eating vegetables, grains and fruits that are high in fiber. The focus is on eating raw, unprocessed foods. The fat intake must not go beyond 10% of the total daily allowed calories. In addition the Pritikin Diet emphasizes daily exercises, with 30 minutes being the required minimum.

This plan is designed to help you lose weight and prevent heart conditions. Fruits such as apples, cereals and brown rice are known to be good for the heart.

– Zone Diet – You will find this weight loss diet program is not as restrictive as compared to other diet plans. This plan consists of eating foods in the right ratio. Meaning that you can eat carbohydrates, proteins and fats but you just have to be careful that you are not overloading your diet with any one of them. Once the proper ratio is achieved by daily food intake the body will achieve proper hormone balance and release anti-inflammatory chemicals which are good for your health. A great plus to this diet is that you are less likely to experience fatigue and hunger on this program.

– South Beach Diet – This is one of the newest fads in dieting. Its weight loss diet program is basically about controlling fats, a low intake of carbohydrates and high in protein meals. Its goal is to take out all the bad fats and carbohydrates and replace them with good fats and good carbohydrates. It is simple in concept but may require you to learn new recipes and dishes.

Before you start any diet plan make sure you know what you are getting into. Learn the do’s and don’ts of each diet and ask to see what the results have been for people who have already finished with the diet program. Try it for 30 days and see how you feel. If you feel more energetic and the weight is starting to come off then you know this is the diet for you.

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Dieting Tips – Learn How to Lose 9lbs in 11 Days!

Irregardless of the fact that losing weight is a simple process that anyone could go through without any complications met, most people agree that it is a vague and complex process. Many think that it should embrace special exercises, strange diets, or even pills that would work like magic. Nutritionist suggests that sticking with simple process as long as the person can faithfully follow the regimen is the right way to start. Are you aware that a dose of discipline will allow you to lose 9lbs in just a matter of 11 days?

Weight loss 4 idiots had become one of the most viewed site starting January of 2005 given that they aim to help individual curb their fat in just a matter of few days. The good thing is the person is allowed to consume foods as much as they want. But wait, you need not to drink diet pills since all it takes is for you to consume small dishes in one day. Yes you are reading it right since they would not ask you to binge over tasteless foods or skip meals just to have the right calorie amount that will suit your wanting-to-lose-weight attitude.

The problem with starving yourself to death is that it allows a person to lose the interest since they would have the insight that dieting is all about the sickening process of saying goodbye to rich and tasteful foods. Also, when limiting calorie, your body will of course opt for reserves in the body to burn fat which leads in losing weight. The setback is, when you begin to eat again, the body will save the needed calories which result for the digestive system to slow down. It will also store calorie in such a way that you are getting back what you had already lost.

In view of this, if you wish to lose 9lbs in 11 days then eat several small meals in a day. Doing this will trick the body to employ both the Fat Storage and Fat Burning Hormones thus you can say goodbye to unnecessary pounds faster and in a more convenient manner. Doing this will also benefit you in such a way that you are getting the privileged of eating foods that are really close to your heart thus you will enjoy what you are doing and you’ll never feel as if you are forced to eat tasteless something which they happen to still call as ‘foods’.

You’ll have a sure way of getting your dreaded body since there is a small chance that you’re going to cheat with your diet. Boredom is off the bay because there are various dishes offered during the day; in fact you can even enjoy what you are doing. Most of the foods advised are just available on the nearest grocery store thus this is really a hassle-free way of dieting! Many people are now convinced that they can really lose 9lbs in 11 days so who knows if the diet is just waiting for you so you too can benefit from it? Try it right now!

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The Importance of Nutrition and the Role It Plays in Your Daily Workout Regiment

So you just finished a long hard workout, the question always asked over and over is do I need carbohydrates or protein? You actually need both! If you work out long and hard in the gym and we’re not talking just an hour on the treadmill or elliptical machine, then your body needs both carbohydrates and protein. Let’s explain here.

Once consumed, carbohydrates are stored in the muscles as glycogen. Glycogen is actually used by the body to supply energy for bursts of power. The longer and harder the workout, the more glycogen your body will require. And we’ve all felt what it is like to run out of glycogen, right? Your energy level will drop, you don’t feel as strong and it will become harder and harder for you to contract the muscle. For the more intense workouts (2+ hours), the rule of thumb in the industry is three to four grams of carbs per pound of body weight is required each day. Without enough carbohydrates, your body will make muscle to use as “fuel.” Definitely not what you want! Instead, just eat the “good” carbs. What are some of them you might ask? Try some whole grains, maybe a vegetable, a fruit or even some beans or legumes. No leftover pizza from the night before! Note: Personal carb requirements depend on your workout intensity as well as your body size and will vary from person to person.

Protein, on the other hand, helps to “rebuild” your muscles after your intense workout or training session. The rule of thumb here (from the USDA) for strength and weight training, is to consume the average 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day, not to exceed 2.0 grams per pound per day. Too much protein will not make any difference so don’t overdo here. And spread out your protein intake throughout the day. Your body can only process around 30 grams at any one time, so spread your carb intake out over your five or six small meals that you are already eating every day.

What foods contain Protein? They are actually broken down into several categories: plant-based proteins such as beans, peas and nuts; fish and seafood, poultry and chicken; most cheese and eggs.

I, personally, can’t eat that much food so I mix protein supplements and shakes into my daily food intake to get the maximum protein I need. If that is you, check out the supplements market to get the protein you want and need.

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