Archive | Losing Fat

Weight Loss Tips – 3 Powerful Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight Faster and Easier!

Looking for some weight loss tips to help you shed some weight?  In a game like this, you really can’t have too many tips as it can be quite a challenge to stay on a healthy diet.  So if you’re looking for some weight loss tips, here are a few to try out:

1.  Cut Out The Coffee

A lot of people have a thing for drinking coffee, the thing is it is not healthy for you and does nothing for you nutrition wise.  You need to replace that coffee with a glass of water, or better yet, two glasses of water.  Water will raise your metabolism and keep everything working as it should thus letting you burn more fat.

2.  Start Eating Oatmeal

Another tip for breakfast is to switch from eating cereal or whatever else you eat to just plain oatmeal.  Oatmeal is a great complex carbohydrate source.  Just make sure you don’t eat that instant sugary oatmeal as that is just as bad as cereal.  Instead it plain, or add some unsweetened applesauce and cinnamon.

3.  Get Your Shut Eye

Since we’re cutting out your coffee, you’re going to want to make sure you’re getting at least 8 hours of sleep a day so you’re not tired.  This will also ensure you lose fat as the less sleep you get, the harder it will be for you to lose weight.

So hopefully these weight loss tips were of help, now go on and start implementing them starting with getting a good night sleep tonight!

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5 Weight Losing Tips: Fat Loss the Lazy Way?

So many people lurch from one fat loss plan to the next, forever searching for that elusive secret that will allow them to finally lose weight. There seems to be a whole industry built on empty promises and unfortunately people keep buying into the promises because they are so desperate to find the answer. Well I can’t promise this is a completely lazy way, but if you follow these 5 weight losing tips you should start to notice some weight loss without too much effort. Just remember the best, most healthy weight loss is slow and steady.

Forget Fad Diets. Diets that involve counting calories or points are just too difficult to stick to. Diets that involve cutting out one food group or another will always be temporary and are just not a healthy way to weight loss.

Instead try to build a healthier relationship with food. Know which are healthy and which should be occasional treats. If you eat a diet that is high in fats and sugar you will provide your body with more energy than it needs and it will store this energy as fat.

There is no need to be hungry, just choose your foods wisely. Eat high carb foods such as pasta, oat based products and rice – these will release energy slowly helping to avoid hunger. Avoid full fat dairy products and fatty snacks such as biscuits, cakes, crisps and nuts.

Increase Your Exercise Whatever level of exercise you get now you can increase it gradually. Don’t go wild and try to go from nothing to a Marathon. Just a small increase will encourage your body to burn more calories.

The aim is to try something that will increase your heart-rate and make you slightly breathless. The good news is that if you are carrying extra weight your body will burn more naturally as more effort is needed to carry out any activity.

Even if you are confined to bed or a chair you can increase your activity level. Swinging your arms or lifting small weights will probably get you breathless. Then, each week try to add a little more.

Get Healthy Inside. If your body is not functioning well it can’t rid itself of waste effectively. Make sure your gut is working well by drinking plenty of water and eating high fibre foods such as whole-grain, fruit and vegetables.

You might want to try a food supplement designed to help cleanse your colon. This alone can kick-start your weight loss.

Use Empty Minutes. So many people have told me they don’t have time to exercise. Rubbish. What they mean is they don’t want to commit to the gym or going jogging. Great news. You don’t have to. Just make use of time that you spend doing very little. Waiting in line? Clench and release your thighs and buttocks to tone them. Travelling on the bus? Try pulling your tummy muscles in and up, release and repeat. Going up to your office? Try taking at least one flight of stairs. You get the idea, just incorporate your exercise into those empty minutes of waiting or travelling or… Get creative.

Get Your Mind Onside This is probably the most important of all. You just will never succeed if your brain isn’t programmed for success. Make sure you know why you want to lose weight and write those reasons down. Make sure they are the reasons that get an emotional reaction; those are the reasons that count. Here are a few real reasons I have heard; “Because I want to be around when my grandson is born.” “Because I want to look good in my wedding dress.” “Because I would like to walk without gasping for breath.” “Because I want to feel good about myself.”

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How to Lose Fat Fast – 7 Effective Fat Loss Secrets

If you want to learn how to lose fat fast I wouldn’t recommend fasting, not only is it unsafe leaving you with low energy levels but in most cases it can cause you to gain even more weight.

Even if there is a family history of obesity it does not mean that you can’t lose weight, it is possible to control weight loss once you follow through with some basic fat loss secrets:

Here are seven effective fat loss secrets you need to know about if you want to lose fat fast and healthily:

  1. Brisk walking is an excellent form of physical activity and a great fat burner. A recent study found that a 10-minute session of brisk walking a day, five days a week can give you the same results in calorie burning as five half hours walks a week. The secret is to have five and not three 10 minute sessions a week – the trick is short and frequent.
  2. Eat five or six small meals a day. You will lose fat faster if you eat small regular meals a day instead of infrequent and large meals. A breakfast, a lunch, a main meal and two small between-meal snacks is ideal.
  3. You will lose fat faster if you follow through with a reduced calorie diet. Aim for around 500 to 1000 calories a day, reduce simple carbohydrate foods (biscuits, cakes, sweets) and increase complex carbohydrate foods such as wholemeal breads, wholemeal pastas and wholemeal rice.
  4. There is convincing evidence that eating slowly can lead to fat loss.
  5. Eating an hour or two after exercising encourages the metabolism of the food rather than just its laying down as fat as the metabolic rate is generally speeded up during this time. Equally walking after you eat can boost the body’s natural response to food and burn more calories.
  6. Have small amounts of alcohol if you want a flat stomach. Alcohol contains simple carbohydrates which lead to weight gain.
  7. Drink more water. Aim for at least six glasses of water a day to remove toxins and excess sodium, plus it can even help fill you up. Have a glass of water just before a meal and another sipped slowly during the meal.

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Fat Loss Exercise – How to Increase Your Calorie Burning

When you exercise in order to lose weight, you may find that your weight loss stops at a certain point. That may mean you have reached plateau and you may not know what to do. We are going to discuss some way that you can use to overcome plateau in your exercise so that you can lose more weight.

What is plateau? It is the slacker mode that you have when you go to the gym every day and your weight change is at stagnant phase.

According to a Hollywood trainer, Jeanette Jenkins, you can burn more calories if you know how to properly exercise. For example, some may go to the gym for 30 minutes and burn 300 calories. But with the right techniques, you can do the same and burn 600 calories. That means you can double your calories burned.

While you are resting during your weight lifting session, add cardio exercise onto it. For example, you can do 25-30 jumping jacks or alternating knee lifts during your rest. This will increase your calories burning.

You can combine upper and lower body exercise together. For example, you may do biceps curls with dumbbells. At the same time, you can do stationary lunges.

If walking on the treadmill is your game, you can shuffle while walking. For example, you can do 30 minutes of power walk and include five intervals of side shuffles. Each set last one or two minutes.

You can wear a weighted vest. It will double your calories burning while you are exercising.

When you do the weight training, do the drop sets. Start with the heaviest and gradually decrease. But when you reduce weight, you will need to increase repetitions. For example, you can start with the heaviest for 10 reps and end with the lightest for 25 reps.

If you can, increase the weight to be more than the most you usually do. If your maximum was 80 pounds, make it 85. You will see big difference when you go beyond your limit.

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Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a Good Diet?

With so many weight loss plans in the market, it’s difficult to know which one works and which doesn’t. One of the most popular plans is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. Since it has been first published a few years ago, it has been used by tens of thousands of people worldwide and enjoys a wide popularity. Its simple and easy to do program has attracted many men and women who have failed to lose weight before with much more complicated and harder weight loss plans.

But is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet any good or is it just an example of clever marketing?

Just like any weight loss plan, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not perfect and it doesn’t work for everyone. However, the plan does work for most people. In fact, the vast majority of the many people I’ve spoken with were very successful with it. So, the bottom line is that Fat Loss 4 Idiots does work for many people.

However, this diet isn’t right for all health and fitness goals for the simple reason that it’s primarily based on nutrition and has very little to do with exercising. For some people this is a blessing: you get to lose weight and don’t have to spend time at the gym or running outdoors which is great if you’re strapped for time or just don’t like working out. However, if one of your fitness goals is to tone some body part or another, then you will need to add some physical activity to the diet’s eating plan. Otherwise you will lose weight, but not increase muscle mass.

All in all, I believe that Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a good diet and recommend it for achieving a simple, easy, and fast weight loss.

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Creating a Powerhouse Fat Loss Workout Plan

If you’re ready to begin a fat loss workout plan as you embark on self-improvement, kudos to you. There are still far too many people who are under the delusion that significant fat loss can be had while avoiding exercise. The most successful ‘fat-burners’ look at this idea with a kind of saddened amusement.

Any reasonable fat loss workout has so many extra benefits – increased energy, greater breath flow, increased self-confidence – that it’s amazing that so many people avoid it. Others just don’t really know where to start, or are overwhelmed by misinformation.

I’ve dedicated myself to finding out exactly what kind of fat loss workouts are done by the most successful people, people who have taken the initiative to lose 50 to 100 pounds or more because they could no longer stand being overweight.

Here, in a nutshell, is what I have discovered:

  • They have fun with cardio. Some kind of sustained, aerobic exercise is essential to fat loss. This is because when you are engaged in a physical activity, the initial period of exertion is spent depleting glycogen (carbohydrates stored in your body) and not fat. The burning of the fat happens only after this depletion has occurred. This means that 15 minutes of an aerobic exercise (running, spinning, elliptical training, etc) is not a good enough fat loss workout to actually start burning much fat. 30 minutes is good, and 45 minutes is great.

But how does someone motivate themselves to commit to such an intense fat loss workout, and for 5 days a week? They choose the kind of exercise that they enjoy the most. If you have a gym membership, you have many effective methods to choose from: using a treadmill, a stationary bike, an elliptical machine, a rowing machine, a cross- country ski machine, a stair-climber, etc. These are all effective means of aerobic exercise. If you don’t have a gym membership, you may want to invest in a piece of equipment, or take up jogging. There are always ways to do these things when you have the motivation.

  • They work their way up. Please don’t get the impression that you must be able to do a 30 minute fat loss workout as soon as you begin. This is not realistic, and you need to be aware of the importance of the adjustment period. This point is so crucial because many who aren’t aware of it end up quitting in frustration; they think fat loss ‘should’ be this or that, and fall back into the depths of shame and self-loathing.

Starting your fat loss workouts at 5 minute intervals is perfectly fine. What you’re aiming for at the start is getting your body used to moving continuously and at an adequate intensity (60 – 80% of maximum heart rate) for a pre-determined period of time. Think of the ongoing satisfaction you get when you can perform an aerobic activity for just 1 minute longer each week! As your satisfaction is ongoing, so will be your motivation.

  • They pump iron to pump the metabolism. Aerobic activity is an immediate means of burning fat. Weight training burns fat in a less direct – but even more appealing – way. As you gain muscle, the lean body mass that you accumulate gives a boost to your metabolism. In a nutshell, this means that you increase your body’s ability to burn more calories at rest, even while you sleep. Although not everyone knows the relationship of building muscle to losing fat, the most successful do – the overwhelming majority of them include weight training in their fat loss workouts.

So, now that we know the basics of the type of exercise to perform in a fat loss workout, let’s look at quantity. At first, you’re going to want to ease into it and listen closely to your body to see how long you can go and on how many days per week without getting nauseous, light-headed or injuring yourself. At the same time, you’re going to want to have a longer-term goal, a point where you know that each and every time you engage in a fat loss workout that you’re getting beyond the glycogen burning stage and into intense fat-burning.

In the long-term, a good number to eventually shoot for in any given fat loss workout is a 45-minute period of continuous aerobic exercise. If this seems like too overwhelming a number, no problem – put it at 25 minutes or so. When you get to that point, you may very well feel that it’s not enough and you want to challenge yourself to go further.

At the beginning, you may want to workout aerobically 3 or 4 days of the week, but as you adapt a great number to shoot for is in the 4 – 6 days a week range. In addition, doing a free-weight workout 2 or 3 days a week will give you that exhilarating spark to your metabolism. Weight training workouts will usually last about 30 minutes or so, but you can begin at 10 minutes and you’re still doing yourself a world of good more than without any weight training at all.

Finally, one common misconception about fat loss is that you can do specific exercises to target specific trouble spots, like performing crunches to lose fat around the midsection. Having just read the information in this article, it should be clear that this won’t work, as getting to the fat-burning stage would take 30 minutes of continuous crunches or so to get past the glycogen-burning stage.

You now have the most important information needed to get started with a fat-loss workout regimen. Keep a long-term goal in mind while going easy on yourself in the beginning and you will reach the success you seek.

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25 Days Fat Loss Plan – Xtreme Fat Loss Diet

The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Plan is actually a famous and also powerful online diet program at the moment, and also has aided more than thirty thousand men and women around the world to be able to drop weight effectively. The diet plan guarantees that you could shed up to twenty five lbs within twenty five days, that makes this an excellent option in case you would like to be slimmer for a specific occasion, or would like to start an extended fat loss plan.

This diet plan is a twenty five day quick weight reduction method, broken down into five days chain that repeated five times – and that’s why the outcomes specified are intended for twenty five days. This method includes Cheat Days, Fast Days, Depletion Days, and several additional “innovative” weight loss techniques into an arranged 5 day pattern which is repeated 5 times during the period of this diet method.

As an example the Cheat Day of in every cycle is actually a day that you can consume even harmful meals such as nachos as well as ice cream if you wish to. A Cheat Day once in every five days allows you to reset your leptin amounts and keeping a high metabolic rate. Furthermore, it offers outstanding mental advantages as having the ability to consume “non diet” meals such as pizzas every five days assists you to stay with any kind of diet regime so long as you may need.

The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet plan allows you to shed as much as twenty five lbs within twenty five days. The effect of these various days as well as exercise programs is a quick and also substantial weight loss.

This system is a superb eating plan which could efficiently increase weight reduction in an expedient way. Therefore, it continues to be strongly suggested. So should you be trying to find a successful diet that can make you slim down in short time, this program would be the solution to suit your needs!

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Weight Loss Tips and Secrets That Work

Top Weight Loss Tips

The first thing you must do as you look to lose weight is get out a notebook and write out what your goal is. Do you want to lose ten pounds, thirty pounds, or even more? And how long should you give yourself to meet your goal? Writing down a clear and concise weight loss goal on paper can be a source of motivation that you can look at over and over again to keep it fresh in your mind. Stick this up on your refrigerator or bulletin board and use it as inspiration when you’re feeling lazy.

The next step is to take a look at your diet. Cut out all of the unnecessary junk foods including chips, candy, and soda. Just by cutting out soda, for example, can help you lose five pounds or more very quickly. Elimination of sugary and foods that are high in carbohydrates is key. Increase your water intake and try and drink as much as possible daily. Drinking more water will suppress your appetite and keep your body hydrated which helps with recovery and energy.

Increase your protein intake and focus on foods that are low in carbs as mentioned before. Protein helps to burn fat and increase muscle mass and will help you take advantage of the exercise that you will be doing and fuel your body properly.

The next component to a good weight loss plan is a solid exercise program that includes a mix of cardio and weight training. Typically you should do cardiovascular exercises such as running, stair climbing, elliptical machines, or other aerobic activity that will get your target heart rate in the fat burning zone and keep it there for 30 minutes or more. You want to do cardio on a regular basis at a minimum of three times per week.

For strength training with weights, you can do work out all of your major body parts at least once a week and lift moderate to heavy weight. Try and use free weights if possible, as they will work more muscles than machines. The combination of weight training and cardio exercise on a regular and consistent basis will build muscle, get your metabolism rate up, and help to get your body into fat burning mode.

How to Successfully Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

All of the weight loss tips in the world will never work if you don’t commit to losing weight over time and doing it right. Avoid diet fads and quick solutions like diet pills that may provide short term results. You need to live a healthy and active lifestyle to meet your goals.

Want to learn more and take it to the next level? Imagine having a beach body year round that others envy. To be successful and stay motivated it helps to use a proven diet program where you have a blueprint of what to eat and how to exercise.

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A Review of CLA Fat Loss Burner

What is CLA Fat Burner, and does it work? CLA is also known as conjugated linoleic acid, and it’s been touted as a remedy to reduce body fat. It may even increase muscle tissue. Those who are most interested in CLA Fat Loss Burner are those who want to lose fat, and those who are athletes. It may in fact truly have benefit when it comes to both losing fat in gaining muscle.

How does CLA work?

Conjugated linoleic acid basically works by keeping fat cells from growing too large; the premise is that it may block enzymes that let fat cells grow.

Other researchers have suggested that CLA alters body composition by boosting muscle and burning fat because it metabolizes fat through a process that’s fairly complex. Basically, our bodily enzymes, like hormone sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase, appear to both speed up fat burning and block the uptake of new fat.

Is it scientifically backed?

A recent Scandinavian study decided to determine whether or not CLA could help people lose weight specifically by reducing fat mass overall. The study was relatively small, only 60 overweight people, and these participants were not allowed to diet.

The people in the study were either given 9 g of olive oil (placebo), or 6.8, 5.1, 3.4, or 1.7 g of CLA every day for a 12 week period. Participants’ body compositions were measured before, midway through, and after the study, to determine whether or not any changes had occurred. And in fact, the results were quite promising. Participants lost about 2.2 pounds in 12 weeks.

That doesn’t seem like much, but researchers were encouraged because participants didn’t otherwise change their diets or go on “special diets,” and still lost weight. Moreover, all of this weight loss came from fat loss.

Other studies have shown promises with CLA, too; another study tried to combine CLA with the herbal stimulant guarana. The herbal stimulant, which contains caffeine, increased results even further when used with the CLA, by decreasing fat cells’ size by 50% in six weeks. Therefore, this possible combination has even more promise (although it may have contraindications for some people too, namely its caffeine use).

Should you try CLA?

Trying CLA probably can’t hurt and may certainly help with weight loss, although you should check with your health care practitioner to make sure this is appropriate for you. Researchers have generally set the daily dosage at 3000 mg or 3 g, divided into three dosages of a gram each, taken with meals.

Further, if you boost your CLA intake further, and take between 3000 to 6000 mg of CLA, split into three dosages and taken with meals, you may also induce muscle growth. (It should also go without saying that a good diet and exercise will certainly make you healthier and will probably induce weight, too, along with taking CLA Fat Burner.)

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Weight Loss Exercises – The Big 3 For Women

Weight loss exercises… this doesn’t have to be hard. I’m going to give you the “BIG 3” for women. One of them I’m sure you never heard of, the other is a SPECIAL version of an exercise that’s popular (but kinda sucks for weight loss) in which I turn it into a fat-burning SUPER-EXERCISE, and the third exercise is well… kinda strange.

But I’ll explain it all for you and set you on the path to true weight loss without having to jog, stairstep, or ride a stationary bike that just hurts you BUTT.

Weight Loss Exercises

1. Hindu Squats

This is the one I’m sure you never heard of. Well, it’s a bodyweight squat. It’s also fast. Just squat up and down fast. Simple enough, yeah? YEP! So do it for 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. Simple doesn’t mean easy. You’ll love this exercise for it’s incredibly fast results, but you’ll hate it the 5 minutes you’re doing it.

One tip… be sure to tap your finger tips to the ground during each rep so you are positive you went down far enough with the squat.

2. Walk on an incline

Ok, this is the exercise you know about that kinda sucks for weight loss… but by walking on an incline (as opposed to a flat surface), you turn it into one of THE BEST exercises you can possibly do for fast weight loss.

What I want you to do is set the treadmill to an incline of 10-15 degrees… and get walking. You only need to do this for 15 or 20 minutes. HEY WAIT! Just do it, I’m serious, don’t write this off until you’ve at least tried it once.

3. Spinning

NOPE! Not that spinning on a bike thing. I literally mean, spin around… like a child.

Spinning has the strange ability to bring balance to your hormones via your Endocrine System. It’s kinda complicated to explain in just the short space of an article, but just know that most people in the Western World have unbalanced hormones that are holding them back from losing weight.

Once their hormones become balanced like they naturally should be, weight loss is a “piece of cake“. OOPS! I shouldn’t have said that, huh? Spinning does the trick.

What you do is spin around clockwise with your arms out. Take it easy and spin around 5-10 times and see how your body reacts. You basically want to get SLIGHTLY dizzy, nothing beyond that. Got that? Do NOT overdo this!

So anyway, figure out the number of spins it takes to get slightly dizzy and spin around every once in awhile during the day to give your hormones a little BOOST.

So there you go… some simple weight loss exercises that beat the heck out of jogging, the stairstepper, and the stationary bike.

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