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HIIT Cardio Versus Fartlek Training

HIIT cardio is the new craze sweeping across gymnasiums in Europe and North America – the reason for this… it’s fast, efficient and it works!

High intensity interval training is something that athletes and runners in particular have been well aware of for a long time now. Fartlek training, translated from Swedish is ‘speed play’ and this has been a popular method of fitness training for runners for a long time and one method that has been shown to burn more fat than steady paced running. Fartlek training mixes slow paced running with high paced intervals of running, one example that most people who have ever played Football will be familiar with is jogging the length of the pitch, sprinting the width, jogging the length and then sprinting the width again.

Although Fartlek training is still a great method of physical training, the Tabatha protocol of HIIT shone a light on the possibility of condensing a workout dramatically without taking away any of the benefits. The problem with the Tabatha protocol of high intensity interval training is that it sounds false; no one ever really believes that a 4 minute workout can strip fat and although the 8 circuits that compromise the Tabatha method are extremely difficult, athletes often tend to feel they have cheated themselves leaving the gym after 4 minutes. On way in which body builders chose to incorporate the Tabatha protocol of HIIT Cardio to their sessions was to blast one 4 minutes session either side of the normal body building routine. This tends to be a very popular way of using HIIT without feeling you have cheated yourself.

The Tabatha protocol will work for anyone using it. What we all have to keep in mind is that time spent in the gym is not in direct correlation to results gained in the gym. Always keep in mind the famous saying ‘you can train hard or you can train long, you can’t do both’. A great example of this is the direct comparison of the traditional one hour treadmill session for fat burning at a slow steady pace versus the very popular and newly found 30 sets in 20 minutes Kettlebell Workouts. Studies show that not only are more calories burnt in the actual training session of the shorter period of activity, but participants display greater muscular definition, lower body fat and far greater fitness levels. This is just one way in which training harder for shorter periods of time is proven to be more beneficial.

Often you will hear about Boxers overtraining for a fight and not feeling fresh when the big night arrives which can have devastating effects, think of Amir Khan in his most recent outing against Danny Garcia. He was originally primed to a fight a few months earlier before Lamont Peterson was banned for taking illegal substances. After being stopped in 4 rounds only a couple of months after peaking for a fight that never happened, a lot of pundits and coaches around the world attributed this to over training. There are others such as the never outspoken Chris Eubank Senior who claims over training is a myth and a state of mind and it is more about becoming stale when training which the biggest worry is. Whilst this may be the case with Boxers, there is a lot of scientific evidence in body building as to how overtraining can halt results altogether. For instance studies have shown time and time again that Bicep progress is halted by over training and in fact as soon as the Bicep is over worked the muscle shuts down and no growth or repair will occur. In addition to this, often the best way to get over a training Plateau (a stage when progress as halted) the best way to get past this is take one week of the Gym allowing all the muscles and joints to recover. After doing this, most people find that they can instantly lift more weight than one week previous when they were stuck lifting a certain weight.

HIIT Training seems to answer most if not all of the problems associated with physical training; it keeps you fresh in body and mind. It combats injury and overtraining problems and is a tremendous fat burner and a great way to increase your physical fitness.

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Brandon Lee Workout Vs Bruce Lee Workout

Brandon Lee’s workout program for the film – Rapid Fire was designed by Darryl Chan, his personal trainer. When Darryl asked Brandon Lee what his goal was, in terms of his physique; for the film Rapid Fire he said he wanted to look like his dad… Bruce Lee.

Brandon Lee’s exercise program started out with six days on one day off. He worked out two body parts per day.

Here’s a breakdown of the Brandon Lee workout six-day per week program:

Monday: Chest and Triceps

Tuesday: Shoulders and Biceps

Wednesday: Back

Thursday: Chest and Triceps

Friday: Shoulders and Biceps

Saturday: Back

Sunday: Off

As you can see from this workout the focus is entirely on the upper body. Later on Darryl Chan reduced the training program to 3 days on one day off schedule. The training schedule for that program looks like this.

Brandon Lee workout — Three Days on One Day off Schedule

Monday: Chest and Triceps

Tuesday: Shoulders and Biceps

Wednesday: Back

Thursday: Off

Friday: Chest and Triceps

Saturday: Shoulders and Biceps

Sunday: Back

Monday: Off

For the chest workout some of the exercises used were flat bench press, a dumbbell incline press, dumbbells decline press, and dumbbell flys.

The triceps workout Brandon Lee used the following exercises… weighted dips, triceps push downs and reverse grip push down.

One of the principles that was used in this workout was muscle confusion. The exercises would be changed for each workout. For example if they performed barbell bench presses for the chest workout on the next chest workout they might use dumbbell chest presses etc.

Repetitions and Sets

Both of Brandon Lee’s workout programs consisted of approximately 4 sets. The repetitions were designed to build power so, he performed 5 to 10 repetitions of each exercise.

The Brandon Lee workout program was performed over a three-month period. His bodyweight went from 158 pounds to a lean and muscular 168 pounds. In looking at some of the pictures of Brandon Lee in the film Rapid Fire it appears to me that he achieved his goal of looking like his father. Unfortunately, this was the last film that Brandon Lee made.

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Frontal Knee Pain

What is frontal knee pain?

Frontal knee pain is a pain people experience beneath the kneecap (additionally referred to as patella). It’s the most typical reason behind chronic pain related to the knee. It originates from deterioration of cartilage, which happens because of inferior position in the kneecap while it glides across the lower end in the quad cuboid bone (femur).

Indications of frontal knee pain!

Indicators of frontal knee pain are often some sort of fuzzy feeling inside the knee, irritated through action (running, mountaineering as well as climbing down a stairway) or simply by extended seating using legs in the twisted position (soreness and pain as a result of long time seating in the workplace for example). Some individuals furthermore record experiencing a weird sensation or firmness inside the knee. It may afflict a single as well as both legs. When continual signs are overlooked, losing quadriceps (upper leg) muscle tissue power causes leg to “give up”. Moreover an evident decrease in quadriceps muscle tissue and slight inflammation in the knee location might show up.

What is causing frontal knee pain?

The patella (kneecap) is normally pulled over the end of the femur in a straight line by the quadriceps (thigh) muscle. People experiencing this kind of pain typically have unnatural patellar “tracking” in the direction of the side (external) section in the femur. The following just a bit off the path glide permits that under surface patella grates alongside femur creating constant swelling together with pain. Some people are more likely to develop frontal knee pain than others(women, older people etc..), however it is usually the result of muscle weakness, which often will not put adequate tension with an individual’s kneecap to produce the ideal route for the kneecap. This problem is also well-known to individuals who participate in a number of sporting activities, both professionally or as a recreation. In these instances frontal knee pain is mainly a result of muscle imbalances.

How to get rid of frontal knee pain?

Stretching out together with strengthening of quadriceps and hamstring muscles is essential for long-lasting effect and efficient rehab. You must do the exercises and you must do them the right way. For instance executing weighted squats, lower leg pushes and training on leg extension machine can cause even bigger injury. Swimming might help reduce soreness; yet, in the majority of conditions it isn’t enough to take care of frontal knee pain completely.

The most frequent procedure is ice together with pain killers, though this is the improper strategy to use. The trouble with drugs is usually the following: when you stop taking them, the pain returns and you must take even more pills.. This way you’re not taking care of the problem itself; you’re simply eliminating the pain. Going this route you are closer and closer to knee surgery. If you carry out appropriate exercises you may be certain to prevent the knee surgery, which is usually the last phase in case damage is already too heavy.

In normal conditions, there’s a fast recovery and return to full functional level when quadriceps and surrounding muscles are finally normally developed and after reducing muscle imbalances.

Just keep in mind the following: the only method to build tougher knees, to eliminate frontal knee pain and to resume your regular way of life is to increase quadriceps muscle power and muscle coordination through executing the correct exercises the correct way.

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Do Not Buy Nitric Oxide Products!

You may have been reading a lot of the hype about nitric oxide products. They’re all the rage these days, every weight lifting newbie wants them, and every professional bodybuilder seems to be promoting them like crazy.

However, be warned! Nitric oxide products are basically worthless. If you are on a budget, you are almost certainly going to be wasting your money by buying these junk supplements. The marketing is a scam, and the whole notion of the product is ridiculous to begin with. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Why Do You Need A Pump Again?

The main attraction of many of these supplements is that they claim to promote blood flow to your muscles and give you a “sick pump” or something of that nature. That’s all well and good, but you have to ask yourself: what does that actually do for building muscle?

The answer is basically nothing. While you do need good blood flow in general for muscle building, and just for good health, having that extra blood flow to an area, and having that super “pumped” feeling is NOT what builds muscle and makes for long term gains.

The only way to build muscle is to get stronger. A stronger muscle is a bigger muscle, period. It doesn’t matter what the latest guru or supposedly bodybuilder-written article says; if you aren’t getting stronger, your muscle size is going nowhere. Throwing away your money on nitric oxide products is not going to make this happen any faster, no matter how much you want it to.

2. You Can Get A Great “Pump” Without Wasting Your Money

So you don’t need a pump to gain muscle. However, everyone loves that feeling, it’s one of those little things that makes going to the gym fun and exciting. But that does NOT mean you should go rushing out to buy the latest over-hyped nitric oxide supplements to make that happen.

The most important thing to getting a good pump is drinking plenty of water. In fact, most of the bottles of nitric oxide supplements even TELL YOU that you should be getting plenty of water. Nice trick they pulled, huh? Drink 1-2 gallons per day, consistently, and you will probably notice a more pumped and full feeling in the gym

The other thing you must do to get a great pump is eat plenty of carbs. Even if you are trying to keep your carbs to a minimum, you should still be eating plenty of them at your pre-workout meal. What carbs do for your pump is pull water into your muscle cells, making them engorged and looking full.

3. There Are Far More Important Things For Your Money

Unless you have an unlimited food and supplement budget, nitric oxide products ought to be the LAST thing on your mind, regardless of whether or not they work the way they say they do. Your hard-earned money is FAR better spent on simple, proven supplement such as protein powder, branched-chain amino acids, and fish oils.

In fact, if you’re not gaining the muscle you want, you might not even want to spend ANY money on supplements, whether they are junk like nitric oxide products or good ones like protein powder. If you’re not getting enough food, you will literally build ZERO muscle. Spend your money on food and start making some real gains before you worry about anything fancier.

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Choosing the Best Glutathione Supplements

If you are interested in using glutathione supplements for treating a medical condition, or simply preserving good health, it is important to choose a product that will work properly. Unfortunately, there are a number of products on the market that will produce little, if any benefit. On the other hand, some other supplements may cause serious side effects if not used properly.

Today, many people realize that it is best to use glutathione precursor supplements instead of ones that simply provide the molecule itself. Ideally, you should choose a supplement that will give you all of the precursors, as well as critical co-factors. This includes selenium, as well as some of B vitamins. If you cannot find a supplement that includes these vitamins, it may be best to make sure you get them from some other source.

Some people still feel that it is best to use glutathione injections. Depending on your preferences, you may want to try and make use of ones that require as few administrations per day as possible. Unfortunately, you will find that some require numerous injections. At the same time, they may not be of much use when it comes to ensuring adequate levels of glutathione in your cells.

Aside from making use of glutathione pills and injections, you may want to consider some other types of supplements. For example, whey protein will stimulate the production of glutathione. That said, you will need to make sure that you choose a form that will be easily absorbed into your body. You may also want to try milk thistle to stimulate glutathione synthesis.

As may be expected, you will always want to make sure that you choose supplements from a reputable supplier. In addition, if you decide to use glutathione injections, you will also need a safe supply of disposable syringes. It will also be to your advantage to find a safe way to dispose of them. Interestingly enough, you can buy a container that can be used just for this purpose. You should also make sure that you do not put this container in the regular trash. In most cases, you will be provided with a number to call in order to arrange pickup for biohazardous materials.

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Facts About Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to perform cyclic dynamic contractions over an extended period of time. Basically, the contractions are against some resistance. I will enumerate and give a clear view about how to enhance the muscle endurance within you in this piece of writing.

The three forms of muscular endurance are:

Repetitive dynamic contraction – Example Boat rowing, bicycling, running, etc

Continuous tension – Example Yoga and Meditation

Prolonged intense contraction – Football, Basketball, etc

Muscle fibers are put into two forms namely fast twitch and slow twitch fibers. They are categorized on the basis of contraction speed and the fatigue rate. The slow twitch muscles’ contract speed is quite low when compared to the fast twitch muscles. The slow twitch muscles are relatively fatigue resistant. Muscle endurance is usually acquired by the slow twitch muscles. For instance, let’s consider football, volleyball or hockey. Here, continuous oscillation of legs is required.

The athletes need to possess a balanced muscular endurance otherwise, it is sure, they tire in the mid of the game. Here, the muscular endurance is needed in the legs to sustain the direction changes, quick acceleration, quick stops, hops, jumps, recovery and so on. The aerobic hold is acquired by few training programs. Various activities like jogging, swimming, walking and bicycling (repeated continuous dynamic contraction of muscles) enhance your muscle endurance. Aerobics are also utilized for endurance for your muscles. It aids in enriching the aerobic capacity within oneself.

To conclude, muscle endurance acts to improve the cardiovascular system, muscular strength and hence a perfect fit and strong body.

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GHP Sport – A Premium Performance Pill

The market of bodybuilding supplements is flooded with new products every year. Unfortunately, many of them are ineffective or have safety issues on the long term. One of the most effective and maybe the best product on the bodybuilding supplements market is gHP Sport. The most asked question on many people’s mind is: Is it safe? gHP Sport is a great bodybuilding supplement with lot of benefits. It is 100% safe as it contains natural amino acids. It has a great effectiveness at reducing the fat in the body, increasing the muscle mass or increasing the level of energy and stamina of the body. Also, there are other overall health effects like preventing liver or heart diseases.

As it is one of the most effective and popular bodybuilding supplements, gHP Sport has benefits in the field of skin or hair health. It has the property to regenerate destroyed cells. You will not only get ripped and lose weight at a fast pace, but by using this supplement you will also benefit from many other overall health benefits. This supplement contains many active ingredients well known for their effectiveness when it comes to working both safely and naturally the body. It contains L-leucine, L-glutaomine, L-arginine or Glycine. The results of using this supplement are given by these safe and very effective ingredients.

One of the best reasons why gHP Sport is so popular is its price. While many other supplements are very expensive and only have half of the benefits, this supplement comes at an affordable price and has a better effectiveness than others. Also, it is easy and safe to use on the long term as its amino acids are natural. Other great effects of using this supplement are strengthening the immune system and helping at getting a good night sleep. While these are not the main reason why many people like and buy this product, these benefits are important too. Not many supplements have all these benefits in only one pack.

As I said before, many people ask themselves whether gHP Sport is safe to use or not. This is a largely asked question because of the great benefits is has. Many think that if something is very good, it is too good to be true. Luckily, this is very good and true as well. It incorporates many natural amino acids and therefore is safe and has no severe side effects. Also, it has the ability to increase the muscle mass and decrease the body fat percentage in a short time.

The best thing about this supplement is that you may try it for free. By having free trials, manufacturers guarantee the effectiveness and safety of their product being sure that after seeing the lack of side effects and plenty of the benefits, people will buy the product. This way you will be able to test the product, form an opinion about its results and decide whether to buy it or not. However, you should know that even if you use this great supplement, it will not perform miracles and you will have to exercise in order to benefit from gHP Sport’s great results.

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Organic Wheatgrass Powder: The Many Benefits of a Teaspoon of Wheatgrass Powder

How much organic wheatgrass do you really need?

One thing about taking a natural or organic health supplement, like wheatgrass, is the fact that there’s always a fair amount of confusion on the amount that should be ingested as well as the interval for the dosage. People who are in a very strict diet, are very keen in keeping schedules, especially in taking their nutritional supplements.

according to the website buy whole foods online uk, it is important that a person take at least a teaspoon of organic wheatgrass powder per day. Depending on a person’s nutritional requirement, a person can increase the dosage to up to two ounces, or around 6 teaspoons per day. A person should also mix the wheatgrass powder in a glass of water or juice, seasoned to taste. Regarding the interval, a person who is in a very strict weight loss or detoxification regimen may follow a three-time per day schedule – right before breakfast, lunch and dinner. While doing so, it is important to remember that the stomach should be empty or free from acidic foods, to better benefit from the alkalizing effect of the organic wheatgrass powder.

The benefits of an ounce of wheatgrass:

A few people may be skeptical, of the information, that it only takes a few ounces of wheatgrass powder, per day, to help the body detoxify and boost organ performance. However here are three reasons why a few ounces is more than enough:

a. An ounce of wheatgrass powder for increased energy – organic wheatgrass is around 70% chlorophyll. It has been proven that cholorophyll helps in the production of hemoglobin and the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. An increase in blood production and oxygen flow can greatly benefit those who are regularly doing strenuous activities.

b. An ounce for detoxification – a few ounces or a teaspoon of wheatgrass has the health benefits, similar to a bowl of dark green vegetable salad. Vegetables and fruits have been well-known to absorb and help sweep out harmful toxins and pathogens from the body.

c. Two ounces for the prevention of cancer and diabetes – in the field of medical treatment, organic wheatgrass powder has been well known to provide the body with nearly the same level or more of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins that can help the body stave off cancer and normalize the body’s blood-sugar level. Wheatgrass powder may have an alkalizing effect on the organs of the body, therefore limiting the risk of carcinogens or cancer cells from growing and developing.

Wheatgrass is one of the best superfoods that can help improve the body’s energy levels and protection. With regular intake, a few ounces of wheatgrass can go a long way in helping the body prevent the growth and development of toxins, pathogens, carcinogens and even serious viruses.

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How to Lose Weight Without Movement and Strenuous Exercise

Long before the treadmill was ever invented a stationary exercise was discovered by the Chinese over 2700 years ago that helped people lose weight and strengthen not only their body, but also their mind from the inside out. Instilled in this exercise are philosophies perfected through thousands of years of cultural and spiritual evolution.

Taoist sages discovered that the secret to health did not lie from external sources or physical exertion but grew from within, when the body was stilled. Like a tree, in stillness one’s body flourished from the inside out, became strong and healthy and in harmony with nature bringing the disbalances within the practitioners body back to a state of childlike serenity, where agility, health and peace of mind are a native phenomenon.

Through years of extensive research, the old masters discovered that the body and mind were akin to a midnight lake reflecting the soft glow of the moonlight. When one’s body was not calm, the trembling surface of the lake distorted the image of the moon, but when one stilled the mind the body and mind gained a perfect reflection of the heavens, still and strong.

One of the main problems with exercise and health today, and really just the same as with most other aspects in our lives; by the time we realize our habits are beginning to affect us negatively, it is often already too late to do anything about it. People smoke every day, and then get cancer. Drink alcohol and have their liver fail, or in our case, lead an unbalanced life with a bad diet and well… get FAT. Now, being fat really wouldn’t be that much of an issue if that’s all it was. Unfortunately being overweight is a state of disbalance which causes a lot of internal problems; motor problems, muscle problems, organ problems, nervous problems… And by the time all these things kick in enough that we start to take notice, most of the exercise regiments online or at the local gym are simple too demanding on your body to undertake regularly. Often they just simply hurt too much to do because your body has become so weak.

This is where the Western exercise regimes find their limits.

So today, I’m going to share this ancient exercise with you and I can guarantee you, that if you do this every day for just 30 to 60 minutes a day. Your health will come back, your body will become strong, your skin clear, your mind calm. Your dietary needs will change on their own from the inside out as if someone changed your configuration from within and you will lose weight.

The name of the exercise is called Post Standing or Zhang Zhuang and this is how to do it:

What you need:

Performing this exercise outside is preferred, but if you feel uncomfortable a well ventilated room will suffice.

Wear loose fitting clothes.

What to do:

– Stand up right, keep your spine straight

– Legs shoulder width apart.

– Keep your chin parallel to the ground

– Relax your shoulders

– Bend your knees so when you look down naturally your toes are obscured from the view

– Raise both your hands in front of you at chest high (just below your throat) and spread your fingers as if you were holding on to a big barrel or inflatable beach ball pressing against your chest

– Calm your breathing and concentrate on your belly button

Duration 30 – 60 Mins.

Things to expect:

– You may experience pain in areas where you have problems as your body tries to clear and rebalance itself from the inside out.

– Your legs, hands, body may start to tremble.

– You may heat up and start to sweat.

– Your heart rate may increase.

– You may feel cold, warm, tingling sensations.

All these symptoms are indications that your body is beginning to clear blockages and rebalances itself from the inside out. If you practice regularly, you will notice you will begin to feel better, calmer, want to eat and sleep less, have more energy, enjoy sex more, and be less hateful, jealous and angry.

As you still your mind like the water of the evening lake the moons reflection will become perfect. In the same way your body will become perfect from the inside out and your ailments will disappear. You need not move, just stand still and this ancient exercise will take care of you. From nothing emerges everything and from the stillness of Zhan Zhuang practice, thus will health come forth in your life.

Millions of people all over the world practice this exercise daily, from monks in temples to business men in billion dollar corporations. They have all alike found the powerful effects of post standing on a daily basis. Post Standing is the basis in 100s of forms of Kung Fu and is considered the pillar of strength, longevity and an integral component of spiritual cultivation.

Info Bite: Li Ching Yuen the oldest man to have ever lived who died at the age of 256 practiced a variation of these same forms of exercises.

It may seem odd that standing still can be considered an exercise, much less an activity that can actually help you lose weight or rejuvenate your health, but trust me… you will feel it when you do the work. I know a lot of people who can’t hold the pose for 5 minutes before they start panting and buckle under the strain. It is not magic, these exercises have been refined for thousands of years and have been practiced for just as long in the east. The west is merely now beginning to scratch the surface and explore these chapters of the eastern medical history.

At first you may yourself have difficulty holding it for a long time. Start with 5 minutes, then as your endurance increases move on to 10, 15, 30 – 60 minutes per day.

Some of you reading this may try it once or twice, but those who make a habit of it from this day onwards, will remember this article as something that changed their life forever.

For more information on similar health practices research the words: Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and hope that this has been a pleasant read.

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What Are BCAA and Why Are They Important?

BCAA stands for Branch Chain Amino Acids. They are one of the most overlooked and most effective supplements for anyone looking to build muscle and increase performance. Most people don’t know how BCAA’s affect their body, when they should be used, or what they even are.

To give a little back ground, amino acids are the building blocks of protein and muscle growth. When you eat protein you body converts the protein into its basic amino acids so you can absorb and use them. The amino acids you get from protein sources are called Essential Amino Acids (EAA). The reason they are called essential amino acids is because our bodies do not produce them naturally and they must be obtained for outside sources, i.e. complete proteins. There are nine essential amino acids and they are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. On the other hand BCAA only have three amino acids; leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAA’s are simpler amino acids that are used to form muscle tissue.

BCAA’s make up 35% of our muscles and have to be present in the body for muscle growth. On top of that they are used to balance hormonal release and brain functions. When you are working out with heavy weights or doing extended periods of cardio, having a supply of branch chain amino acids can benefit you greatly. This is because, when you work out your body quickly depletes your glycogen storage and starts sending a signal to stop protein synthesis. This makes your body become catabolic, which is exactly what we don’t want. When you introduce BCAA into your body during a period of high stress (weight lifting) you can reverse this effect and allow your body to continue its protein synthesis. This can lead to better muscle gains, faster recovery between sessions, and greater performance.

When supplementing branch chain amino acids you should have around 4-8 grams prior to your workout and 4-8 grams post workout. If you are taking a whey protein supplement that has the full range of essential amino acids you do not need the post workout BCAA. With BCAA’s you can take up to 15 grams to get an even greater effect on recovery and performance.

Another benefit is if you want to do weight training and cardio in the same session it is recommended to take your BCAA drink during your workout or right before your cardio session. This will prevent any unwanted muscle lose during your aerobic exercise and provide extra energy to finish. By ingesting BCAA’s prior to cardio you will not hurt your fat burning power. This is because they do not get digested the same way that a normal protein source would.

Also if you are doing and extended period of cardio, weight training, or sports activity lasting longer then and 1 ½ hours you should consume BCAA’s sometime during the activity. This will help stop muscle breakdown that usually happens after an extended period of stress.

Overall branch chain amino acids are one of the most beneficial supplements you can add to your workout or sports training. They are very well research and have been proven for a long time. If you already have a whey protein, multivitamin, and creatine supplement, this is a great choice to boost your gains to the next level.

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