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Muscle Building Tips and Ideas

Tip:Once you have done a complete workout you need a recovery time for your body to turn what you’ve done into growth.

If you’re a Skinny Guy who can’t build muscle or gain weight no matter how hard you try, don’t give up you can train your body to add rock hard muscle as fast as humanly possible. Your tired of being skinny, your tired of not having a manly physical appearance, yet you just cant seem to get the weight gain and muscle build your looking for. What is the best way to build muscle mass? Learn how to get the most out of every set, every rep you do. I recommend working out a set of muscles one day and then on the next work a different set so the muscle groups have the time they need to grow and recover. The muscle growth occurs during the recovery period. If you’ve been working out too much in an effort to build muscle fast you can see how depriving the body of recovery time is deleting your effort.

Tip: Lift weights to stimulate testosterone production.

Another problem is that men today have average testosterone levels 50% lower than 50 years ago. To counter act this problem you can add strength training exercises the stimulate neuromuscular activation to your regimen and help your body generate more testosterone. Weight lifters have higher levels of testosterone than marathon runners. Use the greatest volume of existing muscles to your maximum level of intensity within each exercise. Preserve your testosterone levels by not extending your workouts beyond about 45 minutes, studies show that after 45 minutes of strenuous exercise the testosterone levels begin to plummet. Worse, Cortisol levels rise and cortisol is a hormone that eats muscle tissue.

Tip: Build muscle fast by combining strength training with the proper diet.

Many people do not pay enough attention to diet when thinking of the best way to build muscle, eating the wrong foods at the wrong time can have a debilitating effect on the body, resulting in unwanted fat, not muscle. A balance needs to be achieved between over-training and under-training, to assure that you always remain in the optimal training zone. Foods to build muscle are high in protein, whole eggs, full-fat raw cheese and yogurt, avocados, almonds, pecans, walnuts, virgin coconut oil and olive oil, real butter, berries, lots of fruit and veggies, sprouted grain bread, raw almond butter, sweet potatoes, venison and beef are all examples of healthy choices you can make to augment you muscle building program

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Muscle Building – How to Build Muscle Mass

Muscle building is a healthy way to lose weight and be fit. Muscle mass can be build only if all the weight is reduced and all the extra fat and calories are burnt. Weight loss is a positive way to muscle mass building. Weight related issues are the root cause to many harmful and fatal diseases like thyroid, hyper tension, diabetes and many more. If not checked, then these would result into fatal crisis to a person’s health. Muscle mass building is a process that requires a lot of energy, stamina, patience and whole lot of hard work.

There are many ways to build by which a person can build mass muscle but he or she must follow the proper and appropriate ways to do so. First and foremost a person should follow a healthy and balanced diet. It should include and have all the food groups- protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, salt, fat, water. The two most essential components for muscle mass building is protein and carbohydrate. Protein is required as it is the key ingredient in mass muscle building and carbohydrate is also required as it is the source for energy.

Diet rich in protein should be eaten, like poultry, fish and lean meat. Chicken, tuna and salmon has high content of protein. Beef, pork and lamb are also good for protein but it has high content of fat, therefore a person should avoid eating beef, lamb or pork. Vegetables and cereals with high protein content can also be consumed. Proteins are key ingredients for muscle growth and thus should be consumed in adequate proportions. While selecting the food products makes sure they are low on fat otherwise you will land up accumulating fat than building muscles.

A good amount of fat is required in muscle build up process which actually speeds it up. So, a person must see to it that his or her diet includes food products containing good fat and consume them in substantial levels. But be very careful while selecting the items and do take help of experts because there are certain fats which actually are harmful to the body and the consumption of them by mistake will only add up to stored up fat in the body.

A proper exercise and work out regime is required if a person wants to build mass muscle. Take help of experts and professional trainers who would create a proper workout program for you depending on your body type and resistance level. There are various workout techniques and you can adopt one which suits you best. Do remember to adopt a program that does not over work your muscles and also rest your muscles on alternate days. Proper rest is required as they help to recover your muscles from post-workout muscle damages.

But the most important thing for muscle mass building is to consume a lot of water, a person should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Keeping all these in mind a person can be able to build mass muscle fast. So, to build mass muscle is possible only through following the proper instructions.

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Exercises For Six Pack Abs

Doing exercises for six-pack abs are important to maintain strength and definition but we need to also take into consideration other factors like eating correctly, resistance training and increasing our metabolism.

Exercises for six-pack abs need to be done in such a way that we focus on overall body fat burning. When we do general fat burning, the underlying abs will show through, as the body is able to metabolize the layer of fat on top of the abs, thereby allowing the six-pack abs to become more visible.

Eating the right food is important in allowing our bodies the proper fuel and energy to help us burn fat. By avoiding processed foods and sugars, we can avoid our blood sugar spiking too much and maintain energy levels for our daily activities.

We need to make sure that we don’t go hungry because if we go hungry it will cause our blood sugar levels to go up and down and affect our energy levels.

When we are able to eat several small meals throughout the day, every 2-3 hours or so, we will be able to maintain constant blood sugar levels, which will also allow us to optimize our workouts to further burn more fat for our six-pack abs.

Multi-joint resistance training has been shown to not only help sculpt and lower overall body fat, but by training at lower repetitions of 8, the body reacts by increasing metabolic rates in the body. When this occurs, there is increased fat burning resulting in the consequent appearance of six pack abs. Training our abs is also beneficial in strengthening and defining the six pack, especially when the outer layer of fat is reduced and the six-pack abs become more visible.

The result of resistance training is the increase of lean body mass, which in turn also increases metabolic process within our bodies. Not only does it help burn fat during our workout, it also continues to burn fat long after the activity is done. It also makes our bodies better able to burn fat, which allows our six-pack abs to show through.

Six-pack ab exercises are simple and easy to follow in conjunction with watching what we eat, resistance training and increasing our metabolism. Knowing how to coordinate these factors will really help achieve our six-pack abs.

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Muscle Building Tips For Men

Ever since we have known, muscle building has been a big deal with most men. Well, basically men’s physiology gives them a greater chance of building muscles easily, so to say, that it is easier for men, would be somewhat right. I actually did a lot of research on this and have come up with the following muscle building tips for men which are sure to help them a lot.

o For different parts of the body muscles, there are different training routines that men should follow. What is good for one part of the body might not be necessarily good for the rest of the body too. You’ve got to see for yourself as to what exercise suits which part of the body the best.

o The best of the tips is maybe to do strength training on alternate days as it will help muscles relax a bit as well.

o If you want some muscle on the leg area specially then perhaps shoulder press would be the best training routine to follow, as it really helps in building muscle not only on the legs but also the upper part of your body. You can do this easily just by investing in a couple of light dumb bells. Just raise the dumbbells above your head taking all the pressure on your back. Always remember to take care of your posture while you’re doing this as it can have an effect on the success of this exercise.

o For the men who take pleasure in swimming muscle building can be done very easily. In fact with a thing as convenient as swimming you can actually build your whole body muscles very easily. Swimming involves the muscles of arms, legs, back and the stomach so you are actually training the whole body and then, there is lesser damage done to your body due the fact that you are in water!

o Everybody have some areas of the body that they want to focus upon. Some people have leaner upper bodies whereas for many others the problem area is the lower bodies. Whatever your problem is, you should try and get to know a little bit more about that specific area and learn the exercises related to that. When you don’t know for sure and get indulged in training that is not particularly suited to the area that you want it to target; the success rate is low and

worse, you can end up getting extremely hurt.

Some things should always be avoided while you are trying to strength train for muscle building. Always start gradually with lower weights moving on to the more weighty ones. The trick is to make your body, get used to the lower weights first so that you don’t hurt yourself. Always remember to start the training session with warm-ups first so that you are not causing your body any harm. Then a rest period between two training sessions is also important so working out on alternative days can help a lot basically. These muscle building tips for men will help all men out there if they really are serious about shaping up their body!

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Muscle Building For Women

Muscle building for women can actually be a difficult thing to do especially since women tend to have more fat than muscles. This is due to the fact that their bodies are built in such a way that they can go through the process of pregnancy, lactation, and giving birth. Therefore, there are different exercise routines for women who would want to build muscles.

It is important to take note of the fact that males are very different form women in terms of body make up. Men are more muscular in nature and whatever work is done by a woman, she will never gain ‘bigger’ muscles than a man would. Also, a lot of women are scared of building muscles because they tend to think that getting bigger muscles will make them look less feminine than normal.

It is true that when a woman goes through a bodybuilding routine, she gets to have more muscles than usual. However, these can be controlled so that you do not really gain very big muscles and that you’re going to look like a woman ‘hulk’. Some bodybuilding routines that are intended for women are actually simple routines that only lets you build more muscles than that which you already have.

It is also a good thing for women to build some muscles into their body because, as women tend to get fat faster than men, building some muscles in your body will help you reduce the rate of getting fat more than women who do not workout. That being said, it is also a good exercise routine that you can maintain without fearing getting big.

Muscle building routines intended for women are routines that you get to be advised on by our gym instructor. Gym instructors can be reliable guides as regards your plan for bodybuilding. He can give you a specific workout plan that will help you gain muscles but will not overdo it so that you get to maintain your feminine figure as well.

It is important to stick to a diet plan that will help you support your workout and at the same time, enable you still to lose weight or gain weight, whichever you want.

Muscle building routines are also applicable for women. It is only important that you get to map out a workout plan that is intended for your own specific needs and will not let you gain muscles than that which you want to have.

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Six Pack Abs – How to Achieve Six Pack Abs

It seems like everyone wants six pack abs. There are people who spend hours in the gym every week trying to get them. Others spend millions of dollars a year on gadgets and gizmos that promise to help flatten their stomachs and give them washboard abdominal muscles with very little effort on their part.

Achieving the almost mythical “six pack” isn’t an impossible goal. The trick is knowing what doesn’t work, and focusing your efforts and energy on what does.

Eating the Right Foods

When someone says they want six pack abs, what they really mean is that they want the muscle definition in their stomach to be visible.

Most people have a fine layer of fat covering their stomach muscles. You can have firm, tight abdominal muscles but, if you don’t do something about this fine layer of fat, no one will be able to see them.

The best way to get rid of this fine layer of fat is by burning off more calories than you consume. That means eating a low-fat, low-calorie diet.

Doing the Right Kinds of Exercises

Some people believe that, if they do dozens and dozens of ab exercises every day, they will eventually have the washboard stomach they have always wanted. But that is not necessarily the case.

That is not to say that ab exercises are useless. They do help to tighten and tone the stomach muscles. But no one will be able to see those toned, tight muscles unless you burn off the belly fat.

Making cardio exercises a part of your regular exercise program will help to burn off body fat. It will also make your heart stronger, and help improve your endurance, which are definite plusses. But pay attention to the type of work-out that you do. There is little point in doing tons of low intensity cardio exercises. Instead, focus on HIIT, aka High Intensity Interval Training. This type of exercise regimen will ensure that your body is maximizing the way it burns calories for far longer than the time you spend exercising. You should also focus on some form of resistance training as well. Free weights are ideal, but other forms of resistance training should work too.

So, doing an ab workout as part of your regular exercise routine is great. But you will have the best results if you make both high intensity and weight training a part of your regular exercise routine too.

Think Long Term

There are many programs and products that promise to be able to help you get a flat stomach fast. And maybe they can. But the results rarely last for long. If you want to have six pack abs for a long time, it is best to use a program you can maintain long term.

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Muscle Building Guide: Addressing the Most Common Muscle Building Myths! Part1

A moderate but regular exercise programme, as opposed to a prolonged and intense period of exercise, produces more impressive results and takes you faster towards your goal. Lets discuss the most common myths prevailing among the mass…Right guidance and proper techniques make the perfect recipe to MUSCLE BUILDING

Myth: If you exercise, it doesn’t matter what you eat.

Fact: If you exercise, it matters even more what you eat

Reducing body fat needs an integrated approach towards correct exercising and nutrition. If you lose out on any one aspect, you may get results but not 100 percent success. In order to get maximum results, you must be very careful about your eating pattern, while exercising. Have a combination of carbohydrates, protein, fibre minerals and vitamins in all your meals. However, instead of three large meals, have about five small well-balanced meals. And rather than manically counting calories, restrict your portion ( about the size of your closed fist would be ideal) for each meal. Even if you don’t reach your goal immediately, say in a week, don’t give up. Try harder; your body is a machine, which needs to be charged all the time with optimum nutrition. If you give up on your body, your body will eventually give up on you and you will fall victim to a hoard of diseases and discomfort.

Myth: the longer you exercise, the better it is.

Fact: Too much exercise prevents results.

Every body is different and unique, with a different genetic rule. Remember as a general rule, ‘too much’ actually takes you further away from your goal. Not only is it hard on your body, but draining on the mind too. A moderate but regular exercise programme, as opposed to a prolonged and intense period of exercise, produces more impressive results and takes you faster towards your goal. For older people, workouts should first provide stimulation and only when the body has begun to respond to the stimuli, should they be put on a more rigorous programme.

Response to stimuli may be detected by the ease with which the person is able to do a specific set of exercises. For example, if the person can cycle for 20 minutes at level one without any discomfort, it means the muscles are now ready for a little more strenuous regimen. So you can move on and start a faster fat-burn process. The truth about exercise is that it is not as simple as people think. On the contrary, there is a law of diminishing returns operating here. With rigorous exercise, your body, after a while, loses a lot of muscle, water and salts (which is not what is required) instead of fat, which is what you are aiming to lose.


Fact: Your body needs more water than it’s telling you.

Myth: Muscle grow while you are working out.

Fact: Muscles grow while you are resting and recuperating.

Imagine a muscle cell as a building, and imagine exercise as an instrument that causes structural change to the building. As you break and rebuild, a repair process too has to take place. This is essentially what happens after an effective workout. Muscle cells are mobilized by the body to fix that damage. the repair work requires energy that under the right circumstances will be pulled from your stored body fat. That is one of the reasons why weight training helps in effective fat reduction. the objective of your workout is not to give one tremor after another to the building (body) and demolish it, but to let your body rebuild itself in between the workouts, and fuel it with proper nutrition to feed your muscle to do the required work. give your body time to rest and relax to ensure proper recovery.

Myth to lose fat and reduce weight from your body, don’t eat.

Fact: To build a lean, healthy body, you have to eat!

One of the most crucial errors people make while trying to lose fat, is severely restricting food intake. This simply doesn’t work. In fact, it never works. If you try to starve off unwanted fat, you are playing a game you cant win. To get the best results, you need to work with your body, not against it.

Random Tip: Select fitness equipment that most suits your requirements, interests you and which you will enjoy using. Think first what type of exercise you prefer and what aspect of your condition you want to improve in particular. You will get the best results by using different equipment to make exercising as varied and motivating as possible.

Must Read: Best Muscle Building Programs: Your ultimate guide to muscle building at

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Muscle Building Tips – 4 Muscle Building Myths Exposed

If there is one thing that is plentiful in today muscle building industry it is false information. Most of the muscle building tips and techniques out there today require you to use productX and supplementY. The truth is that most of these techniques and muscle building tips have been made up in order to sell you products that don’t work. If you look at 95% of the products out there that claim to build all kinds of muscle you will notice that most of them are nothing more than hype backed up by a marketing campaign. Here are 5 of the most well known muscle building myths exposed.

 1) Nutritional Supplements Build Muscle

This is completely false back before all of these supplements came out on the market and bodybuilding was just starting out, people would gain muscle through only proper nutrition, exercise and sleep. These are the only 3 ingredients that are necessary in building muscle. All supplements do is work in conjunction with your exercise and nutrition to help speed up your muscle building capabilities. The scary part about it is that most if not all supplements will only make about a 2 or 3% difference. That’s It.

2) Genetics will keep you from Building Muscle

Your genetics believe it or not have very little to do with your ability to build muscle. I am not saying that most skinny guys won’t have to work a little harder than others but the excuse of being genetically challenged is nothing more than a lazy man’s excuse to slack off. If you were to put the effort required to build muscle with your genetics you to could build yourself a very impressive muscular body.

3) Sculpting or Toning Muscles

Believe it or not it is absolutely impossible to tone or sculpt a muscle. You genetics are what decide the shape and look of your muscle. Definition of that muscle depends on the amount of body fat surrounding it. Your body is only able to build or lose muscle, and gain or lose body fat. There are no special exercises that are designed to build muscle, and there are no special exercises that are going to define your muscles.

4) Shock your Muscles into Growing

I learned about this myth a year ago and I am completely embarrassed that I used to preach this to others, and use it myself as well. The truth of the matter is that muscles understand only 1 thing and that’s movement. Muscles do not have a brain and they do not have eyes that can keep track of which exercises your doing and reward you because you used an exercise you aren’t used to. Muscles will only grow if they work harder than they are used to no matter what exercise you are using.

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Muscle-Building Workouts – Basic Principles for Muscle-Building

In building muscles and creating a perfectly carved physique, there are basic principles that you must understand if you must achieve this. When it comes to building of muscles your body as a whole should be put into consideration. Do not plan to build just one particular part of your body and leave the rest. Doing this might give room to unnecessary health problems. Ensure that every muscle is given proper attention, make sure that every muscle is properly exercised.

Muscle-building requires patience. Just like a farmer who goes to the farm to plant a seed but expects his harvest later. You must learn to be patience and also full of endurance in other to achieve your set goals, you also need to be self-motivated and understand that results don’t come over night, it happens over a given period of time and therefore need determination, patience and endurance. these are basic elements that are responsible for the achievement of an excellent physique.

Muscle-building workout routines are laid down rules and plans that are intended to guide you in the course of your muscle-building exercise. So if you don’t have a workout routine yet, I will advise you to get one as soon as possible as it will prevent you from doing unnecessary things which may mar your efforts.

Muscle-building Basics

Many body-building enthusiasts are not interested in growing more muscle, all they want is to look trim, slim and fit just. This can be done by doing normal exercise that keeps the body fit without increasing the muscles. Such kind of people need proper workout routine that has been regulated by an expert to avoid mistakes. This kind of routine can also be adopted by beginners as this is a style of exercise that involves all the body muscles and causes improvement in all the areas of the body both in muscle growth and general healthy. After mastering this routine you can move to the next difficulty level.

Ensure that every workout routine starts with a proper warm up. Warming-up before the main exercise helps tune the body to the right condition for a more difficult workout session. 15-20 minutes of warm-up exercise is required every day and the kind of warm-up exercises that should be done are aerobics such as jogging, running, hiking, biking, swimming, dancing, walking, push-ups, dips, pull-ups, stretches, skipping ropes and a host of others.

After doing the warm-up exercises you can move on to the next step which has to do with the use of body-building equipment.

Biceps Workouts

Biceps workout is concentrated on your arm. Stand upright holding a dumbbell or barbell and gradually move it to your shoulders. Do 10-12 reps and repeat this 3 times for an excellent effect.

Triceps workout

Stand upright on an overhead pulley, add as many bars to it as you can lift at once but do this with the help of an instructor. Pull the weight downwardly from the top and take it back up in a very slow manner in order to increase its effect.

Remember one thing; all bodies don’t respond in the same way, they all respond differently even under the same condition and would do the same under the same muscle-building workout routine so be careful with the kind of routine you decide to adopt. Have fun as you build your muscle.

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Natural Muscle Building Guide to Gain Faster Muscle Volume

Here you will learn how important is natural muscle building instead of going on the “bad side” using steroids and other supplements to help yourself gaining muscles in a really fast time. You need to know that, if you follow this basic steps you will get same results and your health will only improve.

If you are not competing in bodybuilding competitions you really do not need to take steroids because you will cause only bad things to your body and health. You can obtain same effects following the ideal nutrition and weekly workouts and also taking some of the very basic supplements, like Whey.

When it comes to nutrition which feeds your muscles, you need to know some basic things. Nutrition is more important than workout, so you need to follow both if you want to see results. In natural muscle building you need to eat 6 times per day. You need to eat proteins like meat and low carbohydrates or fat, usually in a ratio of 50:50:20. Junk food is one of the things that will slow your results because you will get fat over your muscles which will cause them to look fat.

The best supplements are Whey and Fat Burners. You do not need others supplements to get results faster, they will not help you if you do not follow given nutrition program and workout program. So first try to follow both and then use supplements. Use whey after every daily workout and Fat Burners usually are taken half hour before you go running.

When it comes to workout, you need to go in GYM around 3-5 times per week. Usually on each workout day you work on two muscle categories from chest, legs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, back… For each muscle category you should do specific exercises, daily you should do 4 different exercises with 3-4 routines of 10-6 reps to gain maximum results. Keep you muscles pumping and do not lose the concentration during the exercises.

You will see that if you follow this very basic tips for natural muscle building you will see results in weeks time because you will change your nutrition program and also workout program which will cause muscle building. Are you ready for that challenge?

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